Salless whispers "So you like a bit of gossip too, eh? Well, I have some really juicy stuff for you. A wild black dragon was seen raiding Ruatha's herds.. A herdbeast over at Beasthold gave birth to a calf with two heads. What do you think of that?"
January 5(?), 1996:
Salless whispers, "Here's what I have heard. And have you seen that new candidate that Zibrith Searched, over in Igen? Her name is Burk, or something like that. That girl is certainly a troublemaker, that's for sure. I heard tell that she and another candidate got in a waterfight, right in front of the Weyrling master! Can you believe that? And it appears that she didn't come alone. I've seen another young man from Igen lingering about. There's more to this than what it seems. My nephew is missing, and accused of all sorts of terrible charges, from selling stolen goods to," she dabs her eyes, "murdering women! Where did I go wrong?! F'hlan's been alone in his weyr for ever so long. He never comes out any more. Jarryl has been accepted by healer hall. She's come a long way from the holdless girl she was two turns ago. I can't believe it...My nephew was here, asking for 500 marks! Without even an explanation or word of what's for. He is too fond of the cards, But did he really gamble his way that far into debt?" My stores of tincture of asparagus are almost gone." She smiles. "We know who's been at their cups."
January 19, 1996:
Salless whispers, "Here's what I have heard. Have you seen the way that greenrider has been acting? She's behaving more like a randy _bronze_ rider than a green. Also, that weyrbrat's beeen sniffin' round the Canddidates again....seems there's a Smith wanting to redecorate his face 'cause of it. I declare, someone should settle that young man down, and _hold_ him there! Did you hear the other night, three candidates came in, as drunk as you please! In front of the Weyrleader, no less! They were given extra latrine duty, well overdue, in my opinion. Have you noticed that the blue and his rider who seem to know where every greenflight on Pern is? Well, he missed his own weyrmates! What could that mean? What's all this talk lately about tunnelsnake stew? As if I'd ever serve such a thing! Well, I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't heard it with my own two ears! That bluerider said he was just a fool in love. It must be the spring-like weather. I wonder just how many more people are around the weyr are going ot be saying that? My nephew T'bin is in an aweful stitch of trouble, but he's a good boy at heart. There is someone about spreading nasty and untrue rumors about one of our nicest candidates. When I find them, I'll beat their knuckles with a spoon. F'hlan's been coming out more recently. Does my heart good to seem him out and about. Some crazy starcrafter told me the Dawn Sisters were really ships sailing in the sky. Wherry's teeth!"
January 22, 1996:
Salless whispers, "Here's what I have heard. I couldn't believe those two Candidates stole from my stores to make that brandy of theirs. Imagine! And all they got were a few extra chores; bah, I'd've done more than that if *I'd* been consulted. Have you seen the way that greenrider has been acting? She's behaving more like a randy _bronze_ rider than a green. I saw F'nar in here very late the other night, hurriedly writing a report. Don't tell him I looked, but it seems that a brownrider from Skyfire, a bluerider from Dawnslight, and even the assistant Weyrlingmaster were caught in a tavern on the other side of the continent the night before a morning fall over the Lemos Forests! You would think experienced riders would know better! It's good to see him look happier, though. There've been a number of happier faces around. New candidates means new people, and that means romance, mark my words. They've been springing up like daisies. My stores of tincture of asparagus are almost gone." She smiles. "We know who's been at their cups."
