The Hatching of Gold Ladonyth and Bronze Vaeth's Clutch
PernMUSH, October 20, 1996
The World of Pern is
copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a
registered copyright.
You carefully navigate into the Weyr's hatching grounds and land on the
You slide off of Lysseth's neck to land beside her easily. She rumbles,
cocking her head down at you, and you rub her eyeridges gratefully.
Dh'lon climbs down Wyith's side to the ground, as the dragon rumbles softly.
R'val leaps to his feet, beaming excitedly, "I heard the news, came as soon
as I could!" He hurries towards Alyssa and Alea.
Dh'lon gives Wyith a pat with a smile and turns to look around him.
Prometh flies in from the Bowl and lands on the ledges.
Perith flies in from the Bowl and lands on the ledges.
Genneth flies in from the Bowl and lands on the ledges.
Mounted upon Prometh, Kethran smiles, and releases his hold on Karise's
shoulders as Prometh lands. He fumbles with the straps for a moment, his
eager attention focussed on the Sands far below.
Kassima waves cheerfully to Alyssa, R'val, and everyone else that she
recognizes, already climbing up to her accustomed viewing seat on Lysseth's
foreleg. "Good view, Lyss," she says approvingly to her lifemate. The green
merely rumbles in reply, craning her head to peer at the Sands below.
From Genneth's neck, Nya unbuckles her straps.
Mounted upon Prometh, K'tyn removes himself from Prometh's straps, then
undoes Karise's as well.
Nya dismounts from Genneth.
Kyleri slides down Perith's extended foreleg to the ground.
Perith settles into a clear spot, throat vibrating with the hum.
Genneth croons softly once her rider is safely on the ground.
Kheveth flies in from the Bowl and lands on the ledges.
On the Sands, One of the eggs teeters slightly, and then is still.
Seated upon Prometh, Karise grins, before slipping quietly to the ground
Karise loosens her fingers from Prometh's ridges as she uses a proffered
foreleg to assist in making her way to the ground.
K'tyn slides down Prometh's fiery bronze flank to come to rest on the
ground. Prometh swings his head around to regard his lifemate gently.
Kethran loosens his fingers from Prometh's ridges as he uses a proffered
foreleg to assist in making his way to the ground.
Karise turns to regard her lifemate for a moment, and without a word
spoken, Erinyth turns and ambles away.
Dh'lon looks over and gives a wave to Kethran with a wink.
Rialeth flies in from the Bowl and lands on the ledges.
Nya quietly greets those whom she knows.
Vidarth crooons towards Rialeth, whirling his eyes at her.
Genneth croons to Rialeth!
Kessith flies in from the Bowl and lands on the ledges.
R'val glances up from his place as Rialeth lands, and grins, waving towards
her rider, "Vivian!"
Kessith lands neatly,allowing Rhy to slide off.
Kethran smiles at Dh'lon, with a wide grin, and winks in return, before
glancing back down at the Sands to see if anything is happening. Then, he
returns his attention to Dh'lon. "Heya!" he calls to the bluerider, waving
him over.
Wyith rumbles and lays down, resting his head on the stone of the ledge and
looking down at the sands.
Rialeth croons to Genneth and Vidarth, her wings rustling with excitment as
she tucks them against her back.
Vivian grabs onto the flight straps and swings off Rialeth's neck, sliding
down a foreleg before she hops down to the ground.
K'tyn waves to those he knows, and grins at those he doesn't. He sits near
his weyrmates, Kethran and Karise; his eyes intent on the eggs below.
Zibrith flies in from the Bowl and lands on the ledges.
Dh'lon smiles and crosses over to Kethran, "Hello, Ket. It's been a while."
On the Sands, Jaela mms and glances a bit at R'yel, biting her lip, "My,
you never think this time comes soon enough." She looks out over the eggs
and stands up from her mat.
From Zibrith's lower neck ridges, Starratiel says "The ledges is fine,
Elyandra swings gracefully from Zibrith's neck, using a thoughtfully
extended forleg, she slides to the ground. Her eyes are distant as she
speaks silently to her dragon before giving her an affectionate rub on her
Nya hugs Vivian. "Ista's duty to Fort."
R'val grins, "Vivian. It's a pleasure to see you again!:"
Starratiel clings to Zibrith's riding straps and slides down her extended
forlimb, landing on the ground beside the great Green dragon.
Vivian smiles and waves to those she knows. Catching R'vals words she turns
and waves. "R'val!"
Kassima nods vaguely to the various incoming riders, glancing over at
R'val. "So what's your guess as to first color this time, bluerider?" she
inquires. "I think 'twill be brown. Lyss says green, as always."
Starratiel waves to everyone and looks around for a seat...
Elyandra looks around and makes her way over to Alyssa, pausing to salute
Vivian, "Benden's Duty to for and her Queens, Weyrwoman." She smiles and
moves on past.
Vivian returns Nya's hug, grinning. "And Fort's duty to Ista. How have you
been, Nya?"
Karise settles down on her cloak, right between Kethran and K'tyn, looking
way down to the sands below. Nosbleed section, for sure.
Kyleri looks around, getting her bearings, then spots Alea across the crowd
and waves.
Vivian grins at R'val. "Good to see you."
On the Sands, R'yel smiles and nods, "Well, at least it was an enjoyable
time to wait."
Kethran smiles to Dh'lon. "It has indeed, bluerider. Been... since that
visit to High Reaches to check on Breana, I believe," he says, remembering.
"Do you know K'tyn, Prometh's rider, and Karise, Erinyth's rider?" he asks
Dh'lon formally. "From Benden Weyr?"
R'val looks up at Kassima's comment, "Enh? I'm betting a bronze!" He
replies certainly, and smiles warmly at Vivian, "And you. How're you and
Alea waves to Kyleri from her perch on Gwirith's forelimb.
Starratiel spots Keth and K'tyn and waves.
Zibrith settles in next to Adonith and croons, fluttering her wings
momentarily before folding them pristeenly across her back.
Caitria grins as spots the Benden contingent. "Nayth went to get another
lot of them...left me up here. Nice, eh?" She shakes her head, then hms at
Kassi's words. "Blue, I'd say. If I were a betting type." She winks.
Rhyana settles back against Kessith, nodding at assorted people she knows.
Dh'lon glances down at Karise and K'tyn, then shakes his head with a smile.
"No, I don't I'm afraid."
Mallorith flies in from the Bowl and lands on the ledges.
On the Sands, Jaela runs a hand through her hair as she smiles up and
watches the stands briefly before looking back out at the eggs and nodding,
"It sure always is."
V'han slips off Mallorith down to the ground and chuckles as she whuffles
him gently.
R'val grins up at Caitria k nowingly, 'Which you aren't?"
From Kheveth's back, N'ren remains sitting on his dragon, somewhat
V'han wavies to all he knows.
Vivian smiles, "We're wonderful, thank you. Enjoying the cold of winter."
Her eyes scan the sands below."
Kyleri makes her way over to Alea, grinning with the excitement.
Shanth flies in from the Bowl and lands on the ledges.
Vivian waves to V'han!
Starratiel waves to the people she knows, then looks around for an empty
spot to sit in....
Nya says "I've been well. I miss Fort -- even the awful cold there."
V'han smiles and salutes. "Evening, Weyrwoman Vivian."
Kassima hmphs. "Brown," she repeats, then grins at Tria. "Bets? Who's
talking about bets? 'Tis just a friendly guessing game... nay wagering
here, nay 'tall." She peers back out at the eggs. "I suppose we'll see
who's right soon enough, eh?"
Kethran waves to Starratiel, and then nods to Dh'lon. "Kiat, Karise? This
is Dh'lon, rider blue Wyith, at High Reaches. Did I get all that right?" he
asks Dh'lon, with a grin. Then, he chuckles softly and murmurs something
else so that only the three riders close to him can hear.
R'val grins at Vivian, "Enjoying winter? I admire your attitude, then!"
Alea gesture Kyleri over. "Heya! About time these eggs decided to hatch!"
Vivian grins at Nya. "We don't visit enough. We'll come to Ista soon and
get caught up on our lives." She returns V'han's salute quickly, giving him
a quick wink.
Rhyana waves at Ch'ran as Shanth lands, then peers down at the sands.
Mounted between Shanth's neckridges, Ch'ran undoes his straps, cheerfully,
and slides to the ground, throwing off a general salute.
Ch'ran slips down off Shanth's shoulders. He leans up against the blue's
smoky side for a moment as his lifemate whuffs him, blowing his hair back
into his eyes.
Kyleri plunks to a seat next to Gwirith's foreleg, nodding. "Seemed to take
forever, this time."
V'han grins to Ch'ran and Rhyana. "Got here in time, it seems."
Nya says "that would be wonderful."
Ashroth flies in from the Bowl and lands on the ledges.
Dh'lon smiles to K'tyn and Karise, "Yes, that's right for me.. and well met
to the both of you."
Rhyana nods at V'han. "Looks like." she says. "Hmmm..."
Vivian chuckles at R'val. "Well, it's always nice to have the weather do
most of the work for you. Leaves us more time to do all those tedious
chores like .. staying warm under the furs."
Ch'ran nods, slightly, and leans against Shanth. "Looks like it.... has
anyone done the Fort's duties to the general populace?" he asks, with a
chuckle. "I'm sure someone has...."
Ashroth settles on the ledges, attempting to land without knocking anyone off.
K'tyn nods a greeting to Dh'lon, tearing his attention from the eggs down
On the Sands, R'yel grins, casting another fond look at Jaela and then
turning to regard the clutch and its proudly beaming, sire and dam.
From Ashroth's neck, T'bin unbuckles himself from the straps, preparing to
T'bin smoothly slides down Ashroth's shoulder and along his leg.
Starratiel spies an open spot a little bit away from the three Ks, and sits
R'val smiles at Vivian, "I know. Tis the reason I enjoy winter so much."
Perith launches herself briefly, to land again next to Gwirith.
T'bin slides down off Ashroth's back, and waves, especially to the Benden
Gwirith warbles a low greeting to Perith.
Vivian smiles at R'val and nods. "Exactly!"
Alea smiles at M'kel.
Dh'lon looks down at the sands curiously.
R'val smiles at Vivian warmly and nods his head in agreement, turning his
attention to the sands.
Tesith flies in from the Bowl and lands on the ledges.
Perith warbles to Gwirith and lowers her head, until it is hovering just
over Kyleri's shoulder.
Merien comes down to Tesith's foreleg, then to the ground.
Vivian mmms softly, "The heat in here is wonderful!"
R'val nods to Vivian, murmuring, "Very nice change from a Benden winter.
Useful though it is, cold is still cold!"
Rhyana nods over at Vivian. "Nice change." she murmurs, shrugging off her
Merien spots Nya and heads that way, turning to check on Tesith once or twice.
Caitria flickers a brief smile to the Fort Weyrwoman, then muses, "Wonder
if they need a Herder?" She winks.
Nya nods to Vivian. "Ista's nice too, albeit rainy."
On the Sands, Ladonyth rumbles and lifts her head up slightly, her eyes
whirling as she watches another egg wobble and fall still again.
Vivian smiles at R'val and Rhyana and nods.
Kassima spots Dh'lon and waves to him, then leans over on Lysseth's
forelimb to try and improve her sight of the clutch. "Brown, brown," she
chants under her breath, earning a snort of disagreement from her lifemate.
"Eh, Tria, d'you know any of the ones Standing? I can't say I've heard of
anyone I know well being Searched this go-round."
Allory hops nimbly off of the smithcraft watchdragon and smiles to the
older blue and his rider, "Thank you N'bok."
T'bin settles back. "Don't get sunburns at Benden, though."
Vivian grins at Nya. "I like the rain though. It's .. soothing."
R'val pokes Kassima with a grin, "Bah. Bronze, I'm telling you."
Ch'ran settles down, peering down towards the sands. After a moment, a
brown firelizard flickers out of /between/, circles briefly, and settles to
an improbable perch on his head.
Caitria nods. "Glynna's there," she says, with a slightly wry grin.
"BeastHall's Steward. I'm surprised you don't remember her. And I don't
want to be there to see the CraftMaster's reaction if she Impresses."
Dh'lon catches a wave out of the corner of his eye and returns it with a
smile. "Hey, Kassi."
Kethran glances over at Ch'ran, and then grins at the bluerider. "You must
be Ellia's cousin," he says, with a chuckle, indicating the brown perched
on the bluerider's head.
Neith flies in from the Bowl and lands on the ledges.
Kassima nudges R'val with her elbow. "Brown! You just watch; you'll see
soone enough that I'm right."
Ciruth flies in from the Bowl and lands on the ledges.
On the Sands, Narai comes out from a small opening in the southern wall.
Verenth flies in from the Bowl and lands on the ledges.
Kethran smiles to K'tyn. "T'will be a bronze," he says, his voice confident.
Cirdanth flies in from the Bowl and lands on the ledges.
Perched on Cirdanth's neck, On Breshtan's shoulder, Swiftwing carefully
steps on a proferred foreleg and hauls herself into a seat between his
On the Sands, Irina comes out from a small opening in the southern wall.
On the Sands, Vitral comes out from a small opening in the southern wall.
Aislinn slides down from atop Ciruth.
Merien recognizes Neith and Ciruth, and waves.
Merellia descends to the ground from Neith's neckridges by the aid of a
considerately extended foreleg.
On the Sands, Shayne comes out from a small opening in the southern wall.
Wyith rumbles a greeting to Ciruth, Cirdanth and Verenth.
On Verenth, Melata grins, "Here we are! Noisy as ever!"
On the Sands, Kestrall comes out from a small opening in the southern wall.
On the Sands, Nimiriel comes out from a small opening in the southern wall.
Vilyath flies in from the Bowl and lands on the ledges.
On the Sands, Mirabeth comes out from a small opening in the southern wall.
Perched on Cirdanth's neck, On Breshtan's shoulder, Swiftwing takes a good
grip on Cirdanth's straps and lowers herself to the ground.
Seated astride Cirdanth, Breshtan smiles as Swiftwing flies over and lands
on his shoulder.
Lorianne takes a good grip on Cirdanth's straps and lowers herself to the
On the Sands, Minya comes out from a small opening in the southern wall.
On the Sands, Sabra comes out from a small opening in the southern wall.
Ch'ran looks up. "Merp?" he says informatively. "Well, brother actually..
though I'm sure there are times we both wish the relationship were a more
distant one."
On the Sands, Trisken comes out from a small opening in the southern wall.
Vivian's attention turns to the sands. "Here they come!"
On the Sands, Glynna comes out from a small opening in the southern wall.
On the Sands, Sejan comes out from a small opening in the southern wall.
On the Sands, Kateal comes out from a small opening in the southern wall.
Aislinn waves over at the others from Ista, squintingout at the sands.
On the Sands, Tierigal comes out from a small opening in the southern wall.
Seated astride Cirdanth, Breshtan unsnaps his buckles rapidly and slides down.
Breshtan takes a good grip on Cirdanth's straps and lowers hisself to the
On the Sands, Another egg wobbles, this time a little longer before it lies
Sayra waits until Vilyath crouches low, then grabs a hold of the riding
straps and skids her way quickly down his side, staggering just a tiny bit
as she reaches the ground.
On the Sands, Shard comes out from a small opening in the southern wall.
R'val nods eagerly to Vivian, eyes fixed ont he sands.
Caitria blinks as she spots her Craftmaster atop Cirdanth. "Remind me never
to say anything like that ever again. Shards! Um...heyla, Master Lorianne."
Lorianne doesn't bother thanking Cirdanth or Kershalla.
On the Sands, Jacera comes out from a small opening in the southern wall.
On the Sands, Celie comes out from a small opening in the southern wall.
Kassima blinks with surprise and chuckles. "Oh, I recall her, sure enough.
She's nay an easy one to forget... didn't know she'd been Searched, though.
Hey, Dh'lon!" she calls over to the bluerider. "What's your guess for first
color? 'Twill be brown, don't you say?"
Kershala takes a good grip on Cirdanth's straps and lowers herself to the
Kiri takes a good grip on Cirdanth's straps and lowers herself to the ground.
On the Sands, Shard bows to the Queen dragon.
Melata hops down Verenth's side to the ground, using his foreleg as a step.
On the Sands, Aryn comes out from a small opening in the southern wall.
On the Sands, Shayne makes sure to remember to bow respectfully to Ladonyth
as she passes by. While doing so she steals a glance at the crowd gathered
and lets out a low whistle of amazement.
Valheru clambers down Verenth's side to the ground, using his foreleg as a
On the Sands, Kateal bows to Ladonyth solemnly.
Alea waves to Shala with a wink for her passengers.
Andrea vaults down Verenth's side to the ground, the dragon's sparkling
eyes watching closely.
Kershala scrambles down, sighing softly after Lorianne, then starts making
her rounds. "Kassi!"
On the Sands, Irina takes her place on the far edge of the sands, well out
of the way.
Dh'lon sighs, "The noise is as horrible as ever I see."
On the Sands, Vitral bows respectfuly to Ladonyth
On the Sands, Nimiriel pauses to bow to Ladonyth respectfully.
On the Sands, Celie enters the Sands, stepping off to the side, next to Irina.
On the Sands, Sabra moves out of the way to let more people through. She
bows deeply to Ladonyth and Vaeth, then moves over to the semicircle,
standing by Nimiriel and Trisken.
On the Sands, Mirabeth nods respectfully to Ladonyth.
On the Sands, Ladonyth eyes look over the Candidates as they file in from
down the tunnel.
On the Sands, Kestrall bows respectfully to Ladonyth, then moves over to
stand with the other candidates.
K'tyn grins at Kethran and laughs at Kassima. "I think the first will be a
lovely green."
On the Sands, Cellia comes out from a small opening in the southern wall.
On the Sands, J'rell comes out from a small opening in the southern wall.
On the Sands, Sejan steps onto the sands slowly, stopping to bow to Ladonyth.
On the Sands, Shandra comes out from a small opening in the southern wall.
On the Sands, Trisken walks out, attempting to look nonchalant, and
failing. He bows with respect to Ladonyth.
On the Sands, Aryn rushes in after everyone else and comes to a skidding
halt. She bows towards Ladonyth, then carefully walks over to join the
forming semi-circle.
On the Sands, Jacera walks out onto the sands, still holding Tierigal's
hand. She smiles at Ladonyth and Vaeth, giving a quick bow to each of them
as she finds a place around the eggs.
On the Sands, Glynna makes a polite and abbreviated bow to Ladonyth,
fearful she'll overbalance and fall face-first onto the sands. She then
remains with Cellia and Aryn, her current cohorts in Candidacy.
On the Sands, Kateal moves over and takes a place in the semicircle of
Dh'lon grins and says, "I bet on a brown."
Kassima laughs. "'Tis a Hatching, Dh'lon! You expect people to be *quiet*?"
She snorts in amusement, then waves cheerfully to Kershala. "Shala! Been a
time since I've seen you--how d'you fare?"
Kethran chuckles softly to Ch'ran, and nods. "I heard 'em discussing you at
F'hlan's Turn-day party. The fire-lizard's what tipped me off."
On the Sands, Tierigal approaches the Ladonyth, halting at a respectful
distance before bowing to both her and Vaeth.
Melata jumps off Verenth, then gets to the edge to look down, "Where's
Aryn...I know there's a REacher down there somewhere."
Bryena vaults down Verenth's side to the ground, as the dragon rumbles softly.
Breshtan looks around, miserable as miserable can be, and manages to find a
place some distance back from the raililng.
Lorianne finds a seat, grumbling at a herder apprentice to move over for
her, "Bloody, sharding hatchings." She looks down and sees Glynna,
"Dragonets better stay away from her if they know what's good for 'em."
Dh'lon smirks at Kassima.
On the Sands, J'rell moves with Shandra to one side.
On the Sands, Cellia joins her fellow candidates hurriedly, almost tripping
over her feet on the hot sands. She pauses long enough to bow respectfully
to Ladonyth.
Alea waves to Aislinn.
On the Sands, Straightening her shoulders, Minya steps out onto the Sands,
bowing deeply to Ladonyth. She then turns to take her place in the loose
semicircle of Candidates, stainding near Nimiriel and Cellia.
On the Sands, Nimiriel moves to stand next to Sabra and Minya in the
semicircle of Candidates.
Kershala says "Oh, I fare fine! Been busy as all can be."
Bryena grins. "Thanks, Melata." She finds a seat with a good view.
Aislinn peers out toward the sands, "Merri,can you see Minya out there?"
On the Sands, Aryn grips Glynna's hand tightly, her knuckles showing white.
In a daze, she looks around the sands, and finally finds some point on the
wall to focus on.
On the Sands, Shandra comes out onto the Sands slowly, holding onto
J'rell's arm, and moves over to one side.
