
Proddiness and Promotions

Date:  December 12, 1997
Place:  Telgar Weyr's Living Cavern
Game:  PernMUSH
Copyright Info:  The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey 
l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright.


Kassi's Note:  Once more, the time has come when the Weyrlings of the
Weyr are due to be chosen for Wings.  Wouldn't you just know that this
would occur while Kassi was proddy?  But despite the decision that she
could be accurately compared to Mothra, or perhaps the main character in
'Firestarter', she did manage to tag a 'Ling for Thunderbolt who survived 
the whole experience--will wonders never cease! ;)  


The Log:

You walk past the lintel and into the wide living cavern.

Pierron sniffs at the klah pot, and throws the old klah out with a look of 

K'ti snuffles s'more then sneezes into her kerchief.

C'vadan stands and salutes the weyrling. "How is Kyoteth today?" he asks, 
dark eyes unreadable.

Kerlyn walks in from the bowl.

Melina salutes Kerlyn and Kassi crisply from her seat, her dark eyes still 
trained on D'ton.

D'ton says "Kyoteth's doing great, sir. Ate like pig...ah, ate very well 
earlier. Flying and all."

C'vadan nods at this information. "Good to hear, lad. And how are you?" he 
then asks.

Kerlyn salutes sharply in return, making her way through to the Dawnslight 
table, leaning back on the table to talk quietly with one of her former 

"If'n the klah's that bad, let M'kla brew it," Kassi suggests dryly to 
Pierron, her rather grouchy tone suggesting that she's not in the best of 
moods today. Brushing past several riders and giving only a grunt in 
response to all salutes, the begowned greenrider pauses by Cav and D'ton. 
"Have y'been demoted or something, Wingsecond?" she asks without preamble.

K'ti suddenly looks up as she becomes aware of something. "Jaralth!?" she 
says, "Ya didn't...."

D'ton answers evenly, "As well as might be expected, sir."

Melina looks over at K'ti, startled, "Ma'am?"

Silanda looks over at K'ti. "Uh-oh..." she says to herself.

C'vadan waves his hand to the rider he was speaking to earlier and she 
hands C'vadan a hide. He looks at it critically as D'ton answers. "Excuse 
me, Kassi?"

K'ti puts her forehead into her hand, shaking her head back and forth as 
she says quietly, "He did it.. dought one o'de weyrling dragons that snow 
wakes riders."

Silanda closes her eyes, and shakes her head, and sighs. "Poor weyrling."

D'ton glances at K'ti wide-eyed. From his expression, it's obvious he 
suspects that he'll be next.

Melina's eyes grow distant for a few moments and she shakes her head, 
"Shards.. Rhonneth, I best not be wakened by a snowball in my furs"

Ryddle smiles quietly

Kassima folds her arms and drawls, "Well, what with the saluting of 
*Weyrlings* and all... I thought mayhaps Ursa'd pulled you from the ranks 
again." She doesn't come out and say so, but her tone implies that this 
would not surprise her.

C'vadan decides to ignore Kassima since Dulath has dutifully informed him 
that Lysseth is glowing brighter than an over-decorated Christmas tree. 
"Where were we, D'ton?"

D'ton looks at Kassima, taking in her outfit critically. You can tell that 
he's considering a fight or flight response.

D'ton says "We were exchanging queries about health, sir. How are you?"

C'vadan isn't going to let D'ton have the flight option, it seems.

C'vadan ahs. "Yes. I am fine. Thank you." He glances at Kerlyn. "I have 
some notes here from the Weyrlingmasters about your progress with your 
Wing," he says, voice purposefully thick with dread.

Kassima scowls, giving the lie to her claim that women--or at least, this 
woman--adore being ignored. "Healers, the weather, snow, greens, and 
brownriders. *That's* what's wrong with the world," she decides, eyeing 
Cav rather as she would something revolting on the underside of her shoe. 
"Get your eyes back in your sockets, Weyrling," she further suggests 
drolly to D'ton.

K'ti pokes her head from beneath the fur that's enwrapping the little 
rider. She looks over towards Kassi then shakes her head, "Da explains it. 
'afternoon Kassi."

Kerlyn scowls, on cue.

D'ton covers first one eye, then the other with the palm of his hand. 

Melina sits up straight at Kassi's word. A word in retort dies on her lips 
as she faces the greenrider. She clears her throat and goes back to 
sipping her klah.

