Maternal: Burnished Gold Dyinath (Asfala // BDW // 40m) hatched from the second clutch of Antique Gold Leilanth (Jehrina // BDW // 42m), sired by Mottled Bronze Laerth (P'tran // BDW // 35m). Leilanth and Laerth hatched from the first clutch of Streaked Gold Kimbrith (Merla // BDW // 39m), sired by Dark Bronze Avoth (S'drel // BDW // 38m). Kimbrith and Avoth hatched from the second clutch of Elegant Gold Tiamanth (Krystlin // BDW // 38m), sired by Verbose Bronze Tzornth (F'hlan // BDW // 36m). Tiamanth and Tzornth hatched from the third clutch of Gold Jeniath (Amberyl // BDW // 40m), sired by Bronze Duzorth (T'lean // BDW // 40m). Jeniath hatched from the first clutch of Gold Arlianth (Elisa // FTW // 40m), sired by Bronze Cyinth (I'anth // FTW). Arlianth hatched from the first clutch of Gold Elspeth (Chedris // FTW), sired by Bronze Mareth (T'pek // FTW). Duzorth hatched from the first clutch of Gold Jeniath (Amberyl // BDW // 40m), sired by Bronze Pyreth (F'jon // BDW). Pyreth hatched from the first clutch of Gold Elspeth (Chedris // FTW), sired by Bronze Mareth (T'pek // FTW).
Paternal: Bronze Valenth (J'cot // ISW // 39m) hatched from the first clutch of Beautiful Golden Iriniath (Annalyn // IGW), sired by Bronze Pyreth (F'jon // IGW). Iriniath hatched from the second clutch of Gold Jeniath (Amberyl // BDW // 40m), sired by Bronze Kath (T'gerey // BDW). Jeniath hatched from the first clutch of Gold Arlianth (Elisa // FTW), sired by Bronze Cyinth (I'anth // FTW). Arlianth hatched from the first clutch of Gold Elspeth (Chedris // FTW), sired by Bronze Mareth (T'pek // FTW). Pyreth hatched from the first clutch of Gold Elspeth (Chedris // FTW), sired by Bronze Mareth (T'pek // FTW).
The background of this smooth egg is like the sand of the desert: cream in color and evenly hued, though upon close inspection, finely pebbled. Slightly darker areas wash over the egg like waves, but are hidden by huge splotches of red. It is almost as if someone with a crude paintbrush splashed great words of defiance in some unknown language, all over the surface of the egg, to the point where the placid sandy wall is almost totally obscured.
With a slight popping sound, a fragment of shell cracks from the surface of the Crimson Defiance Egg and flies off. Talons poke from the opening, scrabbling on the hard shell to increase the size of the hole, until a long, thin, green dragonet climbs out slowly, her body still oozing with egg juices. She shakes her wings once, then gapes her mouth open wide and screeches a long, almost inaudibly high note, displaying her long sharp teeth. Her head whips towards the cluster of candidates and she begins to advance, her orange-red eyes focusing on them almost viciously, her wings and tail clinging to the sand with long tendrils of mucous-like slime.
The Dusty Pine Green Hatchling is long for a dragonet, but very, very thin. She seems to be all bones, and talons and teeth. She has dried out from emerging from the egg just enough to show her dark green hide, but it seems to be almost more grey and green, and nearly charcoal along the edges of her wings. Her eyes shine out from among this, crimson with hunger, as she searches for the one she needs. Beware to those others who get in the way of her quest!
A burst of exultation in your heart overwhelms the general noise in the hatching cavern, and you feel yourself inhale as your world suddenly silences except for the click of two minds, yours and another's, meeting and meshing irrevocably. You find yourself gazing into vortices of rainbows within a dragon's multifaceted eyes, then the world rushes back in on your mind, new, fresh, with millions of questions to be answered, and through it all, the pain of intense hunger. You feel yourself forming words in your mind, and in the mind of the dragonet in front of you: "We'll get food directly, Lysseth."
The singlemindedness of this dragon, even at birth, is almost startling. Her one mission in life is to protect those whom she cares for, which include her lifemate and her dam, and later, her weyrmate and her Weyr. This attitude is wonderful for fighting Thread, but may get difficult to handle when her lifemate gets into and argument, or her weyrmate rises to chase another dragon. She will need to be taught when her protectiveness is appropriate, and when she must keep herself under control. However, at all other times, she is placid, going about her duties with a calm, almost detached air.
(Note: With time, I've taken off from this and built Lysseth's personality into something a bit different from this attribute. She is overprotective and obsessive to a high degree, with a stubborn streak; however, she's developed a sense of humor due to the Turns spent with her lifemate, and is also more irritable than placid sometimes--it depends on her mood. She and Kassima argue frequently, but it's mostly just for fun, as they naturally love each other as much as any lifemate pair and are very deeply bonded indeed.)
