The Hatching of Gold Zaith and Brown Konnevath's Clutch
PernMUSH, January 26, 2002
The World of Pern is
copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a
registered copyright.
Public announcement: Fluria announces "ATTENTION! The word has spread out
and dragons from Ista are heading out to fetch people to the weyr. The eggs
of Konnevath and Zaith have begun to shake and shimmy on the black sands!
So come on, come all, and cheer on our candidate class. +go ista-cb, then
sb, then hg. =o)"
You place one hand on Lysseth's neck and she warbles down at you fondly.
You grin and scratch her eyeridges once before climbing up onto her lower
neckridges, using the riding straps and Lysseth's thoughtfully offered
<*> Lysseth springs from the ground, the air from her wings churning up
dust as she takes to the skies.
You spring from Lysseth's ledge with one downsweep of your wings, soaring
into the sky above the Northern Bowl.
<*> Lysseth rockets into the sky. It's a bird! It's a plane...!
The rim of the bowl falls away from you and you soar into the open skies.
<*> Lysseth disappears into Between.
You gasp as the icy black nothingness of Between surrounds you! You hear
nothing, see nothing, and feel nothing. The trip takes five heartbeats...
You suddenly emerge...
<*> Lysseth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air!
The wind is brisk and feels good under your wings, supporting your wings
firmly as you glide lower into the bowl.
You fly through the entrance to the Hatching Grounds.
<*> Falsanath flies in from the bowl.
<*> Rachuth flies in from the bowl.
<*> Lysseth banks to a landing, perhaps not quite so neatly as she usually
might; someone, it would seem, is in a hurry. And that's not even counting
Kassi, who's still putting in her second earring as she flies. "Duties,
duties, duties!" she calls, pulling the straps loose and sliding down with
a skirtish rustle.
You slide off of Lysseth's neck to land beside her easily. She rumbles,
cocking her head down at you, and you rub her eyeridges gratefully.
Riolth flies in from the bowl.
M'val slides down Riolth's leg.
From the sands below, Kyrola beams over at the Reaches brownrider.
"Finally!" she replies happily, ignoring the heat of the sands. "Our little
ones are gonna hatch!"
Braisheith flies in from the bowl.
G'har uses Falsanath's conveniently proffered foreleg as a step, and goes
from his back to the ground.
Hroth flies in from the bowl.
Telgar Weyr> Maylia checks - any non-riders here who'd like a ride ICly?
Telgar Weyr> Maylia checks the knot, and guesses not :)
Telgar Weyr> F'lone chuckles at Maylia
L'son quietly sits on the edge of the ledge, Lacroith hunched up close
behind with his head down near L'son's side.
Tall, slender, and still appearing younger than her actual age,
Kassima's Turns seem further lessened by fine mood she's in this evening;
dark, canted emerald eyes contain a lightening sparkle, and a grin is never
far from view.
Glazed cotton dyed lurid vermillion forms the wide sleeves and full
skirts of her amply cut gown. Tight across shoulders and snug under curves,
the square bodice of duller sable supports flesh as well as opaque,
tissue-fine pleats falling unbound to ankle-length edges. Finger-wide black
cord encircles collar, cuffs, and hems, stark against the carnelian gloss;
thinner black stitches emphasis into soft suede shoes matching the dress's
rustling, rust-red comfort.
As far as ornaments go, the cascading fall of her blue-black hair
surely counts as one; earrings dripping blood-hued jewels form another set,
and the large pendant ruby nestled just above her neckline is a third. No
detracting knot is worn, no sign of rank given, but the unconscious ease
and confidence of her bearing might hint at her position as a ranking
F'lone removes his straps and slides down Hroth's side to land softly on
the ground.
From the sands below, Divya unfastens her jacket and grins. "I'll be glad
to get off these Sands at last! How about you?"
Tierth flies in from the bowl.
Zava swings a leg over a neck ridge knob, grabs the straps and drops to a
foreleg, then down to the ground.
Sooth quietly and distractedly rumbles greetings to the flood of incoming
dragons, adding his own voice the omnipresent hummming bewteen greetings.
F'lone slips down off the brown and finds a clear view of the sands. He's
looking about the sands, almost frantically. Hoping to catch a glimps of
someone, his hands clutching a small bulge in his jacket pocket.
Kassima gives her earring a last tug, and reaches into the half-fastened
strap-pouch for... huh. No gambling hides, just a wineskin, and a very
large one. This is cradled in her lap as she sits on Lysseth's forelimb,
the green having already begun her own incessant hummmming. "Blue first,"
she calls to no one in particular, "a mark says."
With muttered apologies as she ducks under, between and around riders and
dragons, and with a few added winning smiles along the way, Rosmyn
scrambles as close to the edge as she can.
Tierth hovers breifly before she and her rider choose a spot among the
dragons, choosing to land close to - but not too close - Lysseth. May's
dressed as if for a gather, for a turnover party at Telgar, in fact, and
quickly sheds as much as she can in the heat. "Velvet," she notes, while
dismounting, "Is NOT suitable clothing for Ista!"
Maylia slides to the ground, giving Tierth a parting caress and a tender
Falsanath doesn't really seem to be paying much attention to the impending
hatching, just yet, as the greens are a little more interesting. Just a
little. G'har, finding a convenient spot to sit, just rolls his eyes at his
lifemate's companionable rumble-greetings.
A slender young woman appearing about 31 turns, Maylia carries herself with
confidence. Tall and somewhat long-limbed even still, she has become
strong, yet gently muscular over the turns since she Impressed Tierth. Her
figure however, has turned distinctly maternal, a softness to the muscles.
She has dark green eyes, set in the rather heart-shaped face so
characteristic of her family. Her dark brown hair has been arranged in
curls and ringlets, held up to display her graceful neck. A silver ribbon
winds through the arrangement, adding glitter.
A gown of richly hued burgendy velvet drapes over her form, the cloth cut
to follow closely the contours of her upper body, only to flow into full
skirts that swirl just above the ground. While plain in cut, the deep
neckline is garnished with silver cording, knotted decoratively and
intricately. Similar decoration twists about her wrists, and swirls upon
the cascades of burgendy of the gown's hemline, only to weave its way up
along a slit in her skirt which offers an occasional glimpse of long well
muscled leg. A decorative silver-worked sash sits over her hips, holding in
a sheath an emerald-set beltknife. Adorning one wrist is a bracelet of fine
workmanship in jade, a dragon. Around her fingers glitter two rings, a
golden one on a finger of her right hand, and one of silver set with
amethyst adorning a finger of her left hand. (+detail is available)
She appears to be 33 Turns, 7 months, and 26 days old.
M'val smiles slightly, and calls back to Kassima, "Brown!" He settles down
on Riolth's foreleg, peering down at the Sands. One hand smooths down his
tunic. "And a mark on Brees Impressing."
Mraeleth flies in from the bowl.
Braisheith rumbles affectionately as he jockeys into position for the
hatching on the ledge, and hunkers down with his rider still on him.
From the sands below, Kyrola nods vigorously, already out of her jacket,
flapping the front of her shirt with the ease of much practice. "I'll be
glad to sleep in the hammock again. I think I'm getting a crick in my back
from sleeping up in the stands." Her hand gestures to the galleries
absently, her eyes mostly on the eggs, even as Zaith continues her humming
rumbly noise.
Viridis carefully slides down from Mraeleth.
Maylia nods agreement with M'val, pulling her riding-twisted skirts about.
"Brown, but no mark on it from me." She moves rather inelegantly, much more
used to riding leathers, not velvet skirts. "Kassi, Kay's down there, isn't
Kassima crinkles her nose at her mentee, sparing a moment for a smile.
"Doubt you had Ista in mind," she points out, "if'n 'tis for Turnover...
this get-up's a bit better, but 'twould be. I've been keeping it out and
ready." No, she's not a nervous sort of mother at all, why? "I'll see that,
M'val!" she hails him back. "And I'll take your bet on Brees, if'n you'll
take mine on Kaylira!" Lysseth's just a *trace* less scatter-shelled, and
belatedly offers rumbles of her own to the dragons about. Particularly the
male ones, yes.
Hroth settles into his spot, much further from the other dragons. F'lone
settles near him, staring down at the sands. He pulls his view from the
sands to turn and look at Kassima. "So, Kassi. Whats the bet on the
hatching?" he asks with a grin.
K'prin climbs down from Braisheith's neckridges with ease, patting his
lifemate as he steps off the helpful foreleg.
Riolth warbles cheerfully at Braisheith; M'val turns halfway around to wave
at K'prin. "Hey!" He adds, "Tason, too, a half-mark on my daughters' brother."
Rosmyn grins up at M'val and calls back. "She'll impress and she'll impress
green. I bet.." Pulling up her pockets, the girl carefully pulls out a
couple of sixteenth marks. "An eighth! On green."
Bromith flies in from the bowl.
Lloyth flies in from the bowl.
M'llon unbuckles his straps and slides to the ground slowly.
Kariel hops down Lloyth's side to the ground, as the dragon warbles a
K'prin laughs and claps his hands on M'val's back. "No, Wingleader, I'll
not take that wager. But I will wager that Brees Impresses Brown, and
Elisse gets Blue."
Kassima nods then to May, vigorously. "She is. Second time, so I'm
hoping... and brown for her, 'twould have t'be. Though blue might suit.
Green, that I'd be *frightened* by; what, F'lone, you're thinking I'm
keeping much track this time?" It's good-natured, though; and she
immediately adds, "A mark's saying blue Hatches first. Bet against Tason?
He Stood with us; that goes against the grain... but I'm feeling
magnanimous. Why nay?"
Kariel stands over by M'llon and mutters to him, "Do I salute and if so, who?"
Eilonth flies in from the bowl.
Sherazade climbs down Eilonth's side to the ground, as the dragon rumbles
Rosmyn sticks her tongue out at K'prin, safe from being seen as she ducks
behind a convenient dragon. "She's my sister she'll do good."
F'lone chuckles at Kassima. "I'll take that mark. And place my own on a
brown hatching first." he calls back to her.
M'llon smiles at Kariel, "Just do a general salute then relax."
From the sands below, Konnevath hums as loudly as he can, announcing that
Zaith's hard work is over at long last!
Maylia doesn't join in the mark-placing, but then she never does. The woman
just settles - awkwardly, given the unfamilliarity of her attire, to sit
with her legs swinging over the edge of the ledge. "I'd say blue, or
perhaps brown," she agrees with Kassi of Kaylira. "Looks like most of us
think brown first, Kassi - of those who're laying marks on it, if it's
blue, you stand to win quite a bit."
Sherazade waves and moves over to the group. "Looks like it's about to begin."
M'val says thoughtfully, "She's my daughter's sister, too, eh, Rosmyn? I've
lots of sort-of-family down there."
K'prin laughs and looks back towards his brown lifemate. "Braisheith is
asking if I think there'll be plenty of greens in this clutch. He just
wants more dragons to chase."
Kariel nods and salutes quickly the direction of the big dragons and riders.
Cyameth flies in from the bowl.
Rosmyn scratches her head as she lifts a shoulder in dismissal as she peeks
over the tail of her shelter at the Igenite bronzerider. "I can't keep
track but Brees and me, we decided we were sisters long time ago."
M'llon smiles at Kariel, "That's good." He grins at Sherazade, "Oh good to
see you made it."
Kassima agrees, agreeably, "I'll take the mark on brown. Though I'm going
t'end up owing a slew if'n *'tis* brown, at this rate. But watch it be a
green and slow us all... she's loved browns since she was a wee little
thing, May. What could be more fitting?" As for the seconding of her
gambling observation, she just grins toothily. "Here's hoping the luck's
with me, then. Faranth, I hope they come out soon... third time this is,
but I'm still a hyperactive wreck."
Cyameth swoops in and warbles a bright greeting.
Sherazade grins at M'llon. "Wouldn't have missed it."
Maylia spies a salute - Weyrlingmasters are well-tuned to that particular
gesture, after all - and returns it, the formality of her motion perhaps
looking a little out of place. "Relax, Kassi. They'll hatch soon enough,
and it'll be over again, either way. She'll make you proud, too, either way
I'm sure."
From the sands below, Undersea Magma Displacement Egg twitches
spasmodically on the sands, turning a little in place due to its tremors.
Falsanath perks up at the mention of greens, and rumbles brightly. G'har,
though, elbows him. "Do you know what she'd -do- to me if Kaylira Impressed
green and you caught her? -Stop- that."
Rosmyn giggles and waves as Cyameth and Terrilia arrive. Then the girl lays
on her tummy and scoots over the edge of the ledge, head resting on crossed
arms as she peers down into the bowl.
F'lone agrees with Kassima. "She's told me several times that if she had a
choice on what color dragon she'd want, she always chose brown. And I think
that brown would suit her perfectly.
Kariel looks down at the sands and gasps, "Oh, shards, the view from up
here is totally different."
Atop Cyameth, Terrilia waves and calls, "Igen's Duties!" as she quickly
unbuckles her riding straps and Jehril's. She climbs down and helps the boy
down, too, then peers around, smiling, until she spots more Igenites and
heads their way. "Has it started yet?"
M'val catches the last of Kassima's words, and asks, "Third time of which,
Kassima? Brees is Shilarra's foster-daughter, so she's Valarra's
foster-sister. And Tason is Tania's son, so he's Tamira's and Miria's
Terrilia slides down from Cyameth's neck to the ground. Cyameth croons
contentedly and gently noses his lifemate as he sees she is safely down.
Jehril slides down to the ground as Cyameth turns his head to watch him and
extends his foreleg to make it easy for him to slide down to the ground.
From the sands below, Divya says, "Oh my goodness, look!" She points to the
twitching egg with a great deal of awe.
M'llon grins and nods to Kariel, "Yeah.. and a lot more hummier too with
the dragons. If the noise bothers you, let me know. We can go down to the
Rosmyn doesn't look up as Terrilia speaks. "Over here, I gotta a great
view. You can even see the wart on that old lord holder from Tillek. The
one on his forehead."
Kassima makes a dismissive noise low in her throat. "A'*course* 'twould--"
Quite as if any other option were simply ridiculous. "I'm always proud of
her. Just don't tell *her* that... ach, G'har, that's disturbing given that
you met when she was five!" She pauses. Her face crinkles up in a grimace.
"More than disturbing. But I *might* nay castrate you, just make sure she
names the kidlet something that starts with K, all right? 'Tis Kaylira's
third time Standing, M'val. Third time I've watched her Stand. It never
seems much less nervewracking."
From the sands below, Kyrola looks where Divya's pointing, and her smile
gets almost impossibly wider, and she reaches out for the brownrider's free
hand, her eyes shining. "This so much easier being on this side of things..."
Jehril holds tight to his mother's hand and skips along with her, grinning
widely. He waves back at Rosmyn with his free hand.
From the sands below, P'tod comes out of a yawning tunnel onto the Hatching
From the sands below, U'lyn comes out of a yawning tunnel onto the Hatching
From the sands below, K'fen comes out of a yawning tunnel onto the Hatching
Sherazade answers Terrilia. "I think you made it just in time." she smiles
From the sands below, T'mren comes out of a yawning tunnel onto the
Hatching Sands.
Kariel reaches up to scritch Lloyth's head, "No, sir. I wouldn't miss this
for anything."
From the sands below, T'mren walks down to the far end of the Cavern.
From the sands below, P'tod walks out, accompanied by his assistants, and
waves cheerfully to Kyrola and Divya. He looks back to the men with him.
"You ready? Anything last minute?"
K'prin waves over the crowd to Terrilia, then goes back to watching the
eggs on the sands intently, a spark of sport in his eyes.
M'llon smiles at Kariel, "Good." Bromith lays down and M'llon leans/sits on
one of his legs, "Usually I don't attend these but I certainly don't mind
bringing you weyrlings."
From the sands below, U'lyn shakes his head rapidly, wiping his palms on
the side of his pants. "I'm ready."
"Kassi!" G'har protests. "She's not Impressed, and you have me fathering
her kid? Please!" A pause. "Though the name would start with a K, of
course. I know the rules. But it's not going to happen." And he seems to
agree with the disturbing nature. His attention, though, turns towards the
sands. "Huh, bet that one will hatch first." Conveniently, he doesn't say
-which- is that one.
Terrilia hears the answer and flashes a grateful smile in the direction it
came from even as she finds a place near Rosmyn and gets settled with
Jehril. "You're kidding...oh dear. Good, I'm glad I didn't miss anything."
She grins and leans over, watching eagerly.
From the sands below, K'fen takes a deep breath and nods at P'tod. "Probably."
Rosmyn peeks over her shoulder at Jehril and waves frantically. "Hey 'ril.
Over here!"
M'val arches his eyebrows. "Who's Kaylira? Oh," he says, as Riolth rumbles,
"Riolth says Farlioth says - anyway, never mind, hi Terri, did you know my
children have two siblings on the Sands? I'm sure Kaylira will do well,
Kassima. Although Riolth says he wouldn't be surprised if she didn't
Impress tonight because he thinks she should Impress for Cariath's clutch.
He likes Cariath."
From the sands below, P'tod grins at U'lyn and nods to K'fen. "Great. As
soon as the eggs start cracking, we'll want to fan out to have the whole
grounds covered, but this is good for now." He glances over to the corner
to make sure T'mren is making out all right with the oil and meat vats.
From the sands below, Divya waves back to P'tod and his staff and asks,
"Yeah, I have a last request. Anyone have a skin of water Kyrola and I can
From the sands below, Kyrola waves over to P'tod and his troops, almost
bouncing on her toes, beaming over at Divya for a moment. "I should've
thought of that."
Jehril giggles and lets go of his mother's hand to squirm in next to
Rosmyn. "Hi Rosmyn. Hey, lookat that!" He points at a rocking egg and beams.
Kaath wings down from above, landing rather behind the other dragons if
only to relax comfortably. Lirra hops down to the ledge and stands on her
toes to peer over those assembled, then heads towards Kassima to thump into
a nearby seat and add to the Telgar contingent. "Hey all. What'd I miss?"
Maylia coughs at Kassi's request, grinning. "You're dictating the initials
of your grandchildren?" She asks, but adds, "Though it doesn't surprise me.
Shells, all that wine at Telgar's turnover celebration, and I forgot to
grab a skin to bring with me." This last is added in a ruefull undertone,
but more loudly, she asks, "Are those eggs going to rock all night? What're
they waiting for, the new Turn to begin?"
Mvraeth flies in from the bowl.
Sherazade smiles,leans back against Eilonth and winks to M'llon. "Here we
go. This is when the fun begins."
Terrilia glances over and blinks at M'val. "Oh? How's that? Tason, I
guess..." She waves to Mvraeth and his rider and looks back quickly as
Jehril points. "Careful, sweetie."
From the sands below, Fluria comes out of a yawning tunnel onto the
Hatching Sands.
From the sands below, S'ris comes out of a yawning tunnel onto the Hatching
From the sands below, Undersea Magma Displacement Egg shudders some more,
displacing black grains all around itself.
From high between Mvraeth's neckridges, F'tan rushes as he removes his
helmet. "Am I late?"
F'tan slides with ease down from his place between his lifemate's
neckridges. As he reaches the ground, Mvraeth croons happily.
Kassima chortles. Wickedly. Unrepentantly. "'Kayhari' might be a good
name," she teases a moment more. "But all right, all right... far be it
from me t'turn into your dragon. I still remember his campaign t'get you
t'spawn with an assortment of women." Assortment? Women are like a box of
chocolates? "M'firstborn lass," she confirms for M'val. "Aye. And she will,
I'm sure; I'd rather see her at Telgar, but she does like Ista... heyla,
Lirra! Nay much yet. And May, what else did you expect? The K-rule
transcends generations!" Generous as she is, she offers over her own
wineskin. It's large enough to share.
From the sands below, Joradin comes out of a yawning tunnel onto the
Hatching Sands.
From the sands below, Tason comes out of a yawning tunnel onto the Hatching
From the sands below, Elisse comes out of a yawning tunnel onto the
Hatching Sands.
From the sands below, Kaylira comes out of a yawning tunnel onto the
Hatching Sands.
F'lone turns back to watch the sands as the candidates begin coming out.
He's eyes searching, trying to find that familur face, his hand still
clutching at the bulge in his pocket
From the sands below, Brees comes out of a yawning tunnel onto the Hatching
From the sands below, Tirlyna comes out of a yawning tunnel onto the
Hatching Sands.
M'val shoots Maylia a grin. "And Brees is Shilarra's foster-daughter. I
wonder if Elisse is related somehow, too. They *are* new-Turn hatchl -
hello, F'tan. Just in time."
From the sands below, Jascela comes out of a yawning tunnel onto the
Hatching Sands.
From the sands below, Echo comes out of a yawning tunnel onto the Hatching
From the sands below, Elseve comes out of a yawning tunnel onto the
Hatching Sands.
From the sands below, Oryan comes out of a yawning tunnel onto the Hatching
From the sands below, Radar comes out of a yawning tunnel onto the Hatching
L'son's gaze narrows and he leans forward a bit as he spots Brees come out.
Lacroith rumbles softly.
M'llon grins and nods to Sherazade, "Yes, I really only know one I think,
that is one of Jacera's half-sisters"
Kariel ahs, "Here they come. Shards. Seems so recent that I was doing that."
From the sands below, Theid comes out of a yawning tunnel onto the Hatching
From the sands below, Divya says, "I'm just sorry I didn't think of it when
Konnevath called for me. I could have stopped by the kitchen and gotten it
Rosmyn wriggles over a tad to give Jehril a better vantage and whispers
loudly. "Don't worry I won't toss ya over the edge and we can see real good
from here." Pulling out a sweetstick, she breaks it in half to hand half to
the lad. "Da said I could have one as long as I was good." As Brees
appears, she waves wildly with stick in hand. "That's my big sister!"
K'prin laughs. "It was just recently that I was doing that."
F'tan walks straight towards familiar faces. He offers polite smile to
those he doesn't know though. "Hi, Terri, M'val, Lee, Jehril..." He moves a
little farther to find a better place to look. He smiles at K'prin and
Rosmyn too in the process.
From the sands below, Kyrola looks over at the candidates with a smile.
"I'm sure you had other things on your mind," she remarks to Divya.
From the sands below, P'tod looks chagrined. "I'm sorry I didn't think of
it, myself," he calls over to Divya. "Course it's probably just as well.
They're not allowed to carry things, after all." He gestures toward the
Candidates as they come out in their pairs.
From the sands below, As the candidates make their way onto the sands and
into a semi-circle around the clutch, they bow to the Zaith, the dam,
Konnevath, the sire, and their riders who are now joined by the weyrleaders
Fluria and S'ris.
From the sands below, Brees comes out clutching Jascela's hand as if it's a
lifeline and looks around the sands gulping as her gaze fixes for a moment
on the eggs then moves onward. "Lets go by Theid and Tason." She says
softly to her handholding partner.
Terrilia ahs and nods to M'val without looking away from the Sands. "Brees,
right. Oh, there they are, too!" She lifts her chin to try to see even better.
Sherazade blinks. "Really? Which one? I can't say I know anyone down there.
Not many of my relatives made it this far south." She explains with a shrug.
Lirra leans forward to rest her chin on steepled fingers. "And here come
the victims. It's dancin' time," she declares with a grin, then waggles her
fingers. "Heya, G'har. Ivrihn wants another chemistry lesson."
From the sands below, Zaith continues humming, but her wings are
half-unfurled, her eyes whirling. A touch from her rider calms her a little
bit, but the queen still openly fidgets.
From the sands below, Tirlyna slinks near Radar and murmurs "Shall we move
near the others?"
From the sands below, Kaylira has similar ideas to Brees, leading Joradin
the same way.
From the sands below, Oryan looks around the clutch, noting the eggs that
are moving and taking a deep breath, "Oh, wow, Elsie. It's real."
Jehril grins and takes the half-sweetstick eagerly, popping it in his
mouth. "Thanks, Rosmyn!" He peeks over at his mother a little guiltily, but
she hasn't noticed, so he turns his attention back to the Sands and
Maylia brightens, as Kassi offers her wine skin. "Lovely, thanks."
Returning it after a sip, she's not greedy, she points to the sands below.
"And here they come - if those eggs are waiting for turnover to the next
turn, they'll have a hot wait."
From the sands below, Theid holds hands with Tason, looking like he'd like
to run, but of course he can't. He smiles weakly at Brees, "Here we go
Red..." He says a bit strained. He mumbles something about being glad his
parents aren't here.
M'val waves vigorously down at Brees and Tason, despite neither of them
looking up. "An assortment of women? Riolth! Why don't you get *me* an
assortment of women?" He gives Kassima a flashing grin and a wink -
obviously joking.
From the sands below, Jascela steps out onto the hot sands, holding hands
with Brees. She looks up with wide eyes at all the people watching from teh
stands. "Oh, wow... It looks so different like this..."
From the sands below, Elseve looks over at Oryan, "Can we go over by
Jascela?" She whispers, her hand trembling a bit in Oryan's. "Why does it
seem so different to be out here now?"
From the sands below, Divya nods to the candidates, acknowledging their
bows. Her face is slightly bemused and she swallows once sharply.
From the sands below, Radar nods and mutters, "Good idea."
From the sands below, Fluria moves to stand with Kyrola and Divya, S'ri's
at her side. She gives her junior a smile and then turns to look out across
the sands. "It's starting. Excited?"
M'llon hmms and peers at the sands, "Her name is Jascela, I am not sure
which one she is down there."
F'lone seems to relax a bit as he watches the candidates. His eyes locked
onto one with bluish black braids. He moves his hand from his jacket pocket
and settles it onto Hroth's side.
From the sands below, Joradin nods and follows Kaylira, sticking close to
the stronger young woman, and in awe at the enormity of what is happening
around him.