Kassima beams at Dh'lon. "See? He agrees with me! 'Twill be brown, I tell
you... ach, Kiat, you're just like Lysseth. She always says 'twill be a
green to be first from the eggs."
Benden Weyr> Kenai goes to Igen to watch her brother on the Sands. Later
all! :)
T'bin sights and settles down, between Ashroth's forelegs, folds his arms
defensively, and watches the sands.
Kiri follows Breshtan, plunking down next to him with a girn.
Ch'ran chuckles and peers up through his hair at the brown lizard. "He's a
distinguishing feature, ayup," he says, before glaneing down at the sands.
On the Sands, Narai walks over to stand near Irina and Celie.
Andrea smilees, trying to spot Aryn..
On the Sands, Sabra holds out a hand to Nimiriel, smiling nervously, eyes
Caitria nods at the Fort Rider. "Blue, Kassi. He's right. Uh...whoever he
is." She grins to Ch'ran.
Alea nudges M'kel. "Do you see Cellia, Yet?"
Allory tries to slip her way towards the front of the ledges, too little to
see around big dragons and people.
On the Sands, Trisken stands in the middle of the semi-circle, watching the
eggs carefully.
On the Sands, More eggs begin to roll back and forth until cracks start up
on a shiny dark green one.
On the Sands, Tierigal takes his place in the loose semicircle making sure
he has room to move.
Rhyana grins at Ch'ran, eyeing the brown with amusement. "Does make you
easy to recognise..." she points out.
Breshtan attempts a weak smile for Kiri, then turns intently to watch the
sands. She's... not there. Really. Well, she is, but...
On the Sands, Vitral stands at the end of the semi-circle, intently
watching the eggs
Dh'lon grins and nods with Kassima, "Don't know why.. just think it will be
a brown.."
Kershala laughs. "Always green, always green. I vote on a blue, for a change."
Wyith snorts at his lifemate.
Aislinn remains near to Ciruth, leaning against him as she watches for the
first hatchling to emerge.
Caitria blinks. "Allory! Shards...haven't seen you in Turns."
On the Sands, Mirabeth reaches out to straighten Sejan's already straight
robes and takes her place in the semicircle.
On the Sands, Shard stands apart from the group, shifting his weight as the
sand gets in his sandles and irritates.
On the Sands, Minya grips Cellia's hand tightly as she scans the eggs on
the sands, her eyes focusing on the dark greenish one rocking.
Merien moves closer to Aislinn, through the gathered riders. She grins.
"I'm glad to see you here!"
On the Sands, Shayne nudges the Candidate next to her, violet eyes bright
with excitement and a grin on her lips.
From Kheveth's back, N'ren kicks up his feet, and closes his eyes.
On the Sands, Kateal twists a hand into each side of his robe, staring at
the eggs intently.
Ch'ran looks up. "Ais!" he calls out, cheerfully, from underneath his
firelizard. "You think it'll be a blue, don't you?"
Kassima chuckles. "I'd imagine so, Shala. Blue?" She wrinkles her nose.
"Feh. That makes, what, three for blue? One for green, two brown, one
bronze... see, R'val? You're outnumbered."
On the Sands, Kestrall looks up in the stands a moment, smiles as he sees
someone he knows, then looks back toward the eggs.
Merellia, settled in the crook of Neith's foreleg where she's provided a
clearer view of the sands below, shakes her head in response to Aislinn's
question. "I don't, Ais...Is that she, there?" Merellia indicates a girl
half-hidden between two other candidates in the circle. "Hard to tell at
this angle."
Ashlith flies in from the Bowl and lands on the ledges.
On the Sands, Cellia hangs on to Minya's hand as if for dear life, eyes
intent on the cracking egg.
Wyith rumbles to Ashlith!
On the Sands, Finally, a darker green egg cracks open, and a tiny little
blue dragon stumbles out of it, letting out a gentle creel as he takes in
his surroundings. More eggs begin to wobble and cracks start up and down on
a few others.
Melata loks down some more, "There's Aryn...we just made it."
Andrea hmms, "I wonder if the first'll be green.."
Caitria calls over her shoulder, as she scoots up too sit next to Allory,
"Blue! I _told_ you, Kassi!"
On the Sands, Vitral starts to sway back and forth from one foot to another
as the heat begins to come through his sandals
Kershala whistles. "I said blue, too!"
Kiri smiles slightly at Breshtan, nudging him with her elbow. "Have you
been to one of these before?"
Allory waves to Caitria with a grin, "I know.. I think I've been in that
Hall for a million turns at this rate, how's Benden?" she's inturupted by
the eggs.
Aislinn grins at the greenrider, "Well, you think I'd miss Minya
impressing? I think not!" Spotting Ch'ran, she breaks into a wide grin,
"Blue'salways a good omen!"
Karitha gives her lifemate a loving caress before swinging a leg over
Ashlith's sinuous seagreen neck and sliding lightly to the ground.
Kershala grins. "Cute one, isn't he?"
Sayra leans way out, spotting her brother and cousin on the Sands. Her
fists clench.
Andrea hmms spoting the blue, "guess not..'
On the Sands, Nimiriel gives Sabra a lopsided smile, squeezing the other
woman's hand tightly. As the eggs begin to crack, she turns her attention
to them.
On the Sands, Sejan casts a quick smile to Mirabeth before turning his full
attention to the eggs. He ohhs, lightly as the first shell is broken.
Kassima groans. "Blue! Feh, Tria--everyone's allowed a *few* errors! *Next*
will be brown. You'll see."
R'val spots Sayra and beams at her, waving.
Dh'lon grins, "Blue is good too."
V'han wavies to Karitha.
On the Sands, Aryn starts slightly and turns to look up at the stands, her
eyes scanning the crowd. She bounces up onto her tiptoes, looking, then
settles back down after a few moments, her face a mask of disappointment.
She moves closer to Glynna.
On the Sands, Kateal's eyes widen and a smile appears on his face. He
glances from the hatchling to the other candidates.
Anaryth flies in from the Bowl and lands on the ledges.
On the Sands, Trisken gulps quietly, looking as nervous as ever in his
life. He starts as the eggs begin to crack, and he watches them, holding
Sabra's hand tightly.
Wyith rumbles.
Kershala says "Nope, I'd say green next."
Alea waves to Sayra.
Ch'ran has! "BLUE!"
Ceara hops down Anaryth's side to the ground, using his foreleg as a step.
Dh'lon says "Brown will be next for sure."
Sayra waves to Alea.
Dh'lon waves to Ceara and Karitha.
On the Sands, Cellia spares a moment to search the stands, but her
attention is quickly diverted to the eggs.
Caitria nods. "Benden's great," she says, with a pleased smile. "Just
dandy. We'll have to chat after...less excitement, all that. Get caught up."
Ceara waves back to Dh'lon, Karitha, and the rest of the HRW crowd. "Hey!
Whatd i miss?"
Shanth lets out a little triumphant warble and glances at his lifemate.
On the Sands, Sabra clenches Trisken's and Nimiriel's hands as the first
dragon hatches. She watches intently.
Lorianne glares at the seacrafter sitting next to her as the man squishes
her, "Here, get back, you oaf."
On the Sands, Mirabeth catches her breath as the first egg cracks open. Her
eyes follow the dragonet intently.
Aislinn casts another grin at her former candidate companion, the Fort
bluerider, astheir prediction comes true.
R'val smiles warmly, "Sayra!"
On the Sands, Glynna flickers the tip of her tongue across lips already
dried by nerves and assumes a vigilant pose watching the eggs. She will
*not* be caught unawares.
Andrea hmms, "It'll be a green next, i think.."
On the Sands, Tierigal's eyes twinkle with delight as he spies the first
Dh'lon says "A blue just hatched, Ceara."
On the Sands, Minya's lips curl up in a slight smile as she sees the little
blue hatchling. She slowl ylifts one sandalled foot, shaking it gently to
dislodge the hot sand.
Sayra grins hugely at the fist hatchling. "Blue!"
Andrea looks at Ceaaara, aand calls out, "Blkue hatchling came first,
that's aall."
On the Sands, Creamy Sisal Egg shifts slightly, leaving a slight ditch in
the sands.
On the Sands, Familiar cracking noises can be heard from within the
[name(me)] as it rocks slightly.
Merien looks from the blue hatchling to Ciruth. "Hard to believe he was
ever that small, isn't it?" she says to Aislinn.
On the Sands, Aryn's eyes widen as the first dragonet hatches, and she
takes an involuntary step backwards. She shuffles her feet a little, then
stands still, holding her ground.
Ceara smiles, "Great color, a good sign."
On the Sands, Trisken hasn't even bothered to search the stands, as he
watches the eggs.
On the Sands, Irina holds the hem of her skirt lightly an inch above the
sands, shifting her weight a bit.
Sayra grins at R'val. "I'm almost as nervous as they are!"
On the Sands, Kestrall shifts his weight from one foot to the other
occasionally to help cool his feet as he intently watches the eggs and sees
one crack.
On the Sands, Jacera shifts nervously as she spies the first dragonette.
She looks over at Mirabeth and Sejan, then tugs Tierigal over towards them,
reaching out to grab Mirabeth's free hand.
R'val grins, "Drat! I was wrong." he winks at Sayra, "Dont' be, silly."
Aurelinth flies in from the Bowl and lands on the ledges.
Aurelinth lowers her head and Darci slides down from her neck and jumps the
last few feet to the ground.
On the Sands, Cellia's eyes flick from egg to egg, intently observing them.
She rocks on her feet, hardly noticing the heat.
Allory nods to Caitria as she stands on tip-toes to watch.
Aislinn squints down at the sands before answering Merien, "Actually, if
I'm right, that blue is bigger than Ciruth was when he broke shell..."
On the Sands, He pokes his head out of the partial shell of his egg and
lands his foot down on one of the shards nearby with an audible *crunch*.
His sturdy head resembles the beauty of fine finished walnut. Glistening
oaken-brown wings show graceful striations of dark ebony that follow the
curve of the trailing edge. His neck and ridges are a golden oak gradually
darkens on the underside of his body to the dark deep browns of an ancient
father tree. Well defined muscles in his chest and wings show promise of a
hearty flyer. He looks around at a very close egg and prods his large snout
against it as if trying to get some sort of reaction out of it.
Sayra chuckles. "My brother and cousin are out there, though..."
On the Sands, Shayne fidgets restlessly, shifting her weight from one warm
foot to the other.
Kassima cocks her thumb over her shoulder at Lysseth. "You and her both,
Shala. But that's really nay surprise. She'll guess green until there *is*
one, if previous experience is anything to go by." Kassi abruptly yelps as
a green muzzle nudges her sharply from behind. "You know 'tis truth,
Lyss... well, at least R'val was wrong too." She winks at the bluerider.
Dh'lon says "Brown!"
Dh'lon says "I told ya. ;)"
Valheru Pcocks his head at the blue ""beautiful"
Melata snorts at Dh'lon.
Rhyana oohs at the brown, glancing back behind her at Kessith for a moment.
Sayra whistles softly, then holds her breath, watching intenetly.
Darci gives a wave and salute to those around her, and quickly settles down
beside Aurelinth.
Breshtan shakes his head, eyes wide. "No..." he whispers. "Never."
Andrea sighs, almost giving up, "Next one has to be a greeen, or bronzee..'
she mummers.
V'han waits for a green to hatch.
K'tyn folds his arms. "Green."
Caitria grins. "Almost as nice as Dulath," she murmurs, to nobody in
Dh'lon gives a wave to his Weyrwoman and winks at Melata in response to her
On the Sands, Shard swallows, eyes gone wide. "Shells," he whispers, awed.
Aislinn points toward a recently hatched green, "Isn't he gorgeous?"
Verenth wuffles as someone pocks his ribs, then someone else steps on his
Ceara waves over to Darci, then concentrates on the brown that just landed
on the sands.
Kiri smiles as the hatchling arrive, and nods to Breshtan. "Me, either.
Aren't they beautiful?"
Valheru says "they are all beautiful."
On the Sands, Kestrall glances over at the brown, then turns his eyes back
to the little blue and watches it.
Starratiel says "Did you bet it would be?"
On the Sands, Cellia ohs softly, the words whispering out of her. "He's
Melata tries to wave over at Darci, but can't...too crowded.
On the Sands, Kateal stops twisting his robe and leans forward. He glances
over at Shard and grins encouragement.
On the Sands, Glynna's grey eyes open more widely at the beauty of the
hatchling. In a show of sparkling eloquence, she says, "Wow."
On the Sands, Sabra shifts her weight suddenly, as the heat penetrates her
sandals. She gasps as the brown hatches, and smiles, "What a handsome
On the Sands, Vitral continues to sway as he watches the dragon intently. A
small grin appears on his face
Kethran chuckles. "I've given up guessing -- 'cept I always guess something
different from Kassima. That way I at least have a /chance/ of being
right!" He shoots Kassima a teasing grin.
On the Sands, Minya's fingers tighten their grip on Nimiriel's as she sees
the lovely brown emerge from his shell. She nods agreement with Cellia, her
eyes locked on the newborn dragon.
Allory mmms.. "Ooh.. nice brown." she comments to the ledges in general
Kassima snaps her fingers and points. "Brown! One out of two's nay bad!
Aye, Kiat--next is green, I daresay." Leaning down again, she nods. "'Cept
he's colored more like Kemith than Dulath, Tria...."
Starratiel giggles.
On the Sands, The little blue races over and starts looking the candidates
over, peering around for a certain special one.
Andrea watches the little hatchlings curiously, "Oh, well, there cute.."
On the Sands, Nimiriel's eyes widen as the little brown bursts out of his
shell. Her grip on Sabra's hand tightens a bit, one last time, then
releases it.
On the Sands, Trisken closes his eyes for a second, beads of sweat forming
on his brow, though that's almost certainly from the heat. He studies the
brown, his mouth quirking into a small smile.
Starratiel says "One of the first three is always green."
On the Sands, Jacera smiles, looking over at the tiny Blue.
On the Sands, Aryn bounces up on her toes, eyeing the brown hatchling. She
swallows, hard, and wipes her free hand on her robe.
On the Sands, Tierigal shifts from foot to foot, watching in awe as a tiny
brown dragonette makes his way out of his shell.
Shanth settles down a little, his indigo-swirled wings shifting slightly.
Ch'ran, rapt, traces his fingers along the blue's foreleg, actually sitting
still for once in his life, almost as still as the utterly calm firelizard
perched on his head.
On the Sands, A young girl from Bitra hurriedly sidesteps a damp hatchling
that nearly knocks her over.
Vilyath rumbles softly, watching the sands below.
Andrea looks oveer at darci, however to crowde to make any wave.. and she
knows her voice wouldn't be heard over the comosion, so she goes back to
Wyith flicks his tail from side to side, perhaps hitting a few bystanders
On the Sands, Vaeth rises to sit up on his hind legs from his place nearby
Ladonyth. He bugle greets his firstborn and croons supportingly to the
little brown.
Vidarth rumbles along with Vilyath, watching interestedly.
Caitria nods to Kassi, with a grin. "Hm...wonder if any of my apprentices
were Searched," she murmurs, flickering another grin to Kershala. "They
generally Impress, if they are."
Kassima makes a face at Keth. "I'm right *sometimes,*" she says
defensively, then grins. "So go ahead and guess opposite of me! I'll have
fun watching you always get them wrong that way."
Kershala leans back against Cirdanth, half-smiling, and content merely to
watch. She glances at Tria and chuckles. "They do, don't they? I'm not
sure. I think we had a lad and lass from the Beastcraft."
On the Sands, Kateal lifts up one foot and sets it back down a moment
later. His gaze goes from the brown to the blue and back again.
Allory nods to Caitria, "We lost 3 boys from our junior apprentices this
On the Sands, Shayne's eyes widen as dragonets burst free and she
unintentionaly takes a small step back. She chuckles and moves back into
place, watching the little brown with a silly smile.
On the Sands, Vitral watches both hatchlings with more than a little trace
of awe
Starratiel peers down at the sands, then makes a face. "Nobody I know..."
On the Sands, Sejan cranes his neck to see around Tierigal and Jacera as
they form up next to him and Mirabeth. His gaze flickers from dragon to
Dh'lon looks over at Kethran, "Do you know any of the Candidates?
On the Sands, Cellia shifts nervously, letting go of Minya's hand long
enough to shake some of the sweat from it.
On the Sands, Mirabeth is silent, her eyes wide as she watches the
hatchlings. The wonder and awe of this event are evident in her expression.
On the Sands, Jacera flinches a bit at the loud bugle, giggling a bit at
the proud daddy.
Darci responds to a deep rumble coming from Aurelinth, "I know we are late,
it couldn't have been helped. It doesn't look like we've missed much."
Caitria tsks softly at Allory. "That's a shame. Sharding dragons always
steal the best ones, too." She winks over her shoulder at the riders, then
grins at Allory.
Aislinn calls out hoarsely over the loudness of the crowd, "Go Jace and
Minya and Sejan!!!!"
Kethran shakes his head to Dh'lon. "None of them well -- a few in passing.
I think a couple of 'em visited Benden a time or two."
From his perch on Ch'ran's head, Lofwyr flicks his tail, slightly, curling
it down and subtly around the throat of the large blue flizard on his
perch's left shoulder who seems about to overbalance and dump himself over
the edge in his excitement.
Kershala tilts her head thoughtfully. "Let me see... I know two of them.
Glynna and Jacera." She grins and shake sher head. "Glynna'd better
Impress, I've got a good three marks on her."
R'lym lovingly pats Zyrieth's neck, swings his leg over the bronze's neck
and hops to the ground.
Kassima chuckles. "Recognize any of them, other than Glynna? 'Twould be
nice to know who to root for. Though I think I know that lad, down
there...." She nods towards Kestrall. "Nay well, but I've met him, I'm
sure. Several Turns ago, back at Ruatha."
Karitha leans against Ashlith, caught in her own thoughts as she smiles
down at the sands. Ashlith just snorts softly at Vaeth, rolling her eyes in
a draconic way.
Lorianne overhears Kershala, "Glynna won't impress, she wouldn't dare."
R'lym looks around and finds a place to sit.
Allory leans in to stage whisper to Caitria, "Well one of them the weyr can
keep with my blessing." she winks to the herder.
On the Sands, Shard watches the dragon pass him by, heading for a more
deserving candidate. He sighs.
R'val shakes hsi head at Kassima, "None of them are too familiar to me." He
mutters, squinting.
Dh'lon grins, "I only know Shayne."
Caitria sighs at Lorianne's reaction, and grins at Allory. "That happens
sometimes, too."
Starratiel giggles at Loriane...
Alea looks at Lorianne. "I for one will be glad to send her back to you."
Sayra makes her way over to R'val and several other Bendenites.
Aislinn gives Master Lorianne a slightly incredulous look and goes back to
watching the sands with rapt attention.
Kassima's brow furrows. "Shayne. Shayne. That sounds familiar... 'twas she
who put together that costume-dance at Benden's last Gather, wasn't it?"
Kethran grins at Dh'lon, and then spots V'han across the way. He waves
cheerfully, and then looks back at Dh'lon, leaning close to the bluerider
to whisper something.
Kershala frowns slightly, leaning forward. "Ah! Kestrall. I met him, yes,
he seems a nice lad. Good one for a blue or brown." She quirks a brow at
Lorianne and chuckles. "She won't have a choice in the matter, ma'am, if a
dragon likes her."
On the Sands, Sturdy Oak Brown Hatchling shakes his wings off and looks
around, his eyelids fluttering as he takes a few steps forward.
Caitria grins at Alea. "She's not as horrible as she tries to be," she
says, with a chuckle. "But don't tell her I told you that."
Dh'lon looks over at Kassima and nods, "Aye, that's the one."
Starratiel says "Which one, Kassi? The one where I came as a flit, or..."
On the Sands, Shayne nudges the Candidate to her left, giving Vitral an
encouraging grin.
V'han catches Kethran's waves and waves back enthusiastically.
Dh'lon turns back to listen to Kethran.
On the Sands, A Tillekian candidate nervously shakes a foot to free some
sand from her sandal, but the attempt was futile. Her foot sets back down
and into the soft and hot sands of the hatching grounds.
On the Sands, Cellia watches the exquisite brown, her breath seeming to
have stopped altogether.
Aislinn blinks, spotting the woman who seems to be under discussion,
"Glynna, Glynna, isn't she the steward over at the crafthall?"
Emmith flies in from the Bowl and lands on the ledges.
Dh'lon blinks and then laughs out loud at Kethran.
Ceara squints down at the group, and points out Aryn. "Didnt she used to
live at High Reaches? or am I losing my mind again?"
Dh'lon says "Good to know."
Dh'lon winks.
Darci catches R'lym's attention and offers a seat near her.
From atop Kheveth's back, N'ren yawns.