Dusty, dusky pine hide wraps over this dragon's extraordinarily slender frame; it sleekly stretches over long bone, defines muscle, while providing a fine complement for the polished curve of claws and teeth. Her shady color is at its darkest along the charcoal-shaded edges of long wings. Though one might almost be tempted to try and wipe away the 'dust' to glimpse the pure, deep green that must surely lie underneath, it wouldn't be a good idea to do so; Lysseth is not a creature to suffer a strange touch lightly, and would make her displeasure known to any who dared come too close. Better, far better, to admire her gleaming and healthy hide from a distance.
Should one catch her in motion, it would be clear that Lysseth has shed the awkwardness of callow youth in favor of the lithe and supple finesse of a fully adult green... on the ground, anyway. She indulges a fondness for sharp and lightning-swift action in the air, ensuring that any passengers would have to pay for the benefit of her uncanny speed with less comfort than another dragon might afford them.
Lysseth's sparkling gaze turns upon you as she senses your attentions, and she gives you a wary glance with luminous, whirling blue eyes before dismissing you from her thoughts.
Lysseth and Kassima have been together for longer than either would likely admit. She is 25 meters long, and has a wingspan of 41.67 meters.
As this is a day of festivities for her and her lifemate, Lysseth is adorned in her best: dyed the deep black color of *between* or of dragon-charred Thread, these supple leather straps have been stitched with bright crimson to represent the colors of Benden Weyr. A carved leather diamond at the base of the green's neck, near the chest, proudly displays the design of a Thunderbolt Wing patch. If asked, Kassima will no doubt tell you that these fabulous straps were made by T'lar, bronze Nicoth's rider.
(Note: Many thanks to all riders who participated in each of these flights; I couldn't have done them without you, obviously! The name of the winning dragonpair will be in italics; all others should be in normal print.)
Lysseth's First Flight (May 10, 1996)
Bronze Nicoth (T'lar) of Benden Weyr
Brown Adroth (T'yn) of Fort Weyr
Brown Kemith (Channie) of Fort Weyr
Brown Spineth (Ursa) of Benden Weyr
Blue Ciruth (Aislinn) of Ista Weyr
Blue Prefeth (Aphrael) of Benden Weyr
Blue Vidarth (R'val) of Benden Weyr
Lysseth's Second Flight (October 4, 1996)
Bronze Nicoth (T'lar) of Benden Weyr
Brown Dulath (C'vadan) of Benden Weyr
Brown Kemith (Channie) of Fort Weyr
Brown Ularrith (M'rgan) of High Reaches Weyr
Blue Adonith (Alyssa) of Benden Weyr
Blue Emmith (J'bal) of Fort Weyr
Blue Verenth (Melata) of High Reaches Weyr
Lysseth's Third Flight (January 10, 1997)
Brown Dulath (C'vadan) of Benden Weyr
Brown Spineth (Ursa) of Benden Weyr
Blue Verenth (Melata) of High Reaches Weyr
Lysseth's Fourth Flight (April 11, 1997)
Bronze Nicoth (T'lar) of Benden Weyr
Bronze Prometh (K'tyn) of Benden Weyr
Brown Dulath (C'vadan) of Benden Weyr
Brown Ularrith (M'rgan) of High Reaches Weyr
Blue Adonith (Alyssa) of Benden Weyr
Lysseth's Fifth Flight (July 1, 1997)
Brown Dulath (C'vadan) of Benden Weyr
Blue Adonith (Alyssa) of Benden Weyr
Blue Cygnith (Asrai) of Benden Weyr
Blue Meroth (T'fian) of Benden Weyr
Blue Pryth (Sonya) of Ista Weyr
Lysseth's Sixth Flight (September 19, 1997)
Bronze Solarith (T'saren) of Benden Weyr
Brown Nyth (Keriann) of High Reaches Weyr
Brown Ularrith (M'rgan) of High Reaches Weyr
Lysseth's Seventh Flight (December 12, 1997)
Bronze Nraith (A'lex) of Telgar Weyr
Brown Kemith (Channie) of High Reaches Weyr
Brown Nyth (Keriann) of High Reaches Weyr
Brown Rhonneth (Melina) of Telgar Weyr
Brown Tyrinth (Taira) of Igen Weyr
Blue Jaralth (K'ti) of Telgar Weyr
Blue Prefeth (Aphrael) of Telgar Weyr
Lysseth's Eighth Flight (March 13, 1998)
Bronze Prometh (K'tyn) of Telgar Weyr
Brown Dulath (C'vadan) of Telgar Weyr
Blue Sorath (Kerlyn) of Telgar Weyr
Lysseth's Ninth Flight (July 22, 1998)
(Note: This was Lysseth's ninth on-camera flight, but tenth flight total, and was preceded by Kassi's tenth bout of proddiness. The original flight #9 had a poor turnout, so was held off-camera.)
