The Hatching of Gold Rinath and Bronze Taralyth's Clutch
PernMUSH, April 16, 2000

The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright.

You fly towards the opening into the Hatching Grounds.

You slide off of Lysseth's neck to land beside her easily. She rumbles,
cocking her head down at you, and you rub her eyeridges gratefully.

Dragon> Umirieth bespoke all dragons with << We come to rejoice with you,
from Igen. >>

Dragon> All dragons sense that Taralyth chords, diamondine-pure - deeper at
first, and then lifted a third higher than his mate's with which it twines.

Umirieth flies into the cavern from the entrance to the bowl.

Jasmyn gracefully slides to the ground and gives Umirieth an loving glance.

Melina sits forward a little at Rhonneth's throaty hum. She chuckles, "Now,
we'll see if there are any pretties out there, love."

Dragon> All dragons sense that Tovith joins in with his own deep thrum,
sending with it a sweeping image of the sands, the eggs waiting.

Linneth flies into the cavern from the entrance to the bowl.

Kassima scrambles down from her dragon's neckridges, kilt on person and
betting hides in hand. "Got the wine, got the bets, got the kilt," she
chants, perching without further fanfare on one of her lifemate's
forelimbs. "Methinks that means I'm ready t'go."

Tivuketh flies into the cavern from the entrance to the bowl.

Jasmyn waves politely as she scrambles off of Umirieth. Umirieth fits her
way in for a good vantage, being small she is good at getting into tight

Macami gracefully slides from her lifemate's neck and smiles lovingly back
up at him, as he warbles to her when she safely reaches the ground.

Linneth follows Umirieth in, humming with enthusiasm.

Lazryth flies into the cavern from the entrance to the bowl.

J'on dismounts the helpfully crouching Linneth.

Konnevath flies into the cavern from the entrance to the bowl.

Herath flies into the cavern from the entrance to the bowl.

Jasmyn says "Igen's duties to Telgar and it's queens! Wonderful day, indeed."

Dragon> All dragons sense that Jinryth raises his head, just listening
curiously to the low hummings all around his weyr. After a moment he adds
his own voice, soft yet brassy, like a low bell.

J'on says "Igen's duties!"

Macami calls out a polite "Igen Weyr's duties to Telgar and her queens,"
nods to familiar faces and then makes her way over to the other Igen
riders. She beams as she spies Herath and waves excitedly.

E'lan vaults down Lazryth's side to the ground, as the dragon warbles a

Linneth settles herself in, arching her neck for the best view.

K'dar grins at Melina. "Crowded, suddenly." He then waves cheerfully to the
visitors. "Telgar's duties, all"

Herath lands rather awkwardly at first, but manages to right herself and
her rider with a touch of grace. Kindre waves and offers a cheerful,
"Telgar's duties and welcome!"

Kassima flashes the Igenite greenrider a grin. "All Hatching days are,
aren't they? Duties, a'course--Kin, Kin! You're in time for the betting! A
half-mark says green first; are you by any chance willing t'match it?"

Kindre gives Herath's neck a loving rub before she slips down with the
polished ease of familiarity. The gold's eyes seem to burn through Kindre
until she is certain her lifemate is sure-footed on the ground, then turn
equally as hot to the surroundings in a quick survey.

Jyrinth flies into the cavern from the entrance to the bowl.

J'on says "Congratulations, and I'll see that halfmark!"

J'han slides carefully down on the Blue, giving his head an affectionate pat.

Kindre pulls a mark from her pouch and then laughs. "Put me in for a mark
for certain, Kassi!"

Dragon> All dragons sense that Umirieth crooons softly in a soothing
maternal greeting. << They awaken, the precious ones. >>

E'lan looks out over the Sands as he pulls off his helmet, then up at Divya
with a grin. He turns to the others, adding his own, "High Reaches duties
to Telgar and her queens!"

From atop Konnevath, Divya takes off her goggles and waves a general hello
before saying, "High Reaches' duties to Telgar and her Queens. And to Igen
as well!"

Melina chuckles and pulls out a mark, "I'll see it. I'm saying brown. A
nice sturdy brown."

From the hatching sands, A'lex stands clear of the two proud parents as he
makes his way out onto the sands.

Macami moves over to Kindre and beams. "Kin! I haven't seen you in ages. I
hope you and Herath are doing better?" She holds out her arms for a hug.

J'han grins, "Is this the bets for first color," he pulls out his mark
pouch, "I say green,"

Nraith flies into the cavern from the entrance to the bowl.

Jasmyn waves over at Divya. "And Igen's to High Reaches!"

Miseth flies into the cavern from the entrance to the bowl.

Divya jumps down Konnevath's side to the ground, as the dragon rumbles softly.

J'var slides carefully down Miseth's shoulder to land on the ground.

J'on shakes his head. "Blue. Has to be blue."

Kassima pulls out her charcoal stick and begins scribbling madly. "One
halfmark against, one halfmark against, one mark--against, Kin? Got it. Nay
about t'be matching green, though, sir; that's my bet! 'Twill be a fine
clutch with seventeen bonny greens and one the first t'crack!"

J'han nods, "High Reaches duties to wherever you are from." he grins.

Divya slides down nimbly but stays near Konnevath for safety's sake.

Jasmyn chuckles, "Green of course, right Umirieth?"

Kindre returns Macami's hug tightly and then leans back. Bobbing her head,
she says, "Faranth...much too long, cousin, much too long. How are you? Tiv
is well, I hope? We're well...just given the clear for short flights which
we're handling. I was just kidding with A'lex that Herath and I will be
joining these new weyrlings for training, actually."

J'on grins, leaning against Linneth. "Blue. I love green, no surprise
there, but I say it'll be a blue."

Macami turns her head and listens to the betting going on. Her comment is
"Brown, of course."

Melina crosses her arms over her chest, "Of all the.. seventeen greens,
yes, but first crack? Kassi, you've been sniffing the boiling numbweed again"

J'var slides quietly down from Miseth's shoulder, giving a pale distracted
nod to those around him as he hunkers down beside his lifemate. A hand dips
inside his jacket to bring out a flask for some intense pulls.

Miraeth flies into the cavern from the entrance to the bowl.

Tivuketh warbles, trying to snuggle up to green Umirieth, though he
respectfully rumbles to Herath. Macami smiles. "We are just fine, just
fine. I wish I would have the time to see you more often, Kin. I'm glad you
are doing better."

Divya joins the betting with her own offer. "I say the first one will be
bronze. It's good luck and Telgar's usually lucky."

Julanna takes up the riding straps in one hand and swings a leg over
Miraeth's neck, gracefully sliding to the ground.

Lazryth settles down next to Konnevath, folding his forelegs perfectly. He
croons as his rider takes advantage and sits right down, settling in to
watch the proceedings below, E'lan giving a grin over to Divya, "You're
probably right!:

Jasmyn looks from Macami to Kindre and back again with not a little
curiosity. She perches herself up on Umirieth's foreleg and congratulates
herself with a smug grin and her viewing spot.

K'dar shakes his head, grinning. "Brown for certain. That Taralyth is
almost sensible enough to be one himself"

"Odds are in her favor, Melina," Kindre calls to her friend and grins.
"I've learned that it is best to bet with Kassi than against...she's an
uncanny touch about this sort of thing." Returning her gaze to Macami, she
nods again. "Well, once we are clear for *betweening* we'll be sure to
visit. My duties have, obviously, been lighteded quite a bit."

Kassima pulls off her riding cap, and waves it at Melina. "See this? This
is what you'll be needing t'throw your marks into when it proves t'be a
green lass indeed. Isn't that right, Lyss?" Her dragon ignores the question
entirely, continuing to hum. Maybe if she pretends not to know this crazy
person.... Tossing down the cap, Kassi resumes scribbling. "Bronze, right,
got it. Green's luckier, though. Or so says this greenrider!"

Fehuth flies into the cavern from the entrance to the bowl.

Linneth looks down at the sand with a judicious and whirling eye. Her rider
absently reaches up and scratches her neck. "Green is luckier, for life.
But my marks are still on blue.

Bronwynn slides to the ground, giving Fehuth a loving pat.

Divya chuckles and tucks her gloves into a pocket. "Oh, this is much better
than last time. Much better view and less stress!"

From the hatching sands, Taralyth lifts fully to his haunches at Nraith's
rider's approach, bright-sparked wings sweeping up to cast fine shadows
over his clutch - their clutch - and yet-brighter eyes taking on that much
more vivid a whirl.

Cevodnioth flies into the cavern from the entrance to the bowl.

T'mren climbs off the dragon, and hops nimbly to his feet.

Julanna's stride takes her over towards Jasmyn and Macami, pulling her
flight jacket securely around her shoulders. "Has it started yet?" she
calls. "Did I miss anything?" Miraeth ambles over at a slow pace behind her
rider, extending a foreleg for Julanna to sit on.

Jasmyn giggles softly. "Last time, being your impression, Divya?"

Ptodek climbs off the dragon, and hops nimbly to his feet.

J'han grins, "I'm going to green, more of them, though Blues are, of
course, better," he sends a look to his ice blue lifemate. He chuckles to
Divya, "Jyr cracked shell quite early, so I didn't have to be nervous too

Melina chuckles and pulls her pocket open, "And this is where you'll be
putting your mark when you find it's brown."

Divya winks and nods. "Of course."

From the hatching sands, A'lex's smile broadens as he greets Taralyth then
Rinath. "You've both done a fine job."

J'on casts Julanna a wink. "You can still get in on the wagering!"

Divya waves a greeting to Julanna, managing to blush only a little bit.

Jasmyn shakes her head. "Nope, not a thing, Julanna. Umirieth and I are
just agreeing that green will be first to hatch. Umirieth cautions me about
betting, however, as there are Bitrans in the midst."

Ptodek smiles at T'mren. "Thanks for the ride!" he says, and shifts Salek
in his arms as he casts his glance about, looking for people he knows.

Macami eagerly nods to Kindre. "Be sure to visit, please, I'd be more than
happy to see you at Igen. But now I won't keep you from your friends, I
hope we can talk more later." She leaves her cousin's side, waves to
Julanna and stands next to Jasmyn. "Hi hi, looks like Tivuketh has already
found his love again. Too bad Schmitt couldn't come."

T'mren nods to Ptodek, 'Sure. "He replies, peering out towards the eggs.

Kvasith flies into the cavern from the entrance to the bowl.

Jasmyn sighs. "Yes, and Ric. We won't see much of each other in the coming
month with Sirocco heading to High Reaches."

Kassima calls over to Julanna, "First hasn't Hatched yet, nay,
Wingsecond--if'n you're caring t'place bets, I'm taking marks against
green. Bluerider, sirrah," she then directs J'han-wards, "I fear I can't be
agreeing with any color but green being best, but for what 'tis worth,
*Lysseth* certes agrees that blue's a color with merit!"

Omfaleth flies into the cavern from the entrance to the bowl.

Aurian slides off Kvasith after unfastening her riding straps. She lands
neatly on her feet this time.

Ptodek spies Kassima and hurries toward her. "Kassi! Hey there, how are
you?" He beams a broad grin at the greenrider.

Aurian rolls her head about on her shoulders as she gets awkwardly off

Atop Omfaleth, Kreolin smiles. "This ought to be interesting, hmm? Haven't
seen a hatching since ours. Ought to be a different kind of view." She
unbuckels herself and eaisily slips down.

Kreolin manages to climb down from Omfaleth's neck, using the gold's straps
for leverage.

Macami makes a face at that and puts her arm around Jasmyn's shoulder
sympathetically. "I already dread this. You'll take good care of her for
me, will you please? I already miss her."

Miseth seeks the nearest male tail to twine her own with. It's blue-
apparently she agrees with Lysseth. J'var glances up slightly, giving Kassi
a wan smile. "At it again, eh?"

J'on chuckles as the conversations swirl around him. He looks down at the
sands, then up at his merrily humming lifemate.

Kassima twists about at the sound of her name. "Ptodek!" she yells,
grinning broadly. "Marvelously well, considering that the twins and Wing
keep me busy night and day. About t'make m'weight in marks on these bets.
Care t'chip in a piece or two?" To J'var, she only offers a wink. "You'd
better believe it."

Kindre laughs at the betting and color conversations circling the air
around the viewing ledges. Glancing back at her lifemate, she gives Herath
a hug of the foreleg before moving to pull a wineskin from a pouch dangling
at the gold's side. "Kassi," she calls over, "do you have an extra glass?
Seems I only managed to toss in the 'skin, Faranth save my hide..."

Atop Omfaleth, "Me either," Reye agrees, unclipping the straps attached to
her riding jacket. "I wonder how clearly we'll see Ciara from here."

Reye uses Omfaleth's straps to swing herself down to the ground with an
agility that speaks of long practice.

Bronwynn settles herself between Fehuth's forearms. She catches sight of
something on the brown hide and meticulously inspects in before deciding
that it's nothing. SHe leans back against the broad chest of her lifemate,
feel the vibrations as the dragon hums.

Jasmyn sighs, and tries to smile. "I ..will." She takes a deep breath and
looks down at the sands. Trying to make idle conversation, she notes. "Huge
clutch, much bigger than some lately."

Ptodek tosses his head back and laughs. "And why not?" he says cheerfully.
"Half a mark on Ciara." He reaches into his pocket and flips a wooden disc
toward Kassima.

J'han shuffles over to Divya and E'lan, "You guys know anyone who's gonna
be down there?" he asks.

Divya nods and says, "Yes. I know Merielan. She was a Harper for a little
while before she went to the Weavers."

Salek burbles and bounces in Ptodek's arms, excited by all the people and
activity about him.

From the hatching sands, Taralyth has, hasn't he? His neck crests
accordingly at the compliment - or flattery - but that doesn't mean he's
not searching out the galleries and beyond, staring, -staring-, wingtip
feathering along Rinath's all the while.

Jasmyn hmms. "Terryll and Leelson must be in knots down there." She
giggles, looking towards Julanna. "What will Ryll do without her sketchpad
to hide behind on the sands?"

J'han nods, "There's a fellow woodcraft down there for me. Cheers for
Lanryi if you see her and I'll cheer for Merielan,"

J'var smiles wryly. "Put me down for a half-mark on brown, Kassi, will you?
Missy's idea, but she's not the one with the money." Miseth softly snorts.

J'on catches Jasmyn's comment and laughs softly.

Kassima casts Kindre a look of jesting chide. "Kin, dear friend, would I
forget the necessary Hatching accompaniments? I've a 'skin m'self, and
glasses besides; just one moment--" There's a flurry of hides as she
maneuvers to be able to reach her dragon's strap-pouch, but she does
eventually come up with a wrapped bundle, which she frees and offers the
contents of--a wine goblet--to Kindre. "I'll meet that, Ptodek. Didn't she
Stand at Ista last? Got it, J'var." Scribble, scribble.

"Green," Julanna seconds, with a decisive nod of her head. To Kassima,
"Pardon, Wingleader -- but Miraeth isn't too keen on me placing any marks
against it. She's quite certain there'll be some green hide flashing out
there first." She shifts her amused gaze towards Tivuketh and Umirieth.
"The great lovers of Igen Weyr." A hand is lifted in greeting for Divya,
and she winks at the young brownrider.

Macami gazes down on the sands, almost squinting. "Think it's that bad for
her?" she grins at Jasmyn, then goes back to her scrutiny of the eggs.

Divya nods and says, "Sounds like a plan. E'lan, do you know anyone down
there?" She studiously avoid's Julanna's wink until she can make the blush
go away.

From the hatching sands, Rinath continues to hum as she peers down at A'lex
with one huge whirling eye, inspecting him just as she has all the others
before she allows him onto her sands.

"Many thank my dear friend," Kindre remarks to Kassi with a rather impish
curtsy as she takes the offered goblet. Filling it, she leans against
Herath's right side and peers downwards. "I certainly do not miss having to
stand down there on those grounds," she murmurs mostly to herself before

Ptodek nods. "Yep, she did. So, your twins are well?" he inquires. "Salek
here, he's crawling all over the place. Like a little runner."

J'var perks up slightly. Glasses? Wine? After a moment he shakes his head
slightly with another drink from his flask. He's set, though at the rate
he's going it's not likely to last. "Thanks, Kassi." And dropping back into
distracted thoughts, he curls himself into Miseth's foreleg.

Jasmyn grins. "She uses her sketchpad like a security blanket. Who knows?
Maybe by the end of the day she will have a warm green warbling security
blanket to curl up with." She giggles as Umirieth stretches her tail out to
try to touch Tivuketh in the throng of dragons. "You think they would get
over it, Juls, but oh, no, not these two."

Csoeth flies into the cavern from the entrance to the bowl.

From the hatching sands, A'lex nods formaly to the Golden Queen as he takes
his place off to one side. He scans the filling galleries and ledges and
waves to familliar faces... and some not so familliar ones.

Divya looks over to Jasmyn and quips, "Or a nice warm brown blanket!"

Macami raises a lecturing finger to Jasmyn. "Might also be a brown tail,
you know. Never underestimate brown." She grins at Divya and nods approvingly.

Kassima laughs, tucking the charcoal stick behind one ear in a pause in
bets. "She sounds much like m'Lysseth, then; she'd have me betting green
with every egg. This time, though, methinks she's right. Much cooler up
here, isn't it, Kin?" A grin for her friend, before she turns to
investigate Ptodek's armful. "Salek," she repeats, with some surprise.
"Yours, or a relative's? With the name similarity... but aye, Kim and Ky
are quite well. Growing like weeds and costing me sleep nightly."

Jasmyn smirks at the former harper.

Cevodnioth croons at Csoeth.

From the hatching sands, I'sai comes down from the galleries.

From Csoeth's neck, Keira releases her straps and swings a leg up and over
Csoeth's neck.

Keira slides down Csoeth's side to land on the ground nearby.

From the hatching sands, A'lex lifts a hand in greeting to I'sai.

From the hatching sands, Saskia comes down from the galleries.

"He's mine," Ptodek says proudly. "You might know his mother, Salri-- she
works in the kitchens here... or did." The darker note in his voice at the
end closes that subject off rather abruptly, and the baker turns about as
he notices a blur of blue arriving. "Keira!" he calls out joyfully, waving
her over. "You made it after all! I couldn't find you anywhere."

From the hatching sands, Saskia gets a large smile from the Weyrleader,
"Well, you two. Let's see what fun we have in store, eh?" A'lex moves a bit
farther back to make room for the clutchparent's lifemates.

From the hatching sands, I'sai's careful with her, murmuring, "Last
step..." and then they've found the sands themselves. Still, when his eyes
find A'lex, they're bright.

Julanna slants her gaze towards Jasmyn. "Well, I used to use my sketchbook
as a security blanket -- and then look what happened." Miraeth rumbles --
the sound caught somewhere between amusement and a slight hint of smug.

Kassima repeats, "Salri... the name's vaguely familiar, but I don't think I
know her nay. He's certes a bonny lad, Ptodek--belated congratulations are
in order, or condolences, whichever. Keira, g'day!"

Melina mutters to herself and climbs aboard Rhonneth, murmuring something
about seeing better up there.

Mirval dismounts the helpfully crouching Linneth.

Melina climbs aboard Rhonneth carefully and settles on his neckridges.

Rafeith flies into the cavern from the entrance to the bowl.

Jasmyn grins from her perch atop Umirieth's foreleg. "Mirval. Great view
over here."

Ptodek snorts in amusement. "Maybe both?" is his response to Kassima. "He's
a wonderful little fellow, though, and a lot of fun." He glances down at
his son with a tender smile.

