-------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Hatching of Kimbrith's Third Clutch Date: October 5, 1997 Place: Benden Weyr's Viewing Ledges Game: PernMUSH Copyright Info: The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kassi's Note: In a way, it was the end of an era. Benden Weyr's last Hatching--and, I'd like to think, one of its finest. :) This was a marvelous event for me certainly, and hopefully for all concerned. Congrats again to the Impressees, and many thanks and credits are due from us all to the men and women of Benden who worked to make this such a spectacular occasion. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Log: K'tel waits until Zmeth crouches low, then grabs a hold of the riding straps and slides quickly down his side, landing in a crouch. He straightens up and slaps Zmeth affectionately. Jerissa lithely jumps down off of Amrieth. Her eyes glaze for a brief moment and she smiles, whilst the green whuffles her hair affectionately. Taelenna slowly dismounts her blue, waving to those she knows and peering down at the sands. G'rel, hearing the greeting, walks the short distance to Katany and smiles to her. "I hoped to see you at Igen when I last visited. The two of you were asleep." he nods toward Irrylath. His manner is relaxed, with bare hint of formality. Meli takes a seat on Juliath's foreleg, and settles in for the long haul. From the hatching sands, Merla nods, and smiles. K'ri moves forward and sits on Marth's foreleg to watch the moving eggs... Jerissa grins and waves to some of the other Benden riders, taking a position near them, hand resting lightly on Amrieth's foreleg. Eager eyes look towards the sands, scanning to try and watch everything. K'tel waves to Taelenna then walks down towards the Igen weyrwoman. He glances about nodding to the other riders. Dragon> All dragons sense that Kimbrith begins to hummm as her eggs begin to rock on the sands. Dragon> All dragons sense that Adonith hmmmmmmmmmmmms happily, proudly, for the queen, for Benden. Katany's smile grows a little, her tone very polite. "I have been trying to catch up on my rest. Does Ista continue to treat you well?" Kassima slides down to a seat on Lysseth's foreleg, mindful of her kilt, with a skin of wine already in hand. "Benden's duties to everyone and everywhere!" she greets cheerfully, waving over to Meli as she espies her friend. Katany motions K'tel over, making room for him to sit nearby. Zmeth's eyes turn faster and he begins his own deep hum. Dragon> All dragons sense that Lysseth adds her voice to the growing chorus of hummmmmmmmmmmms. Dragon> All dragons sense that Daelyth adds her voice to that of the Benden gold, humming joyfully. Herath flies here from the air over the hatching sands. Meli smiles over at Kassi, brow rising in appreciation as she spots the skin. "Well prepared, s'always, neh Kassi?" G'rel returns the smile, much warmer, and nods. "Ista treats everybody well..." he replies. "And... your new duty?" Dragon> All dragons sense that Parth hums in harmony with Kimbrith as he stops pacing on the sands as the eggs begin to rock. He sounds rather pleased, happy and excited all at once. Kindre gives Herath's neck a loving rub before she slips down with the polished ease of familiarity. The gold's eyes seem to burn through Kindre until she is certain her lifemate is sure-footed on the ground, then turn equally as hot to the surroundings in a quick survey. Hanneth flies here from the air over the hatching sands. Dragon> All dragons sense that Oerth Oerth hmmmmmmmmsssssssss loudly, adding her voice to the Benden dragons. Miran gives her lifemate a loving pat before swinging a leg easily over Hanneth's slender dark neck and jumping lightly to the ground. K'tel sits down, glancing at G'rel and half-listening. Kindre waves a cheery hello to those familiar and not. "Benden's duties," she calls before slipping in to a group of friends. Katany says "An unfortunate circumstance, but Shandra seems to have handled the transition well. And -- I find that the work keeps me busy." Dragon> All dragons sense that Prometh rumbles deeply, a sound so deep that it nearly echoes through the stones as he watches the eggs on the sands start to move. "But of course," Kassi replies, grinning. "With kilt, wine... and a bet. I say the first to hatch will be bronze--we could use a dose of luck, nay? What say you--oh, Kindre, there you are!" Katany asks G'rel, "Have you met Igen's Weyrsecond?" She motions to K'tel helpfully. Taura hops down Sharreth's side to the ground, as the dragon rumbles softly. Jerissa grins at Kindre, "About time they hatched, I was begining to wonder if they would!" she remarks cheerfully, sweeping hair from her face. Dragon> All dragons sense that Lorieth joins her throaty hummmmmmmmm in with all others... Dragon> All dragons sense that Leilanth hummmms. Meli adds her hello to the chorus of those welcoming the junior weyrwoman, from her spot on Juliath, then chuckles as Kassi launches directly into the heart of the matter. "Bronze... ayeh, some good luck'd be right welcome t'day." Taelenna glances up from the sands just in time to see Hanneth and Sharreth land. Smiling, she pats Vallith's hide once, then heads over to greet her friends. G'rel gives a small nod to that. "Yes... it seems like I never had a time for myself as the Weyrleader. But... I miss it now." he replies without even a twitch in his voice. Lorieth flies here from the air over the hatching sands. From the hatching sands, Prometh flies down from above. From the hatching sands, K'tyn slides down Prometh's fiery bronze flank to come to rest on the ground. Prometh swings his head around to regard his lifemate gently. J'lyn slides down Lorieth's shoulder to her forelimb, then jumps to the ground. From the hatching sands, Parth abruptly stops pacing, and settles down beside Kimbrith. A rumbling hum seems to come from the depths of his throat, reverberating through the cavern, vibrating stone. His head turns slightly as he nuzzles at Kimbrith. Katany says "Perhaps Keth will fly another Senior Queen. It has been known to happen." Lysseth's throat resonates with her hummmmmmmmmmmm of greeting for the hatchlings, as her eyes begin to whirl a rapid blue. "That'd please Lyss well, I think," Kassi remarks dryly. "Well, 'tis unfortunate that you think so--if'n all agree, how'm I supposed t'make any wagers?" Kindre pats the marks pouch at her side before murmuring something quietly of luck and Slithereth and Reaches brownriders. "Well, I had some things to finish and Herath as usual," she gives the gold a suffered look, "hardly gave me enough to to change." Miran scoots herself between Hanneth's dainty front feet and swings her legs off the edge of the ledge. From the hatching sands, E'ryn claps his hands together and rubs them as he straightens. "Well, it looks like its time." As Prometh and K'tel land on the sands, he nods over toward them and gives the Weyrleader a warm smile. Meli just grins at her friends, leaning back and arching up just far enough to grab the lowest of her weyrhide bags, hanging from Juliath's straps. From the hatching sands, Jehrina emerges from the candidate barracks. G'rel turns to the hands slowly, starting to pay more attention to the events as his dragon joins the humming. Eventually he replies, "Perhaps it's a question of whether he wants to... And whether I want." He gives a light shrug at that, adding, "Of course, if and when the duty calls, I can't refuse." From the hatching sands, Prometh rumbles deeply, regarding both queen and sire with a respectful gaze. "Indeed, E'ryn. It seems to be." K'tyn seems quite at ease, anticipation making him smile widely. From the hatching sands, E'ryn smiles at Jehrina as well, and calls a greeting to the Weyrwoman from where he stands near the dragons, and Merla. "Ah, there's Jehrina," Meli murmurs, before turning her attention to the sack. Flipping it open, she starts rummaging inside, one ear tuned to the hubbub around her. From the hatching sands, Jehrina and Merla nods once at each other, surveying the sands with interest. "The Candidates should be out momentarily." Katany says "And when the opportunity presents itself. I doubt you would care to leave Ista." Miran leans over toward Taura and Taelenna. "How many eggs are there? I forgot my spectacles, shard it." From the hatching sands, Suzot emerges from the candidate barracks. K'tel leans forward, "There they are. I don't think I know any this time." To no-one in particular. Kassima squints, leaning forward on her lifemate's neck to peer down at the sands. "Look," she exclaims, nudging V'dan with her elbow sharply enough that he yelps in protest. "Methinks the first of the Candidates are arriving, nay?" G'rel glances aside to Katany and nods. He mutters to Katany, "It's a... now." he replies. Then adds, in a lower voice, lost in the general noise, "Weyrleader sometimes has to sacrifice his wingmates. Weyrwoman her heart." Taelenna takes a seat next to Miran, swinging her legs over the edge much like the other 'Reaches rider did. Peering out, she says, "I don't know, Miran...lots, of course, but...oh! There's Su." She points at the Candidate below. Kindre's eyes narrow as she tries to peer at the body crossing the sands below. "Is that Suzot? I can hardly tell from here..." Taura follows Taelenna's finger, "That one?" Katany presses her lips tight together, dropping her eyes as she murmurs a reply. Meli's lips twitch ever so slightly as Kassi pesters her favorite target yet again, but finally she says "Aha!" in a soft voice, and removes a package from the sack. A loafish package, wrapped in a soft cloth. From the hatching sands, Ceria emerges from the candidate barracks. Miran shakes her head. "I don't know her. I think she was a candidate while I was away." K'tel glances over at G'rel, hearing some of that. He eyes Katany for a moment then refocusses on the candidates. From the hatching sands, Suzot bows to the three dragons; to Jehrina, Merla, E'ryn, and K'tyn; and then (perhaps in some misguided attempt not to miss anything) to the Eggs. Taelenna nods at Taura, "That's her, all right," then turns to Miran and nods to her as well. "She Stood with Taura and me." From the hatching sands, Ceria bows nervously to the dragons and their riders. Her emerald eyes shine with excitement and fear. Katany mutters to G'rel, "... is... to everything, I... learned... a long... ago.... again,..." Kindre watches the white robe clad Candidates begin to file out and leans against Herath's chest with a sigh. Pulling a wineskin from a pouch behind her, she sips quietly at it and regards the surroundings quietly. From the hatching sands, K'tyn smiles at Jehrina, shifting a bit as the heat from the sands seeps through the soles of his shoes. He nods in greeting as the candidates file past. From the hatching sands, Tevell emerges from the candidate barracks. From the hatching sands, Alexi emerges from the candidate barracks. G'rel gives a weak smile to Katany, without looking away from the sands. He gives her hand an enouraging squeeze, though. Kassima chuckles, stealing a glance at her friend. "'Tis well-prepared that you are too, Kin. What say you? Will the first hatchling be bronze?" Katany tilts her head down, staring. "Goodness, is that Tevell down there?" From the hatching sands, Alexi bows hesitantly to Kimbrith, then Parth and Prometh. He turns to the Weyrleaders a bit more confidently and bows deeply to each of them. From the hatching sands, Makear emerges from the candidate barracks. K'tel leans forward looking, "Someone you know, Katany? Which one?" From the hatching sands, Ceria turns, her eyes searching out Alexi's. From the hatching sands, Alexi moves carefully to the ring of Candidates. From the hatching sands, Ceria makes room for Alexi beside her. J'lyn settles himself against Lorieth's left foreleg, slightly oblivious to everything around him save the eggs in front of him and some murmuring of sound from the nearer people. From the hatching sands, E'ryn smiles at the candidates as they walk onto the sands. Behind him, Parth dips his head, gazing ominously at them, though he maintains an excited humm. From the hatching sands, Melina emerges from the candidate barracks. From the hatching sands, Makear's eyes widen at the sight of so many people, but not pausing she turns to Parth, Kimbrith, and E'ryn and Merla, and bows to them all. "Mayhaps a bronze, indeed," Kindre remarks hopefully. "They say that's good luck, you know. Oh," she turns upon the rustling of wings and grins wide at the Wingsecond. "Good eve, 'Lys." Katany leans forward as well. "I met him once or twice, when I was visiting the Harper Hall regularly -- his parents both rode for Benden. His father was Weyrleader once, even. How curious. I suppose Fahloran knows him." From the hatching sands, Melina steps carefully onto the sands. She bows deeply to Kimbreth then to Parth and then to Jehrina and E'ryn. After doing so, she walks carefully over to the semi-circle of candidates and takes up her friends' hands again. Siani eases off of Adonith's torso and uses a proffered foreleg to assist in making her way down. From the hatching sands, Breenah emerges from the candidate barracks. Alyssa slides down the beautiful purplish blue flank of her lifemate to come to a rest on the ground, Adonith swinging his head around to regard her adoringly. Siani gets safely onto the ground as soon as possible, making a wide variety of interesting faces. From the hatching sands, Alexi gives Melina a look that says, "Well, here we go." Taelenna points again, squinting at a small figure venturing onto the heated Sands. "Oh, look...that one. I think that's Melina." No wineskin has Meli, but she unwraps her package with delicate fingers, revealing a large loaf of lemon bread, the icing coating its top lightly browned and crisp. Resting it on her lap, she digs in the bag again, searching for a knife, casting frequent glances at the sands. G'rel glances at Katany, arching an eyebrow. "Who is his father, then?" Then turns to watch the Candidate in question. From the hatching sands, Danton emerges from the candidate barracks. From the hatching sands, Melina smiles and gives Alexi a look that replies, "Aye... good luck" "And we could all use our share of good luck," Kassi agrees, glancing curiously at Meli's loaf-shape package. "Meli, dare I dream that 'tis lemon bread that you're--ach, 'tis!" Beaming, the greenrider immediately draws a knife to offer her friend. "In exchange for a piece, a'course," she explains, waggling her eyebrows. From the hatching sands, Ceria shifts her feet uncomfortably. The sands are hotter than she'd realized. From the hatching sands, Sanjeet emerges from the candidate barracks. From the hatching sands, Makear quickly follows Melina and joins the rest of her friends about the eggs. She gives a shaky sighs and trys to ignore the heat of the Sands under her feet. Alyssa lands quietly near Siani and makes her way to the Benden contingent, following the Headwoman almost protectively. From the hatching sands, Danton steps out, and executes the requisite bows to Kimbrith, Parth and the Weyrleaders. Then he makes his way over to join the semi-circle, hopping slightly. Jerissa settles back, sighing softly as she watches the candidates file out, one by one. A finger taps against her cheek as she attempts to sort out who's who down there. From the hatching sands, Tevell makes his bows, and takes his place in the semi-circle, with a jerkiness that betrays his nervousness. Meli grins, giving Alyssa a welcoming nod before accepting the knife. "Why d'you think I got such a large loaf?" she replies to Kassi, as she begins to slice. K'tel follows Kat's and G'rel's gazes to the candidate. From the hatching sands, K'tyn nods, a pleasant expression on his face as the candidates move past. Prometh regards them all solemnly, almost icily, as he hums a greeting to the quivering eggs nearby. From the hatching sands, Breenah quickly moves from foot to foot as she steps up the Kimbrith and Parth. She bobs a curtsey then turns to the Weyrleaders to repeat her actions. Katany says "Duzorth's rider. T'lean, I think his name is." She adds, almost apologetically, "I started keeping track, a few Turns back, of certain people's children. To go with the other information I have been tracking." From the hatching sands, Nikhshar emerges from the candidate barracks. From the hatching sands, Sanjeet appears. A mere step behind Danton. Slowly, carefully he lank forms turns towards Kimbrith and Parth as a bow is executed. Not a bow of grace but more like a bow of unpracticed poportions. Onward Sanjeet's gate takes him as the neccesary is accomplished. His spot in the semi-circle of candidates is claimed. Alyssa salutes Katany, adding a warm smile to the gesture, before seating herself near Meli and the other Bendenites. From the hatching sands, Emily emerges from the candidate barracks. From the hatching sands, Suzot's bare feet quickly set Suzot's customary rigidity to the flames; the stiff-spined girl, standing taller than all but one other Candidate, does her tightly-controlled version of the Candidate Shuffle, lifting each foot to cool the sole. Siani says "Hiya Kassi, Kindre." She finds somewhere to sit, making sure there's enough room for Alyssa beside her. "Miss anything?" From the hatching sands, Nikhshar runs out into the hot Sands, and quickly takes a place between Ceria, and Melina, grabbing their hands for support. "This is it..." He mutters so only those nearby can hear it. G'rel narrows his eyes lightly, then turns to Katany, arching an eyebrow. "Far be it from me to tell you how to run a Weyr, but dragons do the Search in the end." He tells her. Katany returns Alyssa's salute with one of her own, adding a warm smile before turning her gaze back to the Sands. From the hatching sands, Melina slides her right foot up.. then transfers her weight back to it and slides up her left. This is the beginnings of her candie-shuffle. From the hatching sands, Maylia emerges from the candidate barracks. From the hatching sands, Alexi glances at the sands as if to ask them WHY they had to be quite so hot. From the hatching sands, Kylandra emerges from the candidate barracks. From the hatching sands, Danton, standing shorter than just about everyone else on the Sands, puts one foot on the other, then switches them. From the hatching sands, Emily comes to a halt as her feet come in contact with the hot sands. The heat bringing some wisp of memory back, she bows deeply to Kimbrith, then Parth, then the Weyrleaders before taking her place in the semi-circle. From the hatching sands, E'ryn stands relaxed, but straight beside the dragons. He gazes 'round the sands toward the rocking eggs and the candidates begining to gather around them. The ghost of another smile quirks his lips as everything falls into place, and he gives a quick nod of approval. "Sheer gluttony?" is Kassi's impish suggestion as she waves over to Siani. "Nay, nay yet. The Candidates are just now arriving." From the hatching sands, Sionelle emerges from the candidate barracks. From the hatching sands, R'val emerges from the candidate barracks. From the hatching sands, Ceria reaches for Alexi's hand again, her own still trembling. From the hatching sands, Emlyn emerges from the candidate barracks. From the hatching sands, Maylia finds herself out on the sands, and bows with a serious air to Kimbrith, then Parth. She manages respectful bows to the Weyrleaders before the heat of the snds registers. Katany's eyes narrow. "Yes, they do. But I see no reason not to pay attention to what the children of people in my position do. It may give me a chance to raise children of my own without them ending up miserable." Meli pays no heed, though she does stick her tongue out at Kassi when the other greenrider turns to greet the headwoman. Five or six slices grace the cutting board now, and she starts to offer them out to those around her, even as she continues slicing. From the hatching sands, Sionelle steps out of the barracks with her assistants and the last candidate, Dathon. The young man steps forward, makes his bow to the queen and sire, then joins his comrades in their semi-circle. From the hatching sands, Kylandra bows deeply to Kimbrith and Parth, then in turn to each of the Weyrleaders. Then she takes up her place in the semicircle and begins stepping from foot to foot in the age old Candidates' dance. From the hatching sands, Makear graps for Melina's hand and reaches out for Maylia's, too. She tries to remain calm, but her controll is fastly slipping nd the heat of the sands aren't helping any. K'tel leans back slightly, relaxing a bit as he intentionally tunes out Katany and G'rel. He looks around and grins at Taelenna and a few other riders he recognizes. From the hatching sands, Ceria glances at Dathon with a nervous smile. Ofira slips in between her friends after dismounting and offering her thanks for her ride up. Siani flashes a grin at Kassi. "See that every morning. Why're riders back from dawn sweeps always so -hungry-? Don't the heights convince you your stomach should be empty?" G'rel frowns, his face quickly changing color. "/My/ children are doing fine." he tells her tartly. Then turns to the sands forcibly. From the hatching sands, Breenah joins her fellow candidates in there semi-circle. Her feet turning red from the hot sands, she holds her head up proud. Clearing all thoughts from her mind. Kindre is, obviously, consumed by her own thoughts as she stares across Benden's golden sands. The Weyrlingmaster's arrival seems to cement her introvert ways. From the hatching sands, Melina smiles and looks to each of her friends. Then her eyes dart to the eggs. How they all tremble. Her feet become forgotten every so often, and each lapse of memory is repaid by a burn and an accompanying hiss. She looks down and takes Makear's hand without much trouble, wincing slightly as sweat combines. From the hatching sands, Emlyn is barefoot and wearing just a tunic. Her hair is wet, and she actually -looks- discombobulated. She joins Sionelle and R'val. Meli, who is busily cutting up a loaf of lemon bread, smiles a hearty welcome to Ofira. From the hatching sands, Maylia picks up her feet quickly, trying not to rush towards the semi-circle of candidates. Taking a place beside her twin, she grasps Makear's hand, shaking with nerves from head to toe. From the hatching sands, Danton grins faintly at Emlyn, then