G'har looks over from the eggs at the sound of his name, as the cocktail
party syndrome apparently does work on Pern, despite the lack of cocktails.
"Does he want to apprentice yet?" he queries, with a quick grin. "I'm all
for more Smiths. He grins at Kassima. "Kayhari," he replies, rolling his
eyes. "Yeah, let's just see what happens, eh?" Falsanath rumbles cheerfully
at the spawning-comment, and G'har sighs. "No, no, I've -got- a daughter.
You just hush."
From the sands below, Tason is hand in hand with Theid, glancing arouns the
sands as if he'd never seen them before this day. He offers Brees and
Jscela a grin, offering out his free hand for one of them to take, or
anyone for that matter. "Luck."
Kassima leans forward sharply as the Candidates make their appearance,
though not quite sharply enough to tumble off Lysseth's leg. "Where's...
there? That's her, isn't it?" As if anyone else could tell any better.
Accepting her wineskin back, she points out, "But what a way t'bring in the
new Turn 'twould be! Mayhaps, M'val," she suggests with a wink of her own
for him, "Riolth should be taking lessons from Falsanath."
Rosmyn nudges her companion with her elbow and grins then peeks down at the
candidates. "I can't see her good but I can't get much closer."
From the sands below, K'fen scans the crowns of the candidates, idly
crossing his arms over his chest. He softly smiles, eyes unfocused for a
little while.
From the sands below, Elisse clutches Echo's hand, flickering her gaze
toward the sands and then up to the crowded galleries. "I think my mother
is up there somewhere..." She mutters softly, then motioning toward the
others. "Echo, wanna go by Theid and Brees?"
Duzorth flies in from the bowl.
From the sands below, Undersea Magma Displacement Egg hop, hop, hops some
more, the shell shivering under the force of the dragonet inside quite
clearly wanting out!
From the sands below, Tirlyna swallows and moves off more towards the
middle of the sands, wincing as the heat penetrates his feet. he glances
back at Radar to see if he's following.
From the sands below, Oryan nods to Elsie, "Yeah, but quickly." Not hard to
move quickly on the sands when you're barefoot ,though.
From the sands below, U'lyn settles into a more comfortable standing pose,
watching the candidates with a nostalgic glint in his eye.
Kassima grins unrepentantly to G'har then. "Aye, let's. Just you remember,
you'd better let her crush your hand when her time comes, or 'twill hunt
you down and crush *other* things." She's not serious. Really. She's not.
From the sands below, Brees nods to Theid. "Yeah, here we go." She offers
out her free hand to her best friend shaking softly as she looks at the
eggs. "Yeah, 'Cela. Definately different. And warm." The heat of the sands
finally gets to her feet, she starts shifting her weight from one to the
From the sands below, S'ris takes up a stance, just behind the werywoman
and the junior. Watching out over the golds, with something of a tense
expectancy. Always tense these things.
From the sands below, Echo's proudly lifted chin and set shoulders
immediately shrink in awe of the scene before her. Green eyes form into
saucers and her lips part. Quite suddenly, she turns, as if ready to sprint
away, but Elisse's grip on her hand causes her to pause and slowly turn
around. She gasps as eggs move around her and nods wordlessly to Elisse.
From the sands below, Elseve quickly moves with Oryan over to Jascela,
taking up a place in the semi-circle next to her, hand still trembling in
From the sands below, Kyrola beams over at Fluria and S'ris. "Extr/eme/ly,"
she replies, shifting her weight back and forth.
Jehril grins and nods, pointing. "She's there, right? I think that's her. I
hope she gets one!" His words are only slightly distorted by the sweetstick
in his mouth.
Sherazade peers as well, trying to spot a girl with a familial resemblance
to her friend.
From the sands below, Kaylira's fingers clutch ever tighter at Joradin's as
the action starts. Attention rapt on the moving eggs.
From the sands below, Theid blinks and turns his head towards the first egg
and pales, even with his Istan tan. He squeezes Tason's hand harder, his
heart beating so fast he can't believe. He still manages to hope from one
foot to the other though. Burned feet is bad.
From the sands below, P'tod calls, "Don't clump up too much," toward a
group of four Candidates that have arranged themselves into a little
huddle. They don't take any notice, and he strides over to get their
attention and spread them out. "Any of you get in the way of a dragonet
trying to get to another of you and there'll be trouble."
From the sands below, Rolling awkwardly down the egg mound, the Sunset
Stratocumulus Egg bounces once, twice, and then cracks sharply open,
spilling out a brown dragonet. The little brown plows snout first into the
sands, creeling pitifully as a girl from Nerat detatches from the circle of
candidates, running towards him, "It's all right, Rhepith! I hear you!"
From the sands below, Jascela nods to Brees as she moves into position. She
looks over the eggs briefly before looking up at the parents.
Maylia squints, leaning forward. Turns of glaring at weyrlings must be
affecting her eyesight. "That's Kay there, I think. Shells, can't see squat
from up here."
M'val flexes his hand and grimaces. "Crush your hand is right - a touch of
wine is good to numb it, especially if there's another birth only a few
days later and it hasn't recovered yet! Maybe Riolth should. _I_ think he
should fly for greens more, but he tends to think they're too small." He
prods the leg he's sitting on. "_Brown_," he adds triumphantly.
K'prin laughs. "And it's a brown!
G'har just shakes his head, with a wry little grin. "Okay, Kassi," he
replies, amused. "Should I ever impregnate your daughter--" And he has to
pause to shudder. "--I will let her crush my hand--oh, hey, a brown. I said
brown, really, I did." Sure he did.
From the sands below, Oryan gasp loudly as the first impression takes
place. His mouth open in amazement.
From the sands below, Elisse smiles at Echo's unwant, but pulls her toward
Brees and Theid. "C'mon, we'll be okay..." She grins at Theid and positions
herself a few feet away. The egg's motion gets her a gulp, the first
Impression a deep breath. "Starting.. starting..." She mutters her herself.
Mvraeth rumbles and his eyes glitters with deep blue.
From the sands below, Radar is moving along just half a step behind
Tirlyna. "Oh myu goodness, look! A brown!"
Rosmyn half smiles/half smirks. "I want her to get a dragon but I miss her
and she'd be gone a whole long time if she impresses here." At the crack,
she stills, sweetstick caught in a mid suck.
Lirra's brows lift, and she leans over to nudge Kassima. "Wait, is that Kay
down there?" she wonders, then grins at G'har. "He's aactually thinking
about it, now that he's old enough. Better than wanting to be a dragon when
he was two." She can't help a snicker then. "Wait, you and Kaylira, G'har?
Oh, boy."
F'lone looks at the little brown that spills from the egg and hoots.
"Whoot. It's brown." he shouts and turns to glance at Kassima.
From the sands below, Kyrola gasps. "A brown first!" she shouts gleefully.
"Look, Divya!" She seems to act more like a little girl than a weyrwoman,
jumping up and down on the sands.
Kariel cheers, "A brown!"
From the sands below, Joradin gives a little clap and looks toward Kaylira,
and crosses his fingers. It's hard to tell whether he wants this more for
himself or for her.
From the sands below, Brees gulps as the first dragon impressed. "Look!"
She tries to pint wile still clutching hands. "He impressed!" She says
starting to hop slightly from one foot to the other.
From the sands below, There is no more resistance left in the Undersea
Magma Discplacement Egg. At least it gives way, the many cracks upon its
shell adding up to too much stress. First one piece of shell falls away,
then another. And at last the rest are torn away and discarded onto the
sand by the huge Dark Dappled Shadows Bronze dragonet.
From the sands below, Tirlynas face is no longer expressionless as he nods
vigourously to Radar. "i see it! I see it!! That was the first one!'
From the sands below, Elseve sighs watching the brown in amazement, "Oh, I
never imagined..." She swallows and shifts feet on the hot sand.
From the sands below, Divya cheers and says, "All right! Konnevath, your
first child is a brown, hopefully just like you! Congratulations!"
From the sands below, Fluria glancces at Kyrola and can't help but smile at
her enthusiasm.
From the sands below, Tason hasn't started the hot-foot dance - yet, but he
is hearing the sweet music of crushed fingers if Theid grips much tighter
onto his hand. "Carefuly Theid, that's my hand there." He says softly, as
he watches the eggs, candidates and the first Impression, all in one shot.
From the sands below,
Dark Dappled Shadows Bronze Dragonet
At first glance, this dragon's hide is a dusky shade, almost swallowed by
dark shadows. He's rather large and intimidating, even at this age, and
it's clear that when grown, he will rival the smaller queens in size. Even
in bright light, his form is dimmed: light refracts, falling away rather
than encouraging brilliance. He is undoubtedly bronze, however: shards of
scintillating brightness dart across his hide as though he's clothed in
ripped sackcloth, while powerful muscles propel him forward, and his talons
are sharp and touched with gilded bronze. His body is lean, but not really
lithe--built for strength rather than speed. More bronze is visible on his
belly, generally hidden by his wings except when discovered in flight. His
pinions are mighty, even at this age, and he's made for endurance, coloured
with shimmers of bronze that dapple his wingsails, revealing more of this
true color. His tail is never still, lashing back and forth at all times.
Kassima makes a dismayed sound low in her throat. "I hope that's nay a bad
omen, that I'm going t'lose on the rest of 'em," she mutters, even as she
digs into her belt pouches for marks to toss to the folk who wagered on
brown. "Still, a fine young lad, even if'n he was born the wrong color!
I'll be expecting you t'hold t'your word on that, G'har. Just see if'n I
From the sands below, Kaylira holds her breath. A brown! A bronze! So much
all at once.
From the sands below, K'fen quickly straightens and jogs toward the newly
impressed girl, widely grinning. "Congratulations rider," he softly says in
a warm voice, as he leads the new pair to the corner where T'mren is
already waiting.
Sherazade whistles low. "A Bronze now."
Terrilia grins as she hears the calls of "brown" around her and glances
toward the brownriders she's sitting by. One eyebrow goes up as she notices
Jehril's sweetstick, but she shrugs, grins, and turns back to the
Sands--just in time to ooo at the bronze.
From the sands below, Echo is pulled reluctantly by Elisse, unable to tear
her eyes away from the First Impression.
From the sands below, K'fen walks down to the far end of the Cavern.
From the sands below, Jascela catches her breath softly and grins. "Its a
Bronze... I didn't think there'd be one."
Maylia sends a meaningful glance towards Kassi, as the elder greenrider
looses her first bet of the evening. "Now, don't let it get to you. You've
been wrong before on first-wagers, and still come out ahead!"
From the sands below, Elisse chuckles slightly, before eyeing the bronze.
"And a bronze. Brown and bronze!" Her eyes widen and she glances once more
over the enthuisastic group of candidates.
From the sands below, Radar inhales and says, "Look, Tirlyna! A bronze
already hatched! And he's big for his age!" Yeah, like a Weaver would know.
From the sands below, Oryan squeeze Elseve's hand tightly and mutters, "Are
you OK?"
F'lone sighs as the brown immediatly goes to another girl. His eyes turn
back to that other candidate with the blue-black braides.
Jehril nods thoughtfully to Rosmyn and opens his mouth to reply, but what
comes out is just an admiring "Oooo" as he sees the bronze and points,
using the sweetstick.
From the sands below, Theid stands back, letting go of Tason's hand and
making sure he's spread out.
From the sands below, Triple Rainbow Egg starts rocking from side to side,
tentatively at first, then with more confidence until it shakes the little
mound of sand it rests on.
From the sands below, Joradin is staring, his eyes riveted on the newest
arrivals hatching about him. He shifts back and forth as the heat gets to
his bare feet on the sands.
M'val snags the mark out of the air, then lets out a soft cooing sound.
"There we go, a bronze out. Good!"
Rosmyn shrugs and doesn't seem impressed by the bronze. "Brown and green
are better."
From the sands below, Tirlyna points excitedly to the bronze. 'Oh, Radar,
he's huge!! Oh my goodness!' He watches the eggs and hatchlings avidly,
trying to take it all in at once.
From the sands below, Elseve's lips quiver in excitement, "Jas, look at it,
its so lovely!" She exclaims quietly to Jascela, and then notds to Oryan,
letting go of his hand, "But I've got to stand by myself... she trails off
as one of her favorite eggs rocks.
From the sands below, Brees nods her head and grins over at Jascela still
hopping back and forth unable to hold still. "He's beautiful!"
From the sands below, Jascela sighs softly and lets her gaze sweep around
at the male candidates. "I wonder who he'll pick..." She shifts from foot
to foot like every other Candidate is.
"Excellent sign..." F'tan mutters as he finally found a good place and sits
down. Not too far from Terrilia and Rosmyn and Jehril in fact. He keeps
smiling as another warble comes from Mvraeth.
Kassima shakes her head a touch, brows drawn. "I'm nay usually wrong on
first-wagers," she points out to May at her dryest. "We'll have t'be
seeing. I should have brought more luck charms... hmm, bronze? Aye. Pretty
wee lad." Lysseth rumbles, but seems only vaguely interested; he's not,
after all, a green sister. Or nearly old enough to be otherwise interesting
to her.
Jehril grins at Rosmyn. "Don't forget blues," he says staunchly, glancing
toward his mother before looking back at the Sands. "Where'd he go?"
From the sands below, Two eggs near each other are rocking convulsively -
which will win the race? It seems the Earthquake Weather Egg will, as it
explodes into a flurry of shards, stranding a green dragonet on her back.
The little thing gives a bugled squeak of protest and rights just as the
Desert Sandstorm Egg next to it cracks open to reveal a blue. The pair
scatter in opposite directions, one finding a boy from Far Cry Hold, and
the other a boy from Crom.
From the sands below, Dark Dappled Shadows Bronze Dragonet tumbles out of
his egg and for a mere moment, just sort of looks around, as if assessing
his situation. Then, he quickly rights himself. There is very little
wobbling, even at this tender age. Then he looks around at something
flicking sand back and forth behind him. It looks long and shiny. He turns
to look at it. It moves out of his line of sight, so he keeps turning. It
keeps moving out of his view! Maybe if he speeds up...
From the sands below, Theid glances over at Brees and then to the newly
hatched dragon. He's almost forgotten to lift his feet now and then so he
won't burn them. That changes quickly, and he starts to hop.
From the sands below, Tason gives a little gasp with the rest at the
emegence of the bronze, but the dropping of his hand draws his attention
and he glances towards the other boy for a second before shrugging and
turning his gaze back towards the bippity bopping hopping eggs and the
bronze as well. Now he shifts his feet against the heat of the sands. "He's
a big fella, isn't he...wonder who gets him."
Rosmyn turns as she recognizes Mvraeth's warble and waves a rather wet red
sweetstick at his rider. "Hi." She pauses, considering Jehril for a second
or two. "Well. Ok, I guess blues are alright. Your ma is nice."
From the sands below, P'tod watches K'fen lead the new brownrider pair
away, wiping his sweaty palms on his shirt. He grins over at U'lyn,
gesturing toward the bronze. "Nice one, isn't he? Ah, whoop, here we go."
He heads for the blue and his new lifemate to lead them over to the corner,
leaving U'lyn to tend to the green.
From the sands below, Oryan looks over at Elseve briefly as she lets go of
his hand and steps away, "No. Don't. Wait. Elsie." But his attention is
drawn back to the bronze hatchling.
Terrilia looks up briefly to smile at Jehril, then at F'tan. Not too long,
though, or she'll miss something. "Blues, yes. Be nice to see some of
those..." She grins at Rosmyn, too. "Thanks, Rosmyn."
From the sands below, Joradin laughs out loud at the Bronze, then give a
guilty start. Is laughing allowed on the Sands? "He's chasing his tail."
F'lone laughs as he watches the bronze chasing its tail.
From the sands below, Elisse finally realizes the heat searing at her feet,
and begins to toddle back and forth, rubbing hot feet on her legs
every-so-often. Mind is not focused directly on the sands, its focused on
the trembling eggs and the noisy galleries, as well as the comments made by
her fellow candidates. Jascela's comment is caught. "Oh, I do wonder...
Green!" She flickers her eyes to the Impression, then over toward the
Bronze who still looks about.
Duzorth launches from the ledge and into the air.
From the sands below, Kaylira lets go of Joradin's hand - but only to cover
her mouth as she tries to stiffle giggles, watching the newly hatched
bronze 'discover' his tail. Which is probably just as well. Its hard to be
nervous when you're laughing.
From the sands below, Radar watches the blue find a lifemate and tries to
smother a groan. "Well, we've seen every color now, thank to that blue and
green. And I didn't even get a good luck before they found lifemates."
From the sands below, U'lyn makes his way over to the green and her new
rider, smiling warmly at them as he escorts them off the sands.
From the sands below, Brees shrugs still hopping. "One of the guys." She
laughs softly at her statement of the obvious then points over at the
impressions. "Look! My favorite one hatched and impressed, a cute litte blue."
F'tan winks at Rosmyn and Terrilia before looking down again.
From the sands below, Kyrola just... puts her hand over her face, shaking
her head. Her shoulders quiver, indicating her quiet laughter.
From the sands below, Tirlyna claps his hands once as the various dragons
find their partners, mouth making a silent 'ooooh'. He hardly notices his
feet consciously, but nevertheless he sways from side to side, liftnig and
replacing his feet.
M'val peers over at Rosmyn, blue eyes widening with mock-sadness. "And I'm
not nice just 'cause I ride a bronze?"
From the sands below, Jascela sighs softly as she watches the Green. "Oh,
she's so pretty too..."
From the sands below, Elseve looks to Oryan, "You can do it Oryan," She
shifts feet nervously, over at the green and the blue, inaudibly sighing.
From the sands below, Triple Rainbow Egg jerks sharply as its occupant
decides it wants out, but doesn't crack. For a moment it stops moving
entirely, then begins shaking again with renewed enthusiasm.
From the sands below, Divya giggles at the baby bronze and murmurs, "Are
you sure he's a bronze? He's acting more like a young canine right now."
Hosozoth flies in from the bowl.
Miralin gives her lifemate a loving pat before swinging a leg easily over
Hosozoth's dappled neck and jumping lightly to the ground.
From the sands below, Theid hmmm's softly, chewing on his bottom lip as he
calls to Brees, "Beautiful choice Brees.!" He beams over and looks a little
more calm at least. His eyes come to fix on the new egg that wriggles.
From the sands below, Fluria bites her lower lip, smiling as she is, and
watches the bronze. Slowly she shakes her head and then glances at S'ris
and leans in to mutter something to him.
Rosmyn giggles at the wink and she blinks in return.
From the sands below, Elisse catches the sight of the new egg as well, and
tugs on Echo's hand. "Look, another one shaking..."
Terrilia grins at M'val and waves to Miralin as she arrives. "/I/ think
bronzes are nice."
Rosmyn wrinkles her nose at M'val after a longish suck on her sweetstick.
"You're nice but brown's and greens are best and blues aren't bad because
Terrilia gives me good hugs." There! Logic.
F'tan catches Terri's and M'val's talk and grins, adding. "But you're
biased, Terri." He winks.
From the sands below, The Ardent Ebon Darkness Egg shudders convulsively,
bits of shell flaking off into the dark sands. The candidates near it lean
forward, as if encouraging it on. Finally, a green head pops out, and the
rest of the body slowly follows, leaving a husk on the sands. The little
green takes her time choosing, but finally, Remilek, now R'mek, steps
forward, "Of course, Malieth, I'll get you something to eat."
From the sands below, Elseve shifts feet more quickly as her eyes lock on
the rainbow egg, "Oh, oh, one of my favorites, it'll be a shame to destroy
the shell." She is speaking quietly and rapedly.
From the sands below, Echo's eyes are unfocused as she tries to look
everywhere at once. "Where?"
From the sands below, Tirlyna looks over to Radar. "I didn't think it would
happen so quickly. Already so many dragons have hatched. . . " Eagerly he
looks out over the eggs, forgetting his trepidation and becomeing more
M'val is instantly distracted as Hosozoth arrives; he twists around on
Riolth's leg and waves at Miralin, eyes brightening. "Miralin!" As he looks
back towards the Sands, he says smugly, "But at least you think I'm nice,
Rosmyn, and that's the important part!"
From the sands below, Joradin gives a sigh as the Ardent Ebon Darkness egg
hatches and gets Impressed. His shoulders wilt.
Kariel mutters not-so-quietly, "They have their uses." She cuts a bit and
rather impertinent grin toward the AWLM who brought the weyrlings from
Miralin clatters down her dragon's side and lands with an "Oof!" Then she
looks down and realizes her shirt isn't even buttoned up. Holding it closed
with one hand, she waves to Terrilia with the other. "Hi!" And then trips
over Hosozoth's forefeet while making her way over to Terri and M'val. "Ow!"
Hosozoth blows her nostrils out in an exasperated sigh.
From the sands below, Theid awww's and glances over at Joradin, a look of
concern on his face for his friend.
From the sands below, Elisse lifts up her unclaimed hand, and points across
to the Triple Rainbow Egg, then lowering it for a moment after catching the
second green Impression.
Terrilia chuckles and grins. "Well, maybe," she admits to F'tan. "So
they're all nice, then, right? What about golds?" She glances over with a
smile, hearing another comment, but doesn't seem to catch who it's from.
"Hey, Miralin. Come see!"
From the sands below, Radar answers Tirlyna, "I've seen several hatchings,
and they've always seemed to take a long time when you're in the galleries.
But down here.......I feel like I'll miss something if I blink!"
From the sands below, Kaylira tries to comfort her friend with a hand to
his shoulder. "I'm sorry, Joradin."
From the sands below, Kyrola bounces on her toes again, her eyes roving the
sands back and forth. "It's so much quicker than I remember it," she says
to Divya.
From the sands below, Joradin nods. "It's okay, Kaylira. I'm more hoping
that you'll Impress today... well, almost." He gives a grin. "Besides,
there are still eggs on the sands!"
From the sands below, Tirlyna nods. "Me too, look, another green Impressed!
It's almost like they choose even before leaving their shells!"
From the sands below, P'tod paces the sands, taking a moment or several to
orient on the new greenrider, whom he approaches with a smile. "Well done,
R'mek, well done. Just bring Malieth over to the corner here, there's all
the meat she could want."
From the sands below, Tason rests most of his weight on his left foot, eyes
darting here and there, trying impossibly to keep up with all the action
going on. He watches the blue and green impress and shakes his head,
smiling. "Incredible..." He watches as one egg after another begins to
move. "It's always different when you're watching and not really a part of
what's going on down here."
From the sands below, Divya says, "That, and I don't have a knot of fear in
my belly this time! Last time I could barely stand upright by the time
Konnevath hatched, but I think I'll be okay here!" She wipes some sweat off
her face and rolls up her sleeves to try and handle the heat better.
Rosmyn whistles through her teeth, even her most loyal heart can't deny the
truth. "Gold's are best, of course. I just don't happen to know any real
"Well, one point for you, Terri. All Bronzes are nice." F'tan admits with a
smile, waving to Miralin as she comes. "And about Golds..." Mvraeth rumbles
this time. "Well, he answered for me." He says pointing the too much pride
brown behind him.
Kassima manages to tear her eyes away from Kaylira long enough to scan the
other Candidates, and she aims a quick nudge May's way. Then another for
Lirra, for good measure. "I nigh on forgot, watching Kay--y'see Radar down
there? He's a good lad. I'd put marks on his Impression, though what, I
can't say I could guess."
Jehril giggles and watches the Sands closely as he sucks on his sweetstick.
"There... an' there, an' over there!" He points as he speaks. "Slow down!"
K'prin laughs and winks at his lifemate. "Yes, Braisheith, another green to
chase some day."
From the sands below, Brees nods her head looking across Theid over at
Tason. "Definately differnt." Then her gze turns back to watching and she
giggles over at the bronze.
After picking herself back up, Miralin threads her way toward Terrilia.
"What did I miss?" she asks breathlessly, doing her shirt up quickly. "Hi
From the sands below, The Vibrant Thunderstorm Egg, which had been rocking,
suddenly goes quite still. A very young candidate from Lemos, out of his
head with the excitement, inches forward and is startled when the shell
abruptly shatters and the blue dragonet inside falls forward with a thump.
Grindar, now G'dar, lands on his rear with a thump and stares comically at
the blue. "But I didn't know you were in there, Hosath!"
Rosmyn giggles and nudges Jehril again. "I bet ya the next one is a blue.
You get to do my chores if it is for a day and if it isn't blue, I'll do
yours for a day."
From the sands below, Dark Dappled Shadows Bronze Dragonet keeps turning a
few more times, then stops, shaking his head. Dizzy. However, by the time
he's done and opens his eyes again, he sees loads of white-clad people in
front of him, and he gets up and trots in their direction with the ease of
the young, leaving puffs of black sand in his wake, even as he remembers to
lift his wings up for better loping. He skids to a stop near one candidate,
sniffing at her for a few moments. Then he sneezes. He must be allergic,
because he starts toward a candidate with a different sort of dangly bits.
Lirra makes a squawking noise at the nudge, then cheerfully nudges back. "I
see him. Likely looking lad, I have to agree. I'll bet that boy impresses
first though," she wheedles wryly, brows waggling as she points at another
random candidate.
F'lone continues to watch the candidate that he's been watching this long.
Watching her as each egg hatches. With each impression, his shoulders slump
even further.
From the sands below, With a mighty crash, like thunder, the Triple Rainbow
Egg releases its captive. For a moment the creature rolls tail over head
down the small mound of sand. And then stops at the bottom. With a shake of
his blue head, the Istan Starlight Blue Dragonet catches his breath.
Terrilia grins and nods, scooting over to make some space for Miralin. "A
few Impressions, brown, blue, green. There's a bronze still looking for his
lifemate, too--he was chasing his tail. Not too much." She chuckles at
Mvraeth and nods to Jehril and Rosmyn.
