-------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Seventh Spawn Date: May 21, 2003 Place: Lysseth and Kassima's Weyr Game: PernMUSH Copyright Info: The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kassi's Note: Behold the doom of the world! Kassi's ready to deliver her newest child, and Ozy and Sauscony arrive in good time to help her out... or, in Ozy's case, suffer horrendous pain as his hand is terribly abused. But it's *helpful* pain, really! ;) Many thanks go to Saus, who did a great job of keeping things light for us, for taking the time to come play; the most thanks go to Ozy, for all the fun of the entire plot and the entertaining scenes along the way as well as for this particular night of great RP. :) Many snugs to you both, you angels. Thanks, or apologies, are also due to the sources for the various references we make during the course of the evening. What those sources are will probably be pretty obvious. ;) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Log: Wonder of wonders, miracle of miracles: while Lysseth is, as her norm, crouched on the ledge, for once she's not curled up being all tranquil and languid out there. No, no, no. She's clearly on edge, wings mantled and claws trying to dig into the rock, while she tries to poke her head into the entranceway and is repelled by a yelled, "Lyss, for Faranth's sake, stop doing that! You look bloody ridiculous! And while laughing at you *is* distracting...." That would be Kassi doing all the yelling, yes, while pacing in a wide circle and intermittantly cursing under her breath. She's apparently had enough notice to change clothing, and enough sense to choose a rust-colored nightgown, because blood on violet? We're talking plain gold ring tacky, darling. Baeth backwings sharply, all but careening in towards the ledge at speed. On his back, O'wyn is still trying to actually pull his flight jacket on as the landing ensues. Yep, it's a good bet they've been moving quickly, and with not much time to work with. Even as the bronze is landing, Ozy's sliding tumbler-fast down Baeth's shoulder, landing neatly. "Ack, whoah, right...right ledge. Right ledge is a plus," he all but gibbers as he jogs into the weyr. Fortunately, Lyss does move her head in time to allow plenty of room in the entrance, though she's promptly nosing anxiously at the curtain again. Kassi's sigh of exasperation is perhaps unusually emphatic, but for all that, she greets O'wyn with a wide if half-tired, half-frazzled smile: "You'd think," she teases, "'twere in a *hurry* for something, Ozy. Imagine that!" More seriously, she adds, "I'm so glad you're here--'twas worried there'd be a meeting or some such and you'd nay get out of it--" She breaks off with a hiss, pausing in her walking too and looking decidedly pained. "Fragging shells. I sent one of m'riders down after a Healer. I don't think 'tis going t'be a very long wait." "I know, shock of shocks, that I'd be in a hurry," O'wyn replies, laughing outright even as he does so. In deference to the cooler weather -- well, cooler by his definition -- he doesn't shed that recently donned jacket just yet. "Baeth hauled me out right fast. I swear, it amazes me how anything his size moves that quick." He winces somewhat, but nods. "Well, here's hoping said Healer manages to get here in time. I pledge you this, I'm no expert on babies being born." "Exactly. I'm sure I could've stayed in labor another hour or two if'n you needed," Kassi deadpans, managing half a grin. "Though I have t'say, I'd rather *nay*. And 'tis probably as well for you too, since otherwise, I'd have wanted t'maim you seven ways a sevenday by the time this is over. As 'tis, 'twill probably only want t'maim you *five*." Generous lady, isn't she? At least she sounds as if she's kidding. Mostly. By at least half. "I've a certain amount of experience, but I still hope the same. As comical as the story of how you got stuck with midwifing your offspring would probably be... gahhh! Shells!" She blows out a long breath when the spasm's over, muttering, "Mayhaps *six* ways, at that." "You know, that's terribly kind of you, to be so accommodating," O'wyn replies, with a half-sort of grin. It would be outright wry if it weren't tinged with distinct nervousness. "And since I'm not especially in the -mood- to be maimed really, I'm all for the getting here at speed bit, to reduce the amount of maining involved. And besides, this way I can panic -here-, instead of panicking back home." Oh, so helpful, -really-. He winces, then. "Should um, you be lying down or something? And should there be a barrier of boxes for me to hide behind?" From outside, a dragon can be heard settling down and then a few moment's later, Soz's voice can be heard calling into the weyr. "Kassima! May I come in?" "I live t'be of service," Kassi assures, definitely