just stands there twitching. Painfully. From the hatching sands, Sanjeet's tall, erect form towers above that of all other candidates. Tall and proud, thanks to the tender application of numbweed to his feet earlyer. Stock still stands he. The burning of the sands as of yet perfectly normal as the numbweed holds it's claim of dominance. To the others about him strays Sanjeet's curious gaze. A nervouce look at best, judging by the lack of light donning his eyes. From the hatching sands, R'val strides onto the sands on his short legs, aside Sionelle and Emlyn, stopping with them and training his gaze on the eggs. Ofira murmurs to Meli, "I was seeing to the feast." She gazes out at the sands, "None have hatched yet, have they?" Taelenna leans sideways to listen to Taura's whisper, then nods at the greenrider. "That's it, all right." Catching K'tel's grin from the corner of her eye, she turns around and waves happily at him. From the hatching sands, Parth turns his head, slowly surveying the candidates gloweringly, then looking at the eggs he and Kimbrith produced together. Will the candidates be worthy for them? He sits straight and poised, wings folded against his sides cleanly, looking quite formal and stately in his pose. He is humming quite loudly. Kassima calls her greetings to those she recognizes as they arrive, taking a slice of lemon bread from Meli with a nod of gratitude. "Bronth, bronth, bronth," she chants through a mouthful of the stuff. Meli shakes her head. "Not yet. Jus' gettin' everyone settled. Or 'bout as settled as Candies c'n be on th'Sands." From the hatching sands, Sionelle, on the other hands, is in her full suite of riding gear, having just gotten back from a flight to Tillek. She looks nothing but tired and grumpy as she folds her arms over her chest, stands comfortably in her thick boots, and watching the candidates with a thoroughly disapproving gaze. Katany says "How could they not, with such a devoted mother? Some of us, however, do not have the luxury to concentrate fully on children." From the hatching sands, Swirled Colours Egg has arrived. From the hatching sands, Nikhshar begins shifting himself in the traditional shuffle, feeling the hot Sands burn the soles of his feet. After his respectful bow to Kimbrith, Parth, and the Weyrleaders, his attention focuses on only one thing... The rocking spheres on the hot Sands. From the hatching sands, Jehrina nods slightly to all the candidates, glancing up at Kimbrith before surveying the rocking eggs. From the hatching sands, K'tyn leans against Prometh, subtly climbing onto the bronze's huge claws to escape the heat. He looks at Kimbrith, then Parth; and then to their riders. Lastly, he beams (quietly) at the candidates. Alyssa does what she usually does during these moments: watch the sands and fiddle with something on her jacket, like one of the enclosures. G'rel's temper goes as quickly as it comes. After a few seconds, he finally nods. From the hatching sands, Kimbrith humms, the sound turning to a rumble for a moment as she spots Alexi. Merla looks up at Kimbrith, her face stern as she communicates with her queen. Several moments later, she looks back at the circle of candidates. From the hatching sands, Danton looks up at the galleries, scanning the faces for someone. Siani draws her knees up to her chest, wrapping her arms around her legs and resting her chin on her knees. She glares balefully down at Candidates and eggs alike. From the hatching sands, Makear watches all with wide excited eyes. She tries to remain calm, but it all seems like a dream. She follows everyone else's gaze and soon rests her sight on the eggs tht are rocking and shivering across the Sands. From the hatching sands, Swirled Colours Egg begins to quiver in earnest near the perimeter of the clutch, sand falling from off of its rounded sides to leave its shell fully visible. A vigorous tapping can be heard by those who are close enough to make it out over the sounds of the dragons' hum. From the hatching sands, Maylia's eyes scan over the eggs, as she surreptitiously raises her left foot to relieve some of the heat. From the hatching sands, All color drains from Alexi's face at Kimbrith's growl. From the hatching sands, Melina tugs on Makear's hand a bit and grins, "Lookit that." She bounces on the balls of her feet, waiting to see what comes out. From the hatching sands, Ceria turns her green-eyed gaze to the egg, but she squeezes Alexi's hand as she hears Kimbrith. From the hatching sands, Danton finds the face he's looking for up on the viewing ledges, then snaps his attention back to the movement amongst the eggs. Kassima swallows a mouthful of bread, nudging V'dan again with her ever- sharp elbows as the egg begins to rock. "Hey! That one's one of m'favorites!" V'dan, for some odd reason, doesn't look like he cares all that much. From the hatching sands, Sanjeet's emerald glance slowly trails from the semi-circle of candidates to the clutch of eggs. Much harder, much more intimidating than before. His tanned face, slowly flushing a shade of red do to the heat. Though to the egg swivell's Sanjeet's head. A look of utter horror and confusion at the knocking and tapping. Lips form as if to speak, but naught is said. From the hatching sands, Kylandra's eyes are locked on the moving eggs as she continually licks her dry lips. From the hatching sands, Eggs rock back and forth on the sands, some bumping up against each other, others begining to crack. Siani futilely attempts to pull the sleeves of her own jacket down to cover her wrists, murmuring to Alyssa, "He looked. Great. Now he knows I'm here." Ofira grins, still wiping her hands on her apron, "The Seacrafter will impress, " she says confidently, she observes to anyone who will listen. From the hatching sands, Makear looks to the egg Melina means. She holds her breath in wonder of what will emerge from that particular egg. Meli shares a roll of the eyes with poor besieged V'dan, then picks up a piece of bread to munch on it herself, her attention now focused on the sands. Without even looking, she passes the board covered with slices of lemon bread to the rider next to her. From the hatching sands, Emily's lips move in a soundless litany, one that pauses immediately at hearing Kimbrith's growl, even if it wasn't directed at her. Wide blue eyes draw to the cracking eggs and fix there. From the hatching sands, Nikhshar's eyes quickly shift towards the Swirled Colours Egg, widening as the shell rocks. He squints slightly to make out details through the haze radiating from the Sands. In the process, he has stopped his shuffling, and is rewarded with a pair of burnt feet. The shuffle quickly resumes. From the hatching sands, Suzot's eyebrows draw together. A line appears vertically between her eyes as she squints, watching the egg whose rocking is the most energetic. Though her feet continue to lift and set down automatically, her attention is no longer there, but on the elliptical orbs that house lifemates for some of those present. But for which? From the hatching sands, Ceria holds her breath, her gaze fixed on the moving eggs. She forgets about her feet for a moment, and is rewarded with a burning sensation. She quickly begins to shuffle again. From the hatching sands, Breenah's grow big as she watches in awe, the eggs movements. She forgets the heat that continues to inflict her feet. Moving from heel to toe she see's nothing other than the eggs. From the hatching sands, Swirled Colours Egg jerks suddenly, its tentative movements ceasing--the hatchling within means *business.* Tap, tap, wobble, jerk! It nearly bounces in place, the occupant just *barely* contained within its bounderies--which are already starting to give way beneath the hatchling's exertions. A fine maze of web-thin cracks develops over the flawless carmine, jade, and snow-white shell. Alyssa leans forward slightly as the eggs begin to rock, then one actually cracks. "There..." she murmurs to Siani, "one's starting to open now." From the hatching sands, Emlyn is watching the eggs, rapt with attention. It can't last, since she's barefoot. She does that odd, candidate-hop when the heat from the sands makes its presence felt. The greenrider comes to rest too near Sionelle's booted feet. "Pardon me," she murmurs. From the hatching sands, Alexi looks anxiously between hatching Egg and looming Queen... Marth thrummms deep in her throat From the hatching sands, Faster and faster, a number of eggs rock. Wingtips, muzzles, claws wetly emerge from protective shells. Siani says "So it is." From the hatching sands, Parth glances over toward Kimbrith, and Alexi, to see the cause of the commotion. His growl softly echos hers, interupting his continued hum. But it is brief, and his attention moves on, returning to the sedate hum of before as he surveys the entire sands, and even looks up onto the ledges, and out into the stands where the onlookers are. Hanneth hums! From the hatching sands, Nikhshar gasps slightly, as the first egg begins to crack. He grasps the hands he is holding tighter, and stares intently at the eggs, in a dreamlike state. Is this really all happening to him? Adonith rests his head near, coincidentally, Herath and Lysseth, and peers over the ledge near the sands, humming to his hearts' content. From the hatching sands, Several eggs seemingly rock at once, escaping the small sand hill that keeps them together, rolling down the slight slope to lean against a pair of other eggs. From the hatching sands, Ceria's gaze flies over the hatching eggs, resting briefly on each one. Her attention is momentarily drawn to Parth as he growls, but she quickly turns back to the eggs. K'tel leans forward again. Propping his elbows on his knees, he puts his chin on his hands and watches - outwardly calm anyway. "Shards," Kassi mutters, sighing. "If'n that one's first, I've got it guessed as green--aye, Lyss, I know you agree.... Well, mayhaps 'twill be right *one* way or the other." Ofira watches R'val more thatn the Candidates, "....looks so handsome..." she murmurs to herself. K'ri leans forward to get a better view and then glances around those riders near her on the ledge before moving her attention back to the sands From the hatching sands, Makear barely even notices Parth's growl and continues to watch the eggs, for now her favorite forgotten as she excitdly and nervously awaits the first hatchling. From the hatching sands, Melina bites her lowerlip and bounces a bit more. She grins over at Nikh a bit then at Alexi. Her dark eyes settle finally back on the clutch before her, waiting, breath-heald to see Pern's newest arrival. J'lyn peers closer at the eggs, almost falling off the ledge before his dragon catches him and starts to scold him. "Lorieth, it's okay, I'm fine... Shards, you act like a firelizard sometimes... That and my mother..." From the hatching sands, Sionelle steps forward and puts a firm hand on the back of one smallish candidate from the mountains of Crom as the boy backs slowly away from the rocking pile. The boy looks up, and apparently decides that the talons and shards are less of a threat. He straightens his shoulders and moves back into the group. As the weyrlingmaster steps back to her place and finds Emlyn directly and rather irritatingly close beside her, she lifts an eyebrow at her assistant's lack of trousers, skirt or anything but tunic. Her comment is lost in the babble of the hatching cavern. From the hatching sands, Sanjeet's lithe form is slowly becoming occupied with slow awkward movements. Though feet stay planted. The look of horror on his placid face is replaced with a look of discomfort- then horror again. Finally, both fight for possesion if his features. To all withen ear shot a soft, hoarse, timid whisper is called: "I gitta pih." For now is attention is drawn away from the eggs and their looming parents. From the hatching sands, Kylandra glances only momentarily at the growling dragon, but then her sapphire eyes return to the eggs. The rythmic pattern of her moving feet becomes a routine, letting her concentrate on watching eggs. Kindre fiddles with her marks pouch idly with one hand while the other periodicly raises the wineskin to her lips. "I wonder..." are the quiet words ushered from her lips before Herath adds her own deep, curious rumble. From the hatching sands, Maylia tightly clutches Makear's hand, eyes wide as she tries to observe each and every egg. Parth's growl goes nearly unnoticed, as she shifts from foot to foot, sweat beginning to bead on her browl From the hatching sands, Alexi looks at Sanjeet, "You should have done that BEFORE!" From the hatching sands, Wibble, weeble, wobble. The Swirled Colours egg gives a last decisive shake, spraying sand hither and yon as it appears to explode in a shower of shards. The ball of draconic energy that's freed rolls head-over-heels in the sands, getting himself coated with the granules for a moment--but even that's not enough to disguise the brilliant and color-streaked bronze of his hide as he nearly *leaps* to his feet with perfect aplomb. He *meant* to do that! Really! Chaotic Cyclone Bronze Hatchling Like a whirlwind powered by an insane whim of Nature itself, this young dragonet spins out onto the sands with a rather exuberant and high-pitched *bugle* to announce his presence. He is here, it seems to say, and the world will never be the same again! When he finally comes to a stop--with obvious reluctance, it might be noted--it can be seen that he is a most unusual bronze in coloration just as he is in attitude. Though the undertone of his hide is a flawless combination of green, gold, and tan, the streaks *over* it are an entirely different matter: specks of deep forest green are scattered over his wings like leaves blown about by the cyclone he so resembes; wavery flashes of pale gold make an appearance here and there along his neckridges, and a streak or two of a color that's crossed between smoke-grey and silver is in evidence around his neck and tail. He's *unique*, is what he is--and quite handsome if you take the time to appreciate him for the qualities that make him so. As he's rather uninterested in remaining still enough to allow much observation, that might be a difficult task; within the space of a heartbeat he's off and running again, his boundless enthusiasm imbued by an almost reckless determination to investigate this new world and the white-robed creatures in it. Ofira looks back at the Candidates, and nods, "The Seacrafter," she says confidently, "And the kitchen boy, who ruined my good pan." From the hatching sands, Danton groans at Sanjeet's announcement. "Endure," he whispers back. From the hatching sands, Jehrina eyes the candidates, keeping a mental tally. Her eyes flicker over each of the candidates, and she grins at Alexi's outburst. From the hatching sands, E'ryn turns at the waist, reaching behind him and giving Parth's chest a soothing pat. "Now now Parth," He softly admonishes the brown. Quickly he turns back, eyes flickering over the eggs as they rock, eyes falling on one in particular. His eyes find Merla's face and he grins, a soft chuckle emerging at the antics of the two parents. From the hatching sands, Alexi immediately forgets about the growling Dragons as the first hatchling emerges from it's shell. He stands straight and tall, admiring the beauty of the newly Hatched Dragonette. Adonith bugles at the bronze, impressively and impressed at the handsome fellow. J'lyn cheers in spite of himself! "A bronze! YES!" From the hatching sands, Ceria smiles slightly, distracted by Alexi and Sanjeet. Her gaze drifts back to the eggs again and she jumps as the bronze explodes from his egg. She catches her breath as she watches him. K'tel sits up straight, a grin on his face. From the hatching sands, Melina looks over at Sanjeet, her face a mixture of amusement and horror. She whispers, "Didn't you think of that earlier?" A crack interrupts her thoughts and she looks over at the clutch. She smiles, "Oh! A bronze!" She nods and murmers to herslf. Taelenna reaches up and begins to wrap a single black curl around one of her fingers, a habit that rarely shows itself these days. "Oh, hurry, egg," she whispers to herself nervously, but as it hurries up indeed, her face breaks into a wide smile. "Bronze!" From the hatching sands, Suzot's eye catches the swift movement of Ceria's bun-braided head right beside her. She mutters to Ceria, "... faint," she warns Ceria. "You'll be gored." Her words cut off as the first Hatchling springs triumphantly from his egg, gleaming wetly. From the hatching sands, Fire Egg has arrived. From the hatching sands, Kylandra gasps at the arrival of the dragonette. "Oooh," she whispers. "First is a bronze...that's good." From the hatching sands, Towards the middle of the sands a light clinking sound can be heard as an egg like a smooth ball of ice rocks up against two other eggs of various green shades. From the hatching sands, Nikhshar returns Melina's quick grin with one of his own, as strained as it might be. He watches the bronze emerge from his shell, the nervous grin struck from his face, and replaced with a look of sheer awe. He forgets to keep his shuffling going, and all but ignores the burning sensation on his feet. Siani leans forward, fascinated in spite of herself. "That's very nice. I want to draw that one. I guess it's good that they spend so much time sleeping." From the hatching sands, Makear gasps as the bronze emerges. A huge a grin splits her face as she remembers that a bronze first is always a good sign. She returns Maylia's squeeze and then starts to hop, trying to escape the heat. From the hatching sands, Tevell glances up at the galleries, and then the ledges where the dragonriders are, his roving gaze obviously methodically searching for familiar faces. Whoever he's looking for he doesn't find, to judge from the brief flash of disappointment which crosses his face, but his attention is quickly drawn back to the newly-arrived bronze good omen. Marth sits back and bugles welcome then resumes her spot as her rider gets a tad miffed and being dislodged from her seat! From the hatching sands, Emily gapes just a little at Sanjeet, sympathy reflecting in her blue eyes before her attention is drawn quite firmly to the bronze dragonet. Not for her concern, thankfully, but an absent smile still crosses her face. From the hatching sands, Ceria nods in Suzot's direction. "I'm not going to," she says. Meli leans back against Juliath, a very pleased smile upon her face. From the hatching sands, Fire Egg rolls slightly out it motionless, warm spot on the sands. A small nudge seems to happen at one end before it lies very still again. Lysseth trumpets in greeting to the bronze, even as Kassi whoops with delight! "Bronze! Pay up, V'dan, K'rick! Hah! Good luck for us, 'tis, and for m'belt pouch!" Okay, so she's insufferable when she's excited. From the hatching sands, Emlyn frowns at Sionelle's murmured answer. She steps away from the Weyrlingmaster, smoothing her tunic down over her thighs as she does. The greenrider attempts to stand still, but ends up mimicking the swaying of the candidates she's watching. Alyssa slips and arm through Siani's, saying to her companion, "I hope you enjoy this. I always do." From the hatching sands, Dark eyes flicker from egg to egg, watching in complete interest. Melina even smiles at the bronze from time to time. From the hatching sands, Sanjeet's attention from his bodily functions is almost instantly drawn away as a sharp bugle crosses his senses. A look of perplexion replaces all other looks claiming dominance upon his face. "Bwonze?" whispers he in his terrible Tillek accent. Eyes of verdure continue their search. Peeking between eggs, egg shards, and stumbleing dragonettes. From the hatching sands, Sionelle's attention is drawn immediately to the first hatchling to crack shell. Whatever admiration the weyrlingmaster might have for the majesty of the bronze's hide is completely obscured by the momentary look of dread that fixes itself on her features. She's going to have to -teach- that hooligan. From the hatching sands, K'tyn relaxes alertly against Prometh as the first egg hatches. Prometh bugles at the sight of the tiny bronze dragonet, his eyes a brilliant blue-green whirl. From the hatching sands, Parth's ringing bugle heralds the arrival of his first-hatched son. His wings spread to either side as he draws more erect. For a dragon, he looks inordinately proud of himself. From the hatching sands, Jehrina nods, the first smile crossing her face. "Very good." Veyath flies here from the air over the hatching sands. Cygnith flies here from the air over the hatching sands. K'nan climbs down from Veyath's neck, and arrives on the ground. Asrai makes her way down from Cygnith's back. From the hatching sands, R'val's lips lift into a satisfied smile at the first hatchling. He nudges Emlyn and murmurs, "Good sign, this is." From the hatching sands, Breenah sucks in her breath as she watches the bronze dragonete shake free of his shell. She can't help but take a step backwards as the dragon breaks free. Watching his movements she prepares to dodge if he should move her way. Her heart beats a rapped beat. Asrai rushes to dismount, giggling the entire time, "I /told/ you we'd be late, K'nan!" From the hatching sands, Maylia's wandering gaze is caught by the bronze, and with a quick exhale that is nearly a sigh she exclaims, "OH!" unable to manage anything more. From the hatching sands, Chaotic Cyclone Bronze Hatchling barrels out of his egg, skidding to a halt with a shower of hot sand that comes perilously close to some of the Candidates. Brilliantly red eyes focus on the spectrum of white robed creatures arrayed around him. Oh, hello, his expression--a rather surprised one--seems to say. What are you doing here? Spreading his wings wide so that they might dry, he inadvertantly lets the brilliant colors that streak across his wingsails be seen. Only for a moment, though. Bored with posing, he snorts, once, and makes his way over to these odd people nearby... seeming more curious, one might think, than anything else. From the hatching sands, E'ryn lets out a laugh and nods agreeably. "Yes of course Parth." He responds to something unheard. Ofira waves to Asrai and K'nan, "You havent' missed much," she reassures them. "Just one cracked so far, and no impressions yet." From the hatching sands, Danton hasn't been breathing for at least half