M'val shoots Miralin a wide-eyed, innocent look. "Awwww. You've done up
your shirt." He lets out a large sigh, then grins.
From the sands below,
Istan Starlight Blue Dragonet
Graduated blues shade this dragonet: the bulk of his hide, blue-black,
hints at the clarity of Ista's night sky; specks of blue-white suggest
stars, though the pattern is not so clever as to form constellations.
Further blue-white limns his wingspars, accenting wingsails that are
proportionally large for his relatively small frame. On those sails, as
well as along his underbelly, his midnight hue shifts to the tempest-tossed
blue-green of a stormy sea, with flecks of pale, foamy color nearly giving
motion to the hide, as of the waves crashing against the shore. Though
petite for a blue, his proportions suit him, even the overlarge wings
lending a certain awkward charm. Glittery-sharp talons, a pale
silver-white, provide a startling contrast to the darkness of his hide.
From the sands below, Tirlyna keeps one eye on the dragonets moving about,
muttering the instructions he'd been given. Sliding a glance at Radar, he
says, "Get ready to move, Radar, just in case."
From the sands below, Elseve has clenched her hands into fists at her side,
swaying from side to side as she switches feet, her face completely
absorbed by the eggs and hatchinglinfs and all the new dragonriders,
watching the bronze who hasn't yet selected, but doesn't miss the blue's
entrance out of the cornor of her eye and gasps.
From the sands below, There is a lull in the cracking for the moment, as a
regal green from the Gaudy Green Gale Force Winds Egg hatched just seconds
before debates her new partner from a group of girls clumped together.
Finally she rears up and plants forelimbs on one of the lower caverns
girls. Squeaking through her tears, she says, "And I knew I would
eventually find you too, Sentath!"
From the sands below, Tason grins down the line at Brees. "Yeah, but in no
time at all it'll be over- one way or the other. Either way, it's something
to remember."
From the sands below, Jascela giggles amusedly and points toward the young
Bronze. "I think he's a bit confused about who he wants..." She smiles as
the next Blue hatches and smiles. "Oh, he's cute..."
From the sands below, Elisse laughs almost nervously at bronze, before
eyeing the new blue. "Oh.. blue..." A tug goes to Echo's hand. "You won't
miss it now. The egg just hatched. It's.. it's a blue..." Eyes are wide in
complete awe. "Beautiful, beautiful blue."
From the sands below, Theid watches the newest egg start to tremble and he
catches his breath, moving closer to Tason this time. "This is going so
much faster then I thought it would Tas..." He still looks nervous, but
less as more and more of the eggs hatch and impress. He continues to hop,
and sweat is already making his robe press against his skin in spots.
From the sands below, Brees giggles as the bronze sneezes at a girl then
her gaze focuses on the blue and she nods her head grining. "Definately cute."
Jehril considers the bet as a couple of eggs crack, then nods firmly.
"Awright. That's fair. Cause blues are still the best."
Jyrinth flies in from the bowl.
From the sands below, Kaylira gasps at the latest hatchling. "Oh.. such a
gorgeous blue! Look, Jaradin!" And she tugs his attention that way.
From the sands below, Echo accidently steps onto a shard of egg, grimacing
as she slowly looks down, lifting her bare foot off the sands. A stretch of
egg goo clings to the sole and she shudders, kicking said food back and
forth. "It's much more... gooey from the Sands!" She says, loudly, shaking
her foot all the more when the shard proceeds to stick also.
From the sands below, Oryan blinks as the blue emerges, "Oh, merciful sun
in the sky, he's gorgeous."
From the sands below, Joradin laughs and looks over at the blue. "He's
gorgeous, Kaylira!"
From the sands below, Istan Starlight Blue Dragonet sits himself up and
shakes his head. What an undignified entrance. Getting to his slightly
unsteady feet, the little blue takes a look around and heads for those odd
white things standing nearby.
From the sands below, Radar nods and recites "Don't touch the dragonets.
Don't touch the dragonets. Don't touch.....Oh my goodness! A blue!" He
promptly forgets the wonderful advice he'd been given to admire the latest
blue hatchling.
Jyrinth floats to a soft landing, J'han cradling Jedi in his arms. The
bluerider slides down and finds a seat, "Look, Jedi. There's Momma on the
sands," Jedi just starts a hiccuping wail, "No, Momma is there,"
J'han slides carefully down on the Blue, giving his head an affectionate pat.
Kassima wants to know immediately, "How much? If'n 'tisn't too high a
stake, I'll take--" But she breaks off to admire, "Now there's a *fine*
young blue, isn't there? Reminds me a bit of Cygnith, only the color's
rather different. Hey, G'har, you're the native--any thoughts on who he's
From the sands below, Jascela giggles as she overhears Echo's comment and
shakes her head slowly. "Only you would think that."
Rosmyn giggles as a blue hatches just as the bet is made. "Good! You get ta
dust the harpers class rooms then."
From the sands below, Elisse suddenly flickers her head down toward Echo's
problem, her own feet getting splashed as the egg goo is kicked back and
forth. "Gooey, yea.." She snickers at Jas's comment, and nods
enthusiastically. "Only you, Echo, only you."
From the sands below, Theid beams, "He's stunning!" Said with awe as he
looks at the newly stumbling blue.
From the sands below, Tirlyna looks where Radar is and sees the blue. 'Oh,
wow. Another one!' He grins foolishly. 'It's getting crowded out here.'
From the sands below, Elseve stares at the blue, attention sucessfully
captured, even with the undignified entrance, "Oh, Oryan, they're more
beautiful than the eggs."
Miralin blinks innocently at M'val. "What was that about my shirt?"
From the sands below, Tason chuckles and nods at Theid. "It's alright,'s to be expected." He turns his head back to the eggs just in
time to see the blue bust forth. "Awesome. Nice blue."
Terrilia ahs softly as the little blue hatches and looks toward Cyameth,
who rumbles proudly.
G'har looks over again at the sound of his name. "Huh, what?" he queries.
He was, yes, focusing on the dragons. He pauses a moment to collect
himself, pushing his hair out of his eyes. "Whoever he wants," he replies
unhelpfully, though with a roguish grin that implies that he knows he's
being unhelpful.
From the sands below, Silvery Swirly Clear Blue Sky Egg shivers very
slightly, shaking the black grains of sand from it's shell, then falling
still once more.
M'val squints down at Echo, eyebrows arching a little, before giving
Miralin a grin. "We're playing now, not on duty, so I liked it better the
other way."
Jehril grins at the little blue and sighs, then blinks at Rosmyn. "Hey...I
was betting it'd /be/ a blue."
Maylia glances up from her study of the sands at Kassi's nudge. "Radar?"
She asks, clearly trying to recall the name. "That lad's from weaver's,
isn't he? Helped with the weyrlings' leathers once or twice, if I recall."
Her nod is approving, then another one tossed in for the blue.
Lirra leans back a bit to rummage in her pocket, pulling out a sixteenth
piece and flipping it into the air. "A sixteenth?" She double-takes at the
newest blue though, and whistles appreciatively. "Now -that's- a pretty
boy," she enthuses, then snorts at G'har in amusement. "Gee, you're
precise," she teases.
Miralin's brows raise slightly.
Miralin says "What are we playing?"
Rosmyn shakes her head. "Nah, I said if it was blue you had to do the
chore, and if it wasn't blue I had to do the chores." She smiles winningly
again. "Anyone will tell ya I am right. Cause I always am."
Terrilia looks around as she hears a baby's wail, frowning slightly in
concern. Seeing J'han, though, she beams and waves. "J'han, hello! Who's
From the sands below, Brees watches the little blue and giggles slightly as
he makes his way over still cluching Jascela's hand as she hops. "The sand
is plenty warm."
From the sands below, Echo uses Elisse as a prop since she's holding her
hand, shaking her foot furiously. "Get it /off/! Eww!" She tries scraping
her foot along the sand, and that works, to a certain excent. "What's that
supposed to mean?" She demands of Jascela, then narrows her eyes at Elisse.
Then an egg moves beside her and she screams, quickly stifling the sound
with her mouth. She looks around with reknewed awe and quiet fear.
M'val chuckles. "Well, if we're not working..." He tilts his head and gives
Miralin a hopeful look.
Kassima makes a face at G'har, blowing him a raspberry. Even in her Gather
finest, Kassi's no epitome of maturity. "Bronzeriders," she grumbles, "are
just nay help at all... right, May, a Weaver. He made Kay and Khari a pair
of dresses for me, long agone, and he did the announcing at that fashion
show we had. Lirra, 'twill be seeing that sixteenth!"
From the sands below, Dark Dappled Shadows Bronze Dragonet sorts through
several of the male candidates, one by one. Then, as a girl gets out of his
way, he stops, lifting his muzzle. His wings perk up as well as his tail
slightly, and then he starts galumphing toward a particular candidate,
letting out a joyful howling sound. The sands aren't all that easy to stop
on, so when he tries to stop, he not only skids, he skids a good ten feet,
landing in a heap at his lifemate's feet.
From the sands below, J'radin(Joradin) has impressed !
G'har smiles innocently at Lirra. "Yep, and I'll be right, too." And he
grins at Kassima as well, looking entertained. "Bronzeriders are no help,
eh? Well, I'll be sure to remember that, next time you need a deal on some
knives. Okay... oh, hey, lookit the bronze, who's he picked?"
From the sands below, Fluria suddenly smacks S'ris in the arm with her
hand. She shoots him a look and then chuckles, her head shaking.
J'han smiles at Terri, "Heya, Have you met Jedi? This is my daughter. Her
mothers busy on the sands. Divya and Konnevath, you remember Divya, right?"
Jehril frowns and eyes Rosmyn, but not for long. The Sands are much more
interesting, though it's hard to watch all of the hatchlings all at once.
He sighs heavily. "All right...oh look!" He points again, sweetstick in hand.
From the sands below, Theid slides his eyes to the egg that shakes and then
falls still, moving away from it as it' so close by. He grabs Tason's hand
again, safer in pairs. "What the...?" He calls out loudly and then eeps,
glancing to the stands and then to the bronze. "Joradin!!" He jumps up and
From the sands below, Eggs are rocking all around, except for the Infrared
Nightmare Egg, sitting stubbornly immobile. It has not so much as twitched
the entire time. Finally, with a mighty crack, it splits in two, revealing
a brown dragonet. The little brown steps fussily away from the shards left
behind, and heads immediately for Liana from Peyton hold. "Oh, yes,
Renevath! We'll always be together!"
From the sands below, Jascela grimaces and nods. "Its a lot worse with bare
feet too!" She shuffles her weight from foot to foot, trying to give each
foot a chance to cool a bit. She giggles as Echo screams again and shakes
her head.
From the sands below, Istan Starlight Blue Dragonet stumbles down the line
of white creatures, eyes whirling red as he gets steadily more distressed.
He's supposed to do something, but what? And what is that nasty feeling in
his belly? As one of the white-clad things screams he stops, creeling
From the sands below, Elisse stumbles beneath Echo's weight, chuckling,
before giving Echo's narrowed eyes a broad an innocent smile. The scream
startles her, and she jumps and screams herself, flickering gaze about for
the source of the fear. "The moving... Joradin!"
From the sands below, Kaylira starts with excitment, barely holding back aa
joyous shoot for J'radin!
From the sands below, J'radin blinks and bends down. "He... he says his
name is Neilluth! I can hear him!"
From the sands below, Tason can't but help glance towards Echo and just
shake his head. "Yeesh, hey Echo, I thought you'd done this before..." he
breaks off as the bronze makes his desision and he grins. "I don't believe
it! Congrats Joradin!!!"
From the sands below, S'ris jumps at the hit, then just flashes a wide grin
back at the goldrider. "I knew you'd agree with me."
From the sands below, Oryan looks over as the bronze finds his lifemate and
cheers, "'radin! Congratulations!"
Miralin rolls her eyes at M'val, and then squints down at the sands. "Oh
hey, that bronze Impressed. I don't know that guy."
Rosmyn grins and cheers more loudly now that her bet has been won. "Told ya."
From the sands below, Tirlyna begins to feel his feet, rubbing the soles
against his calves. Suddenly he notices that the bronze has IMpressed and
blinks. 'Congrats, Jora... . J'radin!' he calls, across the sands.
From the sands below, Radar is distracted from his adoration of the blue
and grins at J'radin. "Congratulations on your lifemate!"
From the sands below, J'radin lets out a WHOOP of joy and falls, crying, to
hug the neck of his lifemate.
M'val glances around at Kassima, eyebrows lifting in curiousity this time.
"We're not?" He looks down again, smiling. "Neilluth, huh?" Then he grins
at Miralin. "At least I'm different during drills."
From the sands below, Brees looks over at grinns. "Congratulations!
Joradin!" She stops her hopping for a moment to look at the new pair then
it stars up again.
From the sands below, U'lyn catches sight of J'radin's impression, and
quickly hops over to him, grinning widely. "Congrats! I'm sure he's hungry,
let's go feed him." And he motions over towards the corner of the sands.
From the sands below, Jascela grins broadly at J'radin as he announces his
dragon's name. She turns her attention toward the blue and grins at him next.
From the sands below, Elseve gasps and looks at Joradin, "Congratulations!"
She cries and looks towards his new lifemate with a big smile and then
looking at the blue.
F'lone looks down and spots the new bronzerider, though he does cheer, he
still watches the candidate with blue-black braides. When the brown hatches
and impresses, almost as quickly as it hatched, his shoulders slump.
From the sands below, At last the begruding Silver Swirling Clear Blue Egg
gives way to the insistent efforts of the dragonet within. The egg shatters
into a few large chunks, falling to the black sands about it and freeing
the creature within. For a moment the Hidden Jungle Paradise Green Dragonet
gathers herself before setting out.
Maylia waves a hand downwards. "Look, the bronze's infront of someone -
now, where's that blue going? Anyone catch the bronze's name?"
From the sands below, J'radin takes the dragonet, continually saying
"Neilluth! His name is Neilluth!" and follows the AWLM
From the sands below, J'radin walks down to the far end of the Cavern.
From the sands below, U'lyn walks down to the far end of the Cavern.
From the sands below, Theid gives Tason's hand a squeeze and can't help
feeling proud for his friend.
Terrilia looks back hurriedly at the shouts of Impression and beams. "Oh!
The bronze!" She watches a moment, then grins at J'han again. "No, I
haven't met Jedi! I do remember Divya, though..." She glances back to the
Sands again.
"Don't look at me. I happen to think it's just men that aren't useful,"
Lirra comments in general, although clearly joking. She smirks then,
nodding. "You've got a bet, Kassi." She sighs at the sands then. "Awwwww."
From the sands below, P'tod hurries over to Liana and her brown. "Renevath,
you said? Lovely name. Just follow U'lyn and J'radin over there to the
corner," he instructs, pointing, and the pair start off.
From the sands below,
Hidden Jungle Paradise Green Dragonet
This little lady is caught up in a riot of colors that course across her
hide--a weave of dainty bursts of brilliance in flickers and daubs, like
some canvas lovingly and masterfully caught up in a chaos of shades and
variations. The tropical green of her forelegs clashes with the shimmering
jade of her underside, sea green grazing her muzzle to accent her darker
eyeridges. Striations of darker hues pour down over her long, slender neck,
pooling at the base into sparkling emerald that moves toward the wings that
burst into a pale, dewy shade, flecked with the smoothed of aquamarine. Her
tail--as dark as her muzzle--swoops into a forked finish with a touch of
carmine, dotted and flecked, to finish in the same smooth finish that
resolves in the defense of her talons.
Kassima shakes her head emphatically at M'val. "You're nay. Nay a whit.
Except mayhaps in providing entertainment, but 'tis a debatable point." Her
eyes are gleaming, a sign that she's probably at least slightly facetious
here. "Hey, now, G'har! I said bronzers weren't, nay ex-Smiths, which is
more what you are when we're talking knives. Can't say I know that lad, I
fear... but look, now! There's a pretty green!"
From the sands below, Neilluth flops his wings around his lifemate and
gives him a huge slurp of his tongue. Then prods him. And then trots after
him, scattering sand everywhere.
From the sands below, Theid gasps, "Oh my...." He's in complete awwww as
the newest green bursts forth. "She's...breathtaking..."
From the sands below, Brees looks over as another egg hatching. "Look Theid
it's a green! She's beautiful!" Hop, hop.
From the sands below, Fluria watches the impressions and one brow raises as
she notes the bronzes impression. She simply nods and turns to look at the
green and blue on the sands.
From the sands below, Echo grins wolfishly as she turns, still leaning on
Elisse, to look for Joradin. "Where?" She asks, having missed the whole
thing. "Where! Oosh, too much is happening! And shut -up- Tirlyna, where
are you? I've never done this before!" She covers her mouth again and
shrinks against Elisse. "I'm being too loud, aren't I?" She whispers.
From the sands below, Kaylira murmurs, "Oh, Theid!" Though he doesn't need
any prodding to notice such a pretty lady.
J'han glances down to the sands, "Bronze Neilluth, was it?" he asks, "Look
Jedi, that's a big bronze dragon. They aren't as good as blues but some
people have to make do," He peers, "Ooh, That's a nice green, reminds me of
From the sands below, Jascela sighs softly as she spies the newest Green.
"Oh, she's beautiful..."
From the sands below, Istan Starlight Blue Dragonet sits still for a
moment, eying the two screeching, jumping, white things balefully. With an
irritated creel he stumbles towards them, stopping only a few feet away.
From the sands below, Kyrola giggles gleefully as more and more of her
Zaith's eggs hatch, and she continues jumping up and down with each
From the sands below, Tirlyna smiles at the green but then blinks at Echo.
'I wasn't saying anything, Echo!!'
From the sands below, Neilluth walks down to the far end of the Cavern.
Rosmyn giggles, rolling on the ground as she watches that bronze slurp.
"Eww, he's as bad as Darloth."
From the sands below, Elseve makes a sharp intake of breath as the
beautious green enters the world, "Oh my." Her knees become weak for a
moment but then the heat of the sand jerks her back into the world and she
yelps, "Hot!"
From the sands below, Tason squeezes Theids' hand back as he grins, then
sighs and goes back to letting his eyes wander all over the sands.
"Oh...another green, pretty too."
F'tan chuckles, hearing Rosmyn.
M'val turns back to Kassima. "Well, you never asked me for help, so I
couldn't say if I'd be helpful. Miralin might agree with you, though." He
gives his wingsecond a bright grin, then gives his attention back to the
Sands. "I hope Brees Impresses blue. I think she'd be a good bluerider."
Kaath's head pokes up from behind another dragon, and she bugles in sudden
enthusiasm to the green hatchling marked so like herself. Lirra simply
shakes her head, laughing. "Yes, dear, she's pretty. Opinionated silly. Why
are we finding more knives for Kassi?" she wonders in concerned afterthought.
From the sands below, Hidden Jungle Paradise Green Dragonet shakes her
head, trying to dislodge a sticky fragment of her egg that's caught there.
She finally stops, sighs deeply and, taking the time to do the right thing,
raises her forclaw to knock the shard lightly away. Satisfied with that,
she steps delicately out of the remnants of her egg and looks about
curiously, head going down and rear going into the air as she peers about,
her head moving slowly from one side to the other. She seems to be drinking
in the atmosphere, marking down the location of everything nearby.
From the sands below, Elisse only tears her gaze from J'radin's new
Impression when the green dragonet hatches from the Swirling Clear Blue
Egg. Her excitement nearly reaches Brees's as her feet bounce her up and
down. "No!" She laughs, shaking her head toward Echo. "Be loud."
Miralin squints a little bit more. "Oh, is that Echo down there. Mmmm."
Rosmyn overhears M'val and mutters stubbornly. "Green."
From the sands below, U'lyn walks over from the far end of the Hatching
G'har can't help but laugh at that. "Oh, okay. So when knives are to be
bought, I'll just put on my former-Smith hat, -I- see. But otherwise, I'm
useless. Sure." He considers a moment. "Neilluth, and... J'radin, was it?
And, yes, a lovely green." For no apparent reason, he elbows Falsanath.
Okay, no, maybe the reason is somewhat apparent.
From the sands below, Oryan lets out some light ouchs as he dances around
on the sands, "Yeah, Elsie. Real hot."
From the sands below, Radar shifts his position a couple of steps to ease
his burning feet and steps on an shard of shell. "Ow,ow,ow,ow!" He steps
back and lifts his foot up, pleased to see no blood. He puts it back and
returns his attention to the hatchlings.
From the sands below, Theid sees the blue getting closer and moves slightly
away. "I don't wanna get mauled." He says softly, swallowing hard.
From the sands below, Echo frowns. "Well, it was a boy's voice, Tirlyna,
and it was insulting, so I assumed it was you!" Her eyes land on Tason
briefly, frowning all the more. "Hmm," she says, that hmm turning into more
of an 'aaahh' as she spots the blue dragon coming towards herself and
Elisse. "I don't want to be loud," she says, staring wide-eyed at the blue.
From the sands below, Tirlyna looks at Radar and then watches where he puts
his own feet very very carefully.
Maylia glances Tierth-wards, then to J'han. "Tierth agrees, Neilluth, to a
J'radin. I think he was a healer, that one, sounds familliar at least. Good
on him." The impression, however, gets put out of her mind, as more eggs
hatch and Impress. "C'mooooonnnn, blue. Where's he going?"
Terrilia ahs softly at the green before her eyes move to the blue, watching
him closely. "That's Elisse, there, isn't it?"
K'prin nods. "She and Brees are both standing this time, Terri. I hope they
make it."
M'val squints downwards as well. "Echo? Yes, that's Echo. Hmmm," he agrees.
"Elisse, now, I bet she'd be a good greenrider. I don't know her very well,
though, so that's just a guess."
Kassima has to admit, "That's true enough, M'val; I can't say I've asked
*every* bronzer for help and found 'em that way, so I'm going by
assumption. Deduction based on incomplete evidence, and all that. Why,
Lirra," she then wonders, turning back that way, "Why *wouldn't* we be
finding more knives? 'Tis all for the joy of knifery, a'course--" She
breaks off to give G'har the on-the-nose sign. "Got it in one! You're very,
very useful as an ex-Smith," she adds brightly, surely still teasing. "Mmm.
Can't say I can tell, May...."
From the sands below, Istan Starlight Blue Dragonet considers the two
candidates with interest. The loud one has stopped making noise now, how
very curious. But what about that other one? He inches forward, only to
trip over a wing and go sprawling towards the girls.
From the sands below, Tason's eyes are still wandering over the sands and
he just happens to meet Echo's glance. He grins, catching a few of the loud
ones words, and gives a cheery little wave. Cheeky thing, isn't he? He
glances at Theid again. "Just move if it comes at you fast."
Rosmyn squiggles closer to the edge, peering down. "It looks like her head,
Terri. Gotta be on the sands, huh?" Scowling as an adult tugs her foot back
so she's not so close to the edge, she sighs goodnaturedly. "Alright, I
won't go flying."
From the sands below, Tirlyna shakes his head as though to clear it. "It
wasn't me." He looks at the dragons, swiveling his head around, making sure
to move aside if necessary.
Jehril seems to have forgotten the lost bet already, he's so enthralled by
all of the Hatching eggs. "Go to Brees, go to Brees," he murmurs, flicking
fingers in a shooing motion toward the little blue. Or maybe it's the
green, hard to say.
From the sands below, The Autumn Afternoon Egg, which was the first to
fitfully twitch and elicit the dragons' hum, finally cracks, breaking
unevenly and revealing a blue tail, and then the rest of the body as the
little blue slides out rump first and hits the sand. Squawking at this
undignified position, wings flailing, he falls slowly onto his back.
Laughing, a troublemaker from Curved Hill hold says, "Oh, hush, Seideth!
It's not that bad!"
From the sands below, Kaylira's attention is torn this way and that. But
when her favourite egg starts rocking, she stands utterly still, watching
to see what will emerge. Well, as still as she can manage trying to keep
feet from burning on hot sands!
From the sands below, P'tod strides purposefully over toward the screaming
girl. "Echo," he hisses at her, "/stop/ making all that noise. You'll scare
the hatchlings." And everyone knows what happens when you scare the
From the sands below, Theid nods to Tason, and moves a little more away,
just in time for the blue to head toward the girls.
From the sands below, Brees giggles over at Tason. "That might be good."
Then she turns her gaze towards the blue. "Aww, the poor thing fell." Her
gaze flitters over towards the green.
From the sands below, Elisse almost absently nods, blinking and widening
her own eyes toward the blue dragonet. "Oh!" She hops out of the way of the
sprawling dragon, hopefully clearing its path. "Silly thing..." She
chuckles nervously up to Echo, then gazes down toward the blue.
Terrilia nods to K'prin without looking up. "And Tason, I think--he's over
there..." She leans forward a little to watch.
From the sands below, Echo covers both hands over her mouth and emits a
squeaky noise as the blue dragonet falls, jumping up with fear. "He fell!"
Well, duh. "Elisse! What do we do?" Squeak, squeak.
Miralin knits her brows together as she peers downward. "You know, the
view's really better from the stands. Why do I always sit up here?"
From the sands below, Tason chuckles and steps back as well. "Be on the
lookout for VSC's...and be able to move if you need, otherwise, let your
feet burn, and enjoy."
From the sands below, Oryan hssts over at Echo, "You know what they said,
Echo. If it isn't talking to you, don't do anything."
From the sands below, Radar starts to reach out to help the blue up, but
pulls himself back before he can complete the first step. "Dont' touch the
dragons, don't touch the dragons. Right, Tirlyna?"