February(?), 1996:
Salless whispers, "Here's what I have heard. Do you believe this latest batch of weyrlings? One of them came in here and started throwing snowballs. Imagine! In my nice clean Living Cavern, too. The others may say they had nothing to do with it, but I know better than to trust 'em.... Have you seen the weyrwoman? She's been acting a bit odd since that injury of hers. Why, I swear I even saw her with a mug of klah the other day! I wonder what's gotten into her? Albarra was in here yesterday. Seems like a dog's age since she's been around. Hmmm. I wonder what ever happened between her and Raf? And what about that new kid, Jerethan? So far two nice young girls have tried to get to know him, and he just ignores them! Such a nice-looking lad, too. Have you seen our tiny rider Elyandra recently? She was scarce for a while, but I've seen her recently in the Living Cavern, and would you believe that girl is pregnant! Looks like she's hiding a huge wherry egg under her tunic, she does. *chuckle* Poor thing, all alone since her weyrmate Impressed. But you won't hear a peep of complaint from her! No sir, she's beaming with pride for her L'nay and his Palinth! I don't know about that bluerider, N'fan..the tall one who seems to eat more and more every day? Oh, he used to be such a nice young lad. But now he's got the women chasing after him, and it's made his head the size of a queen egg. Why, I heard he took TWO of them up to his weyr one night on that dragon of his, at the same time! Met the new Weyrherder yet? Pretty young thing from Keroon just posted here. Bet she's cold. Her name is Caitria. Heard it's Tria for short. A seacrafter told me he was saved by a fish! My Bloomers....Seacrafters tell the wildest tales."
February, 1996:
Salless whispers, "Here's what I have heard. You never know *what's* going to happen next around here! That greenrider, K'nan..I don't know what was going on, but Emne whacked him with a spoon the other night in the middle of my Living Cavern, and chased him out into the bowl! What did he do to get her *that* mad, do you think? My stars, have you seen Master Selenay skulking around the living cavern, snubbing those beloved sweetrolls of hers for plate after plate of mashed tubers? /Well/, I heard from her own lips that she and Dawnslight's wingleader are finally going to have a baby! Imagine that. Did you see Jerethan in here the other night with that miner girl? Mercy! He may be hold-bred but he's learning weyr-ways fast, mark my words! Well, it seems the Benden Flu is going around again....Both Alyssa *and* Kieri are expecting! Did you hear what happened the other night, during that storm? P'tran had grounded the wings, but N'fan and that blue of his decided to go up anyway..The wind smashed them into the wall! Tidranth and Leilanth were able to catch them, but they're both hurt in the infirmary. And then, even after that, that fool bronzerider S'riv went up! He crashed that Cioth of his on the stones, and now -they're- in the Infirmary as well. It's terrible...I wonder how they're doing? Do you believe this latest batch of weyrlings? One of them came in here and started throwing snowballs. Imagine! In my nice clean Living Cavern, too. The others may say they had nothing to do with it, but I know better than to trust 'em.... Have you seen the weyrwoman? She's been acting a bit odd since that injury of hers. Why, I swear I even saw her with a mug of klah the other day! I wonder what's gotten into her? Albarra was in here yesterday. Seems like a dog's age since she's been around. Hmmm. I wonder what ever happened between her and Raf? And what about that new kid, Jerethan? So far two nice young girls have tried to get to know him, and he just ignores them! Such a nice-looking lad, too. A seacrafter told me he was saved by a fish! My Bloomers....Seacrafters tell the wildest tales."