wry. One thing to be said for labor: it provides plenty of distraction from the nervousness she might otherwise feel. "Will you let me break a few bones of your hand? Otherwise, I can try nay t'maim you, really. I can just about promise 'twill *threaten* t'do it, but 'twill stop wanting you dead or aught once the baby's here. Honest." Well, that's bound to be reassuring. There's a hint of humor in her expression as she says it, though. "Oh, good, you can panic so I won't have to. Sounds like a plan. And aye, methinks so... they always say walking's supposed t'speed things along and what all, but I really would prefer t'be lying down now, methinks. Barrier of boxes--well, you're welcome t'*build* one. But I could probably knock 'em down." Great, is it a birth, or is it Kasszilla rampaging Tokyo? "Sauscony? Thank the stars! You aren't Ushu! Please do!" "Do people ever really actually break people's hands during this kind of thing? I always -hear- about it, but I've never actually -met- anybody who's been so broken," O'wyn mutters, his words trailing into the realm of nervous babbling at this point. "Ah, that's reassuring." Pause. "I think." There's an amused sort of look. "Panicking so you don't have to, look, I have a purpose already. Ah...knocking would be bad, I guess." He looks more than a little relieved at Sauscony's voice. Aha! Someone to save him from imminent death! And more importantly, from having to deliver a baby! "I suppose I can be very grateful that I am not Ushu. Although, I would be rather bemused to be mistaken for him. He's taller." Soz notes as she steps fully into the weyr. "Broken hands?" She muses. "Never actually -broken-, persay. Just a bit compressed. The feeling eventually returns." All this is said with a straight face, gospel truth and all that. Kassima shakes her head, hair falling into her eyes in the process. "*Break*, I don't think so. Injure's possible. I've injured people, but I don't think I've broken anyone, though some of 'em *deserved* breaking. Bloody smug bastards." The strain may just be starting to get to her. True to her earlier comment, she starts for the bed, managing to get there with a minimum of hissing and cursing at least; when she's gingerly sat herself on it, she agrees, "You do--and I'd put money on Saus finding more purposes for you; she's good at that." Pause. "In advance, though, I really do appreciate that you're here, however much I scream at you later. Saus, *everyone* should be grateful nay t'be Ushu. Except Ushu. Did you bring the painkilling tea? Please say you brought the tea. And is lying down all right? I really want to lay down." She's a very good driver. O'wyn starts to turn to offer Sauscony a relieved greeting, but then there's that explanation. "Compressed. Oh dear. How eventually is -eventually-, ma'am?" He tucks his hands into the pockets of his jacket, likely without thinking. "Ah, I'm going to vote against anyone getting broken today, if I get a vote at all." He nods then faintly. "I wouldn't miss it, for all I may end up maimed and whimpering in a corner." Isn't he -such- a helpful man? "Laying down would be perfect. And yes, I did bring the tea" Soz agrees, slanting a look towards what she presumes is the father. Or just captured bystander. "I am Sauscony," She introduces before she begins to pull supplies from the bag. "Would you mind getting me some hot water and towels, please?" There's a muffled snicker from Kassi at the hand tucking, and she offers a mischievous if brief grin. "There's nay escaping your doom," she tries to intone, though it doesn't work so well when her voice cracks into a gasp on the last word. "But awww, staying to the bitter, maimed end. You're all heart, Ozy. Oof." With a nod of relief at Saus's words, she shifts carefully so that she's lying on the bed, and sighs; "That's better. This *hurts*," because she hasn't said enough obvious things yet, apparently. "Can I have some of the tea? Please please?" Yep, that's it, this isn't O'wyn's fault! He's just some poor shmuck that got hogtied and thrown into Kassima's weyr! "Ah, nice to meet you, ma'am. I'm Ozy, whose fault this all is, and so on and so forth," he offers, sheepishly apologetic. There's a pause, and he shakes his head. "I wouldn't mind at all. Mind, this might be an adventure, as I'm not wholly sure where those things might -be-..." But he's already on a Quest, searching for hot water and towels, as if perhaps they were the grail. He sighs briefly, giving Kassima an amused look. "Well, doomed, yeah. And hey, I -try- to be helpful, really." "Ozy?" Soz repeats eying the named rider, at least until he complies. Oh good. A helpful one. She likes him already. "It may be a bit cold." Soz apologizes as she pours some from a skin. "But it should begin to take the edge off." Kassima can be helpful, too, if distractedly