T'en slides down Rafeith's side, catching himself on his foreleg before
dropping the last distance to the ground.

Jyrinth bugles softly to Rafeith.

Divya waves to Mirval and T'en as they arrive.

Macami waves over to Mirval from her place of standing close to Jasmyn and

J'on grins as Mirval finally dismounts. "See, view's just as good here."

Milnoth flies into the cavern from the entrance to the bowl.

Keira takes a moment to look around, then smiles and makes her way toward
Ptodek. "Hey there! Sorry about that, Csoeth was a little too intent on his
hunting." She salutes the ledge in general to get that over with, then
grins to those she recognizes.

From the hatching sands, Saskia beams at A'lex as she lets herself be
escorted. Rinath seems to be making enogh noise for both of them. Her thrum
only increases in volume and timbre as her lifemate steps onto the sands.

Dilorenth flies into the cavern from the entrance to the bowl.

T'mren spots Milnoth and grins, waving, "Hey Aine."

E'lan leans forward and salutes his Wingsecond, "Heyla, bronzerider! Nice
of you to join us!"

Reye, perched on Omfaleth's gleaming forelimb, turns from studying the eggs
below at the sound of Keira's name. "Wonderful! I was hoping you'd make it,
Ke. I almost missed the hatching grounds entrance myself." Standing, the
girl treads over to where Ptodek and T'mren are seated, with a nod and a
salute for Kassima and another for Kindre. "Ista's duties."

From atop Milnoth, Aine takes a moment to rearrange her cloak before she
seeks the orgin of the voice greeting her. "Hello, T'mren."

Aine unstraps herself from Milnoth's back, and slides down his forelimb to
the ground.

Mirval shoots J'on a grin. "I usually watch from up here, when I can. You
can definitely see more." He heads over towards Jasmyn, still grinning.

A'len unstraps himself from Dilorenth's back, and slides down his forelimb
to the ground.

T'mren grins, "Come to watch the eggs pop, eh?" He spots Reye and smiles,
waving her over, "Heyla Reye, come and sit? i've saved a few spots for the

Rafeith rumbles in return as T'en unfastens himself from the strapping and
skids down his side. He arches an eyebrow, then grins, and returns E'lan's
salute. "Wouldn't miss it."

J'on grins and goes back to scritching his lifemate.

From the hatching sands, Takar emerges from the candidate barracks.

From the hatching sands, Arraynor emerges from the candidate barracks.

A'len nods to the gathered riders as he enters with the other Fortian
rider, and quietly perches on his dragon's foreleg.

Aine nods in T'mren's direction as she moves to find a seat.

J'han glances down, "Looks like the candidates are emerging. Did we look as
nervous as that, Div?" he teases.

Ptodek shifts Salek to one arm so that he can wrap the other around Keira's
shoulders, giving her an enthusiastic hug. "Oh, look!" he says, bouncing on
his toes in excitement. "They're coming out."

"'Fun' can be one word for small children, aye. I can think of many others,
but most aren't repeatable in mixed company," Kassi quips, sounding more
amused than serious. The salute elicits an instant cringe, but she does nod
back in an amiable fashion. "Duties to Ista and her queens, and welcome."

Macami hitches at thumb at Mirval. "There's a much better view from Tivu, I
guess, but then, it's so much nicer not having to yell when talking to all
the other people about what's going on, eh?" She grins.

Jasmyn chuckles. "Umirieth slinked her way right to the edge, Mirval, by
being tiny. It does have its advantages."

From the hatching sands, Ceria emerges from the candidate barracks.

Divya looks down onto the Sands and says, "Shells, I hope not! They look
terrified or asleep!"

From the hatching sands, Akiko emerges from the candidate barracks.

Ptodek sticks his tongue out at Kassima. "That's your children, not mine!"
he teases, his eyes sparkling with good humour. He grins at Keira. "You got
here in time, anyway, that's what matters."

From the hatching sands, Aisling emerges from the candidate barracks.

J'on looks up at Linneth, a moment of communion before looking back at the
line of white robes.

From the hatching sands, Takar emerges from the Candidates' entrance,
striding solemnly out and hesitating on the sands, looking up to Rinath and
Taralyth with wide eyes.

Mounted on Rhonneth, Melina shifts forward on Rhonneth's neck ridges. She
slaps Rhonneth's neck, watching intently.

Keira's attention shifts to Reye, "Heyla!" And then it shifts again, toward
the sands. "Oh, great! Ciara's going to be out there, you know." Her face
lights with a beatific smile at the thought of her sister out on the sands.

Julanna makes a grab for Macami's arm, and then Jasmyn's. "Look!" and she
points imperiously, as if everyone's attention wasn't already fixated down
on the sands. "They're starting to come out."

From the hatching sands, Akiko emerges from somewhere, with Aisling's hand
in her own, using its warmth for reasurrance. She legs out a breath and
approaches the others.

From the hatching sands, Tirdan emerges from the candidate barracks.

From the hatching sands, Merielan emerges from the candidate barracks.

From the hatching sands, Tania emerges from the candidate barracks.

Divya cheers for Merielan as she sees her march onto the Sands. "Yeah,
Meri! Get a brown!"

From the hatching sands, Miteh emerges from the candidate barracks.

"Thank you," Reye answers amiably to Kassima, her gaze darting toward the
sands as Candidates begin to emerge. "Fantastically large clutch you have
down there... my goodness, but it's different, watching from the ledges."
The snow-haired weyrling nudges Ptodek gently. "Did we mince around that

Miseth perks up, almost knocking J'var over as she leans forward eagerly
with a croon amongst her humming. Her lifemate pokes her. "Don't remind me."

Macami gazes down at the sands, squeezing Julanna's arm. "Oh yeah, it's
beginning! And see, there are the candidates, just in time." She smiles.

Mirval gives Jasmyn a rueful grin. "Mother always sits on the edge herself.
That seems a little _too_ daring to me." He points down at Arraynor. "I was
around when he was Searched. Look at them all."

Jasmyn looks down from her perch."Hey, Julanna, don't pull me down!" She
doesn't seem to mind, her eyes fixed on the candidates coming out. "Shells,
where are they?"

J'han chuckles, "I'm pretty sure I looked a bit like that," he smiles, "Or
at least until Jyrinth turned up,"

From the hatching sands, Taralyth augments the humming with a clear, pure
note of his own that vibrates only when it echoes within the cavern itself,
resonating with that of mate and the serried witnesses upon the ledges - a
note that first rises, then falls low, so low within his throat as his
candidates take the sands.

Keira laughs softly, peering down at the sands. "At least as much. Remember
the human chain we made, Reye?"

Without taking his eyes off the sand, J'on calls "Kassima!"

Kreolin follows Reye over towards T'mren, slipping into a seat nearbye.
"Thanks, sir," she says. "Any of you know anyone down there?"

From the hatching sands, Arraynor marches out of the candidate barracks,
right behind Takar. The young man's eyes are opened wide and you can see
his shoulders moving as he breathes. He pauses in fromt of Rinath and
Taralyth and looks up. Gulp. This is it.

Mirval whips around suddenly. "_Kreo_!" he calls, attention distracted from
the candidates briefly. He waves vigorously at her.

T'mren looks down thoughtfully, 'Just Ciara, from the last group at Ista,
as far as I can recall."

Kassima admits, gazing down at the eggs herself, "I didn't think 'twould be
so very large m'self; lost a mark on it... aye?" That to J'on, looking up.
"You called?"

From the hatching sands, Miteh unsteadily walks out of the candidate
barracks to the Hatching Sands with Tania.

From the hatching sands, Aisling darts a glance around before peering up
into the sea of faces in the stands. She takes a deep breath as she gives
Akiko's hand a quick squeeze, "Luck." She murmers to the girl.

Ptodek smirks at Reye. "More, I think." He leans forward to search the
Candidates' faces. "Where is she?" he wonders. "I've got half a mark on
her. Ciara, I mean."

Kindre pulls out of her thoughts and waves back towards Reye. "And Telgar's
to you," she returns the formal greeting. "Ah, and much-belated
congratulations on your Impression. It's been quite a few turns since I met
you at Ista and was very glad to hear the news about it."

From the hatching sands, Merielan stands next to Tirdan, his hand held
tightly in her hers. She's trembling, but manages a small smile and a
whisper in Tirdan's ear. "Good luck."

J'on says "Sure did. Eighth says first to impress is a girl." He turns and
winks. "Want to take it?"

From the hatching sands, Tania takes a deep breath as she steps onto the
sands with Miteh, looking around a moment before stepping towards one
partular group of candidates - Aisling, Arraynor, and Akiko.

Kassima chews her lower lip, considering the offer. "Only a fifty and fifty
chance, but since 'tis an eighth and 'twill make enough t'cover it when the
first Hatches green--aye. You've a bet!"

From the hatching sands, Tirdan squeezes Merielan's hand reassuringly,
sidling just a bit closer. He leans down to whisper, "Good luck" in reply.

From the hatching sands, Leelson emerges from the candidate barracks.

From the hatching sands, Lanryi emerges from the candidate barracks.

Divya loeans back to ask Kassi, "Are you taking bets on whether or not a
Candidate will Impress?"

Salek coos at Reye as she draws near enough to nudge Ptodek, and he reaches
for her lovely golden hair. Pretty!

From the hatching sands, Ciara emerges from the candidate barracks.

J'on grins and gives the affirmative handsign before looking back to the
sands. He's enjoying himself thoroughly.

From the hatching sands, Terryll emerges from the candidate barracks.

J'han looks down, "There's Lanryi. I'll put a half-mark on her," he grins,
"She's a woodcrafter, we have a good track record with hatchings,"

Jasmyn cheers as Leelson appears. "Go, Leelson!" She sighs. "I wish
Shilarra could have been here. "Terryll!" She bounces excitedly on her
green perch. "There she is!"

Aine finds a spot near T'mren and watches the sands for a bit before asking
him, "Know anyone out there?"

Kreolin looks up as someone calls her name. Spotting Mirval, she stands and
waves back. "Mirval! Why, I haven't seen you since Igen!"

Kassima agrees with a tap of char-stick against hide, "Taking, though
probably nay making. I'll nay bet against a greenrider's daughter, though!
Ryialla would have m'hide waved about on a stick!"

From the hatching sands, Sina emerges from the candidate barracks.

From the hatching sands, Alessandra emerges from the candidate barracks.

From the hatching sands, Some trembling, some antsy, some calm, the
candidates file onto the sands, some holding hands, some standing alone,
but they all bow in relative unison to Taralyth and Rinath, and again to
I'sai and Saskia, honoring sire and dam, then spread out into a loose
semi-circle around the eggs.

Divya says, "I'd like to bet on Meri Impressing, too. She deserves to find
her lifemate this time."

From the hatching sands, I'sai murmurs, straightening the collar of his
first truly weaver-made shirt with his free hand, "There they are - "

From the hatching sands, Nimiriel emerges from the candidate barracks.

From the hatching sands, Maylia emerges from the candidate barracks.

Keira just grins and continues to peer down at the sands.

Macami cheers as well as she sees the candidates hailing from Igen, though
much less excitedly as Jasmyn. She tosses her braid over her shoulder,
looking down on the sands with that reminiscent smile of hers that she has
at hatchings.

Jasmyn peers down at Meri. "She is Katreana's friend I think? She has been
at Igen a few times."

From the hatching sands, Lanryi walks out onto the sands with Leelson,
hands clasped in front of her to prevent nervous fidgiting as she looks
around, wide-eyed.

Mirval gives Kreolin a grin. "Me neither. But then, you were a little busy
for a while there." He looks down again in time to see the two Igen
Candidates, chewing on his lower lip thoughtfully.

From the hatching sands, Alessandra scrambles over to Tania, Akiko, Miteh,
and Arraynor, clutching Akiko's hand tightly for comfort. Steplift,
steplift, it's the candie dance already?

From the hatching sands, Ceria glances over at Maylia as she emerges with
the last of the candidates.

Julanna squints, head tilting forward for better view. "Do you see Leelson
and Shilarra yet? Where? Where? And is that -- Merielan? Katreana's
cousin?" the greenrider slides over towards Jasmyn, trying to see if her
friend has clearer sight of the sands.

Kassima squints consideration at Divya. "Merielan. Hmmm. Keep in mind, I
nigh always win m'wagers, so if'n I stand t'win if a Candidate *doesn't*
Impress...." The twinkle in her eyes suggests that she's jesting, however.
"How much?"

Vallith flies into the cavern from the entrance to the bowl.

Reye can't help but smile proudly at the mention of her Omfaleth, and
behind her the young queen is keenly watching the eggs below. "Thank you,
ma'am," she answers Kindre. "Yes, it has been... what, about four turns
already since then? Somehow it doesn't seem quite so long ago."

Divya nods and says, "Yes. And she used to be a Harper before she became a
Weaver, which is how I met her."

T'mren grins at Aine, "Just Ciara, she was in the last group that stood at
Ista. I'm hoping she finds what the dragons thought she was worthy of, this

From the hatching sands, Aisling reaches out with her free hand for Tania,
eyes brightening with excitment. She begins to rock forward, then back as
the heat of the sands blasts through her feet.

From the hatching sands, Leelson winces slightly and shifts quickly as he
walks. He bites his lip briefly and breathes.

Aine nods. "I'm sure it's disappointing not to the second even more than
the first.

Jasmyn grins. "Shilarra isn't here, but Terryll is down there on the sands
taking her place. And yes, Merielan, that weaver girl, she is down there too."

Divya grins back and says, "I'll bet a quarter-mark that Merielan does
Impress. Will you take it?"

Ptodek gently pulls Salek's hand away from Reye's hair. "Don't pull hair,"
he chides the little boy.

Kreolin makes her way over to the other Igenites. "Myn, Macami, how are

From the hatching sands, Rinath's hum modulates deeper into almost a growl
as the first candidate steps onto the sands, as her head swings
protectively over the eggs. But at a look from her lifemate, she rejoins
her mate's crescendo; her notes resounding the main theme again.

From the hatching sands, Miteh greets Alessandra noiselessly with just a
short wave. He looks nervously over the eggs and all the spectators,
seemingly not noticing the hot sand underfoot.

J'han nods, "And I'll put a quarter mark on Lanryi," he follows Divya's

From the hatching sands, Merielan shifts her weight from foot to foot,
sparing a thought to wonder if she'll -have- feet left after she's been
standing on these -hot- sands. Then as Rinath moves, her attenion is again
taken away from trivial matters like her feet and focused on the eggs.

From the hatching sands, Arraynor glances around him. Group...where
are...there they are! Whew! He looks almost relieved as he stands close to
his group.. moving to stand in between Tania and Miteh on the hot sands.

J'on looks over to Kreolin and waves, recognizing her, then back to the sands.

From the hatching sands, Sina comes to a stop near Lanryi and Leelson,
turning her attention quickly from the candidates to the dragons to the
eggs. The eggs. She doesn't remain still, however. Her feet continually
shift upwards and down.

From the hatching sands, Borrowed Scarf Egg shifts slightly, displacing
bits of sand here and there. The movement makes the surface of the egg look
ripply, as if a breeze'd come up and ruffled the fringe of a scarf. And
then the breeze abruptly ceases and the egg is still and silent.

From the hatching sands, Akiko smiles. It was definatly nice to have the
comfort of Aisling and Alessandra's hands with herown, but after the bow to
the gold and bronze who had brought this clutch into existance, and to the
riders who called the dragons their own, she settled in and let out a soft

Aurian rubs her slightly bulging stomach as she watches the sands.

Jasmyn brightens as she hears Kreolin's voice. "Hey there, what a handsome
fellow you have! Old home week, I guess?"

Kassima pulls up a different hide and consults it several moments. "All
right," she decides. "Quarter-mark on Merielan, but I'm nay going t'bet
against Lanryi. Her mother's a friend of mine, and she'd slaughter me and
feed m'kidneys to the whers."

Divya claps her hands together and asks the ledges as a whole, "did you see
that! It's starting!"

From the hatching sands, Takar somehow seems to be ignoring the heat of the
sands, all attention focused on the eggs after his respectful bow to their
parents. His eyes catch the motion of the first rocking egg.

From the hatching sands, Fractures creep along the branching lines of the
Cinnabar Coral Fan Egg, growing ever more distinct among the peppered
yellow and white markings. Finally, the shell crumbles, leaving a pale
leafy green dragonet sprawled upon the hot sands. In moments, though, she's
up and seeking the Right One, and eventually winds up before a young pale
lad. "Lrensath?" K'lmet exclaims, and the two become one.

From the hatching sands, Tania takes Aisling's hand with a smile, though
her feet already are shifing, trying to keep off the heat of the sands. Her
other hand reaches out for Rayn. " can't belive this is realy happening.."
she whispers, then jerks her head up as eggs begin to move.

From the hatching sands, Maylia follows after the last of the candidates
trickle out. For now, she makes her way towards Ceria, speaking to her
quietly as she nears. "Keep your eyes open." She advises, "For troubles as
well as Impressions. Ready?" She offers a smile, nodding towards the
aggregation of white robes. "We'll be busy from now on. HOpe you slept well
last night."

Mounted on Rhonneth, Melina shakes her head, "I'll be on colors, but

Linneth ratches her humming up a notch, wings spreading slightly from her

From the hatching sands, Terryll shifts from one foot to the other,
stopping near Leelson and the group around him.

T'mren whistles, "Now that's a pretty name. Lrensath."

Aine beams as the first green hatches and she nods in agreement with
T'mren. "Quite."

From the hatching sands, Merielan watches as the first impression is made
and smiles brightly. Ah...what a moment. But only a moment is spared, then
attention is once more rivited on the eggs.

J'var snorts softly. "Green... Told ya, Missy." Miseth ignores. How dare
that hatchling make her lose her bet?

Ptodek nods agreement with T'mren. "I like it, too."

From the hatching sands, Ceria grins at Maylia with just a hint of
nervousness. "It's almost as tense from this point of view as it was being
a Candidate," she admits. Her gaze sweeps across the Sands to survey the

"Ha!" Is Julanna's triumphant call, shadowed and blended by Miraeth's
contented bugle. "Green!"

Jasmyn grins. "I was right! Green!" She mutters. "Alright, Alright, you
were right, Umirieth.. rub it in my face."

From the hatching sands, Nimiriel skirts her way around the sands over to
where A'lex is standing. A close eye is kept on the Candidates, and on the
dragonets as they hatch.

Mounted on Rhonneth, Melina mutters and calls to Kassi, "Looks like you
beat me again." She tosses her halfmark Kassi-wards and murmurs, "Always
loosing marks to her."

T'en nods his agreement. "And a pretty dragon to match it."

From the hatching sands, Leelson blinks once, twice and focuses on the
eggs, his mouth opening slightly as someone impresses. He quickly steals
his attention back to the eggs, a very quick glance at Terryll.

J'han chuckles, "Green, knew it<"

From the hatching sands, There's a rustling, as if of rain - but it's
Taralyth's wings sweeping back against his lean sides, the better to
balance his forward snake of muzzle, spying - their first, hum shading for
a heartbeat into croon. Lrensath, she's named. Theirs.

Reye finally takes a seat near T'mren, her head bobbing at his words. "I'd
bet on Ciara myself. There were so many sure she'd impress at Ista, she's
bound to find a lifemate on the sands."

Divya frowns slightly and says, "Well, there goes the first bet. But I can
recoup with Meri." She digs into her beltpouch and passes the money she
owes the kitty to Kassi.