On the Sands, Minya smiles widely at Vaeth's bugle welcoming his son, her
eyes going from bronze to gold to brown, watching the hatchling intently as
he begins to move. She disengates her hand from Cellia's to smooth a damp
lock of sunbleached hair back behind her ears.
J'bal slides off Emmith, using the riding straps for help.
Kassima chuckles. "Didn't see you there, Star, but 'twas so crowded...
'twas mayhaps a couple of months ago."
On the Sands, Kateal puts his hands behind his back and makes a silly face
at Shard. He grins and looks back at the hatchlings.
Kethran chuckles softly and nods to Dh'lon, quietly, before glancing back
down at the Sands, checking on the progress of the eggs.
Starratiel grins.
Rhyana looks up from the sands, then beams, motioning for J'bal to make his
way over to near her.
From his perch on Ch'ran's left shoulder, Lostling lets out a little
strangled squawk as the brow loops his tail around his neck, fluttering his
wings a little helplessly. With an utter lack of grace, he falls over
backwards, laning on his side with a startled chirp. Ch'ran, watching the
eggs, is completely oblivious.
Starratiel says "Yes, I was a, as I recall...."
Dh'lon turns to watch the sands, grinning.
Darci nods to Ceara, "Aryn was from our lower caverns. I saw the search
dragons leave with her."
J'bal looks around for the familiar brown and his rider. He sees Rhy,
smiles, and heads over towards her.
On the Sands, Shard, unable to take a joke, favors Kateal with a light scowl.
On the Sands, Sabra shifts her feet back and forth, hands grasping the
sides of her robe. She watches, smiling slightly at the hatchlings.
On the Sands, Vitral smiles at shayne
Valheru looks at Andrea ""What do you think is next?"
Breshtan's mouth sags open slightly, eyes fixed on the sands. He leans a
little to ask Kiri, "Is it.. always like this? So..." He frowns, shakes his
head. "I don't know how to..." One shouder rises and falls in an
incredulous shrug. "So busy?"
V'han smiles to J'bal as he approaches then looks back at the eggs.
Andrea looks at Ceara, npt heeaaaring Darci answer, and says, "I think so,
i do remember seeing her aaround the weyr rather often."
Ceara smiles at Darci. "Thanks, now I can say I at least know someone down
R'lym sees Darci and smiles, ten heads over to where she's sitting. "Did I
miss much?"
Merellia leans forward from her rest against Neith's side, eyes on the
Sands below as she looks at the various Candidates and dragonets below.
Hearing Lorianne's voice, she flicks a glance to the Craftmaster before
turning back to the watching. "Lots more are left yet, Neith, see," she
murmurs. "There's Minya."
On the Sands, Aryn takes a deep breath and blows a huge puff of air up
across her face, sending loose tendrils of hair flying in different
directions. One thick, sweaty strand hangs right in the middle of her
forehead, however. Aryn, being completely focused on the hatching dragons,
doesn't notice.
Kassima hrms. "Nay, I didn't see you. I went as Aphrael, m'self...." She
waves absently to J'bal, attention already back on the Sands. "Green," she
murmurs. "Green. The question is, which egg?"
On the Sands, Kestrall shifts from one foot to the other, as he watches
thebrown for a moment.
On the Sands, Glynna blinks away a bead of perspiration threatening to
blind her in a salty drip from eyelash to eyelid. It would be far better
for her to use the back of her hand to dismiss the annoying droplets, but
she's not relinquishing her handholds on Cellia and Aryn. They might, after
all, need her...ah...encouragement. Yes, that's it.
On the Sands, Trisken pretends not to notice the heat, which is about as
smart as pretending he's not nervous. He tracks the hatchlings' movement
across the Sands.
Kershala nods, looking around for the questioner. "Glynna? She's the
steward, yes."
On the Sands, Shayne can't help but sneak a peek behind her at the huge
gathering. At Vitral's poke she moves her attention back to the eggs with a
sheepish grin.
Melata mmms to from the skybroom egg....
Kiri grins at Breshtan, and shrugs, returning her gaze to the Sands. "I
don't know..."
Dh'lon leans back against Wyith, smiling as the blue wraps a tail about him.
J'bal waves at all the riders he knows, then sits down by Rhyana and turns
his intent gaze upon the Hatching sands.
On the Sands, Shard fans his overheated face.
Valheru looks at Andrea ""What do you think is next?"
On the Sands, Sturdy Oak Brown Hatchling lowers his neck ridges and starts
out towards the group of candidates, his tail bobbing around behind him as
he approaches the main group. His eyes are whirling hungrily as his wings
flap slightly to dry off.
Prometh rumbles, peering at the sands intently.
Breshtan rubs at Swiftwing's eyeridges in absorbed distraction. "Never.."
he trails off, then starts up again suddenly, "Never been to one either?"
On the Sands, Kestrall chuckles as he notices Shayne getting some help with
her attention.
Lorianne crosses one leg over the other, muttering under her breath, "Just
get it blasted over with. Next time I'm not letting them take anyone and
then I won't have to bloody come to the sharding bloody hatching."
On the Sands, Irina wipes a little bead of sweat from her forehead.
Darci shakes her head to R'lym, "Not much I think, we only arrived moments
before you. A few have cracked shell."
Rhyana leans over to whisper something to J'bal, then settles back to watch
the sands.
On the Sands, Jacera shifts from foot to foot, watching the hatchling. She
unlatches her hand from Tierigal's for a moment to wipe the sweat out of
her eyes, then grabs his hand again.
Allory chuckles as she overhears Lorianne.
Vilyath cranes his neck to peer down at the sands, eyes whirling.
On the Sands, Nimiriel slowly shakes one sandal free of the hot sand as
best she can, watching the hatchlings. She glances over to Minya and gives
her asmall smile, then looks back to the eggs.
Andrea looks at Valheru, "Me? Well, I've given up hoppe that my first guess
will hach for a while yet, perhaps a bronze or another blue.."
Starratiel hmmms and looks down at the eggs. "The white one. That's a
green, Kassi.
On the Sands, Kateal notices the scowl from Shard and hides a grin. He
pulls at the neckline of his robe, fidgeting again.
Caitria flickers a grin over her shoulder to Lorianne. "Too bad you're too
old t'be Searched, CraftMaster." She likes living dangerously, apparently.
R'lym smiles, "Good. Every time is as exciting as the first time I ever
watched. I hate to miss anything."
On the Sands, Aryn shifts from foot to foot, moving Glynna's tightly
gripped hand all around as she fidgets.
On the Sands, Sejan takes a step closer to Mirabeth as he looks from the
hatchlings to his other friends on the sands.
On the Sands, Cellia squeezes Minya's and Glynna's hands even tighter as
she sees the brown headed toward the group. She fairly bounces on her tiptoes.
On the Sands, Minya again grips Cellia's hand as the little brown
approaches, watching the hatchling intently. She turns her head slightly to
return Nimiriel's smile, then returns her attention to the hatchling, and
to the eggs.
Kyleri grins at Caitria.
Ch'ran rests his cheek against Shanth's side, smiling beatifically, and
forcing his firelizards to rearrange themselves. One, a green spattered
with brown, give up in exasperation and perches on the blue's back. He is
completely lost to the world.
On the Sands, Tierigal turns momentarily to watch Jacera, but the movement
of another Hatchling catches his attention.
On the Sands, Sabra watches the brown, eyes wide. She shifts from foot to
foot, smiling at the brown's actions.
Valheru looks at bryena "what d you think?"
Lorianne comments to Caitria, "Ista tried to take me once. Wouldn't go.
That was the first time that Tishry was searched."
Dh'lon points out Glynna and comments to Kassima, "There's a likely one."
He grins."Looks nervous by how she's clutching those hands. Nervous is good."
Kershala blinks at Ciatria, and sidles a nearly unnoticable step away from
her, with a glance at Lorianne.
Caitria blinks. "Didn't know that," she calls to her CM. "Well...good thing
for the Craft that y'didn't go, though the 'prentices might not agree."
Sayra peeers at Dh'lon in utter disbelief.
On the Sands, Vitral appears to be doing a slow dance for the people in the
crowd, as he constantly shifts position. Always keeping his gaze focused on
the eggs and the hatchling
On the Sands, R'yel's attention moves from the Candidates and towards the
brown hatchling as it seems to get his bearings and move to find his
lifemate. His proud smile widens a bit more as he watches from his place
next to Jaela.
On the Sands, Mirabeth looks quickly to Sejan and the other candidates and
nods her head toward the hatchling, pointing out the obvious. A smile
spreads across her face as her gaze focuses on his progression.
A young scamp with an apprentice herder's knot calls out, "Shows dragons
really don't have any taste." His buddy quickly shuts him up and the
Craftmaster doesn't hear, luckily.
Lysseth hummmmmmmms quietly, whirling sapphrine eyes as attached to the
sands as her rider's. "Mayhaps," Kassi replies vaguely to Star. "But I
don't think that one will be next to hatch...." She grins at Dh'lon.
"Dragons like nervousness, eh? 'Tis an interesting theory. I always thought
they picked based on who was doing the most interesting sand-dance." Kassi
winks, obviously jesting.
On the Sands, Kestrall wipes his forehead dry and looks to see where the
blue went.
On the Sands, Celie nudges Irina. "Brown. Good sign, eh?"
Breshtan winces, poking Flare. "I'll get to you, just hush, little one." He
shake shis head slowly, watching the dragonets. "They look so much like
Flare and Swiftwing did," he says to no one in particular. But lots bigger.
Ceara looks, and laughs, "R'yel, I almost forgot..."
On the Sands, Irina puts her hand up to hide her chuckle.
Dh'lon grins, not noticing the look or comment as he nods to Kassima.
Merellia slides a glance to Lorianne, one corner of her mouth barely
curving upwards before she shifts her gaze back to the sands below; of the
hand resting against Neith's side for support, her fingers tap restlessly
against the gold's hide.
On the Sands, Sturdy Oak Brown Hatchling lumbers up to Vitral, looking at
his feet briefly and then over at the Candidate next to him.
Kershala nods, chuckling. "Very good thing for the Craft." And the Weyr.
On the Sands, Shard watches the brown hatchling intently even as it goes in
a completely opposite directio nfrom him.
Ch'ran nods, slightly, thoughtfully, eyes somewhat distant. More than
somewhat. Very. Hit him with a bronze and he might snap out of it. He
glances up at Shanth and murmurs something completely inchoerent, not to
mention utterly inaudible.
Melata ohhs, "Looks like that brown is coming to a decision..."
On the Sands, Kateal holds his breath, watching the brown search.
Andrea looks down at Vitral, "Personally, I think he'll impress..even if
not that bronze."
Alea holds her breath watching the hatchling.
On the Sands, Across the sands echoes the soft sound of cracking eggs.
Sayra holds her breath, watching her brother.
On the Sands, Shayne blinks in amazement as the brown passes right by her
to stop in front of Vitral. She holds her breath with a wide grin.
On the Sands, Cellia smiles a little as she sees the brown going after
Vitral. Her breath catches in her throat.
Nya watches quietly, leaning against Genneth.
Kiri nods slightly to Breshtan, turning her head to grin at Flare, then
looks back at the sands. "Looks like the brown's almost chosen."
Dh'lon smiles, pointing out Glynna again and asks Kassima. "How much do you
want to bet she Impresses?"
On the Sands, Vitral's eyes gleam as he tries to control himself.
On the Sands, Trisken exhales slowly as he watches the hatchling. He
whispers something to himself over and over, and it seems to calm him, if
On the Sands, Delpha walks over from the bleachers.
Valheru claps at the impression
On the Sands, Glynna breathes in and out, in and out, in and out, while her
eyes watch keenly the brown's progression.
Starratiel remembers Glynna from a trip to the beastcraft. "Betcha a
half-mark she won't....
Breshtan tilts his head, trying to see around a lad from... well, the knot
brands him as Ruathan, anyway. "Chosen... oh, yes." He's forgotten the
point, it seems.
From atop Kheveth's back, N'ren continues to look, well, bored.
On the Sands, Sabra watches the brown, then she looks out over the eggs as
more start to crack. She wipes her hands on her robe nervously.
On the Sands, Aryn picks up first one foot, then the other, her eyes
unfocused and dazed as she watches eggs hatch left and right.
On the Sands, Minya turns to watche the brown approach Vitral, smiling
encouragement to Vitral as the hatchling takes interest in him.
On the Sands, Delpha climbs up into the Stands.
On the Sands, Kestrall takes in a sharp breath as he sees the brown go up
to Vitral, then looks back out toward the eggs.
Sayra, standing next to R'val, turns away from the sands to peer at Dh'lon
and Kassima. "She'd better not," she mutters.
Kassima chuckles and shakes her head. "Sorry, Dh'lon... I've nay the marks
to wager. I've got to save those I've got to pay Jereth with." To Star, she
simply comments, "Y'never know. Dragons take all kinds."
On the Sands, Irina tries to salvage her carefully arranged hairdo amid the
wilting heat.
Kershala glances up as 'Danth muzzles her hair, smiling softly. "Yes, I
remember you," she chuckles. "You with that oh-so-loud singing voice."
Dh'lon hmmmms at Sayra?? To Starratiel he smiles, "A half-mark? Agreed.
I'll pay you a half-mark if she doesn't Impress."
On the Sands, Two Candidates from the WeaverCraft manage to giggle out of
their current state of awe as the brown waggles his way over to check out
their fellow candidates.
R'val squeezes Sayra's shoulder with a smile.
On the Sands, Celie says "Stop fussing at it."
On the Sands, Sejan looks from the brown to the other hatchlings. His gaze
only to return to the brown.
J'bal happens to hear Kassi's comments about dragons taking all kinds,
grins over at her and nods emphatically.
On the Sands, Vitral gazes at the brown hatchling as it looks at his feet
and then looks at the candidate beside him..
On the Sands, Irina stops fussing at it with a sigh and returns her
attention to the hatchlings' progress.
Nya smiles to J'bal and the other Fortians she knows.
Aurelinth snakes her head this way and that, trying to see everything
happening on the sands at once.
On the Sands, Cellia looks to the other eggs as well, feeling sure that the
brown has made his choice.
Starratiel extends her hand. "Deal..."
Kershala spots J'bal through all the clutter and laughs. "Hey, Emmith's
rider!" she calls. "They took me, hey? So do Igen dragons have better taste
than Fort, or is it the other way around?"
Sayra grins up at R'val and looks over at Dh'lon. "If you think she ought
to Impress you can have her at your Weyr."
On the Sands, Kateal chews on his lower lip and shifts from one foot to the
Verenth grumbles, and shoves a small green to the side so that he can get a
better view. He should have had his rider go to a less crowded ledge.
Dh'lon grins and takes Starratiels' hand, winking as the deal is sealed.
On the Sands, Shard looks away from the brown, who seems to have made its
choice, then back at pile of eggs, still hoping a little.
On the Sands, Sturdy Oak Brown Hatchling peels its eyes away from Vitral
and shakes its wings again and lumbers down along the row a little faster
he stops again, this time pausing to look up and over at Cellia.
J'bal grins back at Kershala and bellows back "I'll never tell", winking at
her in amusement.
On the Sands, A couple of little blue hatchlings stagger out from somewhere
near the center of the clutch, weaving unsteadily toward the candidates.
Ch'ran surfaces slightly, glancing at Kassima, then chuckles idly,
attempting to run his fingers through his hair and succeeding only in
jamming one of them on the immovable firelizard on his head. He looks up as
he hears Kershala, and shouts back, "Hey Shala! I dunno, I've never tasted
Allory absently reaches forward to restrain an over exuberant apprentice
from leaning too far over the edge of the ledge as she watches the
hatchlings and candidates.
Kassima blinks at Shala, and laughs. "Cirdanth *sung*? Couldn't hear that
from the ledges, apparently... but now that I think of it, it sounds rather
like him." She grins up at her friend's brown.
On the Sands, Cellia swallows against a hard lump in her throat and looks
down at the brown in disbelief.
Rhyana giggles at Ch'rans comment, waving over at Kershala.
Vivian grins at Kershala. "I'd say Cirdanth has fine taste!"
Sayra looks over at Alea, grinning hugely.
Kershala shakes her head. "YOu never would!" She pauses and blinks at
Ch'ran. "Tasted? You, my friend, are strange." Cirdanth, meanwhile,
ventures a warble at Kassima, eyes whiriling in amusement.
On the Sands, Vitral's pained look follows the brown as it walks down the
On the Sands, Jacera glances at Cellia briefly, then looks back down at the
brown, biting her lip nervously.
Kiri oohs quietly as the brown moves on, watching intently.
On the Sands, Shayne sags a bit as the brown leave Vitral behind, but her
smile lights up as it pauses near Cellia.
On the Sands, Slowly lifting first one foot and then the other, Minya
attempts to relieve the heat seeping into her soles from the hot Sands of
the hatching ground. Her eyes widen as the brown hatchling stops in front
of Cellia, a slow, pleased smile lighting up her face.
On the Sands, Irina has softly and silently vanished away. (If she didn't
say goodbye, please assume call waiting.)
On the Sands, Mirabeth raises an eyebrow as the Brown moves to inspect yet
another candidate. She is distracted by the staggering Blues and begins to
watch them closely.
Shanth rumbles amusement, and raises his head. Ch'ran chuckles, and calls
back towards Shala, "Thankee, Shala, I'm glad you think so too." He nods,
firmly, under the firelizard, and returns his attention down to the sands.
On the Sands, Nimiriel watches the brown hatchling make his way toward
Cellia. She gives her friend an encouraging smile, looking between the two.
Andrea leans over to Valheru, "I'll bet you an thirty-second mark that the
lad theree," she esays, pointing to Vitral, "Will impress one of the
Flare chirrs in irritation. Hatching, smatching, he wants a skritch!
Breshtan's fingers prove his target as with a snap he *nips* for attention.
Lorianne mumbles, "I interview apprentices faster than this."
On the Sands, Sabra blinks as sweat rolls into her eyes. She wipes it away,
irritated. Her head swivels between watching the brown and the other eggs.
On the Sands, Cellia doesn't look anywhere but at the gorgeous brown.
On the Sands, Aryn looks down at her feet, lifting one up to shake some
sand out of her sandal. She puts the foot back down and looks up again,
staring towards the eggs.
J'bal grins at the Herder CM.
Kershala smirks quietly, but manages to school her impression a bit as she
turns to nod at Lorianne. "You do at that, ma'am." WHip 'em right through.
Whip being the operative.
Allory laughs and nods, "I know what you mean Lorianne.. and that includes
the required stay too."
On the Sands, Kestrall watches the two blues, glancing momentarily toward
Cellia as he sees the brown over by her.
On the Sands, Shard almost takes a step towards the eggs, but holds himself
back in check.
Caitria chuckles at Shala, and murmurs something to her about branding irons.
Lunarth warbles as the brown looks at one of *his* candidates.
On the Sands, Sejan releases his hold on Mira's hand to use one shoulder of
his robe to wipe at his forehead. Once done, he reaches back down to retake
her hand.
Kassima grins at Shala. "He's a rider, Shala. 'Tis rather a given." Turning
back to watch the Sands, she hrms. "Has that brown found someone?"
On the Sands, Trisken licks his lips, his gaze on the hatchlings nearest
the group.
On the Sands, Irina stretches and looks around drowsily as she wakes up.
Kershala leans forward. "Has he? Looks like it. Indecisive one, that."
Dh'lon chuckles to himself, for no apparenet reason.
On the Sands, Glynna reluctantly removes her steady gaze from the brown to
gaze in the direction of the stands. Apparently she just realized that
other Pernese, people not on the sands, are present too and -- egads --
watching! A frown disguises most of her nervousness with annoyance, as if
she can't believe non-Candidates are also in attendance, then she
resolutely looks away. She's going to take this one crisis at a time, and
just being so close to a searching, un-Impressed hatchling's crisis enough
for now.
On the Sands, Vitral starts to hop around a bit after he realized that he
was standing still when the brown was near him. He smiles at Cellia and
turns to regard the blue hatchlings
Sydria flies in from the Bowl and lands on the ledges.
Lorianne stands up and waves at Glynna, shouting "GLYNNA, if they come near
you, turn around and RUN!!!"
On the Sands, Vaeth lets out a supportive rumblecroon to the brown
hatchling as it seems to be undecided. His attention then quickly flicks to
a duo of blue dragonets as they begin to head for the candidate semi-circle.
Dh'lon turns to Lorianne and frowns, "Ach. And ruin my bet?"
On the Sands, Jacera pries her eyes away from the hatchling and looks at
the candidates around her.
On the Sands, One of the blues charges straight past a boy trying to block
his path.
On the Sands, Sturdy Oak Brown Hatchling gazes into Cellia's eyes.
Starratiel rolls her eyes.