so: "There's some water on by the brazier, and towels are at the bottom of the wardrobe." This is actually a furniture-intensive weyr, come to think of it; it's just chairs that it's mysteriously lacking. Well, and a proper grail-shaped beacon. "So doomed. But so's the rest of the world, so you're in good company... cold, schmold, cold's fine. If'n 'twould help the pain I'd drink castor oil and liquid spinach." Pause. A grimace, for once from disgust rather than pain. "Or mayhaps nay. Eww." "Yes'm," O'wyn assures Sauscony. He brightens then at Kassima's explanation of the location of the grail...err, towels and water. He hunts up these things, and spaniel-like trots over to present them to the healer. "Well, as long as we're -all- doomed." "The best thing about delivering babies" Soz explains to Ozy as she peers about for a chair. "Is that their mothers are usually complacant. At least one they get some tea into them." She sighs as she doesn't fine one, but begins to set a frame across the greenrider's hips. A screen to protect her privacy and the viewers dinner. Ooh, if Kassi knows the location of the Grail, does that make her an enchanter named Tim? Let's hope not, for Ozy's sake. Since it's entirely too plausible she'd want to set him on fire with a gesture before too long here. "Our child is bound t'terrorize the world," the greenrider explains, somewhat breathlessly since it's on the heels of another contraction. "And grow up t'menace innocent people everywhere with wielded fish, or something. So we're all doomed. Pull up a box, Saus?" There are several old moving boxes scattered around, made of wood and topped by forest green cushions. Hildi would probably approve. Kassi certainly seems to approve of the tea, since once she's gulped a few mouthfuls of it some of the pained-ness eases from her expression. "I take it in other healing related events, this is not always the case? Complacent patients I mean?" O'wyn asks, sounding more as if he's asking out of a tendency to babble nervously. "Ohh. Yes. Because we're just that scary." There's a pause. "For some people, I suppose that wouldn't be sarcasm. But the fish, I think maybe we should refrain from telling the kiddo the story of his or her conception, just to be safe, there." "I have a job for you." Soz informs Ozy. "You are to stay by her, hold her hand and monitor her breathing." She pauses to peer at the rider for a moment. "Do you think you will be able to do that?" Without really waiting for an answer, she pours out some redwort into a basin and begins the process of scrubbing her hands. Perhaps out of a kindly-meant wish to distract him from his nervousness, perhaps out of a sadistic wish to inflict pain, or maybe, just maybe, out of both, Kassi frees a hand from the tea cup to hold it out to Ozy, ostensibly in request for one of his. "We're fearsome beyond the ability of mankind t'comprehend. And I can go with this plan, but when she wants t'know where babies come from, *you* get t'explain. Because I couldn't, nay with a straight face." She hastens to gulp down the rest of the tea so she can set the cup aside, and better yet, bite her lower lip through the next ripple of pain, which is rather worse than the previous few if her expression's much to go by. Saus's directions get her a grateful look; Kassi manages, after a few beats, to even sort of tease, "See, Ozy, 'tis a conspiracy of women. There's nay getting out of being maimed." "Ah, yeah," O'wyn murmurs, moving to tug a box up on the opposite side. "I think I can cover that. I'll try to keep the whimpering to a minimum when my hand's crushed." He settles to a seat, offering said hand over in return as he does so. "Trust me, I think I can manage to explain where babies come from without fish being excessively involved," he assures, wry. "Ah well, as long as I know there's no -escape-, I can stop trying." Sauscony's head appears over the frame, peering quizzically at O'wyn. "Fish?" She asks. "I think my education missed that step."Her gaze slips towards Kassi as she isntructs. "Next contraction, please push." Kassima gives Ozy a distinctly wry look. "Y'know, if'n you'd rather trade places and be the one doing this, and me being the one who only gets her hand crushed, *I'd* be all for that. Really. You could break every single bone and 'twould still hurt less!" Nevertheless, when she takes his hand, her hold is only firm, not painful. "Can you? Have you had t'do that often? Me, the only time I ever tried, *bread* somehow became excessively involved, and I've since settled on 'Ask your father, dear' as the best way of handling the matter. Lest I frighten children away from all baked goods." Oh, good, now the loaves *and* the fishes are corrupt. She starts to nod to Sauscony, but can't quite finish, since that next contraction isn't far behind the last and