From the sands below, Jascela catches her breath and squeezes Brees' hand,
pointing toward the Blue. "Oh, he's right by Echo and Elisse! I hope he
picks one of them!" She bounces with pent up excitement.
From the sands below, Elseve watching the green, didn't see the blue fall
but hears Echo's squeaking, and looks over, seeing the spralled blue, "Aw,
poor fellow."
From the sands below, Midnight Snowfall Egg shudders a bit, the pale flecks
blurring with the motion.
From the sands below, Hidden Jungle Paradise Green Dragonet notices
something shiney nearby and blinks slowly, moving towards it. She picks up
a shard from one of her clutchmates shells and examines it curiously, eyes
widening as if she's impressed with the find. Out of the corner of her eye,
she notices a flurry of blue wings and tail and creels in that direction.
Her multifaceted eyes take on a tinge of red... is that worry? Perhaps it's
hunger, as expected at this stage of the game. Dropping the shard, she
moves across the Sands to the toppled blue, lowering her own green head and
crooning at him.
From the sands below, Tirlyna looks down at his feet, rubbing them against
his calves. Grinning, he meets Radar's gaze. 'That's right, Radar.'
From the sands below, Echo startles at P'tod's stern voice, scared green
eyes flickering up to him. All she can do is nod and bite her lip to keep
it from shivering, and stare at him a little bit before looking back down
at the blue. "Is he alright?"
M'val answers Miralin, "Because from the Stands you can't see the *whole*
Sands so well, and anyway," he pauses, "sometimes it's better to be with
friends, or at least other riders even if," he nods at G'har, and smiles,
"you've never met them."
From the sands below, Elisse smiles toward the green, then back toward the
poor blue, and shakes her head nervously with a shrug. "I don't know!" She
squeaks, obviously not hearing the others around her and their comments.
"Sweet sister..." F'tan murmurs more for himself.
From the sands below, Kyrola frowns slightly, her brows crinkling at the
sight of one of the dragonets falling. Zaith croons reassuringly, both to
her son and to her rider.
From the sands below, Divya watches the green hatchling and smiles. "She's
already trying to collect shiny things, and she's only a few minutes old.
She's /definitely/ female through and through, Kyrola!"
From the sands below, Theid's mismatched eyes reflect the green and blue
perfectly as he watches them and lets out a heavy sigh. He glances over to
Echo, Elisse and the other girls and chews on his bottom lip.
L'son sighs softly and shifts his legs a little from time to time, watching
intently and nervously, anxiously keeping his eyes on his daughter.
From the sands below, P'tod nods, keeping a sharp eye on the blue. "He'll
be fine," he assures Echo. "They're always clumsy like that. Just stay out
of the way and don't do anything to startle them."
From the sands below, Echo jumps yet again as the green dragon appears and
covers her mouth again. If she could, one might suspect, she would cover
her mouth with her feet as well. She nods mutely to P'tod.
From the sands below, Istan Starlight Blue Dragonet rights himself,
radiating hurt pride. How did that happen? He flaps his wings in agitation
as another white thing starts toward him, then turns and considers his
clutchmate, crooning in response. Distraction thus dealt with he faces
those candidates once more. Now the loud one is jumping /and/ squealing.
Maylia oopses, even she can see that the blue took a tumble. Miralin's
comment draws her attention, and she nods agreement. "Can't make out much
from here, even with a full view of the sands." Though the candidates below
can't hear her, she mutters, "Don'touch him, let him get up. That's right -
Kassi, I've lost track. Kay's not one of those near the blue, is she?"
From the sands below, Fluria reaches up and runs a hand through her hair.
Then she tries hard not to smile at Echo's chastisement. Quietly she nudges
S'ris and nods towards the girl near the blue and green.
Miralin turns to peer down at the stands. "I'm sure I have friends down
there... somewhere."
Rosmyn catches L'son's sigh, looks over her shoulder and chews her lower
lip, indecisive to speak or not. She settles on a nod as she places her
sweetstick back in her mouth.
From the sands below, Brees looks over at Echo and rolls her eyes then
giggles down at the dragons. "That green's so cute. Going over to see if
her brother was okay." She clutches Jascela's hand a bit tighter.
From the sands below, S'ris is chuckling at how P'tod is handling Echo.
" least she isn't getting her hair caught in the dragonets?" he
asks, with a sly little tone that only she can hear.
M'val says absently, "Farlioth always tells Mother what's going on, anyway.
Riolth's not so good with names. Mother says there was a Hatching at Telgar
a few Turns back, midsummer, with a blizzard, no one could see who was
Impressing what but she knew perfectly well."
From the sands below, Fluria says "That's because I cut most of it off."
From the sands below, Tirlyna watches the blue and the green with
expectation and awareness. Turning to Echo, he just sighs and shakes his head.
From the sands below, Elseve watches the blue and the green, whispering, "I
hope they Impress, Oryan." She looks over at the dragonets again, and
whipes her brow, realizing how hot it is, yet again.
From the sands below, Elisse nods, actually hearing P'tod's voice, before
sighing and eyeing both the green and the blue.
Kassima shakes her head slowly, squinting down. "I don't *think* so, unless
I've gotten m'dark-haired lasses horribly confused. Which isn't beyond the
pale." Her lower lip gets drawn beneath her teeth, and one index finger
starts winding stray hair about itself. Nervous, much? "Daelyth and
Palineth's," she supplies automatically upon overhearing M'val.
From the sands below, Hidden Jungle Paradise Green Dragonet watches her
clutchbrother, rumbling something in response. She turns to examine the two
girls in their white robes and blinks slowly, drinking them in and assesing
them to see what they're on about. Turning back to the blue clutchmate, she
nudges him, urging him to rise and act dignified it seems. Another glance
over her wing and she peers at the two girls, cocking her head to the side,
perhaps in amusement?
From the sands below, Jascela sighs softly and nods to Brees. "Yeah...
She's awful cute. But she's way over there..."
From the sands below, Midnight Snowfall Egg shivers a bit more, grains of
black sand falling to the ground as the hatchling inside becomes more
urgent to get out.
Terrilia nods thoughtfully at the bits of conversation she hears. "I think
I remember that..." She smiles as she sees the blue and green together,
though most of her attention seems to be on the other blue, the one nearer
the Candidates.
Miralin nods equally absently back at M'val and mutters under her breath.
"C'mon, pick someone already," she urges the blue.
From the sands below, Echo stays absolutely still, staring from dragon to
dragon. Her eyebrow quivers upwards in a strange expression and she tilts
her head.
Jehril is still making those little shooing motions and watching intently.
"Go go go..."
F'tan peers down closely. "Isn't that Brees down there?"
From the sands below, Theid hops from one foot to the other, sticking close
to Tason. His eyes flicker to his friends, and the others gathered here. He
looks first at the green and then to the new egg that has started to
shutter. "What do you think is in that one Tas?"
From the sands below, Lions in the Sky Egg twitches ever so slightly and
then stops. Now more twitching.
From the sands below, Oryan nods to Elseve then gives her a warm smile, "I
hope you Impress, Elsie. You deserve a nice dragon." He turns his head back
to the dragonets on the sands, watching them.
Maylia notes for M'val, "Wasn't much fun down on the sands, all that snow
melting and steaming up the place. No, I think you're right, Kassi, isn't
Kay. There'll be a brown for her, I'm sure. Blue'd be nice, too, though."
Rosmyn sucks in her breath along with a good portion of her sweetstick and
chokes spluttering, as she croaks along with Jehril. "Go, go to Brees. Or
From the sands below, Tason watches the blue and green avidly. "Doesn't
nessecarily mean anything, Jascela....could just be an inspection or
something." He glances to Theid and then the newest mover and shaker.
"Mmmm...brown....maybe, my guess anyways. What d'you think?"
From the sands below, Elseve's eyes stray from the dragonets and over to
the quivering eggs yet again, lifting one foot up for a moment, and she
gasps as the Lions egg begins to twitch and she looks at Oryan, "Look!
look!" She points with a hand making a gesture.
From the sands below, Istan Starlight Blue Dragonet studies the not-so-loud
one intently, then huffs in frustration. Something is Not Right. He
whuffles at his sister as he makes his way to the other side of her in
order to get a better look at the loud one. That's better! How interesting
she is...
From the sands below, Radar watches the blue and green hatchlings, as well
as the shuddering eggs. So much to see! He asks Tirlyna in a low voice,
"Think she might find a lifemate if she can stop jumping and shouting?"
From the sands below, Tirlyna claps his hands again and holds them under
his chin for a second, then points wildly. 'Look, Radar, oh, look, my egg
is moving!'
From the sands below, Kaylira hasn't hand s to hold more tightly anymore,
so the best she can do is wring her hands as she watches eggs shiver and
hatchlings doing the rounds. Slowly she's moving closer to Theid and
companion, needing the comfort of campany.
From the sands below, Elisse almost has so much attention upon the
dragonets before her, that she nearly misses her personal favorite egg
twitching. But she catches it out of the corner of her eye, smiles in that
direction, and then gazes back down to the dragonets.
M'val bounces on Riolth's leg. "Choose Brees," he urges the blue. "I might
add, I can hear the people I'm talking to much better up here - there's
less of us! I bet, Maylia. I'm glad _I_ wasn't on the Sands then, meaning
no offense to Telgar - I'd've been terrified I'd not be able to see the
hatchlings and have gotten gored, or stepped on one, or fallen over one."
Terrilia glances to Rosmyn and Jehril and one corner of her mouth quirks
up. Her eyes quickly go back to the Sands though as she tries to see that
little blue again. "Did he choose?"
From the sands below, Tirlyna hears Radar and shrugs, attention
concentrated on 'his' egg.
From the sands below, Theid holds out his free hand for Kaylira. "Come here
Kay..." He says with a affectionate smile for his friend. He blinks as more
eggs start to quiver and shake.
F'lone watches the candidates, his gaze flicking from one to the other,
then to the dragonets before settling once again on Kaylira.
From the sands below, Hidden Jungle Paradise Green Dragonet ducks under her
blue brother's wing and peers in the direction he's going. No, no, that's
not right. She croons at him as if giving directions, the right was is over
*here*. Peering up at the loud one's partner on the Sands, she examines the
other girls closely. Could this be the one? Or is it that other one... She
looks from one to the other trying to make her decision.
Shilarra steps a bit closer to the edge, pulling her bottom lip into her
mouth as looks from Brees to the hatchling. She seems oblivious to the
conversation around her.
From the sands below, Echo is oblivious to her popularity at the moment.
She is quite too busy staring at the two dragonets before her, and her
friend Elisse. "Ooogh, pick already or go away!" She finally says, and then
proceeds to cover her mouth again. This is too tense!
Kassima nods to Maylia, but it's a worried nod. "I hope so," she murmurs.
"Methinks she'd cope, if'n nay, but three times... well, but I'd agree on
that one, May, M'val. Terribly confusing. And nay fun for gambling on,
From the sands below, Radar asks Tirlyna, "Which one is your egg? The Lions
From the sands below, Brees looks over at the blue and green and sighs to
Jascela. "Yeah, all the way over there. Think that blue is gonna impress
Echo? Wouldn't that be kinda scary? Her riding threadfall." Then she smiles
at Kaylira moving just a bit closer to Jascela to give her room.
From the sands below, Kaylira slips her hand into Theid's. "I can't believe
how nervous I am!" she whispers hurriedly to him, loathe to take her
attention away from the happenings for even a second. "Comeon," she coaches
eggs and hatchlings.
From the sands below, Oryan watches the green vascilate between the two
girls. His handa are tense and he wipes them on the robe quickly.
From the sands below, Lions in the Sky Egg JERKS! And in so doing a bit of
sand falls away from it. Then again it is still.
From the sands below, Jascela grins at Brees. "Be better than a Green
picking her... She's bad enough as it is!" She looks over at the two
dragons and sighs softly. "C'mon... Just pick someone."
From the sands below, Elisse nods toward Echo's statement, agreeing with a
soft "Yea!" Her eyes flicker from Echo to blue to green.
From the sands below, Istan Starlight Blue Dragonet flaps his wings happily
as something clicks and he trundles towards the loud one whose name he now
knows - Echo, /his/ person for now and forever!
From the sands below, Echo(Echo) has impressed !
From the sands below, Hidden Jungle Paradise Green Dragonet churrs at her
clutchbrother. He may like that one, but the one for her is *this* one! She
sits down on her haunches, tail swishing behind her, and looks up at
friend-of-loud-one, head cocked to the side expectantly. Patience and maybe
she'll notice.
From the sands below, Elisse(Elisse) has impressed !
From the sands below, Theid calls over to Echo, "Way to go Cousin!"
M'val whistles brightly. "There! Didn't I say Elisse'd be a good greenrider?"
From the sands below, Hopping up and down in place, the Summer's Lease Egg
seems sure to break. And break it does, not on the sands, but right after
an enormous bounce upwards. A green dragonet is left sprawling on the
sands, but gamely springs right back up and makes tracks for Milne, a tall
lad from Igen Hold. The green bounds straight into M'lne, knocking him
flat. "Yes, I'm sure one day you'll do that best, Tigath!"
Miralin claps politely at Echo's impression and then cheers suddenly. "Yay
Terrilia blinks as the blue Impresses, and then the green, in quick
succession. "Echo? And Elisse! Congratulations!" She beams and bounces a
little herself.
From the sands below, Elseve watches the Impresssions and shouts in
jubilation, "Congratulations Elisse! Echo!" She looks at Oryan, beaming,
"They both Impressed!"
From the sands below, Kaylira lets go a held breath. "They did it, Theid!
They did it!" Her eyes water.
K'prin lets out a holler. "Elisse did it! Now for Tason and Brees! C'mon,
From the sands below, Brees looks over. "Um, congrats Echo." Then she grins
at the green and cheers sounding much more sincere. "Go Elisse!"
From the sands below, Midnight Snowfall Egg shakes again, much more
violently this time, bobbling out of its hollow.
From the sands below, Oryan laughs as the blue picks Echo, "Oh, Echo!
That's wonderful!" Then he sees Elisse and the green unite, "Yay! Elisse!"
From the sands below, Divya claps her hands and says, "I'm amazed! After
all the jumping she did she didn't scare her lifemate away after all! Good
for that blue!"
Maylia announces, "About time," as the blue and green both appear to have
chosen. The Telgari Weyrlingmaster turns to send a glance up at Tierth,
presumably awaiting names to be supplied.
From the sands below, Tirlyna jumps up and down, seeing his friends
Impress. "Yea Echo! Yea Elisse!" Still grinning, he nods to Radar. 'Yup.'
Rosmyn whoops. "Elisse!! Oh wow. Elisse. She got -green-!" Slapping Jehril
on the back, she crows. "Igen does best."
Shilarra glances over to M'val with a brief smile, then returns her focus
to Brees, remaining silent.
From the sands below, S'ris adds in a slight cheer, breaking his rather
impassive mask of a grin. "Go Echo!" Then he nudges Fluria with his arm.
"So much for scaring the poor dragonets, eh?"
From the sands below, Jascela beams happily. "Oh, Echo and Elisse! Hooray!"
From the sands below, Theid slides his eyes over to the newest green to
hatch and sighs, but calls out his congrats to Echo and Elisse, "Alright!
Echo! Elisse!!!"
L'son glances slightly, seeing Elisse impress and hmms softly, applauding
with half a mind, the other half still bent towards Brees.
From the sands below, P'tod stares incredulously as the blue impresses to
Echo. He blinks several times to clear his vision and his mouth falls open,
his expression nothing short of flabbergasted. "Ah. Uhm." He searches for
words, still staring as if to make sense of what he sees. "Uh, bring him
over... over here," he says to Echo. "What's his name?"
From the sands below, Echo is momentarily distracted by the loud jerking of
the sky egg. However, quite suddenly she just /freezes/. Not moving an
inch. Slowly, without moving her head or any other part of her body she
slowly looks down at the little blue sitting there. She can't move for a
few moments, but then, quite suddenly, again, a total relief passes over
her entire being and she collapses with relief. "Oh, Haath! You sure took
your sweet time, didn't you!"
Jehril awws and sighs. He scans the Sands for some other hatchling to shoo
toward Brees, then blinks and grins at Rosmyn. "Yeah, go Elisse! But we
gotta find another one for Brees now."
From the sands below, Fluria goes a little wide eyed at Echo's impression
and maybe even pales beneath her tan. She looks over towards P'tod as he
heads to her. Yes, her mouth has fallen open in surprise.
From the sands below, Radar calls out his congratuations to Echo and
Elisse, saying "Good for both of you!"
M'val gives a flashing smile down at Brees, eyes bright; the same smile
gets turned upwards towards Shilarra.
From the sands below, Elisse suddenly lets go of a hand, almost completely
oblivious to the world around her. She drops to her knees, and throws her
arms around the green dragonet before her. "Erath! Her name..." She hugs
tighter, then lets go to stare at her new lifemate. "Her name is Erath!"
Voice lowers to a softer one, speaking to the green this time. "We can tell
stories /after/ we get you some food, Erath."
Rosmyn giggles and nudges Jehril again. "Of course she'll impress, silly.
She's my sister and she has to impress. I told her she had to."
From the sands below, P'tod starts over to the corner of the sands, looking
back to make sure Echo and Haath are following.
From the sands below, Tason blinks in surprise as the blue chooses of all
people Echo and he jsut shakes his head. "Poor weyrling masters...I feel
sorry for them."
From the sands below, U'lyn grins quite widely, clapping his hands together
lightly as he makes his way over to Elisse. "Way to go! Let's go get Erath
some food, shall we?" he asks, motioning in the direction P'tod is heading.
From the sands below, Erath croons happily and rustles her wings, pushing
her muzzle forward to nuzzle her new lifemate.
From the sands below, Echo blinks back tears as she stares at her new
lifemate. P'tod's voice, however, cuts through. "Uh.. what?" She says,
unable to stop grinning. "OH!" Right. She hurries off the sands, then
pauses, remembering her dragon, and hurries back, helping him along.
From the sands below, Lions in the Sky Egg rocks back and forth again, this
time the motion becoming constant. THere is a cracking sound audible to
those near the egg.
From the sands below, Haath walks down to the far end of the Cavern.
From the sands below, Theid snickers and nods, squeezing both hands in his.
"Could be worse...could be Kaylira and a green." He smirks.
Miralin shrugs. "At least it wasn't a green," she says to no one in
From the sands below, P'tod purses his lips and shakes his head with a
pained expression as he precedes Echo into the corner.
From the sands below, The last cracks capable of covering the Midnight
Snowfall Egg appear. And that seems to be the final stress because the egg
shatters. Quite literally it falls into pieces around the occupant, who
remains sitting where he was for a moment. Then the Dark Honey Brown
Hatchling gives his head a shake, a piece of shell stuck between his
From the sands below, Erath walks down to the far end of the Cavern.
Kassima's brows inch upwards; she turns about to peer sidelong towards
Lirra. "Does Kaath," she has to ask, eyes dancing, "like that blue's name?"
From the sands below, Kaylira playfully swats Theid, getting the hiccups.
"That, is, *hic* /not/ nice." Even if it is true.
From the sands below, P'tod walks down to the far end of the Cavern.
From the sands below, Echo walks down to the far end of the Cavern.
From the sands below, Elisse looks upward toward U'lyn, almost missing his
direction, but then stands and nods. "Follow U'lyn.." She directs Erath,
then takes her own orders and follows him herself.
From the sands below,
Dark Honey Brown Dragonet
Dark honey-brown pours itself over the frame of this hatchling. It's
lightest at his head, where the color is faintly reminiscent of a favorite
pair of wherhide slippers - a little worn but no less loved - save for the
very tip of his muzzle which is nearly black, giving him the look of a
child's plush toy. The color deepens to rich syrupy brown as it reaches his
tail, pooling as dark as molasses between the ridges on his neck, and
around the base of his tail and the creases of his knees. The outsides of
his legs are the same dark as his back, syrupy and warm, and nearly liquid,
the insides, and his underside are more tawny, a mere half-shade darker
than his head. His wing sails, a palest tan, with deep warm brown defining
fingerbones, and tracing the edges.
From the sands below, Elisse walks down to the far end of the Cavern.
From the sands below, U'lyn walks down to the far end of the Cavern.
From the sands below, Elseve hears the cracking of the Lions egg and her
eyes fall upon it, remaining intensely there, only stopping to peer at the
brow, before looking back.
From the sands below, Tason chuckles and squeezes Theids' hand, shaking his
head. "Hush, or even you, silly...but the dragonets know what're they're
doing, I suppose. Elisse was a good choice though."
Jehril smiles, somewhat reassured, but still looks intent as he watches the
Sands. He points with his sweetstick as another dragonet cracks shell--and
loses the rest of it. "Oops--
Rosmyn's sharp hearing picks up Miralin's comment and she innocently asks.
"Why? Greens a good color."
F'lone looks at the newly hatched brown, then back at Kaylira before
glancing at the rest of the candidates.
Kariel hmms and nods her approval, "Nice brown."
From the sands below, Theid chuckles and shakes his head, "Look Kay...a
brown one.. He can't exactly point, seeing as both his hands are taken. He
slinks as Tason shush's him. "Yes sir."
From the sands below, Tirlyna rivets his attention on the lions egg as he
hears it crack and promptly forgets about his hot feet. He looks hopefully
at it, hardly noticing the brown at first, then, seeing it, he grins. 'Boy,
that is /definately/ a brown dragon.' he notes.
Lirra considers this, glancing back towards the green farther back.
"Whatcha think, dearheart?" she wonders, then grins at the silent response.
"Well, she likes it all right. But can you blame her? She also wants him to
grow up soon, no surprise."
From the sands below, Kaylira melts as a /brown!/ emerges from her
favourite egg. "Oh.. *hic* even if.. he's..*hic*.." And she sighs. Deeply.
M'val murmurs towards Miralin, "Worse - a male."
Miralin smiles cryptically at Rosmyn. "Of course it is."
Miralin turns at M'val's comment. "How's that worse?"
From the sands below, Jascela glances over at Brees and grins. "I'm so
happy for them..." She smiles as she spies the Honey Brown and smiles. "Oh,
he's cute too..." She giggles a bit. "Oh, look at his snout. That's really
Shilarra edges back again so her skirt brushes Riolth's foreleg and she
rests one palm flat against his hide, murmuring something under her breath.
All the while, her eyes remain glued to the Sands.
Rosmyn watches the sweetstick spin down the bowl until it disappears from
sight. "Too bad." She generously offers Jehril a suck from her own stick
and comments as an aside to the lad.. "I know that smile." She gestures to
Miralin. "It's that sort of smile they get when they talk about where
babies come from."
From the sands below, Tason makes a face at Theid. "I'm not sir." He
squeezes the other boys' hand again and then shifts his look back to the
quickly emerging hatchlings. "Eh, a brown. Wasn't that the one you asked me
about, Theid?"
Kassima had fallen into a sort of trance of murmurs, impressing names and
colors into her mind--but she sits up straight and sharp at that brown.
"What a beauty of a lad-ling," she admires, "and brown--May, can you be
holding this wine? I want t'be crossing m'fingers!" With an amused look
Lirra-wards, she queries, "Just how long ago did she last rise, dare I ask?"
From the sands below, Dark Honey Brown Dragonet backs out of the shards of
his egg, more than bursts from them, takes a step, and lands on his
haunches with a *bump*. He creels, annoyed at this blackstuff that's so
hard to stand in, then tries again, managing it this time. Slowly, he turns
from the mound of remaining eggs to find all those pink-and-whitethings
standing around. Wonder what those are?
M'val lowers his voice after a glance towards Jehril and Rosmyn. He mutters
to Miralin, "... d'you want her... maybe..." He reaches down to touch
Shilarra's shoulder, with another smile.
From the sands below, Oryan moves his head back and forth, "Oh, Elsie, this
guy is impressive. Such wonderful colors!"
Jehril looks around sheepishly and moves his hand to his side. He wrinkles
his nose at the offered sweetstick, though, and shakes his head. "Eww, no,
Rosmyn. No thanks." He glances over quickly to try to spot the smile,
though. "Who's smiling?"
From the sands below, Zaith leans her nose down and croons to her newest son.
From the sands below, Radar ooohs at the brown and looks over to Tirlyna,
"Is that the color you hoped would come out of it, Tir?"
Falsanath looks over to hear Lirra's answer, with a cheerful rumble over to
From the sands below, Theid hmmm's and glances to Tason, looking confused.
" Mine was that one over there..." He points to the Infrared
Nightmare egg and sighs. He squeezes Kaylira's hand and smiles. "Make alot
of noise...the last two seemed to like that alot."
From the sands below, Tirlyna chuckles at the brown's antics. " I never
really thought about a specific color, Radar. I just thought that the
dragon would be special."
From the sands below, P'tod walks over from the far end of the Hatching
Terrilia looks over and smiles softly at Shilarra. "You all right?"
From the sands below, Lions in the Sky Egg gives another few resounding
cracks and continues to sway back and forth in it's wallow.
From the sands below, Elseve shifts on her feet, swaying again, pausing to
wipe her brow, then studying the brown before looking back at the Lions
egg, "Lovely."
Lirra smirks and ducks her head, trying to hide a blush even after all
these Turns. "Um, maybe three months? It's close," she admits sheepishly.
Kaath, while not glowing, preens and tosses her head at Falsanath.
From the sands below, U'lyn walks over from the far end of the Hatching
From the sands below, With a final last shudder the Lions in the Sky egg
breaks apart. Pieces of shell scatter to the ground and lie limp about the
dark creature that has just freed itself. There is a flash of purply
faceted eyes, and then the Swarthy Damask Bronze creeps forth onto the sands.
Miralin shudders involuntarily at whatever M'val said. "Well, actually,
that has its comic possibilities -- but no."