Breshtan gapes at Lorianne. "Gl..." he starts. "Glynna?" He doesn't seem to
have noticed, and leans forward with greater interest. "She's down there?"
Kassima grins at Shala. "Mayhaps he just wants to be sure to make the
perfect choice." She starts at a sudden loud shout, and blinks
incredulously at the CraftMaster. Then she simply shakes her head and turns
away, 'I Don't Want To Know' written all over her features.
Aislinn bites back whatever comment was about to come out of her mouth as
her gaze becomes absolutely disgusted at the herdcraft's craftmaster.
Dh'lon turns to Starratiel and grins, "Do I get extra because someone is
cheering her not to Impress?"
Caitria laughs! at Lorianne, then nods at...Breshtan, that's it.
On the Sands, Cellia lets out a cry of astonishment and sinks to her knees,
"His name is Choloth!"
K'tyn looks up, jounced out of his reverie by a nearby scream. "Huh?! What?"
Kiri nods slightly to Breshtan, pointing. "Yeah, right there."
Lunarth bugles!
Allory laughs at the craftmaster.
Starratiel says "If she impresses, yes...."
On the Sands, Irina beams at Cellia.
On the Sands, Kateal leans over to watch, he claps his hands together and
smiles at Cellia and the brown.
Sayra jumps. "Cellia!"
On the Sands, Shayne jumps up and down, almost knocking Vitral down as she
smacks his arm, "Did ya see that? Did ya?" Of course she's not looking at
the Candidate, but at the Impressed pair.
On the Sands, Glynna gapes as the brown stares at the woman to her side.
Close, so close! She looks from the brown to Cellia and back again and
smiles. "Congratulations!"
Merellia stifles a dry laugh hearing Lorianne's words, shifting to one side
as Neith nearly dislodges her in a move to gain her better view.
Alea thumps M'kel's arm and jumps up and down. "That's my sister. She
impressed! She got the brown!"
On the Sands, Tierigal cheers for Cellia, then turns hia attention back to
the other hatchlings.
Bryena cheers the first Impression, her eyes darting out to look at
Tierigal. No dragons near him yet... *whew*
Prometh bugles at the impression.
Kershala whistles. Choloth!"
Verenth bobs his head up and down as the brown Impresses.
On the Sands, Aryn's head swivels at Cellia's outburst. She permits herself
a smile, and looks back at the other eggs, her whole manner tense.
On the Sands, Shard tears his eyes away from the eggs as a silence falls
over the other candidates. He ceases to look so pained, in fact is now very
pleased and holds up his hand in the way to go! sign to Cellia.
On the Sands, Jacera looks back at Cellia quickly as she hears the name
called out. She sighs softly, looking at the brown enviously.
On the Sands, Kestrall smiles happily for a few moments at Cellia, then
turns to watch the blues.
On the Sands, Irina nudges Celie knowingly.
Dh'lon says "Choloth??"
Ch'ran winces slightly as someone shouts, and chuckles slightly to himself.
Ignored for long enough, his befuddled blue fl rights himself, and begins
to make a painstaking climb up the back of his riding jacket, settling with
a thump on his knee. Idly, 'Ran begins scritching Lostling, just watching.
On the Sands, Trisken smiles over at Cellia, before turning his eyes back
to the eggs.
Kyleri grins at Alea, and joins in the cheering.
K'tyn claps, "Cheers! Good match, it looks like."
Vivian smiles softly as the impression is made.
Kethran grins at the Impression below, and then looks back at K'tyn,
whispering soething to him with a look at the Herder Craftmaster.
Breshtan blinks. "It..." Flare chirrs again, distracting him. "Umm. Choloth?"
On the Sands, Celie chuckles and smiles as the first Impression is made.
On the Sands, Minya beams as Cellia finds her lovely brown lifemate, her
eyes shining happily. With a last look at the Brown, she turns her eyes to
the other hatchlings.
Andrea smiles a s the brown impresses.
Alea beams all around. "That's my *sister*."
Kethran also glances at Ch'ran, and then at Dh'lon, as he talks to his
Aislinn blinks over at Alea, "Your sister? Oh, well then!" she grins a bit
more broadly, hands going to applaud with more vigor.
Caitria flashes a grin to Alea. "And a weyrling, now, too. Congrats!"
On the Sands, Sabra smiles softly as the brown Impresses. She turns back to
the eggs, swaying from foot to foot.
Sayra grins at Alea and launches herself across the intervening space to
catch her up in a sounds hug!
Dh'lon scratches his head and hmms, "Choloth... Choloth... Hmmmm."
Alea hugs Sayra, thumping her on the back.
Kershala laughs. "Good for her! A fine big brown, too. Best of the breed,
Allory phews, "Well he certainly took his own sweet time about that." she
On the Sands, Mirabeth nods approvingly at this first pairing. Sighing
wistfully she attends to the other hatchlings that have begun to approach.
Starratiel smiles at the Impression.
T'bin writes some notes down on a piece of paper. Reporting the results for
the Istan betting pool, most likely.
Kershala shakes her head. "Can't beat a brown."
Kiri nods slightly. "Choloth." Seems she approves.
Dh'lon glances sideways at Kethran as he notes he was observed.
Dh'lon grins, "A blue can beat a brown, Shala."
Nya starts and murmurs something akin to "shards, Zaerith", then hastily
mounts Genneth.
Alea smiles up at Kershala.
Nya eventually reaches Genneth's neck.
Genneth croons softly once her rider is safely on her neck.
Kershala says "Never."
On the Sands, Lacquered Walnut Egg seemingly senses the excitement in the
air and the cracking of the other eggs and rocks ever so slightly before
resting still and at peace once more.
Dh'lon grins, "So say you."
Kassima hmmms. "Choloth, eh? Interesting name... I like it." Hearing Alea's
voice, she turns to beam at the greenrider. "A sister, then? Congratulations!"
Genneth stands clear of people and other dragons as she unfurls sun-kissed
crystaline wings for flight.
Genneth takes off carefully from the ledges.
K'tyn grins at Kethran, then peers at Ch'ran. Blinks. Yes, that is a lizard
on his head. He grins, laughing.
Sayra grins at Alea. "I hope my brother Impresses..."
On the Sands, The Creamy Sisal Egg tilts slightly, and then rights itself
Ceara woos! and claps as the borwn finally gets on ith it.
On the Sands, One of the blues stumbles over its wings as it comes down
from the main mound, rolling down at the feet of an anxious dark-skinned boy.
Starratiel pokes Kassi. "Here it is...
On the Sands, Trisken turns to the walnut egg that had drawn his attention
Kershala says "Indeed, so say I. Pit me 'Danth against your blue any day,
you betcha.""
On the Sands, Cellia is oblivious to all else as she gazes into Choloth's
Ch'ran is completely oblivious again, not noting anyone looking at him or
not looking at him. He starts humming, softly, and vaguely in tune with the
dragons, even if that hum might not be anything tuneful by /human/ standards.
Dh'lon smiles brightly and waves to Maarie, "Maarie.. Heya."
On the Sands, Irina goes out to Cellia and Choloth, and leads her off the
sands to the side.
Caitria hmms as she spots the walnut egg. "Chairs!" She turns. "Keth!
Remind me to come see you about those chairs, hmm?"
On the Sands, Sejan smiles as he watches Cellia and her lifemate. He
watches the blues as he murmurs to Mira. "I bet Alea is just beaming."
Dh'lon smirks at Kershala, "Pit them? A race? Sure, I'll race you."
On the Sands, The term 'delicate' is not naturally applied to dragonkind,
not when the smallest are still meters long. Delicate is nevertheless the
concept that this diminutive green embraces, from the top of her emerald
head to the tips of her jewel-tone feet, fragile as a master jeweler's most
detailed work. Most prominent of her features are her wings, which she
unfurls to dry and beat in momentary agitation; her wingtails evoke an
image of finely spun cloth and appear too lightweight to bear her weight,
but never you fear--this little lady shall be among the quickest greens
aloft. Overlaying the brilliant green of the hatchling is a transluscent
sheen of seafoam in miniscule tendrils to complete the woven feel of her
hide. Aware of the regard, she raises her head, tilts it to one side, and
levels her whirling gaze coquettishly on the collection of Candidates,
issuing to them a flirtatious invitation to approach her and prove
themselves worthy.
On the Sands, Vitral turns to Cellia and smiles. He whips his head around
at the sounds of cracking eggs
Kassima grins at Shala. "I'd say a green could beat a brown, but I must
admit to being rather biased on the subject... Maarie, heyla!"
Anaryth croons loudly at the quick blue Impression. Ceara holds her ears
and says, "Easy, you big lug."
On the Sands, Kateal tears his eyes away from Cellia and Choloth and
focusses on the other hatchlings and eggs. He rubs his hands on his robe.
Aurelinth bugles loudly down to Vaeth, Ladonyth and the young dragonets.
Aislinn frowns as Genneth leaves, having apparently caught the name Nya
murmured, and becomes more subdued, all though not for long as the hatching
enthusiasm catches her again.
Starratiel says "See, Kassi. I told you."
Bryena blinks at the green. "Oh my. That one'll be a handful."
Breshtan says "Oh..." He looks up at the green on his shoulder and back to
the sands. "She's lovely..."
V'han yays! "A green!"
Kethran glances up at Caitria. "Caitria? Remember to come talk to me about
those chairs," he reminds her, and then grins impishly as he looks back to
K'tyn, alternating his gaze between the bronzerider and the Sands below.
On the Sands, Nimiriel smiles at Cellia and her new lifemate, gives Minya's
hand an encouraging squeeze, then looks out toward the eggs once more.
On the Sands, Shayne goes up on her tiptoes to get a better look at the
other eggs, moving to one side while twirling a curl of hair around one
finger. She oooos as she sees the green dragonet.
Kershala snickers. "Not a race. A test of *brains*"
Andrea Smiles, "Look! A green!"
Kiri oohs again as she watches the green hatch.
Wyith warbles softly at the green's arrival.
Cirdanth puffs out his chest. Whuff.
Kassima whistles in admiration, as Lysseth *bugles* in welcome to the new
green! "Shells and shards, she's lovely! And a green--see, now? 'Twas right
again, Kethran!"
On the Sands, Cellia follows Irina numbly, still in a daze, tears streaking
her face.
On the Sands, Turning her gaze back to the rocking eggs, Minya's eyes focus
on the tiny, delicate green who emerges, whistling softly and
appreciatively at her beauty even as she squeezes Nimiriel's hand.
On the Sands, Kateal ooos at the green, echoing Shayne.
Dh'lon frowns at Kershala, "Wyith is just as smart as your Cirdanth."
On the Sands, Sabra inhales as the green hatches. She smiles, saying,
Vilyath bugles! to the new green.
On the Sands, Glynna was staring -- all right, she admits it! -- at Cellia
and her brown until the green's hatching jolts her back to the eggs and
un-Impressed hatchlings. "Um, green. Pretty one too."
On the Sands, Jacera oooh's softly as she spies the new Green, smiling softly.
Kershala winks. "Maaaaybe."
Atop Kheveth's back, N'ren calls down to Maarie in greeting, "Heya, sexy."
He looks, well, bored.
Gwirith bugles to the newest little green.
Prometh warbles at the pretty little green on the sands. K'tyn laughs at
the bronze, "Keeping an eye open for future flights, eh?" He glances at
Kethran, then shakes his head blushing. "True as that may be, I'm still
rather shy."
Kyleri ooh's. "Pretty greenling...reminds me of Perith at that age."
Dh'lon hehs.
On the Sands, Trisken smirks as the green hatches, then watches the other
eggs for movement.
Alea nods to Kyleri.
On the Sands, Irina gives Cellia food for her hatchling, making them
comfortable off to the side.
Ceara sits and watches the green hatchling, quietly.
Allory smiles, "She's a sweet thing."
Starratiel says "Hey, at least you don't nearly faint every time you're
around a girl anymore...."
On the Sands, Celie watches Irina take care of the new pair, nodding to
herself as she determines they don't need her help.
Kassima grins at Shala. "I bet Lysseth could out-stubborn Cirdanth if she
wanted to, though--aside from being every bit as intelligent, of course."
On the Sands, Shard stops looking quite so uncaring as he watches the
radiantly fragile green emerge.
On the Sands, Beguiling Gossamer Green Hatchling swishes her tail from side
to side, moving forward to the clump of candidates.
Alea snugs Sayra. "I've got my fingers crossed for you brother as well."
Kershala grins. "Oh, there's no contest there, Kass."
R'val grins, "Hmm. The green's headed for people.'
Lostling rights himself again, having slid off Ch'ran's knee, and beats his
wings sort of frenetically, thumping them on the floor of the ledge. After
a moment, he manages to get himself airborne, and skids to a careful
landing on Ch'ran's shoulder, whacking the brown in the process. Ch'ran
tips his head a little to the side, evidently having noticed that something
happened, but not really caring what.
Sayra leans over and hugs Alea back. "Thank you!"
Dh'lon leans against Wyith and turns back to watching the sands.
Cirdanth rumbles, spotting the green hatching and dragon-grins. Drools,
just about. Oh yes.
R'val smiles at Sayra, murmuring, "Lovely little green, eh?"
Aislinn looks almost wistfully at the tiny green, but at a nudging from
Ciruth, she comes back to present, "Course there's not a dragon on Pern
better for me than you, Pest, you should know that." And she reaches up to
stroke the lowered eyeridge.
Melata mmms, "I still think blue from the skybroom egg...and....bronze from
the redwoodish one."
On the Sands, Vitral watches the three hatchlings as they move towards the
On the Sands, Nimiriel's attention turns to the green as she breaks shell.
Her eyes widen appreciatively, and she watches this newest hatchling
approach the group of Candidates intently.
On the Sands, Kateal shifts nervously and takes a moment to glance around
at his fellow candidates then back at tthe approaching hatchlings.
On the Sands, Celie ahs. "Green...about time."
On the Sands, Wiping the beads of sweat from her brow with her free hand,
Minya watches the progress of the fancy little green with amused interest,
a smile on her face. "And proud of her beauty too," she murmurs softly.
Taceth appears with a rush of cold air from ::between::, looking around for
a mirror or some food.
Taceth launches off the perch.
On the Sands, Kestrall smiles as the green hatches and watches as she
moves, nodding approvingly at the beauty of the green.
On the Sands, Tierigal stares in wonder at the little green. "She's so perfect."
On the Sands, Mirabeth smiles at Sejan's declaration about Cellia's proud
sister. Then she spies the green that has made it's way into the world. She
stares at it, mesmerized by it's presence.
Sayra grins at R'val. "She is a lovely green..."
On the Sands, Sabra blinks, grinning crookedly at the green. "Proud one,
she is," she comments.
Dh'lon pokes Wyith in the side. "It'll be a while yet, lump."
On the Sands, Jacera glances at Tierigal and nods slightly. "She's
absolutely beautiful..."
Lorianne seems to have lost interest though she does check to make sure
Glynna doesn't have any of those annoying hatchlings hovering about here
every once in a while.
Ch'ran nods, slightly, muttering, "Lovely," to noone in particular, or to
everyone, or something, maybe to himself.
On the Sands, Kateal murmurs absently, "She has every right to be..."
J'bal stirs for a moment from his squat on the hard rock of the ledge. "I
wonder when a good dragon is gonna Hatch. Like a blue", he comments to Rhy,
then grins.
R'val nods quickly in agreement, smiling down at the Sands.
On the Sands, Sejan chuckles lightly at the green's display. He looks for
her over at Mira, back to the green.
On the Sands, Cracks appear on another gentle creamy yellow egg, and after
some time, shards fall away as a tiny yet noisy blue hobbles its way out
and makes a weak off-key bugle.
On the Sands, Shayne looks at all the Candidates while whispering to
Vitral, "Who do ya think will Impress next?"
Kershala makes her way over to slump between great brown forepaws,
pillowing her head as she watches the sands.
Kassima snickers at Cirdanth's expression. "He's as bad as Vidarth, Shala.
Isn't she awful young for him to be staring at her with *quite* that much
interest?" With a wink for her friend, the greenrider returns her focus to
the hatchling green. "A beauty, she is, in very deed--though of course nay
comparable to *you*, Lysseth--and so delicate-seeming, too! Wonder who
she'll choose...? And who will the green who'll be next to hatch choose,
for that matter?"
Rhyana laughs at J'bal. "You missed it..." she says. "First hatchling was a
blue." she points out.
On the Sands, Beguiling Gossamer Green Hatchling makes a small sound -- a
greeting to the world. Her eyes whirl swiftly as ske looks from face to
face, searching.
On the Sands, Glynna shoves away, irritably, the lock of chestnut hair that
threatens to hang mischeviously in her eye. Why did she wear her hair down?
Blowing the curl off of her forehead, she follows the green unblinkingly.
Cirdanth snorts and winks one great blue eye at Kassi.
On the Sands, Trisken appears to have no interest in the green hachling,
beautiful though she is. He keeps his eyes focused on a certain egg,
watching it carefully, taking only a moment to glance at other dragonets
J'bal ahs and nods. "First one out. That's good."
Gwirith warbles up to Cirdanth.
Dh'lon grins to Starratiel, "Want to give up and pay me that half-mark now?"
Ch'ran looks up at the word, "Blue." he grins at J'bal. "Hey bluerider," he
says, pointing to the new hatchling. "So there."
On the Sands, Shandra pushes her hair back and smiles.
On the Sands, Kestrall shifts from one foot to the other and his gaze goes
from the green to the noisy blue which just hatched.
On the Sands, Minya's eyes momentarily stray to the source of the noise,
the blue who's just hatched. Gripping her tunic with her free hand, her
gaze strays back to the green, her head tilting slightly to one side.
On the Sands, Tierigal chuckles at the sound of the Hatchlings bugle,
"It'll get louder in time."
On the Sands, Vitral turns to Shayne and shrugs with a grin on his face. He
whispers 'I don't know, I only know who I want ot be next."
On the Sands, Mirabeth chuckles at the new Blue's rather pitiful bugle. Her
eyes roam the sands, trying to take in the position of the many hatchlings
that are now present.
Starratiel snorts. "Don't count your dragons before they Impress....
Dh'lon just chuckles.
On the Sands, Kateal watches closely as the little blue and the green make
their way forward. He suddenly reaches up and scratches his neck, nervously.
On the Sands, Shard watches the tuneless blue with appreciation of his
vocal clumsiness.
On the Sands, Kestrall grins momentarily at Vitral, and quietly says to
him, "After me you can be next." and turns back to watch the blue.
On the Sands, Candidates from the MineCraft and a Ruathan Impress the two
blues who both seemed to know what they were looking for in lifemates.
Vaeth lets out a congratulatory bugle to his newly impressed sons and
they're lifemates, to include Choloth and Cellia.
On the Sands, Glynna blinks as the curl arrives again in her vision; it's
been brushed away, then blown away. Grimacing, she pushes it back and
presses it to her forehead, leaving her palm there momentarily while she
stares at the pretty little green.
On the Sands, Shayne chuckles, sparing Vitral a quick glance before her
eyes are drawn back to the lovely green.
Aurelinth twists her head to see the latest blue impressions and croons.
However she now completely blocks her rider's view of the sands.
On the Sands, Beguiling Gossamer Green Hatchling turns from a sandy-haired
herder lad, locking eyes on /black/. Hair, that is. She moves forward,
decisively to Shayne.
Cirdanth warbles back soothingly to Gwirith.
On the Sands, Sabra wipes sweat off her forehead again, shifting feet as
well. She watches the eggs and hatchlings intently, smiling briefly at the
other Candidates.
On the Sands, Vitral smiles at the two candidates who just impressed, and
then watches the green approach
On the Sands, Beguiling Gossamer Green Hatchling gazes into Shayne's eyes.
On the Sands, Kateal jumps at Vaeth's bugle and then lets out a huge
breath, "Jays!" He chuckles at himself and shakes his arms to loosen up a bit.
Darci says quietly to Aurelinth, "Please settle down and sit still, I know
these are your grandchildren, but I want to see too." With this, Aurelinth
begins to thrumm quietly and sits still for a time.
Kyleri raises eyebrows. "That was quick."
R'val grins, "LOok! The green chose!" He points unnecessarily.
Dh'lon grins, "Shayne!"
Sayra grins down as the little green makes her choice. "Alright SHAYNE!"
Karitha smiles and nods, "Good. She was sure of herself then."
Janelle says "mercifully so."
Dh'lon claps for Shayne.
K'tyn smiles at the banter that is flying about, though he tries to pay
attention to the action on the sands below. "Look, Keth!"
Starratiel grins. "Ha."
Breshtan watches with something like wistfullness as the green wanders
forward, ducking down to rub his cheek against Swiftwing's hide.
On the Sands, Shayne catches her breath as she makes eye contact with the
green dragonet. An expression of adoration is represented on her glowing,
smiling face by a single tear of joy. For once, Shayne is rendered
speechless, barely managing to whisper, " Asperth?" before throwing her
arms around her lifemate.