C'vadan clears his throat. "I would appreciate it if you would look at me 
when I am speaking to you, Weyrling."

Kassima glances at Melina out of the corner of her eye, and does relent a 
bit. "Well... *male* brownriders, anyway. Whose names start with C."

D'ton looks at C'vadan.

Telgar Weyr> Jehrina says, "good thing you made that 'male' qualification, 
kassi. Otherwise, I'd have to tell Rill, and you'd be in for it :)"

Melina grins slightly and nods, "Understood, Kassi" She breaths a sigh of 
relief at not slipping and calling the greenrider 'ma'am' which would be 
stupid in her current frame of mind.

C'vadan has had enough experience to know he doesn't have to worry about 
Kassima until after he knives appear. He stands expectantly looking at 

K'ti sneezes quite messily into a kerchief, a slorpy sound this time of 
too much sinus not enough air.

Melina looks back at Cav and D'ton, wondering what exactly is going on. 
She takes a sip of klah.

Telgar Weyr> Kassima wouldn't want to risk the Wrath of Godrilla. She's no 
Dracuelle, Tiffenstein, or other movie monster to put up a fitting 
fight. ;)

D'ton looks at the notes. "Oh," he says.

Telgar Weyr> Jehrina says, "hehe"

Saruh grabs a simple bowl of stew and tucks herself in a corner to eat and 

C'vadan asks, "What do you have to say for your performance, Weyrling?"

Silanda gets up, tucking her sewing back into her basket, and heads into 
the lower caverns.

Silanda walks towards the inner cavern.

Silen heads off towards the inner cavern.

Telgar Weyr> M'kla thinks you're KassiRa...like Mothra...bit, scary, and 
mutates into a weirdly beautiful...thing....

Melina swallows hard, watching D'ton, her squad leader.

"Evening, K'ti. Did y'know that you sound like a runner that's trying 
t'snort its lungs out?" Kassima inquires as genially as she may. This is 
not, it might be noted, saying much.

D'ton puts his hands behind his back and says, "It's been less than ideal, 
sir. Especially during the last Fall."

Ryddle chuckles

D'ton says "Most of the deaths were from my squad."

Telgar Weyr> Kassima beams. M'kla thinks I'm a thing!

Melina also sits up in her chair. She's partially responsable for what 
happened, because she seconded the bronzerider.

Telgar Weyr> M'kla grins.

C'vadan nods at the Weyrling's answer and jots something down on the hide. 
"I am aware of that, Weyrling. How would you change that?" he asks, dark 
eyes burrowing in on the lad.

Telgar Weyr> Melina chooses not to comment on that.

K'ti pulls the furs back a little then chuckles, sorta. "Da's really good 
ta know. An here I dought it sounned like I corked by node. To pant at da 
bronze an green riders."

Telgar Weyr> C'vadan says, "Can I be King Cav? :)"

Telgar Weyr> Mehlani imagines Caitria dressed like Faye Wray, being 
carried up the side of the Weyr by Cav. Oi.

Telgar Weyr> M'kla is the Thing from the Klah Lagoon!

Telgar Weyr> K'ti is far from the frightening figure she used to be... she 
kinda misses that, though. I think I need to go get some more green paint.

Telgar Weyr> C'vadan beats his chest and starts coughing.

Telgar Weyr> Kassima thinks you should be the kid from 'I Was a Teenage 
Werewolf,' Cav. Or maybe that other kid, who was a teenage werewolf 
snack. ;)

Telgar Weyr> Jehrina says, "Flip ya for the big chunks, cav"

Telgar Weyr> C'vadan says, "Sure, Jehrina :)"

D'ton's gaze darkens slightly. "We should have kept a better track of each 
other. That would have saved E'rim and Iayath. The first death came too 
soon after we came out of between. I don't know how I'd have prevented 
that, unless we came out of Between a good deal farther from the Fall. And 

D'ton says "I should just have been there."

K'ti frowns a bit, her head swiveling as she catches the end of the 

C'vadan says "You feel responsible for someone else's mistake?"

Melina murmers to herself, "It wasn't your fault, D'ton.."

Kerlyn opens her mouth to cut in, but closes it at the last minute. She 
fixes a hard gaze on C'vaden. His response had better be good, it appears.

Kassima allows ever-so-generously, "That, too. Though why you'd want 
t'pant at bronzeriders, I can't imagine." Following K'ti's glance, the 
greenrider frowns and drops down into her chair. Like so many others in 
the room, she's eyeing the Weyrling and Wingsecond.