March 31, 1996:
Salless whispers, "Here's what I have heard. That Weyrsecond! What does she think she is, a midwife? Seems she's delivered three babes in the last sevenday! F'nar and Alyssa's son Alnar, and now I hear R'val and Kieri have twin sons! Do you remember Jarryl, the little redhead fostered by Jeshua? I heard she passed her senior apprentice exam. Hopefully she'll be promoted soon. Have you noticed how the Weyrminer, Master Lily, turns hot red every time that ex-Istan is mentioned or nearby? I wonder what's between the two of them? And guess what the latest is! That wingleader F'hlan and his mate Mlora are all in a state of panic. Seems their youngest's little green firelizard's hide's been getting brighter. I don't know what they're going to do, the child's not even four turns yet! My, my. What a commotion we had the other day. It seems that Rosalen was coming down here when she went into labor; right in the bowl! Well, R'till and a Fort greenrider were there and tried to get her to go to the infirmary, but she refused! Then R'val passed by and ended up delivering her baby right outside in the bowl! Can you believe it? But the baby is a beautiful little boy and is doing fine. She and T'fian are calling him Telen. Well, that 'ex-Istan', N'ren, already's making his mark on the weyr. What does he do but disappear with Jaen after both their dragons lost Tyrrath's flight! I can just imagine what they're making of that over at Ista... My my my, the weyrwoman left to go to Minecraft.. and one of those greens..I think the one Impressed to that girl who used to be the foster mother to the weyrwoman's own son! Well, anyway, she rose, and the weyrleader's dragon cuaght her! Well, let me tell you, I haven't seen the weyrwoman in such a tizzy for a long time. You'd think she'd be used to weyrlife by now. She had a few drinks, and then disappeared with that former weyrleader!" She smiles, "Then again, maybe she /is/ getting used to weyrlife. Have you heard? That new transfer rider, from Ista, came in the other night. The Weyrleader put him in T'nnar's wing, and then the Wingleader showed up. The two of them exchanged words, and you'd never expect a rider to act THAT way towards a Wingleader. I wonder what they /teach/ these Istan riders. A seacrafter told me he was saved by a fish! My Bloomers....Seacrafters tell the wildest tales."
April 16, 1996:
Salless whispers, "Here's what I have heard. Well! You'll never guess who was in here the other day, causing a scene--it was Meli, and that green of hers is ready to rise, mark my words. I pity anyone who has to deal with her for awhile! That weyrling graduation was some event. Messed up this cavern quite well, they did. What with drinking for the first time in 2 years and all. That young bronzerider and one of the greenriders seemed to be quite a pair. He left carrying her. Well, I won't speculate on what they did after that. That Alyssa, she must think F'nar's crazy. Ever since R'till and Brandalth crashed into the wall she's been in the infirmary tending more to the rider than to the dragon! What on Pern is a Talespinner? Some young man was in here telling storys of flying metal dragons and dragon-men fighting. Sounds too confuseing for me. You won't believe this one: Flannery, that greenrider whose dragon the Weyrleader's bronze caught last flight, she was talking to P'tran the other night and let it slip she's pregnant! She seemed quite a bit upset, the poor lass. I wonder who the father is ... That Weyrsecond! What does she think she is, a midwife? Seems she's delivered three babes in the last sevenday! F'nar and Alyssa's son Alnar, and now I hear R'val and Kieri have twin sons! My stores of tincture of asparagus are almost gone." She smiles. "We know who's been at their cups."
April 18, 1996:
Salless whispers, "Here's what I have heard. D' ya see the scene here the other night with that proddy greenrider, Meli? She took a sharp knife and, quick as you like whacked off T'lar's ponytail! Then she said that it was because she cares about him. My, my, what would she do if she hated him, eh? Selenay, our healer, has been away at Healer Hall for a long time now, working on something out there. I only just got word that she had her baby, but no one has even told me if it was a boy or a girl. Some crazy starcrafter told me the Dawn Sisters were really ships sailing in the sky. Wherry's teeth!"
May 11, 1996:
Salless whispers, "Here's what I have heard. Well, I'm glad that Lysseth finally rose. What a menace her rider was! Messing up my nice clean floor, not to mention the kitchen and the wherry.. Hmmmms, seems Cavadan set his sights on Alyssa's cousin when she came to deliver something to Alyssa. Poor girl made the mistake of arriving duriong a greenflight. My, MY! The Weyrminer and that ex-Istan were making plans to go drinking together! Guess things really *have* changed between them! Well, will you look at that Weyrwoman? Seems she and P'tran are expecting another little one. And with that gold of hers due to rise, Benden could be a mighty interesting place with a pregnant and proddy Weyrwoman! R'till was hurt in the head when Brandalth ran into a wall of the bowl,and fell to the ground. They'll live, but if you ask me, not everything's 'all right', if you know what I mean. Well, I finally managed to eek it out of him. Selenay had a little girl, Telenay, at Healer Hall. Hopefully, the little one didn't get her father T'garrick's looks! It seems that the Baker and the Miner have been fighting over where the Weyrminer found herself in bed the other morning. I heard one of the riders say that she was brought down, early in the morning, from that ex-Istans weyr! Well, now we know why she always turns so red when she sees him, eh? It's such a shame. The last time I saw them together, he looked so fatherly towards her. Guess he had me fooled all right! Who is this journeyman miner that Cavadan's been seen with? She's tanned like a southerner but sure spends a lot of time up here in the cold, eh? Tsk tsk! I bought the most beautiful dress at the gather -- purple with spots!"