Alea whoops as Shayne impresses the dainty green.
Bryena applauds again, smiling softly as she watches the touching scene below.
On the Sands, Sejan turns slightly, looking to the side to see how many of
his friends have their lifemates. He then turns back towards the eggs.
Andrea grins as the greeen impresses.
On the Sands, Vitral looks like he is about to explode as he happily
watches Shayne impress
R'lym grins.
Darci cheers the pairing.
Vivian grins at R'vals enthusiasm. She smiles softly at the new lifemates
below on the sands.
On the Sands, Jacera sighs softly, staring at Shayne blatantly enviously...
Kershala grins. "Good choice! Excellent choice! Oh, she's lovely. Asperth?"
Melata claps.
Vidarth CROONS! for the new green and her lifemate.
On the Sands, Tierigal lets his breath out as he watches the green make her
On the Sands, Sand stirs beneath the Lacquered Walnut Egg as it rocks back
and forth gently.
Dh'lon grins and pokes Wyith, "Not for some turns, lump. I told you."
Alea nudges M'kel. "Shayne."
R'val grins, seeing Vivian's glance, "A good pair, they'll be, I'ms ure."
Prometh warbles to the newly impressed pair. "Right, Prometh! They will do
well together."
Kassima laughs. "That green didn't waste any time! See, Shala? Greens *are*
faster than browns... ach, 'tis a good pairing! And Asperth! Shayne and
Asperth... 'tis a good combination."
Zyrieth rumbleshumms.
On the Sands, Kateal lights up and grins, watching Shayne and Asperth. He
looks over at the other pairs off to one side and starts fidgeting with his
Allory murmers 'Asperth' a few times under her breath, getting a feel for
the name.
On the Sands, A large crack opens down the side of the Lacquered Walnut Egg
as more tiny ones web over its surface.
Aislinn takes in Jacera's facial expression and under her breath comments,
"There's one out there for you, Jace, I /know/ it."
On the Sands, Celie smiles and walks over toward Shayne to lead him off
toward the oil and food.
On the Sands, Nimiriel, watching the green's progress, smiles at Shayne and
her lifemate. A soft sigh escapes as she shakes the sand free from her
sandals one by one. She reaches up to wipe her forehead, then turns her
attention once again to the eggs.
On the Sands, Shard 's jaw drops as he actually sees an impression, paying
attention this time. "Sheeeeells."
On the Sands, Kestrall is distracted from smiling happily toward Shayne by
the cracking of another egg and turns to watch it.
On the Sands, Cellia glances up from her rapt attention to Choloth long
enough to see Shayne's Impression. She grins at the other ex-Candidate
before returning to the feeding of her lifemate.
Kershala says "Nobody ever said browns were fast. Merely that they are more
careful about their decisions," she chuckles. "Well, most of the time."
On the Sands, Trisken smiles over to Shayne, then back to the eggs as one
rocks. /That/ one. Now, let's see what will come of this...
Ch'ran nods slightly. "Asperth," he says, bobbing his head under the
On the Sands, A culmination of the gamut of draconic colors, this bronze's
hide alters its fundamental hue according to the direction in which he is
viewed. At one angle, he is the bronze of dawn, kissed by the golden red of
Rukbat's early light; at another his metallic skin shimmers with faint
tints of blue, green, and brown like a forest reflected across the still
waters of Ruatha's lake. In an average dragon this array might well create
a visual cacophony, yet this fellow wears his myriad multicoloredness with
unconscious pride and grace, a story of serenity within the chaos of a
Hatching. Illusion it may be, yet caught within the dragonet's skin appear
to be outlines that the mind's eye may construe as pictures, images that
speak of his parentage, of Igen, of Pern. He is imagination incarnate, and
in his lifetime he shall be content to express to his lifemate the wonder
that is Impression, the joy that is dragon and rider united as one.
On the Sands, Mirabeth takes a deep breath as she gives Sejan and Jacera's
hand a little wiggle. She smiles nervously now, still taking in the
commotion around her.
R'lym chuckles and leans over to Darci, "They're Zyrieth's grandchildren,
Dh'lon ahhhs, "A bronze."
Kershala whistles, grinning as 'Danth bugles. "Bronze!"
Andrea blinks as the broonze hatches, "Pretty." she mummers.
Ch'ran quirks a grin. "Bronze!" he says, enthusiastically, before he's
hushed by a warble from Shanth.
R'val grins "Ah, a bronze at last."
On the Sands, Vitral gives Shayne some room and gasps as he spots the
bronze hatchling
Zyrieth lifts his head and bugles a greeting to the young Bronzeling.
Breshtan leans back in his chair slightly, glancing up in startlement as
gasps and mutters greet the young bronze.
On the Sands, Minya watches as the Green chooses Shayne, chuckling softly,
and nodding to herself. She gives Nimiriel's hand a little squeeze, then
gasps as the bronze makes his appearance, smiling widely.
On the Sands, Tranquil Tapestry Bronze Hatchling with the most casual and
confident of head flicks discards the lingering shard affixed, albeit
temporarily, to his snout so that he can stand, poised and posing, to
examine the Candidates just as they most likely are examining him. His
hunger is an ache reverberating through his system, yet patient he is,
patient and studious in his regard of the young humans. Give them time to
familiarize themselves with him, and he shall do the same.
On the Sands, Trisken smiles as a bronze hatches out of the eggs. Well. His
personal mystery is solved, and he watches the hatchling intently.
Lorianne comments to the boy sitting next to her, for no particular reason,
"My son, Lortan, he's a bronzerider."
Sayra whistles, awed. "bronze."
Ceara smiles at Shayne's impression and oohs softly at the bronze. "Nice."
On the Sands, Woven Fleece Egg rocks suddenly on the sand from side to side.
On the Sands, Jacera looks at Mirabeth, sighing quietly.
Prometh bugles to the bronze on the sands below. K'tyn nods, then looks up
at his lifemate. "Were you ever that small?"
On the Sands, Nimiriel lets out a low whistle of appreciation. "Ohhh," she
breathes softly, "he's lovely."
On the Sands, Sejan murmurs, "Jays," as he watching the bronze break shell.
Aislinn must be in a perverse mood for she deigns to correct Craftmaster
Lorianne, and loudly, "L'tan."
Kershala nods at Lorianne quietly. "And a fine one, from what I here," she
On the Sands, Tierigal gasps and points to the newest arrival, "A bronze..."
On the Sands, Celie hmmms. "Another brown. Must be your lucky day, Irina."
On the Sands, Kateal hears Vitral's gasp and looks around. Seeing the
bronze, he gasps himself, "Oh..."
On the Sands, Sabra gasps as the bronze hatches. She starts as noise
suddenly makes itself heard, and smiles as Shayne Impresses. Turning back
to the eggs, she watches intently.
Starratiel says "he was, K'tyn. I saw him."
On the Sands, Glynna blinks. A bronze. Huh...interesting, and not for her
concern, thank Faranth. She smiles faintly and gives Aryn's hand a gentle
squeeze of encouragement while the hand Cellia had formerly held flexes
Breshtan licks his lips, glancing nervously toward Lorianne. "Yes'm."
Darci chuckles at R'lym and nods, trying unsuccessfully to speak loud
enough to be heard above the noise of the crowd, "But Zyrieth hasn't got
his huge head in front of my eyes." But she's distracted and poins to the
sands,, 'Oh, look, a bronze"
On the Sands, R'yel smiles fondly as the green Impresses, then turns to
Jaela, "Cute one, that green." His attention is quickly caught by the newly
hatched bronze and he looks up at Vaeth, grinning, eyes unfocused. Vaeth's
bronze chest puffs out a little prouder.
On the Sands, Woven Fleece Egg rolls a little downhill, bumping into
another egg. Striations appear on the surface as the dragonette inside
struggles to come out.
Dh'lon looks over at Aislinn.
Sayra leans forward, fists clenched as she watches the bronze intently.
On the Sands, Shard catches his breath as the Bronze hatches fully,
clutching his stomach in sympathy with the baby bronze's hunger.
On the Sands, A tiny little green hatchling finally scrambles her way out
of her confining egg and glances around, stepping away from her shards.
Kassima's jaw drops at the sight of the newest bronze, and she whispers
reverently, "Great glowing golden eggs of Faranth... what a beauty that one
is! And bronze!" She shakes her head in amazement. "Who d'you think he'll
go to, Shala?"
T'bin glances over at Aislinn from afar when he hears her correction. He
slumps down until he's completely hidden by Ashroth's legs.
Kethran grins at his weyrmate, and nods at the Impression. "Indeed!" he
grins, chuckling softly.
Dh'lon whispers "I bet that Glynna Impresses the bronze. If Lor is afraid
of her Impressing now imagine if that happened"
On the Sands, The Woven Fleece Egg rolls and wobbles as a gentle crack
winds down one of its sides.
Dh'lon leans over and whispers to Kassima.
Kiri watches the bronze with a broad grin.
Kershala shakes her head. "Hardly a guess."
R'lym chuckles, "True enough. Looks a lot like Vaeth, too."
On the Sands, Jaela smiles at R'yel and nods, watching the new little
green, "Indeed." She looks over at Ladonyth again and back out at Candidates.
Aislinn doesn't even allow her eyes to go near Ashrothas she continues to
watch the hatching, her jaw now set stubbornly.
Kershala says "Kateal, maybe? I don't know them all that well."
On the Sands, Minya stands stock still as the bronze turns to look at the
Candidates. She quirks a slight grin as egg shards move to his snout, and
glances toward the other, pale, egg, that is rocking.
On the Sands, Several more tiny cracks begin to show along the large one as
the Woven Fleece Egg wobbles.
On the Sands, Tranquil Tapestry Bronze Hatchling raises a foot to take his
first step away from his egg, and a steady step it is. Lacking nervousness
and lacking doubt, he strides with purposeful dignity toward the nearest
grouping of male Candidates and there initiates his all-important search
for the unique youth who will become his lifemate. Hunger abbreviates his
indiviual examinations of the Candidates, for he can already feel the touch
of the right mind within his own. Now to locate that mind and that boy!
Karitha tilts her head to look around somebody at R'lym. She grins, "No
gold foot though."
Kethran smiles wistfully, recalling another bronze dragon about that same
size, and a certain Candidate on the Sands.
On the Sands, With a triumphant little creel, this gentle little green pads
away from the shards of her egg, looking about the Sands briefly. Her head
and dorsal ridges are like a forest canopy in sunlight that stretches down
to her wings, becoming the darker shades of a wooded glen. The hint of
water sparkling in the sun glitters in her wings. Underneath her wings,
chest and tail become undiscovered emeralds glittering in darkness. Her
eyes reflect a calmness of spirit and a tranquility, like a haven in a
storm. She seems almost reluctant to move from where she's wound up now, as
if soaking her surroundings and looking about to see what this new place is
Merellia's mouth curves upwards as she laughs in response to Neith's
crooning to the newly-hatched bronze. "Too young for you," before grinning
over towards Aislinn as she hears her correction.
R'lym shrugs, "True, true."
Kassima swivels her head to regard Dh'lon, startled, then bursts out
laughing. "'Least you'd win, that way!" she manages through her chortles.
Ch'ran quirks a grin. "And green," he says softly, to himself.
Sayra grabs at R'val's arm, holding her breath. "Ooooh...."
Melata shakes her head and tries to follow the movement of each of the
dragonetts about the sands, but they seem to be popping out all over now.
Benden Weyr> Kindre waves...that was fun trying to get in :b
On the Sands, Trisken inhales deeply and watches the bronze with an intense
expression, as he murmurs to himself, "Whatever happens, will..."
R'val cocks his eyebrow at Kassima with a grin, and pats Sayra's hand
reassuringly, holding it.
On the Sands, Sejan's attention is fixed between the two hatchlings as he
tries watch them both at once.
Dh'lon smiles innocently at Kassima, casting a glance over at Lorianne then
down towards teh sands and Glynna.
Benden Weyr> J'lor nogs.
On the Sands, Kestrall watches the bronze and newly hatched green as he
wipes his forehead dry.
Andrea looks down at the green, "'nother beauty, quite a fine clutch.."
Benden Weyr> Kenai waves to Kindre and agagagagagags!
Benden Weyr> R'val hugga Kindre. Come to da hatching! :)
Benden Weyr> Caitria snugs a Kindre. Whee hatchingspam.
On the Sands, Vitral watches the proud bronze hatchling as it approaches.
He wipes the sweat from his forehead and stops rocking
Benden Weyr> Kindre says, "am I too late to?"
On the Sands, Jacera sighs softly, glancing at Tierigal. "Another pretty
On the Sands, Kateal keeps his eyes on the bronze but smiles at Trisken's
Benden Weyr> Kenai grins. nope- get over here! :)
On the Sands, Sabra blinks as sweat drips into her eyes. She smiles at the
newly hatched green, her hands clenching the sides of her robe.
Benden Weyr> R'val says, "Not at all, you've only missed two impressions."
Kershala chuckles. "What I'd like to know is who that gold will go to.
She'll have quite a choice, from what I've seen."
Ch'ran chuckles slightly. "All hatchlings are beautiful," he says,
philosophically. "In their own way."
Vivian smiles at Ch'ran's words, nodding her head as she keeps her eyes on
the sands below.
On the Sands, Wiping her free hand on the white fabric of her tunic, Minya
watches as anther Green hatches, nodding at Jacera's comment. "Very lovely,
too," she murmurs. She gives Nimiriel's hand a gentle squeeze.
Rhyana nods over at Ran. "And all right for *someone*." she adds,
On the Sands, Aryn shakes herself out of a daze and shifts from foot to
foot, her face red and sweaty. She takes a deep breath wipes her free hand
on her robe, and even frees up her other hand for a moment to give it the
same treatment. Then she clasps Glynna's hand again.
J'bal stands up temporarily, watching the comedy/drama taking place on the
Hatching Sands below him, quickly massaging his legs. He drops back down
after scant moments, once again resting chin upon hand to watch.
Kershala quirks an eyebrow at Ch'ran. "Was that ever in doubt?" she
chuckles. "They have to be beautiful or they Candidates would run
screaming. "Not," she says thoughtfully, "that some don't."
Kassima continues snickering even as Lysseth proceeds to try and deafen her
with another crystal *trumpet* of welcome for the newest green. "Lovely
lass," she finally calms down enough to comment. "And green, too--the more
greens, the better the clutch. Things're looking good so far."
Andrea looks at Kershala, "I wonder too, probly Aryn or that other girl."
she doesn't say the other's name, though, since she has no idea what it is.
Lorianne looks up at Aislinn and smiles a tight little smile, "Ah, yes and
you're the stumpet who turned him into a perverted little bronzerider, now
aren't you?"
On the Sands, Glynna grins uselessly at Aryn and squeezes the hand right
back. "Fun, eh?" she giggles, not sounding like she's having too much fun.
On the Sands, The Aged Redwood Egg teeters back in forth for a while as
small cracks form over it.
On the Sands, Tranquil Tapestry Bronze Hatchling leaves one grouping of
boys to approach the next, his eyes whirling less placidly now. His needs
require him to search with a growing sense of urgency and determine soon
the identity of his rider-to-be. His journey carries him past a a few
girls, and he lowers his snout to regard the diminutive one in the center,
Glynna. Sniff., somethings not *quite* right there. On he goes.
On the Sands, Nimiriel takes a deep breath, looking from bronze to green
and back again. Catching Minya's comment, she nods, a faint smile curving
her lips.
Vilyath croons down at the sands.
On the Sands, The Aged Redwood Egg tilts over as more and more cracks
develop over its reddish brown surface. Finally, some large pieces give way
and fall off.
Ch'ran chuckles slightly, having once again come out of his reverie well
enough to comment. "All true," he says. "Very."
Kershala bursts out laughing as the bronze inspects *Glynna*, of all
people. "What, not right? That's odd."
On the Sands, Tierigal nods. With an admiring smile on his lips, he watches
the hatchlings move about the sands meeting their lifelong companions. he
does however keep that green in line of sight.
Caitria laughs. "Did the bronze just stop at Glynna. That'd be a first."
On the Sands, Aryn shudders at Glynna and doesn't answer, she just takes
another step closer to the other woman.
Kassima watches the bronze approach Glynna, and glances at Dh'lon, laughing
all over again.
On the Sands, Kateal raises an eyebrow at the Bronze..He hmmms and glances
around to see where the green wandered.
Dh'lon grins at Kassima, "I told you!"
R'val chuckles, "A first I don't want to consider!"
On the Sands, Pale he is, small of stature as well, yet this swaggering
fellow fairly demands in a throaty and off-key bugle that all eyes focus on
him in stark disregard for the other hatchlings on the sand. Gleaming from
the hatching fluid, his hide shimmers like freshly cut timber on a dewy
spring morning, replete with flickers of peridot here and there like bits
of grass moisture-sealed within that wood. Not all of the hatchling's hide,
however, is faint in hue: chestnut whorls dance about the streaks of
sandier shades in an asymmetrical style that manages, remarkably, to be
pleasing to behold. Newly hatched as he is, the brown struts about in an
aggressive search for his lifemate, mindless that a shard of shell remains
hat-like atop his triangular head. No matter; he wears it, and his draconic
pride, with noble grace, a fitting courtier for the greens and golds of Pern.
On the Sands, Vitral spares a glance at the green and then raptly gazes at
the bronze hatchling.
On the Sands, Trisken wipes the sweat from his forehead, disregarding all
but the bronze, at least until the hatchling makes his choice.
K'tyn grins at Caitria. "I think it'd be a mistake!"
Dh'lon winks at Kassima and nods over at Glynna and the bronze.
On the Sands, Glynna blinks in surprise at the bronze sniffing her, then
sighs as it leaves. Noooo, that was close, even with a bronze.
Andrea gigles as she watchees the bronze, "She'll probly get the gold
Sayra snorts slightly in nervous amusement.
On the Sands, Kateal brushes his hair out of his eyes, "Another brown.."
Ch'ran chuckles slightly, amusedly, and relaxes somewhat against Shanth.
Breshtan huddles deeper into his seat, watching the hatchlings in awed
silence, still idly scratching blue and green eyeridges.
On the Sands, Peaceful Forest Green Hatchling raises her head thoughtfully,
taking her time as she searches among the white robed figures for just the
right one.
Melata sighs, her guess for the redwood egg wasn't right. She forks over a
16th mark, then narrows her eyes to watch.
K'tyn laughs at the shell-helmed brown. "Now that's an Areseth in training."
Kershala says "Hey, look at that one!" She grins and elbows Cirdanth.
"Looks about as cocky as you, love."
On the Sands, Shard covres a smile at the 'hat' worn by the newly hatched
On the Sands, Blustery Beechwood Brown Hatchling arches his wings back,
glancing at them and then nodding just slightly with a soft warbles -
discovering, perhaps, that they are his.
On the Sands, Minya tries very hard not to laugh as the bronze stops near
Glynna. She winks at the Candidate and looks up in time to see another
young Brown hatch, lips still curled in a smile. She idly lifts one foot to
shake off excess sand.
On the Sands, Sejan releases Mirabeth's hand again as he wipes once again
at his brow. He watches the newly hatched brown. His gaze then to the
green, finally the bronze.
On the Sands, Gasping softly, Sabra's eyes rivet to the newly hatched
brown. She grasps the sides of her robe tightly, not even shifting her feet
as the heat of the sand is forgotten momentarily.
On the Sands, Jacera giggles quietly. "That one had a Brown in it... Guess
that figures." She lifts her arm to wipe her face off again, then grabs
Tierigal's hand again, squeezing it lightly.
Andrea looks at the brown, grinning, "He's cute."
Herath flies in from the Bowl and lands on the ledges.
Kassima giggles. "You did indeed! Mayhaps you've a talent for telling the
future, Dh'lon...." She leans back against Lysseth's shoulder and chortles.
If Lorianne was looking for a person to pick a fight with someone, Aislinn
was certainly the person who's current mood is perfect for it, but it is a
happy time, a hatching, and she just gived a tightlipped smile, "I believe
your son has turned into a fine man and rider, craftmaster, whether I had
any say in the matter is anyone's speculation, not fact." Her lips press
into a tight white line, and her eyes go to the sands.
On the Sands, Tranquil Tapestry Bronze Hatchling arrives, at last, at the
correct corner of the Sands, his lifemates proximity thrumming his mind,
his entire being. A lifting of the chin and a creel of subtle and subdued
need beckon to the young man for whom he was conceived and hatched....he
must can feel it too? A nudge on the quiet lads shoulder makes an effort to
arrest his attention: surely, Kateal, you're watching?
Dh'lon bows to Kassima. "Perhaps I do."
Sayra sucks in her breath, her face slowly turning red.