a minute. He almost coughs as he starts up again. K'tel chuckles, watching the first hatchling. He murmurs softly, "No, Zmeth. Not quite as handsome as you." Dulath flies here from the air over the hatching sands. K'nan slides down from Veyath's back, and chuckles.."Yeah..yeah..I know. You were right." He heads over to Asrai, looking down out over the sands to see if he's missed anything.."Oh? Oh, good.." From the hatching sands, Emlyn answers R'val with a distracted nod. She says loudly for the candidates nearest, "Don't root there, you lot. He could trample you, remember." The greenrider looks ready to jump, just in case. From the hatching sands, Ceriadrops Alexi's hand and takes a step back, hoping the bronze won't come near her. She watches him with shining eyes. From the hatching sands, Fire Egg shudders with renewed strength, it would seem, rocking farther away from the shadowy indention it occupied for so long. Somehow it actually gets itself into a small spin while whoever is trapped inside tries desperately to get out. Seated upon Dulath's neckridges, C'vadan helps Caitria from the straps. Siani stares down at the Sands, hands twisting nervously. Caitria climbs down from Dulath as the brown watches attentively. From the hatching sands, Alexi actually smiles as the Hatchling does it's little show. "You're HUGE!" he whispers more to himself than to the Dragonette, moving slightly to the left. Kassima proclaims earnestly, "I *like* that little bronze. He's got... well, something. I'm nay sure what, but it makes him interesting! Who d'you think he'll go for, Meli?" C'vadan slides off Dulath's shoulders to the ground, turning to give his lifemate a quick salute and then an affectionate pat on the neck. Caitria mutters something about not bloody needing help, she's been riding dragons long enough. She does smile at Cav, though. From the hatching sands, Melina begins her bouncing again, up on the balls of her feet. Should the bronze come at her, she can dodge easy. A grin is fixed on her face as she watches him carefully. From the hatching sands, Danton squeezes his hands into fists at Emlyn's words, and looks grimly prepared to dodge. Meli hrrms, tapping a finger along her chin, leaving a small smudge of lemon icing there. "Nay sure. I don' really know too many o'th'Candies this go-round." Siani says "He's got an attitude." Ofira waves to C'vadan and Caitria, smiling and twisting her apron in her hands excitedly. From the hatching sands, Near Parth, Faded Tapestry Egg shudders and falls over, revealing a bright, vaguely leaf shaped splotch of red across its otherwise misty grey surface. From the hatching sands, Nikhshar swivels his feet slightly, vaugely aware of the hot burning of his feet. He tears his eyes briefly away from the bronze dragonet, to look at the spinning Fire Egg, with something vaugely resembling a smile creases his face. His attention quickly returns to the bronze however, being of more immediate intrest. From the hatching sands, Makear 's eyes travel from the bronze the rocking fire egg. She trys to watch both at once, but finally returns her gaze to the bronze, since she has to be ready incase she has to dodge his sharp claws. From the hatching sands, Sionelle sighs with the longsuffering sort of sigh that weyrlingmasters Pern-over have perfected for moments such as these. Her eyes linger just a moment longer on the firey bronze, admiring him despite herself but only for a brief indulgence. Then her crisp voice raps out, "Look around you, lords and ladies, don't just satre. There are other eggs on these sands, and I can guarantee you that bronze isn't looking for anything in braids and ribbons." Meli wipes the back of her wrist against her chin, and glances away from the sands long enough to greet the new arrivals. From the hatching sands, Suzot nods at Emlyn's warning, focused on the quick-roving baby bronze, and bends her knees. She keeps a constant movement of her burning bare feet, ready to dodge the hatchlings. Babies they may be, but they have very sharp claws. From the hatching sands, Zerra comes down from the galleries. Asrai grins as she slips her arm around K'nan's waist and pulls him down with her to sit in front of Veyath and Cygnith. She distractedly waves to all the others present, peering out over the sand. From the hatching sands, Ceria watches the eggs raptly, but she keeps one eye on the bronze as well. She wants to be ready to move if he heads in her direction. From the hatching sands, Kylandra nods, half-hearing Sionelle, and flexes her knees a few times. From the hatching sands, Chaotic Cyclone Bronze Hatchling approaches the first of the Candidates within his line of sight, who happens to be a rather tall and scrawny Keroonian... lass? Yes, but the hatchling doesn't seem to realize this right away. One sniff, two, and he manages somehow to wrinkle his muzzle in absolute distaste. That's *not* the one for him. But where is his soulmate...? With reckless determination, he spins on his heel to stalk towards another cluster of Candidates. Perhaps he's over *there*. C'vadan goes with Caitria to find a good viewing spot, then pulls out his writing materials. He nods and waves appropriately. From the hatching sands, Zerra quickly bobs to Kimbrith and Parth, bowing to the ledersa as she runs over to join the other candidates. K'nan gets pulled down, settling quite contentedly beside Asrai and sliding his arm around her as well..smiling as he looks out to the sands, anticipating.. Alyssa smiles at C'vadan, an absent sort of expression; her attention is almost entirely on the sands and the bronze hatchling. From the hatching sands, Sanjeet spies the trumpreting bronze dragonette as another awkward glance is given. A glance meant for both dragonette and himself. A glance that sheds upon the other eggs. Stock still he still stands. Though the rest of him swivelling this way and that. "I still gitta pih," he murmurs again, shaking his head. From the hatching sands, Suzot dodges quickly as the hatchling approaches her. She *knows* he's not looking for her; his disgust ruffles her not in the least. Siani splits her attention between the searching bronze and the preparing- to-dodge Danton. "Maybe if I'd told him to close his eyes... I bet you can't Impress with your eyes closed." From the hatching sands, Zerra grabs her sister Maylia's other hand, flushed from the run and looks around to see what she's missed. From the hatching sands, E'ryn's eyebrows arch curiously as Zerra comes out. He nods politely to her before his indigo eyes skim over the eggs rocking all over the sands, and the hatchling thats roaming around. From the hatching sands, Melina shifts one foot behind her, waiting to step back to avoid an offending claw. She chuckles at the bronze a bit, then her eyes lift slightly to the other wobbling eggs. From the hatching sands, Dathon startles just a bit at the double dose of advice from the weyrlingmasters behind the candidates. Tugging down the hem of his robe, he divides his attention between the bronze and the rest of the rocking eggs. Lysseth trumpets, once, which causes a roll of the eyes from her rider. "Lyss says that I should stop worrying about the bronze and consider whom the *greens* will Impress--silly creature... g'deve, Cav, Tria!" From the hatching sands, Maylia's wide eyed gaze and shifs from foot to foot momentarily halt as she is distracted by a streak of white. With relief, she grasps Zerra's hand, whispering to her sister, "It only just started!" as a reassurance. From the hatching sands, Nikhshar watches the bronze with wide eyes, ignoring completely the buring of hot air on his eyes, and hot sand underneath his feet. "He's wonderful." Is all he manages to get out, and even this is a barely audible whisper. From the hatching sands, Danton glances at Sanjeet for a split second, then he says, "If you gotta go, you gotta go. Just don't let anything hit you." Prefeth flies here from the air over the hatching sands. From the hatching sands, Emily shifts to one side, safely out of the bronze hatchling's path, though the movement seems to be more to cool her feet. Her wide-eyed gaze remains divided between hatchling and eggs. From the hatching sands, Fire Egg seems not only resemble flames but to resemble them in its desire to be free of its contents. Hacking sounds can now be heard, and mayhaps even a few chips fall from its face. Spinning almost violently from its spot, it rolls and nearly crashes with another egg. Aphrael climbs down from Prefeth's neckridges with practised ease. From the hatching sands, Alexi stands on one foot a BIT too long, and moves quickly with a rather pronounced, "Shards." After which, he covers his mouth in looks to the Weyrleaders in horror. Adonith rumbles a greeting to Prefeth. Asrai leans across K'nan to ask Kassi, "Kassi, who one the bet on the Bronze hatching first? I bet a Blue will be next...they like making flashy if late showings." for her joke she gets bumped in the back by a softly snorting Cygnith. From the hatching sands, Ceria watches the fire egg as it collides with another one. She's still trembling with nervous excitement and her gaze is drawn to Alexi at his exclamation. From the hatching sands, Kylandra's attention goes to the fire egg, and she whispers, "Come on, little one...break out of your shell and come find a lifemate." From the hatching sands, After one final roll about the bustling Hatching Sands the Fire Egg and its occupant seem to have agreed to part ways and do so with an electrifying eruption of color. Golden yellow and red shards are spat outward as the dragonet's snout pokes through the opening and, for just a moment, time stands still while a tentative glance is cast about the outside world. "Do I really want to do this?" seems to be the hatchling's mindset before the definitive answer of, "Yes!" is embodied in a foreclaw tearing downward from that initial hole. The remaining shell is split asunder in a surprisingly tidy manner, allowing the hatchling to stand in the glistening glory of freedom. Rushing Mudslide Brown Hatchling Children and the occasional beast indulge themselves in play that the older, wiser parental figures look upon with disdain, such as jumping and running through puddles and cavorting in the rain. This dragonet appears to have done just that: dashed out without his sire and dam's permission to play in the rain...and look what happened! His formerly pristine undercoat of gold-touched sandy brown has been transformed into a muddy deluge of dragonhide, with dark brown and russet flowing freely in visible swirls down his torso and collecting in a near-black array at the base of his tail. A similarly dark stripe diagonally spans his eyeridges, outlining his whirling ruby irises in blackness and adding a jaunty quirk to his expression. Hints of russet are dotted with unconscious symmetry across the bones and thin membranes of his wings and are echoed by a slipper-like patch of ruddiness on each of his feet. He is both healthy and well-formed to the point of being downright handsome, particularly in the proud angles of his jawline and forehead, yet his mouth is shaped with a permanent, shipfish-like upward curve, leaving the impression of bemusement by this entire out-of-shell existance. Dulath peers down at the sands, quiet and observant, much like his lifemate, who is presently writing down everything he can. Prefeth warbles a return greeting to Adonith, setting down towards the back of the ledges. From the hatching sands, Breenah moves quickly as she hops to the left. Her eyes torn from watching the eggs to the now moving dragonette. Smiling as he passes her she turns her attention back to the remaining egg, only to move once again to the right at the sound of another eggs eruption. From the hatching sands, Alexi spins to see the next hatchling, sweat beading his brow. Still dancing from foot to foot, he hunkers down for a rather long game of dodge-em... Aphrael grins up towards Prefeth, peering towards the sands. "See, we're not too late," She comments to the blue, before standing on his foreleg to get a better view of the hatching below. She waves to the people she recognises on the ledges. From the hatching sands, Makear turns to the fire egg just as the hatchling comes out. Her mouth forms an 'o' of exlamation, but she makes no sound. Instead she just watched the brown, studting his every detail. From the hatching sands, Oddly Shaped Egg has arrived. From the hatching sands, The Solitary Egg near Kimbrith quivers, quaking violently as a latticework of small cracks appear over the red and blue shell. From the hatching sands, Chaotic Cyclone Bronze Hatchling paces about the Sands. Pace, pace, pace. Restless, and evidently confused--shouldn't his lifemate have already met him partway? Pausing to kick sand at the legs of a hapless, black-haired lad who hails from the 'Reaches, he turns away once more... and bugles with joy. There! There is the one, the one he has been looking for! Charging across the Sands, his wingsails rippling with the wind created by his passing, he somehow manages to spin to a halt *just* in front of a particular boy who seems to be paying more attention to a fellow Candidate than anywhere else--and pokes him, imperatively, in the side. Mine. Mine, mine, mine. From the hatching sands, Ceria draws in her breath as the brown emerges from his eggs. She smiles and murmers something unintelligible. She shifts her feet and tries to stay out of the way. From the hatching sands, Alexi grins. From the hatching sands, Melina jumps a bit at another sudden pop. Her eyes travel across the grounds, looking for the new hatchling. Finally, she finds it. A little brown. She grins and tugs Makear's hand again, chuckling, "Now, /that/ one is a strong looking thing" She begins to shift her weight from front foot to back foot, ready to dodge or lift a foot to cool it. From the hatching sands, Parth tips his head slightly, turning it sideways as he inxpects his newest brown son with a hearty rumble of approval. A croon joins that as he dips his neck downwards and wuffs at the young brown hatchling before drawing straight again. K'tel nods at the brown, "Both fine looking hatchlings so far." From the hatching sands, Kylandra smiles at the brown and glances at the bronze to see who the lucky Candidate is. From the hatching sands, Danton actually yells in surprise. He stares down at the hatchling. "We are? You are?" he says. Caitria nods approvingly at the brown, and pokes Cav's shoulder, just in case he doesn't happen to notice that particular hatchling. "Look!" From the hatching sands, Alexi beams at Danton. From the hatching sands, Sanjeet shakes his head vigorously now. Dislodging several long locks of mid-brown hair. "Net hare," he states, still shaking his hid. Though the heat of the sands is quickly draining his form of all moisture by the way of sweat. His robe, quickly soaking it up for now but it's capacity almost neared. J'lyn grins. From the hatching sands, Zerra grins and squeezes her sisters hand. She already takes up a little dance of sifting from one foot, to the other, hot sands already working through her sandals. Her expression softens as the brown hatches and she watches his progress. Alyssa smiles quietly at Danton. "Well, apparently the bronze has a friend." From the hatching sands, Ceria's attention is drawn to Danton and the bronze and she smiles broadly. From the hatching sands, Melina peers down the line, to see who it was, "Danton?" she whispers, "Danton! Congratulations!" She calls loud enough to be heard but not too loud as to spook any of the dragons. From the hatching sands, Maylia straightens from whispering to Zerra, eyes never leaving the eggs. As another egg hatches she catches her breath, everything seems to be happening at once! From the hatching sands, Suzot arches a brow. The corners of her mouth pull back in approximation of a smile as the brown cavorts from his egg naughtily. She mutters something, but it's too quiet for even Ceria, standing (or rather shuffling) right next to her can hear. But of course, the first Impression steals her gaze. She holds up her fist to Danton to congratulate him, not that he'll ever see it at the moment. Ofira smiles, as the bronze finds his lifemate, shaking her head a bit, still in wnderment, after all these turns at how it goes. C'vadan hmmms? "Oh, yes, a fine looking fellow." Siani clenches her hands into tight fists. "Shards. Shards shards shards shards shards..." She starts to close her eyes, then resolutely keeps them open, staring down onto the Sands with an extremely grim expression. The cursing continues under her breath. Asrai claps loudly, and yells her happiness..right in K'nan's ear, "Yay, Danton!! Aph, you made it! Look, Danton got the Bronze!" Kassima's attention is drawn away from the bronze by the brown's arrival, and she whistles, evidently impressed. "What a fine looking brow--hey, wait a second, did that bronze just Impress? Who's he poking?" Squinting, the greenrider leans forward to try and see better... without much success, it might be noted. "Is that Danton, or is it that Telgarian lad? I can't quite tell...." From the hatching sands, Emily watches the bronze hatchling's path, smiling at he and Danton, watching this Impression business curiously. From the hatching sands, Prometh bugles as the fine brown hatchling makes his way out of his shell, snorting a little at Parth's quietness. K'tyn looks up at his bronze and laughs at the bronze's comment, then turns to grin at E'ryn, and the tiny brown shuffling about the sands. K'ri smiles as the bronze chooses and the brown makes himself known to the rest of Pern K'tel blinks at Siani. From the hatching sands, E'ryn hears a surprised and excited yelp and turns his head that direction. His lips split into a wide grin as he notices whom it is and says, "Looks as if the first one's Impressed now." From the hatching sands, Rushing Mudslide Brown Hatchling regards his surroundings with what could be construed as quiet thoughtfulness. He seems pleased with his sire's affections and attempts a croon in return. Not quite squeaking from his shapely muzzle, the sound is more of what one would expect a chuckled smirk to resemble. Gauging each off his fellow eggmates...okay, everything in place...he strikes out to get this business started. Without a word Alyssa slips her arm about Siani's shoulders, offering silent and ever-delicate support. From the hatching sands, Makear motices Daton's impression and cheers loudly to her fellow candidate, before she quickly turns her attention back to the brown. From the hatching sands, Kylandra smiles. "Congrats, Danton!" From the hatching sands, Danton has completely forgotten about Sanjeet, or anyone else at this point. He seems altogether too surprised to do anything but touch the bronze hatchling lightly. From the hatching sands, Melina giggles quietly and nods, "Fine voice on that brown too" She nods, smiling at the brown appreciatively. From the hatching sands, Oddly Shaped Egg doesn't exactly roll out if its protective nest of sand. It wobbles, morelike. Spraying tiny showers of sand as it goes, the eggs rocks back and forth, cracking into several other eggs nearby. As it hits a much larger egg, it comes to a halt, rocking back and forth. From the hatching sands, Nikhshar smiles over to Danton, a silent congratulation upon his face. He slowly turns his gaze away from the first Impression of the Hatching, and back towards the newly hatched brown. From the hatching sands, Ceria turns back to the brown as he moves off to inspect the candidates. She smiles again and then looks out at the other rocking eggs, especially the oddly shaped one. From the hatching sands, Maylia beams a smile in the direction of Danton and his new lifemate, unable to find her voice at first, she finally manages to call "Congratulations!" to him. Taelenna smiles a bit regretfully as the bronze passes up the 'Reaches boy, but she nevertheless claps joyfully for Danton. From the hatching sands, Sionelle's head turns toward the distinctive tone of voice that announces a new Impression. Finding Danton in the moving turmoil of candidates and dragonets, she gestures for Emlyn to move toward the pair. From the hatching sands, Alexi watches the Oddly Shaped Egg with one eye, and keeps the other on the new Brown... From the hatching sands, Tevell lifts one eyebrow in surprise at the bronze's choice, but he has an almost-amused congratulatory smile for Danton. "Danton. D'nton? D'ton?" he mutters to himself before adding, "Congratulations." Siani scoots closer to Alyssa, far too tense to actually lean against her. "Why a .bronze.? I mean, is it really so necessary for history to repeat itself here? Why not a nice green or something instead?" She looks around at the other Bendenites near here, then back down at the newly Impressed pair. From the hatching sands, R'val's smile widens. He nods in satisfaction as the brown chooses Danton. From the hatching sands, K'tyn raises both brows, surprised and pleased to see the bronze choose so quickly. He nods at the candidates encouragingly as the other eggs roll and crack. Penath flies here from the air over the hatching sands. Alyssa replies quietly, reassuringly, "The dragon knows, Siani. They were born for each other, as Adonith and I were made to be together. That's as things are and should be." From the hatching sands, Danton looks up and announces, "His name's Kyoteth!" From the hatching sands, Emlyn nods to Sionelle's imperious gesture. She moves to her newest responsibility and says to Danton, "Well, weyrling, let's move your friend to where he can get fed. Does he have a name?" She adds with a grin. "Ah, Kyoteth." From the hatching sands, Parth's attention is stolen briefly by the movement of one of the eggs. His gaze fixes on it for long moments and he croons again as it starts to hatch. His tail twitches behind him eagerly. On Penath's ember bronze neck, T'vor unfastens his various straps, helmet, and gloves and makes for a hasty dismount. C'vadan dutifully records that Danton impressed a fine looking bronze named Kyoteth. T'vor nimbly slides out of his seat on Penath's neck, using a thoughtfully extended and lowered forelimb to land gently on the ground. From the hatching sands, Zerra beams as Danton impresses, she watches him with his new lifemate, then tears her eyes away to whatch the brown. Siani says "Oh, yah, and Tidranth knew, too. Didn't do a sharding lot of good