The Hatching of Gold Arlianth and Bronze Galventh's Clutch
PernMUSH, November 8, 1992

The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright. Many thanks go to Anlin for providing and editing this log.

In the galleries,
 Ayla bops over into the smith section!
 Jazmyn says "Zzzzzzzz..."

On the sands,
 Linger marches out onto the Hatching Grounds.

On the ledge,
 M'gan gently slides down from Vorinth's back to the ground, then turns to           
   pat Vorinth thankfully.
Vorinth whuffles happily as a little green swirls through his eyes.

In the galleries,
 Lesli keeps her fingers crossed for Arjaii and Packell...
 Kiandra raises an eyebrow at the bopping smith, having never seen one of 
   that breed before.

On the ledge,
Lissabet appears from *between* with a soft *pop!* and a wave of cold air.

In the galleries,
 Zagan snorts at F'zik. "You ought to, by now. You Impressed, what, four 
   Turns ago now? Five?"
 Elrin fades from view... a nice fade, not a pixel fade.

On the ledge,
 F'zik goes to sit in the skyboxes.
 Anlin says "Who's taking bets?"
 Kylana scooches over into J'lan's lap.

In the galleries,
 Encil hopes he doesn't, Chana. He's the only chemistry smith I've got. :-)
   (No, no, we're all rooting for him. Hello, Ayla.)

On the ledge,
 F'hlan's firelizards, ranged about him and Tzornth, begin making small 
   pipings as Tzornth thrumms brassily.

On the sands,
 Steff stands back a little from the otehr candidates...

On the ledge,
 Hamath humms when appropriate throughout the proceedings...
 Iriniath emerges from 'between' with a blast of cold air!

On the sands,
 Mikadon marches out onto the Hatching Grounds.
 Jenri bites her lip, her face all pinched up, shifting her feet.

In the galleries,
 Pennati watches, quite amazed at everything.
 Zedek TOOMUSH -- is back with no usercap
 Falryx reiterates: HANG on TooMUSH or DragonsFire and beat the lag:
 Chana grins at Encil.

On the ledge,
 F'zik calls down to Zagan, "No, six! And I'm still clueless. Go figure!"

On the sands,
 Metallica chatters mechanically and decides to go somewhere else.
 Metallica vanishes into *between* with a pop of displaced air
 Deepnight wafts elsewhere.
 Deepnight ripples into the everlasting night of *between*...
 Envii takes off from its perch and flies off
 Envii vanishes into *between* with a pop of displaced air

On the ledge,
 Mirth emerges from 'between' with a blast of cold air!
 Y'kon rests his head against Evereth, and falls asleep with a contented look
   on his face.

On the sands,
 Mikadon joins the other candidates, after greeting Arlianth, Galventh, and
   their riders.

On the ledge,
Gwyneth pulls the snarling Mirth back where she belongs :P ;)

In the galleries,
 Prethen isn't announcing who he's rooting for, and against.
 Talor sits down and waits.
 Mylia smiles and watches carefully, crossing her fingers for Pckell and Arjaii

On the ledge,
 J'lan puts his arms around Ky's waist, and smiles at her.
 Kylana's firelizards, from various shoulders, jacket pockets and ranged in 
   her hair, humm in sweet sopranos,, while Peridith adds her loud tenor.

In the galleries,
 Riklyn hopes to be able to call pack, p'kell.:}
 Zedek TOOMUSH -- 4201
 Falryx says " 4201 and 4444 respectively."

On the sands,
 Teyal steps to one side as the newly arriving candidates enter, bow to the
   Queen and bronze, and step into the semicircle near her.

On the ledge,
 Lacey will, Anlin. [take bets]

In the galleries,
 Lorak smiles a bit

On the sands,
 Packell stands in his place, only a bit of his early nervousness showing,
   glancing in all directions before focusing on the sands.
 Face set in steel, but with eye's as bright as fire, Tregarrick stoically
   forces himself to resist the burning sands and fixes his eyes on the six
   special eggs.
 Arlianth examines the candidates warily as they gather around her precious

On the ledge,
 Deirdre could, if people want to bet.

In the galleries,
 Elrin fades into view... a nice fade, not a pixel fade.

On the sands,
 Mykla moves a little away from the others, shifting her feet on the hot 
 Taze shifts from foot to foot on the hot sands, but grits her teeth 

In the galleries,
 Falryx says "Rooms #1077 and #0 respectively."

On the ledge,
 Deirdre says "I'll take bets on who impresses what colour, what will hatch
   from which egg, and who will impress from which egg."
 Evereth lowers his eye ridges and humms softly to his sleeping rider.

In the galleries,
 Elrin says "Darn..."
 D'vin dismounts Kedranth via his foreleg.
 Encil says "What hang, Flaryx? BTW, anyone seen Jalnar?"

On the ledge,
 F'hlan murmurs under his breath, inaudibly.
 Deirdre says "Clueless, F'zik? You? Perish the thought."
 Gwyneth grins, "My my, if it had been Mirth thoses FL's would have been a 
   nice snack ages ago" ;)

In the galleries,
 Zedek says "TooMUSH is fun, come to Gold Of My Own MUSH!"

On the sands,
 Ada stands very calmly, watching everything intently.

On the ledge,
 Lacey gives in to the rider who probably has more money.

In the galleries,
 Darter says "I'll be back in half an hour...anyone who wants to know...."
 Lorak rolls his eyes at the OOC ads :)

On the sands,
 Bluish White Egg twitches slightly.
 Linger seems slightly oblivious, as if in a trance...
 Kysti bounces a bit, rubbing her hands together. She gazes around, looking 
   up in awe.

On the ledge,
 Lissabet smiles up at Kolith.

In the galleries,
 Khyronn waves to D'vin.
 Elrin fades from view... a nice fade, not a pixel fade.
 Talor says "Here we go..."

On the sands,
 Mykla shifts back and forth on the burning sands, watching silently with
   bright eyes.

In the galleries,
 Mylia snuggles with Nuno and looks eager

On the sands,
 Fanar gazes at the eggs. wondering if the dragonets inside are as scared as
   he is?

In the galleries,
 Lesli grins at Zedek..Muffy'd be there...if she wasn' her nails
   tonight, yeah ;)
 Falrynx says "Hang == hang out"

On the ledge,
 Kylana snuggless back in J'lan's lap, watching the sands.
 K'rin smiles at Deirdre

On the sands,
 Aanya stands calmly, watching everything quietly..
 Ada shifts her weight from one foot to the other, and as she looks around 
   her nervousness seems to gade away.

In the galleries,
 Binky wishes he'd gone to the bathroom before he left...

On the sands,
 Teyal stands quite still, her face is calm but she seems to be almost 
   leaning toward the eggs with anticipation
 Arjaii shifts his feet around and smiles and appears to be calm even though
   he is shifting his feetaround.

In the galleries,
 Falryx typoed.. and with the four year lag.. I didn't bother.
 Jazmyn snorts at Zedak, Yeah..Sure..
 D'vin waves to Khyronn. Old home week, eh? :)

On the ledge,
 K'rin doesn't want to bet with her
 Vorinth begins to humm deeply as he watches the sands below.

On the sands,
 Barin turns his gaze to the eggs, his shaking is visible as he watches

On the ledge,
 J'lan looks over Ky's shoulder, watching the eggs.
 Tzornth begins to HUMMM, and Sioll, Aeyri, and Veyr all pipe descants. 
   F'hlan grins ruefully.
 Deirdre sends Kolith .home. darnit, where she belongs. "You never saw that.
   Stupid proddy thing."

