Kassima: "My desc runs over a screen, as does Lysseth's, as does my weyr; my +pos is almost two... I
begin to see where my quota goes, ayep."

An Attempt To Explain the Attribute Nightmare
What is a +pos? If you don't play or are new to PernMUSH, you might not know. A +pos is a Position;
+pos itself is the command you type to see it. My +pos is particularly long--it isn't a
record-setter by any means, but it has gained a certain level of notoriety.How did it all start? I learned
about the +pos attribute a few days after starting NC; I can't say who from, unfortunately, so everyone
who's ever been spammed to heck and back by typing '+pos Kassi' won't be able to lynch the person
responsible. At first, I swear up and down that I mainly had standard stuff--my mental state (insane), where
I was from, the name of my fire-lizards, et al. But things started going crazy from there... and the rest is
For some reason, you're here to see my +pos. So, I've listed it for you, down below. I'm not
going to explain it--I don't have enough WWW space to! You'll have to ask me in person if there's
something you want to know. This is *not* my +pos as it is now, but rather, my +pos with as little deleted
or taken out as possible. One might say it is the conglomoration of most of my +pos's through time.

The +Pos Itself
Kassima's Position: Rider of Dusty Pine Green Lysseth at Igen Weyr // Eternal Bendenite // Searchrider //
Candidate Coordinator // Assistant Weyrlingmaster (...Sria, Are You Nuts?) // A'deth's Weyrmate //
Originally of Benden Weyr, Formerly of Telgar // Thunderbolt Wingleader Emeritus // Weavercraft
Supermodel // Resident Weyr Bowl of Petunias (Oh No, Not Again) // Member, BNS // Honorary Ruathan //
Mother of Kaylira, Brown Pheirth's Rider at Ista Weyr (T'lar), Kharisma (Jh'rin), Keveris (E'vrin), Twins Kimlyn
and Kyjain (J'lyn), Kisai (I'sai), Kaswyn (O'wyn), and Kaisan (I'sai) // Grandmother of Kaylon // Charge of Kyril,
Sapphron, Kayvist, Rhiannon, Darvan, Keyvan, Kiral, Aleri, Ketril, Kechara, Zhailene, Kadiya, Kylandri, Kazrin,
Kivrax, Khazarai, Khalvron, Kabochon, Quixote, Kholim, Kyzrali, Kayzle, Kimrel, Skif, Vanyel, Arielle, Janeh, Kelevrin,
Kelara, Kalumnai, Khin, Rael, Kiylir, Kinte, Koreyn, Zabreneva, Alix, Kwillion, Triann, Kantir, Kalypsin, Kerris, Kyria,
Mahogany, Kermithe, Kalysta, Kayziran, Kabitha, Koriande, Kodachi, Kismet, Kiryne, Elentari, Kimyrai, Keylindran,
Kitrine, Komet, Tanzil, Killarny, Kavrodil, Kasylum, Jacinthe, Kifrit, Kriston, Kachyra, Kevazyr, Kazander, Kirkarik,
Kayedris, Korreo, Inquil, Kamasut, Kirilan, and Mesmer // Only Daughter of the Conveniently NPC Platitude-Spouting
Keyran and Draconophobic Yvani of Greystones Hold // Cousin of Thera, Green Lilith's Rider at Benden Weyr,
Triene, the Greenrider Griller, and Ovine-Man Kerwin // Honorary Drinking Cousin of Aphrael, Channie, C'ron,
Aellya, Ryialla, and Kelah // No TS // Collecter of Blue Fire-Lizards // Foremost Chef of Bluerider Stew //
Co-Manager of "Bite of Vidarth" (Over One Million Vidarthburgers Served!) // One-Fifth of Karaenaelival, Rider
of Blue-Green Veylysjuldarfeth // Aphrael's Siamese Sie (Joined At the Brain Cell) // Player of Stacked Dragons
and Severed Head Polo // Queen of Waffles, Logs, Mavs, Weird, Spammy Poses, Wherry Heads (Don't Ask),
and All Evil Greenriders // Our Lady of Perpetual Logs // Living In the State of Confusion // Yet Another
Dreamer-Minstrel // Arch-Enemy of Super Bluerider // Priestess of the ProddyRiderGoddess at the Temple of
the Evil Greenrider // Fearer of the Foo // Virtual Key Holder to MAFTPPTB // Preparer of Perfectly Normal
Sandwiches // Wherrybane // Creator and Warleader of the Evil Glowing Proddy Zombie Lower Caverns Girls //
Greenrider Illuminatus // Fnord // Survivor of the Bug-Killing Sandwich // Insipid Mistress of the Magical
Rainbow Wishing Fire-Lizards // Cause of Premature Baldness In Blueriders // Official Waffler to Alyssa's
Harem // Also Known as Kassiming the Merciless // One of the Chesterfield Sofa Cadets // Fleeing the
Bottomless Bitran Klah // Avoider of He Who Babbles // Memorizer of Obscure Song Lyrics // Member of the
Triad of Angsting Twinks // Wielder of the Cleaver of Splattering Doom // Chasing After My Stolen Brain Cell
(Give That Back, K'nan!) // Co-Originator of the Funky Chicken Phenomenon // Proud Wearer of the Golden 'I
Love Angst' Button // Mocker of Canadian Beer // Brewer of What's In 'The Bottle' // Kassi Marian,