May 22, 1996:
Salless whispers, "Here's what I have heard. You would not *believe* the scene K'nan made in this very cavern not long ago! He came in absolutely SOAKED with blood. Got it all over my floor, all over his clothes--shells! I don't even want to guess what he'll do next. Salless gasps, "Oh and what about that J'lor, isn't he just the greatest? In fact, he is simply the MAN... I mean, the women love his incredible facial hair, and OH the way he invites others to share in his fear of inanimate objects... My stars, did you hear those reports M'kla gave to P'tran about raiding in the Valley Hold area? Some cotholds have been robbed of staples and healing supplies, and a deserted camp was found. Reminds me of those holdless men who gave F'hlan and the rest of us such problems Turns ago. Oh my, Ohmy! This *is* a surprise!" The woman looks from side-to-side to see if anyone else is listening, and then murmurs very quietly, "The last few nights, the _Weyrwoman_ and that ex-Istan have been seen together on many an occasion. When she comes in, he hugs her. But that's not the biggest thing! I was told that they have been spending long nights walking together, and that the Weyrwoman was virtually hanging on his arm, and.... giggling! Like a naughty weyrling, even! Can you believe that?" She looks around again, "Well, between you and me, I wouldn't mention it to the Weyrleader. No way. My! I thought I was observant, but apparently I miss a few things. That young man..Kethran, his name was? Went off together the other night with that new brownrider, Ursa..said they wanted to 'be alone' for a while. I overheard that two cotholds near Valley had their stores broken into! No one know who did it, and so far, no one's saying much about it ... Well, I'm glad that Lysseth finally rose. What a menace her rider was! Messing up my nice clean floor, not to mention the kitchen and the wherry.. Hmmmms, seems Cavadan set his sights on Alyssa's cousin when she came to deliver something to Alyssa. Poor girl made the mistake of arriving duriong a greenflight. My, MY! The Weyrminer and that ex-Istan were making plans to go drinking together! Guess things really *have* changed between them! Well, will you look at that Weyrwoman? Seems she and P'tran are expecting another little one. And with that gold of hers due to rise, Benden could be a mighty interesting place with a pregnant and proddy Weyrwoman! R'till was hurt in the head when Brandalth ran into a wall of the bowl,and fell to the ground. They'll live, but if you ask me, not everything's 'all right', if you know what I mean. A seacrafter told me he was saved by a fish! My Bloomers.... Seacrafters tell the wildest tales."
June(?), 1996:
Salless whispers, "Here's what I have heard. The other day that Eastern bluerider was in here, chatting with K'nan--poor lad, he's not much else to do since Veyath got her scoring. But they looked mighty friendly, if you ask me--and the night before, both of 'em were together at the Springs for hours. He came back wearing her shirt! I wonder what that means? Maarie has looked quite a bit under the weather since she came back from that vacation of hers. You'd think some time away from the stress of the weyr would give the opposite effect. I wonder what's wrong with that girl! Well, well. F'hlan brought R'till's daughter, Cetilla to the Weyr to live with R'till. Isn't that sweet. The young girl is so nice. But what was R'till doing with the Weyrwoman? I bought the most beautiful dress at the gather -- purple with spots!"