On the sands,
 Arjaii watches the bluish white egg carefully.

In the galleries,
 Kiandra salutes Fort's Weyrleader.
 D'vin sees Krystlin. "Hello!"
 Krystlin smiles at D'vin and pats the seat next to her.

On the ledge,
 F'zik says "What is it with Elrin?"
 Evereth lowers his eye ridges and humms softly to his sleeping rider.

On the sands,
 Bluish White Egg begins to rock more steadily, faint striations making a
   black network over the surface.
 Thryla marches out onto the Hatching Grounds.
 Mykla takes a deep breath.
 Packell smiles as the egg begins to crack..

In the galleries,
 Lesli wraps an arm around her husband, nervously watching the sands...
 D'vin sits quite close to Krystlin.
 Khyronn chuckles and nods at D'vin.
 Lorak chuckles
 Nuno grins as more of his friends are about to be wisked away and turned 
   into Riders... maybe even Elitist Riders :)
 Zedek thinks Jazmyn would make a GREAT gold rider! (On toomush, that is)
 Chana waves at D'vin.
 Neeka wavces to the new arrivals.
 Binky is getting a little nervous himself...

On the ledge,
 Kylana watches the eggs rock, a look of remembrance on her face, she stood 
   on those same sands and Impressed Peridith a full RL year ago.

On the sands,
 Teyal holds out one hand toward the eggs, almost beseaching.

In the galleries,
 Lorak nods to Nuno
 Shiris says "Hello..."
 D'vin grins at Khyronn. "Kylana reminded me. This is one RL year after the
   lot of us Impressed here."
 Jazmyn thinks Zedek would be a great rot grub on any D&D MU...
 Trellan shifts uncomfortably and yawns.

On the sands,
 Mykla smiles and forgets her feet altogether.
 Taze bites her lip nervously.
 Kysti nearly jumps, watching the egg with rapt curiousity now.
 The Blotched Creamy Yellow egg rocks fitfully.
 Thryla joins Selene, smiling at the candidates.

In the galleries,
 Rillawy harummphs to Nuno, but cheerfully.
 Shiris sits down near C'lyn, between Lag and Spam..
 Krystlin smiles and hugs D'vin. "How are you?;/
 Nori gasps.."oh NO Nuno..elitist riders..
 Mylia smiles up at Nuno and holds onto his arm...
 Khyronn grins. "Yup. C'loren reminded me the other day. :)  It's like 5 VR
   years, since the first RL month is a Turn for the dragons. :)"
 Dorina says "You make me feel old, D'vin..."

On the sands,
 Fanar sends encouraging and strengthening thoughts to the blue and white 
   egg. :)
 Jenri jumps a little as the egg cracks a shaky smile on her face...but she
   bites her lip again.
 Aanya looks at the eggs, nervously.
 Ada's eyes grow wide as the eggs rock.

On the ledge,
 Yarra grins at Kylana. "cool"
 F'hlan grins quietly to Kylana. "Not quite so long ago for myself, but  
 Lacey has one bet. Anyone else?
 Kylana looks out at the faces, searching for C'loren, D'vin and G'ravon,
   wondering if they are having the same memories.

In the galleries,
 Falryx was in that Hathcing. :)
 Falryx says "As you can see, however, I didn't Impress. :)"

On the sands,
 Tregarrick runs a hand through his reddish brown hair, takes a deep breath
   and smiles. "So it begins...Good Luck."

On the ledge,
 Deirdre says "The next Fort will be 1 rl year for me."
 Deirdre watches her btw command come through, a mere hour after typing it 

In the galleries,
 D'vin puts his arm around Krystlin and leaves it there. "Quite good,
 Zedek is an elitist harper.

On the ledge,
 F'zik bets on a dragon being named 'Obsidith.'
 Gwyneth waves to Aurith and Sheanna.
 M'gan waves to Darci and salutes Annalyn.
 Sheanna has arrived.

On the sands,
 Barin's hands nervously twist part of his robe, he looks around almost
   frantically, waiting.. watching.. shifting 'cause his feet hurt. :)
 The Blotched Creamy Yellow egg shakes violently.

In the galleries,
 Kiandra sits up her son so he can see...not like he'll remember this when
   he's older, but..
 Nuno holds Mylia closer to him, and grins for the Candidates and the eggses.

On the ledge,
 J'lan had his about 6 weeks ago
 Aurith emerges from 'between' with a blast of cold air!
 Yarra points at Annalyn, Kylana

In the galleries,
 Rillawy grins sheepishly to Falryx. Tzornth rumbles pleasantly.
 Kerry is an elitist nobody.

On the sands,
 Arjaii watches the eggs rocking slightly and straightens his posture.

On the ledge,
 Yarra salutes weyrwoman Sheanna
 Sheanna slides down Aurith's side, then jumps off the proffered foreleg.
 Darci waves, "Hello!"
 Sheanna shivers. She got stuck in between... "Heya."
 Lissabet grins at Deirdre, then turns to look back at Jerideth, smiling 

On the sands,
 Aanya watches the Rose-Flecked Chalk egg, her favorite, closely.

In the galleries,
 Abakin ruffles Kialle's hair. "He'll remember Kiandra."
 Zedek invites everyone who wants to talk OOC chatter about the hatching to 4201
 C'lyn scooches over so that Shiris can sit beside him.

On the sands,
 Bluish White Egg splits evenly down the center, freeing a Blue Dragonet.

On the ledge,
 Kylana smiles at Annalyn, "Remember when we stood on these sands?"

On the sands,
 Kysti puts her knuckle to her mouth, lightly chewing on it in anticipation.
 Teyal watches all the eggs, her face seems serene, but her eyes show her

In the galleries,
 Ivo quietly murmurs a hello to C'trel. It doesnt get heard.
 Doriana grins. "I should've brought Anndora..."
 Lorak is a non-elitist nobody.

On the sands,
 The dragonet bawls loudly as he falls out onto the sands. His shimmery blue
   hide is still very damp, and he instinctively half spreads his wings to 
   dry them. With unsteady legs, he makes his way towards the candidates.

On the ledge,
 Darci salutes all.
 Gwyneth says "Well you've not missed any thing yet Sheana."
 Kylana grins at J'lan, "A blue first!"
 Sheanna finds a seat on Aurith's foreleg, and sets Shakon up to watch...

In the galleries,
 Jazmyn says "No advertising other MUs here.."
 Krystlin smis at D'vin, waves to C'trel and lays her head on D'vin's 
 Kiandra smiles at Abakin. "I hope so. I think he'll make a rider himself, 
   some day..."
 Shiris grins at C'lyn

On the sands,
 Tregarrick sucks in his breath.
 Taze fidgets nervouslly with the end of her braid, watching the eggs.

On the ledge,
 Annalyn says "Seems like so long ago."

In the galleries,
 Chana waves to C'trel.
 Everyone cheers!!
 Lesli is only a craftmaster :)
 Seamus sees that he's on the Yokohama, and floats around for a while.

On the sands,
 Ada smiles! "The first one...strong and beautiful."
 Teyal steps a little closer, ready to help the dragonet.

On the ledge,
 F'hlan ahhhs as Tzornth's THRUM picks up in volume and lowers in ptich.
 Anlin bites her lower lip
 Yarra YAYS. "Blueis first!"
 F'zkik says "Ooh!"
 Annalyn grins at Yarra. "First blue!!"

On the sands,
 Jenri gasps at the blue, but stands unmoving an odd look on her face.
 Packell smiles as the young blue cracks his shell.
 Fanar's eyes widen in delight. "Hello, blue."