pushing and nodding at the same time are a bit beyond her. Pushing and squeezing Ozy's hand at the same time, though, lie well within the range of her multitasking talents. "Ah, yeah, so did mine," O'wyn admits, flushing a rather festive shade of red. "It was a fishing trip, uh, sort of thing, when all this sort of started." Pause. "Could I get any more vague than that? I'm not wholly sure." He shakes his head firmly. "No thanks, I think I'll stay here. I'm the wimp, remember? I'm reasonably sure we covered that, honestly." There's an amused sort of look, if a worried one. "I have lots of cousins. It had to get mentioned once in a while." He doesn't yelp though, at the squeezing, thankfully, but just hovers and looks worried. Worried he can cover. "I can see a head." Soz reports, sounding a bit muffled. "It won't be long now." She pauses for a moment before she asks of her assistant. "How is her breathing? If you need to, have her inhale while you count to two, then exhale on a count of two." Maybe there is a reason behind the instructions. Kassima manages an amused look at the blushery. Yes, even in the middle of the worst stage of labor, illicit fishing still has the power to entertain! And never mind that she'd probably be red too if she weren't kind of distracted. "You could've just said 'Fish were involved' and mayhaps been more vague, but 'twould have given rather the wrong idea," she absently supposes, closing her eyes for a moment and concentrating on catching her breath. She's trying to do the rhythmic breathing thing like a good person in the throes of primal agony and all, but honestly, it's more like panting. "A head? Oh, good," she murmurs, inanely, before greeting the latest contraction with a short, sharp yelp that misses out on being a scream by only a fraction of a decibel. And yes, more hand abuse. Can't forget that. Pause. "Well, she -is- still breathing," O'wyn points out, in a rather helpless sort of tone. "Somehow I have the sneaking suspicion it's a good thing I don't have to worry about healing people," he decides quietly. "I don't think I'd be especially -good- at it." He makes something of a face. "I think she'd think we were doing something especially scary if I'd left it at that." He pauses a beat, "I can count to two, maybe the breathing thing's not a bad idea." His poor hand is looking less than thrilled, but thankfully he's too distracted to pay it much mind. "Lots of hair." Soz observes, "Or just a very dark head." She amends, slanting a glance towards Ozy. "I have some numbweed for your hand, should you need it later." She does seem a bit sympathetic. Just a bit. Since Kassi spares a moment to glare at the poor bronzerider, it's a fair bet that she is indeed still alive and breathing; dead things don't glare so well. "Aye, but then mayhaps you'd have knocked up a *fish* instead of me, and a *fish* would have t'be going through this. The fish deserve it! I'm innocent!" Pain disrupting her ability to think clearly, much? She does though try to even out her breathing as Saus directed, though she manages to sound huffy even in that. Well, at least until she screams. That's not huffy, that's loud, and shrill, and very long, because it just wouldn't be a birth unless someone were put in danger of popping an eardrum. Ooh, it *echoes* in here! "Hair's good, right?" O'wyn asks, sounding wary. "I mean, well, it means it's the right end, and all." As if there wouldn't be other clues if it weren't? "Ah, numbweed." Pause. "That might be a good thing." He ducks a bit at the glare, as if something were likely to be thrown. "The fish deserve it, I know. We'll set them on fire later," he assures in an attempt to be consoling. There's a distinct wince for the screaming, and then a very quiet, "Ow." "The right end?" Soz queries. "Oh. Yes. Most definitely the right." She is silent a for a few moments before her voice can be heard from behind the screen. "Its going to be painful, her shoulders are about to merge." As if it hadn't been painful up to know. "You may wish to be prepared." She informs the father. It's not a bad attempt, either. Kassi looks, if not appeased, distracted by this new potential target for blame and death. "Can we?" she asks with almost pathetic hopefulness, anger lapsed briefly into exhaustion. "Would you bring some up and flame 'em so me and the baby can see? I bet 'twould like that." This child is so doomed. It's probably fortunate for him that she misses the 'ow,' attention caught by Sauscony: "Like 'twasn't painful *already*?" she demands, anger back. "Oh, bloody stars--" If the throat-tearing shriek that follows is anything to judge by, it is indeed painful. Painful, painful, painful. Painful to the forty-second power. And probably painful for Ozy's hand too, poor man. "Ma'am, can I officially say I really, really like you?" O'wyn