Logs Involving Kassima

In the course of her life so far, Kassi's managed to figure in the logs of several events; those that I've been able to find are listed here in rough chronological order. Many thanks go to K'ran for providing me with webspace, to Jehrina for telling me how to recover many of my logs after the Great Crosswinds Crash, to E'vrin for permitting me to host certain logs of his after he retired his webspace, and also to those who have put some of the other logs up on the WWW; if my linking to them disturbs or offends anyone, please don't hesitate to let me know.

Dyinath's Mating Flight (Or, In the Beginning....)
Kassima of Greystones has made her way up to Benden Weyr on her first trip away from home, and as luck would have it she's just in time to watch Asfala's gold Dyinath rise.
The Beginning of a Beautiful Friendship
Kassi meets Aphrael of Ruatha while visiting Bitra's Gather.
V Is Very Very Eggstraordinary
Kassi makes it up to Benden Weyr in time to watch Dyinath begin to lay her Valenth-sired clutch.
E Is Even More Big Eggs Than You Had Seen Before
Day Two of the clutching! The final eggs are laid, while Kassi continues her less-than-scientific guessing.
Kassima's Search
Sometimes, hearing a voice in your head doesn't mean that you're schizophrenic.
Minecraft Clearing
Benden Candidates and riders go to help clear out the Minecraft's firestone tunnels.
Egg-Touching One
The Candidates spend some quality time with Dyinath's eggs.
Threadfall Over Half-Circle Sea Hold
Thread is due to Fall, and the Candidates are on hand at the Weyr to assist as best they may.
Last Tithe Train To Clarksville
Candidates, residents, and riders alike come out to assist with unloading when a tithe train arrives from Benden Hold.
Egg-Touching Two
Candies make another trip to go see the clutch up close.
Candidate Surprise
Aphrael and Meli present a surprise to the Weyrfolk.
The Hatching of Gold Dyinath and Bronze Valenth's Clutch
The latrine cleaning and tuber peeling of Candidacy finally end as Kassi Stands for the Hatching--and suddenly finds herself eternal slave and lifemate to the scrawny, stubborn, overprotective, single-minded, and all-around wonderful green Lysseth.
It's a Wonderful Life
Kassi and Lysseth start off their life together with a splash, engaging in a great deal of water-play with some of the other Weyrlings and a couple of riders too.
In Hot Water Already?
Lysseth, Prefeth, and Nicoth indulge in some splashing in the Hot Springs, and their lifemates get caught up with Rickon.
One of Leather's Many Uses
Assistant Weyrlingmasters T'fian and Kerlyn teach the Weyrlings the basics of strap-making.
Wings of Steel
The dragonets begin their exercise regime, with a good many helpful elder dragons willing to show them how it's done.
Lysseth To Tower, Lysseth To Tower
Lysseth and Kassi take to the skies together for the first time under the supervision of T'fian, Meroth, Meli, and Juliath.
The Mastery of Air
With gliding mastered, the Weyrling dragons are led up higher to get more demanding--but more rewarding--practice in the art of flight.
A Visit To Fort Weyr
Weyrlingmaster Cerilla takes Kassi, Aph, and Maarie to Fort Weyr on their first lesson in going between, and the Weyrlings talk with several of the Fortian Candidates--including Martigan and Channie.
The Hatching of Rialeth and Zyanth's Clutch
Channie Impresses brown Kemith at Fort Weyr, as Kassi, Aph, Meli, and many others watch from the Ledges.
When a Green and a Blue Love Each Other Very Much....
T'fian gives Kassi and Aphrael the rundown on mating flights late one evening.
Ready... Aim... Fire!
Lysseth, Prefeth, and Zuseth get their first chance to burn something to a crisp--and fortunately, they choose the local foliage rather than their lifemates or instructor.
How Do We Get Roped Into These Things?
The Weyrlings who've learned to chew firestone are put through their paces, participating in a rope drill with full riders and the Weyrleader himself.
Moonrise Wing Helps In Fall
The Weyrlings' Wing runs firestone resupply for the fighting riders during Threadfall.
Defcon 4
Insulting green and blue dragons in front of K'nan and F'nar was perhaps not the best idea Myklarr ever had.
Rope Drill Redux
It's time for another rope drill, this one led specifically for the Weyrlings by Weyrlingmaster Cerilla.
The Moonrise Weyrling Wingleader Fiasco
Kassi is honored to be selected as Wingleader for Moonrise Wing in a 'Fall, but soon learns the most painful lesson of Weyrlingdom when she screws it up big-time.
"You Mean I Don't Have To Be A Weyrling Forever After All?"
Kassi is pulled out of her depression and dolor when, to her eternal shock and surprise, Weyrleader P'tran inducts her into Thunderbolt Wing and gives her the full greenrider's knot.
Weyrling Graduation, Benden Style
Along with the other riders and Weyrlings, Kassi watches in delight as Aphrael and T'lar are welcomed to Skyfire Wing and Meli is claimed for Dawnslight, receives her beautiful graduation ring, and gets roaring drunk.
Did You Know...?
T'fian has a surprising piece of news for Kassima.
T'lar's Haircut
With one of Kassi's knives, the proddy Meli gives T'lar a haircut that he'll never forget.
A Hatching at HRW
Martigan Impresses brown Ularrith from bronze Tidranth and gold Erith's clutch, becoming M'rgan. (Ledges RP included.)
A Fort Weyrling Graduation
Meli, Aphrael, Kassima, and Jerethan travel to Fort Weyr to see Channie and her clutchmates graduate.
The Infamous Bouncing Severed Wherry Head Incident
The truth behind the rumors of proddy Kassi's purported animal mutilations!
Lysseth's First Flight
A long and illustrious career of terrorizing people through rising begins for Lysseth with this flight, in which she also gets the added treat of truly tormenting Kassi for the first time.
A Perfectly Normal Picnic
Does something in Perfectly Normal Sandwiches induce hallucinations of omniscient clouds and flying sofas?
A Fall of Thread, a Jug of Wine, and Conflict
Benden's Wings meet Thread over Valley Hold, Elyandra and Alyssa receive Dragonhealer promotions, and the Living Cavern is witness to conflict and new acquaintings both.
A Renegade Incident At Bitra
P'tran, Maarie, and Kassi fly off to Bitra Hold when a renegade attack is reported, only to find that the situation is more complicated than it first seems.
Some Holders, Crafters, and Weyrfolk Walked Into a Bar....
What happens when you drag a bunch of Bendenites, a smattering of Istans, an Igenite or two, some Crafters, some Holdfolk, some Fortians, and various others along on a trip to drink at all six pubs of Pern? Mass chaos!
Lysseth, the Searching Sadist
Only Lysseth would be wicked enough to drag Thera back to Benden so that she can clean more of the Weyr's latrines.
The Power of Paranoia
Paranoia can be a very powerful thing, as several mischievous riders discover when they use Kassi's suspicion about the citron to make her believe she's hallucinating.
Breana's Search
A Search, a fire-lizard Hatching, and a chat with old friends ensure that Kassi's day is anything but boring.
To Each His Dulcinea
The identity of Kylarr's first love is revealed!
The Hatching of Leilanth and Laerth's Second Clutch
Kassi's watching a Benden Hatching from the ledges this time, and has the delight of seeing old and new friends alike find their lifemates on the Sands.
The Evil Tuber Man and the Good Cookie Woman
In an attempt to put Caitria's son Cailivan to sleep, Kassi concocts a story full of evil plots, derring-do, and heroes named after various baked goods.
Meet My Folks
Caitria proves herself a woman of supreme patience when she meets Cav's parents for the first time--and endures their embarrassing questions.
Threadfall Over Valley Hold
Benden Weyr rises to fly Fall in the skies above Valley Hold, and the Eclipse Weyrling Wing helps out by handling firestone resupplying.
The Hatching of Shalith and Vtanth's Clutch
Kassi watches her friend Selandra Impress green Abrieth at Fort Weyr.
The Aftermath of a Greenflight
When green Asabeth rises, F'hlan's bronze Tzornth is injured in the chase. Meanwhile, Kassi, Kindre, Lal, and others discuss long names in the Living Cavern.
Lysseth's Second Flight
Contrary to Kassima's beliefs (can we say, 'denial'? I think we can), Lyss is ready to rise--to the relief of everyone who's had to put up with her temperamental knife-wielding rider.
Eclipse Rings and Weyrmeet Things
All the recent renegade activity has necessitated a Weyrmeet; however, there's a cause for celebration to balance out that serious subject.
The Infiltration System
The Weyrleader leads a discussion about Benden's renegade problem, giving Kassi something to worry about besides her cousin's first bout of proddiness.
The Bronzerider of La Mancha
A party has been planned in honor of F'hlan's Turnday. The question is, is Kassi up to the challenge of tricking the shy Wingsecond into attending?
The Hatching of Ladonyth and Vaeth's Clutch
Kassi attends a Hatching at Igen Weyr.
A Benden Fire-Lizard Hatching, Parts One, Two, Three, and Four
It gets rather crowded in the Benden Records Room when the clutches of Ryialla's gold Shar and green Miko begin to hatch.
Family Matters
Kassi and Kenai trade familial anecdotes before the evening's Caverns chat gets into full swing.
Mehlani's Recital
Mehlani sings the Thunderbolt Wing Fight Song for Skye, several strangers visit the Living Cavern, and Kassi discusses various topics with various people.
Cave Dwellers
Kenai shares a bit of data about the renegades. Sadly, despite the nature of this news, none of them would later prove to be named Ator.
I've Got a Secret
Mart enlists Kassima's help with a plan he has in mind for Kena, and since it involves deviousness and deceit Our Heroine is only too pleased to oblige.
The Seeds of a Plan
Kassi and Kin's duties have taken them to Lemos; when they come home, they have new information for the Weyrleader.
Juliath's Third Flight
Besieged by a proddy greenrider with a voice that's far too loud and a proddy brownrider who wants her to sing, Kassi is quite relieved when Juliath takes to the air for the third time and stops the insanity.
Baiting the Trap
P'tran furthers his plan to lure the renegades out of hiding by asking a favor of Weyrminer Lily.
A Kaffeklatch With Renegades
Kassi and Lysseth get to act as spy and getaway dragon for Asrai as she tells the renegades about the caravan supposedly heading for Benden Hold.
The Caravan Capture Ploy
With much derring-do on the part of the riders involved (and shrieking on the part of Lysseth), the renegades are finally rounded up and sent packed off to Lemos. (Shipping and handling not included, of course.)
A Gather Shopping Spree
Back at Ruatha for the annual Runner Festival, Kassi's in a mood to spend marks on a gift or two when she and Kindre invade the Weavercraft Tent to do some looking about.
Hop-Along Kassidy
Aphrael and Kassima team up for the three-legged race; Tillek Swill plays a surprisingly important part in their performance.
Luck vs. Skill: The Never-Ending Controversy Begins
The Legend of the Evil Brownrider Jinx is born at Ruatha as the attempts of four Bendenites to trounce M'rgan at a game of Pin the Tail fail utterly--and Kindre loses the mark that started it all.
Ruathan Racetrack, Sing This Song
Kindre wins her mark back as she, Mart, and Kassi play spectators at a runner race.
The Sailing of the Slithereth
Kassi enlists the aid of Kindre, Asrai, and Jalimax in putting together a unique sort of raft for the anything-that-floats race at Ruatha.
A Little Song and Dance
Kassi, Kindre, and many others enjoy the performances of Harpers at Tillek Hold's Turnover dance.
Ice Ice Baby
Take heed, 'cause I'm a lyrical poet: a wherry's on the scene just in case you didn't know it--its head, sliced off and mutilated, will by Festival judges be rated, 'cause Kassi and Kin are artistic and cut things from ice that may seem sadistic.
The Snowman Slaughter
It's ProddyKassi at one of her finest hours, when she constructs a gallery of Snow Horrors and proceeds to have the time of her life throwing knives at various parts of them.
Greenrider Knife-Throwing Practice (or Day Two of the Snowman Slaughter)
As if one day of chopping up hapless snowmen wasn't enough, ProddyKassi has to top that by holding a knife-throwing lesson for a couple of other Benden riders--and by threatening the life and limb of a certain 'Reaches brownrider.
Lysseth's Third Flight
Wouldn't you know that Lysseth would rise just when Kassi was having fun tormenting C'vadan?
Flights of Fancy
Kassi celebrates being able to travel again by visiting Boll's beach with Kindre, and ends up talking about a topic that's been on both of their minds.
Stalking the Elusive Brownrider
Even a non-proddy Kassi still finds time for Fun With Knives.
The Kilting of K'nan
Kassi and Aph have pulled off some crazy things before, but would even they be able to con K'nan into wearing a kilt? Of course they would!
The Drag Queen Martina
M'rgan really should've known better than to fall asleep in the presence of Kassima and Kindre.
Kilting En Masse
Meli's Turnday leads to a blizzard of kilts the likes of which Pern has never seen.
Sweet Mystery of Life
Kassima and Asrai sit around in the dark trying to make food noises. That just about says it all, doesn't it?
Slip Slidin' Away
The Scrubbing Bubbles have nothing on Asrai, Emlyn, Suzotchka, Kassi, and Kiat!
Flattery Will Get You Everywhere
What's meant to be a relaxing visit to Igen Weyr turns into business when Prefeth and Lysseth find themselves a pair of Candidates--not that this stops Kassi and Kiat from having a bit of fun by trying to flatter each other to death.
Kentucky Fried Apprentice?
Meli, Kassi, and Aph head off to Beastcraft to buy a chicken for the poultry-craving Caitria, but things don't quite go according to plan.
Halley's Komet
Never underestimate the Dark Side of the Force.
Throw, Throw, Throw Your Knife
Bitra's Gather hosts a knife-throwing contest, which Kassi--unsurprisingly--can't resist entering.
It's a Bird! It's a Plane! No--It's Bendenites!
Alyssa and Adonith lead a wing of volunteering Bendenite dragonpairs in an aerial display over the Bitran Gather Grounds.
Love's Labors Fished
Come ye and hearken unto this grand tale of how the honorable warriors Kassima of the Knife and Kindre of the Whip didst lead young Candidates forth on a sacred Quest to vanquish an enemy most dread!
Rock Painting, Fruit Darts, and a Wherry Named Fritz
Kassi and paint are a very messy combination, whether she's painting rocks, herself, or K'nan's face.
The Hatching of Herath and Ularrith's Clutch
The great psychic Kassima does all right with her traditional Hatching predictions, but not even she foresaw Mart and Kin both wearing kilts to the event.
The Giving Season
M'rgan receives a rather unusual--but very fitting--Hatching gift from Kassi.