In the galleries,
 Seamus says "Ignore that last."
 Khyronn smiles.
 Chana smiles at the first hatchling, and watches the candidates. "Here we
 D'vin says "Jazmyn, get a grip. It was an honest invitation. Must I ruin
   PernMUSH in retaliation?"

On the ledge,
 F'zik says "Gosh, I can't believe we didn't start with a bronze, like every
   other clutching."
 Deirdre says "Yarra, can I lean against you?"
 J'lan smiles brightly

On the sands,
 Arjaii looks the blue hatchling, smiling, as his posture doesn't change.
 Mykla's eyes widen, and she smiles brightly to the new dragonet, offering 
   her love and friendship to him.

In the galleries,
 Chanur smiles ans squeezes Falryx's hand as the first egg hatches.

On the sands,
 Steff smiles at the sight of the blue.
 Blue Dragonet looks around and instantly seems to know who he is destined 

On the ledge,
 J'lan says "Good omnen in my book :)"
 F'hlan stirs.
 Gwyneth says "How do you looks at the sands?"
 Yarra says "You might not be able to frm here"
 Anlin says "Try 'l eggs'"
 Gwyneth says "Thanks Anlin."
 Anlin nods, "No problem" :)

In the galleries,
 Encil nods, sighing. "Two of my most promotable crafters are down there. My 
   only chemist, and poor forgotten Jalnar."

On the sands,
 Aanya grinz at Ada
 Arjaii smiles.
 Tregarrick slides backward to make sure the blue dragonet has plenty of 
 Arjaii smiles at the Blue hatching and appears to be somewhat in awe.
 Aanya smiles softly to the blue

In the galleries,
 Jazmyn sits down amoung the Istan types and 'tries' to watch the hatching....

On the sands,
 Steff shrinks further back behind the other candidates...
 Blue Dragonet looks around and focuses instantly on a single face in the 

In the galleries,
 Chana watches the hatching continue. :)
 Mylia smiles and watches

On the sands,
 Mykla moves to the side, smiling to the blue.
 Fanar changes and to an, rather.
 Taze oohs softly, but stays carefully to one side, to avoid getting 

On the ledge,
 Mirth hummmmmms
 F'zik says "Ooh, a decisive one."
 Deirdre grins.

On the sands,
 Jenri watches the blue intently rocking back and forth on her feet
 Teyal looks at the blue, ready to step forward, or get out of the way.
 Blue Dragonet wobbles and stumbles, landing at Fanar's feet.
 Ada smiles happily as she watches. "Decisiveness is good, little dragon. Go
   find your person."

On the ledge,
 F'hlan watches the blue, as Tzornth THRUMMMMMS.
 F'zik cheers and Caredth bellows in a deep ringing tone.
 Lissabet smiles softly, remembering the blue who stumbled across her feet 
   not long ago.
 F'hlan looks attentive, and approving, as the blue approaches Fanar.
 Anlin breathes a small happy sigh

In the galleries,
 Seamus holds his breath...
 Binky chuckles at Ada's chatter...

On the sands,
 Fanar looks shocked, but exstatic!
 Packell smiles, and shifts his feet, watching..
 Tregarrick grins at Fanar.
 Steff smiles
 Arjaii smiles at Fanar and congrats him.
 Aanya hopes the blue is ok and sends thoughts of encouragement to him.
 The Speckled Ivory egg rocks back and forth.
 Teyal smiles at Fanar, and turns back to the other eggs.
 Ada grins to Fanar. "Yay! First one!"
 Mykla smiles to Fanar.
 Taze watches the ivory egg curious and hopeful.

In the galleries,
 Kurion says " dragon for a Harper...whodathunkit? ;-)"
 Sarina says "Well, there goes the harper...I think."
 Everyone cheers for F'nar

On the sands,
 Arjaii watches the Speckled egg...
 Aanya smiles
 Ada almost forgets to breathe as the next egg rocks. "Come on..."

On the ledge,
 F'zik scribbles on wherhide, updating geneaology at a furious rate.
 J'lan sits back down
 Kylana waits for J'lan to sit again and settles in his lap.

On the sands,
 Mikadon nods approvingly to Fanar.
 Blue Dragonet gazes into Fanar's eyes.
 Jenri knaws on her lower lip eyes wide.

In the galleries,
 F'lor smiles at F'nar.
 Nuno cheers!
 Talor nods.

On the ledge,
 J'lan smiles at Kylana, cheerin fror the blue too.
 F'hlan smiles widely, leaning against Tzornth.
 M'gan cheers as he watches F'nar and the blue.

In the galleries,
 Shiris sighs.
 Ayla says "The blue just landed at Fanar's feet, he hasn't Impressed yet!"
 Filin says "hullo"
 Kiandra chuckles at the folks on the sand's prematureness.
 Ayla says "There he goes, now!"

On the sands,
 Steff watches the eggs and steps back a couple more steps.
 The Speckled Ivory egg heaves and cracks lace up the sides.
 C'loren nods a congratulations to F'nar.
 Fanar says "Yes, Pavanth....HIS NAME IS PAVANTH!!!"

In the galleries,
 Encil says "Well, there's one to cross off your list, Abakin. ;-)"
 Tabbifli smiles a bit.

On the sands,
 Packell smiles to Fanar, appearing happy for his friend, as he turns to the
   rest of the eggs..
 Aanya watches the Rose-Flecked Chalk Egg closely..
 Teyal steps from foot to foot, looking anxiously at the eggs.

On the ledge,
 Gwyneth grins, "Good sign, he knew right who he wanted.,"
 F'zik says "We need a new WeyrHarper, any volunteers down there?"
 Kylana watches, her eyes slightly teary as she remembers her time a year 
 Tzornth trumpets as Pavanth Impresses!

In the galleries,
 Abakin makes a note on his pad.
 Jazmyn cheers for F'nar and Pavanth!
 Kurion says " who do we have to post here? ;-)"
 Talor says "One...."
 Zedek yays for the harper!
 Riklyn claps for the pair.:}

On the sands,
 Linger simply watches.
 Selene smiles happily at Fanar.

In the galleries,
 Zedek wonders how many harpers we'll lose. :)
 Shiris tells all her firelizards to please be quiet, since she is on raw
   telnet and can't see very well as it is..:)
 Shandra says "Yay, F'nar and Pavanth!"
 Lesli cheers!
 Nuno cheers again!

On the sands,
 Taze murmurs something inaudible as she watches the ivory egg hatch.
 Barin says "Ok. Probably best to move off the Hatching Mound once you've
   Impressed. Don't forget to take the dragons with you. Just move out one
   room, though."

In the galleries,
 Tabbifli says "Farioll is already posted here."
 Darter claps...
 Filin says "yay!!"
 Mylia cheers and claps!!!

On the ledge,
 J'lan nuggles Kylana
 Darci applauds happily for F'nar and Pavanth!
 Vorinth bugles for F'nar and Pavanth!
 Mirth nuzzles her rider, eyes whirling brightly.
 J'lan cheers for F'nar
 Chaluth bugles to F'nar and Pavanth

In the galleries,
 Sarina says "Three at the most?"
 Kurion forgot about that...
 Abakin claps for Fanar and continues watching.

On the sands,
 Ada rocks from the balls of her feet to her heels, fighting nervousness.
 Barin oopses.
 Mykla remebers to breathe and turns to the other eggs, a broad smile on 
   her face.
 Barin was relaying a message.
 Kysti smiles happily at F'nar.

On the ledge,
 Kylana looks at her weyrmate, nuggles???
 C'trel peers intently down at the sands,

On the sands,
 Speckled Ivory Egg shakes one last time and shatters into three large 
   pieces, leaving a Green Dragonet upright amid the pieces.
 Teyal gasps.