for Fi's life, now did it?" From the hatching sands, Off to the side, the Shiny Metallic Egg bursts apart in glittering fragments. Several nearby Candidates gasp as what emerges is not the expected bronze, but a small damp blue dragonet. Taking his time, the little dragonet gravely examines each nearby Candidate before he stops at Etrim. Impression is made as the Benden lad calls out wonderingly, "His name is Iayath!" E'rim and Iayath are quickly escorted from the Sands. K'tel waves to T'vor, smiling widely in greeting. T'vor grins to K'tel, and heads over to the Fort contingent. From the hatching sands, Rushing Mudslide Brown Hatchling looks over the semi-circle of Candidates with curiousity and an odd expression. It's as if he's unsure what the fuss is about. Just a dragon doing his job. Nothing to see here. Several more strides on strangly solid legs, for a hatchling that is, brings him to a group of young men. Glancing over each with methodic skill, it appears, he rumbles what might be an apology before moving on. From the hatching sands, Melina bounces on the balls of her heals, calling out to Etrim, "Congratulations. He's a good looking one too" She grins widely, clearly enjoying herself. She looks back toward the brown, still bouncing a bit. Katany says "Hello, T'vor." From the hatching sands, Danton looks up at Emlyn, and says urgently, "Yes, feeding him would be good. I..uh.. what. Where?" K'tel turns back to the hatching, just in time to see the blue impress, "That was quick!" "Tidranth and F'laav are together as they are supposed to be, and I'd imagine he would tell you so." Alyssa gives Siani a small hug. "You should be happy." From the hatching sands, Breenah flashes a smile at Danton before she moves from the path of the dragonette moving in her direction. Having side steped him, she realizes his tail now moves to knock her legs. The only thing she can do is jump up and over it, which results in a grimce as he becomes ankle deep in the stinging sands. She quickly lifts each foot an dusts it off on the back of her leg. From the hatching sands, Sionelle keeps her eyes on Emlyn and the new bronze weyrling long enough to make sure her assistant has the sense she was born with. The lack of pants might have told otherwise, but apparently the Assistant Weyrlingmaster has recovered her wits. Sionelle returns her attention to the hatching, dodging a backpedalling girl from Bitra. Jerissa's head whips around and she snorts -- once -- before turning back to the sands, arms crossing over her chest as she stares down, almost as if it could make the hatchlings impress quicker. "*Bloody* fine name, Kyoteth," Kassi approves, grinning from ear to ear. Lysseth's enthusiastic trumpet is evidence enough of the green's concurrence. "Couldn't be a better pairing!" From the hatching sands, Emlyn indicates the direction Danton and Kyoteth ought to proceed. "There's plenty to eat in this direction. Shall we?" She indicates the opening in the candidate file that leads back to the barracks. From the hatching sands, Ceria watches the blue Impress, but her attention is quickly drawn back to the wandering brown. She wonders who he's looking for. G'rel glances aside at T'vor - he's still standing next to Katany - and greets him with a grin. From the hatching sands, Nearly simultaneously, two eggs on different sides of the cavern shatter. Picking through the shards of the Patchwork Egg is tiny, timid green. She looks up at the galleries, then at the semi- circular line of white-robed Candidates and warbles tremulously. Meanwhile, from the partially hidden remnants of the Cracked Egg emerge a relatively giant brown dragonet. With sure-footed certainty, the brown approaches a short, stocky young woman from Lemos who's attention is locked on the shy green. With an insistent nudge on the woman's leg, the brown hatchling and Lemosian become lifemates. From the hatching sands, Melina raises an eyebrow at the brown and smiles warmly, "Picky aren't you, little one?" She chuckles and nods, "Every right to be.." From the hatching sands, Nikhshar smiles and leans over to Melina. "I told you it was a blue." He whispers into her ear, loud enough for any nearby to hear. From the hatching sands, Sanjeet's lips slowlt dorm into a giant "O" shape yet no words escape his quickly drying lips. Still rocking back and forth upon his numbed feet as the urge grows: slowly. Eyes how ever, somehow manage to look about him. More for on coming dragonettes to dodge than anything else. T'vor nods to Katany, a slight smile, "Weyrwoman Katany." A much wider smile for G'rel, "Heyla, Gar." From the hatching sands, Makear closely watches the brown, still. Every now and then she squeezes her friends hands for encouragment. From the hatching sands, Maylia stands between Zerra and Makear, each hand held tightly in her own. She watches the hatchlings, cheering for E'rim, keeping close eye on that brown that's still wandering, looking for the right candidate. Vallith warbles as the blue Hatches and quickly Impresses. Alyssa's attention moves to T'vor as she salutes her former wingmate properly. "Benden's duty to Fort, Weyrleader." From the hatching sands, Kylandra keeps her eye on the wandering brown, playing with a lock of her ebony hair. From the hatching sands, Alexi trys to grin at each of the new Impressees but gives up... he'll have time later. Siani says "I cannot be happy. I can be resigned -- Faranth knows that after all these Turns I'm .good. at being resigned. But happy is a bit much." She gives Alyssa a sideways look. "Would you settle for me shutting up and sulking?" K'ri looks up and smiles then nods and salutes her Weyrleader... From the hatching sands, D'ton takes hold of Kyoteth carefully, and says, "C'mon, Kyoteth, let's follow the nice lady who got me into this." From the hatching sands, Kyoteth butts his head with a touch of impatience against his lifemate's leg, rumbling with hunger. Go, go, go. Let's get a move on, the gesture seems to say. From the hatching sands, Oddly Shaped Egg stops, as if resting briefly. A few moments later, it begins rocking again, more violently. Tiny pools of sand wriggle about in the odd indentations of the egg's shell. Slowly, a latticework of cracks begin to appear T'vor return's Alyssa's salute, and another warm smile, "Heyla, 'Lys." He then salutes K'ri, "Heyla." He then stands by the Fort rider. From the hatching sands, D'ton heads off towards the bowl on the way to the weyrling barracks. From the hatching sands, Ceria looks at the violently rocking egg, trying to keep an eye out for dragonets headed in her direction. From the hatching sands, Suzot's eyes lift from the brownling momentarily, catching those of a boy across the semicircle from her, also on the end. "Strong," she mouths in response to his sweating, exciting pointing towards the muddy-brown hatchling. From the hatching sands, Dathon blinks at the Impressions going on all around him, turning in a half circle to watch all the new pairs make their instant and overwhelming connection. The sound of cracking shell jerks his attention back to the front, however, and he fixes his gaze on the wriggling oddly shaped egg. From the hatching sands, Kyoteth heads off towards the bowl on the way to the weyrling barracks. C'vadan looks up from his recording and nods respectfully to the Fort Weyrleader. From the hatching sands, Emlyn heads off towards the bowl on the way to the weyrling barracks. From the hatching sands, Parth continues to hum, but even more loudly. His neck stretches forward like the throat of a trumpet as he intensifies his song. His eyes still watch all of the candidates, and occasionally he dips his head to wuffle one of the new hatchlings. Alyssa looks back at Siani and answers a bit hesitantly. She mutters to Siani, "I would... as... happy... a... nice to... more..." From the hatching sands, Zerra smiles as more candidates make impressions, saving congratulations for later, she continues her shuffling, watching the brown try to decide. From the hatching sands, Emily shakes herself violently after being lost in watching so many impressions, eyes seeking other dragonets. Slowly, her hands clench and release her robe, which has lost all form it might have had to begin with. From the hatching sands, The timid, little green is pushed from her refuge amidst her shards by another stumbling, intent green, this one emerged from the Warm Brown egg. Both now lurch through the sand to the line of Candidates together. Almost as one they stop before two friends from Benden Hold. Moments later, the awestruck new greenriders are escorted from the Hatching Sands. From the hatching sands, Rushing Mudslide Brown Hatchling moves along the line of white-robed humans, that odd expression somehow still gracing his muzzle. Stopping suddenly, he lifts said muzzle into the air and...sniffs? Odd weather, this...those seem to be his thoughts before the tiniest hint of a smirk (if dragons could) curls his mouth. He almost seems weary, somehow, yet visibly pleased to continue on with the job at hand. From the hatching sands, Nikhshar quickly jerks his total attention at the sound of a splitting egg, but his attention is quickly returned to the brown. He seems to notice for the first time that his feet are getting mighty hot. Quite scorched actually. The shuffle restarts with as much haste as possible. From the hatching sands, Ceria grins as she watches the two greens Impress, but her attention is soon drawn back to the brown. She watches him sniff the air before moving on. Siani's eyes go wide. K'ri tries to talk over the noise of hatching dragonets and rumbling dragons on the ledge..." You've only missed a few impressions... Benden has a fine new bronzerider and that brown fellow seems about to have chosen..." Siani mutters to Alyssa, "Oh?... you've accepted... with... and... looking miserable every... I... you?..." From the hatching sands, Makear can't help but smile at the little brown's actions. She looks about at the faces of her firends and then back at the brown, waiting for him to chose his lifemate. C'vadan writes furiously as hatchling after hatchling Impresses. "Good distribution," he murmurs to his weyrmate. Asrai smiles up at K'nan, somewhat apologetic, "Sorry bout yelling in your ear there dear." From the hatching sands, Halo Egg has arrived. From the hatching sands, Melina squeezes Makear's hand again and grins, "Look at that.. he's very intent on taking his time, eh?" She lets her eyes gaze over the clutch in time to watch the greens pair off. A warm smile is accompanied soon by a cheer of good luck before looking around again, especially at the picky brown. T'vor nods to K'ri, 'Good to hear. I shall make apologies for being late.' From the hatching sands, This hatchling rises slowly from broken pieces of her shell, a dark seaweed undulation, gradually revealing more and more of a hide that is the color of the tide when it is flooded with ocean grasses. First snout, then wings, then body emerge as this dragonet finally frees herself from the remains of the Oddly Shaped Egg. She charges from the shell, and you can see that the deep verdant color gleams brighter at certain angles, as if the morning sun shines through the murky aquamarine waves. Well-proportioned and sturdy, but with a sinuous grace and a roaring strength in her limbs that seems awkward but unstoppable, she overwhelms the Sands as she raises her head to greet the world with a melodious trumpet. Striking Tsunami Green Hatchling With colors roaring across her hide like stormy waves threatening to crash against the cliffs, this impressive young dragon seems to have been dredged from the sea's shadowy depths. Murky emerald washes across her flesh while hints of frothy wavecap white intertwine within the deeper greens along her agile muzzle. Her wingspars are the rich hue of moss- covered buffs, reaching out to guard the lands they precede, while her wings mimic storm waves stopped in time; whorls of ghostly bronze-green ebb themselves over the sails, threatening to crash upon anyone in their wake. Her back and tail ridges look more like the tips of mountains peeking up through a ravaging sea than simple parts of her hide, themselves rich shades of moss. Every ardent tilt of her muzzle or purposeful flick of her tail seems to betray her need for peace and harmony... and her near-stubborn willingness to be make it so. K'nan chuckles softly down to Asrai, "S'okay..yell away, hon." From the hatching sands, Alexi grins at the hatchling from that special Egg, "Choose well my friend!" he whispers, preparing to dodge yet again. Marth croons down at the newest green on Pern and then snorts a playful greeting at the Weyrleader Zmeth rumbles softly at the new green. Alyssa winces at whatever it was that Siani said to her and turns back to the sands, letting the events there take precedence over the conversation with her friend...at least for the moment. From the hatching sands, Ceria's mouth forms a round 'o' as the lovely green emerges. She glances at Alexi with a smile, before turning back to the eggs. Her gaze flicks briefly to the halo egg, her favorite. K'ri looks a bit misty..." Oh she's a lovely one ..." From the hatching sands, Melina lets her eyes wander and light upon the green. A smile and a nod. "She's pretty too," she murmers, silently taking a tally of what comes from what to compare with Nikh later. From the hatching sands, Makear is in a helf nod to Melina, when she sees the new green dragonette. She gasps at the beauty of it and then a smile splits her face as she tries to watch both of the hatchlings. Taelenna's gray eyes widen. "She's pretty," she murmurs to anyone nearby, referring to the newly-hatched green. From the hatching sands, Kylandra looks at the new green hatchling and her eyes go wide. "She's gorgeous," she mutters to herself, forgetting momentarily to keep her feet moving. A little 'eep' escapes her lips before she starts hopping from foot to foot again. Adonith perks up and rumbles approvingly at the green. Here is a dragonet -he- can appreciate. From the hatching sands, Rushing Mudslide Brown Hatchling sees some movement that draws his attention. Then a voice...that charming voice so *right*! Without so much as a stumble to his step or indication that he's unsure, he strides right up to his intended. She's certainly a match for him! Asrai elbows K'nana in the ribs lightly, pointing down at the newly hatched Green, "Isn't she lovely?" From the hatching sands, Parth gives a happy little warble as a green hatchling emerges from what had been one of his most oft visted eggs. He inspects the little green critically before bending his head down to give the Tsunami green a little nudge from behind. Jerissa leans back against Amrieth's flank, as the green bugles a welcome to the newest green to grace the sands. Shaking her head, the rider laughs, and grabs a wineskin from one of the other Benden riders. From the hatching sands, Sionelle jogs over toward one of the newly impressed greenriders, helping the girl with her newlifemate's ungainly stride. The weyrlingmaster, stands back and directs, rather than taking matters literally into her own hands, as the girl assists the dragonet in lifting her back foot off of her trailing, damp wings. The little green creels happily once freed, and bounds for the barracks, new-bonded rider pelting after her in the wake of a cautionary shout from Sionelle. From the hatching sands, Halo Egg wavers in position, almost as if it would've wavered on tiptoes had it been a dancer waiting for the tune to start. A shudder rattles the shell -- a tap-tapping resounding out like a drummer's beat as the wild waltz begins. Slowly, slowly, gathering speed and energy, it starts. Graceful at first, only a slight tilt to the ovoids' surface, as it tries new steps, learns new routines and gains momentum. From the hatching sands, Suzot's chill-blue eyes whip towards the new Green, a draconic and geographic wonder all in one. J'lyn's face softens into a smile as he glances upwards towards his dragon. He says, to nobody in particular, "It seems like only yesterday..." From the hatching sands, Sanjeet lifts a foot. Practice for later for undoubtly the numbweed will wear off. A large, rope chaffed hand is lifted to his brow where it wipes away accumilating sweat. A sweat that is quickly threatening to over come his form and completely drench his poor, hapless robe. From the hatching sands, Green Crossed Egg shakes and quivers. T'vor grins to K'ri, "Don't let Marth hear you say that." He grins at said dragon. From the hatching sands, E'ryn chooses that moment to laugh. "You'll have to wait til she's grown Parth." His head just shakes, and he gives Merla and the Weyrleaders a long-suffering look. K'nan oofs lightly at the elbow, chuckling as he turns his gaze back to the green down on the sands.."She's lovely..not quite as lovely as m'Veyath, of course, but.." Marth humms, eyes whirling a rapid blue... From the hatching sands, Breenah 's eyes start to water momentarily as the light is reflected into them from the Green dragonette. She blinks once, twice then gasps at the beutiful hide that moves off in the other direction. Siani doesn't look happy, but she does shut up. One arm finds its way to rest around Alyssa's waist, somewhat tenatively. From the hatching sands, Prometh blinks, and then stares at the Tsunami green dragon, a low appreciative rumble emerging from his chest as he regards the lovely creature. K'tyn laughs. "Aye, Prometh. She'll be a beaut." From the hatching sands, Ceria's gaze is locked on the halo egg as it rocks. She has to force herself to remember to move her feet to avoid getting burned. Asrai grins, "Of course not." From the hatching sands, Melina blinks down at the little brown, "Of course you can eat, Rhonneth.. Rhonneth.. what a marvellous name" She smiles widely then blinks again in dazed joy. K'ri says "She knows she's the only green for me.. no worries on that score!" K'tel peers downward, "Who'd the brown choose?" K'ri grins and her eyes sparkle with mischief K'tel ahs, "I see now." Miran cheers for Melina. From the hatching sands, Ceria beams as she notices the brown approach Melina. "Congrats!" she calls, not sure of being heard. From the hatching sands, Kylandra smiles at Melina's Impression, then looks back at the tsunami green. From the hatching sands, Alexi give Melina a look which says, "Congratulations! I knew you could do it!" Kassima's approving, "Lovely green! 'Tis about time we've seen more lasses in this clutch... and 'tis a bet I've won against S'cot, make nay mistake!" follows hard on the heels of Lysseth's trumpet of welcome. "Now, where'd that brown go...? Oh! There! Melina, did he go to?" Aphrael quietly rests against Prefeth, still standing on his foreleg for a better view as she watches, eyes fixed to the sands and all but oblivious of the goings on around her. From the hatching sands, Melina smiles widely, "Of course. I knew you'd come, love" From the hatching sands, Maylia shifts from foot to foot in an endless shuffle to relieve the burning. She watches as the brown appears to have made his choice, eyes darting to the new green with admiration. At Melina's voice, she lets out an uncharacteristic /whoop/ of joy, calling "Congratulations!" to her friend. From the hatching sands, Makear remember to move her feet just in time to save them from being burnt. She then looks over at her friend and then blinks away tears of joy. In a barely aduiable voice she says, "congrats Melina!" she then realises her friends hend. Alyssa calls out congratulations to Melina and moves a bit closer to Siani, speaking low to her. From the hatching sands, Nikhshar backs away from Melina and Rhonneth a few steps, giving them a little bit of room. "Congratulations Melina!" Ofira smiles, nodding, "Melina's a nice girl. " She watches the green to see who she'll choose. C'vadan smiles at the brown's choice. From the hatching sands, Striking Tsunami Green Hatchling lifts herself from her shards, standing erect, giving all the time to admire her beauty. She takes a moment to consider just where her lifemate might be, kicking the remaining shards out of the way as she steps away from her shell. From the hatching sands, Zerra ohhs at the lovely green, and squeezes Maylia's hand. Whatching as the brown seems to have made a choice. From the hatching sands, Emily smiles warmly at Melina and Rhonneth, then tears her eyes forcibly away from the pair, looking to the green hatchling. From the hatching sands, Melina puts her arms around Rhonneth and embraces him tightly. After a few moments, she rises and murmers to him, "C'mon. Let's get you some food" From the hatching sands, Prometh bugles, pleased to see that Rhonneth has chosen a lifemate. From the hatching sands, The shaking Round Egg rolls gently down the side of a small mound of sand. As it comes to a stop it's small blue occupant breaks free and darts across the sand away from his broken prison. Without looking it careens into Willak, knocking the surprised Candidate sprawling. A horrified gasp rises from nearby Candidates, but W'lak is obviously unharmed as he calls out, "Let me up, Eth!" From the hatching sands, R'val moves towards Melina purposefully and, when the announcement is made, moves closer still, murmuring, "To the barracks with you both, and congratulations!" From the hatching sands, Suzot, ever so taciturn, is brought out by the Impression of her twice-fellow-Candidate, Melina. She gives a loud, rasping shout, wordless but enthusiastic, before falling again silent. K'ri blinks and looks back at the sands..." Oh! Good pair... those two look well matched." Cygnith croons softly to Veyath, softly nuzzling her neck. Well, he knows where his bread is buttered... From the hatching sands, Zerra grins and calls, 'Congrates Melina.' From the hatching sands, Melina smiles and nods, "Then lets get you some food" And walks off with her new lifemate to the barracks. From the hatching sands, Melina heads off towards the bowl on the way to the weyrling barracks. From the hatching sands, Ceria looks around the sands, overwhelmed by all the Impressions and hatching eggs. She can't seem to decide where to look, so her gaze darts madly about. From the hatching sands, Halo Egg swirls around in it's protective hollow of sand, reminiscent of a Lady Holder twirling her gather skirts in some wild toss dance. Envious eyes might glance down and wonder why an egg possesses such innate grace, the