The Fire-Lizard Kentucky Derby
The Benden Weyr Autumn Area Festival starts off with a bang as the fire-lizards of various attendees race to see who's the fastest--and try to dodge swarms of bugs.
Kith and Kin
Kindre's mother tracks down the goldrider in the Minecraft Tent and treats her to some fond motherly nagging. Audience? What audience?
Going Once... Going Twice... Sold!
Kassi takes in a lot of marks for Benden when she steps up on a table to become a yelling, whip-wielding auctioneer. But where does strutting come into the picture?
Various Festival Guests Get Sacked
Kassi may be a fighting rider and, as such, experienced with firestone, but that doesn't keep her from nearly killing an FL or two in the firestone-throwing contest.
Why Would Anyone Want To Salute a Fire-Lizard?
Alyssa's gold Isolde's clutch hatches during the Festival, producing some rather interesting FLs--and prompting questions about whether or not the eggs had been damaged somehow before cracking.
Hollywood and Vine
Though she's wearing a kilt rather than a loincloth, and can't quite decide what to yell, Kassi still does her best to emulate Tarzan for a certain Bollian bathing ritual.
Benden Hold's Tithe Train
Lysseth is not precisely Miss Manners' ideal table-companion, as she displays for the visiting Benden Holdfolk as their tithe train is unloaded.
Aerial Display Over Southern Boll
Benden gets another opportunity to show off the aerobatic skills of its dragonpairs, in an aerial display over the Boll Gather led by Alyssa.
Battle of the Greenriders
Kassi and K'nan are normally good friends, right? But when you put two proddy, knife-wielding greenriders in the room together, 'normal' just doesn't apply....
Lysseth's Fourth Flight
Kassi breaks into song, carves grotesque things out of wood, gets tricked into drinking the Water, and terrifies a visiting brownrider... all in all, it's a standard case of pre-flight Kassi proddiness, which is fortunately interrupted when Lysseth takes to the skies.
And Baby Makes... Five?
On a snowy day in springtime, these were in the LC: three surprised friends, two pregnant greenriders, one drinking bronzerider, and a lot of weird heifer jokes!
The Width of Fashion
Whimsy brings Kassima, Kindre, Caitria, and others to Telgar Hold's Gather, where Kassi shares her recent news with her friends and does a bit of shopping on the side.
Spluttering, Surprise, and Sadism
Will droves of Benden Weyrfolk flee to the far reaches of Telgar when an NPC Healer confirms Meli and Kassi's suspicions?
Happy Turnday, Kassi!
Kassi is extremely surprised when a horde of wonderful people throw her a twenty-second Turnday party she'll not soon forget.
I Don't Want No Dissension, Just Dramatic Tension
Between Alyssa's mysterious illness and a not-entirely-expected promotion, there's plenty of drama to liven up this particular Benden evening.
Why Chicken and Bronzeriders Don't Mix
There have been good reasons for dragonpairs to go between times in the past, but somehow, fetching lemon-chicken for two craving-beset greenriders never qualified as one of them.
Join the Herders: See the Cows
Caitria makes an attempt to recruit F'hlan's daughter Mehlani into the ranks of the Herders, and Kassi has a bit of a problem with people mistaking her for Ryialla.
To Everything, Turn, Turn, Turn
Kindre's Turnday is celebrated with not only gifts, but song.
T'fian Shares Some News
T'fian tells Emlyn, the Northern Lights Weyrling Wingsecond, that her Wing will soon be flying firestone-resupply in Fall.
Threadfall, Bronzerider Jokes, and a Promotion Or Four
When the Northern Lights Weyrling Wing assists in its first Fall, Kassi can't be there--but that doesn't stop this from being one Threadfall that she'll never forget.
Looking Forward Into the Old Days
Looking back on what there will be! Kassi and Kin sort through records of the past with help from Ofira and Torlin, then later M'kla reveals a wager she'd placed on the younger greenrider's future.
Sing, Sing a Song
Journeyman Harper Kelset kindly takes the time to give Kassima a singing lesson.
Preparing For World's End
Getting ready for Kassi's spawnling is the theme of the day, with a gift from Mart and a change in weyrs in the offing.
The Spawning of the Apocalypse
Will the world really come to an end when Kassi, Meli, and T'lar become parents?
Let's Make a Deal!
Is streaking the Weyr really a more appealing option to K'nan than that of wearing a kilt?
The Meeting of Spring Games and Sushi
A highly proddy Kassi chairs a meeting concerning Benden Weyr's upcoming Spring Games--and it's not such a recipe for disaster as one might think, perhaps in part due to the adding of the Pernese equivalent of sushi as an ingrediant.
Lysseth's Fifth Flight
Kassi curses a lot, makes a wager, and revels in the joys of pyromania just before Lysseth rises to mate.
An Assortment of Gifts
On her twenty-third Turnday, Kassima receives a variety of gifts... including one Cav would probably rather not give.
Two! Four! Six! Eight! Whom Do We Impersonate?
The Benden Weyr Spring Games turn into a lampooning as the impersonation contest goes into full swing.
F'hlan Loses His Mind
Or so it seems, when Benden's one and only Shardingly Handsome Bronzerider relents to Kassi's cajoling and agrees to sit in a dunking booth during the Games--without a shirt, no less!
Breana Gets Tapped
Kassi gets a chance to tap Thunderbolt Wing's newest member.
Truth Or Dare?
A late-night game of Honesty or Dare at the Springs reveals things no one ever suspected, such as R'val's deceased wherry fixation.
Threadfall Over Benden Hold
Benden Weyr's Wings fly a harrowing 'Fall over Benden Hold, which results in several injuries and two Dragonhealer promotions.
Kimbrith's Third Flight
Merla is scary when her queen dragon is proddy. It's a good thing for Kassi and the rest of the spectators that Kimbrith chooses to rise before there can be too much mayhem or bloodshed.
Tapestry of Fate
The Benden Contingent invades Ista to get a look at the clutch on their Sands, and a happy coincidence of timing gives Kassima and Kindre a chance to ambush M'rgan with a gift when he's least expecting it.
The Perfect Wherry
Boiling, plucking, salt-shakers... how much abuse can even a dead wherry take?
Share the Wealth
Kassima and her wherry stop by the Infirmary to see a friend.
Fun With Fish
She slices, she dices, she juliennes... bluefins? Kassi may not be a Baker, but she can't seem to resist learning more about the culinary arts--especially those dealing with meat--when presented with the opportunity.
Dead Beasts Roasting On an Open Fire
Food, drink, merrymaking, and confusion: all the prime ingrediants of a Benden Weyr gathering are present at the barbeque held by the Lake Shore one evening.
Makear's Search
Meroth and Lysseth just had to complicate an innocent errand to Beastcraft.
Pleiath's Third Flight
Why is it that greens sometimes decide to rise just in time to make their riders drop their freshly-cleaned laundry?
The Great Primordial Stew
A pinch of this, a pinch of that, an overdose of pepper and far too many nuts to count make for a pot that bubbles over with chaos as Ofira tries to explain the great ritual of stew-making.
Lysseth's Sixth Flight
Kassi's at it again: never one to sit idle when proddy, she's taken to teaching Benden's new Candidates the rudiments of knife-throwing, and also how to build their very own Snowman Houses of Horror. Isn't it funny how a greenflight can cause one's students to suddenly scatter?
Dragonriders Playing Poker
Kassi always finds a loss by Mart at dragonpoker to be a reason for rejoicing--even, it seems, when his marks don't go to line her pocket.
How Many Harrison Ford Clones Does It Take To Wash a Dragon?
In order to pay off the bet she lost to Mehlani, Kassi recruits the help of her cousins Kestar and Eyrian in a washing of F'hlan's bronze Tzornth.
The Flights of Fire-Lizards
Several Weyrfolk seek to offer Mehlani aid and advice advice when the girl is distraught over her bronze Holl's flight-born distress.
The End of an Era
When the beloved Head Cook of Benden passes away, it's impossible to believe that the Weyr will ever be quite the same.
Brownrider Humiliation 101
Has Kassi finally managed to drive Mart over the edge?
We Will, We Will Rock You
Kassi engages in one of her favorite pre-Hatching rituals, with some help from Mehlani and several Candidates.
The Hatching of Kimbrith and Parth's Clutch
Kassi manages to win a fair number of marks in Hatching bets as twenty-eight of Benden's Candidates become Weyrlings at last.
The Una-Bakers
Kassi meets Kathall of Benden Hold, and the two work together on making a fingerroot pudding that does not--unlike another pair's--explode.
The Talk About Telgarians
No matter how determined Kassi is to get her straps repaired, leatherwork tends to take a back seat to the latest gossip for the greenrider--especially when said gossip is deeply rooted in truth.
Telgar Weyr Or Bust?
Kassi always knew that the water at Benden would prove to be trouble.
It's Not Good-Bye... Only Farewell
It's no easy thing to leave the place that will always be the home of your heart.
The Greenrider Flirt-Fest
When Jh'rin of Ista visits Telgar Weyr, he and Kassi engage in a contest of rambling flirtations.
Snakes? Why Did It Have To Be Snakes?
Whether she's discussing the fallacies of some of Thunderbolt's new riders with P'tran or dancing the Lethal Hokey Pokey, one thing is clear: this just isn't Kassi's sevenday.
Amazing Discoveries... Sort Of
If you thought the Spawning of Kaylira was frightening, just wait until you hear the plans for the sequel!
Sexuality, Sadism, and Suspicion, Oh My!
Between themselves, a sadistic brownrider, a protective goldrider, a pregnant greenrider, and a curious child can manage to have some rather interesting conversations.
Are You Sure You're Not Supposed To Kill the Messenger?
Can anyone stereotype Kassi as a lightskirted greenrider and still escape Telgar with his life?
The Defiance and Punishment of a Bronzerider
A menial servant is the gift that keeps on giving.
Attack of the Demented Rambling Greenriders From Heck
When Jh'rin comes to visit Kassi and confirm the rumors of her condition, the LC is beset by not only the two garrulous greenriders, but also the dread combination of cheese-noodles, nutmeg, and unpronounceable names.
Beware of Bakers Bearing Baklava
Or talking about it, anyway. Kathall visits Telgar briefly, and offers to bring the Weyr a sample of the much sought-after confection.
The Mother Wherry and the Family Jewels
Kindre displays a whole new side of her personality when Jhor drops by Telgar to bring Kassi a gift of fruit.
The Turnover Ice-Capades
It wouldn't be like the former Bendenites and current Telgarians to celebrate Turnover's Eve normally, would it now?
Proddiness and Promotions
Despite her attempts to will a certain brownrider into spontaneous combustion, the proddy Kassi still seems to believe that another brownrider just might be worthy of flying in Thunderbolt Wing.
Lysseth's Seventh Flight
The debate over what color splotch residents would leave on the Bowl wall if thrown hard enough is fortunately forestalled by Lysseth's decision to rise at last.
This Is Your LC. This Is Your LC On Flirk's Klah. Any Questions?
Impossible though it may seem, Mehlani's reaction to the Evilklah is minor compared to what the stuff does to the occupants of the LC later that evening.
Flirk's: The Saga Continues!
Who knew that a cold mug of klah could convince a normally sensible girl to try and Impress herself to Silanda?
That Good Old Keroonian Hospitality
Kindre, Emlyn, Asrai, and J'lyn don't receive a very warm welcome when they travel to Keroon Hold to pay their respects.
When Females Are Plotting
A'lex's graduation into Skyfire Wing prompts Mehlani to inquire of Kassima just what the best graduation-gift might be for the greenrider's two Weyrling cousins.
An Evening In the Caverns
Kassi engages in pleasant Living Cavern chatter over an Unholy Pie.
What Does It Take To Make Mehlani Turn Raging Magenta?
Mehlani manages to perplex Kassima no end when she runs from the Living Cavern, blushing mauve. Little does 'Lani know that the Records Room is no longer a safe place to hide from Kassi's cousins....
On This Week's Episode of 'As the Weyr Turns'....
Which would be more frightening: a Jh'rin-Kassi Spawn, or a M'rgan-Kassi Spawn?
Spring Is In the Air
You can't tell by the weather that spring has come to Telgar--but perhaps the season can be discerned by observing the actions of certain young men of the Weyr.
Confrontations and Cannibalism
The Living Cavern is just full of interesting conversation topics on the night that Kassi confronts Channie about her rumormongering.
A Recipe For Romance
Is a match made in the kitchen as good as one made in heaven? Kassi doesn't seem to think so, as she argues with Ofira about whether or not her matchmaking plots are sound.
The Road To Distress
Receiving duplicate presents causes 'Lani some upset.
The Green Necessities
Asabeth's rising proves prelude to a night full of chaos, which sees--among other things--Kassi repeating the Speech and Asrai receiving a promotion.
A Morgan For Mehlani
It's K'star and E'rian's turn to give Mehlani a token of their affection... and with Kassi's help, what they're able to afford is a horse of a different color.
The Rumor That Would Not Die
Though Channie has been set to rights, her evil rumors still seem to be spreading... as Kassi discovers when not only Aph, but also Jh'rin bring up the subject one evening.
Kiwi, Ketchup, Knives, and Kharisma
The world may have proved itself able to survive the birth of a Kassi-Spawn, but will the same hold true for Jh'rin and A'lex?
First Visitations
Kharisma's only one day old, but there are already all sorts of people wanting to meet her.
That's Why You Have To Give a Knife
Gift-giving is a popular trend in the Living Caverns one day as Kassi comes in with Khari to deliver Tria's Turnday present to her, and Jorenan bestows a belt-knife upon Mehlani.
We Are Family
Caitria visits Kassima, Kaylira, and Kharisma in the Infirmary on one quiet evening.
The Finer Points of Dragonhealing
Richenda holds a Dragonhealing lecture; Kassi and Khari both attend, but the baby proves less disruptive than certain good-natured hecklers.
Give Us Your Stuff!
Several Telgarians, along with Jesica and Channie, form a team to compete in the Berry Festival's scavenger hunt. Kassi's main contribution? Convincing A'lex to shake his hips in public.
Capture the Flag
Can Jayna survive a certain green pair's attempts to win at dragon-tag? Will Kassi ever take that honorable trophy of warfare off her head?
Berry Me Not On the Lone Prarie
Ofira teaches Festival-goers how sweet her Craft can be.
That's Amore?
Our heroine returns from victory at the High Reaches Berry Festival, only to fall under the onslaught of an even more terrifying foe.
When Obsession Stares You In the Face
Kassi has always suspected that C'vadan isn't quite human.
Painted Desert Serenade
A visit to Igen gives several Telgarians a chance to chat with familiar Candidates, and Kassima a chance to sing of her love for Sandrina--doubtless confusing Sandar no end in the process.