On the ledge,
 Deirdre cheers!
 Kylana smiles, tears standing her her eyes as she watches the green.
 Tzornth HUMS in welcome to the new green.
 F'zik grins, remembering Talieneth's 'va va va voom!'
 J'lan adds an s, and pffts his weyrmate
 Deirdre says "A green!"
 Peridith nuzzles her rider, crooning softly to her.

In the galleries,
 Mylia oohs and watches the green closely
 Shiris says "Is it just me, or are these hatchlings kinda plain?"

On the sands,
 Steff catches her breath, but still stumbles furtehr back.
 Arjaii smiles brightly at the Green Dragonet and it appears that he is in 
 Jenri eyes cloud with tears and spill down her cheeks amazed at the miracle
   of the hatching.
 Aanya smiles and her eyes *widen* as the green hatches and she gasps.
 Taze oohs, at the pretty little green, and tries to scoot a little closer,
   while not getting trampled.
 F'nar walks south, to the center of the cavern.
 The dragonet swings her head around with surprising speed, searching the 
   faces around her. She flaps her wings and screetches frustration, then 
   makes a dash across the sands.
 Packell shifts his gaze to the young green.
 Tan Freckled egg rocks gently on the sands.
 Mykla practically glows as the green appears. She sighs and tries to send
   happy, comforing, strenghting thoughs...hopin she will calm.
 Teyal gets out of the way.
 Ada grins broadly to the green. "Yikes! In a hurry! be careful, little 

On the ledge,
 J'lan kisses Ky softly on the cheek.
 Lissabet grins at Deirdre. "The blue was first! Nyah. :)"
 F'zik says "Fast!"
 Peridith bugles to the green! A fast one, like her.
 M'gan salutes anyone he's missed saluting so far.
 Deirdre baps the blue rider soundly.
 Gwyneth watches the green make a bee line.
 Glorina says "Any Impressions yet?"
 C'trel urks at the time. Dinner.
 Darci salutes M'gan, sure she missed someone.
 J'lan says "F'nar Glorina"

On the sands,
 Jenri gets out of the greens way quickly.
 Barin smiles and watches the new dragonet move around.
 Taze eeps quietly at the green, backing out of her headlong dash.
 Arjaii smiles at the green, staying where he is, put prepares to get out of
   the way if he is in hers.
 The green dragonet creels loudly and and stumbles towards the semi circle
 Aanya grinz at the green, and steps out of her way, just in case,,,
 Teyal watches the green carefully, trying to get close, but not wanting to 
   be trampled
 Taze tries to concentrate on solid, reassuirng thoughts, and hoping the poor
   thing calms down.
 Ada watches the green hatchling carefully. "Be careful...there's time for 
   you to choose."
 Mykla moves, hoping not to get in the way, but wanting to be close to the

On the ledge,
 Lissabet oofs sound(less)ly. And sticks out her tongue.
 Anlin says "F'nar Impressed blue Pavanth"
 Glorina says "Who was he before?"
 Kylana snuggles back into J'lan's arms,wondering who the green will pick.
 F'hlan says "F'nar Impressed blue Pavanth."
 Gwyneth says "And what Pavanth was the dragon.."
 F'zik cheers for Ada! "Rah!"
 Anlin wrings her hands on the thick skirt of her dress
 J'lan continues to watch over Ky's shoulder.

On the sands,
 Mykla sends the most reassuring thoughts she can.
 Steff smiles at the manner of the green
 Arjaii grins at the green.
 Teyal lifts a hand toward the green, beckoning her if she wants to come.
 Kysti looks arund briefly regaining her senses.

In the galleries,
 Talor watches with interest....
 Binky wonders if Ada's luck in FL's will extend to the dragon world.

On the sands,
 Aanya tries to calm her thoughts as she looks at the green...
 Barin watches with excitement apparent on his face.
 Arjaii appears to be deep in thought.
 Linger stands quietly...whatever will be, will be.
 The Green lurches forward, but starts to topple over......she reaches out
 Taze fidgets with the end of her braid nervously as she watches the green.
 Kysti smiles and thinks reassuring thought to the lovely green.
 Mykla moves to try to help...
 Aanya sends encouraging thoughts to the green and offers to help her...
 Teyal tries to stop the green from falling.

In the galleries,
 Sarina gasps.
 Kerry watches idly.

On the sands,
 Ada watches the green hurry along. "Really, we won't leave without you!"
   And visibly prevents herself from helping.
 Arjaii goes up and helps support the green back up, but prepares to get out
   of her way...
 Jenri reaches out a hand but then quickly brings it back...
 Tregarrick clenches his fists as if fighting an inner battle to help.
 Kysti says "Oh!" and reaches out to help the green should she need it.

On the ledge,
 F'zik says "Yow, I hope no one gets clawed."
 Kylana bites her lip, watching the green fall.
 Gwyneth erps, "Hope they dont mob her."

On the sands,
 Packell restrains himself from going to steady the young green...a look of
   reservation on his face.
 Steff chokes resisting running to help the green...
 Mykla stops herself...
 Teyal helps the little green to her feet and steps back.
 Tan Freckled egg rocks steadily, with more force.
 Arjaii pauses.
 Kysti snatches her hands back quickly.
 Aanya hopes the green is ok!

In the galleries,
 Tabbifli looks faintly amazed. *restrained* candidates?
 Jazmyn icks..Not a smart move..Those hatchlings have claws and teeth

On the sands,
 Barin looks worriedly at the little green, and moves forward to see if he 
   can help.
 The Green dragonet flutters her wet wings helplessly and reaches out for
   balance, inadvertently raking Barin with her claws as she tries to stay

On the ledge,
 C'trel snickers at Tabbifli.
 F'zik grins at Tabbifli.
 F'zik says "Ouch!"
 Anlin winces, "Ow..."
 Gwyneth winces.

On the sands,
 Ada holds her breath as she tries to divide her attention without dividing
   her attention.
 Barin collapses.

In the galleries,
 Chana says "Uh oh.."
 Tabbifli says "Ah, there we go.."
 C'lyn grins at Master Tabbifli. "Concept, isn't it."
 Shiris says "Youch.."
 Talor says "What's this? No helping up?"
 Binky yeahs...I hope nobody gets eaten...
 Kiandra winces. "That's going to hurt.."
 Shiris says "You're not supposed to, Talor."

On the sands,
 Mykla holds her breath.
 Steff frowns concerned.
 Tregarrick dodges the green, and pulls Barin away from her.
 Ada's eyes grow wide.

On the ledge,
 Tzornth croons loudly, encouragingly to the green, trying to get her to pick
   her chosen partner.
 F'hlan's eyes narrow slightly, and he frowns sympathetically.
 F'zik says "Say, who's Benden's Weyrhealer?"
 M'gan winces, and leans back into Vorinth.
 F'zik demonstrates an amazing lack of knowledge about his home.
 Darci winces.
 F'hlan says "Keep is, F'zik."

In the galleries,
 Filin looks worried..
 Chanur starts at the raking.
 C'lyn looks for a healer. He calls out, "Is there a doc..Healer in the 

On the sands,
 Arjaii backs up slowly from the green....seemingly to give her some room.
 Jenri gasps a look of pain on her face and watches Barin
 Kysti spares a worried glance at Barin, but her attention is recaptured by
   the green.
 Packell blinks, and winces as Barin is wounded.
 Aanya's eyes widen in concern for the green and Barin and she watches the
   green, backing up a bit...