J'on grins and tosses Kassima a halfmark. "You win!" OK, so he lost. He's
not upset in the least.

Kreolin blinks as it begins. "It's so much faster than it was last time."

From the hatching sands, Aisling is silent as she eyes the eggs for a
moment before responding, " neither."

From the hatching sands, Alessandra mews as the eggs begin to shake and
pop, and the first impression is made. "It's starting, you guys." Here goes
nothing. Akiko's calmness is caught, and Alessi's breathing becomes
smoother, deeper.

From the hatching sands, Arraynor reaches for Tania's hand in turn, his
palm a bit damp...but that most likely isn't even noticed. An egg moves..he
gulps. Breathe...

Kassima lets out a war-whoop as the first Hatches. "Green! All *right*! And
to a lad besides." She snags up her riding cap to catch the marks tossed to
her. "This is an excellent omen. Better luck than bronze-first, say I."

From the hatching sands, Tirdan squeezes Meri's hand again as egg hatches
and impression is made before he can blink twice. He shifts to another foot
restlessly, commenting, "Fast"

T'mren smiles at Reye, nodding, "The fact that she was Searched so soon
after the last time says, to me at least, something good."

J'var snickers. "Better luck for you, at any rate, Kassi," he remarks, eyes
never leaving the Sands.

From the hatching sands, Miteh silently looks at the eggs and the
Impression. He seems to notice the hot sand at last, and begins to shift
his weight from foot to foot. "It's... happening...", he murmurs to the
other Candidates.

J'on digs in his pouch and tosses over the eighth as well.

"Turns pass too quickly," Kindre replies to Reye and chuckles. Her hand
rubs her own lifemate's leg before she adds, "Omfaleth seems to be in
wonderful health...I'm certain you both, and your class, are quite the
pride of Ista." Lifting her goblet in a semi-toast, she smiles and then
takes a sip. Herath then gives her a nudge and she obediantly focuses on
the sands again.

From the hatching sands, Brooding still, the Silently Sinister Sable Egg
barely rocks while its clutchmates all seem to be alive with activity.
Without warning, shards scatter in an explosive burst of feathery
fragments, leaving a deeply green hatchling creeling on her shaky legs.
Wings trace a pair of lines beside her tracks as she picks her way across
the sands, peering at the gathered candidates. She gives a triumphant
shriek, as her gaze falls on a quiet girl from Far Cry, and struggles the
final few steps into the arms of her lifemate.

Macami actually looks disappointed. "Green. Ah well, I was never good at
betting or guessing. We'll see when the first brown shows up."

From the hatching sands, One of the AWLM's moves to K'lmet and Lrensath's
side, leading them off toward the barracks.

From the hatching sands, Merielan squeezes, breathes, sqeezes, shifts. She
nods, eyes never leaving the cluster of white shapes and two parents. "Yes,

From the hatching sands, Tania closes her eyes a moment, then opens them
again. "I forgot how fast.." she starts, then quiet and locks her gaze, her
feet shuffling back and forth as if having a mind of their own.

Miseth whuffles her lifemate, getting his hair going and disarrayed. Not
even noticing, Jav fishes out a half-mark and tosses it in Kassi's direction.

Divya chuckles at the second green hatchling. "I really should have bet on
green, it seems."

J'on says "Ooh, look at the colors on that one. They're lovely."

From the hatching sands, Alessandra sighs softly as the sable egg explodes,
and the green therein finds her lifemate. "That was the prettiest egg out

Mirval leans against Umirieth's leg, after a quick glance at her for
permission. He says lightly, "Green's always a _safe_ bet, Cami. It's more
interesting to bet the other way."

From the hatching sands, Sina turns her head to look over at the first
impression, her eyes staying fixed on the pair until a second impression is
made. At that, she tears her eyes back from the already hatched dragonets
to the still rocking eggs.

From the hatching sands, Leelson doesn't pay any attention to the murmurs
of "It's happening..." and "It's started". It's pretty obvious to him. His
hand shakes violently once, but he presses it to his side. He winces and
remembers to keep moving his feet.

Taelenna climbs down Vallith's side to the ground, as the dragon warbles a

Linneth isn't a jealous green, apparently, hearing her rider compliment the
hatchlings. She trills cheerfully.

"And three-fourths won on that one being green, too," Kassi murmurs in
blissful contentment, jotting notes and catching marks. "Lovely, lovely
green lasses. I knew Taralyth had it in him."

K'dar blinks, then smiles broadly. "Tael! Telgar's duties, and welcome!"

From the hatching sands, I'sai murmurs briefly to Saskia from beneath the
twinned arches of their dragons' necks; glances up toward the ledges, pale
eyes searching - searching - and at long last finding, that much more
luminous for it.

From the hatching sands, Takar's eyes shift from egg to egg as he stands
quietly on the sands.

Umirieth warbles complacantly, wuffling Mirval's hair in the process, then
her eyes whirl in focus down to the sands once again.

From the hatching sands, Tirdan shifts yet again. He hums, "That's two now.
Two greens." He shakes his head in amazement.

From the hatching sands, Akiko speaks in her cool, calm tone. ".. Its
rather lovely, to see.." But she isn't going to spoil this moment with to
much talking.. No. She is just going to stand here and let things happen.

From the hatching sands, Arraynor pauses a moment, stock still. Wrong
move...feet...burn! Ouch. He quickly begins to shift on his feet. Heel toe
do-si-do... An Impression is soon! He glances to Tania and takes
a deep breath. " quick...I never thought it'd be today!"

From the hatching sands, Terryll bites her lip, grey eyes moving to try and
watch everything; eggs, hatchlings, candidates, impressions. Feet continue
to shuffle in a vain attempt to avoid the heat of the sands.

From the hatching sands, Borrowed Scarf Egg's maroon surface dances with
the commotion of the hatchling inside: cravat surface crinkles, creases,
cracks slightly. A wobble, a creak, scarved eggshell holds tightly, wrapped
to keep the unborn dragon safe and sound. Not just yet.

Divya turns and murmurs her greetings to the other 'Reaches rider before
returning her attention to the Sands.

From the hatching sands, Aisling takes a few long calming breaths as she
watches the eggs. A smile comes to her face at the first impression..
"Ohh!" She notes as she raises her feet one at a time to shake, then repeat
the process with the other.

From the hatching sands, Ceria watches another Impression. The girl and
green are quickly led toward the barracks for the usual feeding frenzy.

From the hatching sands, Which Way Egg jerks with the choosing of bursting
or sitting, but it's really no choice at all. The final crack reveals a
small robin's-egg blue, looking adorably muddled and confused. He muddles
right into his new lifemate, knocking her over. "Frendath," she protests
with a laugh, throwing her arms around him.

Tivuketh warbles softly as he watches the green dragonet, but then curls up
closer to Umirieth. Let that one grow up first.

Ptodek can't help but laugh. "Oh, my, they're so funny-looking. I suppose
we looked just as funny, but still! The way they hop." He giggles again,
and reaches up to detach Salek's fingers from his ear.

From the hatching sands, Maylia offers Ceria one more smile and nod, then
traipses off across the hot sands. She paces, just around the outside of
the broken ring of candidates, ready to assist.

J'on grins at Linneth for no apparent reason.

T'en looks up over his shoulder, and his expression splits with another
grin. "'bout time you showed up," he teases Vallith's rider. "It's already

From the hatching sands, Lanryi shifts from one foot to another, though she
is able to stay longer on each foot before changing to the other thanks to
toughening up her feet. A smile briefly lights up her features as she
watches the two greens hatching within a few minutes of each other.

From the hatching sands, Miteh looks suddenly at the Borrowed Scarf Egg,
with it's activity. His foot-shifting becomes more quick as the heat burns
in, and he watches the eggs and hatchlings intensely.

Julanna leans forward again, this time spotting Terryll. "No sketchbook,"
she tosses over to Jasmyn, lips quirking upwards in a grin. Then, a pause,
and she turns to the other greenrider. "Were they betting on *us*? Shells,
I'd never even thought about that."

From the hatching sands, Merielan watches the eggs, impressions only out of
the corner of her eye. Breathing is important right now, as is making sure
her feet don't burn off, and holding Tirdan's hand. Yes, she can't fall
now. not now.

Mirval absently runs his hand through his now-mussed hair, grinning again.
The gestures doesn't do much to settle his hair down at all.

Kassima slants a grin at Ptodek. "The Dance of the Hatching Ground Sands,
some people are calling it. Seems as apt as aught t'me."

J'on says lightly to Julanna "I won quartermark and lost sixteenth on you
yourself, Julanna."

Jasmyn blushes. "If I had been betting, I would have bet against me, what
do I know?"

From the hatching sands, Rinath's wide whirling eyes reflect each white
robe; her lifemate's blue dress, the darker colours of her mate, and the
riders border her facets shimmering white. Though twined with her mate, her
flanks quiver with her hum, and her tail twitches. She watches, guards,
even now

Reye turns to regard her own lifemate, who of course has found a
sufficiently sunny spot to set off the fiery highlights along her hide. She
wouldn't have it any other way. "Thank you," the Istan weyrling answers
Kindre with a proud smile. "The whole class has been very quick to learn,
from what I'm told -- not that I'm an expert by any means. I'll admit to
never having such a stubborn challenge as Omfaleth, though." Blue eyes
widen as yet another impression is made below. "My goodness they're going
fast, hmm?"

Mirval gives Jasmyn a flash of his brightest smile. "_I_ was betting for you."

From the hatching sands, Rustle, rustle, rustle - if with, behind those
sounds, a muffled and barely-there pound-pound-pound - that's the sound of
the Borrowed Scarf Egg's shards whispering to sand in a pool of black-shot
maroon. At long last a talon gets a wedge-hold and, inner sac broken,
liquid spills abruptly free along with a larger tassel-shard - followed by
the hatchling himself, writhing free to land on all four paws for the very
first time. ...All four paws, but also a wing, and a moment after
sunset-red eyes blink open, they must drop to help him extricate himself
from this shard- and sand-crumpled tangle.

                Galvanic Glacier-Reflection Blue Hatchling                 
Where mountain sky and lake and shadow meet, their reflections are
preserved within glacial ice - within this lightning-eyed dragonet - into
blues peerlessly clear and perilously deep. All of a hue from a distance,
varied in soft tinctures close up, they darken just as subtly along the
sharp-ridged gradient from elongated headknobs to tail's smoky tip;
hoarfrost seems to tickle the fine membranes of his wings with paler
patterns against the deep blue, refining to sparks of emerald and peridot
as the ichor shows through fingersails' translucency. Scenic vista though
he is, even that accents rather than obscures the quick strength promised
by clean-cut conformation given an undercurrent of eclectic, electric energy.

From the hatching sands, Tania nods to Arraynor, a small, quick nod. "It's
always too soon.." she says softly, gaze lingering after each hatchling and
new rider as they step off the sands before turning again to watch the eggs.

From the hatching sands, Ceria makes her way over to Frendath's side and
directs the new rider and her blue lifemate toward the barracks. She
quickly returns to her vantage point to watch the other waiting Candidates.

From the hatching sands, The shell seems to peel away from the Mottled
Magnificence Egg, and from within comes a regal Blue. He holds his head
high, scanning the crowd of white robed candidates about him, then slowly
steps forth, determined. He stops before a young boy from Dunto Hold,
"We'll find you some food, Urenceylth."

Jasmyn blushes yet again. "Thank you, Mirval."

J'on says "Fast hatching, greater luck...these hatchlings know who they want!"

Aurian ooohs softly, "Lovely blue."

From the hatching sands, Takar gasps sharply as the blue appears, spreading
his stance slightly to be able to dodge should he need to.

Taelenna hears her name called as she scrambles down Vallith's foreleg, her
slightly flushed cheeks evidence to the fact that she's hurried to get
here. She returns K'dar's broad grin and waves enthusiastically, calling,
"K'dar! It's been Turns, hasn't it?" She hears her wingsecond's voice then,
as well, and heads in his direction to sit. "Well, /somebody/ had to wait
to give all the stragglers a ride -- ooh, look at that." The blue
dragonet's got all of Tael's attention now.

Macami nods to J'on. "Quite the determined ones, aren't they?" She chuckles.

From the hatching sands, Leelson's breathing gets a little more halted and
his tremulous hand searches out Terryll's arm for a brief moment.

From the hatching sands, Merielan's breath is caught as the blue emerges.
She smiles very softly, feet forgotten. *Squeeze of Tirdan's hand* "How

From the hatching sands, Aisling ohhhs as she spots the blue, pulling a bit
on Tania's hand, 'Look!' She squeaks...just in case Tania wasn't paying

From the hatching sands, Tirdan's attention goes from blue to blue to Meri.
He grins and squeezes her hand before pointing, "Look at /him/." The him he
indicates is the glacer-reflection blue. He grins, "Aye."

Ptodek's eyes widen as the blue hatches. "Wow, look at the colors on that
one!" he says, raising a hand to point. "He's... almost as pretty as Csoeth!"

From the hatching sands, Alessandra oh's softly, clinging to Akiko as that
Galvanic Blue appears on the scene. "Isn't /he/ gorgeous," she murmurs,

From the hatching sands, Ceria smiles as two more blues make their
entrance. One quickly finds his lifemate and is led off the sands for his
first feeding.

From the hatching sands, Miteh looks intently at the blue hatchling

From the hatching sands, Galvanic Glacier-Reflection Blue Hatchling's
concentrating, eyes aglow and awhirl. He's alive, how about that? And he
has wings, he was paws, he has - they're all stuck together. Carefully,
cautiously, slowly he unwraps himself. And tail, there: swish, swish, side
to side. It all works. Head raises, turns, eyes the gathered crowd. They're
looking at him. Consciously he arranges himself, tail here, wing just so.
Then, with a small shake of his head, it's a bounce! he's awkwardly away
from the remains of his shell, and eagerly scanning the Candidates.

Jasmyn blinks at the name of the blue. "Oh my! Fancy trying to pronounce

From the hatching sands, Arraynor squeezes Tania's hand in his own. "But
before it happens it seems as if it'll never least it did to
me..." Shift....shift...shift. One foot...other foot....he's definitly
going to have red feet after this!

Linneth almost purrs at the emerging blues. J'on laughs out loud.

From the hatching sands, Discovered Driftwood Egg rocks slightly, tipping
to one side in the sand. A hairline crack appears in the shell, leading
from the center of a watery blue, stretching out to a patch of dark brown.

From the hatching sands, Terryll smiles quickly as the blue hatches, and
she reaches out blindly for Leelson's hand.

From the hatching sands, Ciara watches all the chaos with wide eyes,
shuffling back and forth in her own small space in the Sands. This is not
quite what she expected, or so it seems.

From the hatching sands, Eggs exploding all around her, Impressions
happening like there is no tomarrow. What is Akiko to do? Well, she simply
turns her gaze upon all thats happening and tries to remain in a position
of control and calm. "..." She doesn't say anything, though Alessandra's
squeeze is returned.

From the hatching sands, Sina fixes her clear blue eyes on the eager blue
hatchling, sparing a quick glance with a wavering smile over at Lanryi,
before turning back to watch his progress.

From the hatching sands, Tania finds herself squeezed on both ends. Looking
first to where Aisling is pointing, she giggles and nods. "He's /lovely/."
she whispers, and just gives Arraynor a tight smile.

From the hatching sands, Shimmering Spun Starlight Egg cracks along the
diamond chains, a slate blue dragonet breaking out into the world. He
hesitates, creeling in fear and hunger, then goes barrelling across the
sand and lands at the feet of Lila, a brunette from Crom. She freezes, then
smiles down at his whirling red eyes, bending to help him up. "Oh,
Argonath. Of course, I'm here."

"They are," Kindre agrees to the quickness of the Impressions. "But with
forty two eggs down there, I for one am rather glad," she remarks and then
chuckles. "I can relate to stubborn lifemates for su..." Unable to finish
her sentence as she is nudged by Herath, she simply laughs. "It gets
better, Reye...though not much," is added with a wink.

From the hatching sands, Maylia moves to intercept, as one of the youngest
candidates starts backing away from the rocking eggs. Wide-eyed, the young
girl is steered back to her place, and given a firm pat on the shoulder.
"Just keep your eyes peeled, you'll be fine," the Weyrlingmaster assures
her in a clipped voice.

Mirval smiles down at the Hatching, fingers of one hand twining into the
cloth of his shirt.

K'dar nods. "Turns," he agrees, grinning at Taelenna. "We'll have to talk

From the hatching sands, Alessandra just watches the dragonets explode from
their shells, shifting back and forth on her feet as she fusses with one
strand of hair with her free hand.

From the hatching sands, Lanryi's eyes seem about to dart right out of her
head as she tries to look at everything at once. She catches sight of the
newest blue and for once her eyes stay there, watching him.

From the hatching sands, Leelson closes his hand around Terryll's and
remains quiet, jaw tightly set.

From the hatching sands, A'lex's silver eyes dance between hatchlings and
new lifemates. He's the picture of the proud Weyrleader right now.

Keira nudges Ptodek playfully with her elbow. "Don't say things like that;
you'll deflate Csoeth's ego."

From the hatching sands, Taralyth's own gaze spins the light electric
within their mingled hums: muscle shifts beneath that silken hide as he so
subtly stretches, flexes, without moving so much as a human handwidth from
his chosen place. Which doesn't mean that the weyrlingmasters don't get
their own attention, as they see to the newfound pairs - even while his
focus drinks in the dragonets themselves.

From the hatching sands, Lanryi then catches Sina's smile and smiles back
at her, before also turning back to the newest dragonet.

From the hatching sands, Tirdan watches the blue in wonder, eyes flickering
just momenterily as yet another blue Impresses and pulls a candidate from
the circle.

Pliarth flies into the cavern from the entrance to the bowl.

From the hatching sands, Arraynor blinks witht the quickest of looks down
at his hand gripping Tania's in a death grip...he relazxes his hand fast.
"Ooops! Sorry..didn't mean to squeeze so hard!" A glance back up and to the
hatchling. "He's terrific looking!" he murmurs to himself.

From the hatching sands, Galvanic Glacier-Reflection Blue Hatchling skids
to a stop. Wait just a moment. These Candidates aren't all that was here.
Neck arches, head tilts, he puzzles this out - then he whirls clumsily to
trill at sire, at dam - and they aren't his color, he notices as he pauses
a moment to stare at himself. And he's handsome, too. One forepaw raises,
he poses, and then once again it's his shake, his bounce, his whirl, his
eager eyes locking on the clusters of people - where's mine?

Ryialla quickly slides down Pliarth's foreleg and jumps to the ground. She
turns to pet Pliarth's muzzle and grins as she gets soundly whuffled.

From the hatching sands, Reflections Egg rocks in gentle waves upon the
sands, that yellow leaf amid the cool watery pool bobbing gracefully. With
little warning, the shell fractures, sending shards showering down upon the
eggs close by. Where once an egg hardened now stands a brilliant green, who
looks graceful until she moves. Stumbling with the awkwardness of a
hatchling, she searches the Candidates, roaming here and there, until
finally her creels of hunger turn to warbles of delight. A young girl from
Nerat lifts her own voice to join in, as she wraps her arms around the
dragonet - her dragonet.

From the hatching sands, Another AWLM moves toward Argonath and Lila,
leading them away from the busy Sands and into the barracks.

From the hatching sands, Takar watches the loose blue carefully, trying to
divide his attention between it and the remaining eggs.

Kindre waves cheerfully towards Ryialla when she catches her arrival.

Ptodek grins at Keira. "I'll try to restrain myself," he promises, his eyes
dancing with mischief.