The Hatching of Irrylath and Tularth's Clutch
The betting runs wild amidst the Telgarian contingent when several Candidates from the Weyr Stand for a clutch at Igen.
We're Off To See the Eggs
Kassima, Kharisma, Kindre, and Aphrael make for High Reaches Weyr to witness their latest clutching.
The Amorous and the Proddy
Kassi practices the art of gagging as her cousin E'rian sweet-talks a proddy Mehlani in the Living Cavern.
Is Proddiness Synonymous With Chaos?
The Living Cavern is rarely dull during a flight, and Veyath's latest rising proves no exception; while Kassi loses the latest in her series of wagers, K'star is greeted upon his crestfallen return by a very concerned--and proddy--Mehlani.
The Art of Bargaining
Kassi fulfills a charge placed upon her by Craftmaster Ofira and Bradamante of Fort, with interesting results.
Threadfall Over Lemos Hold
Examples are made of how treacherous winter weather can be (and of why you shouldn't wear a fedora in Threadfall) when Telgar's wings rise to meet Pern's ancient foe over Lemos.
A Flashing--Err, Smashing Success
The inter-Weyr aerial display at Telgar's Festival truly gives the crowd something to see--though perhaps more than J'lyn could wish.
How To Get More Than You Bargained For
Kassi and Grego match wits again, in a bargaining session that proves that adrenaline really does have its uses.
Phediath's Second Flight
Kassi, T'saren, Meli, Asrai, Erdrick, and the ever-geeky V'dan make an excursion to Ista one evening, but it doesn't quite go according to plan.
Mercutio vs. Tybalt, Telgar Style
A proddy Kassi challenges the also-proddy Maylia to a duel of knives, which turns into a combat of quotations.
Lysseth's Eighth Flight
Romeo and Juliet has never been performed in quite this way before....
Purple's Such a Lovely Color, Isn't It?
Certain Telgarians usually bring chaos and dementia with them wherever they go--and the Rusted Hulk proves to be no exception.
The Even Odds
Bitra's first official gambling den is finally open for business!
Greenrider Gowns and Brownrider Briefs
Could any price for a chance to bedeck a man in women's clothing prove too high for Kassi?
The Hatching of Elisanth and Belaryth's Clutch
Kassi does her best to deafen those on the Ledges with her enthusiastic cheering during a Hatching at High Reaches.
M'rgan and A'lex: True Love Forever?
She came. She saw. She traumatized M'rgan's weyrlings. Kassi happily provides the High Reaches rumor mill with plenty of grist when she tries to take the matter of 'Lex's latest threat into her own hands.
A Rather Colorful Turnday
Rampant insanity, paint, and the mischief of riders whose names start with M turn Kassi's twenty-sixth Turnday into mass chaos--and she wouldn't have it any other way!
All My Children
M'kla and Kassima discuss matters of family past, present, and future.
An Interrupted Reunion
Kassi and Aph meet up once again with Kathall of Benden Hold, but their pleasant discussion is interrupted by an unpleasant altercation between Rylan and R'val.
An Evening At Benden Hold
Trauma is both healed and inflicted when a group of Telgarians venture forth for dinner.
Scary Things, Proddy Goldriders....
Another kind of trauma entirely comes into play when a proddy Jehrina visits the Living Cavern one evening, and proceeds to frighten the wits out of A'lex.
One Could Nearly Have Died Laughing
Stolid Weyrsecond M'kla has lasted through Fall, fog, and fire. Will it be something as innocent as laughter that finally does her in?
Leilanth's Third Flight (Or, You Can't Handle the Truth!)
Mix a sloshed Kassi, an also-sloshed A'lex, a visit by A'lex's mother, and some particularly nefarious rumors, and the result is something you should definitely Fear.
Holy Hangover, Batman!
Kathall stops by Telgar again, just in time to discuss the results of Leilanth's latest flight with a hungover Kassima.
Rumors, Rumors, Everywhere
A'lex and Kassi aren't the only ones about whom rumors may be flying after Leilanth's flight: Mehlani and Ro are also targets, and the gossip about them is nearly as evil.
Gifts and Advice
Kassi has plenty of both to give one evening in the Living Cavern, while chatting with Mehlani, Ro, and Jayna--who all happen to have Turndays close to one another.
S'lah and Sh'roun's Apology
K'star's two mischievous wingmates finally get around to apologizing for leaving a sloshed Kes in 'Lani's cot.
Kassima: Telgar's Romantic Advisor?
If there's one subject above all others that Kassi's not qualified to advise people on, it's romance... yet she winds up doing just that--as well as lauding hapless bathers with one of her favorite songs--when Mehlani helps her wash Lysseth in the 'Springs.
Mehlani Turns the Tables
While Kassi discusses niceties such as Wing statistics and the Water with her fellow riders, Mehlani surprises K'star by giving him a Turnday gift.
One Vine Day
Witness the Revenge of the Vine!
Beach Blanket Bimbos
A slew of Telgarians makes a visit to Shipfish, where A'lex runs around naked and Silen gets attacked by an amazing flying squid.
Mehlani's Search
Since when has Lysseth had a thing for people who wear fedoras?
Igenites Do the Nines
When a group of Igen Weyr riders and residents come to Telgar as part of doing the Nines, Kassi finds herself accompanying them on the last leg of their trip.
The Hatching of Phediath and Solarith's Clutch
With the help of some advance notice by Jhor, Kassi arrives at Ista with her children in time to see the Hatching's commencement--and, as always, to make a few wagers as well.
Dragon-Washing At the Lake Shore
Kassi explains some of the differences between dragons of the same color to the Candidates as she and they wash Lysseth and Lorieth respectively.
Neliea's Search
What errand during Searchtime would be complete without a dragon deciding to snag himself a Candidate on the way?
The Son of Slithereth
Everyone's favorite mythical tunnelsnake may have passed on, but at least he left Telgar a legacy!
The Long, Dark Festering Cesspool of the Soul
The proddy Kassima and sadistic Headwoman Richenda seem to make a good team during a surprise inspection of the Candidate Barracks. Of course, the Candies probably don't see it that way....
We're In the Money....
Moola and melodrama reign supreme as the proddy Kassi discovers that a fool and his knives are soon parted (or is that 'A fool is soon parted with someone else's knives'?) and Jessalyn discovers who her father is.
She Slices! She Dices! She Juliennes Brownriders!
Step right up and get your tickets for the rambling battle of the century!
To Take One's Chances
Kassima and Kathall try their luck at the Benden Festival gaming area.
Who In Their Right Mind Would Call Kassima a Lady?
Lunacy is the name of the game at Benden Hold's Celestial Ball, when a total eclipse of Belior also eclipses the sense of Headwoman Lara enough for her to declare Kassi as Lady Holder for the evening.
It Was the Best of Pastries; It Was the Worst of Pastries
Who knew that Mart would be so frightened by a simple, friendly gift?
The Arki of the Covenant
Mehlani's green fire-lizard, Arki, rises to mate, and causes her young charge some consternation in the process.
Dance of the Wallflowers
Kassi settles back to watch her friends dance at Bitra, though the festivities are rather abruptly interrupted by the news of the imminent Hatching.
The Hatching of Leilanth and Prometh's Clutch
The first Benden-blooded clutch to Hatch at Telgar begins life with a bang, bringing thirty-two new dragons to the Weyr and a few new marks to Kassi's belt-pouch.
Discussion and Dealings
A concerned Kassi offers Mehlani some advice, and is pleasantly surprised to acquire her services as a copyist.
Kathall's Request
Somehow, Kassi never pictured herself as the premier studbroker of Telgar.
A Post-Blizzard Rescue At Bitra
Kassi and some of her wingriders search the area around Bitra Hold for residents snowbound by a recent blizzard.
The Incredible Swimming Pants
Now and then, even Kassi receives a gift that's weirder than those she gives to others.
A Second Rescue Run
With not all of the missing residents found yet, an insomnia-striken Kassi takes a few of her wingmen out on a midnight search sweep.
New Developments
The course of Meli's life is about to take some interesting and unexpected turns.
Kassima's Reply
True to her word, Kassima provides Kathall with a list of possible child-fatherers.
Mehlani's Return
Mehlani, having survived an extended visit to Kassi's relatives at Greystones, comes back to Telgar bearing eccentric gifts.
Threadfall Over Woodcraft Hall
Together, Telgar's riders and Woodcraft's ground-crew keep the forests safe despite a Fall that's complicated by unpredictable winds.
When Life Sucks Dead Green Eggs
Between being treated almost like a human being by a few people in the Living Cavern and finding a new, apt expression for her outlook on life when Lysseth is glowing, Kassi has a relatively good day--insofar as days can be good when one is proddy.
Lysseth's Ninth Flight
Much taunting, corruption, and chaos ensues when Lysseth deigns to put Kassi out of her misery and lead several males on a merry (or lust-filled, anyway) chase.
The Supreme Act of Masochism
Kassi's opinion that brownriders are sadomasochistic seems borne out when her cousin K'star confesses to Mehlani that he loves her.
No Ifs, Ands, Or Butts
What's meant to be a harmless shopping trip goes wildly awry, resulting in a fair measure of graffiti, drinking, clotheslessness, sandwich-throwing, and maniacal cackling.
Be Careful What You Wish For
Kassima is always willing to do favors for her friends, especially when those favors involve inflicting evil on one of her archnemeses.
There's Something About That Guy....
Is there anything Kassi won't do to avoid embarrassment at the hands of A'lex and death at the hands of M'rgan?
The Secret of Life
Why are we here? What's life all about? Did Faranth exist, or is there some doubt? Well tonight, we're going to sort it all out, for K'ti holds the Secret of Life! (With apologies to Monty Python.)
Jayna's Graduation
It's that time of Turn again: Thunderbolt is to get new Wingriders from the ranks of the Weyrlings, including the unsuspecting Jayna, brown Sioneth's rider.
Bartending At the Beach
Kassi travels to Shipfish Island to relax with a few other Telgar folk, and finds herself serving in the capacity of liquor-distributor.
Plots, Plans, and Bronzerider Spit
While T'saren welcomes Aurian and Neliea into Firestorm Wing, Kassi lets Kin in on the newest plot against Mart and tries to clean A'lex-slobber from her hands.
A Bizarre Bluerider Bonanza
Crazy Kassi had a Wing, E-I-E-I-O. With a bluerider here, and a bluerider there; here a blue, there a blue, everywhere a blue-blue.... Kassima inducts Kharty and Asrai into Thunderbolt Wing, then finishes off the blue-filled evening by starting a new rumor cycle about a 'Reachian bluerider.
The Telgar Weyr Auction Incident
There've got to be saner ways of bringing new riders into one's Wing than this!
Rockin' Round Robin
The tale of the Lady of the Muck and her many, many suitors comes to life during a round-robin storytelling contest at Katz.
Dinner at Benden Hold
Kassi drops by Benden Hold one evening to sample Kathall's foodstuffs and meet a few of the local folk.
For Fun and Profit
Far be it from Telgar riders not to assist Lord Tenefel in his latest money-making scheme--particularly when there's something in it for them.
Days Of Our Knives
A trip to Ista kills two birds with one stone: Kassi procures a number of Istan peppers with the help of T'saren, Kharty, and Madelynda, and also interrogates Kharisma's new 'Uncle Gar' about the status of her long-awaited knives.
Vahrynna's Secret
To torment a High Reaches Weyr brownrider (though not the usual one this time), Kassima will face rampant drunkenness, fainting, screams, tacky lingerie... and even the dreaded pink lace of death.
To Welcome In the Summertime, Welcome In the May-O
Remember when Kassi won Maylia's Wingrider services in that auction? The time has come to collect.
Lysseth's Tenth Flight
No matter how fearsome Kassi can be when she's proddy, and regardless of what feelings Lysseth's rising may inspire in those hapless individuals caught in her wiles, one relief is surely shared by all: there's no lace involved this time.
Ride 'Em, Greenrider!
Can greenriders really ride anything?
Revenge of the Goose-Girls
Kassi discovers that there is at least one type of creature that doesn't fear pink lace.
This Little Piggy Went To Kassi
During the MBH greased porcine chase, Kassi finds a whole new way to bring home the bacon.
A New Way of Fighting Dirty
Rodeo guests and mud definitely don't make for a pretty combination....
Much Ado About Nothing
Perhaps made restless by her broken wrist, Aurian elects to indulge in some torment of V'hryn and Kassi--the former of which backfires startlingly.
When the Weyr's Afire With Rumors
Aurian breaks some unexpected news to V'hryn, and K'tyn builds a bonfire out of someone's underwear. All in all, it's a standard Telgarian evening.
Threadfall Over Smithcraft Hall
The riders of Telgar and the people of Smithcraft combine forces to keep the lands around the latter's Crafthall Thread-free.
Lirra's Glooooooooooorious Pants
K'tyn isn't the only one who's obsessed with other people's underwear.
What's In the Cards
M'hryn, Aurian, A'lex, Kassi, and Jorenan play dragonpoker and discuss various things--some of which have far too much to do with lace for any sane rider's peace of mind.
Telgarian Graffiti
With Kassi, G'har, and Tamina watching on, Kaylira and Kharisma wreak artistic havoc on the hapless bronzerider's weyr.
Summer Threadfall Over Lemos
Extreme heat works against Telgar's Wings as they fight the Thread that threatens the Lemosian lands.
Let There Be Lips!
Kassi never could resist a challenge....
'Tis the Season
Turnover's coming up, and Kassima prepares for it by spending marks in abundance--though it's probably not as much of an abundance as the Smiths might wish.
Be Vewy, Vewy Quiet....
A'lex, Kassi, Neliea, Mart, D'thon, A'ser, S'dar, Aurian, and their respective dragons go hunting out on the Telgar Plains.
A'ser's Haircut
Is Aurian starting to follow in Meli's footsteps?
Family Ties
E'vrin of Igen visits Telgar to seek out word of relatives; meanwhile, Sharath and Lysseth have an interesting conversation.
Press Your Luck
A slew of Telgarians heads to Bitra for a celebration and ends up leaving a slew of mark pieces behind.
Metallurgical Maunderings
E'vrin returns to Telgar, and he and Kassi hold a long discussion that touches on several points of philosophy.
Babes and Baubles
Gifts and pregnancies both running rampant amongst Telgarians... what a scary thought.
Yasinth's First Flight: Win, Lose, or Brawl
How does Kassi get herself mixed up in these situations?
After Midnight
Kassi and E'vrin--as well as Lysseth and Sharath--converse about various topics one night on Shipfish Island.
Lysseth's Eleventh Flight
Isn't it strange how many death threats to male dragons--not to mention Lysseth herself--are made every time Kassi's lifemate takes into her head to rise?