randomly informs Sauscony. "Because warnings? Warnings are nice. And you didn't say it was going to sting. That's usually what healers say when something's going to hurt like fire. See, nice, up front, that's really a -kind- thing." He nods then firmly. "Yep, I can roast fish easily enough. Slowly, too, so their pain lasts longer." Hey, any port in a storm. There's a wince, but he has grace enough not to comment on the disaster befalling his hand. "I like the look of anticipation." Soz confesses, sounding a bit distracted as she leans a bit closer. "One more push should do it. And this should not be quite so painful. Her shoulders are free now." "I vote for this," Kassi hoarsely informs both bronzerider and Healer. "I vote very much for the torture of fish. In fact, I vote for dropping 'em on the floor t'flop around on fire and everything, because that... that would be vengeance gold, and 'twould laugh at their torment. A lot." She'd normally look amused by Sauscony's first comment, but amusement still just isn't in the cards yet. Screaming is, though. A slightly more muted shriek this time, but still a distinctly displeased sound, and is in fact perhaps somewhat akin to how fish set on fire would be screaming. If they had vocal chords, and all. "Oh, okay, a sadist," O'wyn decides distractedly, as if this made all the sense in the world. "Her? It's a her?" He pauses a beat. "On fire, they don't flop so much," he admits quietly, ducking somewhat at the screaming, and looking really, really disturbed. "I have he..." There is a short pause as Soz corrects herself. "I have him." She comments. "A very nice heathy little boy. 5 fingers on each hand and 5 toes on each foot." Kassima collapses inelegantly once her job's done, her death grip on Ozy's hand loosening to something approximating lax. "I'd have killed you if'n you'd been lying about just one more," she murmurs, ostensibly to Sauscony and barely audibly at all. Her eyes flick back open as what the Healer said sinks in, and she struggles to sit back up and see--"A boy, 'tis a boy? Let me see!" she pleads, as eager as someone exhausted can be. "...Oh, I guess just fire would be enough, then. Or just flopping. Or mayhaps we can let them live, after all." "Okay, so not a her," O'wyn puts in. Perhaps he's going for a record held on 'stupid and less than useful comments made'. He brightens though, once the realization kicks in. "Wait, wait, it's a boy! It's a baby." He makes an amused sort of face. "The fish of the world will be grateful," he murmurs, though he's all but poinging in place. "Its a baby boy." Soz repeast as she carefully wraps the small bundle in one of the towels that O'wyn provided. She carefully moves to offer the baby to his mother. "A rught handsome lad." She adds with a quick smile. Kassima accepts him, of course, reaching out quickly to take her child from the Healer and draw him in close, so she can get a good look and murmur soft, soothing nonsense, brushing shaky fingers lightly over his head. "Look, Ozy," she says softly, shifting a bit so the baby's father can better see him too, "he's *beautiful*. Methinks, for him, I can well forgive the fish." And O'wyn, being pesky that way, is right in close in an attempt to see the kiddo as well. He's grinning outright now, clearly delighted. "He's perfect," he enthuses softly but intently. "And I'm sure the fish are thrilled, and goodness knows I am." He tucks his hand slightly to one side though, to keep it safe. Sauscony slips back behind the curtain, taking care of the last minute things. The only sounds are of her cleaning instruments and such. Kassima doesn't seem to mind the closeness any. Of course, right now, she might not mind if you set her hair on fire, and that would be infinitely more objectionable. "Perfect. Definitely worth it," she murmurs, touching a soft baby cheek. "Definitely worth everything." She tears her eyes, which are suspiciously bright and damp-looking, away from her son long enough to flash Ozy a radiant, if tired, smile. "Thankee, Ozy. For being here, but most of all for him." She's completely oblivious to what Sauscony's doing, fortunately for her. Pay no attention to the Healer behind the curtain! O'wyn does not whip out a firelighter to go after Kassima's hair, no. Cecil B. Demented he isn't. "Oh good. See, I'm glad you said that. Because -I- think he's worth it, but I got the easy end of the deal." He beams down at Kassima in return, as well as his son. "Hey, no, thank you Kassi. You did all the hard parts, goodness knows." There's a pause. "Is this the bit where we have to name him now, and I hide, lest I suggest something that would scar him for life?" Sauscony doesn't emerge until she has finished putting everything away, and removes the screen, replacing it with a light cover. "I think you know what to expect by now." She