In the galleries,
 Encil says "Restrained, did you say? Forcibly, maybe..."
 Talor nods.

On the sands,
 Mikadon keeps watching the green, all his attention on the hatchling.
 Tregarrick moves as fast as he can with Barin.
 Teyal stands just far away to avoid being mauled.
 Elisa winces slightly, but does not move.

In the galleries,
 Briaria finds an empty seat.
 Shiris says "There is sure to be one, C'lyn...they must have planned for this

On the sands,
 Kysti silently coaches the little green, hoping she'll regain her balance.
 Taze edges a little closer to the green, but not too close, not wanting to
   crowd her or get clawed...
 Ada can't help but be captivated by the little green, though...
 Tregarrick sets down barin a short distance away.

In the galleries,
 Jelara waves and sits, "What's happened?"
 Talor leans forward, a little concerned.
 Mylia ouches and watches the gren wobble about
 C'lyn smiles at Jelara and holds Shiris.
 Zagan waves to Jelara.
 J'shua hugs Jelara.

On the sands,
 Mykla looks at the green, her eyes held to her...
 C'loren glances over to ensure the injured Candidate is alive.
 Arjaii seems to be in total awe with the green.
 Barin moves off the sands to the side as well as he's able
 Steff starts to step foreward, but decides reluctantly to stay back.....
 Aanya watches the Green, closely...
 Kysti thinks warm, encouraging thoughts.
 Teyal hums, trying to attract the little greens attention, while standing
   near, ready to help

On the ledge,
 F'hlan frowns, as Barin is helped away from the Sands, but watches the
   hatchling as well.
 F'zik says "Um, Arlianth, so...this batch is all descended from Elspeth."

In the galleries,
 Jelara sits with J'shua and hugs him back.
 Falryx says "C'lyn.. I'm a Jr. Apprentice without much knowledge."
 Talor says "Well, at least he's walking...."

On the sands,
 The Green dragonet rights herself and runs straight into Ada.
 Arjaii keeps his distance from the green and smiles at her.
 Mykla clenches her hands into fists and watches silently.
 Green Dragonet gazes into Ada's eyes.
 Teyal oohs.

In the galleries,
 F'lor says "I'm a healer if need be."
 Darter claps loudly....
 Riklyn says "yeah Ada!"

On the ledge,
 F'zik CHEERS!!
 Deirdre nods. "That's right, F'zik."
 M'gan cheers for Ada!

On the sands,
 Taze whispers Congrats to Ada. :)
 Steff smiles
 Ada catches the green before she runs her straight down...
 Ada says "Oh I will!"
 Mikadon nods approvingly at Ada, sighing slightly.
 Arjaii smiles and congrats Ada, and then continues to watch!
 Kysti smiles happily for Ada.
 Taze smiles a bit at Ada, and glances back at the unhatched eggs with a
   hopeful sigh.
 Mykla sighs and smiles at Ada.

In the galleries,
 Lorak says "argh"
 Darter gives a winning smile of happiness for her friend Ada!
 Binky says "Yeah Ada! She's got a green!"
 C'lyn nods relievedly and points at Barin.
 Falryx says "I'm forbidden from healing without a superior."
 Lorak grumbles about typing to wrong mud, and idles.

On the sands,
 Packell smiles as another friend find companionship, and nods to Ada and 
   the green. :)
 Jenri ighs with relief then grins faintly at Ada and watches the eggs
 Teyal says "Congratulations!"
 Taze mavs. drat.
 Ada smiles broadly and looks up. "She says her name is Navath!"
 Tan Freckled egg shakes violently.

On the ledge,
 F'zik grins to Chanur, wherever she may be. "You need a new assistant!"
 Tzornth bugles as green Navath Impresses Ada!
 Deirdre says "Elspeth's grandchildren."
 C'trel says "Navath...nice name."
 Chaluth warbles congratulations to Ada and Navath

In the galleries,
 Everyone cheers for Ada and Navath.
 Chanur sighs as there goes another from the lower caverns..:)
 Zedek healer? I 'ardly know 'er!
 Jazmyn is a DragonHealer..She can treat humans too.

On the sands,
 Teyal sighs a little, smiles at Ada, and turns toward the rest of the eggs.
 Kysti turns her attention to the tan eff.
 Rose-Flecked Egg rolls over slightly.
 Kysti er, egg.
 Arjaii watches the Tan egg with surpreme interest.
 Mykla looks at the other eggs.

In the galleries,
 Lorak laughs
 Nuno cheers for Ada and Navath!

On the ledge,
 Kylana smiles as the first green impresses, and reaches out to caress
   Peridith's foreleg.

In the galleries, 
 Briaria smiles slightly, and takes a seat near chanur.

On the sands, 
 Packell turns to watch the remaining eggs, with a soft smile.

In the galleries,
 Encil imagines Jazmyn healing Barin. "Well, let's have a look
   at you--where are your wings? Um..."

On the sands,
 Aanya watches the Rose-Flecked egg intently...her eyes alight
   with hope.
 Tan Freckled Egg finally gives way to the pounding of its
   inhabitant as a section of shell comes away, allowing a Brown Dragonet to
   squeeze out.
 This brown dragonet stands awkwardly next to the remains of his
   egg, a few fragments of shell still clinging to his hide. His head swings 
   from side to side as he looks around the ring of candidates, then suddenly 
   focuses on one spot and lurches across the sands.

On the ledge,
 Kylana snuggles back into her weyrmate.

In the galleries,
 C'lyn watches Barin bleed into the sands while smiling for
   Ada and Navath.

On the ledge,
 Gwyneth chuckle, "Benden just can't keep HeadWomen types long can they.." ;)

On the sands,
 Jenri starts to hop slightly in place she looks as if she will
   say something then stops.

On the ledge,
 Caredth rumbles, amused. He's this batch's cousin.

In the galleries,
 Encil winks, and meanwhile cheers for Ada.
 Seamus watches the candidates and the eggs, fascinated.
 Jazmyn says "Am I needed or not?"
 Filin can't quite handle the spam... so he will go and work
   on something... "later, all"

On the ledge,
 F'zik cheers browns on.

On the sands,
 Arjaii smiles at the brown with a glow.

On the ledge,
 Anlin grins

On the sands,
 Mykla gasps and smiles.

On the ledge,
 J'lan baps his ophoine

On the sands,
 Teyal stands where she is, ready to help the dragonet, or get out
   of the way
 Kysti smiles at the brown, sending encouraging thoughts.

In the galleries,
 Shiris snuggles up to C'lyn..
 F'lor says "it's already been attended to. Don't focus on a
   few maulings, they are  to be expected."

On the sands,
 Packell smiles as the young brown breaks free, and watches him.
 Rose-Flecked Chalk Egg shatters open and a Green Dragonet tumbles
   onto the sands in a shower of eggshell fragments.
 Tregarrick moves back to his position in the semi circle.

On the ledge,
 Yarra grins slightly. "Lots of vs?"
 F'hlan looks more alert, and Tzornth trumpets again to the new brown.

On the sands,
 The dragonet's hide gleams wetly irridescent with egg fluid as
   she weakly flaps her wings and labors to keep upright. Her eyes gleam with
   rainbows as she fixes her gaze hungrily on the Candidates and wobbles 
   toward them.
 Aanya smiles at the brown
 Taze bites her lip with a soft intake of breath a the appearance
   of the lovely brown.

On the ledge,
 Anlin wrings her hands through her skirt again as her eyes widen

On the sands,
 Mikadon keeps standing in place, hardly noticing the heat from
   the sands, as he watches the dragonettes intently.

On the ledge,
 Kylana cheers, another green!!