A Post-Flight Interlude
After the flight, Kassi tries to soothe a troubled E'vrin.
Darkness and Light
E'vrin visits Kassi in her weyr late one evening; he and she discuss weyrmatings, among other things, and the pros of reconciliation.
Herath's Third Flight
As if Kassi's announcement of a third forthcoming spawn wasn't evil enough for one evening, Herath causes much chaos and havoc to reign when she rises in her second senior flight.
Mirror, Mirror, On the Ceiling....
Visit Telgar, the lecherous Weyr!
How To Shock a Greenrider In One Easy Step
There's a very wise saying: 'Evil is love spelled backwards... and wrong.' Of course, Kassi had never figured that she'd be learning the truth of that first-hand.
Pretty In Pink
Kassi will do just about anything if there are enough marks involved.
Who Counsels the Counselor?
Kassima seeks advice from her friend Lirra.
The Trouble With Turndays
E'vrin arrives to present Kassi with a much-appreciated Turnday gift, but the arrival of Laurene of Igen and another dose of pink lace herald confusion for our heroine.
Spring Threadfall Over Bitra Hold
It's a scary thing when burps of fire rule the night.
A Definition of Terms
Kassima and E'vrin discuss their relationship, and the future thereof.
A Rose By Any Other Name
Journeyman Emdrien and Apprentice Syrali of Smithcraft come to Kassi's weyr in order to discuss a commission.
Rock the Demon-Possessed Chair of Love
A certain fluff-haired cohort and his Bosslady plague hapless Woodcrafters with haggling, purchases, and probably confusion.
Syrali's Search
Not even innocent trips to collect commissions prove safe from the evildoing of dragons.
A Conspiracy of Dragons
Falsanath, Lysseth, and Bhalth: the Three Musketeers of Insane Dragondom?
An Exchange of Gifts
What began as the giving of a gift to E'vrin by Kassi turns into something rather different.
We Can't Stop Until We Have Underpants!
Khari seems to have inherited her mother's love of giving gifts; her creativity when it comes to what those gifts should be, though, is all her own.
Matchmaker, Matchmaker....
Against her better judgment, Kassi gives Trevor a lift to Igen Weyr to meet E'vrin--and soon comes to regret it.
An A-maze-ing Exercise
There are times when being a member of Kassima's Wing is rife with its own special torments, and this is one of those times.
Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones, But Bribes Will Never Hurt Me
Kassi practices the art of bribery when E'vrin steals her green charcoal stick from her, to the entertainment of the spectators.
Give Me Kilts Or Give Me Death!
Even E'vrin's unique relationship with Kassi can't protect him from her kilting mania.
We Didn't Start the Fire
And one would have thought that dragon mating flights were trouble!
Out of the Ashes
Kassima pays a visit to the injured T'saren and Alyssa in the Infirmary, and ends up attempting to console an unhappy friend.
A Sweet Celebration
Though Kassima can't attend the party being held to celebrate the dousing of the Records Room fire, Kaylira is more than happy to go in her mother's stead.
The Cost of Admission
On another of E'vrin's visits, the subject of Sabra comes up, much to Kassi's lack of delight; however, there is some good news to maintain a balance.
The M'rganish Inquisition
To Kassi's dismay, Mart decides to confront E'vrin about his intentions towards her--and the testosterone flies.
The End Of the World, Part Three
With E'vrin, Meli, Maylia, Aurian, and an unconscious Ushu on hand, Kassi revels in the glories of murder, mayhem, and motherhood.
Getting To Know You
Trilana and Syrali come up to meet Keveris, and the discussion of birth and babies leads into a discussion of dragons.
A Visit From Jazmin
It's Jazmin's turn to visit with Kassi and Kris, and the brownrider comes bearing gifts.
The Last Supper
A feast is held in honor of the Candidates who'll soon be Standing for Herath's much-hardened eggs.
The Hatching of Herath and Talibenth's Clutch
Kassi makes blithe promises to buy her lover an island with the wager-winnings she earns from the Hatching of Telgar's latest clutch.
Stand By Your Woman
M'rgan displays the depth of his friendship in showing concern for Kassi's welfare, though he's not able to convince the greenrider to follow his advice.
The Beginning of the End
Tension with no tangible source marks the prelude to the finale of Kassi and E'vrin's relationship.
Lysseth's Twelfth Flight
'Twas one night past a Gather; to Kassi's surprise, Lyss started to glow, then swiftly did rise--thus proving that one can't trust that green to do anything predictably.
Not a Snowball's Chance In....
Thunderbolt, Skyfire, and Dawnslight face off in a snowball battle royale that proves luck and skill to be no match for yellow snow.
A Coronary: The Perfect Turnday Gift
Kassi's friends are always full of surprises--and for once, the surprise isn't one that she's going to need to get revenge on anyone for.
Summer Threadfall Over Woodcraft
Much to Kassi's surprise, A'lex gives her the task of leading the Weyr's Wings in a late-evening Threadfall.
Meeting Fehuth
Kaylira takes advantage of Bronwynn's offer to introduce her to her brown lifemate.
Go Fish!
Why is it that every time Kassi visits the Bitran river, shoes somehow become involved?
Moonflame Wing's First Threadfall
After the latest group of graduates finishes flying resupply over Bitra Hold, Kassi's more than willing to descend on them like a vulture to pick out a new rider for Thunderbolt.
Shake, Shake, Shake, Shake Your Booty
After Kassi inducts Th'lon into Thunderbolt as its newest bronzerider, she takes him and Bronwynn on a celebratory--and alcohol-intensive--trip to the Lava Lounge.
One Proddy, Too Proddy, Green Proddy, Who Proddy?
In order to celebrate the longest week of flights to date, Kassi and Meli both engage in a rhyme-fest fit to enrage. Have no fear though; no one died at the hands of those proddified.
Klash of the Ks
O Nature, what hadst thou to do in Hell when thou didst bower the spirit of a fiend in Kassima and Kena both at once?
Lysseth's Thirteenth Flight
Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale, a tale of a fateful flight... well, perhaps not that fateful. But at least Lysseth finally gets off of Proddy Island!
A Chilly Confrontation
It's an odd thing when the prospects of being beaten to a bloody pulp and hearing women talk about the chill of winter can actually compete for the title of worst.
The Hatching of Elisanth and Chezroth's Clutch
Wagers are made and Solarith's mating habits are discussed as Kassi and a slew of other Telgarians attend a 'Reaches Hatching.
I Am the Very Model of a Rider of a Telgar Green
Bitra holds a fashion show, and Kassi's up as one of the models.
The Hatching of Genneth and Sharath's Clutch
It's Hatching time at Ista! And this time, the clutch was sired by none other than E'vrin's bronze.
The End of the Beginning
E'vrin visits Kassi at Telgar, and the two finally achieve closure on their abortive relationship.
Rocky Pernese Picture Show and Tell
Candidates get a taste of Telgar legends and culture as Kassi, Kindre, and others share a few of their favorite stories--with a little help from some props.
Following the Leader, the Leader, the Leader
Lysseth practices her mischievous arts on her rider at Benden Hold's Winter Festival, earning unexpected rewards.
The Scientific Method
Telgarians invade the Smithcraft Hall. I'sai tries to blow stuff up. Man, you just can't take him anywhere.
Kassi's Favorite Things
Kassi and Mart cheerfully work to traumatize I'sai for life as their latest argument takes a disturbing turn.
The Horror... the Horror....
Meet Mr. Flibble, the Scion of Death.
I Have a Headache *This Big*
Kassi and J'lyn, both suffering the aftermath of a Lava Lounge trip, seek out headache remedies in Stores. But since when has chronic blushing been a hangover symptom?
Ptodek's Search
They're coming to take him away, ha-ha! Sloane and green Joath of Ista claim Ptodek as a Candidate for Neith's latest clutch.
Incense and Peppermints
Who cares what kilts we choose? Little to win, but nothing to lose--except, perhaps, for I'sai's dignity as Kassi tries to give him some friendly fashion advice.
What Fate Has In Store
Can't two greenriders ever converse without the topic eventually turning to conspiracy?
Wine Conquers All
Maybe Kassi really isn't the best person to try and explain the positive things about drinking, as she proves when she shares a piece of news with J'lyn.
The Bold and the Proddified
Lured to the LC by the irresistable call of a chance to chop nuts, Our Heroine meets Jh'rin's former weyrmate, witnesses a Search, and argues with a proddy Jal.
Proddiness Can Be a Revelation
More than just J'lyn's rump is revealed over the course of a flight-infested evening.
The Better To Klah You With, My Dear
Kassi brings M'kla's klah back to the Weyr in a bizarre form of revenge, and Lysseth displays a proddy temperament nearly as acidic as the lethal brew.
The Dance of the Pants
M'rgan learns that, whether you obey or not, nothing good can come of a proddy greenrider telling you to remove your trousers.
Lysseth's Fourteenth Flight
Kassi's quest to prove for once and for all that she is, too, still terrifying when proddy is interrupted as Lysseth decides to get in on the action.
Jack Frost Nipping At Your Nose
Weyrhealer Nadja gives the Weyrfolk a lecture on the perils of cold weather.
Mission Implausible
Oh, the weather outside is frightful, but the mint-sticks are delightful? Telgar's Wings travel to the Northern Icefields to seek out 'victims' wherever they may lurk in this snow-rescue drill.
How Woody Would a Wood-Bit Be?
The Telgar Contingent invades Keroon, looking for driftwood and finding a bronzerider-slimer.
A Favored Method of Persuasion
Kassi takes another shot at bronzerider bribery, with Ryialla cheering her on.
The Price of Being Fashionable
In which our heroine learns that friends don't come cheap, self-interest is pricier yet, and revenge is the most expensive thing of all.
Sometimes It Pays To Be Wherry
Kassi dares the appetites of dragons by dressing as food to the Southern Boll Masquerade Ball, and somehow manages to survive. Maybe dragons don't find dancing wherries quite as tasty?
A Memorable Memorial Visit
After the Hatching, Kassi, Leya, I'sai, and M'kon travel to Red Butte to see an ancient rider memorial.
Rinath's First Flight
Alacrity, ferocity, hypocrisy, prophecy, iniquity, and solemnity all feature in this maiden rising of Saskia's gold.
Wingleaders Against Drunk Flying
Kassi and J'var have a friendly little chat about the hazards of drinking before Fall.
There But For the Grace of Faranth Go Eye
Pants without bottoms and eyes-inna-jar! Need I even say more?
Misbehavior By Morning
Several Telgar riders have apparently been up to no good. And after sharing those images of buttless pants and mud with their riders, certain dragons aren't exactly on the Dean's List either.
Rinath's First Clutching: The Saga Begins
It's not easy being the chief bookie of a Weyr, but somebody's got to do it.
Wonder Twin Powers, Activate!
Once again, Kassi is given impetus to vow that she'll never spawn again. We'll just see how long that oath lasts this time.
The Sky Is Falling!
The appearance of a burning rock in the sky--followed shortly by an earthquake--causes considerable disturbance for the folk of Telgar.
The Hatching of Rinath and Taralyth's Clutch
Winning a capful of marks at this event makes Kassi as happy as the new Impressees... well, almost.
An Old Love, a New Start
E'vrin, transferred from the South, arrives at his new home and reunites with Kassima.
I Second the Motion
E'vrin becomes Kassima's latest victim as she tosses a knot at him and names him Thunderbolt Wingsecond.
Letting Go
Even though she trusts M'rgan more than most might suspect, it's not easy for Kassi to turn the care of her two youngest over to him and Kena.
Guys' Night Out
Several men of Telgar have a companionable drinking spree, which leads to trouble for E'vrin.
Nuclear Fallout
Ev's slip of the tongue leads to a bitter fight between himself and Kassi; the end result is not, perhaps, what either one would have expected.
Bubblyfest Gone Wild
It's not every day a greenrider can say she's been tied up by Igen's Weyrwoman, seen Igen's Weyrleader covering himself with berry goo while topless, and toured the booths with a bikini-clad Master Mirala.
The Less Things Change
...The more they never seem the same. Kassi and E'vrin once again reach an amicable arrangement, but vital differences ensure that history cannot repeat itself completely.
Warmth and Affections
Gossip runs rampant in the Hot Springs, with Kassi and Ev--later joined by Mart and Kena--musing over the possible fates of local couples.
The End of the Day
Kassima provides comfort and rest for E'vrin at the end of a hectic day.
I'sai, I'sai, He's Our Man! If He Can't Sire Spawn, No One Can!
Isn't it uncanny the way I'sai's virility keeps coming up as a discussion topic between Kassi and Mart?
The Circle of Life
The birth of Jazmin's daughter Zaemina is followed by philosophy and misunderstanding galore.
Blood Will Tell
On a trip to Fort, Kassi meets up with Miritha, and the two indulge in a lengthy discussion of dragon bloodlines and Hatchings past.
The Many Adventures of Shardman
Merielan breaks one of the Lava Lounge's tables and Aisling conceives a baby either by Meri or by an invisible, nonexistant man, all on the same madcap night.
A Surprise For Maylia
Maylia's Weyrlings and friends show their affection for her with Turnday surprises, some in the form of a party and some in the form of gifts.
Company, Misery Loves
A sunburnt Kassi seeks solace in the Infirmary and ends up trying to hide under a cot while I'sai proves himself to be fewer than seven shades of helpful.
Matters of Misconception
What was meant to be a simple lecture doesn't quite turn out that way.
Behold the Power of Cheese (And Wine)!
High Reaches Weyr hosts a wine-tasting event and, unsurprisingly, Telgar invades en masse to participate.
The Facts of Life
Kassi offers Alessi advice on how you take the good, you take the bad, etceteras with regards to babies and flying greens.
Snowstar Wing's First Threadfall
Snowstar Weyrling Wing has its first chance to meet Thread when it flies resupply for the full fighting Wings.
Double Trouble
Two proddy greenriders, two new members of Thunderbolt Wing--but only one flight, thank goodness.
Lysseth's Fifteenth Flight
Though Kassi arguably comes her closest to actually killing someone when T'kar drinks some of the fabled M'kla's Klah, her body count remains at zero when Lysseth goes aloft.
To Torment and Burden, In Sickness and In Spawn....
T'kar, in a moment of insanity, agrees to become the newest Wingsecond of Thunderbolt. The astounding thing is that Kassi didn't even have to get him drunk first.
A Banner Day
Kassi proves at a HRW event that her enthusiasm for teasing I'sai is anything but flagging.
Drinking and Driving To Insanity
It's amazing that the tables at the Lava Lounge don't find a way to run screaming when they see the Telgar Contingent coming.