Melata claps her hands some more, enjoying the spectacle below.
Kindre gives Herath's neck a loving rub before she slips down with the
polished ease of familiarity. The gold's eyes seem to burn through Kindre
until she is certain her lifemate is sure-footed on the ground, then turn
equally as hot to the surroundings in a quick survey.
On the Sands, Kateal blinks in astonishment and looks down at the bronze,
Kethran grins at K'tyn. "I wonder who his rider'll be? None of those
Candidates remind me of Lal."
R'val nudges Sayra iwth an arm, grinning, "Dear, you're turning red.
Breathe, before you pass out."
Dh'lon glances over towards Aislinn and Lorianne with a frown.
On the Sands, Kestrall grins at the site of the brown with a shard on it's
Kershala whistles. "Look! I pegged it in one, it's Kateal! Isn't it?"
On the Sands, Peaceful Forest Green Hatchling whuffles Kateal with endless
affection and creels again, bumping his head under the boy's hand.
Lorianne shrugs, unconcerned, "It's not like it matters, anyway. He's just
a rider now, not anyone important."
On the Sands, Tranquil Tapestry Bronze Hatchling gazes into Kateal's eyes.
Sayra jumps up and down, finally exhaling explosively. "KATEAL!!"
Benden Weyr> R'val says, "What the....?"
Kassima hmmms as she sees Kateal and the bronze, and adds, "Then again,
maybe you don't. Who's the lad down there with the bronze?" She blinks.
"*And* with the green?"
Benden Weyr> Kenai grins. Mav. :)
Kindre smiles, nodding as she recognizes faces and quietly slips over
towards some fellow Bendenites. Whispering, she wonders, "Have I missed much?"
Benden Weyr> R'val says, "I'll say. Talk about a choice mav ;)"
On the Sands, Zmeth whuffles Kateal with endless affection and creels
again, bumping his head under the boy's hand.
K'tyn grins at Kershala, "Have you some inside source, ma'am, that allows
you such unerring accuracy?"
Kershala blinks. "He can't have two. Can he?"
On the Sands, Kateal kneels down on the sand, an incredulous expression on
his face, "His name is Zmeth!"
On the Sands, Trisken lowers his eyes for a second, continuing to whisper
his litany to himself, and turns back to the eggs.
Dh'lon grins and applauds the matching.
R'val grins, "Ah, the bronze Impressed." He murmurs.
Andrea blinks as the bronze impresses, "I hope that green isn't tto
disapointed." she says after a moiment..
R'lym grins and looks closer, "No, I don't think so.."
On the Sands, Celie raises an eyebrow. "Zmeth...hmmmm...."
On the Sands, Shayne drags her tearstreaked face from Asperth to the sands,
just in time to see Kateal Impress. Her smile can't possibly widen anymore
than it already is.
Kershala grins and winks at K'tyn. "Course I do. But I'll not tell. Zmeth?"
On the Sands, Nimiriel lifts her free hand to cover a grin at the brown's
'hat'. Her eyes drift to the bronze, though, another smile curving her lips
as Impression is made. She glances once more to Minya, gives her hand a
squeeze, then searches out the other hatchlings.
On the Sands, Vitral grins over at Kateal
Ceara says "Zmeth? Cool name!"
On the Sands, Shard turns just in time to see Kateal impress. With a whoop,
he shouts, "YES!"
Merellia's eyebrows arch upwards as her glance slides from Aislinn back to
Lorianne; her lips quirk to a thin smile as she says to the Craftmaster,
"Just your son, is all."
Atop Kheveth's back, N'ren hms, "Zmeth? Sounds like a sneeze."
On the Sands, Blustery Beechwood Brown Hatchling turns his attention to the
sudden yell, his eyes blazing red with the hatching-hunger. With great
pride he raises his left forelimb and takes a determined step - right onto
his tail. He pulls the limb back with a startled creel.
Sayra jumps up and down throwing her arms around first R'val, then Alea and
Kershala and anyone else she can reach. "Bronze! Bronze! Oh my goodness, he
Impressed bronze!"
Andrea Thinks for a moment, "Zmenth.. intresting name!"
K'tyn grins at N'ren, "It does indeed, sir!"
R'val hugs Sayra to him with a grin, "How wonderful..."
On the Sands, K'tel stands up and stumbles alongside his lifemate towards
the other pairs.
Lorianne waves a hand in the air, "Worthless. Always was, no wonder the
weyr took him."
On the Sands, Minya holds her breath, watching as the Bronze finds Kateal.
She smiles her congratulations, then squeezes Nimiriel's hand before
looking out at the other hatchlings, wincing as the brown steps on his tail.
On the Sands, Peaceful Forest Green Hatchling moves around Kateal, creeling
with hunger. She approaches a group of candidates. No. She moves off
On the Sands, Jacera looks over at Kateal and his new bronze, smiling. She
looks back at the brown slowly, giving Tierigal and Mirabeth's hands gentle
On the Sands, Shard winces. "Sorry about your tail," he mutters.
Kershala oofs as she's hugged by an ecstatic bluerider. "Yes, yes, so he
did. And a fine bronze it is!"
Kassima blinks at the dragon's name. "Z... Z...." Her tongue twists trying
to pronounce it, and she finally just gives up. "Interesting name, anyway!"
Aislinn climbs up onto Ciruth as the blue bends down accomodatingly.
On the Sands, Sabra gasps as the brown steps on his tail. She cries softly,
"Oh, your poor tail."
On the Sands, Aryn jumps, for some reason starting at the sound of the
brown's creel. She looks that way, eyes wide, then her gaze travels
onwards, to various other points on the sands. She swallows again, against
some nondimishing lump in her throat.
Ciruth looks startled for a moment, then wings off the ledge, Aislinn's
expression close to fury.
On the Sands, Mirabeth winces at the Brown's creel and wiggles
uncomfortably, as if her own 'tail' felt a sympathetic pang.
Ciruth takes off carefully from the ledges.
On the Sands, Peaceful Forest Green Hatchling gazes into Mirabeth's eyes.
On the Sands, Trisken barely stifles a snort at the brown's momentary
clumsiness. His face returns to a serious, albeit nervous, and impatient?
Vilyath BUGLES!
Ch'ran tips his head slightly, thoughtfully. "Zmmmmmmmmmm," he says,
turning the name into his tuneless hum with an amused twinkle in his light
grey eyes.
Prometh bugles as the bronze impresses. K'tyn grins, remembering his own
fateful day. Who'd have thought? Not he, then. And he can barely accept it
On the Sands, Glynna watches the green and the bronze doing the do-si-do
around Katael before the bronze lays claim to him, and she smiles
lopsidedly. "Good job!"
Breshtan tries it a couple of times. "Z... Zmeth?" Quietly, of course.
R'val grins, "Ah, and there goes the green!" He points eagerly.
On the Sands, Blustery Beechwood Brown Hatchling noses his tail with a soft
wuffle which breaks the aura of pride around him. He raises his head and
warbles mournfully, longingly, hungrily.
Melata ohs, as the green Impresses...faster and faster they go.
Sayra grins. "Vil Searched her!"
Kiri grins at Breshtan and nods slightly. "That sounds right." She watches
the brown, chuckling quietly. "Quite a fun fellow, hmm?"
R'val grins at Sayra, 'Vil searches true, he does."
On the Sands, Nimiriel watches the brown, wincing along with everyone else
as he steps on his tail. "Oh, the poor thing..."
Kyleri blinks. "Greens going quick tonight..."
Kershala hmms. "Mirabeth, isn't it?"
Merellia lifts her shoulder in a shrug, tone still bland as she responds to
Lorianne. "Habrith certainly found him of worth--and in no mean measure,
either, Craftmaster."
On the Sands, Kestrall starts at the brown's creel, and sighs with relief
that he'd only stepped on his tail.
Merien looks after Aislinn, her expression also angry. She says, She
mutters to Merellia, "I don't understand... parents. L'tan's mother and my
On the Sands, Celie sidesteps a few candidates and quickly rounds up the
new Impressees, ushuring them over toward the corner of the sands.
On the Sands, Vitral smiles at Mirabeth "Way to go Mira." he turns at the
sound of the mournfull warble and watches the brown
On the Sands, Cellia grins at Kateal and Zmeth as they approach.
Sayra nods at Kershala, pratically dancing in excitement.
Breshtan smiles bashfully and nods. "He's a handsome one. Are they usually
so... active?"
On the Sands, Sabra watches the brown intently, hardly daring to breath.
Her gaze flickers to the other eggs, then back to the brown, hands
clenching the sides of her robe.
Lorianne stops arguing with the Istan contingent, ever secure in the fact
that her opinions aren't opinions, they're facts.
On the Sands, Minya's brows knit as she watches the poor little brown and
she looks from him to his parents, then back again, eyes intent.
Dh'lon looks back at Lorianne, quite disgusted with the Crafmaster's
display this evening. Then he turns back to watch the sands.
Kershala sighs and nods toward Merien, but keeps mum. Not her fight.
Kiri grins slightly. "I don't know. All of these ones have seemed to be."
On the Sands, Sejan smiles at Mira. He takes a step away from her, giving
her one last look before watching the brown once agian.
On the Sands, K'tel helps Zmeth along, he smiles radiantly at Cellia.
On the Sands, Blustery Beechwood Brown Hatchling steps closer to the group,
his warbling becoming shrill cries, his head moving this way and that, tail
On the Sands, Glynna sees two of her fellow Candidates Impress in rapid
succession and sighs, shaking her head. A remembrance that those other
people are still watching renews her dilligence at looking at least as calm
as one can be with a bunch of dragon eggs hatching all around....
Caitria pleasantly ignores Lorianne. She's heard it before. She's argued
about it before. She'd rather stay a Master at this juncture. She does,
however, turn to Merellia and comment quietly, "L'tan's a good lad.
There're those of us who recognize it."
On the Sands, Mirabeth sinks to her knees. "Sashanth!"
Breshtan says "Guess so..." He hoists Swiftwing back onto his shoulder,
tucking his feet under himself uncomfortably as a pair of people edging
past nearly step on them."
Ch'ran either missed the fight or chose to ignore it, it's hard to tell.
He's still idly humming, occasionally putting a Z into it, so the noise is
something like, "Zmmmmmmmmm zmmmmm," repeated over and over again, softly.
Kethran glances over at Ch'ran at the new dragon's name, and grins.
"Awfully close..."
K'tyn says "Sashanth? That's an interesting lot of syllables."
On the Sands, Trisken smiles to Mira before studying the brown.
Kershala grins and claps happily. "What a name! Sashanth," she murmurs,
nodding. "Lovely."
Andrea smiles as she hears 'sashanth', "Sasheth? sounds intresting.."
R'val grins, "Sounds like a very appropriate name for a green, somehow."
On the Sands, Sabra swallows absently, hand going to her stomach. She
watches the brown, eyes wide, before her hand drops and grasps her robe again.
Lorianne turns her head to give Caitria a look but she refrains from saying
Rhyana glances over at Ch'ran/
On the Sands, Some tiny cracks appear down the sides of the Golden Teakwood
On the Sands, Blustery Beechwood Brown Hatchling flutters his wings,
stirring up sand all over as he leans back on his haunches to bugle
Alea hugs M'kel excitedly. "Mirabeth this time."
Ceara cheers for Mirabeth and Sashanth. "I like that name, too."
On the Sands, Jacera blinkblinks and stares down at the brown beside her,
then looks up at Mirabeth, releasing the girl's hand. She sighs softly,
stepping away a bit. "Congratulations, Mira..."
Sayra sucks in her breath abruptly as cracks appear in the gold egg.
Kindre nods a quiet agreement, "It flows for a name, I agree."
On the Sands, The Golden Teakwood Egg rolls back and forth gently as more
cracks riddle its large golden surface.
Kassima ooohs. "Shashanth!" she exclaims, blissfully ignoring the fight.
"Lovely name for a lovely green!" She peers at Ch'ran and tries again.
"Zmmm... zmmm... zmmmeh... argh, I still can't do it."
Caitria smiles pleasantly to Lorianne, then blinks. . o O ( The gold! )
Shanth snorts, and raises his head again, peering down at the sands
intently. He lets out a welcoming sort of bugle, and manages to get his
lifemate to stop inflicting his humming on the ledges for a moment.
R'val clutches Sayra's arm, eyes widening.
On the Sands, Kestrall smiles happily at Mirabeth for a few moments, then
watches another egg crack.
On the Sands, An egg bursts open revealing another glistening brown
hatchling. He wiggles off a few shards from his nose and peers up at Vaeth
and Ladonyth. The proud pair urge the little brown on and he soon makes his
way into the candidate semi-circle and quickly chooses a lifemate from the
On the Sands, With a slightly glamorous little hop, this frail looking
little golden queen moves away from the shards of her egg, her eyes
glancing about carefully. Her hide is a wonderful rich deep gold, all the
way over her chest and down her glistening wings. Her cute neck and slender
tail are even a darker gold than the rest of her rich gold frame. An odd
feature of this lovely little queen is the light patch of flaxen gold which
rings about her left eye and about her eye-ridge. Her little legs are
muscular and she seems quite the sure-footed one. Curious at the
proceedings about her, she does know what she is here to do--find the one
whom she is meant to be a lifemate with forever.
Lorianne lets out a curse, "Perfectly good apprentice, stolen!"
On the Sands, Vitral grins at the brown hatchlings bugle....
On the Sands, Nimiriel releases Minya's hand for long enough to wipe her
hands on her robe. She quickly finds her friend's hand again, though, as
she sees the golden egg rocking. Involuntarily, she takes in a quick breath.
On the Sands, Aryn bounces on her toes, glancing down irritably at her
feet. She takes a step back, dragging Glynna's hand along with her. Then
she steps forward again, trembling despite the heat of the sands.
Andrea continues to watch everything below, and notices the golden egg's
movement, she smiles slightly, watching it hatch, and looks on.
On the Sands, "Did egg just move?" Glynna inquires to
Aryn, her voice breathless. "Yikes! I guess it did!" she then exclaims as
the gold emerges.
Sayra clutches at R'val's arm, eyes fixed on one Candidate in particular as
cracks form in the gold egg.
On the Sands, Blustery Beechwood Brown Hatchling manages to fall off
balance, rolling sideways to bump into Sabra. He shrieks, and then
suddenly, croons deeply, blue infusing the red in his eyes to become violet.
On the Sands, Sabra takes a deep breath, startled slightly as the brown
bugles. Her head swivels as she sees the gold hatch. Could her eyes get
/any/ wider?
Rhyana ooohs at the gold, leaning forward very slightly, eyes fixed on the
Caitria squints. "Not that one, CraftMaster. Th'Weyr's better off with
him." She turns, and says with a hint of humor, "He doesn't like chickens."
On the Sands, Shard ignores the gold, staring at the brown.
Alea sucks in her breath as the gold hatches.
Melata mmms, "I say that Aryn Impresses the gold. Only proper." Why its
only proper, Melata does not say.
On the Sands, Aryn swallows and nods at Glynna, looking towards the gold
hatchling. She reaches up a hand and swipes it across her brow.
On the Sands, Blustery Beechwood Brown Hatchling gazes into Sabra's eyes.
Vilyath bugles in welcome to the new gold!
Ch'ran chuckles slightly, at Rhy. "I'm always confused," he says, then
suddenly yanks his attention around to the sands. "Ah!" he says, once again
drifting off into nowhere in particular.
K'tyn salutes J'lor absently as automatic reflex takes over. "Shards! She's
gorgeous," he says staring at the lovely tiny gold.
Adonith bugles! at the gold as she arrives.
On the Sands, Sabra's head snaps back to the brown, staring at him, an
incredulous look on her face.
Sayra jumps up and down, "Ah! Can't stand it! Sabra!"
Ceara says "Considering she's from our area, I think so."
R'val grins, pointing, nudging Sayra, 'Look! That brown chose."
Dh'lon grins and smiles, "I bet that one gets the gold."
Kindre leans a bit against Herath, smiling up at her lifemate as the
hatchling renews some memories for her.
Dh'lon * blahs.. grins and smiles.. call me redudant
On the Sands, Trisken's chin raises slightly as the gold hatches, but
mostly out of respect, seeing as the golden hatchling doesn't have anything
to do with him. He glances to the side, and smiles widely at Sabra, moving
back a tiny bit.
On the Sands, Minya shifts from one foot to the other as she watches the
brown's progress, focusing for some reason on the swishing tail. She
freezes as she sees the gold hatchling, her eyes wide. A slight movement to
one side attracts her attention and she smiles as she sees Sabra Impress
the brown. Taking a deep breath, she looks back to the gold hatchling.
Andrea nods to Ceara and Melata, "I hope she doees..' she says, and looks
back to the sands.
Zyrieth trumpets the arival of the gold!
J'bal smiles as the gold hatches, ignoring the welcoming warble from
Emmith. "You can't chase them, Emmith", he murmurs, shaking his head at the
insistent blue.
On the Sands, Cautious Deep Gold Hatchling preens herself and glances
around calmly, and poking her nose about her shards before looking back
over at Ladonyth with a quick glance followed by a small creel.
Merellia settles back against Neith once more, comfortably, with a murmured
comment to Merien. At Caitria's words, and certainly not at all in response
to Lorianne's dismay to the new Impression, she smiles to the Master
Herder. "He's a very good rider, one we're proud to have in our Weyr."
On the Sands, Kestrall takes in a sharp breath as the gold hatches.
On the Sands, Nimiriel, her attention momentarily snatched by Sabra and the
brown, smiles warmly at the pair. Her wide eyes inevitably drift back to
the gold, however, her breath held deep in her chest.
Lorianne waves a hand in the air again, in what is apparantly a habit,
"Don't talk to me about the chickens, bloody apprentices let the whole
flock out. Half of them are still missing." She trails off into more
Kethran's attention is diverted toward the Sands as his eyes catch the
glint of gold, and he grins at K'tyn impishly. "You would say that! Bet
Prometh thinks so, too!"
On the Sands, Celie quietly motions for Sabra to escort her new lifemate
toward her.
On the Sands, Sejan smiles as he sees the gold. "Lovely," he whispers.
Kassima waves to J'lor and whistles appreciatively. "A beautiful queen...
but then, they all are. The brown chose?" She peers at R'val, then turns
back to the Sands. "Hmmm, looks like he did, at that."
Rhyana laughs softly at J'bal comment, then peers behind her at Kessith,
who's merely watching intently.
On the Sands, Shandra sighs lightly and casts a glance at J'rell.
Neith lifts her head in a sleekly abrupt movement, a croon thrumming
through her chest at the appearance of the gold hatchling.
Prometh spies the little gold and trumpets his loudest, giving her proper
On the Sands, Sabra drops to her knees, catching the brown's head. "Oh, oh,
oh! I know you're hungry, I can tell!" She looks up, "His name is Ivarath!"
On the Sands, Shard sighs as the brown impresses elsewhere and takes a long
look at the eggs still left.
Kiri overhears Master Lori and slumps down in her seat.
On the Sands, J'rell smiles at Shandra and moves closer.
On the Sands, Vitral smiles at Sabra. He glances at the golden hatchling
and then looks to the other eggs.
Caitria blinks at Lorianne's words, and uhohs softly. "Think I'll stay away
from t'Hall for a while," she murmurs to Allory. "Th'CraftMaster does like
her chickens."
R'val nods in approval, "Ivarath.I like the sound of that."
On the Sands, Aryn's eyes get wider and wider as she looks around, her gaze
constantly traveling back to the golden hatchling. Soon, her green eyes
appear as saucers in her face, which is red from the heat.
On the Sands, Ladonyth rumbles approvingly and looks over at the little queen.
On the Sands, Jacera gasps softly as she spies the gold. She moves a bit
closer to Tierigal, squeezing his hand harder. She bites her lip nervously
as she watches the new queen.
Shanth warbles tunefully, cheerfully, to the gold. Ch'ran, nodding again,
repeats, "Ivarath," rolling it around thoughtfully as he considers it.
"Another fine one."
On the Sands, Kestrall grins as Sabra impresses, then watches the gold to
see who she will choose.
Dh'lon says "Does the Craftmaster have a bond with chickens?"
K'tyn nods. "Ivarath. That's a right, proper name for a brown!"
Sayra grins. "Good thing Sabra didn't Impress blue, she murmurs, grinning
R'val peers at Sayra with a grin, "Why's that?"
Alea grins at Sayra. "I'll say."
On the Sands, Sabra moves over toward Celie, helping the brown, chattering
nonsense at him all the way. A smile threatens to break her face in two.
On the Sands, Vaeth rumbles his approval at the newly impressed pairs and
then a deep warm croon comes from him as he joins Ladonyth in greeting
their golden daughter into the world.
Melata snickers a little, hard to see Aryn's face from way up here, but the
way she's standing, it appears she's a little taken back with the Gold.