On the sands,
 Teyal gasps, a look of wonder, and longing on her face.
 Mykla grins, another green catching her gaze.

On the ledge,
 C'trel ooohs! Another green!

On the sands,
 Aanya gasps when the green hatches and smiles, her eyes alight
   with joy for the hatchling.
 Steff steps back and watchs the hatchlings, pauseing to smile.
 Jenri smiles at the green leaning more twords her but then looks
   back at the brown.
 Kysti looks in awe at both dragonets, a smile touching her lips.

On the ledge,
 C'trel lurves greens, whatever Horvath might say. :)

In the galleries,
 Jazmyn nods to F'lor.
 Jelara leans against J'shua and smiles and sighs.
 Velvet traipses into the room.
 Velvet traipses after Jocelyn.

On the ledge,
 Deirdre yays for the second green!

On the sands,
 Taze looks over at the green too... both lovely, and both
   competing for her attention. She stands still, trying to divide her 
   attention between both of the lovely creatures.
 Arjaii smile stretches from ear to ear.
 Green Dragonet creels staggering toward the candidates, wingtips

On the ledge,
 Deirdre keeps her eyes firmly off of J'sh and Jelara.

In the galleries,
 Jocelyn grins.
 Jazmyn wouldn't be much of a healer if she didn't at least
   offer to help..:)

On the sands,
 Brown Dragonet moves away from his shards and looks about, his
   wet wings lying useless against his back.

In the galleries,
 Jocelyn says "Hello!'"
 Sarina says "Traipses?"

On the ledge,
 Anlin shivers nervously, mumbling to herself
 J'lan snuggles Kylana back.

In the galleries,
 Sarina giggles.

On the sands,
 Teyal steps toward the green, holding out one hand.

In the galleries,
 Kerry looks for someplace to lean.

On the sands,
 Kysti stands still, regarding both dragons and keeping calm
   thoughts fixed in her mind.

On the ledge,
 F'zik stands between Deirdre and J'shua inconspicously.

On the sands,
 Mykla holds still, holding her breath.
 Brown Dragonet glances at the encircling humans, and moves
   towards them on unsteady legs.

On the ledge,
 C'trel keeps his eyes firmly on Deirdre? :)

In the galleries,
 Sarina hopes the Brown impresses a woman. She then glares up
   at her player and tells her to be quiet!

On the sands,
 Packell looks out at the hatchlings, and shifts his feet,
   watching them with great interest..
 Steff stands quitely in back watching the green and brown
 Ada walks south, to the center of the cavern.
 Arjaii opens his arms to the Dragonets.
 Aanya smiles softly to the green, and tries to calm her thoughts.
 Teyal stops between the two dragonets, a little closer to the
   group, and waits

In the galleries,
 J'shua whispers to Jelara.

On the sands,
 Green Dragonet stumbles past Teyal, one claw raking her bare

On the ledge,
 Yarra hugs Deirdre, who is leaning against her

On the sands,
 Taze shifts from foot to foot, gazing silently in fascination and
   hope from the green to the brown, and back again.

In the galleries,
 Sarina winces.

On the ledge,
 Lissabet looks at Deirdre, a bit concerned.

In the galleries,
 Shiris says "Oh man...lots of casualties! Youch."

On the ledge,
 F'zik says "Vicious batch."

On the sands,
 Teyal stumbles backward and sits down hard.
 Kysti winces, but keeps her attention focused on the young

On the sands,
 Brown Dragonet moves towards one of the Candidates.

In the galleries,
 Mylia ouches again!!

On the ledge,
 Deirdre nods at F'zik. "Yes..."

In the galleries,
 Talor says "That's going to hurt.."

On the sands,
 Aanya gazes in fascination at the green with a spare thought in
   hope that Teyal is ok...

On the ledge,
 Gwyneth says "Who F'zik? the green?"

In the galleries,
 Mylia thinks that the hatchlings are pretty but dangerous

On the ledge,
 Darci wrings her hands wincing again for the injured candidates.
 M'gan blinks painfully. "Ow."

On the sands,
 Jenri wrinkles her nose but keeps her watch on the two

On the ledge,
Anlin winces as Teyal gets raked

On the sands,
 Green Dragonet skids to Aanya's feet.

In the galleries,
 Chana shakes her head.

On the sands,
 Packell glances over to Teyal, hoping she is alright.. then turn
   his gaze slowly towards the brown..

On the ledge,
 F'hlan looks perceptibly discomfited as a second Candidate is injured. 
   Tzornth croons.

On the sands,
 Teyal grabs her calf, sitting on the ground with tears in her
   eyes, she doesn't move to leave though

On the ledge,
 F'zik says "More maulings than usual. Did Teyal do something wrong?"
 F'zik was writing and missed it.

In the galleries,
 Kiandra looks amazed. "What in shards is going on..?"

On the sands,
 Mykla sucks in her breath and looks at Teyal in concern.

In the galleries,
 Binky says "Looks like it's Bactine time...or numbweed...or
 C'lyn furrows his eyebrows. "F'lor? Where are the healers?"

On the ledge,
 Peridith humms throatily to the green dragonet on the sands, telling her to
   choose wisely.

In the galleries,
 Jazmyn ouchs.
 Sarina waves.

On the ledge,
 Gwyneth erps and miss reads batch for bitch. ;P
 F'zik says "Ooh, Aanya!"

On the sands,
 Aanya sucks in her breath quickly as she watches the green.

On the ledge,
 J'lan watche closely

On the sands,
 Arjaii gives the brown a smile and appears to be in deep thought.

On the ledge,
 F'zik belatedly remembers Caredth Searched Ada and pounds on his flank. "Way 
   to Go!"

On the sands,
 The Blotched Creamy Yellow egg rocks violently.
 Taze rests a hand comfortingly on Teyal's shoulder for a moment,
   though still watches the brown and green dragonets.

In the galleries,
 S'xon waves
 Damarn says "Um.. I havn't attended any other Hatchings, is
   this normal?"

On the sands,
 Kysti moves over to offer Teyal a hand to her feet.
 Teyal binds her calf with the belt from her robe, and tries to
   concentrate on the hatching

In the galleries,
 Shiris says "This is a bit unusual, Damarn. I don't recall
   any major injuries at the hatching where C'lyn and I impressed.."
 Kiandra says "Certainly not where I'm from, it's not normal..."
 Talor nods.
 Seamus nods.
 Mylia says "not really"
 Shallana says "Yes, sometimes this happens. It is the way of things."

On the ledge,
 Tzornth warblerumbles encouragingly to the dragonets, you don't want to hurt
   the Candidates, you want to pick some.

On the sands,
 The Blotched Creamy Yellow egg shatters abruptly.

In the galleries,
 Kerry thinks it's due to stupidity.
 Riklyn says "no, it isn't Damarn."
 S'xon wonders who has impressed....

On the sands,
 Mikadon moves over to join Kysti in helping Teyal.
 Green Dragonet gazes into Aanya's eyes.

In the galleries,
 Chana shrugs slightly. "Fate? Accidents happen. You're *not*
   supposed to help them up, though."

On the sands,
 Packell watches the yellow egg shatter out of the corner of his

In the galleries,
 Shiris says "F'nar.."

On the ledge,
 Anlin wrings her hands nervously together, mumbling, "Come on.."

On the sands,
 Blotched Creamy Yellow Egg is finally chipped asunder as a Blue
   Dragonet struggles free.
 Steff looks up suddenly, looking to the shattered egg
 Teyal tries to stand, leaning on Kysti and Mikadon.