Jasmyn shakes her head, looking down at her friends on the sand. "Someone
slap their backs and tell them to breathe!"

Wroxath flies into the cavern from the entrance to the bowl.

From the hatching sands, Merielan chuckles at the antics of the blue, eyes
latched onto him. "What a darling..." she mutters, hand squeezing Tirdan's
even harder.

From the hatching sands, Discovered Driftwood Egg trembles slightly as the
hairline cracks begin to spread across the egg. Soon the egg is alive with
dancing small striations, each trembles with the dragonet inside movements.

Divya softly asks J'han and E'lan, "Any guess as to when a brown will hatch?"

D'thon slides off Wroxath's back to the ground, landing lightly.

From the hatching sands, Aisling snickers as she watches the blue, "Vain
little one." She notes after a moment's considerations

Macami chuckles at Jasmyn. "Remember, I was your Weyrlingmaster, you were
all like that down on the sands too."

Keira glances up as a another dragon wings to the ledges, then she
half-stands, waving. "Ryi!"

Aine overhears Divya and grins. "Any moment, I hope!"

J'on says "Won't do any good, Myn. They're too busy panicking."

Ryialla waves briskly at the others, then slides down. "Did I miss much? I
was running errands when Sha popped in all excited.."

Kassima continues checking off eggs on her list with great glee and
abandon. "Next," she offers over as answer to the question of brown.
"Ryialla, D'thon, g'deve! You're in time for most of the fun and games."

From the hatching sands, Tirdan nods, grinning, "Ayuh. Pretty color, too."
He looks up toward the galleries and hums, "Wonder if Tirsa's up there.
She'd be bouncing all over the place if she saw that guy."

From the hatching sands, Arraynor glances down towards Aisling and grin
slightly. "Not vain..just self-assured."

Kreolin smiles at Myn. "We were?" she asks. "It seemed to go so much more

From the hatching sands, Tania gives Rayn's hand a tight squeeze in return.
"It's okay." she says softly, then smiles towards the blue. "Isn't that
just.. cute?" she whispers. "But he /is/ handsome.."

From the hatching sands, Ceria walks over to the newly hatched green and
her mate from Nerat. She speaks briefly with the girl before leading the
pair off to the Barracks and returning to the Sands.

Taelenna settles herself next to T'en, then looks over her shoulder to nod
decisively at K'dar. "Over a post-Hatching wineskin? Definitely," she
replies, with another wide grin in the Telgar brownrider's direction.

Jasmyn grins and blinks innocently. "Me? I was the picture of calmness. Oh,
alright, maybe frozen stiff with fear and anticipation, but I was .calm?"

Divya looks over and laughs and being caught. "Well, I am slightly biased.
That brown lug behind me has me caught firmly."

From the hatching sands, Akiko's comments to all thats happening? "..."
None. She shakes her head the slightest ammount and simply remain at ease
and ready. Yes they are lovely. Yes they all are just wonderful. She feels
no need to give voice to that. She will just stand there, and have her feet
burn. Its a distraction.

Mirval murmurs, "I hate to be reminded, Cami." He gives her a grin. "We
_were_ pretty nervous, weren't we?"

Julanna turns her grin on Jasmyn. "I don't think I really breathed the
whole time I was on the sands," she says, raising a brow at her friend.
"Did you? I remember practically cutting off circulation gripping yours and
Tika's hands, though."

From the hatching sands, Taralyth dips his dark head, drops hum into a
lighter warble to his son - yes, yes, but be on with you. Before your wings
dry -

From the hatching sands, Ink Swept Oblivion Egg wobbles, cracks racing up
the eggs sides until it finally collapses in a pile of shards. An algae
covered green emerges to stalk to the sands, creeling at the top of her
lungs the whole time until she stops glaring to stare into the eyes of a
skinny boy with an unruly mop of black hair. "All right, all right, Amarth!
Ill get you some food!" he says, laughing as she pushes him forward with
her head against his back.

From the hatching sands, Terryll's eyes move from the blue, to the eggs, to
new pairs, and back to the blue. With a wince, she starts shifting her feet
again, and gives Leelson's hand a gentle hand.

J'on says "And you lost that one, Kassima!"

Reye's quick, answering smile is cut off too by a huff of air from
Omfaleth's nostrils. "So I'm told," the girl answers Kindre with a sly
wink. Glancing down at the sands again, she studies the assortment of
hatchlings and candidates musingly. "That blue looks very strong -- hardly
clumsy at all! Let's see who he picks... a girl, I bet."

Jasmyn rubs her fingers in memory. "I almost have the feeling back in my
thumb, the exercises the healers gave me helped."

From the hatching sands, Miteh still seemes unable to speak as he surveys
the eggs, and particularly the blue hatchling, hopping from foot to foot on
the hot sands.

Macami chuckles and pokes Jasmyn. "I saw you, all of you. You were all
nervous. Some excited and nervous, some calm, yet nervous. As was I back
then. No one stays calm at a hatching."

Kassima frowns down at the green. "You weren't supposed t'be Hatching
next!" she yells down in chide. "You're supposed t'be waiting for a *brown*
lad! Faranth. Greens. Always impatient."

From the hatching sands, One of the free AWLM's grins as he moves toward
Amarth and her mate. "Food would be this way," he notes, leading the pair
in the right direction.

From the hatching sands, Galvanic Glacier-Reflection Blue Hatchling stops,
here, and here, and here: a reddish-haired, grey-eyed girl gets a solemn
glance, then another Candidate with grey eyes, but no, that's not right.
It's the colors, the sights, the sounds, overwhelming. Impatient, now, his
eyes whirl red, whirl fast, he rumbles with a hint of demanding storminess.
Focus. Focus. On he goes, perusing them - curly brown hair, green eyes,
where is the one he's looking for? With an eager croon he rushes towards
brown hair, blue eyes. You.

Julanna aims a mock-blow in Jasmyn's direction. "Hey," she protests,
dissolving into laughter.

Aurian rests her hand on her stomach. She peers over the edge to watch the

Macami leans down. "I think that handsome blue is choosing. Not as handsome
as you, of course," she reassures her lifemate.

From the hatching sands, Merielan is silent now, simply standing shifting
and squeezing. Her breath comes in quick, short, gasps, showing that she is
perhaps not as calm as she seems. Eyes not moving at all.

T'en murmurs, "There he goes," and leans a little bit further forward to
watch the blue.

Linneth continues to trill. This is fun! And so many blues. Even if she
doesn't live here, she can appreciate that.

Kreolin nods. "Even the spectators," she mentions, as she watches the blue.

D'thon nods. "Evening," he quietly replies, finding a seat on Wroxath's
foreleg and a reason for a slight smile somewhere on the ledges (where is
uncertain). His attention is, however, mostly on the sands.

Jasmyn peers down, trying to see who it is, who the blue chose. "No, Umi, I
won't fall, don't mother me so."

From the hatching sands, Mesmerizing Magnetic Mint Egg practically
evaporates. Unbelievably, the dragon standing there is the exact same color
as the shards that still cling to her damp skin. Just as unbelievably, she
heads straight for the biggest, burliest miner's apprentice on the sands
who calls out, "Rammyth! She's my Rammyth!"

From the hatching sands, Maylia's attention has been following the blue as
he makes his way from candidate to candidate. "Look sharp, folks." Comes
her voice from behind them. There. He's stopped. The Weyrlingmaster hangs
back, waiting, giving them a moment to meet.

From the hatching sands, Lanryi watches the blue dragonet's progress,
almost forgetting to keep her feet moving, almost, but not quite.

From the hatching sands, The striations of the Discovered Driftwood Egg
become more pronounced, moment to moment; its silvered weft is mazed with a
web of the very thinnest cracks as the dragonet within struggles for
freedom. At last, all at once, the encasing falls away to become jagged
fragments at a set of ruddy, birth-damp feet.

                Burning Burnished Burgundy Brown Hatchling                 
Rich and smoldering is he: across a base of deepest, purest brown has been
cast a cloak of liquid flame that ripples blood-red from muzzle to
tail-tip. Now you see it, now you don't; it washes over the dragonet in
waves, commingling cupric chiaroscuro with brooding mahogany and gradating
through all the shades between. While glossy over young muscles, the curve
of neck, and the drape of tail, the rusty burnish fades to a gentler glow
with the luster of well-brushed velvet across the fragile spread of wingsails.

Aine grins in Divya's direction. "There's our brown!"

From the hatching sands, Saskia gazes back briefly at I'sai, her own eyes
deep pools of ocean blue, that then wander over the sands, looking at each
candidate in turn, and then the hatchlings beginning to scurry about. They
rest momentarily on Rinath and Taralyth and her glow intensifies. She rests
her free hand comfortably on her burgeoning belly, and murmurs something
about kicking out of the shell.

Ryialla squeezes into the nearest place that she can actually sit, and
joins in the leaning forward to peer brigade. "Quite just in time, it seems.."

From the hatching sands, Tirdan squeezes Meri's hand again, and he whispers
to her, "Breathe, just breathe. Easy." He looks at the blue, his own breath
catching. Then green and now brown.

J'on says "There's that brown, Kassima, and he looks to be worth the wait."

Macami cheers. "Look at this brown. What a lovely shade. He's gonna be a
strong one." Tivuketh warbles approvingly.

A'len looks up at the great bronze head above him, from the quiet perch on
Dilorenth's foreleg, and chuckles softly, "Yes, yes. I know you chose me.
Yes, I know none of them can have me. Now be quiet. We're supposed to be

Umirieth croons softly, looking up at Tivuketh. Not as handsome as him.

From the hatching sands, M'teh looks at the Galvanic Glacier-Reflection
Blue hatchling with an expression which is a mixture of joy, relief and
incredulity. After a few heartbeats, it settles down into a wide smile as
he says to the hatchling, "I will get you some food directly!" Then, louder
and to everyone in the Hatching Cavern, he announces: "He says his name is

From the hatching sands, Burning Burnished Burgundy Brown Hatchling picks
idly at the fragments of his shell splintered around him. He lowers his
head, examining each one before lifting his head to peer out at the
candidates. With a slow calculated movement he steps away from the shards
of his shell. He stumbles slightly before carrying on at a slow pace
towards the white shapes.

Kassima purses her mouth to whistle at the new-Hatched brown. "Just the
color of a good, rich wine," she agrees admiringly. "Quite the bonny lad."

From the hatching sands, Alessandra squeezes Akiko's hand tightly, catching
her breath at that brown that just hatched--the Burnished Brown, that
gorgeous color...

From the hatching sands, Merielan grins widely and then elclaims "Oh!
Oh..." Then her attention is caught and held by that brown, a brown. Oh a
brown. Tirdan's hand is captured in a very very tight squeeze.

From the hatching sands, Tania watches the blue closely, warily. He seems
to have chosen, but who? Her gaze shifts again to the brown for a moment,
then to the blue - and the Impression! She just smiles brightly, not saying

From the hatching sands, Leelson's eyes widen slightly as the blue rushes
forth to meet M'teh. "Oh...oh my..." Lee gazes for as long as he dares
before turning his attention back to the other hatchlings appearing and
moving about.

From the hatching sands, Dance of the Shadows Egg quivers in place,
gradually digging a small depression in the sands beneath it. A soft
tapping noise coming from the egg can just barely be discerned, the sounds
muffled by the gray-hued shell, while hairline cracks begin to form on the
surface, spreading ever so slowly.

From the hatching sands, Arraynor blinks his eyes as a line of stinging
sweat trails into his eyes. Rubbing at the dampness he peers around. The
blue...stopped...Impression! Right next to him. "Way to go Miteh!!!!"

Kreolin's eyes go vague and distant for a moment, then she smiles at some
unspoken joke.

J'on dashes a hand across his eyes. Was he actually tearing up? Nah...can't

From the hatching sands, Sina watches the rushing progress of the blue
hatchling, a smile spreading across her face as she hears Miteh's..
M'teh's!.. loud announcement.

From the hatching sands, Ceria glances over at M'teh's shout and she grins.

Kindre's eyes widen. "Oh! That brown is terribly handsome..." Then she
leans forward. "Shard it all...what did he say? Is that...? It is! Miteh!
What did he say the name was? Aruth?"

From the hatching sands, Tirdan grins widely, bumping Meri's side with his
hand. He calls, "Miteh, oh." He looks back to Meri, and he smiles. He nods
quietly, looking back at the brown once more.

From the hatching sands, Alessandra cheers loudly as M'teh Impresses,
calling over her jubilant congratulations.

From the hatching sands, Takar flashes just a glance towards the nearby
Impressions, then stares carefully at the brown approaching the rest of the

From the hatching sands, With a zap and a crack, the Expeditious Electric
Energy Egg shatters, and an resplendent green charges forth. She dances
over the sands, moving much too fast for her own good, and falls before a
young girl from Telgar Hold. "Her name is Arakilth!" the girl says, tears
streaming over her cheeks.

From the hatching sands, Ciara looks over, she heard that! "Miteh. Oh,

Ptodek lets out his breath in a rush as the beautiful blue Impresses. "Wow."

T'mren grins brightly, "Hey, that's great, cute little green."

From the hatching sands, Aisling blinks around in confusion then calls out,
'Congratulations Miteh!' Her attention goes back to the various hatchlings
wandering about, "Look at that brown."

Kassima's eyes unfocus briefly. "Daruth, Lysseth says," she informs Kindre.
"Good, solid name for a blue, and a pretty blue t'bear it--oh, now there's
a green! And from that green egg, too. Fitting."

Jasmyn leans back against Umirieth, sharing a quiet moment, she doesn't
mind openly wiping a tear from her eye.

From the hatching sands, Terryll blinks, watches the blue, and then grins.
"Congradulations, Miteh!" Then she notices the brown hatchling, and her
attention is caught.

From the hatching sands, M'teh is not paying much attention to the other
Candidates, just to Daruth. "Thank you!", he says to them quietly, but then
returns to looking at Daruth. "It's all right.", he says to the blue.

From the hatching sands, Akiko just smiled. M'teh. She was pleased to see
the Impression and turned her head slightly to look at the once Candidate,
and now rider. But it was a fleeting glance. Aless got a slight nod of her
head, and she turned back to the remaining eggs.

Keira settles back in her seat, grinning broadly. "Not bad, not bad at all..."

Divya smiles slowly at the brown and says, "He's gorgeous, and well worth
the wait!" Then she leans her head back and hastily says, "But not as much
as you, Konnevath."

Ptodek snickers at T'mren. "They're all 'cute little greens'" he teases the

Kindre's head bobs, "Thanks Kassi...good name, that...Daruth. Strong."

T'mren grins, "Yes, yes they are..."

From the hatching sands, Ceria turns her attention to the Telgar hodler
girl and her green lifemate. "You and Arakilth will want to come this way,"
she directs with a smile, leading them toward the barracks before returning
to her position.

From the hatching sands, Maylia's smile grows as she steps to M'teh's side.
"Congratulations, Weyrling." She greets, then gestures towards the path to
the barracks. "If you'll come with me, we'll get Daruth food. Watch his
wings that they don't drag, and careful he doesn't stub his toes."

From the hatching sands, Burning Burnished Burgundy Brown Hatchling stops,
reconsidering his course. Making a decision he turns and walks, still in
the loping pace, towards the other side of the hatching grounds. His
blood-red muzzle nuzzles the shards of another dragonets egg and sniffs at
it raising a small whirlwind of sand. He lifts his head, snuffling the air
before adjusting his course again and walking on.

Taelenna decides, "Daruth. That's a good, simple name." She giggles, too,
not quite so focused on one hatchling now that the blue's Impressed, and
points to Arakilth and the Telgar girl. "Look at that one. /She'll/ be a
handful and then some."

Macami chuckles at her cousin's excitement and calls out to her. "Daruth,
Kin. A nice one, ain't he?" She notices the tearful display next to her,
squeezes Jasmyn's shoulder again and looks down at the sands, studying the
brown hatchling more closely.

From the hatching sands, Lanryi grins, calling out, "Congratulation,
M'teh!" along with others though she may not be heard in all the hatching

From the hatching sands, Merielan's eyes never leave the brown. Everything
else seems rather inconsequential. She does however, remember to shift her

J'on makes conversation almost to distract himself. "You know, I do think
this is the liveliest clutch I've seen in turns. Some picky and choosy, but
most making vtol-lines."

From the hatching sands, M'teh looks around in urgency for someone to help,
and luckily sees Maylia. Watching Daruth carefully, he follows her.

From the hatching sands, M'teh heads off towards the bowl on the way to the
weyrling barracks.

From the hatching sands, Jeweled Egg splinters into a score of dazzling
pieces, from which comes a marvelous little green. Her damp hide sparkles
as she makes her way to a young boy from the Starcraft hall. "Ennanath? Oh!

From the hatching sands, Alessandra turns from watching the Dance of the
Shadows egg to following the Burgundy Brown's course. "I wonder where he's
going," she murmurs softly.

From the hatching sands, Maylia heads off towards the bowl on the way to
the weyrling barracks.

Ryialla nods. "Good choice, that."She settles, getting more comfortable.

From the hatching sands, Dance of the Shadows Egg tilts suddenly to one
side in the depression that cradles it, the dragonet within the shell
struggling to be free of its mottled imprisonment. Under this assult, the
cracks on the egg's surface begin to gape wider, tiny chips falling off
occasionally to litter the pale sands beneath.

Divya says, "Oh, I hope that brown picks Merielan. I think they'd be happy

From the hatching sands, Arraynor shifts eyes from Miteh...M'teh now...back
to the rest of the eggs and other impressions going on all around. Congrats
are called out as endlessly his feet dance the ancient beat of the
Candie-on-the-Sands-Dance. Feet are hot, hot, hot!

From the hatching sands, Tania's gaze lingers a moment after M'teh as well,
then she turns to watch the progress of the other hatchlings, carefully.

From the hatching sands, Daruth heads off towards the bowl on the way to
the weyrling barracks.

From the hatching sands, Leelson regards the brown closely, his eyes
gaining a little more intensity as the hatching goes on. He lets go of
Terryll's hand slowly and shifts his feet more animately.

From the hatching sands, The nearest AWLM moves toward the little green,
Ennanath, and her starcrafter mate. She quickly leads the pair off to the
barracks to join the other weyrlings.

T'en wonders, amused, "Aren't they all a handful? That one's a fine looking
lad," he says of the brown, gesturing with his chin. At Rafeith's huff of
sound, T'en grins up at the bronze head over his. "Aye, brown and all."

From the hatching sands, Takar stretches one arm behind his back,
nervously, as he still watches the brown and his brothers and sisters.

From the hatching sands, Sina leans forwards to get a better glance at teh
brown dragonet, unbalancing herself as her lean coincided poorly with her
regularyly shifting feet. Stumbling a few steps towards Lanryi, she barely
manages to catch herself before running into the girl. Barely.. but she
does. With a bit more care this time, she finally fixes her eyes on the
moving brown.

From the hatching sands, Burning Burnished Burgundy Brown Hatchling stops
his idle wandering and heads over to pair standing together. He sniffs the
male first before turning. Wrong. Now he looks at the female of the pair,
lifting his head to look into her grey eyes. He croons in delight, There
she is.

From the hatching sands, Opaque Omnipresent Opal Egg seems to swell and
contract several times before releasing the tarnished Bronze within. The
overly skinny hatchling with overly large wings makes his way towards the
overly gangly Woodcrafter who looks overly scared until their eyes meet.
"Raieth!" He calls out in a cracking voice.