symphonic harmonies with which it moves creating a stunning array of colour, once unchoreographed but now elegance incarnate. Then, suddenly, it jumps and rolls from its protective confines, coming to a stop some distance from the candidates, but surely close enough that the webbed traceries can be seen spanning the matte of the shell. From the hatching sands, Makear turns to Maylia as Melina departs, in a low voice she says to her twin, "She really deserves him." She then turns her attention back to that beaut of green, ready to dodge those talons if nessicary. From the hatching sands, Alexi hops a bit as the sands begin to burn his still feet once again. Taelenna blinks, then touches Taura's shoulder gently. "Look," she tells the greenrider in a soft voice, "Melina. Melina and Rhonneth." The 'Reaches bluerider's eyes shine happily; she was hoping for the girl. J'lyn grins even wider. "I knew she had it in her." From the hatching sands, Ceria rests her gaze finally on the halo egg, watching it breathlessly. Every once in a while, she remembers to shift her feet. Katany says "Rhonneth. A lovely name." K'tel idly comments, "I like that egg. Maybe another pretty green?" He points to the halo egg. Taura grins, "I saw; they look good together." Alyssa remarks to Siani and those nearby, "The green really is stunning. I have a feeling Adonith will be keeping an eye on her as she ages." From the hatching sands, Zerra nods agreeing with Makear, and smiles to her sister, then returns to watching the lovely green. T'vor kneels down and observes, keeping his comments to himself, mostly. From the hatching sands, Rhonneth heads off towards the bowl on the way to the weyrling barracks. Sarina appears with a soft gentle melody. C'vadan chuckles at Alyssa's comment. "All greens are stunnin', neh?" Meli quips lightly. Caitria nods over to Alyssa, though her interest is far more academic. "Pretty," she agrees. She grins at Meli. Siani says "What d'you think the chances are of Sionelle letting me paint them while they're sleeping?" From the hatching sands, Nikhshar watches Melina escort her new lifemate off of the Sands with a warm smile. He turns slowly back to the action still happening on the Sands, continuing his shuffle on the Sands. Asrai settles in closer to K'nan, the smile never leaving her face as she watches the sands avidly....her cheeks have /got/ to be hurting. She giggles at all the talk of the Greens, "And all blues are charming.. speaking of which..where are all the blues??" Adonith moves his head away from the sands to warble affirmation at Meli while Alyssa tells Siani earnestly, "Slim to none." Kassima nods in smiling agreement with the Igen Weyrwoman. "Almost as nice as Kyoteth, that... ach, Meli, doesn't *that* go without saying? And so do your words, Lys; methinks Adonith keeps his eye on *every* green." She winks, teasing, at the Wingsecond. Encil gets off the dragon just behind his sister, looking mildly ill for the ride. He looks convinced they make it bumpy on purpose. Siani sighs. Siani says "Afraid of that." K'ri watches the young green intently... " She's a proud one, a definite handful" From the hatching sands, Dathon is jostled by a nearby boy, and stumbles to the side before grabbing the other lad's arm to help him upright. "Look out!" he says, not unkindly. With a grin that's wide enough to convey his exhiliarated excitement, he sets the younger boy on his feet, and pats him on the shoulder as they both watch the luminous halo egg. Siani says "I'll just have to practise my sneaking." C'vadan goes back to his recording once he stops laughing. Aphrael uses Prefeth's extended foreleg to climb up onto the blue dragon's neckridges. Prefeth leaps off the ledge. T'vor grins at K'ri, "Personal experience?" From the hatching sands, Kylandra keeps her eyes glued to the pretty green, still tugging at her hair with her right hand. She wipes a sweaty left palm on the side of her leg. From the hatching sands, Maylia picks up one foot, rubbing it against her calf to cool it, then places it back on the sands to repeat the process with the other. With a warm smile she nods agreement with Makear before returning her attention to the sands. From the hatching sands, E'ryn's arms come up to fold over his chest as he changes his relaxed stance to yet another position. He gazes out over the eggs and candidates solemnly. He makes a nod and a smile at some of the candidates, before turning his head to mention something else to Merla. Alyssa blushes a bit and tugs on her earlobe. "I don't know, sometimes, why that blue picked someone so...well...unlike him in that respect. Though I guess I do keep an eye on the greens, just not in the same way he does. I'm not making sense, am I?" With that she shuts up. From the hatching sands, Striking Tsunami Green Hatchling walks towards a likely group of females, examining several of them closely. Her head tilts, and she creeels hungrily. No... none of these girls are the right one. Yet, the right one must be here somewhere. Determined as ever, she lifts her wings to avoid tripping on them, and makes her way to a cluster of boys. K'ri leans over to T'vor,.." more than you can imagine, and more than I should try to remember" and she shakes her head, chuckling From the hatching sands, Breenah smiles happily to her fellow impressing candidates. Turning back to the other dragonettes and moving eggs she hops and rocks as she once again redies herself to dart out of the way of any wandering dragons in her area. Encil says "Much...better view from here, though." K'nan chuckles..tickling very lightly along Asrai's side as he snuggles against her. "Oh..there're enough blues..we need some greens to even the sides. From the hatching sands, Suzot's feet lift and lower, lift and lower. A trickle of sweat winds its way down her lightly-freckled cheek, which she wipes with a white-sleeved hand. Barely an eyeblink she spares for the jostling, bumping Candidates within her line of sight, though she does nod in absent satisfaction as Dathon rights himself and the smaller boy. Sarina laughs softly. "And slightly quieter." T'vor chuckles at K'ri's comment From the hatching sands, Tevell shuffles and hops in the Dance of the Burning Sands, watching the pair-offs with a visibly increasing anxiety. He keeps glancing up at the galleries, though. Absently he reaches up to his shoulder, where his firelizard usually rests, and then, vaguely embarassed at of course not finding the creature present, lets his hand drop back to his side. Siani pats Alyssa's knee with her free hand. "You make perfect sense. Always." From the hatching sands, Sanjeet shakes and shimmies as the urges of bodily functions continue to grow in their slow, threatening, ominous way. Despite this, the seacrafter on leave manages to keep atop of what is happening about him. Most impressions are noted though no words or shapes escape his now tightly pursed lips. A stray elbow flails out to nudge a rather brawny, yet stubby miner lad beside him. "It bih hot, aye?" He asks, sparing his attention briefly from the clutch. From the hatching sands, Ceria allows her attention to be drawn from the halo egg to the wandering green. She watches her with a nervous smile for a few moments before turning back to the egg. J'lyn grins at K'nan. "We can always use a few more greens." From the hatching sands, Alexi watches the Green curiously, waiting to see her choice, glancing occasionally to the Halo Egg to see how the Hatchling progresses. Encil rests a hand on Sarina's shoulder, absently. "I still think I knew that first one." K'ri says "I like a good spirit though, sees them through the rough times...and we all need that" Herath rumbles a bit, which seems to break Kindre out of her trance. Staring almost dumbly at the wineskin in her hand, she then giggles. "Well, seems I've only lost two quarter marks so far...hopefully that'll be all I lose. How are you all faring?" K'ri peers over to see who the green landed Adonith rumblechuckles, as if in response to J'lyn's comment. Then he whuffles Herath to indicate golds are wonderful too. C'vadan glances up from his writing at the two greenriders and just shakes his head, smiling wryly. Asrai grins, "I wonder if the Greens would agree with you..all that competition." she winks, batting at K'nan's hands playfully. Sarina's arm slips around her brother's waist, cocking her head towards him. "You think so? Encil, sometimes I really do worry about you. But I'm sure if it becomes important, you'll remember." J'lyn winks towards C'vadan. From the hatching sands, Emily lifts her feet one by one, moving back and forth in a small indentation of sand created by her footprints. Blue eyes still as wide as they'll go, she watches the paths of the dragonets carefully. From the hatching sands, The Solitary Egg, with its latticework of tiny cracks, finally breaks open. The wet, newborn blue that is revealed rises with some effort to its feet, tiny wedge-shaped head swinging back and forth as reddish eyes regard the humans that stand so near. He staggers toward the White Robes, but stumbles in the sand near a short, black- haired Vintner. Ignoring all the rules he'd been given, the Vintner leans down to help the blue to its feet. Halfway, though, he seems to freeze as the blue's eyes fade slightly to green. The new bluerider and his lifemate move off the Sands. Encil shakes his head. "I'm less sure..." He looks around. "Where _is_ Miritha, anyway?" From the hatching sands, Nikhshar watches the Striking Green's trek across the blistering Sands, mesmerized with the details of her hide. He smiles a bit more easily than before, glad in the knowledge that Melina has finally gotten what she deserved, at her third time on the Sands. T'vor nods to K'ri, "That is definitely true." Kassima laughs sympathetically. "Nay more sense than I ever make, Lys, if'n that's any comfort t'you." Asrai cheers and claps enthusiastically as she sees a Blue impress. "That's more like it!" Katany's eyes abstract. "Oh, dear." K'tel pauses as well then looks at Katany, brows raised in question. Alyssa smiles at Kassima and moves a bit closer to Siani, quietly comfortable with the Headwoman. Not to mention warmer on the breezy ledge. Sarina shakes her head. "I don't know anymore. Southern takes up almost all of my time now, and I don't here the news from this place much more. Even if we harpers are supposed to know everything." K'nan chuckles, leaning back to avoid Asrai's clapping hands. "See? There're some blues.." Juliath just whuffs noisily, setting Meli's short hair to dancing slightly. From the hatching sands, Striking Tsunami Green Hatchling walks up to one particular boy, eyeing him very carefully. Katany hurriedly stands, brushing her skirt off. "I ought to get back." From the hatching sands, A wavering bugle heralds the arrival of another little green as the Morning Green Egg breaks open. From a little mound of sand, she examines all of the Candidates from a distant before lurching towards where Tomar and Orama hold hands. One of the two becomes a greenrider as Orama's hand slips from Tomar's and she says, "Oh, Urivrath, you are so beautiful!" From the hatching sands, Sionelle walks along beside the new bluerider and his lifemate, more slowly than was necessary for the previously energetic green. In a rare moment of kindliness, the weyrlingmaster, smiles at the young weyrling, and claps him on the shoulder. From the inclination of her head, she might even be complimenting the small blue. Luckily for her reputation, it's far, far too loud to hear. From the hatching sands, Suzot smiles as her fellow Crafter Impresses his new Blue heart's-mate. The smile, though, is becoming less evident, less genuine with each match-up. From the hatching sands, Ceria watches everything, entranced by the scenes unfolding before her. Her gaze always returns to the halo egg though. G'rel glances at Katany, and arches an eyebrow. He waves to her, "I'll visit Igen sometimes... and I just /hope/ you catch up with your sleeping by then." His voice is teasing now. Thoth flies here from the air over the hatching sands. Alyssa turns to tell Katany, "My regards and duty to Igen, ma'am...as always." K'ri glimpses an impression on the far side of the sands and smiles, eyes lost for a moment in the past K'tel frowns, glancing at the sands for a moment. At a rumble from Zmeth, he stands as well, "Right behind you, Katany." From the hatching sands, Two rocking eggs, Sparkling White Egg and Green Crossed Egg, knock together hard as they shudder violently. The collision causes both eggs to shatter and amidst the shards stand two hatchlings -- green and blue. The blue's damp wings unfurl, knocking the green away and thus the chase is on. Both hatchlings race clumsily towards the Candidates, as if trying to be the first to reach them. The blue wins the race, stopping in front of an amazed, hazel-eyed eyed girl from Benden Hold. The green places a close second, stumbling awkwardly to a very tall, mussy-haired young man from Tillek. Encil says "Never was clear on why you went south in the first place." From the hatching sands, Makear brings up a hand to wipe the sweat from her brow as she watches the green move toward her likely lifemate. She then moves her feet as they are about ready to burn up an second. Asrai sees Prefeth and Aph leave and frowns slightly. Taking a deep breath she lets it out slowly before returning her short attention span back on the hatching below. R'lain nimbly climbs down Thoth's foreleg and lightly jumps to the ground. Sarina shakes her head, looking amused. "Well, I did get married, you remember?" Katany gives G'rel a distracted smile. "You should, Garelen. It would be nice to talk to you at more length." Alyssa gets another smile. "Of course. Please do come see us again soon, Alyssa." Katany nods acknowledgement to K'tel, running a hand through her hair. Katany climbs up to a seat between two of Irrylath's neckridges, using the straps and the gold's proffered forearm for assistance. "As soon as time and the weather permits, Weyrwoman," replies Alyssa earnestly. K'tel vaults onto Zmeth's extended foreleg and hauls himself up between his neckridges. From the hatching sands, Ceria grins at the new Impressions. She is so enthralled that she's almost forgotten to be nervous. She hasn't forgotten how hot the sands are though, and she quickly lifts a foot to cool it. Irrylath leaps off the ledge. R'lain nods a quiet greeting to those he knows as he clambers down from Thoth's neck. Zmeth leaps off the ledge. From the hatching sands, Sanjeet dumbly attempts a cath up with the imressions and hatchings around him. Falling behind because of his dumbly asked question. A look is given to the wandering green and everything else about him. The miner's answers only falls upon wooded ears as Sanjeet's short spanned attention is once again drawn far far away. From the hatching sands, Woozy Egg has arrived. From the hatching sands, "Look out, you addle-pated, dimglowed, wherry- headed son of a three legged watch wh-- oh," Sionelle's shout of rather vehement advice to the Tillek lad cuts off abruptly as the dragonet skids to a halt in front of him, and he shouts out a jubilant name. She shakes her head and starts his way. Encil seems to drift again. "I was going to get married once," he says, as if this is a response. Ofira laughs softly. "It's nice to see Sionelle so happy." From the hatching sands, Breenah waves to the newset impressies as they move of the sands. She moves towards Ceria and Makear as the sands lap at her feet. Reaching her friends she gives each hand a squeeze. Her attention then shifts as she spots her favored egg move. She holds her breath as she watches the woozy egg. Sarina tilts her head towards her brother. "You were, yes. I remember." Asrai giggles down at the occurances on the sands. "Looks like she's going to have her hands full, Ofira." From the hatching sands, Nikhshar almost drops down to his knees in front of the Striking Green, as if dealt a physical blow. "She says she's called Azeth!" He says back towards the rest of the Candidates, not quite believing what has just happened. Kindre chuckles as she overhears Ofira and grins. "Isn't she always, though?" From the hatching sands, Zerra grins and almost jumps from one foot to the other as the green and blue hatchings impress, she squeezes Maylia's hand and grins excitedly to her sister, then returns to watching K'ri blinks and claps a hand over her mouth before she laughs out loud... laugh-tears well up in the corners of her eyes From the hatching sands, Alexi cheers for Nikh! J'lyn grins over to K'nan. "Another one in the club." From the hatching sands, The little Halo Egg, so softly colored as to have been ignored for much of the clutching, hardning, and hatching of the eggs, goes into sudden throes of violent action. So much a contrast to the silent stilness it had before, all attention is drawn to the wild gyrations, so like a dancer caught up in the whirl of the music. A few hearty rocks separate it from the sands that cradle it, and it rolls to reveal heavy cracks in the pastel shimmers of the shell, and then simply explodes, sending a shower of fine rainbow coloured shards dancing out over the hot hatching grounds. Within, a tiny green unfurls her wings with a melodius protest at having been revealed! Gentle Rainfall Green Hatchling In the stills of Lemos' protected forests, a glade untouched by man or Thread stands open to the sky, the softness of the grass tender and succulent as it soaks up the life-giving drops of a gentle shower. That is the image that seems to radiate from the tiny green hatchling. Her soft, new-grass coloured hide is supple in the light, and appears to be streaked with silver-edged drizzles as rain might create. Her body is delicate and poised, like a water-laden bough of a tree. Even at this tender young age, gawky and ungainly, this one is a unique beauty of rare and precious clarity. From the hatching sands, A slightly disappointed look crosses Kylandra's face, but she abruptly wipes it away with a shout of congratulations for Nikhshar. Then she turns to gaze at the new green appearing on the sands. Caitria's attention is caught by a passing greenrider, and she murmurs a greeting. Encil looks around. His eyes seem to settle on Deirdre. "Remind me who you married," he says softly. "My memory isn't what it was." Adonith sits up and trumpets again. Another green! He stands tall and happy, as if trying to show the little lady her future in his presence. From the hatching sands, R'val's lips part in an especially wide smile as Nikhshar Impresses to the pretty green. He strides across the sands to the lad's side, and grins toothily at him, "Vidarth chose truly, I see.' He murmurs, clearly pleased. "To the barracks with you both, weyrling." He urges them towards the barracks. From the hatching sands, E'ryn breaks into another grin as he nods and gestures over at Nikhshar. "Well would you look at that Parth?" But the large brown is already looking on. He gives another happy croon as the little green Impresses. From the hatching sands, Woozy Egg is knocked by another egg, and rolls in a rather odd spin...and rolls, and rolls, the overall effect rather a dizzying one for those watching it--not to mention for the poor hatchling inside. From the hatching sands, Prometh bugles, first at seeing Azeth choose her lifemate, and then to welcome the Rainfall green. Deirdre arrives care of a bad-tempered bluerider in Honshu colours; he takes off again as soon as both of Deirdre's feet are on the ground. She looks around with some consternation. "I come all this way and Miritha doesn't even show .up.?" From the hatching sands, Makear cheers for Nikh, happy to see anouther of her friend find a life mate. But her grey eyes are quickly drawn to the new green on the Sands and again she smiles at this one. Asrai sighs with mock severity, "/Another/ Green?" she looks sideways at K'nan, trying to keep her expression serious. From the hatching sands, Ceria's eyes fill with happy tears as she cheers for Nikh. However, her attention is quickly drawn back to the halo egg as it shatters. She catches her breath at the beauty of the green who emerges. Marth snorts down at her silly rider then trumpets the arrival of yet another green.... "None as handsome as you, though, J'lyn," Kindre remarks with a bit of a smirk to the greenrider. From the hatching sands, The leaf-shaped red spot on the Faded Tapestry Egg suddenly falls to the hot sands, pushed outward by a tiny brown snout. Soon, the whole creature is revealed in mahogany glory. Carefully inspecting the Candidates, he stops by Tomar, standing alone since his companion Orama Impressed. Suddenly, T'mar's eyes widen and he calls out in a powerful voice, "His name is Timyath!" From the hatching sands, Maylia shifts from foot to foot, left, right, left, right, now and then picking one up to cool it. She momentarily releases her hold on Zerra's hand to wipe the palm against the clinging fabric of her attire. She cheers for Nikh, pleased to see a friend so well paired, before returning to clutching Zerra's hand. J'lyn blushes for some horrible reason... Taelenna smiles and claps as Nikhshar Impresses to that lovely green with the storm-tossed hide. From the hatching sands, Emily smiles widely, a jubilant cheer escaping her lips at Nikhshar's impression, though it's quickly lost in the noise of the sands. That smile lingering, her attention returns to the other hatchlings and eggs, the shuffle of her feet unnoticed. From the hatching sands, N'kshar chuckles softly, reality sinking in. "Of course, let's get something to eat." T'vor's eyes take in Ofira, and he smiles, before going back to the goings on at the sands. Alyssa murmurs, eyes at her dragon, "That is a fine green, yes, love, but they're not hatched specifically for you. Now do sit, will you, please? Others cannot see." Ofira glances up, feeling someones eyes upon her and she smiles to T'vor, before turning back to watch. From the hatching sands, R'val sees N'kshar to the entrance, with his green, and then turns about to walk closer to the circle of candidates, standing a careful distance. Deirdre threads her way through the crowd towards Encil, saying gently to him, "Nobody. I Impressed instead, at Fort, and Kale married Lyrin. Hiya, Sarina." From the hatching sands, Woozy Egg spins somewhat more slowly, though the effect is no less dizzying and the colors are no less