September 18, 1996:
Salless whispers, "Here's what I have heard. P'tran has taken away T'garrick's wingleader knot, and made Elyandra the wingleader of Dawnslight. And T'nnar has stepped down from Skyfire and was replaced by T'fian. I can't believe the changes in these last couple of weeks. Selenay was at Healer Hall teaching, but she's been sent to the Southern Continent , and left her child in T'garrick's care. I guess he'll have more time for her now, though I hear that he's thinking of fostering Telenay to his brother Telorin and his wife at Healer Hall. Some crazy starcrafter told me the Dawn Sisters were really ships sailing in the sky. Wherry's teeth!"
September 28, 1996:
Salless whispers, "Here's what I have heard. Well, that new brownrider C'vadan's mother was here pestering our poor Weyrherder Caitria about her intentions with the lad. If things couldn't get worse, Aladis' green rose right during the visit. Mother got to see a whole new son. Jays, the rumours that are flying! That Assistant Steward, Kethran, and that new Skyfire bronzerider, K'tyn? I've been noticing a lot of whispers between those two, and they've been spending a /lot/ of time together. It certainly makes you wonder! Speaking of that... Seems our newest Assistant Steward has no taste in wine. A drudge handed off Kethran's Tillek Swill as Benden Red to Maarie and Kassi just earlier. There was no foolin' them of course. Any greenrider knows their liquor and plotting in retribution of such a hideous crime began with much urging from Maarie. All I can say is Kethran better watch his lap around her when she tries to return it! My stores of tincture of asparagus are almost gone." She smiles. "We know who's been at their cups."
April 17, 1997:
Salless whispers, "Here's what I have heard. I don't believe my own ears! Those two greenriders--you know, Meli and Kassima? They were in here the other day chatting about something or other, and all of a sudden both of 'em were babbling nonsense about eggs, T'lar, and whatnot! It confused me, I'll tell you, and that green Weyrling's comments about heifers and calves didn't improve matters--but from what I can tell, either those greenriders are both pregnant, or Master Tria's bovines are! Did you see Nicoth flew Lysseth when last she rose? What a commotion! I'd just bet that Juliath's rider's none too happy about it. And before the flight that brownrider got Kassima to drink some of our famous water. Who knows what might happen next?!! Can you believe that Dawnslight Wingsecond? I overheard a conversation the other night between her and Veyath's rider and the new starsmith, while I was very busy working, and you'll never believe it! She agreed to be stripped of all her clothing and painted by a greenrider and bluerider, AND the new smith, as long as they use blue paint! Honestly! Greenriders today! I bought the most beautiful dress at the gather -- purple with spots!"
May 4, 1997:
Salless whispers, "Here's what I have heard. You did hear C'vadan's brown flew Pleiath, didn't you? And Ursa was right perturbed about it? Well well, guess who comforted each other after that greenflight in the weyrherder's office?! Seems Ursa and Caitria are a mite closer friends now than before, if you take my meaning. Thank Faranth Emlyn's green went up at last...mercy me, you'd have thought she'd drown the living cavern in tears before it was done. And what a commotion afterwards! Dawnslight's Wingleader got into a tussle with some Skyfire greenrider and the biggest brawl began out of nowhere. T'fian and Alyssa had to come break it up, but mind you, I think Ofira's waving her frypan and banging a few heads did most of the trick! Spring's here all right, if you look around the weyr! Meli and Kassima both are pretty plainly bearing T'lar's bairns, B'fus has a new mate, and even the people you expect to behave aren't! Why, T'fian, that duty-bound Weyrsecond, has been blushing up a storm when a certain other bluerider passes, and I don't mean his mate Rosalen either! And with F'nar gone most of a month at the Reaches and Telgar, too, it makes a body wonder what happened after Pliarth's flight. Time will tell, time will tell! My stores of tincture of asparagus are almost gone." She smiles. "We know who's been at their cups."