Ryddle h her face concerned

The glance Cav gives Melina indicates he suggests she remain out of this.

Melina almost melts into her chair under Cav's gaze. She burries her nose 
in her klah.

D'ton says "We were all responsible for each other. And I was more so, 
because it was my squad."

K'ti tries to keep up part of the conversation with Kassi, though her 
attention is that direction, "How'boutin iffin I jus pant at ye? Ye'll be 
amused fer hours."

C'vadan nods at this answer. "Understanding one's role within a Wing is a 
very important step in fulfilling one's duty to dragon, Wing and Weyr." 
His expression and voice is very grave.

Kassima's reply is a grumped, "Wouldn't bet on that. Try going for days 
without more'n a few hours sleep, with nay caffeine and nay *decent* food, 
plus a headache and backache each the size of Prometh's tail end, and 
we'll see how easy you are t'amuse."

K'ti snuffles again, "I dunno. I dink I godd dat wit dis cold. Jaralth 
dropped snow on by bed."

Kerlyn's arms cross over her chest, a small frown on her face as she 
continues to blatently eavesdrop on C'vaden and D'ton.

Saruh finishes her stew and wanders off yawning.

Saruh walks towards the inner cavern.

D'ton just nods in agreement, not saying anything.

Suddenly, a little bronze firelizard pops in from between and flies over 
to Melina. Meticulously, Melina removes the message from it's leg and 
nods. She gets up and salutes, muttering a promise to return shortly.

Melina walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

C'vadan seems disappointed in D'ton's response. "Perhaps we have misjudged 
your committment to your duty," he says drolly, turning away.

K'ti sneezes again into that poor kerchief, then hides it and herself 
beneath the furs once more. Coughs muffle slightly in the warmth.

Telgar Weyr> C'vadan now understands why Ursa likes playing the bad cop :)

Telgar Weyr> M'kla grings.

C'vadan looks ready to cross something off the hide he is holding.

K'ti falls asleep amid those furs, finally warm and saited after a long 
night of sneezing and coughing and snuffling and achy so you can't sleep 

D'ton shrugs, slightly, "I've been misjudged before, sir," he says, then 
adds more significantly, "But not by myself."

Kerlyn's frown deepens, and she straightens up. "D'ton, hold a moment. 
C'vadan, I don't know what sort of game you're playing, but if you have a 
problem with one of our weyrlings, I suggest you go through T'saren, or 

"Oh, for Faranth's sake, C'vadan," Kassi grumbles, looking disgusted. "He 
agreed, didn't he? Does he have t'sing the praises of duty from the 
weyrtops a'fore you'll be happy? Faranth's golden gall bladder, man."

C'vadan looks up and at D'ton. He then looks at Kerlyn. "D'ton may not be 
your problem anymore, Weyrlingmaster. But that depends on whether I feel 
he truely understands his duty." He turns back to the weyrling. "Do you?"

Telgar Weyr> D'ton says, "Golden GALL BLADDER?"

Telgar Weyr> Melina blinks??

Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "At least I didn't say 'Great golden Faranth's 
egg-infested arse,' D'ton, as someone I know of likely would. ;)"

Kerlyn waves D'ton to silence with one hand, voice getting somewhat 
harder, "Whether D'ton understands his duty or not is the judgement call 
of the weyrlingmaster and weyrleader, and I'll not stand by and watch you 
pick one of my charges to pieces in public."

Telgar Weyr> M'kla gets the numbweed for Kassima's filthy mouth!

Normally a calm and unperturbable man, Cav suddenly slaps the hide on the 
table with a loud *crack*. "Kassi, leave off. I don't need your officious 
assistance." He then turns to Kerlyn. "The speak to Ursa. I am doing my 
duty here."

Telgar Weyr> M'kla grins.

Telgar Weyr> M'kla says, "Who taught you to talk like Sionelle and Saer 

Telgar Weyr> Melina giggles and has heard something like that from Kerlyn, 
I think

Telgar Weyr> Kassima read logs that had Glynna in them. Answer enough? ;)

C'vadan instantly calms and turns his attention to D'ton, awaiting his 

D'ton seems about to answer, checks himself briefly when Kerlyn waves him 
to silence. After a moment, he says to Kerlyn, "I reckon I can handle a 
little picking at after the rigours of my training ma'am, but thank you."

Telgar Weyr> M'kla laughs. I see.