From the sands below, Kaylira shakes her head, trying to hold back yet
another hiccup. "Can't.. oh.. but he /is/ /so/" Words fail and she
just watches, coaxing the beauty with her eyes.
From the sands below,
Swarthy Damask Bronze Dragonet
Intrinsic darkness weaves a weft of colourlessness, gilt soot flecking
swarthy curves as if beneath the light of the moon, a shadow creeps -
mysteriously mournful hues designating bronzen grace. Ever shifting shades
resemble sleek lines, muscles delineated with a subtle strike of colour:
purple visible in a flash, then gone against the rich sable that glides in
damask folds from neckridges to tailtip, unmarred by variation in sombre
shadow. A coalescence of near-purple envelops pinions; wingsails
outstretched in moon-struck trellis, caliginous shades turned bronzen by
flickers of burgundy that gleam as if by starlight, talons finished in a
burst of polished soot.
Rosmyn shrugs dismissively. "Ok then." She settles in to watch the hatching
again and mutters. "That Miralin. She was smiling with that smile that she
knows the answer but isn't gonna tell us cause she thinks we are too young."
Shilarra starts slightly, head spinning to look at M'val. When she meets
his gaze, she seems to relax slightly and smiles, reaching up to grasp the
fingers on her shoulder, attention already returning to Brees. Terrilia's
question gets a quiet, "Hmm?"
From the sands below, P'tod takes a circuitous route that brings him near
the weyrleaders and clutchparents as he returns from the corner, doing his
best to catch Fluria's eye. His expression could be described as one of
pleading - please get me out of this?
From the sands below, Divya says, "I like this brown, Kyrola. He's
handsome." After hearing a rumble above her head she quickly adds, "But not
as handsome as you are, Konnevath. I still like you best." Mollified, the
clutch papa resumes admiring his and Zaith's babies.
From the sands below, The Dingy Dun Drench and Drought egg seems to be
taking its own sweet time about hatching, refusing to be hurried. It
finally cracks open, and a blue dragonet is left standing in its place.
Almost leisurely, the blue takes a look around, and Kris from Graystones
Hold wavers. The girl finally steps forward and says joyfully, "Did you
mean me, you silly old Poth?"
K'prin points. "There's another bronze on the sands. Isn't that unusual for
a brown-gold mating?"
From the sands below, Brees nods her head. "That brown is cute. And look.
Another bronze." She grins over at the dragonets shifting her feet back and
forth back and forth.
From the sands below, Elseve gasps as the bronze spills forth from his egg,
"Oh Oryan!" She sighs at the magnificence of the bronze. Can't Impress it,
but can still appreciate its handsome shades.
From the sands below, Jascela's eyes widen in surprise. "Two Bronzes?
Wow..." SHe grins up at Konnevath. "I bet somebody's proud of that."
From the sands below, Tason ahs and nods his head. "Okay...jsut checking,
can't keep track of everything." He blinks as the next hatches
another...bronze? "Two"
From the sands below, Theid grins, "Another bronze one...and a blue..." He
points out, just in case Kaylira and Tason aren't paying attention.
From the sands below, Tirlyna nods his head up and down in barely contained
excitement. 'Oh, yea, it's a *bronze*. Another one!! Look, Radar, a bronze!
And so beautiful too. . . they said there might not be any, and look, two!'
Jehril shakes his head, confused, and looks at Miralin, then at Rosmyn, and
shrugs. Eggs are much more interesting. Shoo, shoo, shoo, now unencumbered
by sweetsticks. He points as he catches sight of the bronze and tugs on
Rosmyn's hand. "Look! Brees can't have that one, though."
Miralin sucks in her breath. "What a lovely bronze."
F'lone sits tense as he watches the brown, wondering who he will choose,
his fingers crossed in hope.
Kassima overhears K'prin's question, and calls that way, "Kimbrith's and
Parth's clutch had a pair of bronzes--only two, though. I'd be surprised
t'see more tonight." Turning back to Lirra: "Faranth's teeth. So long as
'tisn't *tonight*--I know the spawnlets were always in favor of you and
G'har spawning, but I don't want t'have t'watch the conception, if'n you
catch m'drift!" And yes, this is accompanied by a wickedly amused look
towards the bronze and his dragon. "Faranth, Faranth... where's that brown
From the sands below, Kaylira isn't, though its debaateable if she hear's
Theid either. Though she must, for her attention drags over the others,
appreciating them as well. "That bronze is lovely.. you sure you want
green, Theid? He's awfully nice."
From the sands below, Oryan wows "Look at all the details on that guy. I
never knew these dragonets could be so fantastic to see."
From the sands below, Tason isn't paying everythign half as much attention
as he'd like and he swivels his head to the blues' direction, admiring it
as well..and then, there's the matter of the brown too. Overload of the
eyes. He blinks his eyes shut for a brief second, then opens them again.
From the sands below, Radar nods and says, "I see! I like the colors merge
in and out of each other on his hide. Makes him look almost like a palette!"
M'val gives Miralin a grin and a wink. "There you go, then." Rosmyn gets a
thoughtful look, and a, "_How_ old are you, Rosmyn?" With all this
concentration on the ledges, he misses the new bronze, only looking down
when K'prin points him out. "Oooooh, nice. Well, it happens. Two is about
what I'd expect, at most, though, this time in the Pass - eh, Kassima?"
When he turns his head to look at Kassima, it's to catch sight of his
mother, across a ledge or two, grinning across at him and also looking at
Rosmyn nearly loses her sweetstick but she's too cagey and puts it in her
mouth as her hand is tugged. "Oth Courth she can't impeth Bronth. Thilly."
"Two gorgeous bronzes, no less. The clutch's sire is going to be
unsufferable, I bet," Lirra suggests with a laugh, then snickers back at
Kaath and the bronze before grinning at Kassi. "Not likley. She isn't even
glowing, and I haven't the urge to paint anyone."
From the sands below, Swarthy Damask Bronze Dragonet slinks out of view,
back into the shadows, with only his red whirling eyes giving any clue as
to his location.
From the sands below, Theid shrugs a little bit, "I told you
dragon would want me. I snore." He chuckles, trying to lighten his mood a
touch before he smiles over at the other boys. Obviously they're estatic.
He continues to hop, hop, hop, hop from one foot to the other.
From the sands below, Tirlyna nods, looking excitedly around at everybody,
and everything, for taht matter. Eagerly he awaits the bronzes choice,
remarking, "Well, whoever he chooses, I hope he's worthy, that's all."
"Kassi, honestly," G'har protests. "Not that I'd -mind- if Fal caught
Kaath, of course, Lirra, but still, I've got a daughter. I don't need any
more." Falsanath seems as if -he- sure wouldn't mind catching Kaath, and in
fact sidles over to the green, as best he can amidst the other dragons.
Terrilia smiles at Shilarra, missing the hatching of the bronze. "Just
asked if you were all right..." Hearing all the talk of bronzes, she turns
back...and frowns. "Where? I don't see any bronze."
Rosmyn cheerfully withdraws the sweetstick long enough to call back to
M'val."I've got eight and a half turns."
From the sands below, Elseve watches the bronze dragonet, "Think he's shy,
Oryan?" She turns her attention to the eggs after that.
K'prin looks toward Braisheith. "Well, Braish, first you have to -catch- a
gold, and then we can see how many bronzes you sire. I'm sure you'll have
at least two."
F'tan chuckles at the hopping Theid. "Remind me of someone..." Behind him,
Mvraeth snorts.
From the sands below, Jascela giggles amusedly at Theid. "That was /you/
that was snoring so loud?"
Maylia chuckles, and reaches for the wine. "Faranth help those below if she
were to Impress a blue while you were holding the wine," she notes. "You'd
be no less excited, and probably drop it, painting some hapless lad
winey-red." But she sounds no less excited, and leans forwards to watch
From the sands below, Brees giggles over at Theid. "Somehow I doubt that's
what they look for in a lifemate."
From the sands below, Oryan shakes his head, "No, I think he's being
careful and cautious. Either that or he's plotting."
From the sands below, Kaylira nods mutely to Tir's comment, wiping her free
hand along her cheeks, cleaning up the remnants of tears. For the moment
her hiccups seem to have cleared.
M'val catches G'har's words and turns his head to look at the other
bronzerider. "No, no. Daughters are good. Lots of daughters." He beams,
face turning smug.
From the sands below, Tason laughs and wiggles Theids' hand. "As long as
the dragon can stuf it's head under a pillow, I think you'd do okay, Theid."
Jehril giggles at Rosmyn and nods, looking around for the brown. "He went
over there," he tells his mother helpfully.
Ysyth flies in from the bowl.
From the sands below, Divya shifts her weight from side to side. Even with
boots on, the sands are still making her feet uncomfortably warm.
Shilarra hmms again, her eyes flickering towards Terrilia without quite
making it to her face. She nods distractedly. "Oh, yes, of course. It's
From the sands below, Dark Honey Brown Dragonet takes a few more steps
toward the line of pink-and-white things, stepping into a piece of Someone
Else's Shell in the process. Hullo? What's this? He moves forward, the
shell stuck to his forepaw. Creeling again, he lifts his foot to shake it
off, and succeeds, though it lands where his opposing back foot will land
in it next. He moves closer to the line of...whatever they are, ignoreing
his tagalong, and inspecting.
Kassima shares a grin between M'val and Miritha. "Don't need more'n that,"
she adds on to her prior comment for good measure. "Also might explain why
so many browns have been catching golds lately, aye? *Thankee* for that,
Lirra--and thankee, May," as she passes the wine over, already bouncing in
her chair and keeping one eye on the Sands at all times. "Faranth,
*Faranth*. Now, G'har, wouldn't you like a son too? Or more daughters. You
can never have *too many* daughters."
Miralin rolls her eyes at M'val for the second time this evening.
From the sands below, The Winter Fog Egg and the smaller Muddy Spring Egg
beside each other bump repeatedly together, each trying to roll through the
other. Finally, with a loud CRACK! they both dump green dragonets on the
sands at roughly the same time. Squabbling, and with the smaller of the two
seeming like she is protesting, the pair march right into the knees of
Magra and Wrenden, themselves siblings. It's hard to tell who impressed,
"Kagath!" and "Ruoth!" but the brother sister pair, now Wr'den and Magra,
are headed off the sands.
F'tan catches K'prin's last words and winks. "Mvraeth said that Braisheth
could easily catch one, K'prin. But I'm afrid, he's biased."
Mvraeth lifts his head to warble a bright greeting to Ysyth.
From the sands below, Theid eeps and can't hide. "Guilty!" He calls back
over at Jascela. "Heh heh heh." He was blaming it on Oryan the whole time.
His own snoring wakes his up. He glances to Tason and flushes over his tan.
He watches in awe as more dragonets are impressed.
K'prin laughs. "I'm sure, F'tan."
G'har hushes M'val rather ostentatiously. "Please, you don't want to give
Kassi ideas, do you--aw, shards, like she needs them." He shakes his head
firmly to Kassima, then. "Keeping up with Mahara is enough, but thanks.
Still can't believe she's ten--I swear, time flies."
From the sands below, Swarthy Damask Bronze Dragonet suddenly darts from
behind one egg, making a brief appearance, and sort of dissapears behind
another one. Never mind his tail can be seen swinging back and forth and
the tip of his muzzle is at the front. Very slowly he peers out at the
candidates and then his head swivels to Zaith and he crooooons.
Ysyth rumbles in return to Mvraeth, nodding her head his way as she settles
down on the ledges.
Lirra casts a warm smile at G'har, and leans over to poke his knee.
"Thanks, G'har. That's sweet of you. I'll have Kaath give Falsanath a yell
closer to time," she assures. "I could have quadruplets," she adds.
"Thanks, M'val, good idea," she adds with a laugh.
Maireth flies in from the bowl.
L'han jumps down Maireth's side to the ground, the dragon's sparkling eyes
watching closely.
From the sands below, Kaylira watches the brown, step into, out of, and
into the singular shard. "Oh..look..he's.. *hic*." Embarassed, she closes
her mouth, but nods her chin the brown's way.
Varina climbs down Maireth's side to the ground, as the dragon warbles a
From the sands below, Tirlyna watches the dragonets delightedly, though
still with caution. He looks over at Radar to see if the weaver is equally
L'han offers up his arms to catch Varina and set her on her feet.
Terrilia chuckles at M'val and nods to Shilarra sympathetically. She waves
to L'han briefly, then smiles and looks where Jehril's pointing. "Oh--he's
From the sands below, Oryan is too intent on watching the bronze to even
hear what Theid is saying. A very puzzled look crosses his face, "Elsie,
what is he doing?"
From the sands below, Zaith lowers her large muzzle and /warbles/ at her
bronze son. Then her head lifts and moves toward the candidates with a
clear implication. That way.
M'val keeps his eyes moving. "Eight and a half? My, how time flies. Then
again, I just realized the other day that Riolth is only a few months shy
of eight himself. No, G'har, why not give Kassi ideas? I love all of my
daughters. I'd love a son or two or three, or more daughters. One is good,
lots is better." Miralin's eye-rolling gets another one of the flashing,
bright smiles.
Varina decends from Maireth with the kind assistance of L'han. She totally
intends to move gracefully, but she manages to stumble as she gets to the
bottom, losing her balance, recovering most clumsily.
From the sands below, Theid chuckles at Kaylira, "Nervous?" Yes, he states
the obvious often.
Kassima waggles her eyebrows at G'har. "Doesn't it, though?" she mourns
then, as her eyes slide back Kay-wards. "M'youngest is coming up on
*three*. It seems like she was born just yesterday, but 'tisn't so. Why,
M'val, why didn't you tell me about this desire for children on your part?
I'd have started a betting pool on your progeny long since."
From the sands below, Elseve blinks and looks at Oryan, "Talking with his
mother, what else would you do if you were just hatched and didn't know
where to go?" She gives a smile to Oryan and then looks back to the sands.
From the sands below, Tason grins at Theid and wiggles his hand some more
before shifting his feet and wincing. "I'm not going to be able to walk for
a week after this." He watches the pair of greens impress and grins. "Two
more many does that make now, four or five?" The hiding bronze
gets a glance and one of Tasons looks of weirdness. "Is he scared?"
From the sands below, Radar watches the brown walk slowly with the
eggshell-shard-shoe and the bronze dragonet talking to his mother. "Uhhh, I
think the bronze is headed the wrong way, Tirlyna. I hope Zaith straightens
him out."
G'har rolls his eyes a bit at the knee-poking, but then shakes his head.
"No quadruplets, that's just disturbing!" He shakes his head at M'val,
then. "Well, then, -you- can have her plotting to breed you to people," he
replies, with a grin. "I'm fine with just Mahara." And he does look pleased
as Kassima's attention seems to focus on M'val.
K'prin smiles. "Before I Impressed you, Braisheith, you picked up a piece
of your shell and carried it in your teeth for a bit." He smiles, and adds
in a quieter voice, "I still have it. Wonders what desert climates do for
preservation." Then, even quieter still, he adds, "Livia grabbed it for me."
L'han flashes a dashing smile to Terri, entirely missing Varina's stumble
in the process. "Oh! Are you alright?"
Rosmyn places the last bit of her candy in her mouth,crunching on the tiny
bit with a satisfying *crunch*, then begins to lick her finger tips as she
sighs. "Now that's the way to watch a hatching." Not taking her eyes off
the blue below, she answers M'val." That' what my Grandda says, Time flies
but you're not as old as him -yet-."
"And mine is almost -fourteen-," Lirra sighs with a chuckle. "I swear he's
going to be as massive as his father. He's already a good bit taller than I
am," she muses, then laughs. "Uh-oh, Kassi, shouldn't you just stick to
betting pools on dragonets, and not people?" she teases.
From the sands below, Swarthy Damask Bronze Dragonet turns again to look
towards the candidates as his mum indicates. He gives something of a
mewling sound, very un-bronzey, and begins to slink from behind the egg.
Crouching low to the ground his tail swings back and forth over the sand.
He seems ready to pounce as he watches the candidates...and then...and then
his clutchmate appears before him. For a moment he stops and then moves
forward quickly, his neck stretching out to sniff at the Dark Honey Colored
Brown. "Mreeeww?" The sound is questioning and, again, a high pitched mewling.
Miralin shakes her head and sighs at M'val instead of rolling her eyes this
From the sands below, Jascela sighs softly and looks over at Brees. "How're
you doing, Red?" She glances back at the dragonets moving across the sands
From the sands below, Tirlyna grins. 'I'm sure he'll figure it out
eventually, Radar. All the other ones did.' Right? Yeah. He attempts to see
the bronze but is thwarted by the shadows.
Varina recovers her balance, but not so quickly her composure. "Quite
fine," she grumbles.
From the sands below, Theid awww's and comforts Tason with a squeeze of his
hand. "You'll be okay Tas." He slowly shifts his eyes to the two
hatchlings. Brown and Bronze and smiles. "Too cute they are."
Terrilia can't help looking over at all this talk of children and betting
pools. She smirks at Kassima. "They tell me there was quite a pool on my
Shilarra suddenly glances around her, brow furrowing slightly, then moves
away from Riolth to stand in a slightly more open area of the ledge to
continue watching her daughter on the Sands, although the new brown does
draw her attention briefly.
From the sands below, Elseve blinks at the hatchling's sound and can't help
but giggle, though she quickly smothers the giggle with a hand.
From the sands below, Brees looks over at Jascela and shrugs a shoulder as
she moves from foot to another. "I think I'm more nervous now than when we
came in." She replies quietly to Jascela. "How're you doing, 'Cela?" Her
guase turns back to the dragonets.
From the sands below, Kaylira nods at Theid's comment, eyes watering again.
"The bronze - its like he doesn't know what to do. I thought they always did."
L'han sorta tries to brush Varina's skirts, as if that will help, finally
ending with a firm arm around her waist, muttering into her ear as he
points with his free hand down onto the Sands.
Kassima's attention didn't focus *long*, of course. "A shame," she quips,
"that I couldn't breed *you* and M'val, G'har; kill two 'snakes with one
stone, as 'twere. Lirra, Lirra, where've you been? Wagering pools on people
are *lucrative*! I had a pool once on--" She breaks off with a sudden
frown, shakes her head, and doesn't continue; instead, she asks, "Have you
ever seen a more friendly lot of hatchlings? Certes nosing each other quite
a bit... ach, Terri, should've told me so I could bet in it *too*."
Jehril looks jealously at Rosmyn as she manages to finish off her
sweetstick, but smiles. He lost his fair and square. He watches the Sands
in fascination. "I've got five Turns," he pipes up.
From the sands below, Oryan eyes the pair of dragonets and shakes his head,
"They've all been so incredibly different."
Miralin giggles at Kassima's comment, and it comes out with a snort.
From the sands below, Dark Honey Brown Dragonet croooooons back at his
bronze clutchmate, honey-sweet, and moves closer to the line of
whiterobed-things. See? This way. His gait is a bit odd with that shell on
his hind paw, and he pauses quite near a smallish boy with a bedraggled
robe. But, no, he's just trying to get rid of the shell-fragment, after all.
From the sands below, Tason rolls his eyes slightly, but grins. "Cute isn't
quite the word I'd use." The bronze and brown get another long look. "Okay,
I've seen runners who think they're human...but a newly hatched dragon that
thinks it's a feline is a first."
Rosmyn hisses and shoos with both hands as the brown appears. "Over there,
the one with the red hair, yeah, her.." It worked for Elisse, it'll work
for Brees. "Yah, you're just a squirt."
M'val chuckles at Kassima, fingers tightening against Shilarra's shoulder
just briefly. "I doubt you'd have predicted my first three - not quite the
way they turned out. You might as well - what, Miralin? I *like* children;
my own especially - and I like women, so it all works out. My oldest," he
adds to those saying for their own, "is 15 months and a few days. And my
youngest two, they're 15 months and seven less days."
From the sands below, Radar asks, "What is it with these dragons? One acts
like a canine chasing its tail, and this one meows like a feline. I don't
think I've every heard that ebfore."
From the sands below, Double Aurora Egg rolls over onto one side, shivering
slowly as its sides contort: time ticks closer, time runs out.
From the sands below, Theid cants his head to the side. "He's bronze...."
Like that's an explaintion right? He giggles, yes giggles at what Tason
says, eyeing the brown and Bronze.
G'har just shakes his head, with a further sigh. "I'm just going to -hide-
next time," he mutters, though he doesn't actually seem too put out.
M'val's listing of his offspring's ages gets a brief, lifted brow, and a
grin. "Oh, now there's an adventure waiting to happen," he murmurs.
Terrilia laughs and shakes her head, returning her attention to the Sands.
"It was bad enough as it was, Kassi. No need to have other Weyrs betting on
my children, too."
F'tan smiles at Rosmyn. "Let's hope, Rosmyn."
From the sands below, Tirlyna says softly to himself, "I think it's cute."
From the sands below, Kaylira interjects, "Indearing..they're wonderful."
From the sands below, Swarthy Damask Bronze Dragonet remains crouched low
and very hesitantly moves after his blue clutchmate. Mutch like a wild
animal he seems and at a sudden movement from a young girl all four limbs
leave the sands as he jumps back. His tail goes up in the air and his wings
spread wide, fluttering idley, and he watches the girl with purpley red
eyes. After a moment he seems content and quickly scurries after the brown,
not watching where he is going, and just might run into his rump.
From the sands below, Elseve regards the dragonets before her attention is
caught by the shivering egg, "Look, Oryan, another one." She breathes out
slowly and watches.
M'val adds, "There was a pool, Terri, but that's because you opened up the
names for suggestions. Plus of course, how often do our Weyrleader and
Weyrsecond have a child?"
Lirra sighs heavily, although with a laugh. "Now why am I not surprised? So
how much was the betting pool on Ivrihn?" she wonders of Kassima, then
grins at M'val. "Well now, that's got to be an adventure at bedtime, at
least. 'Just one more story, da!' in triplicate." She smirks then. "Poor
G'har. So abused."
From the sands below, Jascela nods a bit to Brees. "I'm getting nervous
too..." She glances at the Bronze briefly, but leaves most of her attention
on the Brown. "I think he's cute with the shell on his foot..."
From the sands below, Brees nods her head and giggles over at the brown.
"Yeah, I hope whoever he impresses helps him get that off."
From the sands below, Tirlyna snaps to attention and yips a little. 'Hey
Radar, I think we might want to move. . . looks like that bronze might want
some right of way!"
Jehril nods in agreement with Rosmyn and starts his chanting again. "Go to
Brees, go to Brees..." But the bronze nearly chasing the brown sends him
into a fit of giggles.
Kassima turns just long enough to waggle a finger at Terri. "Ah, nay,
you'll nay get out of it again. I'm going t'start a pool on you at Telgar
when I get home--'tis never too soon t'wager on the *next*!" Teasing, or
no? It could be either way. "Quite a bit of swaddling t'be changing," she
agrees with G'har. "I don't think I envy you, M'val... ah, now, Ivrihn was
a'fore I had the bright idea, Lirra. More's the pity. And why pity G'har?
We're only trying t'convince him t'spawn! Spawnlets are the most wonderful
things in the world! But where's that brown headed now?"
M'val shrugs slightly. "It's not always. Tamira and Miria, they've got
their foster mother, so I see them to bed a little earlier, when I can see
them to bed at all."
Miralin eyes M'val, and then smiles and laughs. "At least you are
straightforward about it. That is an admirable quality."
From the sands below, Tason chuckles, but tenses up at the dragoneats
sudden movements. It never helps to be ready to run. "I'd call it animal
magnetism...but, that doesn't really apply in this case."
From the sands below, Radar nods and wipes his hands on his robe before
bracing himself. "If he heads this way, you break right and I'll break
left, Tirlyna. That'll leave him a clear middle path."
From the sands below, Tirlyna nods. 'Ok, Radar!'
G'har nods firmly to Lirra. "I am! Abused, that is. All these greenriders
picking on me, trying to get me to have more kids... hmph." Falsanath
rumbles brightly, angling his head towards Kaath. "Shush, you!" He shakes
his head, then. "Maybe another kid -someday-," he concedes. "Maybe. I'll see."
From the sands below, Kaylira lets go Theid's hand. If hte bronze really is
heading this way, she doesn't want to be in trampling range. Because its
certain he won't be chosing her.
Rosmyn joins in the chant, adding the arm wave in, making sure keeps in
beat. "Go to Brees, go to Brees." Nodding with approval as the brown is
chased, she giggles too. "Oh wow, he's going to chase him right over to her."
From the sands below, Divya watches the bronze follow the brown around and
chuckles. "If this goes on much longer, that bronze might try to Impress to
his clutchsib."
Terrilia snorts and grins without looking up. "We needed suggestions. They
weren't just betting on names, though." She rolls her eyes at Kassima and
shakes her head, grinning. "Not for a while, I hope, though I do love
children...Now isn't that cute..." That seems to be the hatchlings.
From the sands below, Fluria reaches up and rubs her chin as she watches
the dragonets with pursed lips. "Skittery thing he is. Reminds me of that
feline I found when I stood with Br'nal," She murmers to those standing
near her.
From the sands below, Theid stiffens as Tason tenses and turns wide eyes on
the boy. "Don't do that!" His nerves are racked as it is. He lets go of
both hands and makes ready to dash out of the way.
M'val mutters, "Well, of *course* not, Terri."
Maylia takes advantage of holding Kassi's wine, and takes a long sip from
the skin. "Looks like he's going where he's herded to, Kassi." She notes,
with a grin. "But I've lost Kay in the multitude of dark haired heads down
there. Why didn't you have a child with brilliant blue hair or something
that'd stand *out* down there, huh?"