Sayra chuckles at R'val and Alea. "Think about it."
Dh'lon murmurs to Kassima, "Perhaps the Craftmaster could have a chicken as
a lifemate."
Alea grins. "I don't have to Sayra."
R'val chuckles, "I'm stumped."
On the Sands, Celie smiles and directs Sabra toward the meat bins.
"Remember what we told you. Nice and slow."
On the Sands, Tierigal turns to regard the golden beauty, "She's beautiful.
Mind you she won't be interested in me."
On the Sands, Cautious Deep Gold Hatchling creels again and then looks out
over at the ring of female candidates about her. She tucks her little wings
in and shuffles slowly over to them.
On the Sands, Slowly, Minya lifts her free hand to brush back a lock of
hair, her eyes riveted on the golden hatchling. Cheeks flushed, she smiles
gently as the hatchling turns to her parents. She looks, briefly, toward
Nimiriel, one eye closing in a wink, then back at the gold.
On the Sands, Glynna is already standing close to Aryn but takes another
sidestep closer anyways. Ohhh, the other hatchlings have been lovely, but
that gold is such a delicate little thing. Well, little being a subjective
term here. "She's, um, beautiful," she points out unnecessarily to Aryn.
Lorianne looks over at Dh'lon, memorizing his features.
On the Sands, Shayne's full attention is on her precious green Asperth,
nothing could possibly be more important to her at this moment.
Sayra grins at Alea. "Well, I know you understand what with Alia and
all..." she turns to R'val. "Sayra, sabra... both blueriders, could you
imagine? At the same Weyr even?"
On the Sands, Cellia puts yet another piece of meat into Choloth's mouth,
turning briefly to grin at Sabra and her lifemate.
R'val grins, "I'm sure you could be told apart."
On the Sands, Aryn darts a glance at Glynna, and crowds closer to her. She
nods wordlessly.
Caitria blinks as she overhears Dh'lon, and tries not to laugh too
obviously. She murmurs, "Chickeneth. Would it be a gold?"
Dh'lon smiles at Lorianne.
On the Sands, Jacera giggles quietly at Tierigal and pokes him. "Silly. Of
course not..." She sighs, staring over at the Gold, one hand tugging at the
white cloth wrapped around her wrist.
Alea grabs M'kel's hand, watching the gold.
Kassima chokes, then diplomatically attempts to turn her laughter into a
long and drawn out coughing fit. "An... *cough* intersting notion, Dh'lon...."
Lunarth warbles to all of the females he searched, including Aryn.
On the Sands, Nimiriel straightens up suddenly as the little queen moves
toward the Candidates. She also nods at Glynna's comment, slowly letting
out the breath she'd been holding.
Andrea watches Aryn as well, trying to see where thee gold's agoing and
what Aryn's adoing.
Dh'lon grins at Caitria, "Why of course. Gold Chickeneth. Pride of the
On the Sands, Trisken looks slightly downcast as Sabra moves away, but his
attention returns to the eggs remaining.
Ch'ran snorts a small laugh, trying to be subtle, and hides slightly under
his firelizard.
Andrea ears perk up hearing h'lon's comment, she turns around, to see who
said it, andd grins, looking back as she figures oout who.
K'tyn grins at Dh'lon, then cracks up. "I dare you to say that in the
Benden Living Cabern."
On the Sands, Sejan takes a little step back as he watches the little queen
move about.
Starratiel giggles.
On the Sands, Shard ignores the queen, concentrating on the remaining eggs.
Dh'lon winks at K'tyn.
On the Sands, Cautious Deep Gold Hatchling heads forward and pauses as she
approaches the ring, looking up and over at Jacera and Aryn--her little
neck arching and looking between then back and forth.
Melata holds her breath, watching.....
Kindre overhears Dh'lon and baarely manages to keep her chukling quiet.
Shaking her head a bit, she returns her eyes to the sands and the Gold
Lorianne stands up ands says in a clear voice, "I dare say that none of you
have *any* manners." She moves down in the galleries away from those
talking of chickens.
J'bal stands up, suddenly. "Yeah, go for the redhead, you cute lil gold",
he yells.
Andrea holds her breath as she sees the hatchling near Aryn.
On the Sands, Aryn blinks down at the gold, her eyes going bigger, if
that's possible. Big green dinner plates.
Dh'lon murmurs, "Then you're not alone."
Dh'lon turns back to watch the sands.
Caitria murmurs, "Hello, Pot?"
On the Sands, Jacera blinks at the Gold, looking surprised at her
attention. She bites her lip nervously.
On the Sands, Glynna studies the little gold that's so close, looking at
Aryn beside her, and holds her breath thoughtlessly, chewing on her lower
lip to appease the gnawing nerves twisting her insides into complex
sailor's knots.
Caitria is very quiet, though. Lorianne can't have overheard her...right?
Kheveth lifts his head. Did he hear chickens being mentioned?
On the Sands, A young lad from Southern Boll breaks out in tears of joy and
he falls to his knees, wrapping his arms around the bright blue neck of a
hatchling as it Impresses him.
Bryena glances over at Lorianne. Hmm. She turns her attention back to the
Sands quickly, lest she misses anything.
Benden Weyr> Caitria LOL at Kheveth.
Alea moans softly, "Oh, please lil gold, not Glynna."
Ch'ran leans forwards slightly, watching the gold intently. He grins at
J'bal, sort of lopsidedly. "Sure. Why not. The redhead," he says, rather
quietly, actually, compared to the res of the noise.
Kyleri raises an eyebrow at Alea.
Janelle giggles at Alea.
Dh'lon watches with amusement.
On the Sands, Minya turns to watch the lovely gold's progress, smiling
encouragement to Jacera and Aryn. Again, she lifts her feet in progression
to relieve the heat penetrating through the thin soles of her sandals.
Andrea whispers s oftly, "C'mon aryn, you can do it.."
V'han grins to J'bal. "Yeah, the redhead."
Kassima totally loses it, and bends her head down in a futile attempt to
make her giggles not quite so obvious. "Chickeneth..." she gasps. "Bright
Faranth, Dh'lon!" She adds in a very, *very* quiet undertone, "And don't
forget bronze Roostereth...."
Kheveth looks hungry, yes he does.
On the Sands, Kestrall shifts uncomfortably from one foot to the other as
he wipes his forehead with a shoulder of his robe. He glances around
momentarily at the other candidates, looks momentarily into the stands,
then notices the where the gold has gone and watches her.
Rhyana shrugs, and just watches intently, watching the gold, then nods in
Alyssa, quiet for so much of the hatching, looks over at Alea and smiles.
R'val rolls his eyes at Kassi with a grin.
K'tyn snorts at Dh'lon, shaking his head. He murmurs something about
Goldriders being truly nasty to tangle the broadest terms, of
course. He peers at the sands intently.
J'lor smirks.
Benden Weyr> N'ren says, "Chickens: Dragon popcorn."
Ceara creeps verry close to the ledge as she watches the gold come very
colse to Aryn.
Andrea chews on her lip neervously.
Benden Weyr> R'val mmmmm, popcorn.
Dh'lon grins back at Kassi, "Their riders could rule Poultry Weyr perhaps?"
Melata is still holding her breath...and turning as blue as her dragon.
On the Sands, A loud crack resounds from the Stained Skybroom Egg.
Kindre raises an eyebrow slightly at K'tyn with a grin before her eyes
again focus, this time very intently, on the young Queen and her path.
On the Sands, Sejan tears his eyes away from Jacera, Aryn, and the gold
when he hears the loud crack.
On the Sands, Vitral turns his head at the loud sound and smiles as he
watches the eggs begin to crack
Darci gives a look over to Dh'lon to attempt to hush him.
On the Sands, Shard winces, covering his ears.
On the Sands, K'tel pauses in holding a piece of meat for Zmeth and watches
the gold until Zmeth nudges him gently.
A Beastcraft apprentice snickers. "Hope Glynna does impress! Be nice if
Igen had ta keep her."
R'val winks at Kindre with a grin, "I don't think you're intimidating, 'He
Vivian bites her lip as she waits to see who the young queen will choose.
Kassima socks Dh'lon lightly in the shoulder. "Dh'lon! Cut that out, or I
won't be able to pay attention to the hatching for laughing too hard!"
Benden Weyr> <Kassima> Lysseth: << I'd like a medium bag of buttered
chickens, please.... Yes, low-fat butter would be fine. >>
Benden Weyr> K'tyn blinks! I thought that was the stained shroom egg! :)
On the Sands, A huge shard falls off the backside of the Stained Skybroom
Egg as another large crack starts along the front face of it.
On the Sands, Cautious Deep Gold Hatchling glances up between Jacera and
Aryn again then looks away from them as of considering and gently moves on
down the ring of female candidates, pausing up at someone. Aha.....this is
the one.
On the Sands, Not even barely seconds out of his shell, it's easy to tell
this little bronze is going to be a handful. His first act is to continue
battering what's left of his egg down until it's nothing but a heap of tiny
crumbled shards, as if he really was tired of being confined in there. With
this done, he stretches his long deep-bronze wings out to dry them, his
eyes whirling hungrily as he cranes his neck about, searching for a
suitable Candidate. His stature seems quite proud as he looks about,
watching other little dragon hatchlings stumble over towards the rows of
Benden Weyr> Kenai notes, BTW, in case any of you missed it, her borther
impressed the bronze!!! EEk!
On the Sands, Nimiriel bites her lip, seeing the lovely gold so close. She
takes in another breath, her free hand closing around a handful of her
robe, eyes never moving from the little gold.
Benden Weyr> R'val hugs Kenai, yay :)
Benden Weyr> J'lor can't seem to follow any of it anymore.
Bryena ahs. "Another bronze!" Of course, it's not surprising, with a HRW
dragon as the sire.
Benden Weyr> Caitria cheers at Kenai.
Melata ouches, and winces, both as her other egg-guess-the-color is wrong,
and in disappointment as the gold moves on.
Benden Weyr> Kindre says, "stained 'shroom egg??? get out..."
R'val grins, "Ah, marvellous, another bronze!"
Kassima claps. "Another bronze!" She leans over to mutter something to Dh'lon.
Benden Weyr> Kethran blinks. 2 PC bronzes?
Dh'lon inclines his politely to Darci and smiles to Kassima, turning back
around and watching quietly.
Benden Weyr> Caitria hees at Kin.
Benden Weyr> R'val tosses a shroom at kindre. Hey, I'm ordering pizza.
Guess what's on it!? :)
Prometh grumps. More competition.
Benden Weyr> Kenai ooooos!
Benden Weyr> N'ren says, "Yes. So?"
On the Sands, Trisken watches the eggs hatch, smiling at the bronze. He
glances at the gold, very curious to see who she chooses.
Andrea silees at the newer bronze..
R'lym glances toward Bryena and grins.
Benden Weyr> Yrdani says, "Really? Who imp'd the other?"
On the Sands, Sejan's mouth forms a litle "oh" as he watches the bronze. He
watches it for a moment before glancing back at the gold.
Kethran nudges K'tyn, with a grin, indicating the bronze. "Yet another one!"
Benden Weyr> R'val says, "Igen's had three in one hatching before."
On the Sands, Aryn watches the gold walk away, letting out a huge breath
that she didn't know she held.
Benden Weyr> Kenai thinks Igen only HAD two or three PC bronzes in the
whole Weyr...
Kershala chuckles. Another one?
On the Sands, Jacera lets out her breath as the Gold moves away, squeezing
Tierigal's hand again.
You whisper "If this bronze's name is Roostereth, Dh'lon, I swear that I'll
die laughing, so I will." to Dh'lon.
On the Sands, Minya's free hand tightens into a fist as the little gold
moves away from Jacera and Aryn. The slight smile freezes on her face as
her eyes lock onto the gold.
Dh'lon grins at Kassima's whisper.
Benden Weyr> N'ren says, "At least one of which is dead, IC."
J'lor had 3 in his clutch.
Kindre smiles and then nods to R'val,
Benden Weyr> Kenai wasn't counting him. :)
Benden Weyr> R'val says, "Ayup, R'tar and his bronze."
J'lor mavs, sorry.
On the Sands, Cautious Deep Gold Hatchling looks up and flicks her wings,
glancing affectionately up at Nimiriel.
Benden Weyr> J'lor can't even use channels right :)
R'val beams, 'Look!" He points, "The gold chose!"
On the Sands, Cautious Deep Gold Hatchling gazes into Nimiriel's eyes.
On the Sands, Vitral grins as he sees another bronze hatchling. He laughs
softly as he sees it batter the remains of its egg into shards
Sayra jumps up and down. "Yes!"
Ch'ran nods slightly. "She did."
Andrea sighs slightly as the gold moves from aryn, "oh well."
K'tyn nods at Kethran. "Prometh's not too pleased about it. He thinks they
ought to have stopped at one bronze. Less competition."
Ceara leans back a bit as the gold passes by Aryn, and smiles politely as
the gold chooses.
Kershala whistles softly. "Oh... now that is a good choice," she says
softly. "Nimiriel?"
On the Sands, Shard yanks his eyes away from the Gold impression, as the
new bronze stamps his shell to bits.
Caitria can't help but laugh at the Igen bluerider's enthusiasm, then turns
to Shala. "Is it? I don't now her."
On the Sands, Nimiriel's eyes widen and she falls to her knees, her arms
wrapping around the gold's neck. "Her name is Daelyth!"
Alea looks at Sayra, eyes wide. "Nim? Nim!"
On the Sands, Trisken's smile widens as he sees Nim impress.
Janelle sighs a bit and pats Lunarth.
Pliarth flies in from the Bowl and lands on the ledges.
On the Sands, Minya lets out the breath she'd been holding as she sees her
friend Impress the Gold, releasing Nimiriel's hand and taking a few steps
On the Sands, Glynna gasps as the gold makes her choice and it's NOT her
but Nimiriel. Breathing out in a gasp, she looks down at the sands and
kicks a bit here and there, smiling sardonically.
Kethran laughs softly. "And how many bronzes were there in his clutch?"
Then, he adds a chuckle as he regards his weyrmate's dragon. "I can't
imagine him being afraid of competition, though!"
Kershala nods, smile broadening. "It is! Daelyth, oh that's *perfect*."
Kindre turns quickly and then cheers, "Oh, how wonderful!" Overhearing a
few voices, she wonders, "Nimiriel is her name?"
Kiri grins broadly as she watches the gold make it's decision.
Ryialla undoes the buckles and straps tying her to Pliarth.
Melata sighs, anticlamaticly...well...Aryn will get a blue. Next best color.
Dh'lon smiles at the Impression.
On the Sands, Aryn's eyes follow the gold to Nimiriel, and she takes
another deep breath and looks out across the rest of the sands.
Ryialla quickly slides down Pliarth's foreleg and jumps to the ground. She
turns to pet Pliarth's muzzle and grins as she gets soundly whuffled.
Ch'ran nods slightly. "Daelyth."
On the Sands, Having almost totally stuffed Choloth, Cellia lets out a
cheer for Nimiriel.
Prometh arches his neck, then warbles triumphantly as the tiny gold picks
her lifemate. K'tyn cheers, as well.
On the Sands, Jacera smiles at Nimiriel, looking away for another hatchling...
Kethran appauds the impression of the new queen, grinning happily. "Always
a good thing for a Queen to choose."
On the Sands, Vitral hears some gasps from the other candidates and
realizes the gold has impressed. His attention remains on the bronze hatchling
Kassima hmmms. "Neither do I, but Daelyth--'tis a beautiful name! Truly
fine names in this clutch. Ryialla, heyla!" She waves over to the other
Benden greenrider.
On the Sands, Kestrall smiles happily for Nimiriel for a few moments, then
turns to watch the bronze.
Starratiel cheers. "Yay!
R'lym oohs at the Gold Impresses.
Adonith croooons loudly to Ryialla and to Pliarth.
Ryialla waves. "Thought I was going to miss the entire thing.."
Sayra grins and hugs R'val.
Ceara says "Daelyth, that's pretty."
Pliarth warblecroons to Adonith.
R'val hugs Sayra closely, smiling.
On the Sands, Rowdy Molten Bronze Hatchling stomps around and away from his
shards and almost runs into another tiny blue hatchling that's scurrying
over towards the Candidates. He doesn't give way though and barrelsover
towards the main group, eyes whirling a hungry red.
Andrea smiles, after a while though, "Daelyth's a fine queen though,
andt'is a fine name" she says softly..
On the Sands, Shayne pauses while feeding Asperth at the cheers echoing in
the cavern. She smiles brightly to find out Nim's Impressed the gold, but
at a nudging her eyes go back to her starving green.
On the Sands, K'tel grins happily at Nimiriel and Daelyth.
On the Sands, Sejan smiles as he watches Nim and her new lifemate. He gazes
out across the quickly thining sands, his gazing falling once again on the
bronze hatchling stomping about.
Cirdanth rumbles toward Pliarth suggestvely, eyes whirling.
On the Sands, Tierigal gives Jacera a sympathetic smile before returning
his attention to that wonderful bronze.
Benden Weyr> <Zimble> Jehrina says, "Just goes to show. Benden goes for
quality in bronzeriders, not quantitiy.:)"
Kindre tears her eyes away from the sands to wave to Ryialla, "hi there!"
On the Sands, Jaela smiles and glances over at Nimiriel and Daelyth from
her spot on the mat.
Lysseth> Cirdanth senses that Lysseth rumblesnorts, albeit amusedly. << You
never change, Cirdanth! >>
Benden Weyr> K'tyn blushes!
Benden Weyr> Kenai's igen alt checks. :) there were only 3 PC bronzes at
Igen before this hatching.
Benden Weyr> Kassima yays, quality! :)
On the Sands, Vitral grins as he watches the proud bronze bowl over a tiny
blue hatchling as it makes its way over to the candidates
Vivian smiles softly at the impression, leaning back against Rialeth.
Dragon> Lysseth senses that Cirdanth croons, undertones of amusement
coloring his voice. << Wouldyou want me to? >>
Darci and Aurelinth each give a cheer of approval for the pairing, "It
looks a good match" says the rider while the dragon only bugles.
R'val glances at Viviana nd smiles, "Remembering?"
On the Sands, Shard takes an unsteady step towards the bronze, not sure if
he should, but hoping against hope. He bites his lip as he's been doing all
day, a thin trickle of red appearing below his teeth.
On the Sands, Nimiriel gets to her feet, knees shaking a bit, and leads
Daelyth over to the side with the rest.
Lysseth> Cirdanth senses that Lysseth reluctantly warbles, << Well... not
really. >>
Benden Weyr> K'tyn feels like a bit of pork, being checked for fault.;)
Vivian looks over at R'val and smiles, nodding her head.
On the Sands, Trisken watches the oncoming bronze steadily, although his
feet shift uncomfortably. Of course, that's simply the heat.
Benden Weyr> J'lor hrms at this Hatching and doesn't feel in place... bog.
Breshtan sighs, smiling as he settles further into his seat, all unawares
of anything but the show on the sands. Flare hops down to perch on his
knee, eyes red-flecked as he watches in mild confusion.
Dragon> Lysseth senses that Cirdanth whuffle-purrs. << You know you
wouldn't. And may I say, you're looking rather green today? >>
On the Sands, Kestrall looks over the remaining eggs while keeping a wary
eye on the bronze.
On the Sands, Celie quietly escorts Nimiriel and the gold hatchling off
toward the meat bins.
Merellia touches Neith's hide in a gentle stroke, looking away from the
sands to the gold's head above her as Neith rumbles with a pleased croon at
the Impression. "It's well."
On the Sands, Rowdy Molten Bronze Hatchling barrels along with a greedy
look on his face. He's a hot head indeed, and he almost clips an
unsuspecting male candidate as he tromps past him and right into the middle
of the main group that's left.
On the Sands, R'yel smiles, watching Daelyth and Nimiriel for a moment,
then looks back over to the clutch and remaining hatchlings.
Adonith looks at Lysseth, then at Pliarth, and lays his head down once more
near Alyssa, who remains quiet as she enjoys the fine hatching.
Kershala glances over and chuckles softly. "Kassi!" she calls, gesturing
toward Bresthan. "Think he's enjoying this?"
Lysseth> Cirdanth senses that Lysseth's mind-tone holds strong tinges of
laughter as she says, << My rider says that I am most certainly *not*
looking green, and if I start looking rather green any time soon, she's
going to flee to High Reaches. >>
K'tyn peers down at the sands. "Who'll that one pick, I wonder?"
Dragon> Lysseth senses that Cirdanth croons. << They I'll follow. You *do*
look green. >>
Kethran grins. "Not sure. But I can be sure he'll not choose as well as
Prometh did," he points out.
On the Sands, Tierigal jumps out of the way as the Bronze hatchling comes
barreling through, "Easy there little fella."