Kerlyn's arms cross over her chest again, "Then do it and stop playing 
word games, wingsecond." She nods and takes a step back when D'ton seems 
not to require her defense.

D'ton says to C'vadan, "Sir, I think I know my duty as well as the next 
rider. That's why I'm here, doing what I have to, instead of hiding in the 
barracks living off my guilt and shame. That's about all I have to say on 
the subject of duty, sir."

C'vadan holds his hand back towards the bluerider standing behind him and 
she puts something into his hand. "Fair enough, D'ton. I would like to 
offer you a position in the Dawnslight Wing to serve under Ursa. Are you 
prepared to do your duty under her?"

Kassima slams her own mug down on the table and snaps back, "Y'need 
*someone's* assistance, brownrider, unless you start getting to the 
*point*!" Taking a deep breath, she sits back in her chair and just 
glowers. Glower, glower, glower.

D'ton nods, "I think I am," he says.

M'kla walks in from the bowl.

Pierron glances up as the weyrsecond enters.

M'kla saunters in, taking stock of the cavern as she does so.

Telgar Weyr> C'vadan says, "M'kla!!! Kassi's glowering at me! Make her 

Kassima is sitting in her chair at the Thunderbolt table, wearing a 
*dress*, of all things, and a glower that could curdle milk from twenty 
yards away. Her salute to M'kla is crisp and the epitome of formality. 
"Weyrsecond," she hails simply before returning to her favorite pastime: 
trying to will Cav to spontaneously combust.

Kerlyn is busily frowning at C'vadan.. or was. She schools her expression 
into something more congratulatory. "Dawnslight is an excellent wing, 
D'ton, and I can't think of a better wingleader for a newly graduated 
rider than Ursa. Congratulations." For a brief moment, it appears she's 
actually saluted the former weyrling, though that gesture was directed at 

M'kla doubletakes at Kassima....and finds her way to the klahpot without 
her eyes actually leaving the greenrider.

Good thing Cav is wearing his abestos scivvies. He can't help but grin at 
Kerlyn's change of expression.

M'kla pours a mug that winds up mostly on the floor, "What happened ta 

Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "Oh, quit your whining, Cav. You'd think she 
were actually able to set your hair on fire with a thought or 
something. ;)"

Kerlyn's sideways glance at Cav is a cue that the pleased look was for 
D'ton's benefit alone.

Telgar Weyr> D'ton has this fear of fire, Kas... :)

Telgar Weyr> M'kla shudders. Kassi stars in 'Firestarter'

Telgar Weyr> C'vadan says, "Forget that last pose I did... hold on..."

Telgar Weyr> D'ton says, "What, you don't need asbestos?"

Kassima watches M'kla spill the klah over the floor, but doesn't say 
anything; after all, it's no big loss. "Y'mean beside a general lack of 
peace, quiet, caffeine, alcohol, sleep, decent food, a clear head, or an 
argument-free moment from that green demon outside?" she inquires drolly.

M'kla says quietly, "An I thought Jh'rin looked bad in a dress."

Melina walks in from the bowl.

Mehlani walks in from the bowl.

C'vadan arches a brow. "You think so?" he asks. "I would hope you would be 
more, ah, excited." He dangles the knot and Dawnslight patch before the 

Melina walks into the cavern and finds her way back to her chair and her 
klah with a crisp salute to everyone. She seems pleased that Rhonneth made 
the trip to the hall and back.

Mehlani, still silently, pads into the cavern in Melina's wake. Holl and 
Vachon trail after the girl, and a green head with alertly whirling eyes 
peeks out of the pouch hanging at the young girl's neck.

Kassima bristles, and visibly bites her lip to keep from snapping back a 
reply that would get her sent back to the Weyrling Barracks post-haste. 
"Perhaps he and I have more in common than I thought, ma'am," she says 
flatly before whirling to see the Weyrling and Mehlani enter. "Melina!" 
she calls, beckoning to the girl. "Come here, if'n you would." She shoots 
Cav an unreadable glare, for no real reason that one can see.

D'ton regards C'vadan and the dangling knot thoughtfully before answering, 
"Sir, if I got too excited, furniture'd get broken, an' I'd best not do 
that just now," he says deadpan.

Melina gets up from her seat and obediently makes her way over to Kassima. 
Her cheeks are still flushed red with cold as she smiles quietly, "Yes, 
Kassi? What can I do for you?"