From the sands below, Oryan nods to Elseve, "Yeah, I see it." His feet
remind him once again that he's standing barefoot on these /hot/ black
sands. He moves his feet quickly in that little Candidate-on-the-Sands Dance.
From the sands below, Kyrola glances over at Fluria for a moment, her
movements less gleeful, perhaps due to weariness. But she still smiles at
the antics of her queen's little ones.
From the sands below, Double Aurora Egg wobbles once more, sand sprayed as
it moves within what *was* a nice, cozy bed. No playing leapfrog, though:
so far, it's very resigned. Restrained.
Jehril sits up a little more and nods to Rosmyn, grinning. "That's good!"
Kassima assures G'har with blithe confidence, "Someday. And I'll collect
marks on it one way or another when it happens, just you watch." Leaning
forward again, she protests, "I *try*, May, but the hair's just too
pervasive. All m'kids got it, except Kiss, and hers is close." She seems
oblivious to the fate of her wine. "Mayhaps a good thing dragons can't
Impress to each other, the way those two are acting!"
From the sands below, In all the bustle and confusion, the Prairie
Hailstorm Egg hatched almost unnoticed. Bewildered, a little blue dragonet
isn't far from the shards - surely he came from there! Head down, the
little blue ambles towards the candidates, looking through many faces and
growing more and more dejected as the right one is not found. Finally, a
short, cheerful girl - Maddie from Ista Hold - steps forward, "Don't worry,
Yorith, we'll get you fed!"
From the sands below, Theid has to keep his eyes on so many things, he
hopes he doesn't faint in the heat. However, his gaze falls upon the eggs
still remaining in the sands.
Rosmyn crosses her eyes as she concentrates. "Go to Brees."
From the sands below, Dark Honey Brown Dragonet isn't quite bumped by his
clutchmate, but he moves ahead with a jerk anyway. The small boy is eyed
again, but only briefly, and then he's heading toward the girl who was
making those odd noises a bit ago. His shell-shoe is still with him, though
he pauses once more to shake his leg, trying to get it off.
From the sands below, Elseve yelps suddenly as, thanks to Oryan, she is now
very aware of the scalding temperatures of some of the sand if you stand
for too long and she hops a little from foot to foot, shifting over a little.
From the sands below, Tason gives Theid an apologetic look. "Sorry." He
shift his weight again,because these sands are hot, hot, hot - oy! He
watches as the brown begins to move.
"I'd think she'd at least have a child with pink hair, Maylia," Lirra quips
to the other woman with a grin of agreement, then awws at Kassima. "Well,
you can take bets on other people's children. Goodness knows the water goes
around," she suggest, then can't help but laugh. "Hey, kids are good.
Besides, you don't have to have them, why worry?"
Varina watches quietly for a long while, before she asks L'han, "Do you
know anyone down there?"
G'har offers agreeably to Kassi, "Well, if it's -marks- you want, I don't
need to breed for that to happen." He pauses a beat, then, trying to locate
the brown, before shaking his head at Lirra. "But I have to hold the hand
of the one that does. It's not as bad, I know, but still."
F'lone watches the brown, very tense now. Suddenly he yells out. "Go to
Kaylira." he says to the brown before turning red and hushing up again.
From the sands below, Kaylira watches the brown intently, and his bronze
shadow nearly as intently! A soft hissing 'ooooo' escapes her.
Maylia nearly snorts some wine out of her nose, at Lirra's comment. "Pink'd
be very fitting!" she agrees, once wine is swallowed and under control.
M'val urges the brown, "Go to Tason." And then he urges, "C'mon, more
From the sands below, P'tod urges Maddie and Yorith quickly out of the way
of the other hatchlings. "Come on, C-- er, Weyrling, let's get your blue
fed. This way."
From the sands below, Brees grins at Kaylira next to her then out at the
brown. "He's good. Kept from getting ran into."
Ysyth rumbles softly, her head stretching out to peer at the hatchlings
below on the sands.
From the sands below, Swarthy Damask Bronze Dragonet stops where he almost
bumped into the brown and watches him toddle off with another "Mreeeeew,"
Of sound. Then slowly he turns his wide purpley-red eyes onto some ansy
looking boys near him. Slowly he begin to back up from then, his rump going
into the air and his front end down. Ever so slightly his tail and bottom
wiggles, up in the air as it is, and he watches the candidates almost
From the sands below, Tirlyna absently shuffles his feet back and forth and
up and down, keeping an eye on the brown, just in case. He is still looking
around at the dragons and Candidates and IMpressions, even the close
proximity of dragonets can't totally keep him from watching the events unfold.
L'han nods, searching a moment to point out the face, "That boy there is
Theid. He was about Reaches for a bit. When Maireth and Ami's green
Searched Redus."
L'son closes his eyes quietly, leaning against Lacroith's neck while the
bronze watches for him. A soft croon comes from the big bronze.
From the sands below, Theid smiles over at Kaylira, before he grins to
Tason. "It's So'kay..." A wink later he's hoping foot to foot and mumbling
about being uncomfortable.
From the sands below, Radar flaps his robe to get a little air moving and
dry some of the sweat trickling down his back, attested to by the wet line
on his robe. He shifts back a step as the bronze examines the group that
includes him.
From the sands below, Double Aurora Egg trembles in place, a fine web of
cracks woven over its shell as if by some unseen craftsman. Then, all at
once, it seems to dissolve into a mass of tiny shards that rain down to the
sands as the Sparkling Sunlit Lake Green dragonet, revealed, rights
herself, head still capped with a crown of whitish pink eggshell.
Kassima bites her knuckles, barely noticing the interplay between her
friends; she's too intent on the interplay on the Sands. "For Kay," she
murmurs, sotto voce. "For Kay, for Kay, oh, please... you'll bribe me t'nay
encourage you t'breed, G'har? Is that what you're meaning?" The pink hair
comments just earn May and Lirra a distracted dirty look.
From the sands below, Oryan looks a bit alarmed at the bronze's actions,
"Elsie, is he going to pounce?"
Mvraeth politely lumbers away to give Ysyth more room to look at the
hatchlings. This brown is a gentleman.
Jehril frowns at the shouts and continues his quiet chanting. "Brees,
Brees, Brees..."
From the sands below, Kaylira eeps, "Its..its..~coming this way~.." She
can't dare hope, and closes her eyes.
From the sands below,
Sparkling Sunlit Lake Green Hatchling
A little wriggle, a thrill of excitement, passes through her from muzzle to
tail as she pulls herself upright to show herself to the light for the
first time. And as that light plays across her hide it's reflected back in
a glorious meld of shifting hues: summergrass, sea mist, sparkling
viridian. These highlights seem to change with each restless motion, but
under all is a deep green, a calm and quiet green, the green of still
waters undisturbed beneath afternoon sun. She's not particularly large, as
greens go, and has the usual proportions, aside from a too-short tail that
leaves her hindquarters looking dumpy. In truth they're not, but the
illusion's helped along by the funny way she moves, bunching up her leg
muscles and surging forward, almost a draconic version of a bunny hop. When
she unfurls her wings it's to reveal a veritable forest of color
overlooking the water: sages and spruce and piney evergreen, shifting one
into the other so it's scarcely visible where one leaves off and the next
begins. By some accounts beautiful, without a doubt unique, she's got
something about her, but it's not in her coloring - it's the way she
attends to her surroundings with a delighted anticipation, and the way she
seems to taste the very air of each breath for all it - and the world - has
to offer.
From the sands below, Jascela flashes Brees a grin and nods to her. She
looks back to the Brown and grins. "Someone better help him with that shoe
of his..." She lifts one of her feet and brushes the coarse sand off it
then shifts feet and cleans her other off. Nevermind that as soon as she
puts them down they're covered again.
From the sands below, Elseve gazes at the bronze, and raises an eyebrow,
"What a funny little crea..." She trails off as her attention is snagged by
the green, "Oh, wow..." She sighs in admiration of the little dragonet.
From the sands below, Fluria puts a hand over her lips and giggles a bit.
Her eyes dart sideways towards S"ris and she gestures at the bronze.
"Definately reminds me of Brinmew," That must be the name of the feline she
Ysyth looks towards Mvraeth, rumbling almost dissapointedly at him, and
then she's back looking at the hatchlings, crooning when she spots the green.
From the sands below, Theid suddenly pulls on Tason's robe. "Green! Green!"
He bounces, so happy now another green has appeared. Then he beams over to
Kaylira. "Got my fingers crossed."
From the sands below, Brees looks over and tries to poing with the hand
holding Jascela's. "Look 'Cela! Another green. A really pretty one!" Then
she looks at the brown and smiles.
G'har agrees, "Exactly, Kassi. I could get you a really great deal on some
new throwing-knives at the Smith hall--wait, I'm -arming- her, what am I
saying?" That last is, of course, to himself.
Shilarra rubs her brow, stepping over to L'son and resting a tentative hand
on his shoulder. "Strange to watch her at there, isn't it?" she voices softly.
From the sands below, Dark Honey Brown Dragonet shakes his leg one more
time, and succeeds in sending a spray of sand everywhere, but it remains
fixed onto his foot. He looks up again, staring with whirling eyes at the
girl who was going *hic* before (Kaylira), and croooons sweetly to her,
displaying his stuck foot and asking silently for help.
From the sands below, Kaylira(Kaylira) has impressed !
From the sands below, Tirlyna is distracted from his careful watching of
the male dragonets by the arrival of a green-- and what a green! He looks
at her appreciatively.
From the sands below, Theid balks, "Kay! did it!!" He steps back
and congrats her while she deals with the shock.
From the sands below, Tason chuckles at Kaylira and leans forward to peek
at her. "Better open them eyes up, Kay." He leans back again and lift first
his right, then left foot off the sands in a futile attempt to cool them
even in the slightest, and then almost gets pulled off balance by the tugs
on his robe. He chuckles and grins at Theid and then grins wider as Kaylira
impresses! "Congrats, Kay."
From the sands below, Brees grins as the brown comes close and up to
Kaylira. "Kaylira! Great! Congrats!" She starts her little hop dance again.
Lirra casts a pleased grin at Maylia for the earned dirty look from
Kassima, then leans foward to peer, even fidgeting a bit. She has to
smother a strangled choke then, giving G'har a worried look. "I'm not sure,
what -are- you say...wait. Look!"
From the sands below, Oryan nods in response, "Oh, she's so colorful, El.."
His attention is pulled away by the brown crooning, "Oh, Kay! That's
Hearing that sort of rumble from Ysyth, Mvraeth decides to move closer.
Muzzle touching?
From the sands below, Kaylira's eyes flutter open, welling up with joyous
tears. "Of course you're hungry Pheirth. Oh!" A quick look around, "He's
Pheirth. And I'm /His/."
Kariel whoops, "Female brownrider! Yes!"
M'llon grins at Kariel and nods, "Seems like it."
From the sands below, Jascela sighs softly as the brown passes her but
grins at Kaylira. "Oh, Kay... He's so cute!" She looks out at the newest
green and smiles, nodding to Brees. "Yeah, she's a doll..."
From the sands below, Tirlynasees Kay Impress and grins widely. 'Way to go,
Maylia clutches the neck of the wineskin in a death-grip. "Dark hair - is
that -?" she asks of Kassi, eyes glued on the brown below.
From the sands below, Theid clasps his hands before him, eyes welling up
with pride for his friend.
From the sands below, Swarthy Damask Bronze Dragonet pounces once the
fidgety one looks away. However he is ever so careful about those talons
and merely lays him flat on his bum. THose eyes become soley purple as he
gives a triumphant mewl of sound that is crossed with a rumble.
From the sands below, Y'il(Tirlyna) has impressed !
K'prin gives a cheer with some others on the ledges, knowing that this was
Kaylira's third time on the Sands. "Go, Kaylira! And another Brown! Yes,
Braisheith, I know you'd have preffered another green, but be happy for
her, will you?"
F'lone watches as the brown moves to Kaylira. He jumps up and down and
hoots and hollers real loud, Hroth joining in as his rider congratulates
L'son glances up slightly, his eyes opening. "Yeah..." he murmurs softly
before looking out at the sands again. "I'm worried about her."
From the sands below, Sparkling Sunlit Lake Green Hatchling peers rather
curiously towards the sands about her, as wings and limbs tangle up in her
explosive exposition from her egg. Attempting to right herself, and then
move properly, the little green nearly trips already, a bleat of interest -
a certain childlike sweetness - sounding as she begins to move. Surely,
somewhere, there's the romantic once-in-a-lifetime mate for her, here.
Terrilia blinks and smiles as the brown Impresses. She looks around for
Kassima. "She's yours? Congratulations! Lovely brown!"
M'val whoops as Kaylira impresses, despite having moments ago urged the
brown towards Tason. "There! Congratulations on her behalf, Kassima."
Miralin cheers variously.
From the sands below, Pheirth crooons again, ignoring that shell long
enough to headbutt /his/ girl, as if saying, of course she's his, who else's?
From the sands below, U'lyn practically jumps on the sand, beaming as he
sees Kay's Impression, but keeps his rejoicing at a minimum, so as not to
disturb the dragonets. With a slow jog, he makes his way over to her. "Oh,
Kay, congrats! Let's go get Pheirth some food?"
Telgar Weyr> Dagen says, "Grats Kay"
Rosmyn scowls as Kaylira impresses. Her brow furrows. "I thought that was
Brees brown.. Not fair." But with a optimistic sigh, she looks to the green
hatchling. "She's still got a chance." When the bronze impresses she blinks
rapidly. "This is goin' fast again."
Ysyth is distracted by the impressing of both the bronze and the brown. But
then she turns her attention back to Mvraeth to nuzzle at his muzzle.
From the sands below, Theid blinks as Tirlyna impresses and he has tears
running down his cheeks for them. "Oh Faranth..." He sniffles, so happy for
Shilarra nods slowly, lips curving into a gentle smile at Brees's dance,
but it soon slips away again. "That she will or that she won't?" she asks
From the sands below, Kaylira bends to help her lifemate rid himself of his
'shoe'. "Oh, I waited so long for you."
From the sands below, Radar breaks left as the bronze moves in his
direction. But it's for naught, for Tirlyna is the one the dragon is
looking for. Radar turns back around in time to see the end of the moment
of Impression, and says, "Congratulations, Tir! You did it!" He also calls
out congratulations to Kaylira when he hears other people doing so.
From the sands below, Brees grins over at Tirlyna. "Look Tirlyna! Or
something now. Don't know how he'd shorten that one." She just grins
broadly over then turns her attention to the green.
Miralin folds her arms across her chest. "C'mon, Brees."
Kassima goes pale as a sheet as the dragonet croons to her daughter--and
when that name, that name is announced, silently confirmed by Lysseth, the
greenrider shows *why* May needed to hold the wine: she leaps up from
Lysseth's forelimb with one fist thrown in the air, and a *shriek* of
absolute glee. "Kaylira! Kaylira-Kaylira-Kaylira, oh, Faranth, oh,
Faranth!" And so on, and so forth. Don't expect any sense out of her for
awhile, at least not while she's bouncing up and down in joy still.
"Pheirth, that's beautiful, oh!"
From the sands below, Bits of shell flake steadily from the Horrible Humid
Heat Wave Egg, showing egg-slimed talons and tail all akimbo. Finally a
green dragonet struggles from the shards and lets out a trumpet,
exceedingly annoyed! How dare it! She turns in a snit, and walks right
through a group of candidates. Blinking, T'mar - once Otomar from Red Sands
hold - hurries to catch up, "Wait!You forgot me, Rabith!"
From the sands below, Fluria suddenly is boucing on her feet and claping
her hands eagerly. "OH! Oh! Look S'ris, Kaylira impressed!"
"Both" Lee replies to Shilarra's quetion and frowns lightly. "It's awful of
me for hoping she won't, isn't it."
From the sands below, Tason sees the pounce of bronze and beams again.
Jehril nods thoughtfully and grins at the green. "She's pretty."
From the sands below, Severe Clear Egg doesn't shiver, or jump. Not yet at
least, but do you hear that faint taping?
From the sands below, Oryan whoas at the bronze and his new lifemate, "Tir!
Wow. Congrats!"
From the sands below, Kaylira walks down to the far end of the Cavern.
From the sands below, U'lyn walks down to the far end of the Cavern.
From the sands below, P'tod's face lights up in pleased surprise as he sees
Kaylira's impression. He nods in satisfaction while U'lyn leads her off,
then strides over to Y'il with a big grin on his face. "Congratulations,
Tirlyna. He's quite the bronze. Food's over here, this way." He gestures
toward the corner where the others went.
From the sands below, Elseve gazes at Tir, "Oh! Hooray Tir!" She smiles and
then she looks over at Green, sighs, "Oh, Oryan she's lovely, isn't she?"
G'har looks really altogether relieved. "Oh, a brown, thank goodness," he
murmurs, before adding to Kassima, with a bright grin, "Congratulations to
her." He asides to Lirra, then, "Maybe she'll forget about the knives, now."
Rosmyn scowls even more as she overhears L'son and becomes quiet, the
thrill of the hatching gone.
"Yesyesyes!" Maylia cheers, being careful to not send splatterings of the
wine down on the candidates below. A wide smile is beamed towards Kassi.
"There. Now you can relax, nervous mom." Like she'd be any different were
it an older Tasayli down there.
M'val gives Kassima a sudden grin. "I hope Mother didn't act like that when
I Impressed. Or that I don't act like that if any of mine Impress one day."
From the sands below, Y'il is knocked flat on his back, and sits up on one
elbow, laughing and crying at the same time. "Aquileth!! Of course, we can
get food right now." He gets up, looking at his dragon adoringly, a grin
from ear to ear plastered across his face while tears stream unheeded down
his cheeks.
Terrilia giggles, watching Kassima with a soft smile, then turns quickly
back to see who the bronze Impressed to and to see the little green. She
shakes her head. "So fast--it's hard to keep up."
From the sands below, Pheirth walks down to the far end of the Cavern.
From the sands below, Theid's attention returns to the green and he sighs,
still smiling. "Gorgeous." He purrs, wiping his face and looking breifly to
Tason. "Doncha rhink?"
Lirra bursts into laughter and claps vehemently, bouncing in her seat. "Oh,
Kassi, congratulations! Hooray, Kaylira! That's a girl!" she joins in the
cheering, then has to laugh at G'har, nodding joyfully. "We can only -hope-!"
Shilarra gives a wry smile, nodding. "Awful of us both. It's
think of her out there, fighting Thread." Lee get's a brief glance before
she continues. "I'm surprised at you,though, being a Rider and all."
From the sands below, Oryan turns back to the green that Elseve is talking
about and smiles, "She's stunning, Elsie. I hope she's yours."
From the sands below, Kyrola beams widely as the brown and bronze both
impress. "I knew it, I knew it, I knew it!" she says, jumping up and down
once more. "Someone owes me marks!"
From the sands below, Tason chuckles and shakes his head slightly. "Beauty
is in the eye of the beholder....but yeah, she's pretty."
From the sands below, S'ris nods back to Fluria. "Good for her. I was
hoping so, she's been on enough sands."
From the sands below, Aquileth bumps his head against Y'il with great
affection, the volume of his rumbling increasing. Then a paw comes up and
it almost seems as if he is trying to help him up. "Mrew?"
From the sands below, P'tod stands back to give Y'il plenty of room to
right himself. "Good name that, Aquileth. Have you decided how to shorten
yours?" he asks conversationally, as if for all of Pern they were sipping
juice in the living cavern.
L'son nods slowly when Shilarra replies. "I know. But I'm a father two, Shil."
From the sands below, Divya laughs and says, "Not me, Kyrola! The only bet
I made this time was on the first color to hatch, and I won it!"
Jehril blinks and tilts his head to regard Rosmyn now. "There's still
eggs," he murmurs quietly, seeking out her hand. It's a Hatching, everyone
should be happy, right?
F'lone continues to cheer loudly, grabbing a rider next to him and swinging
her around in a hug. "She did it! She did it!" he shouts, over and over in
his excitement. After a moment he realizes what he's doing and puts the
rider down. "Sorry, ma'am." he appologizes with a blush, completely
embarrased. He sits down quickly to watch the rest of the hatching.
From the sands below, Fluria glances at Kyrola and Divya, grinning until it
almost splits her face.
From the sands below, Theid softly nudges Tason and chuckles, his attention
otherwise fixed on the pretty green on the sands.
F'lone glances over towards Maylia and the other riders from Telgar to see
if they had noticed his outbreak.
Rosmyn stiffens as she overhears and misunderstands L'son, her brows
furrowing. Jehril's hand in her own reassures her and she squeezes back.
"Yeah, there's still eggs and I know she should have a dragon."
From the sands below, Kyrola giggles merrily and fishes in her pouch and
flicking a quarter-mark toward Divya. "Yes you did," she replies amiably.
From the sands below, U'lyn walks over from the far end of the Hatching
From the sands below, Elseve is so intensely looking at the green and
keeping her feet from burning up that she doesn't hear Oryan's comment,
which is good, because she probably wouldn't smile and in fact begin to fret.
From the sands below, Y'il places a gentle, almost disbelieving hand on
Aquileth's neck ridge and moves over to the WEyrlingmasters, relying solely
on the instructions given to him and not really thinking for himself.
Kassima sits down in due course; she has to, her legs are shaking too much.
And tears are pouring down her cheeks--public crying, now here's something
she doesn't do every day. "Thankee," she repeats, more softly. "Perfect.
'Tis absolutely perfect... oh, shards, I can't help it, M'val; you'll know!
Someday you'll know!" She reaches to try and hug May and Lirra both in
their turn, since they're near enough. Nothing's said about the knives,
miraculously. "--Oh," she wonders, belatedly, "who'd that bronze find?"
From the sands below, Divya deftly catches the quarter-mark and says,
"Thank you very much, Kyrola! Jedi appreciate your contribution to her toy
From the sands below, Y'il walks down to the far end of the Cavern.
From the sands below, P'tod walks down to the far end of the Cavern.
From the sands below, Aquileth walks down to the far end of the Cavern.
K'prin points as they leave. "That lad there... I think his name was
Tirlyna. Wonder how he'll shorten that one."
Jehril nods and smiles a little, though he still looks a bit worried. He
starts pointing again, keeping up a running commentary on the remaining
eggs and hatchlings. "She should. Brees's nice. There's a pretty green,
From the sands below, Brees clutches Jascela's hand looking over at her
friend. "There a are a lot less eggs now." She comment quietly shifting
slightly from foot to foot her gaze returning to the green.
From the sands below, Sparkling Sunlit Lake Green Hatchling wobbles in her
over-enthusiastic stride across the sands, her wings outstretched, and then
put away again as she attempts to figure out exactly how this all works -
it's all a bit much, but SOOOOO exciting. I mean, imagine! Her breathless
eagerness earns the candidates a variety of exuberant warbles and croons,
although no one earns anything in particular. SOOO many people and things
to see.
Lirra simply beams at F'lone's outburst, clapping again in delight and
approval, then squawks another cheerful sound as she gets hugged, but
returns it enthusiastically. "Very perfect. Oh, Kassi, it couldn't be
better," she agrees, then squints at the sands. "Um...a boy?" She's so
From the sands below, Tason grins and looks back towards the green himself
and then sighs. "Things are slowing up a bit, aren't they?"
Shilarra nods, returning her hand to her side, eyes dimming. "I don't want
to see her disappointed, either."
Rosmyn nods, cheered up as Jehril's confidence. "Right. And red-heads look
good in green, that's what the aunties say."
From the sands below, Fluria says "Ceres, out."
Void pops out of *between*, a rush of ice cold air, a blur of darkness,
flash of bronze and a chirp announcing his presence.
Terrilia looks over, her eyes moving from Kassima to L'son and Shilarra,
and finally to Jehril and Rosmyn before she looks back down. Her smile's
not quite as bright as it was.
F'tan sighs.
From the sands below, Severe Clear Egg gives a small shiver, sending
carefully packed sand sliding down it's shell to free it a bit as the
tapping increasses a bit more.
From the sands below, Theid hmmm's and nods, still watching the green's
movments. "She's got personality that one..." He admires as she goes by.
"It's almost over though...shame. This was fun."
M'val grins at Kassima. "I hope I *do* know." He looks, briefly subdued, at
Shilarra, with a slight thoughtful frown.
From the sands below, Jascela nods slowly at Brees and sighs as she
squeezes her hand. "Yeah. I know... And there's still an awful lot of us
left." She looks around at all the Candidates briefly before looking at the
Green. She grins as she spreads her wings. "Oh, she's so beautiful..."
From the sands below, Elseve shivers run across down her arms, har to
believe in this heat, but she does in fact shiver at the noises made by the
Jehril grins and nods. "Yeah, they say that." Whatever that means.
From the sands below, Brees nods her head to Jascela and giggles. "And full
of spunk. She's definately got spunk." She giggles a bit more her good mood
returning a bit as she watches the green. Her shifting turns to little hops
back and forth.
F'lone settled back down and pulls a small package out of his jacket pocket
and stares down at it for a few moments. He looks back down at the sands
and, with a smile, slips the package back into his jacket pocket and gives
it a soft pat.
From the sands below, P'tod walks over from the far end of the Hatching
From the sands below, Oryan laughs, "She's pretty vocal, Elsie. I think she
likes being out of that egg."
From the sands below, Tason nods slowly at Jascela, but stays quiet,
movement from another egg drawing his attention from the green.
L'son mutters to Shilarra.
L'son turns to face Shilarra for a moment. He mutters to Shilarra, "...
something... as... me. Dying... we... all too... I do not... more... that..."