notes in wry amusement. "I stay out of naming children." Which is just as well, because if shortly after setting Kassi's hair on fire, he got into a wheelchair and had himself set on fire and then thrown off the ledge, it would be very sad. Kassima laughs, a gentle sound touched by marvelling. "I can't disagree with you there. Though I am sorry, for your hand and all. He's worth everything--he's a wonder. So *tiny*. He didn't *feel* tiny." There's genuine amusement in that, as well as warmth, and more warmth when she says, "Welcome, a'course welcome. Mmm, I do believe this is about the naming time. Your sure you don't want t'be suggesting aught? Javinia thought 'Kid' would combine our name themes nicely, y'know," she teases, "me with the Ks and you with the obvious. Oh--Saus, thankee too! Everything as usual, then, nay special Healery advice?" "Probably very wise," O'wyn decides, of Sauscony, offering her a lightning quick grin. "My hand will survive. It's still attached, so it must be fine." He half-grins then, nodding. "He's itty bitty, yeah." He shakes his head in a firm negative. "Not me, no. I'd come up with something beyond the pale awful, knowing me." He pauses, and there's an amused look. "Careful, or I'll agree with you, there." "I am leaving some tea. Please drink it, it will help you regain your strength." Soz replies. "But you did very well. No over exertion and going between for a day or so." She offers a wry smile to Ozy. "I do have some numbweed, if you would like." Kassima makes an amused face at him. "Agree with me? Don't you dare! Well...." She's silent for a few moments moment, considering their son with a soft, contented, dreamy sort of smile. "Plenty of names we could give him, I guess. Kowyn? Nay, nay, the other children would moo at him. Kossyn? Kynas? Kaswyn?" Looking up again, she agrees dutifully, "'Twill drink the tea, 'twill nay go *between*--truth be told, I don't think 'twill *move* more than I have to for a day or two. Or three." O'wyn stretches his fingers briefly, and then shakes his head in a brief negative. "Nah, I'm good. If it doesn't stop hurting after while, I've plenty at home," he assures softly. "Thank you though, ma'am, for everything. Especially for the making sense bits." He looks entertained then. "Mooing's out, really." He considers a beat, and then puts in quietly, "I rather like Kaswyn." Sauscony laughs softly as she hefts her pack onto her shoulder. "Be well, Kassima. I will come by in a week or so to check on you." She offers O'wyn a grin, bobbing into a bit of a bow. "It was a pleasure." Kassima's expression shades briefly sheepish over the hand. "I should be glad I haven't lost m'touch with the death grip, I suppose," she quips, flashing a rueful grin. A nod follows, the thoughtful look on her face shifting to a more decisive one. "I do, too. We'll call him that, then? Kaswyn, son of O'wyn and Kassima. It has a ring." After a moment, the greenrider offers quietly, "Would you like t'hold him, Ozy? Thankee again, Saus, for coming and all--and," said with amusement, "for nay siccing flower petals on us, hey? 'Twere remarkably helpful and un-scary, particularly for a Healer." "For me as well," O'wyn assures in Sauscony's direction, sheepish. There's an amused nod for Kassima. "You have lost nothing, my friend, I assure you." He nods then, looking pleased. "It does rather have something to it. Hey kiddo, you have a name now, even." He brightens. "Oh, could I? See, holding kids I can do, even." There's a disturbed pause. "Flower petals?" Sauscony wrinkles her nose. "I try so hard to be scary, too." She mock pouts before offering one more bow. "I will leave you two to enjoy your new son." She adds with a wave before slipping out to catch a ride with a passing dragon. Or something. "You flatter me," Kassi teases, amused and pleased, "though it should probably worry me if'n I think sentiments along the line of 'You can still break hands with the best of 'em' count as flattery. Hear that, Kaswyn, love? Your mother's a violent crazywoman. Your Da's insane *too*, just nay quite so violently in m'experience. I guess you never *know*, though. Sometimes 'tis the quiet ones you have t'watch for." If you guessed the baby doesn't seem particularly fazed by this, you're probably right. Carefully, if likely not awkwardly--holding and passing around children is something she has experience with--Kassi offers Kaswyn to his father, smiling. At least until the question gets her to make a face. "Ushu's attended several of m'children's births," she explains. "He has a flower petal fetish. If'n he's nay talking about them, he's trying t'bury you in the things. The only reason I haven't killed him yet is that he's always fainted and put himself out of harm's way." She grins after the departing Healer and calls a quiet goodbye after. Lysseth, with