Bronze Chezroth (S'dar) of Telgar Weyr
Bronze Nraith (A'lex) of Telgar Weyr
Brown Kvasith (Aurian) of Telgar Weyr
Brown Sioneth (Jayna) of Telgar Weyr
Brown Ularrith (M'rgan) of High Reaches Weyr
Blue Bhalth (R'ehn) of High Reaches Weyr
Blue Sorath (Kerlyn) of Telgar Weyr
Blue Virroth (Kharty) of Telgar Weyr
Blue Wroxath (D'thon) of Telgar Weyr
Lysseth's Tenth Flight (September 15, 1998)
Bronze Nraith (A'lex) of Telgar Weyr
Brown Kvasith (Aurian) of Telgar Weyr
Brown Sioneth (Jayna) of Telgar Weyr
Brown Tebrelth (V'hryn) of High Reaches Weyr
Lysseth's Eleventh Flight (November 18, 1998)
Bronze Falsanath (G'har) of Ista Weyr
Bronze Sharath (E'vrin) of Igen Weyr
Brown Kvasith (Aurian) of Telgar Weyr
Blue Adonith (Alyssa) of Benden Weyr
Lysseth's Twelfth Flight (February 19, 1999)
Brown Kvasith (Aurian) of Telgar Weyr
Brown Parth (E'ryn) of Ista Weyr
Brown Ularrith (M'rgan) of Telgar Weyr
Lysseth's Thirteenth Flight (April 7, 1999)
Brown Chiloth (T'garrick) of Telgar Weyr
Brown Kvasith (Aurian) of Telgar Weyr
Brown Ularrith (M'rgan) of Telgar Weyr
Blue Ansuth (Trila) of Telgar Weyr
Lysseth's Fourteenth Flight (February 10, 2000)
Bronze Taralyth (I'sai) of Telgar Weyr
Brown Chaedanth (Kandri) of High Reaches Weyr
Brown Ularrith (M'rgan) of Telgar Weyr
Blue Cyameth (Terrilia) of Igen Weyr
Blue Kazeth (Schmitt) of Igen Weyr
Blue Quinaeth (Alane) of High Reaches Weyr
Lysseth's Fifteenth Flight (January 21, 2001)
Bronze Indrath (K'ran) of Telgar Weyr
Brown Fasolth (T'kar) of Telgar Weyr
Brown Konnevath (Divya) of High Reaches Weyr
Brown Tovith (Leya) of Telgar Weyr
Brown Ularrith (M'rgan) of Telgar Weyr
Lysseth's Sixteenth Flight (March 29, 2001)
Bronze Gelth (A'zric) of Ista Weyr
Bronze Indrath (K'ran) of Telgar Weyr
Bronze Taralyth (I'sai) of Telgar Weyr
Brown Fasolth (T'kar) of Telgar Weyr
Brown Kemonth (St'fen) of High Reaches Weyr
Blue Yehlth (Laidan) of Telgar Weyr
Lysseth's Seventeenth Flight (May 14, 2002)
Bronze Indrath (K'ran) of Telgar Weyr
Bronze Tianyith (G'dron) of High Reaches Weyr
Brown Decarath (Yashira) of Telgar Weyr
Brown Spineth (Ursa) of Telgar Weyr
Brown Ymedath (Zaidra) of Telgar Weyr
Blue Alirath (L'nan) of Fort Weyr
Blue Phoukath (M'silne) of Telgar Weyr
Lysseth's Eighteenth Flight (October 15, 2002)
Bronze Taralyth (I'sai) of Telgar Weyr
Brown Decarath (Yashira) of Telgar Weyr
Brown Sruth (Sria) of High Reaches Weyr
Brown Voldrath (F'min) of High Reaches Weyr
Lysseth's Nineteenth Flight (October 20, 2004)
Bronze Ulfianth (M'rek) of High Reaches Weyr
Bronze Volath (V'lano) of Telgar Weyr
Brown Sarevith (T'bay) of Telgar Weyr
Blue Daikoth (M'tri) of Telgar Weyr
Blue Nepenth (Kaelyn) of High Reaches Weyr
Blue Tisiath (Lanisa) of Telgar Weyr
Last updated October 20, 2004.
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Dragon Theme Button 1997 (c) Dee Dreslough. Visit her Gallery to get your own free art.
Background © Albino Frog Software, Inc.