August 2, 1997:
Salless whispers, "Here's what I have heard. C'vadan bounced through here the other day, all smiles about his new daughter. Kaveri is her name. She and her mother Keriann of Reaches are doing well. My stars! What is it with the blueriders around here lately? Why, just the other night, Prefeth's rider--you know, Aphrael? She came running through here without so much as a stitch of clothing, singing that drinking song! I've always suspected that she isn't 'all there,' if you know what I mean, but this was odd even for her. Oh me, did you hear what happened in here the other day? Those two Blueriders, R'val and Asrai, were whispering together in here. Well, he must have said /something/ thing anyone knew, there the tiny rider was, fainted dead away on the floor. Well, looks like C'vadan and Caitria are no more. Tis a pity, too - they were such a nice couple. No one is sure whether the Herder is returning to Benden or not, either. Tis a pity. Rumors! Well here's a truth! Our weyrleader has a new child--a girl. Both Mother and daughter are well. The newborn's name is 'Kiani'. Quite nice! A seacrafter told me he was saved by a fish! My Bloomers....Seacrafters tell the wildest tales."
Note: Some time after this, Salless ICly died and was replaced as master of the LC and rumorbot by Pierron.
October 30, 1997:
"Deplorable rumors, in my opinion. Did you hear? Seems old G'mort at TGW is deaf to complaints! Young R'gan, blue Srianth's rider was here, and he was going on and on about it. Apparently, there've been some major injuries, dragons never to fly again, riders almost mortally wounded. I could not keep silent at this! I asked R'gan, "What is it? G'mort using the last pass' tactics?" R'gan nodded! Aie. What a mess. He said, "G'mort told us that we're being injured because we don't drill enough, that /we're/ the incompetent ones! That's...Runner-Piddle!" R'gan had to leave, just then. Ah! what a mess at Telgar Weyr! How many times do I have to tell these riders? Know your limits!"
November 19, 1997:
"Deplorable rumors, in my opinion. What an eve in the cavern you missed! That silver-tongued greenrider from Ista, the one who's rumored to be as -interesting- as our own Thunderbolt Wingsecond, stopped in and swept the ladies clear from their feet! Said Wingsecond in particular. I last saw them arm-in-arm heading out into the cool rain. Wonder where they went to escape the chill, hmm? As if that weren't enough, the Weyrleader and junior weyrwoman were -kissing- each other by the end of the night! Silly things have been making googily eyes at each other for turns if my sources are to be trusted. He plum lifted her from her chair and carried her out. I'll bet they didn't stay out in the rain. Y'know, I'd wager it was the wine... Flannery has arrived from Benden Weyr with her two children. Seems she could tolerate the water, but when her weyrmate S'klin left her for another woman she packed up her hides and was *between* to Telgar faster than you can say Faranth! She looks a little pale around the eyeridges lately. Poor child. Well. What a fine mess this is. The Weyrleader has come into the Living Cavern--In tears? He was upset, at any rate. I have a strong feeling it was due to a woman, eh? How many times do I have to tell these riders? Know your limits!"
December 19, 1997:
"Deplorable rumors, in my opinion. Just the other day, one of the - unused - guest chambers was found in a mess, sheets rumpled all over. Maybe you shouldn't be surprised, seeing as that's just awhile after green 'Zeth... was it...? rose. Strange thing is, a /sewing needle/ was found on the floor. Odd, eh? And that sullen little Bronzeling Wingleader, Axe, or whatever his name is. Everytime someone mentions the Weyrli--- err ex-Weyrling master, he sits there and snarls like a sunsick canine. My stars! Just the other day, the very same Istan greenrider was visiting, and he remarked on how the current /Weyrlingmaster/ used to be, ehm, rather close to him... Goodness me... That Thunderbolt Wingsecond! She's always talking about how life should never be boring, and I guess she's gotten her wish. The girl ran out of here the other evening, all green around the gills, and the Skyfire Wingsecond that's such a friend of hers piped up that she'll likely be doing that for several months more. We all know what *that* means. We may not be at Benden anymore, but the Flu is still around! And the father? Well, if what I've heard is correct, it's none other than that Istan greenrider who's rumored to be even stranger than *she* is! Have you heard of these new writing sticks woodcraft has developed? Technology is moving too fast for my taste."