Keeper of Kommie the Hawaiian Komodo Dragon // Absolutely Not For Sale, No Matter What M'rgan May Tell
You // Unfortunate Victim of the 'Find Kassi a Weyrmate' Campaign // Continuing Aph's PP In Her Absence:
Collecting All the Dragon Sizes on Pern! (But Shhh, She Doesn't Know Yet!) // Living In Fear of Mr. Jell-O Puddin'
Snacks // When All Else Fails, Become Absurd! // KassiLassy, Lady of the Greendown of Benden // Dr. Kassima,
Co-Securer of the Only Martius Sapiens Specimen Ever Held In Captivity // Kassimilator For the K-Team //
Aquamarine Leader // Advocate of the Dread Mushroom // K'nan's Mentee (Pity Me!) and Karise, Maylia, Kharty,
Daffela, Merielan, Yashira, Elauren, Gay, Perone, Claret, and V'lano's Mentor (Pity Them!) // Student of Creative
Cursing 101, As Taught By S'riv // Ex-Victim of the Arcane Bonding Ritual--And Now In a Truce With F'hlan? Will
Wonders Never Cease! // Weyr Doof // Manufacturer of PernMUSH Action Figures (Collect All 42!) // Mental
Mutagen // Lifeless and Proud! // Alyssa's KassimaKouch // Craftmaster of the Wafflecraft // BatKassi, Bronze
Stickrider of Pern // Black Knight of the Bathroom // Kilt-Chick // Evil M-Pirial // One of M'kla's Dragoons //
Purveyor of Lucky Kilts Cereal // Kassi Craig, Co-Founder With Kindre Simmons of Weight +Watchers // Kassi's
Law: If Anything Can Go Wrong, Blame It On M'rgan // Former Member, CBWA // Benden WATER Acolyte //
John Kassi, Part of the Band 'They Might Be Greenriders' // One-Fourth of Kiatriakassindre, Rider of
Green-Gold-Bronze-Holstein Lysserapromooeth // Head of the Branch Kassidian Cult // Midnight Rider On a
Shooting Star // Artemis/Hecate of Olympus Weyr // Kassibert: The Benden/Telgar Version of Dogbert! //
Neferchichi // Racer K, Secret Sister of Speed Kindre // Lady Kassimeth of Chaos // KassiRa // Kesseema,
Greee Lysseth's Reeder in Borkspeak // Instigator of Mehlani's Adolescent Torment // Dubbed the 'Interactive
Help File' By Emlyn // Quite Probably At the Top of Mart's Hit List // Seeking Revenge On Channie //
Emasculatrix // Void Where Prohibited // Komer Kassimpson (Mmmm... Kiwi) // Bizarre Petrified Cow Horn //
Inherently Evil Arch SpamFiend // Executive Producer of 'Mighty M'rphin Power Riders' // Heir To Merla's Rainbow
Wand and M'kla's Klah Recipe // T'saren's Craftsecond In the Innuendocraft // Possessor of Vicious Nasty Teeth
// *Not* Aurian's Mother // Creature of the Night (Right, Jayna?) // Wicked Wench of the North // Rumpleteazer
// Trevor's Victim // Mike of MUSHy Fruvous // One of E'vrin's Seraglio Girls // Firm Supporter of the Long +Pos
// Kassimath // Proud Part of Kassiryi the Evil // Mistress of the Million Mugs // Kassimephistopheles To I'sai's
F'aust // The Lady of Shalott // Arafel // Seeking Yggdrasil // Merielan's Mentormanatee // Queen of Wands //
Recipient of White-Feathered Angel Wings (Thanks, Katlynn!) // Designated Duck Person of Doom's Daughter
Dismay // Death, of the Four Pernese of the Apocalypse // The Phantom of the LC // Chairman Kassaga //
ProddyGoth // Matron Mother Kassimalice // Lady Zuhluly of Hold Mucketymuckamuck // Krack of TBWoT
('Lex, You're Odd) // Telgar's Very Own Miss Kleo // The Archivist Divina! // Kassauron, the Lady of the Rings //
Kassiminnie the Moocher // Pernese Gal For Ethan Fan Club Member // Shaolin Drunken Monk // Katlynn's
Sweet Cherry Pie, Sort Of // Guido // Exemplar of Evil // Pimp of the Undead // Kwisatz Haderach--Just Ask
Learan! // M'tri's Long-Suffering Studmuffin Husband // Kassimandias, Spawner of Spawners // Frightening
M'rek? Go, Me! // Constance // Cupid // Beastcraft Rumrunner, Scotchrunner, Scotchdigger, Dishonorary,
Spy, Aphrodite, Iva Archer, Waffles, Locke, Ninja Wizard, Bride of Frankenstein, Burnett, SimPuppeteer,
John Ringo, and Gweenwider // Evil McNugget // Hot Stuff // M'rek's Lucky Charm // Kassimaenad, Chief
Grape-Frolicker For V'lanonysus // Mothra // Old Dominion // Friday // Mock Turtle // Member of the Secret
Sisterhood of the Robe // Mephistopheles // Szechuan // Special K // Miracle Max // Billionaire Sheikh //
Hi, I'm Evil! <tm> // "I Went To Telgar Weyrd and All I Got Was This Lousy +Pos Quote."

Last updated September 11, 2008.
Back to Kassi's Page

The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright.
The character of Kassima, her websites, and all materials being presented as written by her are the intellectual property
of her player.
Dragon Theme Button 1997 (c) Dee Dreslough. Visit her
Gallery to get your own free art.