From the hatching sands, The brown's progress is watched curiously by
Tirdan. He grins widely as he shifts feet yet again, "The were right. Best
view in the cavern." Ok, so Tirdan's a little stuck on having the best view
in the house, but he's still enjoying himself. He stops shifting suddenly
as the brown sniffs him. Then, it looks at Meri. He looks at her curiously.

Jasmyn shakes her head ruefully and shrugs in Macami's direction.

From the hatching sands, Ceria watches as yet another Impression is made
and Raieth and mate are led off the sands.

D'thon's eyes appear superficially fixed on the sands, but mostly they're
distant. He smiles and turns to look up at Wroxath, and the blue inclines
his head and returns the look with eyes whirling sky-blue.

From the hatching sands, Lanryi smiles after to Miteh and when she looks
back at the egg, the burnished brown dragonet has already escaped from it
shell. She unclasps her hand, wiping the sweat on them onto the sides of
her robe as she shifts her weight to her other foot.

J'on says "And a bronze. Good."

Ryialla murmurs to Kassi, "Is that brown going for Merielan??"

Macami chuckles at Jasmyn. "So Umirieth has interesting plans for you too,

"It looks as if'n mayhaps," Kassi murmurs back to Ryi. "So much for
m'quarter-mark, if'n so."

From the hatching sands, Merielan leans down, her expresion one of
incredolous joy. Gathering the hatchling to her, laughing with joy she
calls out loudly "His name is Alerith!" and then another laugh "Yes,
Alerith, you'll get food soon."

Taelenna leans forward to look past all the gathered High Reaches riders
over to Divya. "You just want your favorite to get brown," she teases the
newly-graduated rider. She looks up at Rafeith after that, grinning, and
agrees with T'en: "He's beautiful."

From the hatching sands, Dance of the Shadows Egg shivers, then begins to
slowly rock back and forth. The movement combined with some fairly odd
lighting on its part of the sands to gives strength to the illusion that
the shadows on the eggs are writhing and pushing, trying to get outside the
egg. Suddenly, it stops. Completely still from one long moment, then with a
loud *creak* as if a door was slowly opened, leaking light into a shadowed
room, it breaks into three pieces that shatter when they hit the sands.
Thence, the shadows dispel revealing a handsome dragonet.

                  Debonair Beyond Compare Blue Hatchling                   
Classically proportioned in the ideal of dragon, he carries himself as
though a model for all; a gem amongst the dragonic landscape.The richest
hues of sapphire encrust his flesh tenderly, each facet reflects myriad
patterns as it refracts the light.His angled muzzle is held high, mottled
with hues of fertile brown as though he had dipped his nose in warm, damp
earth.The bevels of his neck and backridges ooze amber-laden blues with
every stride, and ebb downward to the tip of his tail like a small stream
flowing into a lake.Flaxen and azure mix when he unfurls his wings - the
sails whorl like a an afternoon's cloudless sky mirroring a mire of golden
mud.One of his eyeridges perks up a bit higher than the others, lending him
a slightly rakish debonair air, while whirling eyes survey those about him
with derring-do.

Jasmyn giggles. "But I am not quite in agreement."

Linneth croons saucily.

Julanna feels her eyes widen. "Ours never seemed to move this quickly," she
comments in the general direction of the Igen group. Then, attention
shifting back towards the sands, she watches the brown's progression. Who
is he looking at? Oh -- "Merielan!"

From the hatching sands, Lanryi starts, noticing Sina there for the first
time, must not have notice her nearly running into her then. "Doesn't he
look nice?"

Divya inhales sharply and yells, "YES! You did it Merielan! Hurray!"

Aine cheers loudly for Merielan. "Oh, good choice!"

From the hatching sands, "If only the sands weren't so sharding hot."
Aisling comments before Merielan's words sink in..."Congrats!" She calls
over to the pair.

From the hatching sands, Arraynor's eyes trail the brown. Where's that one
going...and where's he stopping...rather who's he stopping for. But his
attention is just as easliy diverted by a different impression. then back.
"Congrats Meri!!!Oh congrats!"

From the hatching sands, Alessandra calls out her congratulations to
Merielan now, and--what was it? Alerith! "What a wonderful name..."

Ryialla looks pleased. "Well, good. That's a quarter-mark /I'll/ get. Told
N'der, but would he listen? Nooo."

From the hatching sands, Ciara, watching the brown's progress closely,
grins as Merielan Impresses. "Congratulations," she calls out, though her
own shout is lost among the rest.

From the hatching sands, Ceria grins and moves toward Merielan as her
Impression is made. "He'll want to be fed," she says, gesturing toward the
path to the Barracks.

From the hatching sands, Tirdan reluctantly relinquishes his grasp on
Merielan's hand. He laughs and steps back, "Congratulations!" and puts his
hands behind his back, now no longer holding on to another hand.

Jasmyn beams. "Merielan on brown? Wonderful, just wonderful! Alerith is a
perfect name for her lifemate."

Kreolin is watching the brown intently as it wanders around the sands. A
sharp intake of breath is heard as it chooses. "So like our day, hmm?" she
says ever-so-softly, as if to herself.

From the hatching sands, Terryll shifts her feet, eyes following the brown,
and grins. "Congrats Meri!" she calls.

Macami speaks the name softly. "Alerith. Well, interesting name, though
somehow doesn't sound brown." She shrugs and smiles.

From the hatching sands, "..." Akiko says nothing still, and glances
towards Merielan as the others do, pointing out the Impression. She nods
her head lightly.. and then relaxes her hold on Alessandra's hand.

T'mren hrms, "Don't know her. Nice looking brown though."

Kassima sifts through the contents of her cap, coming up with a quarter to
flick Divya-wards. "Nay sorry t'be losing," she calls, with a grin. "He's a
pretty thing, and 'tis a handsome pair they'll make."

From the hatching sands, The delicate Lacy Pink Egg suddenly explodes in a
cataclysmic cacophony leaving behind only a big, burly Bronze. It stomps
across the sands, quite directly towards a young lad from South Bend Hold
who proclaims loudly, "He picked me! Vytudith picked me!"

From the hatching sands, Takar finally lets a smile creep across his solemn
expression as he sees Merielan Impress. He remains silent, though, folding
his arms patiently, smile remaining.

Divya grins from ear to ear and says, "True. But why not, since brown is
such a lovely color?" She collects her quarter-mark from Kassi and tosses
her a salute in return.

From the hatching sands, Merielan scarely notices all the calls of
congratulations. She nods softly to Tirdan, eyes still wide and
unbelieving. Her eyes remain on Alerith as she walks, or rather stumbles
towards the barracks.

From the hatching sands, Leelson beams towards Merielan as she impresses.
"Meri, he's beautiful!" He shifts quickly to avoid a burnt foot. He licks
his dried lips discreetly and turns to see the newest hatchling.

From the hatching sands, Debonair Beyond Compare Blue Hatchling steps
gallantly from the remains of his egg, peering around with idle, and
somewhat calculating, curiousity. One can almost see the new-formed ideas
running about in his damp, brown-laced head as he gazes first in one
direction, then in the other. As if content to just observe things at the
moment, he doesn't move far from the place his egg sat, taking only a
single pace before plopping down to study his surroundings and the
white-robed figures a little ways distant.

From the hatching sands, "Not yet," is I'sai's decided reply, though his
murmur remarks that he couldn't count how much longer, not now, even as he
leans out to try and see each individual dragonet they'd only known in egg,
each candidate Stood with or known before or only met this time 'round -
and if far better-seeing Taralyth drops an indulgent chuff to flutter his
hair, well, he looks anyway.

From the hatching sands, "Meri!" Tania cries out before she know what she's
doing, then blushes slightly, though her expression is pleased. "Oh, yes!"
she grins hugely, then turns to watch the rest of the eggs and hatchlings,
still shifting from foot to foot.

From the hatching sands, Sina answers Lanryi as her eyes flick between the
brown dragonet and the blue, "He does indeed.. Oh, look.. It's Meri!"

From the hatching sands, Merielan heads off towards the bowl on the way to
the weyrling barracks.

From the hatching sands, Vytudith and his new lifemate are led with the
others into the barracks.

From the hatching sands, Alerith heads off towards the bowl on the way to
the weyrling barracks.

From the hatching sands, Rhinestones and Satin Egg gives a bit of a wobble,
then begins to tip... and comes upright again. The outline of the shell
begins to blur as its resident shimmies and shakes, sand vibrating away
from its base.

Zuzith flies into the cavern from the entrance to the bowl.

Julanna searches for Kassima in the crowd. "I call bronze for that one,"
she says, indicating the Rhinestone egg shifting pn the sands.

N'tan clambers down Zuzith's side to the ground, as the dragon warbles a

From the hatching sands, Dusty Dilapidated Dwelling Egg ejects a shimmery
Blue hatchling onto the sands. He makes his way towards a homely looking
lad from Southern Bowl. The boy stands astonished for a few moments before
nodding fiercely, "Yes, Yunnadth, you're truly wonderful!"

N'tan looks around for 'Reaches folk.

From the hatching sands, Takar furrows his eyebrows at the eggs. He grins,
though, the vain little blue catching his attention.

Divya waves a cheerful greeting to N'tan, gesturing for him to join them.

K'dar grins, waving to N'tan cheerfully

Kassima consults the List. "How much?" she yells back to Julanna. "'Tis
blue I'm thinking 'twill be, and 'twill bet it if'n the stakes aren't too

From the hatching sands, Debonair Beyond Compare Blue Hatchling finally
decides the time is right for movement and gathers himself regally, lifting
his sapphire body from the sands and stepping out smartly. Two steps are
taken towards a knot of candidates, and then the blue gives a little
hop-skip motion of his hind legs, as if he's suddenly overjoyed to be
seeking the one he's destined to be with - a celebration of freedom. This
movement carries him the rest of the way towards the candidates, where he
settles down and begins looking them over in earnest.

E'lan waves over to N'tan as well.

From the hatching sands, Arraynor tips his head down to Tania to murmur as
he shifts his feet. "Lots of blues aren't there?"

From the hatching sands, Ceria turns her attention to Yunnadth and his
lifemate as she returns from directing Merielan. She quickly directs this
newest pair toward the barracks as well.

N'tan walks over to Divya and The Gang. "Hey guys." His smile is bigger
than usual.

From the hatching sands, Tirdan watches the blue out of the corner of his
eye as he sidles toward the candidates on one side of the ever shirnking
circle of candidates.

From the hatching sands, Terryll notes the debonair blue, and chuckles to
herself. Lifting one foot off the sands, then replacing it and lifting the
other, she watches the blue, then shifts her eyes to watch the rest of the
activity on the sands.

J'han glances over to N'tan, "Heya,"

From the hatching sands, "Oh, he's quite lovely," Ciara murmurs, as she
watches the blue's progress through the sands.

From the hatching sands, Alessandra shifts back and forth, one hand
reaching for a lock of hair again to twirl it nervously, darkly purple eyes
scanning the sands and the Impressions being made, smiling at each one of a

From the hatching sands, Tania gives the blue a warry look before nodding
up to Arraynor. "Always lots of blues and greens.." she answer softly.

From the hatching sands, Rhinestones and Satin Egg manages the tip this
time- huzzah! Er, no huzzah, as it rolls completely over and ends upright
once more. Now wait a minute here... It pauses, as if thinking. Okay, a new
game plan is in order.

Jasmyn bites her lip, looking down at the Igen pair. "Oh they must be so

Julanna shakes her head, looking convinced. "Bronze!" she calls with
certainty towards Kassima. "Miraeth's sure. I'd wager a full mark."

From the hatching sands, Akiko renews her hold on Alessandra's hand and
shakes her head again the slightest ammount. "... So much happening." She
says in low tones.

Taelenna lifts her chin slightly and waves to N'tan. "You look like you've
won all your Hatching bets already," she greets her clutchmate with a smile.

From the hatching sands, Aisling holds onto Tania's hand, taking care not
to squeeze again. Her feet keep up their nonstop movement as she watches
the hatchlings warily in case one should stumble her way.

From the hatching sands, Rootball Egg tumbles about a bit before disgorging
a damp creeling green. Much to Maylia's dismay, an worrisome girl from Big
Bay hold runs forward concerned. Stopping at the warning from the
Weyrlingmaster, she turns and says, "It's okay, Deuth wants me to come help

Ryialla peers down at the blue, then says suddenly, "Kassi. Care to make a
bet as to which sex that blue'll choose? I'm willing to put that
quarter-mark on female."

From the hatching sands, Arraynor's eye follow the exuberant blue even as
he nods, straightening. "He's a bright looking one that's for sure that one."

Macami chuckles at Julanna. "You must be terribly sure to wager a full
mark, Juls. Should be interesting to see." She smiles and pays close
attention to that egg.

From the hatching sands, Alessandra giggles quietly, grinning down at
Akiko. "At least this time around we can /see/. Last time I couldn't see
more than two feet in front of me."

N'tan grins and gives Tael a hug, "Nahhh... Better than that."

Kreolin nods. "They all are. I hope Ciara Impresses."

Kassima's mouth purses once, then twice in thought. "Say a half-mark,
Wingsecond, and you've a bet. Naught doing, Ryi--that's a lady's dragon;
anyone can be seeing it."

Keira glances over to Kreo, then nods agreement with her last statement.

Linneth nudges J'on gently, and he throws an arm around her neck, squeezing.

From the hatching sands, Debonair Beyond Compare Blue Hatchling slowly and
with much dignity inspects a young man from Plains Hold. Is this the one he
seeks? No, it seems not, as the blue soon turns away and continues his trek
across the sands in front of the candidates, leaving the young man with a
crestfallen expression. Wait! Perhaps it's the candidate that seems so
cheerful and yet so reserved. Yes, this is the one! Blue-whirling eyes peer
upwards, trying to ensnare grey ones.

E'lan rolls his eyes at N'tan, "So, tell us already? Or sit down because
you're blocking my view." He nudged the bluerider with his foot.

Ryialla snaps her fingers, her lips twisted wryly. "Thought as much." She
cranes forward a little to see.

From the hatching sands, One of the AWLM's moves forward as it becomes
clear that Deuth has made an Impression. He leads the new pair toward the
weyrling barracks.

Taelenna returns N'tan's hug, then raises one eyebrow at him. "Better, huh?
Is something up, or is this just the usual Spiriel-inspired cheer?"

From the hatching sands, Leelson's eyes gaze at the blue unerringly and he
almost forgets to keep moving his feet - the heat reminds him though. "He's
almost the colour of that dye that got in my hair..."

T'en says, past Taelenna, "Afternoon, N'tan."

N'tan sits down with the 'Reaches group. "Tael, can't I just be happy? Life
is good."

From the hatching sands, With a deep cackle of a crackle, the shell of the
Rhinestones and Satin Egg crazes into a ripping run, a long line splitting
the ovoid neatly in two thirds. Then, in a loud series of pops like buttons
bursting, it tears the rest of the way asunder in a rush of hot air
escaping: the first exhaled breath of the newborn dragonet within. A
wobble, a topple, and the egg falls forward towards the gaze of the crowds,
throwing its wet, dark hatchling partially free of the unusually thick
shell. Only with some struggle, does he manage to free himself, alone and
unhelped, from his flabby prison to meet his fate upon the hatching sands,
Telgar's youngest bronze.

                   Smith's Sooty Forge Bronze Hatchling                    
A play of dark and gleaming highlight, the dragonet looks as if someone's
abandoned him to the blazing heat of a smith's forge; only such focused
heat could have smudged his color to such a sooty near-black, obscuring and
obfuscating much of the truer green-gold tone of his hide. Banked amid
those dark and cindery shades are coals of brighter bronze, not only along
the corners of his angular muzzle and the mask around his gemstone-whirling
eyes, but also along the trace of slithering tail and tips of agile talons,
and the whole of glass-translucent wingsails. Still, one place alone has
truly escaped the wrath of fire, untouched by any darkness: centered
conspicuously upon his narrow chest is a lopsided mark, a burnished, brassy
heart of gold amid all the charcoal and ashes.

From the hatching sands, Ardent Verdant Egg shakes urgently before bursting
mirthfully into a fervent shower of shards. The Blue that comes forth
stumbles, rights itself and begins its quest, finishing minutes later in
front of a towheaded bow from High Reaches Hold. "Fenneyth how perfect!"

"Done," is Julanna's immediate response, and she sends a grin Kassima's
way. "Half-mark it is. I'm hoping Miraeth's instinct is right, here -- "

Ptodek bounces a fussy Salek, and tickles the baby's belly, trying to coax
a smile out of him, or at least an end to the muted cranky noises the
little boy has been making for the past few minutes.

From the hatching sands, Lanryi lifts one foot off the sand as she stands
on the other, trying to take in all things as once.

T'en puts two fingers in his mouth, and lets go a shrill whistle to welcome
the bronze.

From the hatching sands, Aisling's mouth forms an 'o' as she spies the
newest bronze. "He's handsome."

From the hatching sands, Takar is struck expressionless for a moment, then
mutters something to himself as the new bronze hatchling makes itself seen.

From the hatching sands, Tirdan watches the blue still. He actually doesn't
notice the bronze at all. Where the blue went right now is important.

Kassima hesitates a moment, eyeing that bronze. "Did he Hatch a'fore you
agreed, or after?" But she evidently decides the point is moot, and a
half-mark is flicked to Julanna. "Another piece for the successfully
gambling greenriders' fund, and welcome," she quips, with a wink.

From the hatching sands, Ceria hurries over to the High Reaches boy and the
little blue. "Fenneyth will find all the food he needs in the barracks,"
she says with a smile, leading the way.

From the hatching sands, Ciara's eyes widen as she catches sight of the
bronze. "Not for my concern, thank Faranth," she mutters, as she shuffles
back and forth in the sand.

Jasmyn startles, looking over at T'en wide-eyed, then focusing back at the
sands. "Shards, I am just as jumpy as if I was down there wit h them."

From the hatching sands, Terryll stops and stands very still, and then a
look of utter joy and disbelief comes over her features. "Yes, Rheinth, I
will be yours!" she cries, going to her knees as they give out on her.

Macami whistles. "Wow, Julanna, your Miraeth has such good instincts." She

Taelenna shrugs briefly. "I'm glad it is, N'tan," is her reply before she
points at the new bronze hatchling, giving T'en a slight nudge with her
other shoulder. "There! Rafeith can't object to calling /him/ handsome!"

Keira, surprisingly enough, holds out her hands toward Salek. "Here,
Ptodie, let me help."

Ptodek points excitedly. "Hey, Ke, look at the bronze!" He turns Salek on
his lap so the child can see, too, although Salek doesn't seem much
interested in the hatching.

J'on cheers! "Ryll! YES! Ah, that's a good match." Linneth warbles merrily
in agreement.

From the hatching sands, Saskia simply nods. Any time, but now, seems so
far away in the joyful din and confusion of this moment. She watches, as
much as Rinath, tries to take everything without the benefit of multiple
facets, and so her eyes dart from dragonet to dragonet, as she occasionally
pats her stomach when she catches the joy of another Impression made.

From the hatching sands, A rather formal looking Brown emerges carefully
from the Dainty Embroidery Egg. Marching deliberately around the
sands,eventually he comes across a lass from the Beastcrafthall who throws
her arms around him, "Oh, Faerdeth! You're so handsome!"

From the hatching sands, Alessandra cheers again, calling a congratulation
to Terryll. "Rheinth. That's so pretty..."

Keira glances down onto the sands, letting out a soft sigh of appreciation.
"What lovely coloring...very unusual."