From the sands below, Tap, tap, tap. Slowly, the tapping from inside the
shell becomes louder and more rapid. The Severe Clear Egg jumps and jerks
under the force of the impatient dragonet inside, and suddenly a foreleg
pops out! It is retracted and across the egg reappears again, and again,
and again. Finally nothing is left of the egg but shards, and a Cloudless
Summer Sky Blue is sitting proudly on the hot black Sands, looking with
wide eyes at this new world.
From the sands below, Harvest Moon Egg jerks to one side, rolling to one
side just a bit.
From the sands below, P'tod grins at U'lyn as he rejoins him. "Going pretty
well so far, eh? This is quite a group we'll have."
From the sands below,
Cloudless Summer Sky Blue
This blue dragonet is small, possibly the smallest blue in the clutch, yet
he is already quite nimble just out of the shell. His hide resembles the
Pernese sky on a cloudless summer day as even a hint of sunlight can be
seen on his skin if looked at from the right direction. His legs are
powerful and quick, as are his foreclaws, and the tip of his frequently
flicking tail appears to have been dipped in white.
His large eyes are constantly whirling, a bright spiral of shading that
would make any spectator dizzy, trying to take in everything around him.
His snout is rounded, not pointed, and his jaw and teeth are set, perhaps
belying a constant grin. His wings may not be large, but the blue is
overlaid with light touches of gold inherited from his mother. Streaks of
lighter blue caress his shoulders, easing the almost painful bright hue of
the rest of his body. His talons are a startling jet-black, and his left
eyeridge has a single patch of aquamarine above it, giving him a faintly
comical appearance that matches well with his curious and playful personality.
From the sands below, Sparkling Sunlit Lake Green Hatchling breezes
comfortably across the sands, still warbling her delight at absolutely
everything with more than just general cheerfulness. So what if she falls
on her face - only once. Okay, twice. Well...all right, THREE times. But
she was...just trying it out, because it was more fun that way. A group of
girls are given the once-over, her tail almost knocking all three down, but
she darts onwards - seeking that elusive One.
From the sands below, U'lyn nods slowly, eyes wide. "S'going great. And
yeah, this looks to be a /great/ group!"
Terrilia ahs softly as a little blue hatches, her smile brightening once
again. "He's so little. And lovely!"
From the sands below, Theid jumps as the eggs start to burst and pop out
dragonets here and there. Swallowing he moves back a few steps and almost
falling over his own feet. "Ow...Ow..." He jumps up and down as he stubs
his toe on something hard.
Rosmyn oohs as she notices the blue that just hatched. Her discontent ebbs
away as she nudges Jehril. "That one. He's so pretty."
Cyameth croons happily at the little blue and his lifemate.
From the sands below, Jascela giggles at the Green. "She's gonna be an
awful handful... Whoever she picks is gonna have to keep up with her." She
catches her breath a bit as she spies the Blue. "Oh, look at the gold
hilites on him!"
From the sands below, Brees giggles over at the green as she falls and gets
back up and does it again and again. "Reminds me a bit of Greenie." Then
she giggles harder at her own comparision to a stuffed toy before her gaze
flickers to the blue. "Ooh, he's pretty, too."
From the sands below, Radar is alone now, and moves closer to Brees and
Tason. He cheers softly as another blue is hatched and steps carefully over
the shards now littering the Sands to get a better look.
Miralin sighs. "Sometimes I wish Ho was still that small," she muses, only
to be interrupted by an indignant snort. "Well, only sometimes."
Ysyth wiggles a tail a bit as she sees the blue hatch. She croons his way
before looking around the ledges, and then she's looking back down.
From the sands below, Elseve misses the arrival of the blue, still watching
the green so intently, and she stops moving on the sands and then she hears
comments form the other hatchling and throws her glance towards the blue,
giving him a look over and duely oos at his coloration before looking back
at the Green, "So beautiful, all of them." She mumbles to herself.
From the sands below, Tason draws a small breath as the newest appears, a
little blue. "Now, look there, that's a nice looking one." He glances to
the side as Radar moves nearer and grins. "Don't you agree?"
Jehril beams and nods. "Really pretty. Best color. Maybe Brees'll get him."
Shilarra sighs, eyes shutting briefly as she nods and reaches to give
L'son's arm a quick squeeze. Looking out at Brees again, she murmurs, She
mutters to L'son, "... but... something... control,... her choice... to...
Maylia lifts the wineskin, saying, "To Kaylira and her Pheirth, then." A
sip later, and she extends the skin to it's owner. "Here, Kassi, have some.
Just don't drop it, huh? Now, anyone think they know where that green's
From the sands below, Oryan has to lift his feet and move around a bit, not
that there is a cooler place for him to stand on. "Elsie, that blue is just
unbelievable. At least I'll know what to expect the next time I'm at a
F'tan carefully climbs into place between Mvraeth's neckridges. His
lifemate croons gently as he makes himself secure.
Kassima assures M'val again, with a beatific sort of expression, "You will.
I'll lay marks." After a pause, she adds a bit more softly, "I do wish
Kay's father were here t'be seeing this... I think he'd be sharding proud.
Well." Wiping at her eyes with the back of a hand, she observes, "And a
pretty blue too--this clutch is just sharding perfect, 'tis nay?" Lysseth,
who nearly trumpeted herself hoarse when Kay Impressed, settels for a much
quieter rumble of assent this time. "I hope one of 'em's for Radar, now,
and for Tason, and for that Brees lass everyone's rooting for."
Mvraeth launches from the ledge and into the air.
Rosmyn giggles. "Green is best, then brown, then blue."
From the sands below, Fluria wipes sweat from her brow and lets out a
breath. "THis is going quite well," She admits with a little nod.
From the sands below, Radar nods to Tason and says, "I think so, too. I
like the patch above his left eyeridge." He touches the bright birthmark on
his forehead absently. "It makes him different."
L'son nods slowly to something Shilarra murmurs to him and goes back to
watching silently.
From the sands below, Cloudless Summer Sky Blue just sits there a moment,
taking it all in. Wow, who knew all /this/ was out here? Why wasn't he
told? He starts to step forward and stops, angling his head to see what is
under him. Black stuff! Neat! And bits of, what? He noses a bit of egg
shell, then snorts at the sand that gets in his nose.
Kassima accepts the wine, then, with an out and out beam, the better to
drain off about a quarter of it in one long pull. "All this cheering is
thirsty work. Nary a clue, though, May."
Jehril sighs, but grins as the discussion starts anew. "No, blue, then
bronze, then green, then brown. And gold...I dunno about gold. Maybe with
bronze?" He watches the green and blue closely.
From the sands below, Theid stops hopping so badly once he realizes that
there are still the green and now her new brother on the sands. He bites
down hard on his lower lip and exhales a calming sigh. Okay...everything is
almost over, and then it's time to get drunk. He folds his hands behind his
back and watches both dragonets.
F'lone grabs ahold of Hroth's straps and pulls himself up onto Hroth's back.
From the sands below, Sparkling Sunlit Lake Green Hatchling is almost
surprised in action, as from out of nowhere she's attempting to come face
to face with someone she hadn't even noticed the first time around. Ooh -
that would be...A bleat of delight resounds, as loud as certain gold
dragons were at hatching, as she darts forward, as if to topple over her
candidate of choice. Tripping at the last moment, she ends up in a pile at
Elseve's feet, but there's no harm in that, right?
From the sands below, Elseve(Elseve) has impressed !
From the sands below, Quaking and trembling, the Fog Across the Bay Egg
seems to not so much crack as shake itself apart. A tiny brown dragon
spreads wings wide, before quailing at all the noise. It's so loud, and big
and bright! He crouches down, covering his head with still slimed wings,
refusing to budge a step. Finally, drawn by the creels, Lizella comes up to
the brown, agreeing, "Yes, Gipelth, it's a very big world, but we'll see it
Lirra leans over to try to squeeze Kassima's arm warmly, smiling. "Her
father would be thrilled, you're absolutely right." She grins at Maylia
with a nod. "To Kaylira and Pheirth," she agrees, then gestures. "Which one
is Brees?" she wonders brightly towards those cheering for her.
From the sands below, Oryan gasps loudly as the impression occurs right
next to him! "ELSIE! I *KNEW* she was for you!"
From the sands below, Fluria whinces suddenly and puts a hand to her ear as
she watches the newly impressed green. "That was *loud*," She comments to
S'ris. "Was Qirith ever that loud? DIdn't seem like it at the time..."
From the sands below, Radar claps after he hears Oryan's exclamation and
says,"Congratulations, Elseve! She's a pretty green!"
Rosmyn sighs as the Green impresses to another but murmurs her part of the
enlightening discussion. "Green, brown, blue, then bronze. But Gold, well,
I guess they are best, if you are a girl"
From the sands below, Harvest Moon Egg moves just a bit more as suddenly a
little tiny hole pokes out the side, the tip of a talon just visible.
From the sands below, Tason nods to Radar, then looks back ot the blue.
"Yes it does." He glances at the green again and beams as it bleats and
trips, right up to Elseve. "Oh! Congrats Elsie!!"
M'val offers Kassima, and this time he seems fairly serious, "Well, I'll be
proud in his stead for her, shall I?" After a look downwards, he predicts,
"The blue's going to Brees." He points down at her at Lirra's question.
"That's her. She's Shilarra and L'son's," he flicks his hand in their
direction, "foster daughter. So my Valarra's foster sister."
From the sands below, Theid bounces for Elseve, "Alright! Elseve!"
Rosmyn gestures to the bright red haired lass on the sands. "Her, she's
From the sands below, Brees grins over at Elseve. "Congratulations Elsie!"
She calls over still attached by the hand to Jascela.
Terrilia smiles and nods as the green Impresses, then points, too, though
M'val got there first. "She's there...yeah." She looks toward L'son and
Shilarra again, briefly.
From the sands below, Jascela looks over at Elseve and grins broadly. "Oh,
she's beautiful, Elsie..." She clutches tightly at Brees' hand and wipes
her own sweating brow with her free hand.
From the sands below, Elseve becomes paralizes for a moment and at the next
the girl has dropped to her knees beside the green, "Dulcibeth!" She cries
out, "I'm so glad you found me!" Tears spring to the girl's face and she
reaches out a hand to touch the magnificent green.
Shilarra says with quiet pride, "Look how supportive she is of her friends,
even though she must be so nervous out there."
Jehril sighs, too, and almost pouts, though his frown softens a bit as he
sees the green with her new lifemate. He shakes his head. "Nope, you got it
wrong, Rosi. Well, maybe, if you're a girl..." He begins to make little
half-hearted shooing motions at the remaining blue.
Lirra simply beams and crosses the fingers on one hand. "Here's hoping for
her then," she enthuses at the foster parents. "Thanks, M'val. And that
hair...I think I'm envious," she decides with a chuckle, then nods firmly.
"She's a girl to be proud of, no matter what happens tonight," she suggests
K'prin nods at Shilarra's words. "And Brees is so young, anyway. There's no
harm in her waiting... since, personally, I think she's gold material myself."
From the sands below, P'tod rubs absently at his right ear as he hurries
over to Elseve and her new lifemate. "Well done, Elseve, and... Dulcibeth.
Hello there," he greets the green with a smile. He pauses to give Elseve a
chance to collect herself, then tilts his head, nodding toward the corner.
"She'll be hungry. Food's this way."
From the sands below, The Melting Icicles Egg suddenly and comically
sprouts two wings! Then the rest of the body follows, as a green dragonet
hacks her way out of the shell. The green has no hesitation, heading
straight for a lad from Fort Sea. Pritan, now P'tan, blinks, "Yes, Wolth!
I'll feed you!"
Rosmyn sits up, both fists on her hips as she eyes Jehril evenly. "And just
what is wrong with girls?"
L'son nods in agreement with Shilarra about their daughter. "Yes, well,
she's a good kid. Shards, she's no kid anymore...she's a young woman...."
And /that/ makes Lee sigh again.
Kassima accepts the squeeze with a rueful smile, reaching her hand to try
and cover Lirra's briefly. "I hope so. I do. Thankee, M'val... I appreciate
that," and she, too, is fairly serious just this once. "I don't think T'lar
would mind. A blue would be a *fine* color for anyone, so I'll hope you're
right--and there's that green Impressed; Dulcibeth, eh?"
From the sands below, Cloudless Summer Sky Blue seems to descide that there
are to many other things to see to sit here for long, but as he starts to
move he sees that long skinny blue thing following him. And look! He can
make it move! How cool is that? Sweeping the sand behind him with his tail
he ventures off to cheek out the white things that cought his eye before.
From the sands below, Theid's eyes fall on the blue and the other dragon on
the sands, grinning as one impresses. "Well this is going well." He says
with a grin to Tason.
From the sands below, S'ris tries to frame up a polite response. You know,
a diplomatic phrase, a euphemism. But alas, it's a hatching, and his mind
is on the eggs. "Qirith was louder then the shrill greens going up in a
flight." Smooooooooth. That is his name.
From the sands below, With a wiggle and a shake the Harvest Moon Egg
finally gives up. I mean, all this pounding from the inside gets old after
awhile and it might as well *CRACK*. From the hole that the dragonet has
made, a tiny green squeezes out, trumpeting her mild annoyance at the egg.
Shilarra catches K'prin's words and flashes him a genuine smile. "That she
is. Um, not that it will happen," she hastens to add more modestly, "but
she'd handle it beautifully."
From the sands below,
Vine-Covered Green Dragonet
Though she may not be the smallest of her clutch, this green manages to be
dainty, even so. Her most dominant color is an almost-dusty pale green, as
if shes come into the world already streaked by the light of the sun. This
color runs over the top of her entire body, darkening in the valleys
between her neck ridges, and at the tip of her muzzle. Her wing sails are
the same dusty sage color at their thickest point, which fades out lighter
and lighter till the expanses at the very edges hold the merest hint of
green mist. However, where many dragons are lighter in some places, she is
not, and her under-belly, and the bottom surfaces of her wings, tail and
throat are all a lush grassy color. Full of life and health and patterned
with even darker forest-greens that seems to twine around her limbs and
tail, like thick vines creeping up a wall. Her eyes are wide open, and
eager to see everything, all at once, and though her steps are precise, the
prissy-ness is tempered by new-hatched enthusiasm for life and living.
Jehril blinks at Rosmyn. What'd he say, what'd he say? Slowly, it dawns on
him. "Nothing! Nothing--but I'm a boy." And that's all there is to it. He
shrugs and turns back to the Sands, glancing at Rosmyn nervously from the
corner of his eye.
From the sands below, Elseve sniffs and stands, "I love you too, Dukcibeth.
Let's get you some food," Having barely heard P'tod, and she helps along
the dragonet, moving to the corner.
From the sands below, Tason nods to Theids' comment. "It is, and almost
over, I believe...and that might or might not be a good thing....I'll just
be happy to run to the beach and cool my heels in the water."
From the sands below, P'tod walks down to the far end of the Cavern.
From the sands below, Theid blinks and snickers as the new green appears,
"Attitude." He says to Jascela and points. "Cute though huh?"
From the sands below, Brees giggles over as she sees the blue. "Look! That
one lieks's his tail, too!" She giggles a bit more and looks over at the
next egg. "Another green! She's pretty. They're all pretty." Hop. Hop.
From the sands below, Elseve walks down to the far end of the Cavern.
From the sands below, Oryan looks over to see the new green emerge, "Oh,
boy. She's a fiesty one."
From the sands below, Dulcibeth walks down to the far end of the Cavern.
From the sands below, Fluria eyes S'ris and then falls into a few giggles.
Not much to respond to she looks out and says, "Aw! I missed her impression."
M'val remarks, "Of course, if Brees doesn't Impress here she'll come home
to Stand there. So we win either way."
From the sands below, Vine-Covered Green Dragonet huffs a big breath of air
that comes out much like a snort, obviously very happy to be free of that
awfully cramped egg. With a lofty lift of her head she turns her back on
the shards, her sentiment one of 'fine take that'. She starts to look
around after putting her wings back on her back 'just so'.
From the sands below, Divya chuckles at the blue's fascination with his
tail. She winks at Kyrola and says, "Our dragons definitely have a few
unusual children."
From the sands below, Jascela sighs softly and nods to Brees and Theid.
"Yeah. She's beautiful too... Oh, the're /all/ beautiful!"
From the sands below, Kyrola rubs her forehead absently, grinning as yet
more dragons hatch and impress. "I still say this is going by too quickly."
From the sands below, Theid hops from one foot to the other and grins,
eyeing the blue and newly arrived green. "Yes they are Jascela!" He calls
over to her and winks at Brees. "You hanging in there Red?"
Shilarra's gaze flies to M'val, something shimmering beneath the surface.
"Do you really think so, M'val? Did Riolth say something?"
From the sands below, S'ris grins at the goldrider and pats her shoulder.
"It's ok, weyrwoman. As much as you pretend, you still can't watch
everything at once."
Rosmyn quirks a brow up as Jehril splutters and after a long long moment,
she turns back to observe the sands.
From the sands below, Brees grins over at Theid and shrugs. "I'm still
here. That's about all I can say at the moment." She does wink at him
though before looking out at the two hatchlings.
From the sands below, Cloudless Summer Sky Blue paces down the scattered
line of pink and white. It seems nothing will do till he checks over each
and every one. Hmm look, this one is short and that one tall.. That one has
dark stuff on top and another light. Oh too many things to see!
From the sands below, Tason chuckles. "One amused by his tail and the other
on the fiesty side, well maybe prissy is a better word. They're both nice,
I guess." He shifts his feet again and winces, the heat is really setting
in now.
Kassima has to grin at that. "There's something t'be said for having your
children back at home, aye. A'course," she sighs, "now Kay *is* home, for
good and for true... mmm, what a lovely green."
From the sands below, Oryan looks around now that his partner has moved off
the sands. He quickly goes over to stand more closely to Jascela, "This is
all awesome."
From the sands below, Theid sends a concerned look to Tason and then
returns his eyes to the dragonets. "They're beautiful." He says, correcting
his friend's melencolyness.
Terrilia nods to M'val and smiles. "True enough..." She blinks at
Shilarra's question and shrugs, keeping an eye on the hatchlings below. "A
little early, to say, though, maybe," she murmurs.
M'val blinks at Shilarra. "Say something what? About her Standing at home?
Of course she'd Stand at home if she wants to." He pats the leg he's
sitting on. "There's something to be said for not staying home, if you're
the child. But it depends on the situation - and Impressing is hardly
something you can refuse, eh, Kassima?"
From the sands below, Radar is frazzled, sore and hot. But nothing will get
him off the Sands while there are still dragonest wandering around. He
freezes as the blue checks him out, and relaxes with a little groan of
disappointment when he moves on to another candidate.
Varina has been watching the people on the ledges as well as the youths on
the sand. She leans over to L'han and murmers, "Looks like her child
From the sands below, Vine-Covered Green Dragonet makes her way across the
sands, moving in the general direction of the candidates, but oh the shells
and shards, they are so pretty. she stops and looks at this one, then that
one. Doddling all the way, she may be all night before she gets to the
robed ones.
From the sands below, Tason makes a face at Theid, then smiles a little
bit. "Beautiful." he changes his word to agree with the others' correction.
Shilarra nods, head whipping back around and eyes anxiously searching the
Sands. "Who? Who just Impressed?"
Lirra sniffs dramatically. "And Ivrihn is just now old enough to look at
apprenticing, of all things," she adds with a rueful smile. "Our babies
grow up, they do," she comments, then lifts a brow. "Pretty shells, dear,
now find the candidates," she urges mildly.
From the sands below, After a long cycle of wiggle-hop-crack the Sun Canine
Egg rams into its partner, the Moon Canine Egg. They both fall to pieces
and the dragonets inside, a blue and a brown, fall into a tumble of limbs.
It takes them a few moments, but they seem to sort out whose legs belongs
to who and whose tail is that. And as such they make their seperate ways
across the sands, but wind up meeting again at the middle. There cries from
the happy impressees, two girls from Balen Hold, can be heard.
From the sands below, Theid arches a brow at Tason as the face is made, and
then nods. That's right. He told him alright. Heh. He returns his attention
to the sands and smiles softly.
From the sands below, P'tod walks over from the far end of the Hatching
From the sands below, Brees giggles as she looks at the green. "Definately
prissy, Tason. But cute, definately cute." Definately seems to be her word
of the night. She continues her little hop dance. "And the sand is
definately hot."
Kassima laughs softly, softly. "Nay hardly, M'val... and who'd want to,
if'n they could? I didn't. And she wouldn't. And--well, but I'm
blathering." Stifling a second laugh at Lirra's comment, she teases,
"Impatient, much? M'sympathies you have--Kris is only a bit younger than
he, y'know."
From the sands below, Jascela glances around at the remaining Candidates
and grins a bit. "I think she's taking the scenic route to us. She sure
looks curious." She sighs a bit as the blue checks her then moves on.
From the sands below, P'tod comes trotting back over, his forehead creased
with a frown. He's got a damp stain all down one leg of his pants, with
sand sticking conspicuously to the fabric.
From the sands below, Oryan cringes as the eggs collide, "What in th' heck?"
Sooth yawns and stretches, his eyes slowly unlidding as he wakes up, and
looks around to see what's happening.
Rosmyn fidgets and runs her fingers through her curly masses. "Oh shells!"
She huffs with impatience. "Just impress already, Brees, I gotta use the
From the sands below, U'lyn moves his glance over to P'tod for a moment,
eyeing his pants with curiosity. "Something wrong?"
M'val peers down, and murmurs, "I wonder if any of my children will want to
apprentice. Maybe they've inherited Mother's father's harper talent."
Jehril breaks into a fit of nervous giggles and nods. "Go to Brees, go to
From the sands below, Radar does the Candidate Shuffle in a vain attempt to
cool his hot feet and ease the burning sensation. He watches the green
loiter around and grins faintly. "She's definitely in no hurry, is she,
From the sands below, P'tod grumbles, "Someone spilled oil, and I slipped
in it." He tries again to dust the sand off with little effect but that
grains of it stick to his hands, too.
From the sands below, Fluria glances at P'tod too and she raises a brow,
tryng hard not to giggle.
From the sands below, Cloudless Summer Sky Blue finishes his inspection of
the group and pauses, only his tail swishing. Now wait. He seems to be
missing something here, what can that be? He turns and cocks his head to
watch a couple of clutch sib and suddenly brightens. OH! That's what it
was. He turns and marches back descisively to nudge a boy with dark hair,
skin and gold-brown eyes.
From the sands below, T'ao(Tason) has impressed !
From the sands below, Kyrola just covers her mouth with her hand, but her
shoulders quiver, and her eyes appear to be glittering with amusement as
she regards P'tod.
From the sands below, Theid hasn't forgotten about the black sands or how
sore his feet have become. He looks over to the stands. Who's going to give
him a foot massage? Surely one of his many admirirs. He's sooooo hot.
Wiping a hand across his forehead, he returns to smiling as the dragonets
come forth into the world to find their lifemates. "She's got guts...that's
for..." His jaw drops as Tason impresses. "Ta..." He can't even finish,
hands flying up to his mouth,.
From the sands below, Oryan cheers as the blue impresses another of his
friends, "Tason! Yay!"
"Not Brees, Tason!" Terrilia half-rises and beams at that Impression.
M'val sits up and whoops. "Yay! Oh, wow, I bet Tania will be pleased!" He
adds, "And I did bet a half-mark on him, my daughters' brother, after all."
From the sands below, Brees blinks over at Tason and grins over as she
hops. "Tason! Great!" Then she turns towards the green watching her saunter
Rosmyn jumps to her feet, doing a two step of her own as she fidgets. "Way
to go, Tason."
K'prin gives another cheer as a fellow Igenite Impresses here. Istan, now,
but still one of Igen's by default.
From the sands below, Radar is amazed as the second person he hangs out
with Impresses. He backs up two steps to give the new pair plenty of room
and says, "Congratulations, Tason! You got the best blue in the bunch!"
From the sands below, Jascela grins broadly over at Tason. "Congrats,
Tason. Oh, is he pretty..."
Miralin cheers. "Yay!"
From the sands below, Vine-Covered Green Dragonet -finally- makes it over
to some male candidates, watching the pale boy, a soft croon of concern for
him but then she is almost happily off to the next group. Nope, she isn't
in a hurry at all, everyone can just wait for her, she knows they will
'cause she is cute!
From the sands below, As fewer and fewer eggs are left upon the sands the
Crisp Autumn Sky Egg shivers for a few moments. Crack form and suddenly a
blue bursts forth from it. His head shakes and dislodges a bit of shell,
then he looks about in bewilderment. A moment later a loud crack from a
nearby egg sends him galloping forward recklessly. He downs a young man
from the Smithcraft and impression is made!
Shilarra grins finally, clapping when Tason Impresses and breathing a quiet
Kassima whistles sharply at this latest Impression, brightening another
notch. "Tason, 'tis! That's excellent--you remember, Lirra, May, he's Stood
at Telgar? And so did his mother; she'll be so thrilled!"
Void chirples merrily when the smith impresses.
Lirra snaps her fingers, but with an amiably laugh, and flips the sixteenth
piece at Kassima. "There you go, you win, fair and square," she offeres,
then beams. "And all the better! Better if we'd gotten him, but still so!"
From the sands below, P'tod adds, "I can't believe nobody had the sense to
clean it up. I mean honestly, do I have to tell folks to do everything?" A
pause, and he says in a more even tone, "I don't mean you, of course,
U'lyn. Oh, look, you'd best go take care of Tason."
From the sands below, Theid moves out of the way and lets Tason get to know
his lifemate. A touch of sadness in his mismatched eyes. More tears come
and he quickly wipes them away. So he moves to stand with Brees and
Jascela. "Miss me?" He sniffs.
Terrilia settles back, grinning, and nods. "I bet on all of the Igenites,"
she admits. She shakes her head slightly and smiles at M'val again. "I was
just going to say I wonder about Taliene sometimes, whether she might make
a good Harper."