garish. From the hatching sands, Suzot's inexpressive face, which had begun to express something after all (jealousy, perhaps, but still an expression), suddenly loses all form and goes slack as the heat-stinging blue eyes take in the cool, calming green's coloring. "Och," she rasps, or was that squeaks? From the hatching sands, Breenah gasps as she sees the egg spining. Taking a step forward, only to stop short she moves back again. "It will be ok. It will be ok." She keeps repeating to herself as her eyes follow its path. A quiet giggle escapes Kindre's lips as she peers over towards Alyssa. "Herath is going to get jealous if he keeps acting that way," she chides her friend. From the hatching sands, N'kshar heads off towards the bowl on the way to the weyrling barracks. Encil nods to Deirdre. "The seafarer. Held on a boat. Needn't pretend I can't--Deirdre?" Adonith turns to look guiltily at Kindre and settles almost at once. Herath receives a concilliatory whuffle and warble. From the hatching sands, Zerra cheers for Nik, or rather N'kshar, then turns back to the sands at all the movement. Siani laughs at Alyssa and Adonith, in spite of herself. Sarina breaks into a grin when she sees Deirdre. "Dei! It's been so long." From the hatching sands, Striking Tsunami Green Hatchling heads off towards the bowl on the way to the weyrling barracks. If Kassima were grinning any more, her face would surely split in two. "What a beauty she is!" the greenrider murmurs. "And what a fine clutch, t'have so many greens--and so many of 'em in eggs I'd guessed, too! Oh, Ylysse is going t'owe me *such* a forfeit when this is over...." From the hatching sands, Sionelle makes her way past a stammering couple of ninnies from Boll, marvelling, yet again, that any dragon chose them to stand. Giving them a none-too-gentle shove out of her way she reaches T'mar and his brown to lead them to the exit from the sands. From the hatching sands, Alexi's grin for his friends is suddenly wiped from his face as he collides with another Candidate trying to get out of someone else's way. "Woah there, careful!" From the hatching sands, K'tyn nods approvingly as Azeth and N'kshar pair up. "Good choice," he says with a grin. Alyssa cannot help smiling back at Siani and at Kindre too. From the hatching sands, The Glossy White egg tips over, cracks running across its surface. From the hatching sands, Woozy Egg wobbles to an unsteady halt...or does it? After a moment, it starts to rock, this time propelled by its inhabitant. Deirdre says "Tavella's oldest -- isn't he her oldest? -- brat is down there. I promised Miritha I'd come up." She looks around again, rolling her eyes. "Note the lack of her presence." Herath seems mostly pacified by Adonith's affections and, just as her rider smiles at the Wingsecond, turns to watch the happenings on the sands again. "Oh, you're doing that well, Kassi? Shards," the rider half notes to the other Wingsecond, "I seem to be breaking just about even." From the hatching sands, Gentle Rainfall Green Hatchling blinks, triple eyelids closing slowly and then snapping all open in a rush -- almost like she's afraid of missing out on something important -- and indeed there's something important out there -- a large circle of white-robed things. Surely not her siblings? Head tilts, as she peers closer, trying to work things into their correct angle of focus. Maybe that one there, it has a slightly green tinge to it after all! With a croon, that comes out a little louder than intended, she sets off for a closer look, her tail sweeping the remains of her egg into the sands, somewhat like a foot swathing a path through dew-laden grass. From the hatching sands, Zerra blinks and whatches closesly as glossy white egg moves. From the hatching sands, Ceria shivers slightly, as she watches the hatching eggs. The nervous look starts to re-enter her emerald eyes. From the hatching sands, Jehrina chuckles softly, smiling as young dragons find their lifemates. T'rod strides in with a confident, leisurely pace. T'rod slips down along Beltanth's foreleg. When he reaches the bronze's knee, he drops to the ground below. Sarina's lips quirk. "Miritha? Miss a hatching? Stars, things have changed." T'rod smiles faintly. "I know one that she'd've rather missed." From the hatching sands, Sanjeet watches slowly, quitely as the candidates numbers about him begin to diminish. Absently he lifts a leg as a slight amount of warmth bleads threw the tender soles of his feet. The numbweeds affectiveness wearing off quicker than Sanjeet had hoped. Now, a nervouse look is given too the eggs as he begins to count. Still many more to go. He will for sure have baked feet. Deirdre says "What is this, old Fort week?" From the hatching sands, The Orange Slash Egg, defiant to the end, finally succumbs to the urge of its occupant to be hatched and breaks open. Shaking the shards from its glistening body is a small green, standing with the same arrogance and defiance her egg seemed to exhibit. With an oddly powerful bugle, the green carefully picks her way across the sand to look into the eyes of brown haired, mousy lad from Half Circle Sea Hold. Sarina turns around, startled by the voice. "T'rod!" The master harper's smile broadens. "Good to see you're still alive." Encil repeats, "Deirdre," and looks at the sands so that she hopefully cannot see his expression. "I do love a hatching," he says, evasively and probably falsely. K'ri looks up and groand then smiles and waves to T'rod.." Long timeno see" From the hatching sands, Makear can't help but squeeze Maylia's hand and say, "That green is so, well, calming!" She smiles again as she hears her croon. She again remembers to shuffle her feet, barely missing getting burnt for about the 6th time. From the hatching sands, Alexi lithely dances over some shards in an attempt to get out of the Green's way. Deirdre looks T'rod over with a mixture of obvious appreciation and faint disdain. "You haven't changed. At all." T'rod grins at Dei. "Seems like it." He nods to Sarina. "Still going." From the hatching sands, Parth swishes his tail about as he leans forward to get a better look at that newest green as she moves across the sand. He gives out a rumbling sound that swiftly becomes a trumpet of approval and appreciation. From the hatching sands, Maylia tugs on Makear's hand, quietly remarking "How lovely!" in regards to the rainfall green hatchling. She grins as her comment is echoed by her twin. From the hatching sands, Suzot's breathing slows and deepens, tightly controlled, though her feet are scorched pink and her robes grown translucent with sweat. As she shifts and shuffles, the over-tall girl moves past Ceria and towards the trio of sisters nearby. From the hatching sands, Woozy Egg slowly turns end-over-end as its inhabitant struggles to emerge. Bumping into another, smaller egg, it is halted, but only for a moment. From the hatching sands, Ceria tries to stay out of the way as she watches hatchlings and eggs. Sarina turns Dei's attention to the sands. "Who is down there that I'd know. Anyone impress anything interesting?" Asrai grins as it seems that she's gotten away with the comment. Leaning forward she peers down over the sands, trying to see if others have impressed as yet that she's become friends with. "'Tis the extra time of study," Kassi says sagely, nodding with satisfaction. "I do better with Benden clutches because there's so much time to try and divulge what might be within! Either that, or because I'm wearing a kilt, and those are good luck. 'Tis your call." Encil blinks twice and looks back to Deirdre. "So what's, er, new at, er, Ruatha?" From the hatching sands, Dathon's grin gorws a little wider as the Half Circle lad Impresses, and he fairly beams now, gazing around the cavern with a delightly amazed expression on his face. Even if he doesn't Impress, the spectacle alone is enough for a lifetime. T'rod looks down at Makear, grunts. "Whatever happened to a good Candidate mauling or four?" J'lyn chuckles at T'rod. Alyssa's amethyst gaze finds T'rod and blinks, then she returns attention to the sands. Siani, now that the Danton Matter has been thoroughly dealt with, watches the Hatching with evident enjoyment. From the hatching sands, Kylandra watches the green's progress and crosses her fingers, mouthing the word 'please' over and over again. Kindre chuckles and bobs her head before gazing down at her own kilt. "Mayhaps that's why I've not been completely wiped out yet?" A quirked brow and odd look is afforded to T'rod before she turns to find her wineskin. Ofira taps her fingers impatiently, "I should get back to the kitchen..." she says reluctantly T'rod nods to Deirdre. "Nor you, milady." He scans other people present, shakes his head at a thought -- or a commentary from a dragon -- and smiles in general. "Ah, well." From the hatching sands, Breenah half smiles, half worries as she hop- dances on the sands. Wiping the beads of moisture from her brow and eyes to best view the eggs and dragonettes moving about. Her breath relieses quickly having forgoten she was holding it. She dodges just in time as another candidate almost trods on the hem of her robe in his hurry to lift his own feet. From the hatching sands, Reflecting Egg has arrived. From the hatching sands, Woozy Egg gives a final, convulsive twitch, before finally, finally hatching. From the hatching sands, Rumbles of sound come from the Woozy Egg as it begins to tremble with decided life. Talons peek out from the top of the oval, and the heartshaped tip of a tail appears before the full egg splinters apart with seemingly no effort. Breaking out onto the sands like a storm suddenly whipping across a golden desert, this hatchling blinks over the mess of shells spread out around him. A clingy bit of swirled white-orange contrasts sharply against the golden-brown of his birth-wet hide and, taking a few moments to shake it off, he seems oddly affected by the egg's illusion. A few drunken steps are made towards the Candidates as he eyes them as curiously as a Herder would a new stock of bovines. Dust-Devil Brown Hatchling Not the largest brown to ever break shell, this young hatchling certainly could be one of the most striking. Hued with the opulent, strong shades of a skybroom tree from agile muzzle to lithe tailtip, his other markings are what make him unique. Storming across his hide like a violent sandwhirl in an Igen desert are black-gold twists that seem to fight for control over the richer bark-colored ones. Even birth-wet, his dragonflesh seems grainy, as if he'd rolled around on the amber sands just after hatching from his shard encasement. Milky ribbons of maize wind around his bulky shoulders and up his neck, finally coming to a point just askew on his muzzletip. Shadowed patches of beach-brown cover his chest and give the illusion of tumbleweeds pirouetting across steamy lands. Flapping his wings in an attempt to dry them, he gives all onlookers a peek at the strong pinnacles that will eventually carry him through the skies. His wingspars and sails copy the sandy browns and milky golds crossing his compact body. An attepted *bugle* ushers from his stately form, betraying that he's likely more inclined towards pleasure than business. From the hatching sands, Desara and Fadra, on opposite sides of the Candidate's semi-circle, both call out at the same time, "Falmirth!" "Wanmanth!" Desara, a young woman from Telgar, stands staring at a tiny little green, it's wings spread and laying limply on the sand. Fadra, a Benden Weyrbrat, looks at the sand-coated face of a warbling blue. It's uncertain which dragon is which. Deirdre looks down at K'ri. "What, everyone's worst enemy gets a hello and your Weyrlingmaster doesn't even get a grin? C'mon, Kiriana, you can do better than that." From the hatching sands, Alexi chuckles as he looks at the dissarray that the nice half circle of Candidates has become. Asrai grins over at her friends, "What would a hatching be if we didn't all wear our kilts? From the hatching sands, Ceria's attention is drawn by the sound of the newly hatched brown. She smiles at him. J'lyn grins at Asrai and looks down to his own. "It just wouldn't, would it?" From the hatching sands, Zerra grins as candidates impress, not really knowing where to look, but remebering to move her feet, occasionally rubbing a foot against her leg. Looking form candidates, eggs to hatching, and so hot! T'rod smiles a little. "My Wing," he notes to Deirdre, "would agree with the 'worst enemy' commentary." Taelenna raises an eyebrow as the brown emerges. "My, he's handsome," she mumbles to herself. From the hatching sands, Alexi whirls to see the new brown, a grin breaking his face at the bugle. K'ri chuckles..." didn't think you had noticed me yet Dei... how've you been?" Siani turns faintly reddish at something Alyssa says, leaning over to murmur a reply. Alyssa leans forward, peers at the sands and in particular at the new brown, then states, "That is a very, very handsome fellow." From the hatching sands, Dust-Devil Brown Hatchling takes several uncertain steps, as isn't all that surprising, when one considers the way his egg was spinning. With a decidedly confused warble, he surveys the new world around him, tentatively half-unfurling his wings. From the hatching sands, Maylia's gaze darts about, eggs, candidates, hatchlings, Impressions, and she calls congratulations to Desara and Fadra. Caitria grins at the brown. "I like the manner of that one." From the hatching sands, Sanjeet peers curiously before him. The dripping sweat, insufferable heat, and wantings of bodily functions begining to take it's toll upon his young frame. His shoulders sag slightly as yet several more eggs crack. Most notibly a brown. From the hatching sands, Makear rips her gaze from that green long enough to se the brown. Her eye's flow over his hide and she again smiles. So many hatchlings, so little time to revel in their beauty. From the hatching sands, Parth joins his bugle with his newest son's, though his rings far louder over that one. His chest puffs out proudly as he watches on while each of the dragonets find their mates on the sands so far. Marth perks up and takes notice of the brown, rumbling appreciatively before settling back... From the hatching sands, Reflecting Egg shivers, and then quiets a moment--only to shiver and settle into the sand again. Nearly vibrating, in small segments of time, it trembles and then rolls to its side, narrow end pointed at the hatching cavern's exit. Encil looks from Dei, to Sarina, to T'rod, and says, awkwardly, "So, er, sister. Are you, um, back for a while?" Alyssa looks in a peculiar way at Siani, smiles, and murmurs, "Likewise." From the hatching sands, Zerra chuckels at the double impression, and grins, excitement in her eyes at the proud father. Meli reaching forward, liberating the wineskin from Kassi's side, deftly squirting some into her dry mouth. From the hatching sands, Prometh rumbles-bugles, greeting the latest arrivals to the sands, approving of the lifemate pairings that have been made. From the hatching sands, Dust-Devil Brown Hatchling turns towards his sire as he hears the bugle, but his attention drifts quickly back to the hatchlings. Not unlike a master with a crowd of unruly apprentices, he bugles as he moves closer. From the hatching sands, Suzot freezes. Hot sands aside; burnt feet and sweat aside, she freezes when the dizzy brown tornado comes to rest, as if she too had been whirling, invisibly. Sarina nods to Encil. "For a bit. Tarin's off talking to the Master Miner about something or other, so I thought I'd come up with him. Sarin's with his parents, and all three of them are enjoing themselves. From the hatching sands, Gentle Rainfall Green Hatchling warbles in confusion as she stands looking at a particular boy hopping around on the sands as if in some new found dance or flight of fantasy. Daintily, she picks her way through the shattered egg shards and various siblings rushing about the sands trying to find who they should be with. Shy, demure even, she isn't one to be rushed. She will take her time over this one. After all a joining of hearts and minds should be a -- she stops, and then lurches forward, all decorum lost in the moment of discovery! She's there, she's there. A nudge and she looses her balance, breaking the hand holds this girl has. From the hatching sands, Emily lifts each foot and shakes it free of the sand tumbling on it from the topmost ridge of the depression she's made. Looking first at the hatchlings, then at the remainder of her fellow Candidates, her lips purse in thought. One hand behind her back, she crosses her fingers, biting her lip as she looks back to the hatchlings. From the hatching sands, Eggs crack and hatchlings about, small creatures stumbling awkwardly on new legs. The sound of pitiful creels and defiant bugles is intermixed with nervous chatter from the remaining Candidates and the low roar of the audience in the galleries. Three Impressions occur almost simultaneously as two greens and a blue find their lifemates within the semi-circle of white robed humans. From the hatching sands, Breenah smiles as she watches the Brown unfurrow his wings. She shakes her head as she takes in his full size. A lump forms, which she quickly swallows. And she steps backwards to give the dragonette free roam. Deirdre settles into a squatting position, then quickly into a sitting one as her knees complain. "Honshu's pretty, the food is great, the men are to die for, and in a few years I'll be too old to fly Fall anymore... thus outliving all the bets C'trel made on me." Encil nods and looks back at the sands. "You should come by the Fort Smithhall to talk. It's been...so long." Deirdre says "Encil, Sarina -- sit down. You too, T'rod. You're too tall at the best of times." From the hatching sands, Alexi looks to the Brown with admiration as he stumbles forward. T'vor grins at Deirdre, "You had to train K'ri? I am truly sorry." He grins. From the hatching sands, Reflecting Egg shivers again, almost frantically. Faintly, stress lines appear in its shell as it manages to work itself down into a wallow of sand. From the hatching sands, Dust-Devil Brown Hatchling warbles a greeting to his green clutchsister, then warbles at the whiterobe-types. One claw catches on a shell of his egg, and he croons with bemusement. Lifting his foot to inspect this oddness, the shell goes flying towards the Candidates. The brown, fortunately, keeps his balance. Deirdre grins at T'vor, inspecting him and apparently gaining a favourable impression. "I'm afraid so. Miritha, Annilith and I." From the hatching sands, Sanjeet continues to pace up and down. Walking in motion. Sands quickly becoming unbearable as his numbweed swathed feet begin to feel sensation once more. A glance to the disheveled, unruly semi-circle of remaing candidates is given. Here, the merest of grins is flashed. A soon to be patnented grin of bone-white upon dark bronze. Deirdre says "But believe me, there was no contest for the Worst Weyrling in that batch. Absolutely none." T'vor chuckles, "Why am I not surprised?" From the hatching sands, Alexi drops to the sands to avoid the shell pieces, burning his hands in the process. From the hatching sands, Alexi says "Ouch! Ow! Ow!" Sarina nods to Encil even as she settles down gracefully -- but with a touch of a grimace at the last drop -- down next to Deirdre. "It has been a while, hasn't it brother??" Asrai chuckles at all the dodging going on down there on the sands. "Poor Alexi.." Encil sits next to Deirdre, not quite looking entirely himself. Well, not that you can be sure what he looks like, since he hasn't looked like himself for a while, to judge from his grasp on reality. Sarina glances at Deirdre curiously. "That bad?" Deirdre says to Sarina, "We really should see each other more often, since we're both down South. There's just no excuse." From the hatching sands, Ceria grins at Alexi as she hops from foot to foot. From the hatching sands, Lisalle giggles as she points out a small brown standing among the shards of the Glossy White Egg to his companion. The hatchling's small neck is bent over his shoulder, trying to scratch at a point along his wingshoulder, but he can't quite reach and ends up chasing himself around a couple times until hunger gets the better of him. The brown moves to Lisalle and stands in front of her. The young woman starts to giggle, but suddenly stops and calls out "Jezydth!" From the hatching sands, Makear watches the green for a while and then switchs her eyes to the brown. She carfully studies his movements a shadow of a smiles still hovering about her lips as she just tries to take it all in. Ofira nods to Asrai, "He never was careful enough in the kitchen," she notes, though she looks worriedly at the boy. From the hatching sands, Zerra is whatching the green the looks through the crowd of candidates to see what happend to Alexi. "I hope he's alright," Kindre adds her comments to those concerning Alexi. From the hatching sands, Breenah jumps back as shards of egg shells fly her way. She hop-dances around to Alexi in hopes od avoiding steping on the pieces of shell that now glisten on the sands. From the hatching sands, Dust-Devil Brown Hatchling blinks a set of lids at the unexpected result of moving his foot. Who knew? His head turns to follow some motion, and his body tries to follow. After another moment of awkwardness, he seems to sort everything out, and moves with unusual grace for so young a hatchling. Sarina chuckles at the rider. "Yes well. Having a seven turn daughter does tend to occupy most of my time." She glances down towards the sands every so often. From the hatching sands, Kylandra surveys the scene as more and more eggs become hatchlings and then lifemates. She stands silently, now, eyes locked on the sands. Deirdre says firmly -- and with seeming pleasure -- "T'rod, bar none. The only weyrling I've ever wanted to knife." From the hatching sands, Maylia gasps as her hold on her sisters hands is broken and she falls to the sands by the green hatchling. Oh so quietly she exclaims "Oh, and I love you, I love you!" Breaking her gaze into her new lifemates eyes she looks up to Makear and Zerra, saying with wonder, "Her name's Tierth!" Encil looks at Dei. "South? When did--" He looks from Dei to his sister in confusion. T'rod sits up a row or two, sprawling someone ungainly out onto the riser behind him as well. He