Salek reaches out to Keira, and Ptodek passes him over with a grateful
smile. "Thanks."

N'tan nudges his ClutchSister with a smirk.

From the hatching sands, Leelson steps back from Terryll as the impression
occurs, his expression a mixture of pure elation for his friend and
amazement. "Oh Ryll...." He bites his lip.

From the hatching sands, Arraynor glances from blue to bronze, and he grins
slightly. But just as quick he glances back to the blue...who's chosen.
Pretty soon he's going to have whiplash! "Terryll....wonderful!"

Jasmyn blinks, looking totally stunned as Terryll impresses "Ryll! On blue
Oh my!

From the hatching sands, The look of curiousity turns to sheer joy on
Tirdan's face. He just about jumps out of his skin before he realizes that
he still has to be mindful. He /is/ still on the Sands. He grins and calls,
"Absolutely gorgeouse, Terryll. Wow!"

From the hatching sands, Rheinth nudges his new lifemate, crooning softly
and with much happiness.

From the hatching sands, A'lex smirks. Is that a tear the Weyrleader is
wiping from his eye? Nahhh... probably just a speck of sand.

From the hatching sands, Ceria returns to the Sands and makes her way over
to Terryll and Rheinth. "Congratulations," she says with a smile. "The
barracks is this way," she says, moving the pair in the correct direction.

From the hatching sands, Smith's Sooty Forge Bronze Hatchling snorts.
That's better. He gets to careful feet, lifting his head to look around
with gleaming red eyes. The first thing that comes into view is Dad.
Regarding Taralyth for a moment, he sits back, mimicking the larger
bronze's pose perfectly- aping, really. And lets out an amused squeal.

From the hatching sands, Tania manages not to cry out this time, once again
she just smiles. Sqeezing both Arraynor and Aisling's hands gently, she
turns and gasps with a sharp intake of breath at the new bronze.

Mirval whoops with glee. "_Terryll_! Yay, Terryll!"

T'en laughs as he's nudged. Above him, Rafeith lifts his head, and bugles
his approval as well. T'en elbows the bronze's leg, but laughs even harder.
"No, I s'pose not."

From the hatching sands, Sina watches Terryll and Rheinth for a few
moments, her eyes shining brightly, before she turns her gaze back out
towards the squealing bronze dragon and the eggs.

From the hatching sands, Temptation's Terrible Termination Egg shivers
convulsively, spikes of gold and drops of ruby seeming to sink deeper into
the shadows of this egg. The sand surrounding it shifts, causing the egg to
slide over a little to one side before coming to a stop.

From the hatching sands, Nimiriel regards this latest bronze with no small
measure of amusement. "Why do I get the impression that there's some of
Palineth in that one?"

Keira grins and sets Salek in her lap facing toward the sands, jiggling the
boy in her lap as she points out toward the hatchlings. "Hey now, wouldn't
you like one of those?"

From the hatching sands, Alessandra starts giggling as she watches the
Sooty Bronze, pointing his mimicry out to Akiko. "Look at him... /He'll/ be
a handful I'm sure..."

Macami turns her head as the other Igenites cheer, then cheers loudly
herself as she sees that Terryll Impresses. "I guess we were all wrong
about the color of her blanket though." She winks.

From the hatching sands, Terryll gets shakily to her feet, eyes still
mostly only for Rheinth as she heads towards the barracks.

From the hatching sands, Tirdan's attention is now drawn by the flash of
bronze. He whispers to the candidate next to him quiet loudly, "Where'd
/he/ come from?" The candidate shrugs an answers, "One of the eggs,
dimglow." Tirdan snorts and looks at the bronze, nodding, "/Very/ nice

From the hatching sands, Taralyth tips his dark muzzle - the better to send
his muscular neck a-crest; try that, youngling! - and snorts, an indulgent
puff of air down to those sensitive headknobs. His son. His.

From the hatching sands, Aisling stands still for a moment, looking up at
Taralyth with a slightly tilted head. But then the heat against her bare
feet slips thorugh her reverie and she is drawn back to the hatchlings,
feet lifting one at a time.

From the hatching sands, Terryll heads off towards the bowl on the way to
the weyrling barracks.

From the hatching sands, Takar grins wide, both for the bronze's antics and
Terryll's Impression. He seems suddenly to notice the almost unbearable
heat of the sands, and hops a couple times with an embarrassed grin.

From the hatching sands, Rheinth heads off towards the bowl on the way to
the weyrling barracks.

Jasmyn giggles at Ryll heads off. "Blue blankets are nice too, I guess."

Salek giggles happily at being bounced. "Da Ba Beee!" he announces to
everyone in the immediate vicinity.

From the hatching sands, Like earth from sky, a muddy Brown emerges after a
valiant struggle with the Blue Rhapsody Egg. He stretches his wings and
creels at the galleries before making his way towards a young girl rumored
to have been searched at the Rusted Hulk. "Of course you're Lyrth. Who else
would you be?"

Miraeth flicks her tail, welcoming the new bronze into the world, neck
arching up in triumph at having predicted his existence. Julanna's hand
comes up to snatch the half-mark out of the air, and she salutes Kassima.
"Aye, gambling greenriders. Got to thank my parents for birthing me in
Bitra." And then her attention's drawn. "Oh, Terryll!"

From the hatching sands, Akiko smiles only slightly to Alessandra. ".. Yea.
I'm sure he will." She says in return and then goes back to simply watching
and waiting.

Taelenna looks to her side to give N'tan a grin, and then up to give
Rafeith the same grin as he bugles.

From the hatching sands, AWLM's hurry across the Sands, leading newly
Impressed pairs to the barracks at a pace that matches the Hatching's.

From the hatching sands, Leelson watches Terryll leave, still smiling
happily, his eyes just a tiny bit watery. He sniffs once and turns back to
the hatchlings and eggs, now noticing the bronze. He breathes in slowly as
his eyes widen.

From the hatching sands, Smith's Sooty Forge Bronze Hatchling tilts his
head... Okay, he doesn't quite make it. Snorting a bit himself, he lets his
gaze keep going. Oooh! Pinkthings. Pinkthings in white. He moves forward
suddenly, managing to avoid tripping on his wings. Who's for a game of tag?

From the hatching sands, Arraynor plugs an ear with a free hand. "There's a
loud one...." he mutters, with a shake of his head to get the stray hair
out of his eyes, as well as any dripping sweat. "Reminds me of Ann when she
used to be a silly little kid." he adds softly.

Ptodek glances at Keira in surprise as Salek's mood improves immediately.
"Shells, maybe I ought to take lessons from you," he says with a grin.

From the hatching sands, Takar watches the bronze dragonet with an amused
smile, now shifting calmly from leg to leg.

D'thon suppresses a grin as he watches the little bronze hatchling's
antics. He gives Wroxath a friendly prod in the leg. The dragon affects an
air of amused tolerance.

From the hatching sands, Temptation's Terrible Termination Egg is no longer
shivering so much as shaking, the sand underneath slides out as the egg
sink even deeper into a self-made intention on the sands. Suddenly, it
stops. All is still. Silent. Waiting.

Keira laughs softly, her eyes scanning over the sands as she cheerfully
keeps the babe in her lap amused. She glances sideways at Ptodek, "Maybe..."

From the hatching sands, Confident Conserving Conflict Egg emits one eerily
metallic ring as the egg shatters, finally giving its wiry bronze dragonet
his freedom. Unfortunately, he doesn't seem quite sure what to do with it.
He wanders aimlessly about the sand, occasionally peering curiously at a
candidate before moving on. He walks right past a hopeful looking lad from
the Seacraft, then stops and circles back, nudging the brown hair boy in
the side with his head. "I do see you, Sirioth!"

From the hatching sands, Tirdan grins and shakes his head, "Lively." He
shifts yet again and hums, "Wonder how big he'll be." That smarmy candidate
next to him replies, "Big." Tirdan doesn't even spare a glance at him. Best
just ignore him.

From the hatching sands, Leelson bites his lip at the sudden forward
movement of the hatchling and ane expression crosses his face that suggests
he's remembering something. "Bronwynn...." he mutters quietly and moves his
feet to a position that would be better for sudden movement.

From the hatching sands, Lanryi giggles at young bronze, looking around to
see who he possibly might be heading toward.

From the hatching sands, Aisling giggles as she watches the bronze, "I
think you need to learn to walk first." She advises.

From the hatching sands, Ceria watches as Sirioth is led off the sands to
be fed by his new lifemate.

From the hatching sands, Smith's Sooty Forge Bronze Hatchling plows through
a group of the pinkthings, sending them scattering with a gleeful young
bugle. He repeats the sound- neat! Glancing over his shoulder... Oh. They
don't wanna play? There's a dramatic sigh, and he trudges, pouting... or
pretending to... and pauses. His head turns, and this time he does make
that odd little turning of his neck, as he stares into the eyes of a young
man with curly dark hair.

Reye lets out a cheer as a lad she recognises from the Seacraft Impresses.
"Jacob won't be too pleased with that!"

Salek babbles cheerfully at Keira, batting at her hands with his own.

From the hatching sands, Tania peeks up at Arraynor. "I hope you don't mean
Annya.. I can /not/ see her even raising her voice.." she turns then, as
she notes the bronze impressing. But to who, once again, is the question.

From the hatching sands, Almost imperceptible against the darkness, a web
of cracks lines begins to branch out on the surface of Temptation's
Terrible Termination egg. The tiny fissures slowly widen, swallowing the
red drops and cracking the gold and silver chains that wrap this egg.
Pieces of shell begin to flake and fall, pure black with glints of ruby and
metal resting on the sands. At last, two talons poke out on either side of
the egg and rip down the sides causing the fragile remains of the dark egg
to collapse in a heap around a pale dragonet; light springing from darkness.

                      Airy Watercolor Green Hatchling                      
Silky smooth to the touch, but with the woven texture of the Woodcrafts
finest paper to the eye, this lithe green dragonet is washed in various
shades of green. Palest green swirls and blends with shades of sea foam,
new leaves, and the bright green of spring in a airy design. The paler
shades on her well-formed head and slender neck are joined by brighter
wisps of color that begin at her shoulders and follow the graceful curve of
her back and sides, acquiring a few bright flecks of gold on her muscled
haunches. Sage green edges her wingsails and lines her wing spars, the
translucent membranes stretched between the spars painted with swirls in
vivid shades of spring set in pale green.

From the hatching sands, I'sai, near enough to find -his- hair ruffled as
well, straightens it with his free hand - even here he can be finicky -
glancing between son and sire even as Taralyth resumes his hum in full
power and pride, the young bronze continuing his search, the earthen-brown
claiming - claimed - his own, others hatching still.

Kreolin smiles. "Now she's gorgeous," she comments.

From the hatching sands, Bits of silvery-gray shards fall free like so many
scales from the Fish Season Egg, till an initially wormy-looking green
slithers her way free to fan filmy, iridescent wings. She doesn't even have
to leave the disemboweled egg to look past a likely-looking Weyrgirl and
meet her scrawnier half-brother's eyes... from whose throat is suddenly
ripped, "Anon - who? Anoynth!"

Ptodek nods, leaning forward to get a better view. "Isn't she, though?"

From the hatching sands, Arraynor raises an eyebrow as he keeps watch on
the bronze. "I do mean Annya...and believe me.,..she can holler with the
rest of 'em...loud."

Umirieth croons softly, admiring the little green and nestling closer to

From the hatching sands, Alessandra catches her breath sharply, eyes wide
as that Airy Green hatches into the world. "Oh Akiko.... Look at /her/..."
Her being that green, one arm going to point to her.

From the hatching sands, T'dan lets out a peal of joyous laughter and
shakes his head, "I wasn't hiding Ikolth." He finally nods, "Ok.. ok.. you

From the hatching sands, Airy Watercolor Green Hatchling peers around for
several long moments, taking in her new surroundings before it she seems to
notice the emptiness in her belly andsomewhere else. Something is missing,
something that must be found. She moves forward, each step more sure than
the last as she roams the sands.

J'on says "That bronze seems to have found his partner...and seems to be a
lad with his head on straight, too."

Macami cheers for the bronze impression. "I really like that name. Ikolth.
That's a nice one, isn't it?" She looks at Jasmyn.

From the hatching sands, Akiko turns her head towards the Green that
Alessandra points out to her. She smiles to herself, a hidden one. Yes, she
is rather lovely now isn't she? "Mmm Hmmmm." She says in reply to Alessi.

Jasmyn grins. "They are all wonderful." She has that glazed trying to see
everything at once and not suceeding look in her eye. "Lovely."

From the hatching sands, Tania gives Rayn a look of disbelief. "I don't --
Tirdan!" she cries out this time, loud and clear. "He's /wonderful/!"

From the hatching sands, Caramel Desert Egg suddenly begins to rock in its
wallow of sand, as a frantic assault begins from within. The careless
occupant sets the egg in motion, and it rolls end over end before coming to
a stop just a breath away from one of its neighbors.

Taelenna oohs softly, leaning forward as the little watercolor green breaks
loose. "Pretty," she murmurs.

From the hatching sands, Leelson winces as the bronze makes his way through
some candidates in a violent way before impressing to T'dan. Lee smiles
gently and calls out a muffled "Congratulations" before looking again to
those the bronze made his way through before.

From the hatching sands, Takar beams at T'dan momentarily, then turns his
beam on the eggs once again. He steps a couple paces to the left, trying to
space out the semicircle evenly. His attention is caught suddenly as the
Caramel Desert Egg moves. He's had his eye on it.

From the hatching sands, Alessandra whirls suddenly, spotting that that
bronze had found his chosen. "T'dan! Well done," she cheers, waving one hand.

From the hatching sands, Arraynor opens his mouth to add more and then
shakes his head as the bronze chooses. "You ought to try being her.... Oh!
Look! There he goes...Tirdan! Wonderful!"

T'en nods solemnly. "Ikolth. That's a good, sturdy name."

Divya cheers as the bronze finds his lifemate.

Jasmyn grins. "He looks like a sturdy lad for a sturdy bronze. "

From the hatching sands, No flakes for the Spotty Egg; no, it cracks
asunder in a single bounding surge, for all that that means its roaned
chestnut hatchling then has to back out with a twitch of lithe,
pale-spotted tail. Finally hindpaws find sand - and then forepaws - and
then the youngling brown has leverage to crane wide-set eyes around. Stare.
Skitter along the sands till - "...Usherith. Don't fall; I'll go with you,"
breathed by a freckled, Bitran boy.

From the hatching sands, A smile stretches across her face as she hears
Tirdan. She nods her emphatic agreement to Tania, "He is just..." This is
when she notices the new green, pulling again on Tania's arm....It may be a
bit longer by the time this is over.

From the hatching sands, Lanryi beams at Tirdan, letting her call of
congratulations join with the others.

From the hatching sands, Sina's eyes seem to be darting everywhere.. the
impression of Tirdan and the bronze, the newly hatched green, the rocking
eggs. She raises one hand to wipe away the sweat that's adding a fine gleam
to her skin.

From the hatching sands, Ikolth burbles happily. He -always- wins, you bet.
Butting at his lifemate, he gives a plaintive croon.

From the hatching sands, Airy Watercolor Green Hatchling stops in front of
a small group of boys, head tilted to one side as she eyes each of them
with her whirling, red eyes. She pauses a for moment in front of dark red
haired young man, before letting out a loud creel and moving on toward
another group nervously standing on the hot sands.

From the hatching sands, Rinath, still resounding with that joyous hum,
leans forwards and lightly whuffles that blond head with her own soft
breath; deliberately mussing I'sai's hair again, as her notes momentarily
rise and fall gently in a delicate trill.

T'mren grins, "Ikolth's a cute one."

Julanna nods at Macami's comment. "It's interesting," she says, tilting her
head to the side in consideration. "Ikolth. Now, Tivuketh's a name with a
lot of character."

Aine nods in agreement to T'mren's assessment. "Another good choice...but
is there any other kind?" She gives a fond glance at her brown lifemate.

Ptodek chews at his lip, and glances out over the sands, counting the
remaining candidates.

From the hatching sands, Alessandra continues to cling to Akiko, almost too
tightly as she watches that gorgeous green upon the sands. "Have you ever
seen one so pretty?" Never mind that Aki's barely answering...

From the hatching sands, Ceria moves toward T'dan. "This way," she says
cheerfully, although a bit hurried. She leads him toward the weyrling

From the hatching sands, Tania beams brightly after T'dan and his new
lifemate before turning back to the sands. And oh! There's a pretty green.
She watches her progress closely.

From the hatching sands, Aisling's feet shifts from side to side...her
dance forgotten as she watches the progess of the various hatchlings..a
green in particular.

Salek closes a small fist around one of Keira's fingers.

From the hatching sands, Belgian Waffle Egg just sort of deflates. Stepping
from the remains is a slightly singed looking Brown who slinks around the
sands for a long while before nabbing an older boy from Bitra. "Harruth? Oh
yes, a very nice name indeed!" he says before departing the sands with his
new lifemate.

J'on continues to take and make wagers with a few other riders, but he's
having to stop every so often to wipe his face.

Tivuketh sits up, almost preening, and his rider laughs. "Yes, a lot of
silly vain character in that one. He's terrible for a brown. But of course
it's the best name. Miraeth is as lovely as her name." She rolls her eyes.
"Of course Umirieth is the loveliest name, Tivu."

From the hatching sands, A few of the AWLM's emerge from the barracks, only
to lead newly Impressed pairs back in there.

From the hatching sands, I'sai'd glanced up, up - galleries, ledges, and it
may all be a blur by now but there's awareness still - and even as he'd
begun to glance back to his side, there's that Rinath-wind in his hair, and
it's his turn to laugh. And this time, this time he doesn't flatten it out

Rsonth flies into the cavern from the entrance to the bowl.

Keira sighs softly, watching the remaining candidates. She smiles and
wiggles Salek's little hand back and forth as he takes possession of her
fingertip. "Oooh, got me, didn't you?"

From the hatching sands, T'dan nods and grins to Ikolth, "Yes, food. C'mon,
right away." He throws an arm over the bronze and walks with him towards
said food.

From the hatching sands, T'dan heads off towards the bowl on the way to the
weyrling barracks.

From the hatching sands, Ikolth heads off towards the bowl on the way to
the weyrling barracks.

D'ris slides down to the ground, using Rsonth's forelimb to climb down.

Aine waves as she recognizes D'ris. "Hey!"

Wroxath shifts his feet and wings, rustling them to get the kinks out. His
rider manages to stifle an "aargh" as he's unceremoniously dropped off his
erstwhile seat and onto the rock. Wroxath, of course, pretends to be
suitably contrite as D'thon gets back onto the foreleg, rubbing his sore rear.

From the hatching sands, Caramel Desert Egg remains still for a few
moments, with nary a shudder making itself known from within. Once again,
however, a violent assault begins, and the egg starts to roll rather
quickly. *pang!* It knocks rather soundly up against the Coruscating
Crystalline Chill Egg, then changes course rather abruptly. Maybe /this/
will work.

Ptodek glances over at D'thon, his attention diverted by the rider's cry.
He doesn't seem to be hurt, though, so Ptodek turns his eyes back to the
hatching, not wanting to miss anything important.

From the hatching sands, Darkness creeps across the Forest's Depth Egg, as
shards flake off like leaves to tumble to the sands. A few final insistent
rocks from this dark egg, and the structure gives way, revealing a green as
deeply shaded as her shell, upon her back. Eye contact is made across the
sands before she's even righted herself, and as wings flail a woman from
Telgar Hold rushes to assist. Impression is made, and the little green is
helped to her feet, with her new lifemate's encouraging words.