On the ledge,
 J'lan cheers for Aanya.
 F'zik jumps up and CHEERS, spilling ink all over!

On the sands,
 Aanya says "Her name is Luth!!!!!!"

In the galleries,
 Encil says "Um, and Aanya. And Ada."
 Niyetu Mon Nov 9 03:01:14 1992

On the sands,
 Jenri whimpers at a total loss a bit confused still watching the
   brown and the blue now.
 A glimpse of soft sky blue finally shows as this hatchling
   struggles free of his egg. His wings droop slightly and he staggers toward 
   the circle of Candidates. Uncoordinated as of yet, he trips and struggles  
   back to his feet, covered in sand.

On the ledge,
 Yarra YAYS
 A firelizard appears, drops off a message for Yarra, and disappears into

On the sands,
 Packell smiles for Aanya and Luth.
 Brown Dragonet gazes into Tregarrick's eyes.
 Kysti smiles. "Congratulations, Aanya."

In the galleries,
 Shiris says "You don't help them up, just like you don't
   bring food in, and you dont even think about food..."
 Everyone cheer Aanya and Luth.
 Seamus says "Dragon hatchlings are clumsy when they're
   hatched, some candidates are injured inadvertently."

On the ledge,
 Tzornth BUGLES!

In the galleries,
 Zedek yays.

On the ledge,
 Deirdre cheers!!!
 Kylana grins at J'lan, "Another blue..."

On the sands,
 Kysti helps support Teyal as she returns her concentration to the
   new hatchlings.
 Taze gasps quietly as the blue hatches; she nods in
   congratulations to Tregarrick.

In the galleries,
 Chana says "yay Tregarrick!"

On the sands,
 Steff smiles to himself at seeing the blue.

On the ledge,
 Caredth Searched Aanya too!

On the sands,
 The Blue dragonet bawls and struggles forth.

On the ledge,
 F'hlan smiles, and looks a little more relieved as the green and the brown
 F'zik says "T'rick? T'ick?"
 Kylana says "Yes!!! Yay Tregarrick!!!!!"

On the sands,
 Teyal looks at the Blue hatchling.

On the ledge,
 Gwyneth smiles.

On the sands,
 Tregarrick wraps his arms around the browns neck and crys "His
   name is Chiloth!!!

In the galleries,
 Riklyn claps for the new pairs.
 Krystlin stretches.
 Shiris says "Tregarrick becomes T'rick? :)"
 Nuno knew Tregarrick would Impress! Yah!!!
 Prethen makes a note on his clipboard.

On the sands,
 Tregarrick bursts into very unmanly tears.

On the ledge,
 J'lan says "Annother good sign :)"

On the sands,
 Kysti smiles at Tregarrick and Chiloth.

In the galleries,
 F'lor says "As to healers, simply assume there are some. it
   would take too much of the focus off the hatching as well as cause spam to 
   play out the healing."

On the sands,
 Packell smiles, and congratulates Tregarrick and the brown,
   before turning his gaze back to the rest of the sands..
 Jenri looks like she might bawl to...

In the galleries,
 Ayla cheers loudly!

On the ledge,
 J'lan says "cheers fo (T'rick) :)"

In the galleries,
 Mylia grins

On the ledge,
 Darci cheers for Tregarrick!
 Peridith bugles to the green Luth and the brown Chiloth.

On the sands,
 Arjaii congrats Tregarrick and Aanya and looks toward the blue
   hatchling, smiling and with his arms extended.

On the ledge,
 Anlin sighs

In the galleries,
 Mylia says "and a brown!!! :)"
 Jazmyn thinks that they might have either failed to let the
   candidates handle and be around the eggs before or its just clueless 
   candidates who don't realize that these babies have claws, teeth and are 
   not rational at this time..
 D'vin says "Krystlin!"

On the sands,
 Mykla smiles at Treg.
 Mikadon nods approvingly to Aanya and Tr'rick.

On the ledge,
 Vorinth bugles for Tregarrick and Chiloth!

In the galleries,
 Encil says "What? He Impressed and I was asleep? Shards..."

On the sands,
 Mykla takes a shuddering breath and looks at the blue.
 The Blue dragonet looks and finds the one he wants.

In the galleries,
 Jelara nods towards F'lor.
 Lesli waves to Blaine!

On the ledge,
 Lissabet grins at Darci and M'gan. "More weyrlings to salute *us*... :)"

In the galleries,
 Krystlin smis at D'vin.

On the sands,
 T'garrick walks south, to the center of the cavern.
 Kysti moves to stand by herself, watching the blue intently.

On the ledge,
 F'zik says "T'garrick, how interesting."

In the galleries,
 Riklyn waves to Blaine! "hi there!
 Krystlin hugs D'vin.
 Lesli smiles at Jazmyn,"I'm sure the Benden staff did the
   best they could..."

On the ledge,
 Chaluth bugles to the two newly Impressed pair, and nuzzles Anlin with a 
   soft croon

In the galleries,
 Blaine says "Hi everyone!"
 Zedek says "T'garrick?"

On the sands,
 Teyal stands painfully, watching the blue

On the ledge,
 M'gan grins at Lissabet.

In the galleries,
 Jazmyn nods to Lesli.
 Briaria says "tr'rick, I think they said."

On the sands,
 Faded Brown egg rocks on the sands.

In the galleries,
 Shiris likes T'rick, better.

On the ledge,
 Deirdre likes T'garrick.

In the galleries,
 Shandra says "Arlianth wouldn't let them on the Sands aftyer
   that cot incident."

On the ledge,
 F'zik says "T'arrick."

In the galleries,
 Zedek says "That's what one person said."

On the ledge,
 J'lan hopes he will shorten it some more, thats still a mouthfull

In the galleries,
 Zedek likes T'rick too.
 Mylia crosses her fingers for Packell
 Encil says "How about T'ick?"

On the sands,
 Aanya walks south, to the center of the cavern.

In the galleries,
 Kiandra says "T'gar?"

On the sands,
 Packell smiles, watching the blue and the brown egg..

On the ledge,
 Lissabet agrees with Deirdre.
 Sheanna thinks T'garrick won't have to worry about someone else possibly
   impressing with a similar name..

In the galleries,
 Zedek says "T'ick, he's Nigh Invulnerable."
 Chana says "T'garrick, accoring to the WHo list"
 D'vin puts his arm back around Krystlin.
 Jocelyn crosses her fingers for Pack, too. :)
 Darter hopes for Packell.... :)
 Chana can't type.

On the sands,
 Faded Brown egg rockes with more force

In the galleries,
 C'lyn says "T'ric"

On the sands,
 Taze shifts her weight nervously, watching the blue stumble

On the ledge,
 F'zik whaps Zedek.
 Gwyneth chuckles.

On the sands,
 Jenri starts to sniffle as she shifts back and forth.

In the galleries,
 Krystlin lays her head on D'vin's shoulder agin. :)

On the sands,
 Mykla shifts back and forth, smiling faintly. She looks at the
   blue and the egg.
 Arjaii stands boldly in his current position, gazing at the blue.
 Blue Dragonet gazes into Teyal's eyes.

On the ledge,
 Caredth buglethrums louder.
 Gwyneth tinks he shold cut off the end and be T'gar.
 F'zik says "Ooh, Teyal."

On the sands,
 Teyal says "Oh! His name is Kharoth!"

In the galleries,
 Prethen says "T'iwasasmith"

On the sands,
 Mykla smiles at Teyal.

In the galleries,
 Falryx considers hiliting his name.

On the ledge,
 M'gan sheers for Teyal and Kharoth!

On the sands,
 Steff steps back further on teh sand.