The Lord of the Rings
I'sai treats Kassi to a little informal psychoanalysis, and Talisha treats I'sai to dangerously tight pants.
A Late Night Conversance
Kassi, T'kar, K'ran, and Tarlo have a midnight chat at the Lake, ranging in topic all the way from I'sai's powers of spawning to rumors of history past.
Funk 'N Fury
Even the smallest breach of trust can have a severe impact on a friendship.
The Hatching of Erith and Zyanth's Clutch
Telgar makes a good showing at this Fortian Hatching.
Cheese and Quackers
A visit to Igen lands Kassi in the Weyr of Doom, where she is claimed by a cute and peeping Dismay.
Les Poissons, Les Poissons
Something fishy is going on in High Reaches Weyr's Living Cavern, and it's up to the Telgarian Contingent to cut through to the bottom of it. Chop, chop, chop!
Dings, Cracks, Faults, and Flaws
Questions are asked, metaphors are used, and repairs are made.
Satchel Full of Bourbon
A young woman named Emelei offers Kassima a great deal on wines and hitches a lift with the greenrider up to Telgar.
The Harvest Moon
Several ladies in red (and black, and green) visit High Reaches for a night of feasting, dancing, and disturbing discussion.
The Devil Came Down the Runway
Masquerade or no Masquerade, Kassi will always wonder how the Weavers talked her into wearing what she did in this fashion show.
We Wear the Mask That Grins and Lies
Telgar's Masquerade Ball gets in full gear, with feasting, dancing, and Pernese improv comedy.
Conversationus Interruptus
A conversation about pairings of various sorts occurs in the LC, and it was probably merciful of Eidanth to call K'ran away from it.
I'm Gonna Get You, Little Fishie....
Why is it that when Kassi assists a group of High Reaches riders with a prank on I'sai, Kerwin gets strange sexual underwear thrown at him?
Man, I Feel Like a Woman!
There's one rule for the guests at Ofira's bachelorette party: eat, drink, and be Merry, for tomorrow she shall wed!
Neither Rain Nor Sleet Nor Gloom of Night
Sometimes fearsome weather phenomena can come in amazingly small packages.
All In an Average Day
K'ran's day ends with a Living Cavern chat with various Telgar-types--Kassi included--and a worried L'nan.
Lysseth's Sixteenth Flight
In which it is proven for once and for all that regardless of time, regardless of place, and regardless of circumstances, bribery is always worth trying.
You May Already Have Won
Blueriders drink and fish fly; poetic justice is delivered, and Kassi learns that the sweetest victories can be the ones you didn't expect.
That's Right, We're Evil!
Two visiting Fortians have the dubious pleasure of witnessing a few Telgarian greenriders at their evillest--and Kassi spills the beans about her latest child-to-be, too.
Sober Reflections
Even when she can't drink, Kassi can't resist a chance to go barhopping.
The Catch Up In the Rye
Kassi's only too glad to fill E'vrin in on available gambling prospects when he returns to active Weyrlife.
The Lady of the Lake
Caught by the Lake once again, Kassi engages in a bit of friendly sparring and reminiscence with Ev.
The Burdens of Married Life
K'ran makes an odd choice of confessor for his problems with I'sai.
The Story of Chess
Mart's trying to learn the game of kings, and Kassima proves herself to be a queen of nattering.
Kaylira's Search
Kassi has the luck to be present as P'tod's brown Semeth Searches her firstborn child for Ista.
Herath's Fourth Flight
Kindre's queen has recovered from her injury enough to rise in flight, and Kassi's on hand to tease and take wagers as is her wont. (Another version of this log, with more Kassi-RP, is here.)
There'll Be Time Enough For Counting
"The time has come," Kassima said, "to talk of other things; of mint on sticks and journals kept, of names and dragon wings." Not that I'sai is a carpenter, but you get the idea.
When the Dealing's Done
Childbirth is always a miracle--but when Kassi manages not to break I'sai's hand while going through it, that's the greatest miracle of all.
And I Shall Give You Jewels Fair
Kassima's evidently determined to pass her fondness for jewelry on to her daughters, judging by the sort of gifts she buys for them when she and visiting Trader Teye cross paths.
Politesse Provided
When K'ran, having insulted Kisai on the day of her birth, happens by the Lake while Teye and Kassi are conversing, Kassi has a chance to exercise her powers of politeness.
Garnets Are a Girl's Best Friend
Now able to travel once more, Kassi heads to Ista to bestow a luck-token upon her eldest.
All That Glitters
Flower crowns and frozen naked Traders abound on the evening that Kassima and I'sai trade birth-gifts; however, neither flowers nor naked Traders frozen or otherwise feature in the gifts themselves.
And Thanks For All the Fish
The Candidates get to know the eggs a little better, and Kassi gets to know one of her fellow Coordinators.
Lenka's Search
Aisling and Sielth snag another helpless victim for Herath's clutch.
A Three Hour Search
A surprise and a commission, a tumbling Craftsecond and a bronzer spending marks, a bit of teasing and a lack of water and draconic mischief galore--oh, yes, and Savanna gets Searched, too.
When Sixty-Six Still Isn't Enough
Many people may feel that Kassi has too many fire-lizards, but a cranky blue hatchling wouldn't seem to agree.
The Grapes of Wrath
The Candidates' welcome dinner goes well, thanks in good part to the efforts of K'ran and Macami, while Kassi's contribution is to prove an altruism: Turns may come and Turns may go, but immaturity is forever.
Taliene's Turnday
Kassi and Kisai get something other than egg on their faces while attending Taliene's Turnday party at Igen.
Life, the Universe, and Everything
Candidates and their Coordinators talk about life. And muck. And flights. And various other things, none of which have all that much to do with each other.
The Hatching of Herath and Chezroth's Clutch
Kassi enjoys the best perk of being a Candidate Coordinator: getting one of the best seats in the Weyr for the Hatching itself.
Dirty Dancing
Now and then, a Hatching can prove to be a catalyst for insanity in the minds of the Weyrfolk.
Beauty and the Beast
I'sai asks Kassima for a story. All things considered, the result was probably inevitable.
The Hunt For Red October
Weyrling dragons learn to hunt, and Kassi and Mart make a bit of a wager on the outcome.
Lady Zuhluly and Lord Loveypoodums
There are times when the antics of dragonriders just defy description.
Life Begins At Forty
Kassima has reached the Unmentionable Age, but certain friends of hers aren't going to let her spend her Turnday moping!
Hide and Go Seek
Nothing if not persistant, Kassi hikes all over Ista in search of prizes; she prevails, too, when a prize finds her in the form of bronze Kazander.
Pink Pampers, Ooh, Pink Pampers
What is the appropriate reaction to being gifted with transparent, belled pink underpants?
Flower Power
Lenka is faced with the concern that Robinth just might chase Imanath, while Kassi is faced with the concern that people might believe what T'lean says.
Spears of Unusual Size? I Don't Believe They Exist
Evidently one proddy greenrider wasn't enough for Lenka to endure.
Boot-Scootin' Boogie
Now it's I'sai's turn to receive a disturbing gift, this time at Kassi's hands--and Her Proddiness is evidently very determined to see that he accepts it.
Duck, Duck, Goose
Doom attends the graduation of the Moonchaser Weyrlings, and Kassima becomes the Queen of Heaven by scattering some corn around. Yes, really. Sort of.
Threadfall Over Telgar Hold
Telgar's Wings meet Thread in a brisk summer Fall; Moonchaser flies resupply, and the lives of one young pair are lost.
I'm a Little Teapot, Short and Stout
J'an does the teapot dance for Kassi's pleasure and earns himself a Thunderbolt patch.
The Hatching of Tasieth and Mvraeth's Clutch
Kassima catches up with old friends and practices her gambling arts as the latest Igen clutch breaks shell.
Bringing In the Weed
They'll be wearing noseplugs, bringing in the weed!
The Gift of the Kisai
Kiss and Kassi track down I'sai to bestow Turnday gifts upon him.
The Hatching of Zaith and Konnevath's Clutch
Standing for the third time, Kaylira Impresses brown Pheirth on the Hatching Sands of Ista, and her mother celebrates the event with shrieks and tears of joy.
Straight Into Evil's Clutches
Cariath and Spineth's clutch increases in size as the queen gets some serious laying done. In the meanwhile, Kassi makes the acquaintance of Yashira and defends herself from claims of green-obsession.
Tomboys On Ice
Kassi and Yashira discuss femininity (or a lack thereof) while skating on the Lake, but alas, absolutely no triple axels or salchows ensue.
Duel of the Fates
Six foot, seven foot, eight foot, punch! A friendly sparring session between Kassima and Yashira leads to Lysseth Searching the latter; whether Kassi will forgive her dragon for interrupting the first good fight she's had in ages remains to be seen.
It Was the Heat of the Water
Candidates drop by the Hot Springs for a dragon washing.
Just Sit Right Back and You'll Hear a Tale
The Living Cavern hosts a storytelling session in honor of Rulyn's sixteenth Turnday.
I'm Leaving On a Jet Green
Woodcrafter Jeroch decides to join Kassima, Merla, and Corwin on a visit to Ista Weyr.
Follow the Bouncing Ball
Rulyn draws several Weyrfolk into a rousing game of herdball, which leads to plenty of yelling, plenty of kicking, and plenty of people falling on their rear ends in the mud.
Eight Maids A-Milking
L'han is given whole new reasons to live in terror of Ursa!
Dressing For Dinner
It's Candidate-dinner time! Kassi almost manages to behave civilly and sanely, too, but A'ser interferes with that well-intentioned plan.
Tickled Pink
Katlynn takes advantage of Kassi's trip to Weavercraft to coax the greenrider into siccing a new pink horror on I'sai.
Heeeeeeere's Binky!
Kassima and her trusty sidekick, Binky the Bow, compete together in an archery contest.
A Night For Sharing
Kassi visits Kaylira at Ista, and the two have a few mother-daughter Kodak moments.
Starlight, Star Bright
Yashira and Kassima become engaged! Oh, and there's some star-gazing too.
The Cadbury Bunny She Ain't
Kassima and Maylia introduce the Candidates to the wonderful world of egg dyeing. Baskets of fake plastic grass are not involved.
What Brownriders Need To Know
Watch! As the identity of Kassi's newest mentee is revealed! Marvel! As Lysseth becomes a dangerous stalker!
Have Fun Storming the Castle!
Together, Kassima and Flannery prove that greenriders are never too old to play with their food.
The Graduate
Here's to you, Kaylira Robinson! Kassi attends the graduation ceremony for her daughter's Weyrling class, and ends up with a new fire-lizard. Doesn't it just figure?
Detaching the Fluff
Kassi spends some time mentoring her mentee, as a good mentor should; mind you, whether Yashira's grateful for the dead fish, the details about Miryenne's ceiling, or the blunt tally of a Weyrling's odds of survival is still up for debate.
The Hatching of Jinieth and Aisheth's Clutch
Fortian eggs Hatch, Kassi bets, and Yashira rouses her mentor's curiosity--more's the pity for her.
The Tail of the Twinge
More mentoring occurs; this time, Yashira's plagued by twinges and Kassi offers advice. Then they talk about their butts. I tell you, life's just never dull around these two.
Lysseth's Seventeenth Flight
I have a sneaking suspicion that this log should really should be subtitled 'Still Hating You.' But hatred or no, Lysseth and Kassima get a chance to spice up the lives of a few Weyrling pairs--to say nothing of the other hapless bystanders caught in the fray--when Lyss decides to rise one evening.
Lead, Follow, Or Get Out of the Way
Yashira has some concerns about leadership to share with Kassima.
I Desire Some Conference With You
Telgar hosts a Wingleaders' Conference, bringing people from all over Pern together to discuss various issues that leaders face.
In Just Seven Days, I Can Make You a Man
Kassima's late-night fishing trip to Bitra leads her into another trip, this time to Fort, where she has a chance to torment a flight-lost Weyrsecond.
Daughter, Tell Me, Tell Me
Kaylira pays a visit to tell her mother about her latest promotion, and as is usual between them, conversation turns towards Kay's love life.
One More Day To Make It Right
I'sai and Kassima begin to mend the tear that's marred their friendship for the past two Turns.
The Mighty Tubersmiths
Various Telgar personages invade the Smithcraft Festival, and Yashira takes a stab at making Kassi vomit.
Yashira's Untoppable Turnday
It's Yashira's Turnday! There are presents! There's cake! And Yash's mother wants her daughter to go topless! Don't miss it!
The Lair of the Lounge 'Lizards
A visit to High Reaches lands a group of Telgar riders in the middle of a rocking fire-lizard clutch, allowing Kassi to deprive a hatchling of the delightful name 'Hearty.'
Six Rings To Rule Them All
The members of Sunstreak Weyrling Wing graduate with flying colors, and Kassima's given a part in the ceremony.
Good News, Bad News
Kassi manages to survive breaking a piece of news to Ursa despite her choice of method. Just don't ask me how.
Tapping At My Chamber Door
Yashira is never going to escape from Kassima at this rate.
Fastest Draw In the West
Attending a Harper Gather, Kassi makes the acquaintance of one Jerowen, and later poses for a sketch.
The Hatching of Irianth and Riolth's Clutch
Rulyn Impresses bronze Kismith. Kassi wins ten marks off of K'tyn. All in all, it's a good day.
This Gala Brought To You By the Beer Council
Kassima and other Telgar personages invade the Gala being held in honor of Craftmaster Baleera's succession.
The Vomit Song
M'silne drinks way too much, throws up all over Yashira, then gets tapped for Thunderbolt Wing! We're talking good times here, people!
Luck Be a Lady
And lo, a terrible trio doth travel unto the Hold of Iniquity, where they doth gamble, and Kassi doth winneth marks, ere she doth maketh M'silne turneth fascinating shades of reddeth.
Baby Love, My Baby Love
That trip to Bitra evidently wasn't the only occasion on which Yash got lucky.
I'sai the Rhymer
Kassima and I'sai, after temporarily transforming themselves into poetry critics, head to High Reaches to look over that Weyr's hardening clutch.
The Hatching of Jenryth and Dzurath's Third Clutch
A couple of familiar faces leave the Sands with new lifemates after this High Reaches Hatching.
The Fires of Heaven
Ah, to consume all of another Wing's earthly possessions in flame!
The Hatching of Qirith and Bromith's Clutch
There's only one Telgarian Standing for these particular eggs, but that doesn't stop Kassi from attending and attempting to prove that she can so lose her wagers.
Mother Gossip
P'tod and Kassima discuss his relationship with Kaylira, among other things.
Elementary, My Dear Watson
Kassi tries to apply her skills of deductive reasoning--such as they are--during a late-night drinking trip with Yashira. It's highly doubtful that Yash appreciates this.