From the sands below, Jascela flashes Theid a quick grin and nods. "Of
course..." She turns her head back to watch the Green very intently.
From the sands below, Tason is about to reply to a half dozens comments at
once but the words won't come. Only an open mouth and stuttering sound of
"Uhh..." He shakes his head, as if to clear it and looks down.
"I...Beneith...This is the hatching sands at Ista...and you're on
sand...and you're hungry, that's why your belly is making noises...You need
food!" He drops down, and wraps his arms around the blue gently. "I'm so
happy I've found you!"
M'val tells Kassima, "Tania Impressed with me and Val and Delia and," he
pauses, "never mind, I oughtn't list them all. And she's Tamira and Miria's
mother, and you're right, she'll be ecstatic! I know she was on eggshells
about it." He bounces on Riolth's leg again, beaming down at the new
Impressee. "Tali? Oh, yeah, Celie was a Harper - she might be!"
From the sands below, Brees offers her free hand out to Theid and laughs.
"Miss you? Why would we do that?" She jokes softly then turns to look at
that green. "She's so pretty, and she knows it, doesn't she?"
From the sands below, Oryan watches Theid come over. "This is all just
From the sands below, Vine-Covered Green Dragonet turns her back on some
more candidates, her tail swishing out behind her. She has no mind that it
could be in the way, she doesn't even know it is there yet.. until she
hears the scrambling to get out of its way. Turning until she can see it
she just stares, well look at what I have!
Jehril grins as Tason Impresses and both his mother and Rosmyn cheer.
There's still Brees, though, and he quickly focuses on the green hatchling
From the sands below, U'lyn blinks once or twice, catching Tason's
impression out of the corner of his eye. With a slow gait, he makes his way
up to him. "Oh, good going, Tason...or whatever it is now! Let's go get
Beneith some food," he says, motioning again towards the gathering of other
weyrlings in the corner.
Varina nudges L'han, beside her, pointing down at the sands. "Did you see
that red hair down there?" she indicates a young candidate standing to the
side. "S'not another cousin, is it?"
Rosmyn giggles. "She can yell good enough in the nursery, she'd be a good
harper." She hops from foot to foot now, urging Brees on.
From the sands below, T'ao nods and stands back up again, keeping one hand
placed against Beneiths' neck. "Yes sir!"
M'val chuckles at Rosmyn's answer. "And she's so active, she'd be a great
journey-harper. She's got all the markings."
L'han blinks and stretches out to peer over the ledge. "What? Another one?
Can't be.."
From the sands below, T'ao walks down to the far end of the Cavern.
From the sands below, U'lyn walks down to the far end of the Cavern.
From the sands below, Beneith croons happily T'ao again and paces along
side his lifemate.
From the sands below, At last the Fall's Raindstorm Turns to Hail Egg gives
a final crack. As the shells shatter the dragonet inside that had been
clawing to be freed, a brown, slumps onto the sands. For a moment he
doesn't move and then with renewed vigor he is on his feet. Sluggishly he
crosses the sands and then comes to rest before a young weyrbred girl named
Kera. The impression is quiet as she whispers her lifemates name, Sumneth,
and they very carefully and slowly move off the sands.
From the sands below, Theid takes Brees' hand, sticking out his tongue at
her. "Shush you." He teases, trying to keep back the sadness in his voice.
Losing all his friends one by one. He glances over to Oryan and nods before
his eyes fall onto the green. "She's taking her dear sweet time..."
Kassima chortles as she pockets Lirra's mark. "Nay that I'd have minded so
much, this one Hatching, if'n I lost--but 'tis still good t'win! Oh," she
then turns to assure with a grin, "'twas at the Hatching, M'val... and your
mother *didn't* react like that as I recall, t'belatedly answer your
question. Pass on m'congratulations and greetings to her, would you? I've
nay seen her since she left Telgar, methinks. Now, where's that green
heading to?"
Terrilia grins and nods to both M'val and Rosmyn, chuckling. "Something
like that. I think she might be good at it. You should've heard her singing
the other day..." Her eyes narrow and she frowns, looking toward Rosmyn.
"Actually, you really should've. I don't suppose you've been singing any
sea songs to her, have you, Rosi?"
Varina shrugs, clucking her tongue. "Do you possibly know them all?" she
drawls... but then is distracted, watching another dragonet on the sands.
Rosmyn has the grace to actually blush and feigns deafness, her eyes wide
as saucers as she looks down at the bowl. "Say, do you think Brees will
From the sands below, P'tod hurriedly ushers Kera and Sumneth over to the
corner with the others, then returns to survey the mostly emptied sands,
carefully picking his way through eggshards as he walks.
From the sands below, Beneith walks down to the far end of the Cavern.
Terrilia snorts and smirks. "We'll talk about it later," she promises.
M'val bobs his head. "Will do, Kassima. I'm sure she'll be glad to hear."
He waves his fingers at her. "And you owe me a half-mark. Or I might owe
you one, depending whether Brees does Impress."
K'prin clucks his tongue. "I just don't know... Brees doesn't strike me as
a greenrider, personally. I think that lad next to her, whassis name,
Theid? I think he's more the green type."
From the sands below, Vine-Covered Green Dragonet doesn't chase her tail,
she just looks at it, making it move this way and that, well isn't that
just the coolest. A rumble in her tummy bring her back to the matter at
hand, right. She heads towards a boy and girl, her next fascination being
the girl's red hair. Tilting her head, making her choice just like that.
From the sands below, Brees(Brees) has impressed !
K'prin gives a holler. "Well, I'm glad I'm wrong!"
L'son exhales slowly, closing his eyes. Lacroith bugles his best and shifts
his wings against his sides.
Jehril has been watching that little green hatchling closely, and he jumps
to his feet cheering. "Brees! Brees Brees Brees!"
Zava climbs up on an extended foreleg, grabs the riding straps, and mounts
Shilarra gasps, eyes widening. She steps closer to the edge blinking back
tears even as she smiles and shouts, "Oh, congratulations, Brees!"
From the sands below, Oryan watches the green take interest in Brees and
then smiles as he sees that the conenction has been made, "Brees! Oh,
that's wonderful! She so pretty!"
Rachuth launches from the ledge and into the air.
Kassima opens her mouth to comment, but pauses then; her eyes focus fully
on the Sands. "For what 'tis worth, M'val," she laughs, "for once, I'm glad
enough t'be losing! Felicitations t'her!"
M'val jumps to his feet, balancing on Riolth, and whoops gleefully, louder
than before. "Yaaaaaah! Go, Brees! Yay!" He drops down again, hands between
his legs to cushion his landing as he straddles Riolth's leg. "Yah! Go
From the sands below, Theid lets go of Brees' hand as she impresses and
smiles, "Congrats Red!!" He beams and moves to stand with the rest of the
left over Candidates.
Rosmyn jumps up and down, which doesn't help her bladder much, as she
shouts. "Yay, Brees!!" She dances around Jehril, screeching like a wherry.
"She's a greenrider. Just like my Mamma! I knewed it, I told ya."
L'han starts to laugh at the chanting.
From the sands below, Radar joins his voice with the other ones calling out
their congratulations to Brees and her new lifemate.
Lirra applauds brightly, letting out a loud whistle. "Congratulations,
dear!" she calls out to the sands, beaming, then grins at the girl's
family. "And to all of you! It's a fine pairing!"
Terrilia beams and jumps up, too. "Congratulations, Brees! A lovely green!"
She grins and nods to M'val, Shilarra, K'prin, and everyone else around.
From the sands below, Jascela gasps as she sees the Green staring at Brees.
She slowly releases her hand and steps away a bit. "Oh, Red..." She sniffs
a bit and wipes at her eyes.
From the sands below, Brees stares down for a moment then a smile spreads
over her face until she's beaming at the green. She drops down to her knees
in the hot sand letting go of the hands that were her lifeline. "I know,
Madieth." She says throwing her arms around teh green in a hug. "We'll
always be together, always." A tear streams down one side of her face.
From the sands below, U'lyn walks over from the far end of the Hatching
From the sands below, And so it is one of the last, if not the last, eggs
gives forth its occupant. From the Desert Sandstorm Egg a small and wiry
blue plows forth. His headlong drive from the shattered shell drives him
off balance and he tumbles forward into the legs of a girl from Ista Hold.
There is a cry of happyness and the pair is led off the sands.
From the sands below, P'tod picks up his boot to pull a large chunk of
shell off it, then makes his way over to Brees with a broad smile.
"Excellent, Brees. Well done - you and Madieth both. Let's get her over to
the food." He gestures toward the corner, and, with a nod to the other
Candidates gathered around, heads off to lead the way.
Rosmyn sniffles and rubs at her eye with a balled up fist. "But that means
she's gonna be gone from Igen forever.." Her lower lip trembles and a good
wail threatens to erupt from the girl.
Jehril giggles happily and hugs Rosmyn, still bouncing. "Yay Brees!" He's
beaming as he looks around...until Rosmyn starts to sniffle. He frowns and
thinks that over. "She'll come visit...?"
From the sands below, Brees nods her head beaming over at P'tod and stands
up draping an arm over the green. "Yeah. Food. That would be good." She
says dreamily and starts over.
From the sands below, P'tod walks down to the far end of the Cavern.
From the sands below, Brees walks down to the far end of the Cavern.
M'val leans forward. "She'll come visit, Rosmyn. Probably as soon as they
can - we're close by, she may even be able to come for their first long
straight flights. And we can bring you to visit too, hey?"
From the sands below, Madieth walks down to the far end of the Cavern.
L'son stands up and brushes off his pants. "That's that" he murmurs,
apparently done with the hatching after seeing what befell his daughter.
L'son tugs Lacroith's straps, drawing the dragon away from the hatching.
"Come on...we've got other daughters to tend. Brees is in good hands, Lochy."
Miralin jumps up and down. "Yay Brees!"
From the sands below, Fluria brings her hands together and glances across
the sands. THen she turns to S'ris and nods a little bit. There is a
slightly resigned look on her face as she glances out at the other
candidates. Slowly she moves forward towards those grouped on the sands and
gives them all a small smile. "Candidates..." She starts to say and then
pauses quietly. "I know how you must feel. I have stood where you do once
before I impressed to Qirith. And as such I wish to let you all know you
are most welcome to remain on here at Ista Weyr. You have an assured place
here and we hope you will go away from this experience the richer for it.
And perhaps we will see you on these sands or other ones again in the near
Shilarra wraps her arms around herself, wetness touching her cheeks. "At
least she'll never have to worry about being alone again. I don't think she
ever stopped worrying, Lee. Now she'll always have her lifemate. Such a
pretty name, too." Her throat seems to close as she finishes and she takes
a shuddering breath.
Terrilia hears Rosmyn and offers a hug, too, nodding in agreement with
M'val. "You'll see her again, don't worry. Just be glad for her."
From the sands below, Radar looks out at the goo-and-shell littered Sands,
and down at his bare feet, then back up to the people to hear the Weyrleaders.
From the sands below, Jascela sighs softly and looks around the suddenly
quiet sands. She looks up as the Weyrwoman approaches and sniffs back some
sudden tears.
From the sands below, Theid smiles and listens, but he hears the call of
the alcohol and he will answer it soon. Oh yes. He manages to hold back his
From the sands below, Kyrola remains silent, a slightly pained look on her
face as Fluria speaks, pain mixed in with gratitude. "Thanks for doing the
speech," she murmurs to the Weyrwoman softly.
From the sands below, U'lyn comes out just in time to pick up the last
impressee from Ista Hold, and escorts her off.
From the sands below, U'lyn walks down to the far end of the Cavern.
Rosmyn hugs Jehril tight, quick as wink and releases the younger child just
a s quick. "I know, I gotta a cousin at Ista. Nagger's granddaughter." She
rubs at her eye again, embarrassed and flags down a passing Igen
greenrider, whispering in his ear, then gratefully crawls up his dragon. "I
gotta find the necessary and my Da."
L'han grins, turning to slap Maireth on the neck, "Exciting to see them
hatch, isn't it? Can't believe how long it's been since you came tumbling
Varina blinks. "Over.." she murmers. "It's over?" She leans over to peer,
sure that there must be another.
L'son nods slightly to Shilarra, smiling a bit at what she says. "That's
very true. And certainly she'll have someone protecting her as much as
possible when we can't." Lee pulls himself up onto Lacroith and they draw
out towards the sky.
L'son easily climbs and pulls himself up to Lacroith's neckridges where he
diligently straps in.
Maireth curls his head around to wuffle the tiny weaver woman.
M'val chokes. "Nagger has a *granddaughter*?" He looks thoroughly appalled
at the news.
From the sands below, Oryan is still looking totally awe struck at the
whole thing. There's no trace of upset or disappointment on his face. "It's
been beyond anything I could have expected, ma'am. I'm just glad I had the
chance to be here."
Rosmyn hisses her urgency to the greenrider, ignoring his chuckle of
amusement as they glide down towards the bowl.
Terrilia chuckles and waves to Rosmyn as she reaches for Jehril's hand.
"Come on, we should get home. Tirien'll be hungry," she says quietly. She
watches Shilarra and L'son for a moment before moving to Cyameth's side.
Viridis climbs up onto Mraeleth, settling comfortably between the blue
Shilarra looks around, seeming slightly lost as people around her seem to
Varina's skirts get mussed by a simple whuffle from the great brown
Maireth, and she looks up at him, smoothing her skirts back into place
Jehril nods and takes his mother's hand, still peering down at the Sands to
see if maybe there was one last egg somewhere.
Kassima's beatific glow fades just a tiny bit as she stares down at the
Sands and the final Candidates. "The good part never stops being good," she
murmurs to those nearest. "And the bad part... never stops being bad. Are
you lot headed back t'Telgar?"
From the sands below, Fluria glances at Kyrola and nods with a smile. "It's
always hard to do." She says quietly and then turns back to the candidates.
"However, right now there are festivities and celebration within the Living
Cavern which I encourage you to enjoy!"
Mraeleth launches from the ledge and into the air.
From the sands below, Divya mutters to Kyrola, "... the... part of...
Hatching. I'm glad... speech!"
M'val beams down towards the Sands again, then looks at Shilarra
questioningly, still straddling Riolth's foreleg.
Maireth croons apologetically
From astride Lacroith, L'son calls to Shilarra from Lacroith's neck ridges,
ready to lift away. "Are you okay to get a ride back with one of the other
Igen riders? I'm heading off to Telgar to see Kich and Kira."
From the sands below, Kyrola nods quickly to Divya. She mutters to Divya,
"I couldn't... it,... know... like not... impress."
Miralin squints one last time. "I guess that's all of them." She grabs hold
of Hosozoth's flight straps and swings herself into the saddle.
Miralin steps lightly upon Hosozoth's forearm and vaults to her seat
between her lifemate's first two ridges, swinging up easily.
Void launches from the ledge and into the air.
Shilarra nods distractedly. "I'll, uh, I'll be fine, Lee."
From the sands below, S'ris looks on with sympathy as the speech is given.
The Speech. At least he doesn't have to make it this time.
From the sands below, Jascela squirms from foot to foot and looks up at
Fluria. "Do we go back the way we came out? My feet are getting awful sore
Astride Lacroith, L'son nods slowly and urges Lochy onward.
Lacroith launches from the ledge and into the air.
From the sands below, Fluria gives Jascela a smile and says, "Yes you can,
so you can change," And she gestures back towards the stairs that lead to
the Candidate Quarters.
Lirra stretches in her seat fitfully, smiling sadly down at the sands, then
nods at Kassima, smile brightening. "I think so, yes. Are you staying on to
see Kaylira? Or do you want to come back when she's settled?"
Jehril climbs up onto Cyameth with the blue's help as he extends his foreleg.
From the sands below, Theid nods his head. "Please?" He asks, begging with
big mismatched eyes.
From atop lovely Hosozoth, Miralin sighs. "Hatchings."
From the sands below, Theid heads out towards the entrance.
M'val grins up at Miralin briefly. "I love Hatchings." Then he looks back
at Shilarra, head tilting to one side.
Terrilia helps Jehril up and takes hold of Cyameth's riding straps herself,
but pauses a moment, watching.
From the sands below, Jascela heads out towards the entrance.
From the sands below, Radar heads out towards the entrance.
From the sands below, Oryan looks around the sands once more before turning
to go back to the Candidate's Quarters.
From the sands below, Oryan heads out towards the entrance.
Shilarra turns slowly, arms still wrapped around herself, and seeks at
M'val with her still moist eyes. Smiling tremulously, she takes a step
towards him and Riolth before pivoting towards the Sands again.
M'val holds his hand out, then lets it drop as he watches her turn back.
"Shil? You all right?"
From the sands below, Kyrola /sags/... "Wow. That was fast," she states in
an over-obvious tone. She looks up, where Zaith is already unfurling her
wings, getting ready to leave.
Terrilia nimbly climbs up between her lifemate's neckridges as Cyameth
rumbles happily and helpfully offers a foreleg.
M'llon stands up and smiles at Kariel, "Ready to go back now?"
From the sands below, Divya asks Kyrola, "Mind if I stick around for a
couple of days before heading back to 'Reaches?"
Kassima considers this a few moments; her answer is thoughtful.
"Methinks... if'n I remember right what 'tis like, she'd scarce notice
'twas there if'n I saw her tonight, and that's as it should be. I might
wait, and spend this night drinking and dancing or some such wildness in
celebration." A fleeting grin follows that. "With a stop at the Weyr first,
methinks--I've nay enough alcohol here!"
Kariel nods with a smile on her face, "Yes, sir. It's been spectacular."
From between Cyameth's neckridges, Terrilia waves to those remaining and
grins again. "Clear skies, everyone. Good to see you."
From the sands below, Fluria glances at Kyrola and nods her head. "Yes it
is. And now Zaith can go hunt herself," She says with a wink. "I better go
and socialize in the caverns." A pause and she smiles at Divya. "I don't
see why not." Then she takes S'ris by the hand and moves towards the Corner
of the Sands.
From the sands below, Fluria walks down to the far end of the Cavern.
From the sands below, Kyrola smiles to Divya. "I would hope you would stay
for a bit longer, actually... so unless Fluria suddenly needs a healer, I'd
say you're welcome..."
Cyameth launches from the ledge and into the air.
Lirra can't help but laugh at that, clapping the other greenrider's arm as
she climbs to her feet. "Here now, I'll help you drink to that!" she
enthuses. "Which wither way, Wingleader? I feel inclined to dance!" she
enthuses. Kaath simple snorts in full draconic amusement.
Shilarra takes a step backwards before wiping her eyes roughly and
straighening her shoulders. Taking a breath she turns and towards M'val.
"I...I guess I'm just a bit overwhelmed."
M'llon smiles, "Let's go home then."
Kariel nods and reaches for Lloyth's straps.
Kariel climbs up onto Lloyth's back, as the dragon warbles a greeting.
Atop slender green Hosozoth, Miralin waves to M'val and Shilarra. "See
y'all back at the ranch."
K'prin smiles. "Well, Braisheith, you got to see several new greens. Just
do us both a favor and give them a chance to rise before you start plotting
how to catch them." He rolls his eyes at a nearby rider. "Young Browns. So
enthusiastic, so much more to learn."
Varina watches the unchosen candidates file away. She's not as intimately
connected to the hatching process as the Riders are, and she finds much
poignancy here. "Wow... what a bittersweet time for so many," she muses.
Lloyth launches from the ledge and into the air.
Hosozoth drops off the ledge and flicks her bright wings open to catch a
warm updraft.
K'prin carefully climbs into place between Braisheith's neckridges. The
brown dragon rumbles affectionately as he settles into place.
Hosozoth launches from the ledge and into the air.
M'val holds his hand out again. "It's a bit that way, I suppose, yes. Do
you want to stay for the party, and maybe see her if she comes out of the
barracks? Some do, some don't."
L'han quirks a grin and wraps an arm around Varina's shoulders. "C'mon.
Care for a drink?"
M'llon , with the help of Bromith's foreleg, climbs up onto Bromith's back
and buckles themselves in.
Bromith turns his head to warble at M'llon.
Bromith launches from the ledge and into the air.
Lysseth> Kaylira senses that Lysseth reaches out with a feather-light touch
to brush your mind, and Pheirth's, from afar; it's something she's never
done with you before, but her mental signature is likely unmistakable with
that voice so like, yet unlike, her rider's. << We wish for you both to
know, >> she nearly-whispers, a crystal resonance that shines with silver
light, << how much we love you both, and how proud we are of you. >> And
indeed, there's a moment's outpouring of deep maternal love and delight,
before the green withdraws as gently as she began.
Shilarra grabs the proffered hand firmly. "I think so. Will you be staying,
Varina lets herself be led by L'han. "One drink, only," she responds
firmly. "One drink."
M'val says, cheerfully, "If you're staying, I'm staying, eh?"
From the sands below, Divya smiles and says, "Thanks, Kyrola. I appreciate
it." She pats her lifemate on the flank and gets herself off the Sands
before she melts.
L'han teases, giving the shoulders a squeeze. "Okay. One large drink."
L'han hops up onto Maireth's back, using his foreleg as a step.
From the sands below, Zaith turns her head to her rider in a clear 'come
with?' gesture.
Kassima is silent a moment or two in communion with her dragon, and there's
a fresh tear in her eyes when she comes out of it... which she doesn't
explain, instead wiping them away in favor of a grin for Lirra. "Oh, you
choose--to Telgar and the Cavern, or to Boll and the Lounge?"
From the sands below, Divya heads out towards the entrance.
Braisheith warbles a farewell as he takes off from the ledge.
Braisheith vaults his bulky mass into the air, looking down briefly at Ista
Weyr Hatching Ledges below as he rises.
Braisheith launches from the ledge and into the air.
From the sands below, Konnevath leaps up in a spray of sand to land on a
Shilarra more fully and nods, climbing up beside M'val. "Let's go, then."
M'val grins, and heads up the rest of the way along Riolth's leg to the
neck. "All right, then," he says cheerfully. "I'm in the mood for a party -
Elisse *and* Tason *and* Brees!"
M'val climbs up Riolth's leg, onto the bronze's neck.
Varina hops up onto Maireth's back, using his foreleg as a step.
Shilarra climbs up Riolth's leg, onto the bronze's neck.
Maireth turns to regard Varina for a long moment, best as he can turn, anyway.
Maireth launches from the ledge and into the air.
Lirra simply watches, arms folded, with a brilliant smile, and waits
patiently. "How is she?" she wonders, not really specifying which 'she'.
She brightens then. "Oh, let's hit Boll? I haven't been there in ages, and
R'ehn and Ivrihn went home to visit the grandparents, so I've not a
responsibilty in the world right now." There's an amused rumble. "Er,
except you, lovey," she asides to Kaath.
Riolth launches from the ledge and into the air.
"Oh, well, I'm sure--I don't *know*," Kassi admits, smiling wryly. "Lyss
didn't stay t'be chatting, but how else could she be? I'm *all* for Boll,
and celebrating 'til the moons are sunk--'Maeva has charge of the other
children, and they'll doubtless be celebrating too, but I should hope in
different fashion! After you, then?"
Lirra can't help a delighted laugh, shaking her head. "I should -hope-! And
now lets you and I go and find whatever new concoction they have today,"
she suggests brightly, and bounces over to swing up atop Kaath.
Lirra turns her head and smiles when Kaath wanders near.
Lirra hops up onto Kaath's back, using her foreleg as a step.
You place one hand on Lysseth's neck and she warbles down at you fondly.
You grin and scratch her eyeridges once before climbing up onto her lower
neckridges, using the riding straps and Lysseth's thoughtfully offered
Kassima climbs up onto her dragon with just a bit of difficulty--those
skirts and the heavy wineskin and all--and sets to buckling herself in,
agreeing all the while, "So long as 'tisn't a Brown Dragon--but just this
once, I might even drink *that*, in honor of beautiful bonny Pheirth!"
Telgar Weyr> Ursa does the skippy happy CONGRATS to Dassi and Kaylira dance
Telgar Weyr> Kassima beams at Ursa. :) And she couldn't do better than to
Impress brown, hmmm? ;)
Telgar Weyr> Lirra dances as well! Snoopy dance of joy!
Telgar Weyr> Zaidra is just tickled over Kaylira, herself.
Telgar Weyr> Ursa says, "Err. Where'd that D come from? I know how to spell
Kassi. really. And hi5s! Another brownrider!"
<*> From the sands below, Fluria walks over from the far end of the
Hatching Cavern.
<*> From the sands below, Fluria heads out towards the entrance.
Telgar Weyr> Kaylira must do the happy dance here. must!
Telgar Weyr> Ursa says, "Congrats Kaylira!"
Telgar Weyr> Kaylira says, "thanks. :) We browns rock."
Telgar Weyr> Macami says, "Aye, female brownriders are just the coolest. :)"
Telgar Weyr> Zaidra tends to agree. :)
Telgar Weyr> Kaylira wants to keep her puppeter.
<*> From the sands below, P'tod walks over from the far end of the Hatching
<*> On Kaath, Lirra works at strapping herself in, laughing. "Oh, all
right, no Brown Dragon. Maybe they can mix a Green and Bronze, though," she
adds with a merry eyebrow-waggle, then pulls her helmet on. "After you!"
<*> From the sands below, I'sai pauses amidst the shards, dipping a hand
briefly down; and then, with a glance up to the ledges, escorts the
new-made weyrlings on.
<*> From the sands below, I'sai heads out towards the entrance.
"And what would we call that," Kassi teases back, "a Mating Flight?"
Without waiting for any groans that might be forthcoming, she gives Lyss
the signal, and the green springs from the ledges with a downsweep of wings.
You launch yourself from the ledge and into the air.