C'vadan smiles at this response. "Welcome to Dawnslight, D'ton. I think 
you will fit in quite well." He leans in to hand D'ton the knot and patch 
and whispers, "And we don't have any homicidal greenriders, either."

M'kla sits down, and looks befuddled for a moment, before scanning the 
cavern for other Weyrlings...

Telgar Weyr> C'vadan welcomes D'ton to the Dawnslight Wing :)
Telgar Weyr> M'kla applauds D'ton!

Telgar Weyr> Kindre woo's! Grats D'ton!

Telgar Weyr> Melina smoocehs D'ton, "Congratulations!"

"Sit down, for starters," Kassi states, with a terse nod of greeting. She 
kicks out a nearby chair for the Weyrling to sit in if she's so minded. "I 
have a question for you."

Telgar Weyr> Kassima woo-hoos! Felicitations, Trout-Boy! :)

Telgar Weyr> K'tyn congrats, D'ton!

Telgar Weyr> Kindre says, "psst! D'ton...demand a weyr! ;)"

Melina nods and takes the seat. As soon as she sits down, she looks up and 
asks, "Yes?"

Mehlani blinks at the tone of the voices in the room, apparently baffled, 
at least until she catches C'vadan's words to D'ton and seems to realize 
what's going on. The lass pauses to tug off her mittens and unlace her 
jacket, revealing her blue shirt and black vest beneath.

Telgar Weyr> Ryddle says, "Congrats!""

D'ton takes the patch, and says, "Thank you. I'm honoured." Then after a 
moment he says in a low tone, "But they sure add spice to life."

Telgar Weyr> D'ton beams. Thanks!

Telgar Weyr> Mehlani looks congratulatorily at a bronze rider.

C'vadan chuckles. "Yeah, I guess they do."

Kassima folds her arms again, looking Melina up and down rather 
critically. "Hrmph," she hrmphs, before beginning without preamble, "You 
said earlier that what happened in that Fall nay long agone was nay 
D'ton's fault. I happen to agree with you. My query for you is, whose 
fault d'you think *'twas*?" She watches Melina carefully, perfectly 

Kerlyn's head shakes just slightly. "Life doesn't need to be spicey."

Kindre walks in from the bowl.

Pierron nods thoughtfully as he eyes the junior Queenrider.

D'ton says "Yair, well, you take what you get, I think."

C'vadan turns back to Kerlyn. "I hope you understand my grilling of your 
former charge was necessary. Ursa demands the best from her Wing."

Melina clears her throat uncomfortably. She thinks a bit for this and 
states as bravely as she can, "Well.. everyone is responsable for everyone 
else. I guess you're responsable mostly for yourself. It was a bad Fall 
with tricky winds." Her face is almost completely white as she realizes, 
she's rambling.

Kindre regards Pierron thoughtfully, mayhaps with a smidge of wariness 
tossed in with her look. Pausing on her way to the klah to dust some dewy 
flecks of snow from her shoulders, she smile and calls a cheery, "Good eve 
all. How fares?"

Kassima lifts her eyebrows fractionally, dubiousness creeping into those 
cold green eyes of hers. "Ah, so. 'Twas everyone's fault? And d'you think, 
then, that everyone should be blaming themselves for it? Or is it nay 
anyone's fault, and none of us should worry 'tall about what can be done 
t'prevent another such in the future?" Kin gets a glance and an almost 
imperceptible nod of salutation.

Mehlani does not seem particularly bothered that Melina leaves her as soon 
as they arrive; rider business gets the lass to nod solemnly to herself, 
and she flicks Rhonneth's rider a brief understanding glance before she 
sneaks off silently to get a seat and to get her jacket off. The bronze 
and the brown in her company promptly alight on her jacket as she lays it 
down, helpfully guarding it, and after a moment, Mehlani turns with the 
green still riding in her neck pouch to approach the klah pot as well. She 
waits silently as Kindre gets there first.

D'ton looks up and beams at Kindre. He salutes her. In front of Kerlyn? 
You bet he's going to salute.

Melina shakes her head, "No ma'am. No one should blame themselves for what 
happened, but all measures should be taken to learn how to prevent such a 
thing happening again and drill to make such precautions second nature"

"Would you like me to pour you some," Kindre wonders to the firelizard-
bespeckled Mehlani before catching Kassima's odd glance. Realization 
slowly crosses her features as she takes in her friends attire. "Ah," is 
the only other utterance from her at this point.