D'ris pulls his riding gloves and stuffs them into a pocket. Giving a
salute to no one in particular, he says, "Fort's duties to Telgar and her
Queens, on this momentous occasion." With a quick scan of the crowd he
spots Aine and moves towards the Fort contingent. "Hey! What have I been

From the hatching sands, Arraynor dances from foot to foot, hand still
clasping Tania's...and still damp. It's hot! Duh. He continues to shift,
falling quiet for the moment among the joyous cries as he watches the pairs
find each other on the sands.

Salek tries to pull Keira's finger into his mouth. "Nee da goo," he says

From the hatching sands, Airy Watercolor Green Hatchling wanders over next
to a group composed of mostly female candidates, maybe they have what shes
looking for. She eyes blonde girl, then a short girl, before she creels
exultantly and rushes over toward one with black hair and brown eyes, who
in her eyes is perfect. Just what she had been looking for.

From the hatching sands, Takar keeps his attention on the Caramel Desert
Egg, except for a few glances towards the other dragonets.

Aine chuckles and states the obvious. "Lots of impressions. Two greens, a
brown and a bronze if I'm not mistaken."

From the hatching sands, Taralyth, for his part, plays with a blue-eyed
chuff down his mate's neck: share and share alike, isn't it so?

From the hatching sands, One of the greens and her lifemate are carefully
led off the Sands, the new rider helping the green keep her balance. The
newest green and her mate are shortly to follow.

From the hatching sands, Ciara shuffles back and forth, trying valiantly
(and failing) to keep her attention on everything at once. It just doesn't
work that way. "It all happens so fast," she mumbles, to whoever's nearest

Jasmyn hmms "I think a blue was in there?"

From the hatching sands, In a whirling dance of dunes and grit, the Caramel
Desert Egg gyrates on the Sands. Mica shimmers, reflecting and refracting
the light that reaches it, obscuring the sight of tiny fractures that creep
along the shell's curves. Under the forces from within, the egg crumbles,
leaving shards indistinct from the sands which hardened it, and a dragonet
standing amid them on wobbling limbs.

                     Meandering River Brown Hatchling                      
Across the Telgar plains meander rivers born in the high mountain ranges,
muddy and dark with alluvial sediment. Their waters, laden with silt and
flecked through with the glimmer of mica, appear to flow and swirl as they
part around this brown dragonet's forelimbs. Granules of silica gather
about his talons, while sorrel silt accumulates across his chest, where
runnels of dark water trace fluvial patterns in their paths. A cascade
tumbles down his neck, pale with the brownish grays of glacial sediment,
swirling first between the sun touched quartz of his eyeridges, then the
half hidden creamy marble stones of his shoulders. Neckridges of sandstone
bluffs lift above the estuarine flow, scattering to pebbles of a stream bed
across his back. Above, the rusty shades of autumn's leaves drift upon his
wings, shady woodland streams. Dunes of sand, pale yet touched with the
gentle light of the new spring moons, wash across his haunches to be
rippled with the ever present force of the wind.

Divya nods and says, "Two blues, I think."

Keira tugs gently back, making a game of it. She leans sideways to ask
Ptodek if he has anything for the Salek to eat, or at least put in his
mouth--other than her finger, of course.

From the hatching sands, Aisling lets go of Tania's hand as she gazes into
the green's eyes. "I am so glad you found me, very glad." A bit
louder, she says to the green "Sielth...Her name is Sielth."

From the hatching sands, Chunks of shell explode from the Fantastical Fruit
Egg. Almost like bites. From one of the larger holes a green snout pokes
forth. Eventually, the little one makes her way out of the mess, and falls
flat in front of a girl from Greenfields Hold. "But where's the itch AT,
Taelaith?" she asks.

D'ris nods, "That sounds like an excellent start! Glad I didn't miss much."
The rider squints his eyes to get a better look at the action below.

J'var leans forward abruptly, paling so much it's not even funny. "No... oh
no... not Ais..." His gaze snaps around to the various maleriders on the
ledge. "Y'all even -think- of chasing my sister, I'll... I'll... I'll send
Kassi after you." It's the worst threat he can possibly think of. Of
course, Miseth is bugling triumphantly.

From the hatching sands, Rinath's eyes gleam brightly with mischief, though
her stance remains that of protective dam, as she twines necks with her
mate once more.

Jasmyn ohs! "What a delightful name, Sielth and such a charming girl as well."

From the hatching sands, Alessandra cheers for Aisling and Sielth, grinning
over at the newfound pair.

From the hatching sands, Takar stops his leg shifting as the brown egg
hatches a brown dragonet. His eyes gleam and he watches the new arrival

J'on murmurs to Linneth " was worth the wait to have that time with

From the hatching sands, I'sai's eyes widen, glancing to Sina, to Aisling,
the two _they'd_ brought back - and remains on the latter and her
watercolor Sielth, murmuring softly to Saskia thereafter.

From the hatching sands, Leelson's eyes dart around as things seem to be
picking up a little. He hops and sidesteps and keeps himself moving as he
spies Aisling and Sielth. "Wonderful Ais!" he calls over with a smile.

Ptodek fumbles in his pocket, and hands over the ring of hide that Salek
chews on when he's fussy from teething. "Give him this, although I dare say
your finger probably tastes better," he tells Keira with a wink.

From the hatching sands, Ceria strides across the Sands as yet another
green makes Impression. She shows Taelaith and her lifemate the path to the
barracks before returning to the Sands.

From the hatching sands, Sina smiles as she sees Aisling impress, her
attention quickly moving over to the newly hatched brown.

Macami chuckles softly. "Well yeah, should Tivu ever catch her, I wouldn't
mind...Though maybe I'm not too keen on Tivu catching any green anymore."
She shakes her head in wonder. "Anyway, a nice one."

Divya looks down as Konn rumbles softly. "Yes, she is a lovely green. Her
lifemate must be very happy now."

From the hatching sands, Arraynor nearly jumps as another impression occurs
in close proximity. He leans forward to look down the line, grinning his
congrats."Aisling...Sielth...what a wonderful name!"

From the hatching sands, Tania gives Aisling's hand one fianl squeeze
before stepping back. She doesn't cry out, once again, but she winks down
at the girl her her new lifemate. "Have fun.." she whisers, smiling bravely
as she turns back to the quickly deminishing bunch of eggs.

From the hatching sands, Akiko turns her attention to Aisling and smiles a
bit. But then she looks away and to the eggs again. She won't say anything
just now.

Jasmyn sighs and whispers encouragements down to the sands "Hold on, Lee"

From the hatching sands, Ceria makes her way over to Aisling.
"Congratulations," she says with a smile. "Sielth will be wanting the food
in the Barracks," she adds, directing the pair in that direction.

From the hatching sands, Meandering River Brown Hatchling abruptly finds
himself sitting on the sands, quite unsure of how he's managed this little
feat. He cranes his neck over to Rinath , with an inquisitive warble that
turns out to be a squeak. *twitchtwitch* Wait. What's this thing that's
poking out behind him...? The brown's tail twitches back and forth in the
sand, as if with a mind of its own. With a rather exuberant bugle, this one
actually *sounding* like a bugle, the little brown spreads his wings,
basking in the heat of the sands.

D'thon affects a who me? sort of expression when confronted with the stark
reality of Having Kassi Sent After Him. His lifemate mimics the expression,
leaving no doubt whatsoever as to where the dragon learnt that particular

Keira laughs and offers the teething ring to Salek, then turns her head and
calls teasingly to J'var, "Trying to keep all the males for Missy, are you?"

From the hatching sands, Fatal Faerie Frolic Egg seems to spin on its end
before exploding into a million tiny shards. Standing amidst the dust is a
pale Blue who stretches his wings to their full length before letting out a
tittering creel. After staggering about the sands for several minutes, he
chooses a girl who until recently was a Kitchen drudge at the Weyr. "Oh!"
She cries. "His name is Velth!"

From the hatching sands, Coruscating Crystalline Chill Egg rocks slightly
at the bumping-into, rolling almost completely over, as if that shake was a
wake-up call for the egg's occupant. Said occupant shudders inside, causing
the egg to entrench itself into a little pit in the hot Sands of the Cavern.

From the hatching sands, Aisling glances over to Tania and grins,'Thanks.'
She murmers absently, 'Then food we shall get you." She nods to Ceria as
she carefully begins to assist her lifemate towards the barracks.

From the hatching sands, Lanryi stops doing her candidate foot shuffling
dance long enough to smile over at Aisling and call her congratulations.
Her eyes are then drawn back to the newest brown on the sands.

From the hatching sands, Aisling heads off towards the bowl on the way to
the weyrling barracks.

Divya pokes J'han in the side and says, "Wouldn't it be nice if your Lanryi
got that other brown?"

From the hatching sands, Alessandra continues to watch the brown, eyes
flickering over to the Chill Egg curiously. /That/ was the one she'd almost
been afraid to touch...

J'var just hmphs, and abruptly rises to swing aboard his lifemate. "On a
cold day in Ista, Kei. I'll be watching you."

Salek sinks his teeth into the ring, chomping on it happily as drool
dribbles down his chin.

J'han grins to Divya, "I hope so. I'm still hoping for her," Close
inspection would show his fingers still tightly crossed.

From the hatching sands, Velth eagerly moves with his lifemate off the
Sands and toward the promise of food.

Kassima blinks out of the trance of Hatching-watching, bet-marking, and
Lysseth-consulting. "She's nay a child of mine, J'var, so you'd best be
paying me for that siccing!" she calls, if rather late.

From the hatching sands, Tania giggles as she watches the newest brown.
"Wow.. he's going to be a strong one.." she whispers, stil absently
shifting from foot to foot.

From the hatching sands, Takar runs a shaking hand through his hair, a
useless habit, as his thick bangs fall back into place immediately. His
gaze remains fixed on the bugling brown.

From the hatching sands, Sielth heads off towards the bowl on the way to
the weyrling barracks.

J'var grins wryly. "I'd say it'd be worth, oh, say, a hundred marks to buy
your... services, Kassi."

J'var steps up on Miseth's proffered foreleg, and scrambles up to her neck.

From the hatching sands, Sina laughs as she watches the antics of the newly
hatched brown, shaking her head just time to the shifting of
her feet.

From the hatching sands, Arraynor nods silently as he lets his eyes focus
on the brown. "Very strong." *shiftshiftshift*

Keira grins playfully, "Oh c'mon, Jav. No need to get snippy with -me-. I'm
not interested in chasing your sister."

From the hatching sands, Colours shimmer as the Hastily Painted Canvas egg
sways to and fro upon the hot sands. A cobalt fragment breaks off as a
damply green limb punches through, then another shard of silver follows.
Soon, the dappled sunlit green within is freed of the shell, and making her
way on wobbly legs to a cluster of boys. One of them, a tall lad from
Bitra, gives a shout of exaltation, echoed by the dragonet, and a pairing
is made. M'rix and Identeth will be together for always.

Ptodek snorts with laughter, slapping his thigh.

From the hatching sands, Saskia nods to I'sai then glances over at Sielth
and Aisling. Her smile softens,"She's Sielth's now. 1 out of 2 is pretty

J'on covers his mouth to hide the smile, but his shoulders shake.

From the hatching sands, Leelson watches M'rix and Identeth with a grin
before his eyes shift back to the brown basking in the heat.

From the hatching sands, Meandering River Brown Hatchling stops, his
attention suddenly distracted by those white-robed things. Hmm... With a
bounce in his step that should speak volumes about his rather outgoing
personality, he edges forward, wings still spread wide open. They're not
not dragging. Not really! Clumsy at first, though, he drops to his belly
with a *fwump* and an 'I meant to do that' look. Besides, this gives him a
great view of everyone's knees.

From the hatching sands, One of the AWLM's makes her way over to M'rix and
Identeth, leading them toward the barracks.

Perched high up on Miseth's neck, J'var just smiles, very slightly, and
urges a reluctant Miseth up. Uncurling her tail from a blue one at the last
moment, she spreads her wings and leaps.

From the hatching sands, Akiko watches Aisling go with a softened gaze,
watching where she had disappeared to for some time before returning to
glancing towards the eggs. Renewed strength was found to squeeze
Alessandra's hand.

Miseth flies towards the bowl.

From the hatching sands, Rinath lowers her head to gently whuffle at her
son, encouraging him with hum and breath to move on his way to his lifemate.

From the hatching sands, "And there are more," I'sai breathes ... if not so
very many more, the sands by now mostly shards.

From the hatching sands, Tania uses her now free hand to civer her mouth,
supressing a loud bout of laughter. "Well, strong when he finds his legs.."
she notes lightly.

From the hatching sands, Alessandra cringes as that poor brown falters as
he walks, murmuring softly--"Ouch." Poor little thing. Akiko's hand is
clenched again, tightly.

From the hatching sands, Wind and Rain Egg shivers, shards flying off like
raindrops until it cracks open spilling a sky blue dragonet on the hatching
sands. He picks himself up and after a few minutes searching he stops in
front of red headed, freckle face boy from the Beastcraft who falls to his
knees in front of him. "Hungry, Luinth? Lets get some food!" he exclaims as
he stands back up.

From the hatching sands, Takar doesn't spare a single glance for anything
but the brown hatchling, and he rolls up on his toes with a bit of concern
on his face.

From the hatching sands, Coruscating Crystalline Chill Egg squirms and
wiggles, finally getting itself out of its little pit, and rolling end over
end to crack into a couple of other eggs, trapping itself standing on the
pointy end of itself. Yeesh. It stops, staying still, lest it hurt itself
be falling over too hard.

From the hatching sands, Arraynor laughs outloud. "Belly flop!" he says
with a laugh to Tania.

Jasmyn grins. "Now that one looks like he has an ego." She glances over at
Tivuketh. "Not like your lovable brown there, Cami."

J'on says "Noooo, Tivuketh *never* had an ego..."

Mirval lets out a quiet sigh as he watches.

Divya chuckles and says, "He needs to get stronger legs. But at least he's
not carrying around a piece of shell like a hat."

From the hatching sands, "Poor thing," Ciara mumbles, as she watches the
little brown flop onto the sands. Shuffling back and forth, she still rocks
forward to catch a glimpse of the eggs and dragonets that remain.

Kassima rolls her eyes after the departing J'var. "That man gets more
incorrigible by the day, I'm swearing it."

Macami grins and fondly slaps Tivuketh's side. "I have the meekest of
browns. It's bad enough I have a dragon with an ego in my life, that would
be Kazeth." She playfully sticks her tongue out at J'on. "Tivu and I, we're
old and settled now."

Ptodek shifts restlessly in his seat. "Ciara had /better/ Impress!" he says

Julanna shakes her head. "Not Tivuketh..." Dragons? Having egos? Who
would've thought it?

J'on says "You can't be old, Camilove. If you are, I am."

"Was he ever not," Kindre quips to Kassima and then winks.

Jasmyn giggles softly, looking in Kassima's direction, then back at Macami.
"Shells, yes. Kazeth wins the swelled ego game hands down."

From the hatching sands, Leelson blinks over at the boy from beastcraft and
watches him with Luinth for a moment. "I just knew he would" he murmurs
quietly. When he looks back to the brown, the hatchling is on his belly in
the sand. Lee bites his lip.

From the hatching sands, Earthquake, tsunami, hurricane, tornado,
monsoon:150| the Lurid Panorama Egg splits open. In the aftermath, the
resulting green looks impossibly placid and unruffled as she makes her way
across the sands:150| she knows what she wants. "Cinnath." A woman from
Southern Boll, Andrea, repeats the name over and over.

"I had hoped that description of what I'd do to him if'n he ever touched
one of m'lasses would temper him a bit," Kassima admits, with a wry grin
for Kindre.

From the hatching sands, Ceria glances around the Sands at the remaining
eggs. She watches as Luinth is led off the sands by his lifemate in the
care of an AWLM who also takes Cinnath and Andrea into her care.

Keira sighs softly, nodding agreement. Then she blinks and nearly swings
the back of her hand into Ptodek's arm. "You just want her to Impress
because you -bet- on her!" She looks much put-upon as she shakes her head
and goes back to watching the hatching below.

From the hatching sands, Sina is still laughing as she watches the brown,
perhaps more heartily than she normally would as all her pent up tension
seems to be pouring out of her.

Ptodek rolls his eyes at Keira. "No, silly! I bet on her because I wanted
her to Impress!"

Keira smiles a little, but doesn't raise her eyes from the sands and her
favorite candidate.

Julanna adds, "And bovines will surely sprout wings the day anyone declares
you old, Cami," pause. "Unless it's in the middle of a flight. And that
doesn't count."

From the hatching sands, Meandering River Brown Hatchling vaults to his
feet-- apparently, that time spent studying knees did him some good. He
moves with a sense of purpose now, dodging an egg that seems bent on
bowling him over. He comes to a quick stop, spraying sand everywhere, and
studies that one person--that one boy--rather intently. There he is! Eyes
that whirl both red and the amethyst of draconic devotion meet a pair of
deep brown eyes, and he croons deeply.

From the hatching sands, Lanryi giggles at the silly brown, "He's funny,
isn't he, Sina." She looks around at the candidates still on the sands,
"Ooo, I wonder who he going to get?"

T'mren looks thoughtful, "The little brown guy found his choice."

From the hatching sands, I'sai lifts to his boot-toes, as if he could see
past the - Luinth, is it? - and to that river-brown; he mightn't, but above
him, whirling blue-diamond eyes see for him, to the very moment of Impression.

From the hatching sands, Arraynor chuckles, his full out laughter
subsiding. "Is he going to get up I wonder? Oh...wait....there he goes!" He
shifts on his feet rapidly. Will his feet ever be the same again?

From the hatching sands, Deep Jungle Egg rocks in as ungainly a manner as
one would expect given its appearance. Sporadic shakes, jerks, and shudders
finally free the hatchling within, sending the rich loam hatchling tumbling
with surprise. But the little brown shows much more grace now than he did
while still inside his shell, and crosses the sands with ease. Phenyla, a
tanned blonde from Ista who'd only just been Searched, is nudged with a
peat brown nose, eliciting a wondrous exclamation of adoration. "Threonith?"

From the hatching sands, As the Coruscating Crystalline Chill Egg's shards
settle to the sand, there's one large piece of the shell left standing, and
it is in its shadow that this hatchling remains for a long moment. There is
a moment as this newest dragonet stands unmoving, looking out over those
assembled, where naught but silence from this little one. Then, sudden
movement: a violent stirring as if of deep green leaves that gather and
bound outwards to find the one that will cause completion.

                   Stippled Jungle Leaf-Green Hatchling                    
Blackness clings to already dark and waxy green, stippled shadows caressing
verdant jungle leaves. Random patterns only serve to unite the whole - a
uniform coloring for this dragonet's already large, stocky frame. Even the
membranes of her wings seem to trap light, rather than let it pass through.
The only disparate element is a streak of loam that cuts across one side of
her hide - daubed indelibly with mud's earthy kiss.

From the hatching sands, Alessandra turns her attention away from the
brown, purple eyes resting now on the frustrations of the Chill Egg, head
canting curiously to the side as she waits to see what erupts from it. Oh
wait--that brown, who'd he go to, now? Oh, the Green! Again she stands
transfixed, eyes wide as she watches the Leaf-Green Hatchling. "Akiko. Look
at her, now..."

From the hatching sands, T'kar's eyes go wide and he kneels next to the
brown hatchling, murmuring quietly to it. Remembering his duty, eventually,
he turns for just a moment to cry, "Fasolth!" Leaving it simply at that, he
coaxes his lifemate to come along with him towards food.