supposedly watches the Hatching, but in truth he's watching the others before him. Typical. Asrai giggles over at Ofira, "well, I can't really say anything about another person's apparent clumsiness....but Alexi tries hard, you have to admit." From the hatching sands, Alexi shuffles from foot to foot and he brushes the sand from his hands and Robe. From the hatching sands, Reflecting Egg starts to shiver in earnest, the thick shell warping as the being inside fights to free itself from his confinement. From the hatching sands, Kylandra smiles broadly at her cousin. "Congratulations, Maylia!" Kindre's eyes widen as she sees Maylia kneel. "Oh, lovely name...Tierth, she said?" T'rod smiles faintly. "Why, thank you, Deirdre. If Miritha feels the same way -- and I'm sure she does -- I'll be quite pleased. Everyone who had close business contact with me will agree on one thing, at least." Sarina eyes T'rod with a grin. "I think that's been a typical emotion, Deirdre." The she looks towards Encil, frowning. "You knew I was on Southern." From the hatching sands, Ceria smiles at Maylia, a hint of disappointment in her eyes. "Congrats!" she calls. Ofira smiles, "Oh, good for Maylia," she says, pleased. Alyssa applauds at the green finding her lifemate. "Well done." From the hatching sands, Zerra blinks and grins, as Maylia impresses, looking over Tierth, 'Oh shee's lovely Maylia.' From the hatching sands, Makear gasps in surprise and then in pleasure as she realizes who the green was after. She beams to her twin and her face seems about ready to split from her smile. "Congradulations!!!" she just about shouts to her sister. Deirdre reaches out to pat Encil's hand. "Is Fort being nice to you?" From the hatching sands, Emily lets out another joyful whoop as the dainty green looks to Maylia, unable to be disappointed as her friend Impresses. From the hatching sands, The Tunnel Egg shudders, its dark form quaking with the hope of life within. From the hatching sands, R'val moves quickly to Maylia's side, white teeth flashing in a dark faced grin. HE murmurs softly, "Congratulations, Maylia and Tierth. You're a happy addition to the Weyr!" He urges the new pair gently towards the weyrling barracks. From the hatching sands, Suzot steps backwards as the trio-member she'd been right beside finds herself Impressed. "Aye, Maylia, well done." Only small surprise is evident as the Vintner backs away from the new couple. Asrai claps with a sigh of happiness, "How lovely." From the hatching sands, The glossy sides of the Egg of Reflection mirror the eggs around it in distorted waves as a myriad of cracks spread across its surface. Pieces fall away from the egg as the claws of the hatchling within slowly seep outward, rending through the flimsy shell. Another striation forms, tracing along the camber of the egg as it swells outwards, sending shards flying. From the remains of the egg drifts a fluid-coated blue hatchling, appearing more ethereal than solid. He holds there unsteadily, in a dreamlike state of bewilderment. Befuddled Fog Blue Hatchling Soft, edgeless, powder-blue curls of mist appear to have coalesced into the body of a dragon. His hide is pale, shadowed by silvered wisps of gray swirling over him in confused patterns that take no shape. Delicate of build, this young creature seems to be more a figment of imagination, than a real and solid being, warm and living with lithe muscles rippling under satiny skin. Tendrils of ice-blue writhe around his throat and radiate upward over his head and lingeringly stroke their cold fingers along his spine before spreading their web of lines across his wings like frozen fog veiling a deep cerulean beneath. The dark shadow of colour akin to a haze of blue smoke drifts across his belly, and underneath the sails of his wings, marred only by the soft dapple of lapis as if bits of sky were trying to melt through. From the hatching sands, E'ryn glances over toward Maylia, and her new lifemate. Smiling he remarks. "That green Impressed also. And Tierth, what an unusual name." His hand finds Parth's chest which he pats absently to calm the excited brown father and all his leering around to gaze at the various hatchlings. From the hatching sands, Sanjeet hazzard another gaze to the yet diminishing clutch. Not much longer to do. A hand lifts to once again wipe away teh accumilating sweat. A sweat that has now completely saturated his robe. A robe that now reveals the slightes tone of pink beneath it's surface. As another impression is made. Maylia's no less, Sanjeet upturns his cracking lips into a smile. Encil nods to Deirdre. Unfortunately, the nod becomes extended and after a few seconds, he can be heard to snore, lightly. From the hatching sands, Ceria watches the brown, but her attention is cot as a blue hatches. She smiles at the sight of him. From the hatching sands, Maylia shakes her head, eager to reassure Tierth, "Oh, no, no, you didn't hurt me a bit!" she struggles to her feet, reaching out to caress her lovely face, gently brushing the sand from the green hide. Asrai's claps become more enthusiastic, "Yay, look at that Blue!" she points out to everyone..as if they all suddenly went blind. Taelenna smiles. "Oh, I met her while I was visiting," she tells Taura, tilting her head sideways. "She's quite nice." The bluerider claps, pleased for Maylia and green Tierth as Vallith trumpets at the new blue. From the hatching sands, Prometh bellows a welcome to the blue, and a pleased rumble to the latest pairing. Siani ooohs softly. "Another one I want to paint." She scans the Sands a moment, then turns to Alyssa. "Lys, I need to get down to the caverns and make sure everything's ready for feeding a horde." From the hatching sands, Breenah smiles over to Maylia "I'm so happy for you." She calls out as she continues her skipping dance on the sands. She looks over at the sound of yet another egg splitting open. From the hatching sands, Kylandra's eyes are instantly torn to the blue. "Oh, a blue...oh a beautiful blue..." she murmers. She stops playing with her hair and stands still, only bringing her feet off the scorching sands occasionally. From the hatching sands, Zerra smiels and moves to takes Makears hand to squeeze it as she whatches their sister with her new lifemate. Alyssa's smile broadens as she espies the just-hatched blue. "Now that is a fine-looking drag...no, Adonith, not handsomer than you. No one is." She sounds both a bit teasing and genuinely sincere, then she stands. "Shall we give you a ride, then, Siani?" From the hatching sands, Dathon turns to watch Maylia, drawn by the sound of her ecstatic voice. "Tierth!" he repeats. "Hoorah, Mayli--ach." His shout of congratulations is interrupted mid-name as the boy beside him collides with him once more. He wheels around to see what's got the young lad on the run, and his eyes fall on the newly hatched blue. Entranced, he stares. And his wide grin fades into an openmouthed appreciation. Deirdre tilts her head back to address T'rod. "Business associate? That's all I get, after all this time?" From the hatching sands, The semi-circle of Candidates is reduced once more as a green stumbles awkwardly toward a tall, lanky young man with short brown hair from Greystones. Echoing right on his joyful cry is that of a young Reaches girl, staring with dark eyes at a long-winged tiny green. Deirdre straightens up again, turning all the way around so she faces the bronzerider. "Which reminds me -- I've been curious a long time about this. Show me your hand?" From the hatching sands, Makear continues to smile as she watches Maylia and the green. As she hears Prometh's beelow she looks up surprise, anouther hatchling already?! She quickly looks for the new arrival and finally her eyes alight on the blue. She sighs as she watches him, he is so great too! From the hatching sands, Emily, who is watching Maylia and her new green, completely misses the blue breaking shell. Her attention is brought around, though, by the appreciative murmurs near her. "Ohh, he's beautiful." Miran cheers at all the impressions. From the hatching sands, Sketch Egg has arrived. From the hatching sands, Maylia gradually leads Tierth to the barracks, assuring her with every step that it's not far at all. From the hatching sands, Alexi keeps whirling from cry to cry, watching Impressions happen all about him. From the hatching sands, Maylia heads off towards the bowl on the way to the weyrling barracks. Siani says "I hate to drag you away... do you mind? You can just drop me in the Bowl." From the hatching sands, R'val heads off towards the bowl on the way to the weyrling barracks. From the hatching sands, Dust-Devil Brown Hatchling paces along the whiterobes, trying to find exactly the right one. His croon takes on a wistful note. Alyssa smiles, brushing herself off. "Of course I don't mind." From the hatching sands, Emerging from the snowy shell of the Gentle White Egg is a tiny green. She looks over the Candidates, but it perfunctory. She sees what she wants in the semi-circle of humans and with a strange, hopping-stumbling gait stops before Galam. For once the Ruathan prankster is struck speechless as Impression is made. His voice hitching, G'lam cries out, "She's Ocath!" From the hatching sands, Ceria moves closer to Alexi once more, murmering, "They're amazing!" From the hatching sands, Tierth struggles upright and then totters unsteadily after Maylia, sometimes remembering to pick her tail up, other times not, creating a strange pattern in the sands. From the hatching sands, Alexi can only nod in responce to Ceria. From the hatching sands, Tierth heads off towards the bowl on the way to the weyrling barracks. From the hatching sands, Suzot's dark blue eyes take in the foggy hide of the befuddled little man just arrived into life. "Faranth's..." she starts in her low, rasping alto; and then she doesn't finish. She'd stilled her movements, and just as she speaks up, her voice is cut off by the fast- growing burn on her soles. From the hatching sands, Dust-Devil Brown Hatchling rumbles, his tone taking on a note of joy as he sees white....lots and lots of white. He pauses before a lanky young man, leaning forward to gently nuzzle the long legs before him. From the hatching sands, Sketch Egg just seems to lie there, relatively still, except for the occasional bump of another egg smacking against its shell. T'rod watches the hatching for a moment, then closes his eyes as a pair Impress. "You," he says quietly down to Deirdre, "and Miritha are two of the bravest people I know. I never became a WeyrlingMaster ..... I'm not that kind of hero." From the hatching sands, Sionelle scrambles over toward the weyrling from Greystones, reaching him just in time to point him after R'val and Maylia, and to turn back for G'lam and Ocath's Impression, rubbing a hand across her forehead, she starts in their direction. From the hatching sands, The Tunnel Egg, one of few remaining eggs left on the sand, finally cracks open, dumping its occupant unceremoniously upon the Hatching Sand. The green looks forlorn as she lays in the sand for several moments as if she doesn't want to move. Hunger gets the better of her though and she half walks, half drags her sand-coated form to the line of Candidates. Quickly, she finds her lifemate in the form of Carol. "Aheth?" C'rol asks. "Your name is Aheth?" From the hatching sands, Ceria glances around, trying to take in everything at once. Alyssa uses the oiled straps and an extended foreleg to mount Adonith and, once settled between his neckridges, she rubs his hide adoringly and receives, in return, a loving warblecroon. Siani climbs up to join Alyssa mounted on Adonith. Settled between Adonith's neckridges, Alyssa holds a hand down for Siani. From the hatching sands, Befuddled Fog Blue Hatchling sits, seemingly bemused for a long moment. Irritably, he shakes his head, dislodging a stray piece of shell that rested there briefly. Slowly, like an ancient uncle, he gets to his feet, hissing at the ugly pink things that are staring at him, and moves through the refuse of his egg to find his lifemate. Cygnith tilts his muzzle up to *BUGLE* a welcome to the little Blue. Asrai winces, reaching up to pat his neck, "Yes, dear, I'm sure he heard you..no need to be so /loud/ though. Adonith leaps off the ledge. T'rod looks for a long minute into Deirdre's eyes, then opens up his right hand, to show her the network of scars that lace across it. From the hatching sands, Alexi grins at the Blue's hissing as he steps over some rather jagged shards... From the hatching sands, Ceria takes a step back as the blue hisses, but her attention is quickly drawn elsewhere. From the hatching sands, Zerra is whatching Maylia and she turns and smiles as G'lam impresses then moves to stand closer to Makear. SHe hops from one foot to the other whatching that hatchings and the white sea of candidates get smaller. Deirdre's rather fierce grin softens a moment. "I gave it up, Turns ago. The last one I did was when I was still at the High Reaches." She reaches towards T'rod's palm, frowning now, then stops. "And the other one?" From the hatching sands, Makear hears the hiss of the blue, but that still doesn't break her good mood or her gaze that wanders over his hide. SHe stands still and again tries to just take it all in. From the hatching sands, Parth lets loose with a bugle as the newest blue arrives. Then he turns his head to watch the rest of the hatchlings before leaning his head close to Kimbrith to give the golden queen another nuzzle. From the hatching sands, Kylandra's eyes stay firmly fixed on the blue through his hissing as she stands in the sands, feet moving and sweat pouring down her faces. From the hatching sands, Dathon's hand stays on his neighbor's shoulder, offering absent creature comfort to the nervous, harried young lad. But his attention is fully absorbed by the blue. The dragonet has him enthrealled to the point of recklessness, and he steps forward, in the face of the hiss. From the hatching sands, S'jeet's wandering attention is gained periodicly by the low, wistfull croon. His own emerald eyes falling upon the lone, searching brown. There, his gaze pauses. Looking rather astonished as a hand seemingly reaches out and clutches his sould, mind and heart. "Tazath." S'jeet calls, falling to one knee. "Aye, yih it, I pih." K'ri finally manages to get her voice and her breath back and smiles with flashing eyes,..." You haven't changed a a bit Dei..." From the hatching sands, Emily appears mildly surprised as the blue hatchling hisses in the direction of the candidates. Still, she watches him, her feet now fixed firmly in place, uncaring of the blistering heat of the sands. Asrai giggles, "No dear, you didn't hiss like that. you were too busy kicking sand on everyone. Oh good, another pairing!" From the hatching sands, Breenah moves to the left as she watches the paths of the dragonettes. Her head darts back and forth as she smiles to the impressing candidates and also to those still remaining on the sands with her. Miran says "Tazath. Nice name." From the hatching sands, Ceria grins as the brown chooses Sanjeet. She cheers. From the hatching sands, Alexi throws a grin over at Jeeters as he and Tazath get to know one another... From the hatching sands, Merla's eyes drifto over th few remaining eggs as Kimbrith ignores the ones that are not rocking. From the hatching sands, Kylandra smiles at S'jeet's Impression. From the hatching sands, Makear smiles toward S'jeet, quickly returns her gaze to the blue. Deirdre says "I try not to, Kiriana." From the hatching sands, Zerra turns from whatching the blue to smile and call, 'Conrgatulations.' to S'jeet. K'ri triesto keep track of the hatching while listening to the conversation going on around her... From the hatching sands, Befuddled Fog Blue Hatchling looks about, and, uncaringly, pushes his way over to a likely stand of pinkthings, striding over a candidate who does not move out of his way quickly enough. His claws are razors, and he shreds her from stem to stern. Deirdre says "I've managed to survive this long, after all." From the hatching sands, Jehrina nods slightly at S'jeet's Impression. "Well, I hope his dragon can figure out what he means all the time." Taelenna smiles as the second brown chooses a lifemate, clapping softly for the boy. From the hatching sands, Sketch Egg continues not to move, sadly enough. It looks quite peaceful, there in its little hollow of sand, covered with a dusting of their grains. From the hatching sands, Tevell's smiles of congratulations to the candidates who've Impressed get more and more tense as the number of unhatched eggs diminishes. He keeps his place in the ragged semi-circle, picking up his feet in a slow and methodical rhythm, the response to the pain of the hot sands underfoot now automatic. "Congratulations," he calls to S'jeet. From the hatching sands, Suzot, beside Makear and Ceria as Maylia is Impressed and gone, sways from side to side, giving a sharp nod as S'jeet and his dragon find one another. She huffs a stream of air upward at her exertion-red forehead, but it doesn't cool her. No relief from the heat of the sands - nor of the stares of all those watching this spectacle of joy and grimness. J'lyn chuckles at Jehrina's comment. "Either that or make him calm down a bit from it..." From the hatching sands, Alexi circles around the Blue to tryto help the injured candidate. K'ri says "I've even wrangled a few groups of weyrlings myself in these last couple of turns .... you must have been a good teacher after all..." From the hatching sands, Ceria gasps as a candidate is run over. She steps back again, trying to avoid the blue. K'ri grins From the hatching sands, Kylandra pales as the blue mauls the other candidate and flexes her knees again, knowing she'll probably have to leap out of the way. From the hatching sands, Sionelle whirls back from guiding her latest pair-- she thinks of them as hers from the moment they Impress, eyes wide at the sight of the injured girl. "Alexi!" she snaps. "Stay away from that dragon! All of you stay -away- from that dragon, or you'll end up in the same state!" Kindre's eyes widen as she squeezes through nearly to the edge of the galleries. "Shard it all," is her muttered curse as a young woman is injured, "Why in Faranth's name don't they listen?!" From the hatching sands, Makear moans silently and winces as the blue injures a girl, but still that doesn't cause her to break her gaze over that blue. AS she feverantly hopes he quickly finds his lifemate. From the hatching sands, Alexi says "I'm away! Don't fear that!" From the hatching sands, K'tyn blinks, and then grimaces at the blue dragonet's careless rending of the candidate. "Sionelle. Can we get her off the sands?" T'rod turns the second palm over. It's been decades since he shattered the goblet; the scars are well-faded. From the hatching sands, Ceria's eyes fill with nervous tears at the sound of Sionelle's voice and she begins to tremble again. From the hatching sands, Zerra ohhs as the candidate is run over and steps away, evern tho the hatching is no-where near her. From the hatching sands, Dathon, whether he hears the weyrlingmaster's words or not, does little to preserve his own hide but shove his smaller neighbor behind him. He swallows, throat bobbing with nervous terror, and stands his ground, staring at the blue. From the hatching sands, Jehrina shakes her head, "Every time. Every time, we tell them, and there's always someone who doesn't listen." From the hatching sands, Breenah moves faster than her feet have ever moved as she darts out of the way of the Blue. She turns quickly to make sure he hasn't changed direction. Her eyes fly to Sionelle as she hears the question directed that way. From the hatching sands, Emily goes from a blank look to one of sheer terror as she notices the blue coming toward her. She can't seem to move, though, all she can do is stare...and a moment later, she's little more than a pile of white robes and blood, crumpled on the sands. From the hatching sands, E'ryn doesn't look at all surprised as a candidate becomes injured by the anxious blue hatchling. He simply grimaces, and starts forward. But stops before going too far as the situation is quickly covered. "Shards, that poor.." His voice fades out as Parth rumbles disturbingly behind him. Kassima breaks out of her joyful trance of watching the eggs and dragonets with a gasp of dismay. "Ach! Bloody shells--the poor lass! Nay, Kin... I don't believe some of 'em ever do." She shakes her head regretfully, muttering under her breath, "And thus the weyrlings'll learn the folly of nay following orders, I suppose. Sharditall." From the hatching sands, Kerlyn, another of the weyrlingmaster staff, tears her gaze away from the bloody scene by the far wall, and steps forward to assist S'jeet and his new lifemate. "Follow me," she says. "There's food in the barracks..." From the hatching sands, S'jeet nods at his new lifemates silent question. "Aye, pih. I getta go willy bad." Sanjeet answers, slowly leading Tazath towards food and latrines. From the hatching sands, S'jeet heads off towards the bowl on the way to the weyrling barracks. From the hatching sands, Sionelle sets her lips in a thin line, and starts forward through the tide of retreating candidates, more cagily than might be expected. She's seen enough injuries to know she doesn't want one herself. Holding up a hand to the Weyrleader, she steps slowly, calmly, and very quietly to the side of the blue hatchling, toward the discarded, senseless girl. From the hatching sands, Tazath heads off towards the bowl on the way to the weyrling barracks. From the hatching sands, Parth continues to loom over the sands, soft rumbles emerging from him at the disturbing events. He wuffs at his rider again, obviously a little distressed for the poor girl who lies crumpled on the sand. From the hatching sands, Suzot watches the gored girl, and oddly, not the dragons. Her shoulders rise and fall, though the sound of her sigh is stifled to inaudibility. She mutters to herself, "... been..." Jerissa winces, turning her head as she remembers a friend being mauled by a brown, "Shardit, shardit!" A look get directed to her lifemate, thankfully all she did was fall over. From the hatching sands, Alexi follows orders and fights the urge to help the injured Candidate. Slowly he backs away from the Blue. From the hatching sands, Befuddled Fog Blue