Kerlyn returns to looking displeased, this time with a sideways glance at 
Kassima. "I would expect nothing less than the highest standards. I don't 
know that I agree with what you seem to think is the way to achieve that, 

"Yes, please," murmurs Mehlani to Kindre, out from under the hat perched 
at a slightly rakish angle on her head.

C'vadan nods to Kerlyn, accepting her criticism. "I had to be sure that he 
would not let what happened in the past adversely affect his performance 
of his duty."

Kassima scowls a bit at the ma'am, but it clears as she nods at the 
Weyrling's answer. "Well, now. An interesting view of things... and one I 
that I think will serve you well," she adds, with a brief but genuine 
smile. From out of one of her amazingly wide sleeves, she pulls forth a 
brownrider's knot and a Thunderbolt Wing patch with a flourish. 
"Thunderbolt Wing recognizes your readiness for the job of a full rider, 
Melina. Will you fly with us?"

Mehlani's gaze shoots back to Melina, and for a brief moment, the girl 
lights up.

Kindre smiles and fills two mugs nearly to the brim with klah. She, too, 
turns to catch what reaction Melina may have for Kassima.

Melina's eyes grow wider, watching the patch and knot as if they were made 
of gold. She nods unbelieving, "I'd be honored to"

Telgar Weyr> Melina does the dance of joy! :)

Telgar Weyr> Kindre says, "'grats Melina! :)"

Telgar Weyr> Kassima rather likes the current system, herself, and offers 
congrats and condolences to Melina, the newest member of Thunderbolt 
Wing. :)

D'ton bounces to his feet, and says, "Yes!" He seems even more 
enthusiastic on Melina's behalf than he did on his own. Or perhaps it's a 
delayed reaction.

That Melina has been asked to fly with the Wing once led by her father 
appears to please Mehlani; the girl doesn't exactly _smile_, but her eyes 
are decidedly brighter all of a sudden, and she bobs her head a bit more 
readily than she might otherwise have done to Kindre as the gold rider 
hands her her klah. "Thank you," she murmurs solemnly.

D'ton slips out, probably heading for the barracks.

D'ton walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

"Your certainly welcome, Mehlani," the goldrider says as she returns her 
gaze to the young lady. Lifting her mug and striding closer to the 
collection of her friends, she beams at Melina. "Congratulations, rider."

Kassima holds them out to Melina, then, with a simple nod. "These would be 
yours, then, Melina... on a sole condition: never call me ma'am again!" 
Once more, she cracks that quick smile before once more returning to the 
serious side of the matter. "Report first thing in the morn for drills 
with the rest of your wingmates, rider. 'Twill be best if'n you 
accustomize yourself to Thunderbolt's patterns as soon as possible." With 
that, she hands over the patch and knot and snaps Melina her most formal 

Melina grins and nods to the greenrider, saluting back to her in a crisp 
fashion after taking her knot and patch. She looks at the two object in 
her hand again and smiles wider.

Kerlyn considers that, "How do you feel you accomplished that? I've always 
assumed that the only judge of future performance was past performance." 
The question isn't argumentative, or critical.

Mehlani slips noiselessly back to where she'd left her jacket, but her 
baby green is wide awake now, and peeps and cheeps curiously at the 
interesting noises going on around her.

C'vadan considers Kerlyn's question for a long moment. "I had to see it in 
his eyes, Kerlyn," is his only response.

Kindre takes a seat, finally, and seems content to listen in and watch the 
goings-on of the cavern.

Kassima adds drolly, "And nay saluting, either. Nay when off-duty--and 
I'll be off-duty for a good, long time yet. Welcome to the ranks, 
brownrider." That done, she turns to quirk her eyebrows at Cav. "How... 
esoteric," is all she says.

Kerlyn considers that for a while, then nods. "Huh. Well, I don't think 
you'll be disappointed. And you needn't pass that on." She smiles wryly, 
"No point in destryong a perfectly good reputation, after all."

C'vadan grins at the Weyrlingmaster and nods.

<< Cheep! >> announces the green in Mehlani's neck pouch. Holl
and Vachon seem delighted to see her awake, and they both croon at her, but
the dainty creature peeps back in what sounds like disdain and looks 
somewhere else instead, her whirling gaze drawn by the sable-clad figure of 

Melina smiles and looks up suddenly. Nodding, she says, "Yes.. I know 
you're hungry" With that, she waves and trots outside.

Melina walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.