the birthing safely done, has finally eased back from the entranceway, so at least Saus won't have to argue her way past an obstinate green to escape. "I could cower, I'm good at that," O'wyn offers quietly. "Thanks again!" He shakes his head in an amused fashion. "Nah, no need to flatter you, when I've got so many honest things I can say that are so good." He makes an amused face. "I'm not insane, I'm mentally deficient. It's subtly different." He's got some experience with babies as well, and he shifts to gently take the newborn, grinning all but inanely. "Hey little guy. I'm your daddy. That means I get to teach you all kinds of neat stuff to annoy the daylights out of mommy with." He makes something of a face. "Flower. Petals. Okay. Surreal." --- 36 Kassima Wed May 21 23:58 2003 The Seventh Sign ...Or the Seventh Spawn, one of those. ;) Late in the evening of the sixteenth day of the ninth month of the forty-fourth turn of the Tenth Pass, while much of the Weyr was enjoying the autumnal outing, Kassi went into labor; a few hours later, she was delivered of her child by O'wyn, bronze Baeth's rider of Southern. Master Sauscony attended the birth and was present when the pleased parents decided that Kaswyn would be a good name for their beautiful son. Mother and son are both healthy, but will be staying in her weyr for a bit (Kassi's wryly commented that she plans to move as little as she can get away with for a few days), and would likely welcome curious visitors and/or well-wishers. :) O'wyn's hand suffered some crunching damage, but probably not enough for him to get a similar medical leave, poor man. ;) .....................................TGW.................................... --- Awww. Kassi brightens at that--who wouldn't?--and smiles warmly up at you. "For what 'tis worth, I'd bet I could match every one of those things with something about you. Later, at least. 'Tisn't that I can't think of many good things now, I'm just nay at m'most articulate and 'twould probably have all the eloquence of 'Fire good, fish evil.' And I beg t'differ with mentally deficient, methinks." She relaxes back against the pillows, the better to watch the father-son interaction with obvious pleasure, even delight. Up until the last part, anyway. That's when she blows you a raspberry. "Oh, just you *wait*. Wait 'til you see what I teach him! After all, he's already got a big stuffed dagger t'play with--did I tell you?--courtesy of Katlynn, so 'twill already be starting off on the right foot." <Weavers> Learan waves :) "Hah, I'm hardly much of an easy target for that kind of thing, as I'm often assured," O'wyn murmurs, with an amused sort of look. "Articulate at the moment though, is clearly overrated. Maybe some rest would be a good thing." He can't help but grin down at the baby, obviously as thrilled as thrilled can be. "Hey, it's my -job-," he protests teasingly. "A stuffed -dagger-..." <Weavers> Katlynn snugs. <Weavers> Kassima snugs a Learan, and dipsmooches a Kat too. :) <Weavers> Learan heard rumor you are a new mother again, Kassi :) Kassima only snorts. "Whoever assured you of that needs their head read," she retorts, with some amusement in it. "And there's something t'be said for rest. I'm so tired, but at the same time I want t'stay awake and just watch him forever, y'know?" Even more amused, she extends a hand to aim a gentle poke at your ribs. "I *suppose* 'tis. Just as 'tis my job t'train him t'torment you back, so we'll be square. Will you teach him t'fish, too, when the time comes?" Then, "A stuffed dagger. Really. And an array of clothes for him, too--nice ones, good quality, so 'tis a fine gift, only... they're sort of all in black. With silver daggers embroidered on 'em." <Weavers> Kassima grins and nodnodnods. :) Seventh kidlet, third son. :) <Weavers> Learan says, "Does he have a name? :)" <Weavers> Kassima says, "He does! We're calling him Kaswyn. :)" <Weavers> Learan says, "Ohhh. Nice name :)" O'wyn pauses a moment, and snickers quietly, shaking his head. "Nah, I think they're sane enough." He nods then, with a fond sort of smile. "I can understand that, yeah, he's perfect. But we have the rest of his life for that, I promise." There's an amused look for the poking. "Hey, not how it works," he teases back. There's a long, long pause. "And I thought -my- friends were weird." "Well, then, you can be calling me crazy. Because I don't agree. I haven't seen aught about you yet that wasn't good, or wonderful--beyond mayhaps that you seem overworked, but that's scarcely *your* fault," Kassi reasons, smiling with tired affection back. "You do have a point there. And I have t'admit t'being exhausted... 