Hatchling hisses at a candidate that he feels is too close...then blinks. This one. This is the one that he's been looking for. His demeanor changes suddenly, and he croons at Dathon, his eyes a blue-yellow whirl. Deirdre considers one palm, then the other. From the hatching sands, Sketch Egg seems to be quite forgotten in all the anxiety and the dangerous attack. But why shouldn't it be. It's still doing absolutely nothing to gain any attention. It is still. Quite unmoving. Deirdre touches T'rod's left hand. "These are mine. It's nice to see you still can't forget me." Her fingertips move to his other palm. "But these?" K'ri looks like her entire face fell as she frowns deeply.... Genneth flies here from the air over the hatching sands. "I know her, too," Kindre remarks while still looking down at the injured Candidate. "Emily...met her at Bitra before she was Searched. Crackdust, I hope she'll be alright." Sighing once more, she drains the wineskim by several swallows. Nya dismounts from Genneth. Genneth croons softly once her rider is safely on the ground. Asrai shakes her head slowly, her look concerned. "At least the Blue's made a choice it seems...perhaps he will calm down now." Ofira sighs, twisting her apron nervously again, eyes fixed on the sands. From the hatching sands, As the blue's attention turns toward Dathon, Sionelle opens her mouth to shout again, readying a hand to wave to distract the blue from the frozen candidate. But she recognizes the expression in the boy's eyes, and relaxes her stance, continuuing toward the bloodied candidate as T'saren joins her from the other side of the sands. Herath snortwarbles a respectful greeting to Genneth and her rider. From the hatching sands, Merla looks around. Kimbrith, seemingly unconcerned, bugles as each of her children find lifemates. T'rod regards Deirdre with an even gaze, glancing up as he sees the maulings. Fingertips twitch as she traces old scars, and he shrugs. "Firestone sack, middle of Fall; too many sharp edges. Didn't notice it until afterwards." From the hatching sands, Makear watches the blue go to Dathon. She blinks as she realizes how few eggs are left, she then quickly counts the remaining candidates. Her eyes then wander over and then stop on the Sketch egg, wondering what will emerge from that shell. From the hatching sands, Kylandra looks at the very few remaining eggs and she sighs. The light in her eyes fades and her shoulders start to slump. Deirdre smiles. From the hatching sands, Dathon shudders once as the blue approaches, fear finally reaching the depth of his awareness. But before he can turn, or flee, or faint, a voice breaks into his consciousness and his smile returns, wondering. "Wroxath!" the young man shouts. "He says his name is Wroxath!" Genneth warbles amiably to the other dragons, then settles down to watch. Deirdre pulls her hands back to her own lap, shifting so she can keep a better eye on the Sands. "You were always good at ignoring the little things." From the hatching sands, Jehrina pokes K'tyn's shoulder, and then points a finger over at the Sketch egg. "I don't think it's going to hatch." From the hatching sands, Zerra watches the blue with wide eyes as it seems to be about to take Dathon next, but she smiles and relaxes as she relizes another pair have impressed. Alyssa slides down the beautiful purplish blue flank of her lifemate to come to a rest on the ground, Adonith swinging his head around to regard her adoringly. From the hatching sands, Emily, quite unconscious and probably better off that way, lets out a quiet groan as she's approached, one that's swallowed up by the diminishing noise of the sands. From the hatching sands, Ceria smiles at Dathon, but her eyes take on a dejected look as she surveys the remaining eggs. Alyssa glances toward the sands as she lands and blinks. "Is that someone hurt?" she asks anyone near enough to answer. From the hatching sands, K'tyn nods at Jehrina. "It doesn't look like it at all. I'll wait for the sands to clear a little, and go look at it." From the hatching sands, E'ryn's attention is drawn toward where Jehrina points. He lets loose a soft sigh. Well, there was always a chance it would happen. He simply shakes his head and pats his dragon. Parth seems unbothered by this, and in fact, much like Kimbrith, completely ignores the unhatched egg. J'lyn nods to Alyssa somberly. "Emily." From the hatching sands, Breenah sighs in relief as she Blue finds his lifemate. Seeing the danger past she once again moves into the semi-circle with her remaining candidates to watch the last remaining eggs. Kindre adds her nod to J'lyn's. "She look pretty hurt..." From the hatching sands, Suzot turns back to the last egg, unmoving on the sands. Her feet stop moving, stilled as if to match. Excitement, tension, fear, and hope: what little showed on the unexpressive girl quickly rip away like the shells of those already hatched dragonets. What remains is weariness. T'rod's hands close again. "Yes," he says with distant detachment, a sorrow of a type found in Traders' fireside tales in his voice. "Yes, I was." His gaze is upon the new-hatched dragons. R'lym lovingly pats Zyrieth's neck, swings his leg over the bronze's neck and hops to the ground. R'lym waves and makes himself comfortable against Zyrieth. From the hatching sands, Alexi doesn't watch the egg, like his fellow Candidates, he watches as the injured is taken from the sands, a deep look of concern in his eyes. Nya greets those whom she knows, some more officially than others, and looks down, trying to see what's going on. From the hatching sands, Makear's mood can not be broken, it is dimmed by the mauling, but she still is in good spirits. She still watches the Sketch egg, hoping against hope that it does hatch, despite what the riders say. Taelenna glances back and salutes R'lym. K'ri shakes her head and sighs..." Maybe she'll make it..." T'vor smiles to R'lym, "Heyla." From the hatching sands, Wroxath heads off towards the bowl on the way to the weyrling barracks. Penath warbles to Zyrieth T'rod nods to Nya, not exactly formally. From the hatching sands, Zerra turns her attentions back to the remaing aggs and whatches, shuffling form left foot to right, left to right. Meli frowns slightly to herself, watching the girl carried off, eyeing the unmoving egg. "Started out well..." she murmurs to herself. From the hatching sands, Kylandra stares intently at the Sketch egg. "Oh, just hatch," she mutters. "The whole world is waiting for you...come out to us," she says, as if it might help the creature inside. From the hatching sands, Sionelle motions T'saren to Dathon and the blue, casting a quick gaze around the sands to asses her own safety in her current position. The commotion has died down considerably, and she opts to stay where she is, unwrapping her scarf from her neck-- only after removing the wool does she notice how hot the sands are-- and wraps it around the worst of Emily's gashes. R'lym returns salute, then smiles in greeting to T'vor. Hanneth croons to Zyrieth. Miran grins. "Nice timing, R'lym. I think it's about over." Deirdre says "We all have our survival mechanisms." "Evening, Weyrleader," Kindre nods to R'lym, "and Benden's duties," she adds a bit distractedly. The unmoving egg and Emily's being carried off draws back her attentions. Alyssa, still near her dragon, looks now at the hatchling and at the unhatched egg, a frown drawing down her features rather sharply. Zyrieth rumbles in response to Penath, then warblecroon to Hanneth Deirdre's tone is a little wistful. "But I'm still glad you have the scars. Strange, to think of those as better days, when life now is so calm and life then was so -- painfully messy." From the hatching sands, K'tyn heads over to the unmoving egg, and looks at it critically--Giving it a touch. He shakes his head, preparing to call a pair of strong young people over to help him move it out. From the hatching sands, E'ryn turns to look over at K'tyn again as slowly the sands begin to empty. He watches the Weyrleader's progress with it. From the hatching sands, Ceria sighs as K'tyn goes over to the silently still egg. R'lym shrug, then sighs, "Over? Oh my..." He looks toward the Sands, "Looks like it was lovely..." "Leave it be, Kiat," Alyssa whispers to herself. "It'll hatch, it'll hatch...it will, it will." From the hatching sands, Silence reigns supreme. Most, if not all of the eggs have hatched. Dragons have for the most part seemed to cease their incessant humming in welcome to the hatchlings. Candidates have paired up with dragons just hatched, and are being led off when a loud sound ricochets throughout the sands. Is it a crackle of thunder resounding in the distance -- the approach of a storm? Or is it perhaps the rumble of some dragons hovering high overhead on a ledge? No, it is neither of these things, but the sound of an egg-shell cracking, as one egg, one thought to be still and dead perhaps, starts to split into all directions. The Sketch egg buckles, rocking back and forth, until it breaks into many pieces, heralding the presence of a dragonet. He tumbles seemingly from out of nowhere, as the egg shatters around him. Looming Thundercloud Bronze Hatchling A dark storm appears to loom on the horizon, gleaming an eerie shade of molten orange, bronzed by fading light as the last beams of the setting sun illuminate the bottom of the roiling vapor. This hatchling's hide is the perfect backdrop for the delicate traceries of gold-wrought lightning radiating over his skin, within the shadow of the squall threatening to come. Those subtle markings reveal the faint impressions of pale midnight and shadowy forest-green which flicker amongst the billows of heat-warmed copper. The thin membranes of his wings are like a thinning of clouds, their color silvered with the shine of twilight stars gleaming through. His eyes, more like the flash of electricity bursting from the sky to strike the ground in fiery fury, gleam with promise of like temperament. He is built lithe and lank, yet strong, like a force unstoppable as it coalesces into full force and vigor, forming into an ominous onslaught of power. T'rod nods quietly. "It's more turbulent when you're young. Once you're down to the last three out of your Weyrling Class to survive, well, you spend more time in the past than in the present, some days." J'lyn smiles. "Beginning and ending with a bronze. There's got to be something good about that..." Marth BUGLES! with relief and happiness! "Thank Faranth!" Is Kindre's mirthful exclamation as the bronze finally seems to find life and breaks free. R'lym oohs! "See! Not over! A Bronze, yet! " Adonith trumpets as well, victoriously as if to say We told you so! Deirdre says "Mmm. My class was very small, but we're most of us still alive. Even C'trel." Her eyes go dark suddenly, and she stands with commendable energy but obvious effort. "Then again, Tilani's dead. So I guess it all evens out. 'scuse me. I think I'm going to go work on the getting drunk bit right away." From the hatching sands, Ceria gasps as the egg shatters, but then she looks slightly disappointed. It's a bronze. There is no lifemate for her there. Her green eyes hold a hint of pain. Ofira's eyes widen as the still egg suddenly bursts and the vibrant bronze emerges, and she lets out a breath she didnt' know she was holding. From the hatching sands, Alexi starts at the suddenness of the explosion from the Sketch egg. The injured forgotten, he stares aghast at the Hatchling as it emerges from its shell. Miran blinks. "Whoa. Guess not." From the hatching sands, Zerra titls her head to one side as she watches K'tyn with the silent egg, but then her gaze is caught by the Bronze as he hatches, 'oh what a lovely fellow.' she says, admiration in her voice. From the hatching sands, Kylandra sees the bronze and all hope fades from her eyes as she sighs and looks down to her feet. Nya sighs. "Poor girls. It's hard when one you can't possible impress hatches last." From the hatching sands, Kimbrith bugles as the last of her eggs hatches. From the hatching sands, Breenah jumps as the egg splits open. Her heart racing she covers her mouth to stifle she scream. Penath BUGLES to the young bronze. The Trumpeter strikes again. From the hatching sands, Makear smiles joyfully as the egg finally hatches, but ohhh, it is a bronze. He is definatly gorgeous in his own right, but he would never come to her. So she takes her gaze to the rest of the remaining eggs. K'ri's face brightens noticeably..." Ahhh, now that's a way to end a hatching..." Taelenna blinks, leaning back just slightly as the egg bursts into shards. Deirdre finds an isolated rider and in short order talks him into giving her a ride -- presumably to the Bowl. Kassima's cheer is drowned out by Lysseth's bugle as the egg hatches a fine young bronze. "Oh, what a handsome lad he is! Beautiful! I don't believe I've ever seen his like a'fore... what unusual colors!" Asrai smiles brightly, "Oh fantastic. I'm glad it hatched...and such a handsome Bronze at that." From the hatching sands, Parth trumpets loudly as the very last egg hatches. He draws up, wings rustling as he flicks them in against his sides. He inspects this last hatchling, giving a snort of approval for this newest one. T'rod doesn't follow Deirdre's form out, but it's odd how he looks at her back -just- before she rounds the corner and disappears from sight. Adonith turns toward Lysseth, then glances at the bronze and rumbles something that makes Alyssa chuckle. "No, love, she doesn't think he's handsomer than you." From the hatching sands, Tevell, glancing up at the spectator seating again, as he has been once every few minutes throughout the hatching, finally spots someone or something and smirks broadly for just a moment before having his attention drawn away by the newly-hatched bronze. "Decided to join the rest of the world after all, mmm?" he remarks, mostly to himself. Asrai grins, "I like the dark colored ones best." From the hatching sands, Ceria seems to deflate and she puts up a hand to stifle a sob as she watches the bronze dejectedly. From the hatching sands, Prometh rumbles smugly at his rider. Kiat turns around, glaring upwards. "Well if you knew," he says irritably, "Why didn't you say so!" The young man strides back across the sands, avoiding candidates and egg shards with equal ease, his kilt flapping against his knees. From the hatching sands, Alexi's look of astonishment fades and is replaced with a look of awe and admiration. "Sometimes it's good to be last." From the hatching sands, Looming Thundercloud Bronze Hatchling hovers there, near the renments of egg for a few long moments, as if orienting himself. His head tosses, freeing a bit of egg-shard from the top of his head, sending it to scatter to the sand. His wings flick behind him in a mimic of Parth's previous movement before he heads out quite decisively toward a group of boys. This one doesn't play around. He seems to know exactly what he wants. From the hatching sands, Suzot, stilled at the motionlessness of the egg, crackles into energy as the bronzelet bursts forth from its encasement to find his other half. But it's not her, she knows, and so, seeing the sands free of other unhatched eggs, she backs towards the wall, trying to remain unnoticed. As if someone six-foot-one, wearing an all-white "Oh Shoot Me Now" robe could remain undetected. Adonith peers at Lorieth and rather deliberately rests his head on Herath's neck. From the hatching sands, Ceria's eyes hold one last vestige of hope as she looks at Alexi. Kindre whistles quietly under her breath. "He is quite the striking young dragon, indeed," she remarks while Herath adds an appreciative bugel of her own. From the hatching sands, Jehrina snorts, "Figures he wouldn't tell." From the hatching sands, Alexi glances around at the other men on the sands with a look that says, "Here we go, guys." From the hatching sands, Breenah gives her head a good shake to awaken her sences. She moves quickly to dodge out of the way of the moving dragonette. Kassima wrinkles her nose playfully at Lys. "Nay, nay. Y'know she favors blues and browns over bronzes... well, usually. But he *is* a striking youngling." Ofira leans forward to watch her one time kitchen helper. "He's good with a pan, ought to be good with all metallics," she reasons. From the hatching sands, Sionelle looks up as the bronze hatches out of nowhere, the collective gasp of the crowd drawing her attention away from the candidate on the sands at her knees. The young dragon is unlikely to come seeking a thirty-turn old female, however, nor the bloody heap in front of her, so she stays where she is, after a brief look up into the chaotic color and motion of the stands to try to spot Alyssa or one of the Weyr's healers. From the hatching sands, E'ryn looks relieved, and shares a smile of that relief with the Weyrleaders and Merla. He watches the bronze as he sets out to pick his mate. From the hatching sands, K'tyn shakes his head, turning about. "Of course not. Takes after his dam," he comments to Jehrina. Kindre chuckles at Ofira and makes a show of crossing her fingers. "We can hope, hmm?" From the hatching sands, Jehrina tilts her head, with a smirk, and an ironic nod of her head. Amylith flies here from the air over the hatching sands. From the hatching sands, Zerra watches as the bronze makes it's way towards the canidates. She squeezes Makear's hand and smiles, hops from one foot to the other, but watches the bronze's progress. From the hatching sands, Looming Thundercloud Bronze Hatchling stalks clear across those sands, weaving and wobbling unsteadily as he does. But he doesn't stop, oh no. When he stumbles, he rights himself. When his wing catches up in his claw. He quickly frees it. Nothing will stop him except for -him-. For him he pauses, looming close in front of the boy, and gazing up at him quite practically. From the hatching sands, Kylandra looks up at her cousins, Zerra and Makear, then goes back to her unhappy contemplation of the cruel ironies of fate. Laughing softly, Alyssa replies, "Don't tell me, Kassima. I think he's trying to ... " Then her voice falters and she takes Adonith's straps. "I think I'm needed. Excuse me, everyone." From the hatching sands, Ceria continues to watch the bronze breathlessly, tears falling from her eyes. Amylith trills in a sharp excited tone as she lands. As her rider dismounts she snakes her head towards the hatching grounds, eyes whirling happily. M'verick slides gracefully down from Amylith's neckridges under the loving and watchful eye of his lifemate. Alyssa uses the oiled straps and an extended foreleg to mount Adonith and, once settled between his neckridges, she rubs his hide adoringly and receives, in return, a loving warblecroon. Adonith leaps off the ledge. T'rod rises quietly, and makes his way away. From the hatching sands, Suzot edges towards the opening in the wall surrounding the Sands, the path through the galleries. The way out. From the hatching sands, The silver returns to A'lex's eyes as he nods. "Of course Nraith, we'll fix the itch!! I promise!!" From the hatching sands, Breenah moves toward the other girls as she too watches the Bronze. T'rod concentrates, and Beltanth blinks in from *between* at a dangerously low height, settling immediately to the ground. T'rod climbs up onto Beltanth's neck with the aid of one of the dragon's knees and the flying straps. From the hatching sands, Ceria manages to smile through her tears as the bronze chooses. Beltanth leaps off the ledge. From the hatching sands, Nraith bumps his head up against A'lex's belly quie affectionately, perhaps to help assage one of many itches. Asrai *BEAMS* clapping hard enough to set her hands on fire, "Oh wonderful A'lex and Nraith!" K'ri claps her hands together...." I think I'd best return, I've a broody firelizard to tend and a daughter to check up on... " From the hatching sands, A'lex immediately begins gently rubbing the wet hide. "Here?" Jerissa smiles, "Well thats over with" she says turning and grinning up at Amrieth. Ofira smiles happily, beaming, "Now, I'm going to have to train a new helper," she says without a hint of malice, one hand rubbing damp eyes. From the hatching sands, Kylandra stands silently on the sands, waiting for the word to be given for the Candidates who didn't Impress to leave the sands. From the hatching sands, E'ryn laughs as Parth stands nearly upright on his hind legs and bugles again, triumphant tones ringing through the cavern. His wings vane as the last of the dragonets finally Impresses. From the hatching sands, Prometh bugles, a briliant peal of sound as A'lex and Nraith find each other. Kiat winces. From the hatching sands, Zerra grins as A'lex impresses, but then looks to the sand and her face falls slightly and she gives a half smile to Kylandra, as she relizes all the eggs are hatched. Kindre whistles and beams wide as Alexi..now A'lex...finds his lifemate. "Oh, what a perfect pair those two!" From the hatching sands, Ceria begins to sidle toward the edge of the sands. She walks quietly past A'lex and Nraith. Genneth warbles down to the Istan sire. From the hatching sands, Breenah heads off towards the bowl on the way to the weyrling barracks. Cygnith *BUGLES* his own echo of his lifemate's happiness. From the hatching sands, Tevell slumps, managing only the briefest of desultory smiles for Alexi and his newfound lifemate. All traces of smugness disappear from his features. Still, he holds his place, with a glance at the riders-in-authority for permission to depart. Ofira sighs deeply with contentment, "A good hatching," she says with quiet satisfaction. "A good hatching." From the hatching sands, Makear's realizes that her lifemate isn't here, here unbrakable good mood, brakes. The light of excitment fades from eyes and she gives a silent sigh as she looks over the remaining shards. K'ri climbs nimbly up and settles between two neckridges on Marth's back. Upon Marth's neck, K'ri fastens the riding straps tightly so she won't fall off. From the hatching sands, Jehrina smiles. "Congrastulations, weyrlings." She turns her attention top the remaining canddiates, standing on the sands. "Benden Weyr thanks you for being here. You're more than welcome to Stay here at the Weyr, or return to your homes, as you wish." She looks up into the stands, raising her voice, "There will be feasting in teh living cavern, thank you all for joining us!"