Mirrath's Clutching
Offspring are the theme of the day: while watching Telgar's latest clutching, Kassi discusses children with fellow mothers Yashira and Ursa.
Babes In Toyland
I'sai invites Kassima along to Fort when he delivers a present for M'kon's daughter Mylea--but they end up running into even more Myk-relatives than anticipated when his half-sister Yvera and son Mydran appear on the scene.
Memories of Things
Kassi goes to Benden Hold expecting to meet her great-uncle Yrinnen; instead, she makes the acquaintance of one Elauren of Nerat.
Susurrath's First Flight
Decarath catches Susurrath, and there was much rejoi--no, not that. Much obsession with scrubbing afterwards. That's more the thing.
To Igen We Will Go
Once again, Is and Kassi visit a hapless and unsuspecting Weyr; this time it's Igen, and they find themselves caught up in questions of blackmail and philosophy.
Elauren's Search
Trust Lysseth to complicate an errand to Benden Hold. And just when Kassi was sure she'd decided not to bother with that Search business, too!
Tongue-In-Ear Humor
Maylia has evidently not lost her gift for occasionally disturbing her mentor.
Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow
An avalanche at Brensh's Valley is reported by Maylia, and Kassi discusses how Thunderbolt might assist with the situation.
The Ferrets and the Bees
I'sai may come to regret that he left Lanisa alone with Kassi and Conn... but not as much as Lanisa's mother Lanryi likely will.
A Thousand and One Telgarian Nights
The Candidates have organized an overnight camping trip deep within the Weyr, and several persons drop by with stories to tell.
Trundlebugs For Dinner
Another Candidate dinner commences; Kassi suggests that K'ran should eat trundlebugs to improve his virility. Thankfully, this is not because trundlebugs are actually on the menu.
Be Prepared!
Ursa gives the Candidates the lowdown on what to expect should they Impress.
The Hatching of Mirrath and Indrath's Clutch
It's time for the latest Telgar Hatching, and a mildly proddy Kassima chatters with a few old friends who've come to the ledges to watch.
Lysseth's Eighteenth Flight
Though wise greens at flight's end know what is right, because their wings flash quick as lightning they do not go gentle into that good night. (Never mind that Lysseth being a 'wise green' is arguable.)
Shock Upon Shocks
Kaylira, in sharing some news with Kassima, nearly succeeds in committing matricide through surprise alone.
Let's Go Down In Flames
Fire! Fire! Smithcraft Hall's chemistry workshop is burning, and riders from Telgar come swiftly to assist in battling the blaze.
The Healer's Price
Kassima doesn't have to sell her soul to the Healers (not that she could, since I'sai already owns it) to get aid for her daughter, but Sauscony drives a bargain almost as difficult.
Through Another's Eyes
Cheni and Irenyath have their first lesson in visualization with Kassima watching from the background.
The Spice Must Flow
A Yashira-given, Kassi-attended lesson in groundriding assures that Elauren learns not only how to properly sit astride her lifemate, but also all about Yash's spice-laden rear end.
Motherly Concerns
U'yn finds himself the target of certain important Kassi-questions.
I'm Looking For Something In Blue
Masterweaver Katlynn proves helpful when Kassi and Kisai go on a shopping expedition... even if she does seem intent on gifting Kaylira's child with something pink.
You Da Man!
Several of Selandra's children are running rampant in Fort's Living Cavern when Kassi visits one night; she makes their acquaintance, and in all likelihood earns Sela's ire in the process.
Barbed Wire and Roses
Remember that bargain Kassi made with Sauscony? It's come back to haunt her--but the trauma is, perhaps, less than she anticipated, despite the best efforts of a certain plant.
We Don't Want a Rock
Kassi meanders into the Barracks to check in with her mentee, Elauren, and gets involved in a Weyrling discussion about straps, spirit, and horrifying ways to die.
Cat's In the Cradle
More shopping for Kay's spawn-to-be ensues.
Good Braerith Hunting
Braerith's tired of having dead animals thrown at him by his lifemate and is ready for some new cuisine! Fortunately for him, his change of tastes has come just in time for his first lesson in hunting, courtesy of Kassi and Lysseth.
You Can Fly, You Can Fly, You Can Fly!
The ever-tolerant Yashira once again allows Kassi to tag along on a Weyrling lesson.
Now That's Entertainment
What song, of all possible songs, should Ursa sing while dancing on a table for L'han's Turnday? And what death, of all possible deaths, will she deliver to I'sai, Kichevio, and Kassima when she learns they've been debating this matter?
Do You See What I See?
Irenyath and Cheni try to turn visualization into a game for the bored Braerith.
I Never Promised You a Rose Garden
Kassima accompanies I'sai and Cheni on a visit to Healer Hall; alas, this puts her in prime position to be ambushed by Ayanne and her lovely, disturbing homemade gift.
All Things Come Full Circle
Despite fear and despite denials it's time for Kaylira to deliver her child, with the caring support of the Healer Craftsecond, two potential fathers, and her anxious but loving mother.
Welcome To Your Doom
There's no turning back. Even while you soak, we will find you and ask you about ambition, then propose a Wing transition--everybody wants to tap a 'Ling!
Random Acts of Fire-Lizards
It's time for Kisai to begin fulfilling a certain family tradition.
A Tapping of Subtleties
There's still one more new rider for Kassima to snag from the latest Weyrling clutch, and a morning visit to the Living Cavern provides her with her chance.
Please, Sir, Draw Me a Greenrider
An artistic, somewhat philosophical newcomer to Telgar happens upon Kassi and Lysseth in the hot springs.
Super-Evil Gossip-Loving Wager-Making Kassi
Kassi has a chance to meet C'vadan's new weyrmate. Naturally, the greenrider's first priority is to embarrass him shamefully in front of her.
Advice To Young Wingleaders
Telgar's newest Wingleader seeks Kassima out as the voice of experience.
Flirting With Disaster
Conn reveals himself as the center of a dread conspiracy to castrate K'dar! And then he denies it and corrects his phrasing. Aww.
Diagnosis Mayhem
What rough beast is this, slouching towards Telgar to be born?
The Untold Hazards of Fishing
You know, when people insist that drunken fishing is a great way to spice up your life, they really, really aren't kidding.
Start Spreading the News
As if Thunderbolt's forthcoming vacation wasn't news enough for one day, Kassima decides to fill Yashira and Zaidra in on the most recent development in her life.
Inquiring Minds Want To Know
Kassima was probably not expecting I'sai to take such a prurient interest in O'wyn's fishing prowess.
Sugar Baby
May has news, Kassi has news, and Iralne has more sweets than her mother Yashira might wish.
Do You Remember These?
K'than of Igen comes to Telgar on a visit, and he and Kassi have a chance to reminisce about and catch up on the gossip and scandals concerning his family.
I'd Like To Buy a Vowel
U'yn displays a shocking bias towards certain letters of the alphabet. Shocking, I tell you!
Go Soak Your Head
Somehow, astonishingly, Bronwynn and Kassima resist the temptation to drown I'sai and settle for gossiping with him instead.
Exchanging Foibles
Later the same evening, Kassi and Bronwynn chat amiably about this, that, and the other.
Something To Shake a Stick At
I'sai's evidently not without his own talents at fishing.
She's My Cherry Pie
Katlynn declares her undying love for Kassi and tries to cajole her into group sex with I'sai and O'wyn. Kassi spends a great deal of time spluttering and edging away.
Gimme a Head With Hair, Floofy Evil Hair
Ozy visits Kassi, and is very sweet; his hair, however, plots the destruction of all Pern.
The Hatching of Vianneth and Xannarth's Clutch
Kassima, R'ehn and Lirra's son Kilt, and a variety of other Telgarians head to Ista to watch some eggs crack shell.
The Pole Position
Strange that the presence of a bright tunic in their midst would draw Telgar riders into a discussion of fishing equipment, isn't it?
All Your Baeth Are Belong To Us!
Kassi finally pays that threatened visit to Ozy at his magnificent Southern cottage.
A Kiss Is Still a Kiss
The lovesick Masterweaver reveals her latest nefarious plot!
Feet of K
Is taking a greenrider by the foot more dangerous than taking a tiger by the tail, or less? And is that greenrider's danger of being drowned greater yet?
Yselle's Search
Not even grounding can stop Lysseth in her quest to condemn hapless young persons to Candidacy.
Game On
Gay, one of Telgar's new Candidates, seems to have a taste for games; Kassi's only too glad to offer lessons in one of her favorites.
An Evening For Reminiscence
Taylin, and later K'ran, run across Kassi at the Lake, and reflection on matters past and present occurs.
Strict Neuterality
Bob Barker would probably approve of Kassi and I'sai's topic of conversation here.
Reach For the Stars
Gay gets her first dragonride when Kassi and Lysseth fulfill her wish to see the Star Stones.
Progeny Prattle
Tasayli's out of bed when she shouldn't be--but for just this once, she gets more involved in talk about babies than battles with her brother.
The Seventh Spawn
Behold! A birth without Ushu, without (much) screaming of obscenities, and without anyone getting killed before it's over. All these things are wonderful, and yet they pale beside the wonder of Kassi and Ozy's new son.
A New Mother's Perfect Gift
Ysaira stops by Kassi's weyr to see her new son and bring her a gift from Ryialla, the nature of which proves that Ryi knows Kassi very well indeed.
Flower Child
What did Kassima ever do to deserve a friend like May?
The Hatching of Daelyth and Palineth's Second Clutch
Kassi attempts to instruct Kaswyn in the arts of snagging marks from the pockets of the hapless when he attends his first Hatching.
Diva Time
Many of Lysseth's Searchees have Impressed dragons with... interesting... personalities; Yselle and her green Dianneth prove to be no exception.
The Early Days
More baby dragons abound! Liabeth, Naelanth, Onykath, and their lifemates turn up at the Lake Shore, and Kassi has a chance to shoot the breeze with new and experienced riders alike.
Blind Weyrlings' Bluff
Merielan and her trusty supply of blindfolds provide some of the new Weyrlings with an interesting exercise.
That's the Story of Love
You gotta win a little, lose a little, and always have the blues a little; Kassi's no Bette Midler and neither is Merielan, but the two riders nevertheless manage to discuss the glory of, the story of loooove.
Somebody Put Their Fingers In the Wingsecond's Ears
Yashira manages to defend herself from having May's tongue in her ear, but not from having a new knot on her shoulder.
Jeweled Tones
Kassima and Javinia prove that they'd make great hosts for Gem Week if Pern only had an equivalent to QVC.
Questions and Answers
The Wing-shadowing exercise that I'sai has set up for the Weyrlings gives Mirah an opportunity to ask Kassi a thing or two.
Udderly Amoosing
Aeriste is a sick, sick man.
It's Not Easy Being Green
It's Yselle's turn to ask advice from the Wingleader whose Wing she's shadowing--and there seems to be a theme developing as far as topics go.
The Hatching of Gold Niyath and Bronze Nraith's Clutch
Candidates! Impressions! Betting on the ledges! Kassi wins marks! What else would you expect?
The Leading Cause of Concern
Now Javi has questions for Kassi: the newest Weyrling Wingleader seeks some counsel on how to fill her position.
You Get What You Pay For
Have we mentioned that Kassi likes being bribed? Have we mentioned that she's prone to taking bribes for the weirdest things in the weirdest circumstances? Have we mentioned that the latest group of Weyrlings is graduating? And have we mentioned that, because Kassi is shameless, these things are all too connected?
Lie To Me
When Javinia tries to make Kassi feel a smidge guilty about accepting those earbobs, Kassi instead ends up feeling an impulse to give Javi some tips on the art of creative untruth.
Better Living Through Bribery
Kassima must figure she's stumbled on a good thing in this bribery business, since she cheerfully accepts Taylin's promise of a riding jacket in exchange for what turns out to be a tapping.
As Time Goes By
Merielan and Kassima reminisce together about their lives prior to Impression.
Divine Secrets of the Telgar Sisterhood
You wouldn't really expect five Telgar women to relax in the Springs without gossip being involved, would you?
Evening Shade
There are eggs on the Hatching Sands of Igen, and I'sai and Kassi decide to go take a look.
First Introductions
Kassi's trying to corrupt Javi again! And if she doesn't actually get the brownrider drunk, she does succeed in showing her the glories of graffiti.
Marble Flooring
How insane is T'van, anyway?
Flights of Fancy
Two greenriders share conversation about children, about flights, and about when those two things intersect.
Can We Say 'Role Reversal'?
Why, yes, I think we can! Yselle's hitting on almost anything that moves. T'van's trying to fend off her advances. What's wrong with this picture?
The Rewards of Impulse
Kassi discovers what can be gained when one dares to make an impulsive offer--both by the one so offered, and by the one doing the offering.
Starlight Express
Gay and Kassima share some quality mentee/mentor time.
Trading Spaces
For a wonder, Javi manages to escape having hay glued to her walls. And no broken glass happens either! Hildi would never approve.
Girl Talk
Kassi, Javi, and Yselle indulge in some cheerful chitchat, including just a little more talk about the flight.
Say It With Flair
Kassima has news for I'sai, and a gratitude in its telling that calls for a special form of expression.
Give Us a Kiss!
Apparently T'van is very insane. But for whatever reason, Kassi decides to honor a bargain she made with the bluerider instead of reenacting the Nutting of B'var on his person when she has the chance.
The Fertile Crescent
Greenriders congregate and share gossip, bubbly pies, and fond thoughts of emasculation.
Berry, Berry, Quite Contrary
Even at his flower-wielding worst, T'van is no match for Kisai.
We're a Happy Family
With a great big hug, and a kiss from me to you--well, or maybe not; instead of kisses and hugs, there's much banging of blocks and sharing of news when Javinia visits Kassi at her home.
A Gift of Amber
When Gay dared the Storage Rooms late one Telgar night, she probably wasn't expecting her mentor to ambush her with presents.
Everybody Wants To Rule the World
Will Gay, Kassima, or Kichevio ultimately triumph as the conqueror of all Pern? And under whose rule would the planet's bronzerider population most benefit?
I'll Tell You What I Want, What I Really, Really Want
Yselle and Kassima chew the baby fat (eww, no, not literally) in the Caverns.
The Hatching of Xemyth and Zerth's Clutch
Lysseth elects to celebrate the Hatching of a new High Reaches clutch by composing a terrible limerick for the dragonets' grandfather, Taralyth! Kassi, on the other hand, sticks with the usual betting and cheering. It's a sad thing when she's the saner of the two.
And His Name Was Aiken Drum
Kaylira, Keveris, and Kisai have all Impressed fire-lizards; now it's finally Kharisma's turn.