'tis strange though, how horrible all that seemed, but now that he's here I'd do it again if'n I had to. I really *must* be crazy. Why can't it be how it works?" She tries out the puppy dog eyes, though she's really too close to laughter to pull them off. "Wouldn't that be more fair? Equal opportunity torment? Mayhaps your friends *are* odd. But if'n they aren't the sort of odd that gifts you with tiny purple leather pants for your son, well, 'twill just be grateful if'n 'tis all right." "Well, if you saw me more, there'd be more to mock," O'wyn assures, with a distinctly entertained sort of grin. There's a fond sort of nod. "Well, yeah, but I think all mothers are crazy." He offers the baby back, with an amused look. "Nope, because...well, it just wouldn't. There's an order to the universe. But yeah, I'm thinking my friends might be saner." "That's as may be, but fair's fair: if'n you saw me more, then, I daresay you'd have fewer positive things t'say in a hurry." Kassi crinkles her nose fondly at you, though it melts back into the earlier silly smile as she takes the baby and cuddles him close. "You're probably right, too," she murmurs through a yawn. "If'n I can't train him t'torment you, what *do* I get t'do as balance? And I wish I could be disagreeing with you, but... well. Mine are pretty nutty. Generous with gifts, but nutty." "-Maybe-," O'wyn murmurs, though he's sounding more entertained than believing. "You get to torment me directly," he explains agreeably. "And I get to look long suffering." He nods then, amused. "Ah well, as long as everybody's having fun." Kassima considers this a beat, then dissolves into near-silent, shoulder-shaking laughter. "*Oh*, well, that's all right, then. I can certes live with tormenting you m'self instead. Nay tonight, though--you've been tormented enough." Grinning, she teases, "Which may be the only time you'll hear me say that of a malerider. 'Tis truth, that. I imagine your friends will be happy for you when they hear?" "Not tonight, sure enough. It's late, and you'll need to save your strength," O'wyn suggests, with a faint headshake. "Rest really might be in the cards, goodness knows." He makes an amused face. "So, what if I paint Baeth green?" He nods then, pleased. "I imagine so, yeah." "Methinks a green-painted Baeth would still be male. And probably peeved. You'd have t'do more than that t'stop being a malerider, and 'twould like t'see you survive the attempt." Kassi adds, shamelessly cheerful, "A'course, I only dare even hint at the possibility because he's out on the ledge and all, and it might hopefully be too much effort t'come in here and kill me." The last is somewhat muffled by a yawn. "Mmm. You may be right... I hate t'be inhospitable and fall asleep on you, but the whole exhaustion thing's starting t'sink in again." A pause; she offers, "Late as 'tis--if'n you want, you're welcome t'stay over; 'tis at least apt t'be a more comfortable prospect here than if'n 'twere in the Infirmary. But I imagine you've got work and stuff waiting for you, too. So nay offense taken either way, I just thought 'twould offer." There's a grin, then. "If'n any of *them* give you odd gifts for Kaswyn, promise t'show me?" "Well, yeah," O'wyn murmurs, with a faint sort of headshake. "Hah. He's too pleased with you at the moment to kill you. He adores young things, goodness knows." There's a slow headshake. "Goodness, no, sleep, do." He considers a moment, and nods. "Hey, tonight I can stay, assuming something insane doesn't happen at home." He grins then, nodding. "Will do." This seems to entertain and please Kassi. "Mayhaps in the morning a'fore you have t'go--when he's awake, and there's nay risk you'd wake him into screaming," she can't resist teasing, "you can take the baby out t'show him, if'n he likes 'em so well. Lysseth has a bit of a soft spot for children too, and she's curious." Her eyes are already starting to slide more towards closed as she nods, but she says first, "You're certes welcome--and there's room on the bed, or Lyss's couch, or cots in the nursery-room if'n you don't favor staying in a chair all night. Whatever makes you comfortable." She smiles with sleepy pleasure for the last. O'wyn blushes outright at that, ducking his head somewhat. "He'd appreciate that, I'm certain." He considers a moment, thoughtful. "I'll find a spot around here somewhere," he assures quietly. "You just rest, eh?" Kassima is still awake enough to grin at the blushing. "Good," she decides. "He deserves it for nay killing me. All right...." A last yawn, and she murmurs sleepily, "G'night, Ozy. Thankee for being here, and for staying, and for our son, and for everything," before letting her eyes slide completely closed, arms curled protectively around Kaswyn and a faint smile still on her face. "He's good at not killing people," O'wyn murmurs softly. "Night. And hey, thank you." He carefully shifts the blankets then, trying to tuck the both of you in, before shifting away to find somewhere to bed down himself.