On the ledge,
 Kylana oooohs! She likes that name!!
 M'gan cheers.

On the sands,
 Arjaii smiles at Teyal and congrats are in order!
 Teyal says "Yes, it'll be just a moment"
 Packell smiles for Teyal and the blue, nodding with a grin for
   her and Kharoth.

In the galleries,
 Briaria says "That would work for half the Riders, Prethen. ;)"

On the sands,
 Kysti smiles at Teyal.

On the ledge,
 Deirdre yays!!
 Lissabet smiles softly, looking dowa at the sands.

On the sands,
 Teyal hugs Kharoth, crying.

On the ledge,
 Tzornth trumpets again, and sounds quite pleased.
 F'zik grins. OOC, he suggested that name.

On the sands,
 Taze sighs softly, and smiles at Teyal.

In the galleries,
 Encil says "He'll have to transfer to Igen with the rest of
   them, of course..."

On the ledge,
 Anlin watches the brown egg, hoping..
 J'lan cools

In the galleries,
 Kerry thinks Prethen has a point.

On the ledge,
 F'hlan murmurs something to himself.

On the sands,
 Faded Brown Egg cracks and pops, starburst patterns of cracks
   appearing at each blow from the struggling hatchling within. Finally one 
   fierce blow fragments the egg and a Green Dragonet emerges.
 A shimmering green body tumbles onto the sands. She struggles to
   her feet and begins to stagger toward the Candidates, dragging her wet 
   wings through the sand. She croaks and creels, her huge eyes fixed on the 
   young men and women.

On the ledge,
 F'zik dances around, perilously close to the ledge edge.
 Deirdre gets all teary eyed....

On the sands,
 Mykla sighs and looks toward the green. She smiles softly at the
   little one.
 Green Dragonet gets right onto her feet, flapping her wet wings.

On the ledge,
 Yarra YAYS for a nonmetallic hatching

On the sands,
 Green Dragonet moves with some assurance towards the group
   encircling her.
 Teyal tries to stand beside Kharoth, and lead him off the sands.

In the galleries,
 Ivo waves.

On the sands,
 Kysti smiles and watches the young green.

On the ledge,
 Kylana sniffs at the sight of yet another green, her eyes looking out in the
   galleries and around the ledges for those that Impressed with her.
 M'gan smiles distantly as he scratches between Vorinth's eyes and watches 
   the sands.
 Lissabet smiles at Deirdre. "Are you all right?"

On the sands,
 Packell shifts his place a bit more, and watches the green..

In the galleries,
 Shandra looks askance at Encil and cle3ars her throat.

On the sands,
 Arjaii smiles at the green Dragonet and shifts his feet on the sands.
 Jenri tries to compose her self and puts up a brave front and
   watches the little green stepping forward a tiny bit.

In the galleries,
 Ivo goes home.
 Jelara moves over into J'shua's lap.

On the ledge,
 C'trel yays! Another green!

On the sands,
 Steff smiles to herself at seeing the green, steps foreward a
   step, but stops.

On the ledge,
 J'lan snuggles Ky tighter.

In the galleries,
 Encil looks back at Shandra and, um, salutes?

On the ledge,
 F'zik grabs at his hair!
 F'hlan murmurs, "Any color is grand... Benden flies understrength at the
   moment. Come on, Packell... "
 Deirdre nods slowly, leaning happily against Yarra.

On the sands,
 Taze watches the green, perhaps a little sadly,but she seems to
   smile nonetheless. She moves slightlytoward her, then reconsiders and backs up
 Mikadon stands quietly, appearing composed, while only his eyes
   show his nervousness.
 Mykla smiles at the green and steps forward.

In the galleries,
 J'shua smiles, hugging Jelara to him.

On the sands,
 Green Dragonet gazes into Mykla's eyes.

On the ledge,
 F'zik says "Mykla. These are hela decisive dragonets!"

In the galleries,
 Krystlin hugs D'vin and kisses him.. "I have to be off,
   love.. Shall I see you later?"

On the sands,
 Arjaii congrats Mykla!

In the galleries,
 Seamus waves.

On the sands,
 Mykla steps away and gasps "Torinth! Oh

On the ledge,
 J'lan cheers for Mykla

On the sands,
 Teyal limps a little further away, Kharoth supporting her, and
   she supporting Kharoth

In the galleries,
 Jocelyn cheers!!!!!!!

On the sands,
 Teyal walks south, to the center of the cavern.
 Packell smiles again, for Mykla and the green, and looks about the sands..

In the galleries,
 Blaine grins.

On the ledge,
 Kylana cheers for Mykla and Torinth!

On the sands,
 Kysti smiles anf congratulates Mykla.

In the galleries,
 S'xon wows... taht was quick...

On the ledge,
 J'lan says "Is this the fastest hatching ever :)"

On the sands,
 Mykla smiles as huge tears roll down her face.

On the ledge,
 Kylana likes the names as well. 8)

In the galleries,
 D'vin kisses Krystlin back. "Um, um, probably? :)"

On the sands,
 Linger blinks slightly, and smiles for all the Impressed!

On the ledge,
 Yarra nods at F'hlan. "Of course.. But I'm partial to blues" SHe reaches 
   over to pat Jidranth

On the sands,
 Jenri starts to cry softly

On the ledge,
 Chaluth bugles congratulations to Mykla and Torinth
 Kylana turns and hugs her weyrmate tightly.

On the sands,
 This is Hold Gar, between Fort holds and Southern Bowl Hold. You
   can see southern area of the yard you believe by the angle of the 
   sunlight. A small beasthold to left and the main craftall to the right. In 
   the center of the picture is the Smith's forge. You don't see many people  
   about as they are doing various chores.

On the ledge,
 F'hlan blinks at the Sands?!?
 F'zik says "Um."

On the sands,
 Mykla hugs Torinth and smiles.

In the galleries,
 Prethen blinks.

On the ledge,
 J'lan hugs Kylana back tightly
 F'zik says "Wrong dbref, I expect."

On the sands,
 Mykla walks south, to the center of the cavern.

In the galleries,
 Abakin blinks.

On the ledge,
 Yarra says "After we came back up?Yes"
 Annalyn chuckles.

In the galleries,
 Kiandra buhs?
 Everyone giggles at the mav.

On the ledge,
 Gwyneth chuckles.

In the galleries,
 Briaria waves. "Sorry to leave so soon, need to do some things."
 Talor blinks.
 Prethen didn't realize Gareth was a dragon....

On the ledge,
 F'zik says "Who will Impress HoldGarth?"

On the sands,
 Taze hugs Jenri softly.

In the galleries,
 Mylia sighs and goes home

On the ledge,
 Deirdre BLINKS.

On the sands,
 Packell smiles for all the new pairs, and looks for the way off
   the rather hot sand :)

In the galleries,
 Damarn says "Huh?"
 Chanur looks puzzled
 Ayla giggles. "The +hangout moved us?"
 Sarina vanishes with a soft whisper of song.

On the sands,
 Elisa signals a healer for Barin, and turns to the remaining Candidates.

In the galleries,
 F'lor grins. A blantant plug ?

On the sands,
 Kysti smiles happily for all who've Impressed.
 Selene goes to oversee the new weyrlings.

In the galleries,
 Jelara says nothing :) :)
 Zedek says "That's Green Holdgarth!"

On the sands,
 Arjaii applauds the new weyrlings....and goes over to assist Barin.

On the ledge,
 Gwyneth says "That should be it, Mykla was the last one."
 F'zik says "Blatanth?"
 C'trel says "Maybe they're going to call that one "Surrealth"."