This Hand Is Your Hand, This Hand Is My Hand
Several visitors pop in and out of the Living Cavern on a night when Kassima's playing dragonpoker with a handful of Wingmates.
Great Expectations
And unto Kichevio in the form of a pregnant greenrider did Kassima speak the words of prophecy; and she did foretell the coming of the Plague of Telgar, a plague of spawn so great that their numbers would blanket the world.
The Kalifornia Kaisan
I'sai proves to be a font of support, and Yancy a font of annoyance, when Kassima delivers a beautiful son whose name is not 'Raisin' regardless of what may have been heard through the grapevine.
Blanket Statements
Merielan brings a lovely gift when she comes to visit Kassi and Kaisan.
Simple Watercolor Memories
Yselle, too, comes to visit mother and son with a present in hand, and the nature of it leads them into discussion of mementos.
Beer Me Up, Scotty
Telgar's hosting an autumn festival, and beers of all kinds can be found in the starring role.
Sweet Success
Rahlan learns that he may have wussy girly-intestines from one Kassi Schwarzenegger.
Sibling Rivalry
Isawen finds an audience for her sisterly complaints in Kassi, I'sai, and ferocious, wriggly Kaisan.
Presents of Mind
The exchange of birthing-gifts is completed when Kassi tracks down Is to bestow presents upon him.
On Top of Spaghetti
Can a proddy J'lyn and unorthodox Telgar cooking make poor D'san flee?
I've Got a Theory
Merielan's hiding something, and Kassi has her own ideas as to what. (Bunnies! Bunnies, it must be bunnies!)
Juliri's Search
An errand to Igen allows Kassi and Yselle to meet with Juliri, whose destiny as Kalirielle's father Lysseth seems intent on forestalling.
Well Met and Welcome
Another Candidate group has their dinner, and tidbits of personal histories--not to mention proposals for the usage of ferrets--run rife.
Winter at Telgar sees the return of the snow-wars, only this time it's the Weyrlings (and Kassima) versus the Weyrlingmaster staff.
Beggars Can't Be Choosers
The Weyrlings and Weyrfolk are for once actively encouraged to indulge their pyromania!
The Hatching of Isanth and Aisheth's Clutch
There's no Imperial March playing to signal Kassi and Lanisa's doom during this Fort Hatching, but all things considered, there probably should be.
Northstar Wing Flies Resupply
The Northstar Weyrlings face their trial-by-fire in a Threadfall that is not unshadowed by tragedy.
Grovel, Grovel
Juliri gets what she paid for, and Kassi gets what she begs for, but when the Weyrling proves reluctant to uphold her end of the deal, she may get more than she bargained for.
They Call Me Blackjack Davy
Apparently, T'van's in search of a fair young lady--but this time to take Dehlan's mind off Yselle rather than to warm his bed. A shame for him that Kassima's more interested in gambling.
Snakes and Snails and Puppy-Dog Tails
That's what little Kaswyns are made of!
The Quilted Picker-Upper
Kazy tells his mother allllll about his part-time caretaker Jivren's apparent obsession with rear ends. It's not a conversation most mothers would envision having with their four-Turn-old.
Wise Children
Casual chat between Kassima and I'sai meanders topic-wise from chaos and pandemonium to their children, which seems a natural enough progression.
Like Father, Like Son
O'wyn brings Kaswyn back from a Southern visit and finds time to socialize with Kassi before he leaves.
The Future Is Forsaken
Gay finds Kassima by the Lake Shore, leading the two to discuss men, children, Liabeth, and what the riders of Pern might be facing when the Pass has closed.
Liabeth's First Clutching
Liabeth lays eggs, T'van lays his life on the line, and Kassi lays down the law regarding not being purchasable for any two marks. Hmph!
Search and Marriage
They may not go together like a horse and carriage, but both of these things await Kassi--as well as Claret and Metri respectively--one night by the Lake.
It's Just a Swish To the Left....
And then a rappel to the ri-i-i-i-i-ight! Candidates and Kassima hobnob in the Caverns, and Metri shows off his femininity to all.
Marital Difficulties
Some bickering couples seek divorce. Kassima and Metri seek help in drowning each other. It's like an Agatha Christie novel gone horribly wrong.
Pleased To Meet You
Kassi makes the acquaintance of Velano, another of the Candidates, and finally exchanges names with Amarie.
Labor Day
A snowy Telgar day sees false labor on Yselle's part and ice-skating on Amarie's part, with Kassima and many others attempting to help.
Trousseau Or Consequences
More Candidates! More dinnerage! But this time, there's a new form of entertainment courtesy of Velano and Tobay.
Conspiracy Theories
Claret and Kassima attempt to untangle the truth behind Tobay's vast seat-warming conspiracy.
Fight 'Til Everyone Is Dead
Jaleran and Amarie come across Kassi in the Springs, and some discussion of familes, Threadfall, death, and the combination of these things ensues.
The Final Threadfall
The Northern dragonriders of Pern face the final Threadfall of the Tenth Pass together. It's an occasion of some tragedy... but one of far greater triumph.
Morning Aftermath
The Infirmary is host to a discussion between Wingleaders when R'var visits Kassima, who was injured in the final Fall.
Pool Party
Kassima, Yselle and her children, and a number of Candidates all hit the Springs for some soaking; in the case of Jaleran and Metri, fancy diving is also involved.
One-Eyed, One-Horned Flying Purple Puppy Eater
Why does Taralyth always get to eat the puppies? Why does anyone entrust Metri with children? And why is Kassi talking about rock-hard thighs?
It's a convergence of gimps as Is drops in on Kassi and Kiss, bearing a Turnday gift for his daughter.
Billie J'len Is Not My Lover
He's just a bronzer who thinks that M'tri's the one....
A Touch of Class
Kassima, as newly-assigned mentor to Claret and V'lano, gets a chance to participate in the Weyrlings' first groundriding lesson.
A True Love of Mine
No, not a man; it's their children that Kassi and Emilly discuss by the Lake one night, along with childhood and other things less treasured.
Try Your Wings
In this second Weyrling class, the dragonets test their wings in their very first, riderless glides.
Kaisan's Super-Wonderful Blue
Another gathering of Weyrlings sees Kaisan fighting Thread aboard Daikoth, at least in his own mind; it also sees talk of children and secrets, and M'tri's many scandalous affairs.
Teach Me the Magic of Flight
Now the Weyrling pairs are ready to take flight together--and do so as newly-minted members of Icemelt Weyrling Wing.
Blood and Gold
V'lano's Volath is the recipient of a nighttime hunting lesson from an enthused and hungry Lysseth.
Through an Acre of Fire I Would Travel
The Weyrlings undergo a lesson in nonlethal pyromania, and no one gets burned even a little. Will wonders never cease?
I Consign Thee To Oblivion
Kassima and M'rek of High Reaches taste-test a couple of the greenrider's latest drink experiments, but everyone makes it out of the Lava Lounge alive anyway.
All That Lies Between
The Icemelt crew takes their first trip between; Kassima and K'ran watch from below, discussing the change to come for Telgar's Wings.
*Between* Worries
All is not going well for M'tri, as Kassi learns when the blue Weyrling talks with her in the Weyrgardens.
Hypothetical Needles
Let's talk about sex, baby! Let's talk about you and me! Let's talk about all those bright greens, and the bad things that may be. (For the record, that summary is all Lanisa's fault.)
Icemelt Weyrling Wing's Rope Drill
The Icemelt Weyrlings will never have to face Threadfall. But in this rope drill, they have a chance to show the Weyr how well they'd meet the challenge.
Duty Before Pleasure
Off to Bitra the Weyrlings and Weyrlingmasters go, where they and those who tag along with them have occasion to meet some of the Hold's finest and to miraculously dodge eating tripe.
Fruitful Meetings
Vahara brings the Telgar contingent a gift and an invitation.
Puttin' On the Ritz
The Weyrlings' Bitra campout closes with a formal dinner in their honor, which is quite a success--though no one's enjoyment level would seem able to top M'rek's.
Graduation Day
They survived! The Icemelt Weyrlings graduate in an evening Lakeside ceremony, attended by family, friends, and one very proddy greenrider.
Lysseth's Nineteenth Flight
Kassi's plans to maim her faithless wife (and maybe a few other people while she's at it) are disrupted when Lysseth finally puts the Weyr out of her misery and rises, with several recent graduates in pursuit.
A Jewel Among Wingriders
M'tri refuses to let Lanisa and Kassima rummage around in his pockets for some strange reason, so Kassi must resort to other measures in order to bring the bluerider into her Wing.
These Boots Were Made For Tapping
A'tan's efforts to compose a song in Kassi's honor are punished horribly by the evil, cruel Wingleader.
Symphony In Black and White
The Harpers' gala concert at Bitra Hold provides a feast of music and message, which gives Kassima and the other attendees plenty of food for thought.
Carpe Talum
The splash-intensive antics of dragons lead V'lano and Kassima to seize a moment.
Promotional Materials
Kassima's not the only one tapping Weyrlings at Telgar; Yselle proves that when she presents Claret with an Icewind patch, with the greenrider's erstwhile mentor and V'lano there to witness.
What Has It Got In Its Pocketses?
T'bay claims to have the Most-Bruised Rump of All Time. It's probably as well for all concerned that Kassi doesn't ask him to prove this title before offering a Wing patch as prize.
Auld Lang Syne
Celebrating Turnover at Harper Hall is the thing to do this Turn, particularly for those who like combining high fashion and snowball fights.
May You Live In Interesting Times
'Interesting' may be an understatement for V'lano's life these days--and K'ran's late-night visit to the Living Caverns spices things up for him that much more.
M'tri the Snowman
Kassima abjectly refuses to pat snow from her wife's rear end. Is it any wonder these two seem headed for divorce?
Love On the Rocks
The Man finds a very effective way of keeping Kassi and M'rek down when they invade the Beastcraft Lounge and plague Cailin mercilessly.
Go Directly To Questions
Do not pass Go. Do not collect two hundred blushing points.
Whatever Roddy Wants
In the middle of Harper Hall might not be the wisest place for two drunken riders to sing the Masterharper this sort of serenade, but has wisdom ever stopped this particular pair before?
Tell Me a Story
An errand to Beastcraft Hall gives Kassi a chance to become better acquainted with Journeywoman Cailin.
Shots Through the Heart
And Kassi's to blame, but hopefully not for giving liquor a bad name; the greenrider goes on a Lava Lounge trip with T'bay and V'lano, and since none of them are sober enough to make it home, I think it qualifies as a resounding success.
An Offer You Can't Refuse
Kassima just won't be content until she's gotten bribes--of one sort or another--from half the free world, will she?
Fifty Ways To Strain Your Muscles
A bruised Yselle and a bar-betting Kassima meet up at the Lounge one night, where relationships and hobbies of various kinds become the topics of conversation.
Chaos, Colors, Chickens--Clutching!
Lhiannonth and Volath's eggs arrive, with various parties present to spectate and speculate.
Information Exchange
Kassi meets and converses with a traveler from the South.
Shop 'Til You Drop
Cailin and Kassi are in the market for new clothes, but end up doing more musing on the nature of risk than actual buying.
Cage and Aquarium
After a Beastcraft runner race--ahem, 'demonstration,' Kassi and Cailin talk some about choices and the repercussions thereof.
The Battle of Bastings
Trust it to be a Beastcraft Gather that leads to attendants thwapping each other with meat products.
We Do Chicken Right
Kassima visits V'lano at High Reaches. Giant chickens and incestual cannibalism are discussed. This is probably not coincidence.
Dust To Dust
M'tri, Lanisa, and Kassima engage in a conversation so wrong that there are no words for the depth of the wrongness.
Satiet's a Wench (In D-Minor)
This trip to High Reaches doesn't see Kassi finding Vel right away, but instead making the acquaintance of a less-than-pleasant Candidate and finding out some interesting things from M'rek.
The Best Girlfriend M'rek Never Had
Among several other very intriguing things, Kassima learns of M'rek's tragic love that can never, ever be.
Daughter of the Wher, She Walks Again
Once again, Kassi runs into Satiet--this time with M'tri, Vel, Lanisa, and Aislinn also present--and her opinion of the Candidate is lowered yet further. Who'd have thought it was possible?
Blast From the Past
A'lex! Kassi! M'tri! Dragonpoker! And hip-swishing galore!
Daughters Dearest
A trio of High Reaches riders visits the Lava Lounge while Kassi is doing business there.
What's In a Name?
In this case, an adventure. Sensitive information that Kassima has purchased for M'rek leads the two riders straight to an Ista goldflight, and while M'rek does claim a victory, it's not one of the anticipated sort.
Tocatta and Wench
Three guesses who Kassima crosses paths with in the High Reaches galleries, and the first two don't count.
Strange Love
Kassima declares her desire for a bald-headed man. And so, after a fashion, does M'rek.
Care For a Spot of Tea, Dearie?
T'bay and Kassi descend on the hapless V'lano and tease him most horribly, with the bronzerider teasing them in turn.
Just Me and My Shadow
M'rek certainly provides the High Reaches Candidates with an interesting experience when they shadow him for a day.
Star-Crossed Riders
Two riders, each one lacking dignity, in fair High Reaches, where we lay our scene, from tragic lust break to new mutiny, where hottest blood makes hottest hands unclean.
Tease Me, Displease Me
The road to a bummed Yselle is paved with good intentions.
Two of a Kind
High Reaches' costume party proves to be a lovely and well-attended event--especially well-attended by Rodric and M'rek, who each manage to be there twice. Sort of.
Was There a Man Dismayed?
Not though the bronzer knew someone had blundered: Cailin's was to make reply, Kassi's was not to reason why, M'rek's was to dance or die: into Jock Baylyff's Bar rode the six hundred.
Breakfast At Tiffany's
V'lano finally makes Kassima her breakfast according to the terms of their wager, but the conversation that follows provides yet another meaning of the word 'after' for them.
Chim Chim Cher-ee!
Though she's covered in dust from her head to her toes, Kassi gives visitors welcome wherever she goes.
Down In the Underground
Kassima and others brave an insect infestation to see Ulfianth and Essieth's eggs be clutched.
The Hatching of Lhiannonth and Volath's Clutch
There was no question of Kassima missing the hatching of Volath's clutch--if for no other reason than to see whether a giant chicken will be born.
It's Not Whether You Win Or Lose
...But how you play the game. And if Kassi's method of playing has left her owing V'lano two forfeits instead of one, it's hard to be too distraught about that, or about anything else while toasting the Hatching in the Living Cavern afterwards.
The End of the Idyll
Later on Hatching night, V'lano and Kassima celebrate the event and the time it's given them together in their own way.