On the Sands, Glynna follows the bronze hatchling a bit warily; she knows
very well they're meant for male riders, but shards, that last one almost
sniffed her up completely. Best remain attentive.
Breshtan chuckles, blink-blinking bck at Flare as the tiny blue peers over
his shoulder. "Don't have any oil."
On the Sands, Jacera giggles quietly as she watches the Bronze barrel
around the sands, then looks off towards the few whole eggs left.
On the Sands, Minya watches as Nimiriel and her gold move off, her
attention returning to the bronze hatchling, watching his rather speedy
progress toward the male Candidates.
Herath rumbles softly as her rider nods, "Definately," she mumblees before
speaking fully aloud, "STrong-willed that one seems for true," then
Kindre's eyes return to watch.
Kassima chuckles at Shala. "I think 'tis safe to say, Shala. And will you
tell that brown of yours that Lyss is *nay* looking particularly green?"
She gives 'Danth the evil eye.
On the Sands, Shard falls into the hot sands as the bronze passes him right
by. His eyes redden and moisten... probably from the heat of the sands on
his unprotected legs.
On the Sands, Sejan chuckles, shaking his head at the bronze's "enthusiasm".
Oil? Oil? Who cares about oil, he's sleepy. *slump* The little Flare curls
up on his owner's knee, wings tucking against his back.
Dragon> Adonith bespoke Lysseth and Cirdanth with << She is mine, brown
friend. >>
Kershala grins. "Oh, but she is! She always is."
On the Sands, The Blue Cotton Egg wobbles a bit.
Dragon> Cirdanth bespoke Lysseth and Adonith with << Only if you can catch
her, larger-than-me blue. >>
Lysseth warblecroons affectionately to Adonith, then bends her head to give
the bulk of her attention to the Hatching.
R'val grins at Kindre at her comment.
On the Sands, The Blue Cotton Egg stops wobbling as several large cracks
devlop over its surface.
Dh'lon grins, pleased with himself for some reason.
Melata watches, searching the pile of eggs as the last of them hatch.
Dragon> Adonith bespoke Lysseth and Cirdanth with << I have caught her. And
shall again. >>
On the Sands, Only a handful of eggs remain as a few more begin to crack open.
On the Sands, Shaking off several pieces of blue shards on her tiny frame,
the little green hatchling lets out a frustrated little creel. As the
shards come loose, you can see her hide is a rich mottled pattern of light
green and darker shades of green about her wings and over her cute little
snout. She steps away from her shards some and you can see the mottled
pattern continuing down her neck ridges along back down to her tiny tail.
With another more urgent little creel, she stumbles forward on a path
towards the remaining Candidates in an effort to find her lifemate.
On the Sands, Shard picks himself up and dusts the hot sands off, pulling
the sandle on which had fallen off.
Dragon> Cirdanth bespoke Lysseth and Adonith with << Then perhaps she'll
try.. gourmet... for a change >> He snorts. << Browns are ever so much
more... supportive. >>
Ch'ran nods slightly. "Green," he says, stating the obvious with utter
On the Sands, Vitral watches the Bronze carefully as it barrels its way
over to the candidates
J'bal leans over to Rhy and murmurs "Lots of greens hatching out, looks
like. Emmith will be pleased, if he can't chase golds."
Lysseth> Cirdanth and Adonith sense that Lysseth rumblechuckles. << I am no
one's but my own to claim, and perhaps my rider's; however, if catching is
the prerequisite, then I could be considered Adonith's indeed. >> She
whuffles the blue affectionately, and snorts at Cirdanth.
Kindre blinks, "Oh," she says of the Green, "she is adorable..."
Alea watches the bronze hatchling cross the sands.
K'tyn blushes belatedly at Kethran's comment,then cheers as a green makes
her way out her shell.
On the Sands, Glynna turns away, ever so slightly, from the bronze as the
green hatches, and a smile grows on her lips. "Another green."
Sayra whistles softly. "Lovely green..."
On the Sands, Kestrall watches the green hatch, still keeping an eye on the
almost hyper bronze.
On the Sands, Minya blinks the sweat out of her eyes as she turns, watching
the little green come out of her shell. Her lips curl into a little smile
as she watches the hatchling's progress.
R'val glances at Kindre and grins, "Isn't she just?"
On the Sands, Rowdy Molten Bronze Hatchling glances up at Tierigal and
shakes his head, barrelling past him and over to the person he feels is the
right one. With a hungry rumble in his throat he stops, glancing up and
On the Sands, Noisy Mottled Green Hatchling careens towards the group,
creeling all the way, wings and tail dragging behind her.
On the Sands, Tierigal gives the Bronze plenty of room. He notices the
newest green and sighs.
Rhyana laughs softly at J'bal's comment. "Kessith won't argue either.." she
points out quietly, her eyes still fixed on the sands.
Melata frowns...should be blue. "Well...I don't know..." She looks back
over her back at Verenth.
On the Sands, Sejan turns his attention from the bronze long enough to give
the green a once over.
On the Sands, Jacera smiles at the little Green, watching her hopefully as
she moves across the sands.
On the Sands, Aryn shuffles her feet slowly, her bright eyes looking around
at every movement on the sands.
Kindre nods quickly at R'val even as Herath snorts a bit, "She is...I
wonder who'll she choose..."
Benden Weyr> J'lor aghs as he realizes someone makes the famous K'tel logo
into a dragonrider... now it's time for Q'tip and K'mart and a host of
others to enter the set.
Alyssa pats Adonith's side and chuckles, shooting a fond glance at Kassima
and Lysseth before turning back to the hatching.
Benden Weyr> Elyandra laughs!
Alea grins over at Alyssa.
Cirdanth whuffs indignantly toward Adonith and Lysseth, and pointedly turns
to croon toward Pliarth.
On the Sands, Vitral holds his breath as he watches the bronze approach.
Benden Weyr> F'nar wonders if it's because he's young, but what's K'tel?
Benden Weyr> Kenai peers. Hey, that's my brother! What's wrong with K'tel?
Benden Weyr> J'lor says, "record label"
Benden Weyr> R'val says, "The new bronzerider, F'nar :)"
On the Sands, Rowdy Molten Bronze Hatchling pauses and shuffles over to
Vitral, poking him in the stomach with his snount rather hard.
Kassima looks up at her dragon and rolls her eyes exaggeratedly, flicking a
glance over at Adonith and Cirdanth. She abruptly chuckles, and reaches a
hand back to scritch Lysseth's neck, grinning at Cirdanth's behavior.
Benden Weyr> J'lor says, "nothing wrong with him he just has a sick sense
of humor :)"
Dh'lon blinks.
On the Sands, Noisy Mottled Green Hatchling bumps into Glynna, steps back,
onto her tail, and shrieks! She eyes Glynna malevolently, wings half
raised. One wingtip trails across her back, almost giving the illusion of a
Headwoman, hand on her hip, chewing out an errant staff member.
Benden Weyr> F'nar okees.
Benden Weyr> Kenai notes that K'tel's player is sitting behind her, and he
is entirely clueless as to what K'tel is. :)
Dh'lon grins, "Oooh, that green suits her."
Lorianne stands up and yells, "No, NO, NO, get AWAY from her."
Kershala giggles. "Oh my. They *do* make a pair."
On the Sands, Vitral's breath rips from his throat as he looks down at the
Bronze hatchling
Dh'lon turns around and scowls at the Craftmaster. "Sit down."
R'val laughs, "Oh shards, that's comic!"
On the Sands, Aryn makes a choked sound and lets go of Glynna's hand,
stepping away.
On the Sands, Jacera gasps at the Green's exclamation, watching her closely
as she shifts in the sand. "Poor thing..."
On the Sands, Rowdy Molten Bronze Hatchling gazes into Vitral's eyes.
Kethran grins suddenly at K'tyn, and giggles. "How incredibly, wondrously,
amazingly, totally, shardin' appropriate!" he remarks, pointing to the green.
Lorianne glares at Dh'lon, "Put a dirty sock in it, rider."
Kyleri starts snickersing.
Caitria blinks at the green and Glynna, then sighs. "CraftMaster, I don't
like it any better than you...but if it's going to happen, it will."
Kershala whistles. "Is that... who is that, with the bronze?"
On the Sands, Noisy Mottled Green Hatchling creels and warbles, and
finally, with a last hiss, tosses her head as if finished her harangue.
R'val points quickly, distracted from Glynna and the green,T "he bronze, he
On the Sands, A deep sea green hatchling finds her lifemate in a candidate
from Reaches Hold. The green lets out a squeeky, yet happy bugle and then
returns the affection given by her new lifemate.
Benden Weyr> J'lor laughs.
Alea grins. "Vitral. Vitral got the bronze. Oh, they'll make a great pair!"
Kethran smiles as his hand tightens on K'tyn's shoulder when the bronze
Ch'ran laughs, amused, watching the green. "That's lovely...." he says,
nodding firmly underbeneath his firelizard.
Benden Weyr> J'cob laughs.
On the Sands, Kestrall smiles at Vitral the bronze impresses him, then
watches the green over by Glynna.
K'tyn blinks at the two dragonettes on the sands, then stares at the
shouting person for a moment, then grins at Kethran. "Why do you say that?"
On the Sands, Vitral sinks to the sand, tears in his eyes. He looks up "He
says hes Tularth."
On the Sands, Glynna stands up as tall as she can -- which isn't very tall
-- and looks right back at the green, lifting her chin to stare right back.
"Oh, yeah? Well, chitterchittercreel to you too. Sound just like the
weyrwoman here, you do. Must be inherited," she grins.
On the Sands, Shayne has a contented smile on her face as Asperth's hunger
gets satiated. She lifts her eyes to the sands once more, jumping up and
down when she sees the bronze looking up at Vitral, "Alright!!"
Dh'lon eyes the Craftmaster, "And you say riders don't have any manners.."
He turns around.
Kershala laughs. "Vitral? Well, I lost a mark on that one. He seemed a
bluerider type to me. Talk about *wrong!"
R'val grins, "Tularth. An excellent name>"
Melata frowns and sighs as the last of the Hatchlings are Impressing.
"Shards. Aryn didn't Impress...well, maybe they just weren't good enough
for her." SHe nods..
On the Sands, Sejan watches Vitral and the bronze with a little smile. He
turns his attention to the noisy green infront of Glynna.
Benden Weyr> J'lor says, "it's a record label from the 70's, and I think
they also manufacture toys of some variety (or used to)."
Kethran mutters to K'tyn, "... she... Weyr one... spent... just..."
On the Sands, Shard backs away from the circles of new Riders, slumping
against a wall.
On the Sands, Celie quickly hushes Shayne. "Calm down. You'll send Asperth
into a tizzy."
On the Sands, Noisy Mottled Green Hatchling burbles, then sniffs delicately
and turns around, crouching down to regard, apparently, the knees of all
the Candidates.
On the Sands, Cellia giggles at the green, tossing a grin of
congratulations to Vitral.
Kiri watches the green with bemusement, breaking into laughter as Glynna
speaks up.
On the Sands, The last of the eggs cracks open and a little blue pops out,
shaking off his wings and looking out towards the remaining candidates and
trots over towards them slowly.
R'lym looks to Dh'lon and says, sharply, "Dh'lon! Stop."
Bryena grins at Melata. "We have a clutch coming up soon, after all. Maybe
Aryn's meant to be at High Reaches."
Ch'ran missed the bronze's name in his amusement at the green.
On the Sands, Shandra raises an eyebrow but just chuckles.
Lorianne sits back down and says, "That's better."
Benden Weyr> Kindre remembers K'tel and hugs J'cob belatedly!! darn 40
columns :b :) you think y'all are spammed...
On the Sands, Glynna is, however, having to fight off the urge to touch the
green before she leaves, frowning once the small creature steps away.
"Shells," she sighs.
On the Sands, Aryn steps behind Glynna, peering over the other woman's
shoulder at the green.
Melata nods, "Better believe it. Yup."
On the Sands, Trisken nods to Vitral, then looks at the remaining - well,
no more eggs. He watches the unimpressed hatchlings, then.
On the Sands, Minya chuckles softly at the little green, watching her turn
to look at the other Candidates.
On the Sands, Vitral hugs Tularth and mumbles to it
Dh'lon looks over at his Weyrleader, frowing, clearly displease. He nods
however and shuts up.
Ryialla watches quietly, comfortable curled up next to Pliarth.
On the Sands, Noisy Mottled Green Hatchling halts suddenly, and begins to
croon deeply, weaving back and forth, her eyes slowly turning from pure red
to a more violet shade.
Breshtan untucks a foot, wincing, and shakes it out in front of him,
blushing and muttering apologetically as he bumps the lady rider sitting in
front of him.
Kethran tosses a glare at Lorienne. He mutters to K'tyn, "... no... if...
could... dragons..."
On the Sands, Shayne sighs and nods, her eyes going back to Asperth and
getting lost in the depths of them. She smiles and hugs her lovely green neck.
On the Sands, Jacera's eyes shift from the green to the blue and back,
watching them both hopefully.
R'lym frowns.
On the Sands, Tierigal watches the green with eyes filled with wonder.
On the Sands, Celie motions Vitral over toward the group of Impressed
On the Sands, Vitral rises and help Tularth over to the food
Alea watches the sands. "A good group, dont you think Kyleri? Sayra?"
On the Sands, Minya continues to watch the little green, a smile curling up
her lips. She wipes her damp hands on the cloth of her tunic.
On the Sands, Sejan wipes at his brown as he watches the green move down
the line. He stands very still the nearer she gets.
On the Sands, Shard watches all the new hatchlings head for those that are
"part of the crowd". Trying not to attract attention, he backs towards the
Alyssa hugs her knees to her chest and leans against Adonith, a peaceful
smile on her lips as she relives her own Impression and enjoys watching the
unique elation on the new weyrlings' faces.
Sayra nods in agreement with Alea, eyes fixed on the green.
On the Sands, Irina has softly and silently vanished away. (If she didn't
say goodbye, please assume call waiting.)
Kindre smiles wide as she catches sight of Alyssa's expression, a betraying
look upon her face of memory as well.
Kyleri nods. "Those I know, yes. I have to admit I didn't spend much time
with this bunch."
K'tyn spies Minya, his friend from Ista. He turns to Kethran, "Hope she
gets that green."
On the Sands, The last little blue heads over to a lad from Valley Hold and
looks lovingly up at him. The boy smiles jubilantly and heads over with him
to the others for some food.
Alyssa holds her hand out to Kindre, bidding her come by and share in this
serene moment.
Sayra leans over, peering at the sands. "I hope Minya gets her..."
On the Sands, Noisy Mottled Green Hatchling steps closer, her croons
intensifying and rising in pitch, as her head rises to meet her lifemate's.
On the Sands, Noisy Mottled Green Hatchling gazes into Sejan's eyes.
On the Sands, Kestrall grins as the green impresses Sejan.
Kethran blinks at K'tyn, and then looks down at Minya, putting the pieces
together. "Oh... she's the one who made the pastry?" he asks.
K'tyn nods at Sayra, "It'd be fitting, her da being Kh'gar and all."
Kindre pats Herath softly and quietly slips over to sit with Alyssa, giving
her shoulders a small hug.
Sayra blinks at the sands. "/Sejan/ Impressed the /green/?" she exclaims
On the Sands, Celie gasps and takes a half-step forward.
On the Sands, Sejan lets out his breath as he reaches out, wrapping his
arms around the green. "She says her name is Raysheth."
Dh'lon sits down, leaning against Wyith.
R'val grins, "Sejan? On green? Oh,t he irony!" He beams.
Alea looks at Sayra. "I don't believe it. Sejan? A green?"
On the Sands, Minya smiles warmly as the Green looks to Sejan, nodding
approvingly. She then looks at the other Candidates.
On the Sands, Jacera sighs softly, leaning against Tierigal. He looks out
across the sands, eyes locking on the blue desperately.
K'tyn nods at Kethran. "She...Sejan? Why is that an irony?"
Alea looks at R'val.
Sayra shakes her head, chuckling. "That is just too funny... poor Clie,
though. Hmmm."
Elyandra glances over at R'val, "Why, you hoping Vidarth will catch her?"
R'val grins at K"tyn, "You'd have to know him."
Kyleri just shakes her head slowly. "Never would've predicted that one."
Kassima's own expression is uncharacteristically peaceful, as she reflects
back on her own Impression experience even while watching the new
hatchlings find their lifemate. "Ah, and there's one for the green," she
smiles, as Lysseth trumpets a crystalline note above her. "Raysheth. Quite
a name, too!"
R'val glances at Elyandra and coughs, "Erm. Shards, no, Ely."
Kethran shrugs. "Plenty of male greenriders," he points out. "K'nan,
N'thren, Kh'gar..."
K'tyn ahs. "Okay, R'val."
Elyandra quirks an eyebrow.
On the Sands, Glynna's eyes close briefly, she breathes out a sigh, then
she raises her head once more and squares her shoulders/ "That, I believe,
is that," she notes blandly.
M'llon , with the help of Bromith's foreleg, climbs up onto Bromith's back
and buckles themselves in.
Bromith turns his head to warble at M'llon.
Bromith takes off carefully from the ledges.
R'val grins, "I know. It just...he never struck me as the sort to Impress
to a green, from what i knew of him, having met him a few times. Not that
his Impressing green is a bad thing."
Elyandra nods, "And greenriders are mated to greenriders."
On the Sands, Tierigal shuffles his feet in the sand, his face full of
Alyssa returns Kindre's hug and whispers, "Doesn't seem like two Turns,
does it?"
On the Sands, Last of the hatchlings, she was. Trisken lets out a long
sigh. "Whatever happened, has...."
R'val nods to Elyandra, 'Quite! S'hardly that unusual."
On the Sands, Aryn looks at Glynna, then out across the sands. Once again,
she nods wordlessly at Glynna.
Alea snugs M'kel's arm. "Not all greenriders."
Rhyana looks down. "Is that all?" she asks, peering. "I think so..." She
stands up and stretches.
Lorianne stands up and yells out again, waving her arms, "GLYNNA, GLYNNA,
you come home with me this INSTANT. Bloody hall's hardly standing since you
Caitria coughs. "CraftMaster, I don't know that she can hear you."
Merien turns slightly red at Master Lorianne's shout.
Kershala uncurls from between Cirdanth's forelegs, stretching lazily. "Good
hatching," she mutters, then can';t help but laugh at Lorianne's shout.
"Master Lorianne... She's coming home."
Kindre shakes her head, her eyes wide with near-amazement, "Not at
all...crackdust, this makes it truly seem just like yesterday..."
On the Sands, Minya nods agreement to Glynna's comment. "It appears so,"
she murmurs softly. "A wonderful experience for us all."
Alea glares at the Craftmaster. "Well, Gwirith isn't taking her home,
that's for sure."
Kethran gapes at Lorianne, unable to believe this woman's /gall/. "Jays,"
he says to K'tyn, probably louder than he intends to. "Who does she think
she is?"
V'han stands and stretches. "Well, that's that."
R'lym looks toward the Master Beastcrafter and grins.
Darci watches the craftmaster of her former craft with amusement.
On the Sands, Celie wipes her eyes and motions for S'jan to walk over
toward her.
On the Sands, Cellia pauses in the act of hugging Choloth, realizing with a
surprise who didn't Impress. She looks at the others, eyes sorrowful.
Dh'lon says "Excuse me."
Caitria turns to Keth, with a smile. "CraftMaster."
Kyleri nods to Alea. "Nor Perith. But I'm for bed anyway..."
J'bal stands, then shoots a casual glance at Kethran. "Craftmaster, boy."
Lorianne rounds on Kershala, "How do you know that? You could have
corrupted her and convinced her to stay here and participate in whatever
degenerate things you do."
Alyssa blinks at Lorianne's outburst, then looks at the sands again. "Poor
Candidates," she murmurs. "Poor people left behind..."
Kershala winks toward Alea. "I'll do it. 'Danth won't mind, now will you?"
She raises an eyebrow at Lorianne, and decides on the safe route. "Ma'am,
she said she wanted to go back."
Kassima smiles. "Aren't they all?" she asks, as she stretches and then
prepares to climb aboard her lifemate. "G'night, everyone...." She waves to
those she knows, then mounts up.
On the Sands, S'jan slowly leads Raysheth towards Celie.
On the Sands, Shandra clears her throat and addresses first the Candidates,
"As you know, you are all sincerely welcome to stay for as long as you
like." Then she raises her voice to address the grounds, "We will have wine
and foods in the Living Cavern if any of you would care to join us there."
You place one hand on Lysseth's neck and she warbles down at you fondly.
You grin and scratch her eyeridges once before climbing up onto her lower
neckridges, using the riding straps and Lysseth's thoughtfully offered
Benden Weyr> Kassima says, "Night, everyone! Must bamf, before RL catches
me. :)"