Divya cheers as the brown finds his lifemate on the sands. She is pleased
that T'kar was lucky enough to Impress brown like Merielan did.

From the hatching sands, Akiko turns with Alessandra, in a sort of gossipy
sort of stance with the girl, as they spy towards the Green. ".. yes,
another pretty one." She confirms her own thoughts aloud.

From the hatching sands, Ceria makes her way to T'kar and Fasolth. "Food's
waiting," she says with a grin, leading the way to the barracks.

Csoeth raises his head slightly, a clear note of approval in his voice as
the newest green emerges.

From the hatching sands, Sina looks over towards Takar as the brown heads
straight to him, her laughter finally trailing away as she watches the
impression. With a wavering smile and shining eyes, she turns her gaze back
out towards the sand where it comes to rest on the leaf-green hatchling.

From the hatching sands, By happenstance, the main fissure that grows in
Two Roads egg forks into two, just above the suggestion of a road dividing.
The two sides of the egg part, leaving the middle section to crumble about
the greyish blue that uncurls to explore his newfound freedom. But, which
way to go? He ponders a moment, then begins his journey. A stocky brown
haired boy from Hold Balan is the one he chooses, and without another
thought he's leaning up against the rapt young man.

From the hatching sands, Arraynor shakes his head in wonder. Three
impressions in such close! To Takar...T'kar now he calls
out a bright congrats.

From the hatching sands, Leelson ooo's as the dark waxy green emerges and
he watches her intently, his concentration only broken by T'kar's
impressing. He watches that pair with a warm smile.

From the hatching sands, Lanryi grins over at Tirdan, "So that who..." she
trails off as she catches sight of the latest green dragonet. "Oh..."

From the hatching sands, Alessandra looks up quickly, tearing her eyes away
from the green long enough to see--T'kar! She cheers again, waving her free
hand as he leaves, then watches the green again. "She's so /dark/... She's
beautiful. I wonder who she'll claim..."

From the hatching sands, Saskia sighs "They're dwindling. Mostly shards
now." she says quietly with a trace of regret, but she smiles still.

From the hatching sands, Tania simply smiles and nods, once, towards T'kar.
Good choice. Heaving a shaky sigh, she looks towards the remaining eggs and

From the hatching sands, T'kar leans together with Fasolth, nodding again
and again. "Yes, c'mon!" he urges, finding his way towards the barracks.

From the hatching sands, T'kar heads off towards the bowl on the way to the
weyrling barracks.

From the hatching sands, Fasolth heads off towards the bowl on the way to
the weyrling barracks.

From the hatching sands, Taralyth leans to brush his jaw along his queen's,
and always with that liquid, humming croon: there, and there, and there -

From the hatching sands, A'lex looks over to nod at Saskia, "It's a good
group, it seems."

From the hatching sands, I'sai can find words to murmur somewhat dryly, if
not enough to belie his bright eyes, "And they're all dodging, too."

From the hatching sands, "A very good group," Nimiriel echos softly, as she
looks out across the sands.

From the hatching sands, Stippled Jungle Leaf-Green Hatchling rights
herself. TA DAH! Faboo, yes, she is. Shaking her head a bit after that
acrobatic landing, just to clear it. Sand is good. No sense getting rid of
that. Looks good where it is. She digs her feet in to pull herself out of
all this glorious egg-sand mess. Goooooooooooeey! YAY! At a subtle note
from yon mama dragon over there, she gets up and resolutely tromps around.
One must have a lifemate, one supposes, so she eyes Candidates up and down
the line. This one? No. That one. Hmmm, nope. All the while, her eyes are
deepening into redder and redder.

From the hatching sands, As if a wind blows across the hot sands to disturb
its rest, Desert Grassland Egg wavers, shifting from side to side in a slow
tumble, crunching across the sands. It halts, beginning an unhurried
taptaptapping, rocking with increasing urgency. Finally, the shell
crumbles, leaving a shard-encrusted brown attempting to sort out his limbs.
With fluidity, once those legs and wings reach some sort of coordination,
he advances towards the waiting candidates, narrowing in on one girl in
particular - Tersella, a girl born and raised at Telgar Weyr. "Joienth?
Yes, of course!" The tall girl voices, and Impression is made.

Keira frowns slightly, "It's almost over, isn't it...?"

From the hatching sands, Saskia beams at A'lex, Nimiriel, and I'sai, her
voice full of maternal pride, "Yes, they are." she says, answering all
three comments at once.

From the hatching sands, AWLM's keep busy, leading newly Impressed pairs
off the Sands.

From the hatching sands, Alessandra starts giggling as she watches the
march of the Leaf Green Hatchling, darkly purple eyes watching her as the
dragonet goes back and forth. "Messy little girl, isn't she," she comments,
laughing again.

Ptodek nods, clenching his hands into fists. "C'mon, Ciara!" he calls out.

"Um hmm," Reye answers, her gaze intently on the scene below. "Do you
suppose that green is headed for Ciara? She's a pretty one. Seems sure of
herself, too."

T'mren squints down at the green,' I hope so, for both their sakes."

From the hatching sands, Arraynor's eyes catch the diverging roads as they
split...break apart and dissolve. The dragonet within is gone...a lone
figure decided...the path chosen. He blinks back his gaze to Tania. "Not
many left now...." and he falls quiet again.

From the hatching sands, Ciara watches the green's progress, a smile
drawing one corner of her mouth upward, in spite of the hot sand beneath
her feet.

Alyssa uses the oiled straps and an extended foreleg to mount Adonith and,
once settled between his neckridges, she rubs his hide adoringly and
receives, in return, a loving warblecroon.

From the hatching sands, Lanryi's mouth quirks into a smile as she watches
the leaf-green dragonet. "Doesn't seem to mind the sands..." she murmurs.

From the hatching sands, Tania smiles softly, looking up at Arraynor with a
half-grin. "She seems so sure of herself.." she says, pointing towards the

Keira catches her lower lip between her teeth and nods in response to Reye
and T'm, then adds, "I hope so..."

From the hatching sands, Leelson's eyes remain glued to the dark green
hatchling. He curls his lips in towards his teeth briefly and murmurs
something quietly to himself.

From the hatching sands, Across the Grey Haze egg ripples a
transformation:150| like a foot stepping in an oil-sheened puddle, splashes
spread out. Then blue appears, ringed in rainbows. As he struggles out of
the egg, his gaze falls on a short, squat girl - "Fezzeth!" she cries, and
runs to him.

Salek drops his slobber-covered hide ring in Keira's lap.

Keira doesn't seem to mind much, picking the ring up absently and checking
it for fuzz before handing it back to Salek.

From the hatching sands, Rinath lets her mate's caress linger, as her hum
reflects a few higher softer notes, and a streak of violet washes over the
white of candidate robes in the whirling facets of her eyes.

From the hatching sands, I'sai's quiet for a time, swallowing deep, deep
breaths of the heated air: looking, listening, as if saving it all for
memory -

Jasmyn chuckles as she watches Keira and Salek for a moment.

From the hatching sands, Stippled Jungle Leaf-Green Hatchling keeps going
up and down the line. Maylia in dragon form, inspecting the troops?
Hmmmm... She continues, resolutely not creeling, though she almost wants
to. Striated green wings unfurl slightly to help keep balance. Let those
silly -boys- creel like babies. Not this little one. She won't. Eyes do
whirl a bit more quickly, though, the red darkening almost ominously.

Ptodek leans over. "I forgot.. it hooks onto his wrist, like this." He
deftly twists the loop of leather around the child's wrist. "That way when
he drops it, it doesn't fall."

From the hatching sands, Arraynor smiles back and nods. "Self-assured..."
he murmurs back, eyes lifting to the green's form. "But beautiful none the

Salek burbles and drops his ring again in favor of grabbing for Ptodek's nose.

From the hatching sands, Alessandra starts to get slightly nervous, dark
eyes watching the Leaf-Green Hatchling anxiously. Isn't she going to find
her lifemate?... "Come on, little one, can't you find the one you want?..."

From the hatching sands, Sina says quietly to Lanryi, "And shes quiet." Her
eyes remain fixed on the movements of the newly hatched green.

Keira blinks, looking down at the ring. "Oh, I should have paid more
attention. Luckily it didn't fall far, hmmm?" She smiles, bounces Salek
gently, and returns her eyes to the sands.

Divya crosses her fingers and hopes that J'han's friend Lanryi finds her
lifemate in the green.

From the hatching sands, Akiko remained silent as she watched the Green.
There were so few eggs left on the sands, that it made sense to look where
everyone else was now. Right?

Ptodek laughs, and unhooks tiny fingers from his face. "Yeah, it's no big
deal though. But he does get mad if it falls on the ground and you have to
take it away to wash it."

T'mren bobs his head to Keira in mute agreement, watching closely.

From the hatching sands, Tania nods slightly to Arraynor. "Simply perfect."
she whispers. Her legs are still shuffling in the sands, but almost
half-heartedly now.. this is looking all too familier.

From the hatching sands, Taralyth deepens his note in throaty affirmation,
sensing and not a little smug thereby, and - there's that jungle-green, who
knows what she wants: theirs, then, most truly.

J'han glances over to Divya, "There's not many left," he sounds distressed,
"Come on Lanryi," Jyrinth echoes the sentiment in a soft croon.

Divya nods and says, "But that's a strong green down there. She'd make a
good lifemate, if it works out."

J'han nods, "She is pretty and so strong," Jyrinth again echoes a slightly
appreciative croon.

From the hatching sands, Arraynor grips Tania's hand as he nods again, just
watching the green's movement.

From the hatching sands, Stippled Jungle Leaf-Green Hatchlingstops finally.
Good grief. Don't hide. You

From the hatching sands, Stippled Jungle Leaf-Green Hatchlingstops finally.
Good grief. Don't hide. You'd think that the one she's looking at was
almost hiding from her right there in plain sight. Red slows slightly and
violet oozes in there as well as she steps up in front of The One, looking
up into blue eyes framed with wispy auburn hair. You. Me. Somewhere called
the 'barracks'. Now.

From the hatching sands, The last unhatched egg explodes in a rain of
shards, and its contents, a Blue makes a vtol line directly for a young boy
from Crom. The two make their way off the sands with the help of an
assistant Weyrlingmaster.

Keira seems to be holding her breath as the green hatchling stops, leaning
forward a bit as she peers down at the sands.

"She's picking.. who is it?" Ptodek asks, leaning forward. "I can't see."

J'han starts a mantra, "Lanryi, Lanryi, come on," he pleads.

From the hatching sands, Nimiriel watches the last egg hatch with a bit of
trepidation, and looks over at A'lex. "Well... Hm."

From the hatching sands, A'lex looks across the now empty sands, "What a
clutch. You've much to be proud of in your lifemates Saskia and I'sai." He

"Me either," remarks Kindre as she, too, leans a bit more forward and

From the hatching sands, Akiko doesn't say anything. "...." She looks to
Alessandra. "...."

From the hatching sands, Forgetting the heat of the sands, Lanryi kneels
down close to the jungle green hatchhling to reach an arm over her neck and
looks into her eyes. With an exultant grin she says, "Yes we can eat now!"
Then she turns to the galleries and exclaims, "Her name is Valrieth!"

From the hatching sands, Alessandra snakes her arm around Akiko again,
hugging the girl to her tightly. "You okay?"

Macami crosses her arms in front of her chest. "She's taking her time,
ain't she? Ah, there we go." She smiles.

Divya lets out a loud whoop as Lanyri Impresses the green!

Julanna leans forward. "Valrieth? Lovely name!"

From the hatching sands, Leelson smiles gently in the direction of Lanryi
and Valrieth, and then the last to impress. He calls out a congratulations
to both before looking down at the sand in front of his feet. "I'm sorry

From the hatching sands, Ceria makes her way toward Lanryi and Valrieth.
"Care to take a trip to the barracks?" she asks with a smile.

Ptodek sighs. "Well, shells. I was sure Ciara would..." his voice trails
off and he wrinkles his nose unhappily.

J'han jumps up and cheers loudly, "Go Lanryi. A green"

From the hatching sands, Akiko doesn't say anything at first. ".. Guess we
can go now." She does pipe in after a moment.

From the hatching sands, Who's got who? Rayn leans forward to see and
indeed...see he does. "Congratulations Lanryi!" he calls, hand still
gripping Tania's and involuntarily he squeezes her hand hard. "Congrats!"
he repeats softly.

Jasmyn rubs the back of her neck as she leans against Umirieth, remembering
to breath again. She stares down at Leelson. "Oh dear.. but we get him back
again at home. I have missed him."

From the hatching sands, Sina's eyes widen as the green stops near her.. so
near her.. She does manage a vivid smile at Lanryi, a softly muttered
congratulations, before her gaze moves to the shards littering the sands
and the other candidates still standing out here alone.

From the hatching sands, Lanryi nods standing with a hand resting on the
neckridges of the newest green leading her to the barracks.

Aine cheers for all the new weyrlings and then slips through the crowd
toward Milnoth.

From the hatching sands, It takes I'sai a moment - the sound of his name,
perhaps? - to realize; and then clear, smiling sea-blue eyes turn to the
Weyrleader: "...I'm sorry; what?"

Reye's shoulders slump a bit as Ciara is left on the sands. "Well... her
lifemate wasn't there, that's all," the weyrling tells Ptodek sagely. It
seems she's almost convincing herself, as well. "The dragons just haven't
hatched anything good enough for her yet." A draconic nudge makes her raise
her hand to her lifemate's muzzle. "Yes love, 'cept for you. I know."

Keira sits back and sighs. "Poor Ciara...I have to go see how she's
doing..." Carefully, Ke lifts Salek, offering the child back to his father.

From the hatching sands, A'lex smiles, "Nevermind, I'sai."

From the hatching sands, Tania smiles at Lanryi, then looks around and
sighs soflty. "Why did I even agree to this again?" she whispers, dropping
her hand from Rayn's. She looks blankly towards the weyrleaers, waiting for
that all-to-familer speech, standing straight and tall, waiting to be
released so she can go back to her old life again.

A'len claps his hands quietly a few times, and then climbs back on up
Dilorenth's side.

A'len climbs up Dilorenth's forelimb, and finds a secure spot on his back.

Dilorenth flies towards the bowl.

Aine climbs up Milnoth's forelimb, and finds a secure spot on his back.

Jasmyn with the help of Umirieth's offered foreleg, gracefully climbs onto
her back.

From the hatching sands, Lanryi heads off towards the bowl on the way to
the weyrling barracks.

Ptodek takes Salek back into his arms. "Want me to come along?"

Milnoth flies towards the bowl.

From the hatching sands, Valrieth heads off towards the bowl on the way to
the weyrling barracks.

From the hatching sands, Alessandra mutters quietly to herself, "Well, I
get my room back at least." There's a blessing.

From the hatching sands, Akiko goes to tug Alessandra's hand. "C'mon. I
know a nice place to sit, its a pretty ledge and... stuff. I guess." She
just wanted to go now. "...."

E'lan vaults up onto Lazryth's back, as the dragon warbles a greeting.

Lazryth flies towards the bowl.

From the hatching sands, I'sai holds the silver glance a level, shining
moment - and then his smile tips sideways; "All right." And it is.

From the hatching sands, Ceria heads off towards the bowl on the way to the
weyrling barracks.

Keira stands and pulls on her jacket, "Sure, Ptodie, if you want." She
smiles at Reye, "You're right, of course."

Macami watches the ones who were left standing with a sigh. "It's hard not
to find your lifemate. But there's always hope." That said she moves to
mount her own lifemate.

K'dar clambers up onto Leventh's back, using his straps as handholds.

Leventh flies towards the bowl.

Julanna grabs hold of Miraeth's straps and swings up to settle between the
green's neckridges with practiced ease.

Macami adeptly climbs up to sit between Tivuketh's neckridges, strapping
herself to her lifemate.

J'han hops up onto Jyrinth's back, the dragon's sparkling eyes watching

Tivuketh flies towards the bowl.

Miraeth flies towards the bowl.

Jyrinth flies towards the bowl.

From the hatching sands, Alessandra chuckles softly down at Akiko, shaking
her head slightly and returning her attention back to A'lex and the others.
"Listen to them first. There's this obligatory speech they make to us... It
tends to help a little."

Keira trots over to Csoeth, weaving between milling riders and deftly
avoiding launching dragons.

Kreolin sighs. "Oh, I do hate this part. Always will. I hope they find
theirs someday." Standing, she walks over to Reye with a smile. "Nice
Hatching, hmm?"

From the hatching sands, Saskia takes a soft deep breath, lets out a soft
sigh, and find her voice again. "Thank you." she says softly, her face
still lit with blue eyes' shining luminosity.

Divya hops up onto Konnevath's back, the dragon's sparkling eyes watching

Konnevath lumbers out of the room towards the Central Bowl.

Ptodek follows after, holding Salek close against his chest.

T'en stands, and stretches, then offers Taelenna a hand. "Feeling social?"

Keira uses Csoeth's forearm as a step, then pulls herself aboard via his

On Umirieth, Jasmyn sighs. "I am going to go down and see if Leelson wants
a lift back home."

Ptodek uses Csoeth's forearm as a step, then pulls himself aboard via his

From the hatching sands, Akiko shakes her head. "... No. Why do I want to
hear it? Its probably a rehearsed sort of thing anyways."

Mirval says "Gimme a ride down, Myn?"

From Csoeth's neck, Keira straps herself in, then turns to check Ptodek.

Astride Umireith, Jasmyn grins. "Sure, Mirval, come on up."

From Csoeth's neck, Ptodek nods, his arms wrapped tightly around his son.
"Yep, ready."

From the hatching sands, Arraynor glances at Tania as she drops his hand
and stands perfectly straight. But he says nothing, only stands dropping
his head for a moment. So the path was taken...the lone figure
decided...and the memory lingers. He lifts his head and straightens his
shoulders, taking a deep breath. Waiting...and burning his feet, can't
forget that.

Mirval steps up on the graciously offered foreleg and, holding tightly to
the riding straps, carefully pulls himself up to a seat on Umirieth's back.

From the hatching sands, Sina watches a few of the other candidates glance
over at A'lex. Unsure what else to do, she does the same. So many
conflicting emotions are at play in her expression that it almost seems blank.

"A beautiful hatching," Reye answers Kreolin with a lopsided smile. "I'm
not sure if we should find Ciara or not... though Ke and Ptodek have gone,
so maybe we'll just meet up with them later. Do you want to stop by their
living cavern for a bit, or...?"

From the hatching sands, Leelson moves his feet in the sand still, but more
in a more perfunctory way. He glances up at the galleries and viewing
stands, trying to find someone.

T'mren grips the straps on Cevodnioth's hide, and climbs onto the dragon's
back, perching there with confidence.

Taelenna takes T'en's hand gratefully, then stands up slowly. "I...don't
know," she decides, or actually doesn't. "Are you? K'dar had sweeps -- I
think the Hatching lasted a little longer than he expected."

From the hatching sands, Rinath abruptly stops humming as the last dragonet
seeks and finds his lifemate, though she remains entwined with Taralyth.

Kassima carefully tips her winnings into her belt pouch, then places her
cap onto her head and swings aboard her lifemate with only one long look
down to the Sands.

You place one hand on Lysseth's neck and she warbles down at you fondly.
You grin and scratch her eyeridges once before climbing up onto her lower
neckridges, using the riding straps and Lysseth's thoughtfully offered