When Life Hands You Lemons, Make Lemonsmile
And when life hands you SuSus, make a casserole!
What Can Green Do For You?
Kassima plays courier for M'rek and pays one more visit to High Reaches, to see a woman about some horses.
Suddenly SuSusan
M'rek, L'vor, Kassima, and M'tri choke down disgusting bugs for fun and profit.
Sister, Sister
Is it true you can catch more flies with dragon eggs than vinegar?
Whatever You Imagine
Kassi's latest visit to Ista is rife with green runnerbeasts and imaginary fire-lizards, and yet she's completely sober. That's kind of tragic, really.
Eggland's Best
Further proof that bribery works! Kassi takes Stavren and his miraculously well-behaved little sisters on a trip to Ista, with M'tri along as a bonus.
Safe As Houses
V'lano is just never going to lead an uncomplicated life. Never, ever. Ever.
The Color of Trust
Kassima and M'rek continue to conspire, and Kassi receives some evidence of trust that surprises her.
We Are On Errantry, And We Greet You
Craftmaster Learan becomes the first recipient of one of Kassi's green runners.
Arrows of the Queen
A runner delivery to Josilina lands Kassi in the right place at the right time--if one could call it that--to witness certain critical events at High Reaches.
And Shadows Skirt the Bloody Sun
When she returns from High Reaches, Kassi and Lyss find V'lano and Volath willing to offer them comfort... but their conversation only leaves both riders tense and uneasy.
A Horse of a Different Color
V'lano and Kassima go back to the 'Reaches to discuss green runnerbeasts and bald men, as well as not-quite-bald not-quite-men-yet in the case of Josilina's newborn son Jorel.
Settle For Nothing
With just a few statements, M'rek does an incomparable job of shaking Kassi's world.
Colorful Conversation
Amelliane comes across Kassi, Kaisan, and half a million fire-lizards shortly after arriving at Telgar.
Settle My Mind
Kassi and Vel's path to love may be a narrow, narrow road, thick beset with thorns and briars (one of which probably has a name starting with 'M' and ending with 'rek'), but they still seem to find it worth traveling.
The Caprine and the Carpenter
Visitors do tend to flock to the Weyr after one of the golds has risen, and a pensive Kassi has occasion to meet two such travelers by the Lake Shore.
Got Milk?
Kassima is turning down M'tri's offer of good Benden wine? Has she contracted some sort of deadly mind-scrambling plague?
Panic! Panic! Push the Red Button!
A pregnancy isn't always welcome news. But V'lano and Kassi have each other to turn to for support, when the tides of panic threaten to rise high.
Riadur's Search
Riadur may be a sissy scared girly-man of a Candidate, but he's Lysseth's sissy scared girly-man of a Candidate.
Midday In the Garden of Good and Evil
So much for searches for flowers and mint--there are backrubs to be had in the Weyrgardens on this fine summer afternoon, and talk of things delicious, things delightful, and at least one thing dangerous.
Ask Me Your Questions, Bridgekeeper!
Kassi checks in with Lysseth's latest Searchee and manages to embarrass him half to death in the doing. That woman has talent.
Planting Notions
Kassi, T'bay, and Claret toss berries at each other, and between fruitful assaults find time to catch up on life.
Sales Under Sails
A luxury cruise off the shore of Boll offers the guests an opportunity to contribute funds towards restoring the monsoon damage, while receiving a feast and beautiful items in exchange.
Save the Last Dance
The Candidates' welcome dinner is a rocky experience for Kassi until a dance with V'lano sweetens it considerably.
Playing For Cookies
Kassi didn't meet M'tri for poker expecting that Erisan would play too, but she's not about to pass up a chance to score sweets from a two-Turn-old.
Sing the Praises of Pants
Does M'rek know more about Craftmaster Learan's kidnapping than he lets on?
Raspberry War
It's a gambling trip to Bitra for Kassi, M'tri, and Erisan; if that boy ends up an addict someday, he won't know who to blame.
Circle In the Sand
Acting Weyrwoman Josilina welcomes Kassima to her new home: Igen Weyr.
Great Balls of Fire
Maygan and Agyar play Thread and dragon respectively with Kassima on hand to cheer for them.
First Fall Over Benden
After a long reprieve from the resumed Threadfalls, Benden Hold's luck runs out and Igen must protect their territory.
Survivor Igen Desert
Igenites trek out into the dunes for a Search and Rescue campout.
Moving On Up
Now Josilina's back in the big leagues, gettin' her turn at bat. Since Lhiannonth's risen, it's her and Igen, baby, there ain't nothin' wrong with that.
Purple Eggs, Purple Eggs
Someone should give Lhiannonth a pendant shaped like the Love Symbol.
Walladru's Search
There are eggs on the Sands in need of Candidates to touch them! And Lysseth believes she's found just the man for the job.
Raykini's Search
Even though Tisiath can't promise him fish, Raykini accepts the blue's offer of a place in the Barracks.
Kant's Search
A green accident haunts the walkway of Igen Hold; it isn't Lysseth, though, and her invitation to Kant to Stand is quite deliberate.
I Put a Spell On You
What does Igen's future hold? Ovines and Lord Holders between two slices of bread, apparently.
Icarus's Search
Lysseth's going to outdo Tisiath at this Searching thing if it kills her.
Sacks Alive
Everyone gathers by the Lake for the Candidate dinner and a healthy serving of fish balls, purple beads, and giant stuffed tunnelsnakes.
Who Ya Gonna Call?
Walladru's flamethrower demonstration for Igen does not involve the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man, and that is a darned shame.
Reprobate Returned, Impropriety Deferred
Not even in A'deth's twisted mind do Candidate robes and pink straps go together.
Too Legit To Quit
Fresh new poofy pants, you cracked all the nuts, now you know you wanna dance. So move out of your seat, make Weyrwomen swoon and catch this beat. While they're cooking, hold on, wear a purple vest, let 'em know it's goin' on. Like that, like that, baklava's burning so fall on back. Let 'em know that you're too much and these are the pants, uh, they can't touch.
The Hatching of Lhiannonth and Gelth's Clutch
As Candidate Coordinator Kassi leads the Candidates onto the Sands, and as Assistant Weyrlingmaster she leads a few back off again.
Wine, Women, and... Whatsit?
Kassima raids the kitchens on Turnover night and shares her pillagings with A'deth.
I Got My Mind Set On You
Sria and Kassi put the Weyrlings through their disoriented, spatially confused paces.
Tuesday's Bronze Is Full of Grace
Wednesday's W'adru is full of woe, Thursday's Weyrlings have far to go. Friday's Weyrlingmaster is loving and giving, Saturday's Dragonhealers work hard for a living. And the AWLM born on the Sabbath Day is stretching this poem a bit bloody far, she thinks.
Death By Sandwich
It's nothing new for Kassi to threaten Is's life; it's not even new for her to threaten it with a sandwich. To do so because his son knocked up her daughter, that's new.
Fly Like the Wind
Mounted flights for Mirage Wing! Kassi and Sria supervise; nobody dies. Astonishingly enough.
Scratch 'N Sniff
Tannusen sniffs A'deth, A'deth cheats on his hidework, Kassima declines to engage in table endeavors, and somehow amidst all this the LC manages a serious conversation.
A Visit To Benden Hold
To the Weyrlings' credit, Benden Hold is still standing after they've paid their respects.
The Ashryl Problem
Kassima doesn't have a solution, but she can offer W'adru a sympathetic ear.
That Extra Touch of Glamor
Be an Assistant Weyrlingmaster, clean vomit from the world.
You've Got Questions, We've Got Answers
The Weyrling class covers mating flights.
This Rope Drill Brought To You By Sunkist
Because orange goes so well with purple, really.
A Splendid Evening
A'deth finds Kassima in need of a drink, an ear, and a fine tabledance. He provides them with style, but it's his unexpected proposition that distracts her most.
Filling Awkward Silence
Kassi is given a chance to rethink her decision--and A'deth persuades her gently to take it.
Must. Resist. Blue. Fire-Lizards!
Kassima escapes unscathed, if not unlicked, from the hatching of Kyana's wild gold clutch; ten lucky individuals can't say the same.
Celebrate Good Times, Come On!
Amidst speeches, rings, and poofy pants, the Weyrlings of Lhiannonth and Gelth's clutch become Weyrlings no longer.
Show You How It's Done
Tannusen, Fyra, and Amaris find Kassi not buying black lace at Smithcraft's hosted Craft Fair.
I Saw the Cyme
A distracted young Starsmith wanders into the Living Cavern and discovers Kassi composing there.
Jewels From Sria
If people keep giving Kassima beautiful, sparkling gifts, perhaps someday she'll dazzle like a Cullen!
Time To Shimmy
Trying to out-shimmy A'deth is ever a futile task.
Black Satin and Silver
Kassima delivers her gift to A'deth, black satin in place of lace, and him elegant in it as she dreamed.
In 'Lizard Eggs They Dwell
Kyana's rebuilding Igen's fire-lizard population one clutch at a time!
Even the Desert Knows Spring
While Kassi flirts with her paramour in a flower crown, R'din makes Cyme's acquaintance. The former goes splendidly. The latter, not so much.
Starry, Starry Night
It'd be nice if every trip to tender one's apologies to a Crafter landed one in a bar, particularly with a silver-haired greenrider willing to pay the tab.
Kitchen Confidential
Kassi's side-trip to the kitchens to cook up some fish leads her to conversations with W'adru, Meilyn, and A'deth; and in the latter case, a rather short-lived dinner.
Everybody's Selfish
So Desdinova thinks, but she asks Kassima to mediate an apology to A'deth nevertheless.
Unto the Fourth Generation
Saiya, I'sai, Ilessa, Ileste: four generations of I'sai's direct line, and when Kassi meets that youngest scion she doesn't know the half of the tangle.
Oven Mitts In Spaaaaaace!
The things a woman has to do to get a constellation named after her these days.
Much Too Young To Feel This Damn Old
Blue lips, an unsteady heart, these frightful things are not to be borne in A'deth and so Kassima drags him to Iesia to be checked over.
You think you're sitting down to an interesting Dragonhealing lecture, and then, boom, dead chickens.
Naara's Search
Yes, all the glories of washing Lysseth's wing can be Naara's for the low, low price of sevendays of chores!
Chaton's Search
Betcha can't Search just one!
Tannusen's Search
Well, that's one way to get everyone's mind off eating your spleen....
Neiravi's Search
Usually everyone's happy for a new Candidate. Usually.
Beli's Search
See her vests, see her vests, three or four piled up with zest; for a Candidate, what better than one made out of a sweater? Lysseth says, and she's sure, that chores Beli should endure, and when it comes to Searching she's the best! But 'til the day or night when Beli must wear white, see her vests, see her vests, see her vests!
Herdbeast Man Was Here
Kassi's officially spent too long staring at grease stains. (Okay, so two minutes would be too long staring at grease stains.)
I Wanna Dance With Somebody
Kassi wants to feel the heat with somebody--ooh, she wants to dance with somebody, with somebody who mops pee.
It's All Rock and Paint To Me
Old traditions never die, they only splatter paint over new sets of hands.
Final Limit
If you want to cross a bridge, my sweet, you've got to pay a toll.
Storm Gathering
Where better to watch storms from than the Weyr rim, and what better light show for an Igen party than what nature provides?
Stickin' It To 'Em
Alleyana visits to see her brother Tannusen; instead she gets Kassi and Dali dueling with brooms, not quite the same thing.
O Fortuna
Beli again looks into the future--all the way to the year 2000!
Sand Trek
The desert... the final frontier. These are the voyages of the Igen Candidates. Their mission: to explore strange landscapes, to pitch tents and cook tunnelsnake jerky, to boldly get sand where no sand has gone before.
Walk Without Rhythm
Kassima, with A'deth as co-conspirator, has a small detour in mind for the Igenites' trip home.
Girls Dig Scars!
No one shall be allowed to flex during the thrilling Infirmary scene!
I Love the '80s
Zabreneva's eggs spill fifteen very... eccentric hatchlings onto the sands. Yes, the Michael Jackson hatchling went to someone over eighteen.
Dali's Got a Knife
They say when Barracks were inspected, they found it beneath her pillow! The 'snake fears for his life; now that Dali's got a knife, he ain't ever gonna bite her, nooooooo....
Ball Room Blitz
I'm sure Kassi had no ulterior motives in arranging an event that lets her throw things at the Candidates. Nope, none at all.
The Hatching of Lhiannonth and Jaireth's Clutch
Because the Weyrleaders are insane, it's as Weyrlingmaster that Kassima greets her once-and-future charges as they come off the Sands with dragonets in tow.
Why Is Water Wet?
Kassima teaches her Weyrlings an early lesson in shielding and exercise.
Formal In Formation
H'sen, T'nnusen, Ch'ton, and their lifemates get a taste of groundriding and unmounted... err, hop-glide.
Into the Air
Flight! Kassima and A'deth lead the Weyrlings through that first, unforgettable experience: flying on their dragons.
Neiravi In the Sky With a Diamond
Under Kassi's supervision Neiravi and Sislyth have their turn at flying.
Wind and Sky and Freedom
Celane and Autryth get their flying lesson.
Over the Borderline
As do K'avu and Luscinth, soon after.
Through Adversity To the Stars
Kassima takes the Weyrlings to a tavern, but she doesn't let any of them drink. Cruellest. Weyrlingmaster. Ever.
Baklava Bonding
Next stop: Benden Hold, home of Winecraft Hall and the best alcohol anywhere--which the Weyrlings don't get to taste either.
A few members of the class make their first jumps between, landing at Fort Weyr as Kassi did when she was in their place.
Go, Speed-Racer
It's between again for the Weyrlings and an afternoon of snow play and sleds waiting at the other end, with Kassima discovering at last her sled-racing destiny.
Between and Beyond
Maybe Kassi's had enough of snow; she takes Neiravi and Sislyth to Ista when it's time for them to jump.
Mind Your Eyebrows
For a miracle, nobody throws up this time.
Disturbing the Peace
Lysseth's rather vexed when the one time Kassi doesn't linger somewhere in the between lesson is when she leads K'avu and Luscinth to Boll.

Back to Kassi's Page

Current count of logs: 784.

Last updated October 24, 2008.

The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright. The character of Kassima, her websites, and all materials being presented as written by her are the intellectual property of her player. My heartfelt gratitude goes to everyone whose logs I've posted here.

Dragon Theme Button 1997 (c) Dee Dreslough. Visit her Gallery to get your own free art.

Images and dragons drawn by Dee Dreslough used on this page are not inspired by or in any way related to the Dragonriders of Pern(tm) by Anne McCaffrey. They are either traditional Earth dragons or Dimar and are all original works.