February 4, 1998:
"Deplorable rumors, in my opinion. That young hatted one, ye know, that blushes so much. She was all aflustered when that young Greenrider, E'rian, gave her the old lip-lock. And that new greenrider, the one weyrmated to that bronzerider - you know, the one that was Weyrlingmaster for a bit? She was with them. And he wasn't. And guess who didn't come back to the Weyr till latelatelate the next morning, with a hangover? Tsk Tsk Tsk. There's that kilt-wearing Greenrider, making all those googly eyes at that young Bronzerider. Wonder if his Dragon's going up again soon. Oh my! It seems that a few riders, including our very own junior Weyrwoman decided to 'invade' Boll's den of depravity, the Lava Lounge, and wow, did they tie one on! They ended up spending the night right there in the bar! Yikes! What'll they be doing next?!? One of the children broke my favorite mug." He sighs mournfully. "Yet another example of the irresponsibility of today's youth."
March 18, 1998:
"Deplorable rumors, in my opinion. That A'lex gets weirder every day. Just recently, I heard him speaking about the undergarments of some brownrider at High Reaches--and I *don't* mean his weyrmate. I think it was the one that Thunderbolt Wingsecond and junior weyrwoman keep pestering. Wonder what could be up between those two, eh? That slugabout A'xe or whatever his name is... him and that Sionelle. Sat in here for AGES not sayin' a word to each other, and decidedly not looking at each other. You'd think the two were ex-weyrmates or something the way they DON'T talk. That A'xe boy even smiled at *ME*, and Faranth knows he's not one for my company. Masterminer Lily introduced Dawnslight's bronzerider D'ton to Mastersmith Encil, and believe it or not, it turned out that Encil was D'ton's father and the two of them were not at all on good terms! Seems that tiny Blue rider Asrai is quite a wildthing. Some drudges say K'nan was covered with bloody streaks when he emerged from the guest weyr after Cygnith caught his Veyath in a mating flight. Oh, Did you see? The weyrleader came in, the whole of his left side covered in ice and snow. Looks like he slipped and fell. Healers say that he's broken his arm. What an annoyance! One of the children broke my favorite mug." He sighs mournfully. "Yet another example of the irresponsibility of today's youth."
April 4, 1998:
"Deplorable rumors, in my opinion. That A'xe, or whatever his name is... can't that boy stay out of trouble for one moment? You wouldn't believe the commotion I heard after Leilanth's last flight! Seems he got into an argument with Thunderbolt's Wingleader, and you could hear 'em screaming all the way in here. Something about 'em both being in love with that High Reaches brownrider--you know, the Weyrlingmaster? M'rgan, that's right. Remind me to be glad I'm not in *his* shoes. Anyway, half the place seems to think the Wingleader and that whatsisname Wingsecond are in love with *each other*, but they didn't show any signs of it when they got drunk together in here later. Riders! Go figure! Did you hear? Seems that little weyrbrat Rylan has taken his dislike for R'val to a new level! The little bugger got himself all sloshed up and then proceeded to trounce on the unsuspecting rider! I tell you, kids these days have /no respect/. Did you -hear- about what actually led up to the Weyrsecond's... well, you know? That young bronzerider, the one weyrmated to the brownriding woman at the 'Reaches? Well, seems there was something about wine and that Maylia-girls' trousers. Perhaps her weyrmate's been away at Ista for a bit too long? Seems the Weyrsecond laughed herself near to death, literally! All because of these randy young riders, tsk tsk. Have you heard of these new writing sticks woodcraft has developed? Technology is moving too fast for my taste."
July, 1998:
"Deplorable rumors, in my opinion. I wonder if Telgar will need a new Headwoman soon. Richenda's still lame from that gash on her leg, and now I hear she can't stomach much of anything: food, drink, Weyrlings, anything. Maybe Rennick should put her out to pasture? Have you heard? Jorenan's looking mighty bemused lately, that rapscallion of a Baker! Never should've made Journeynman. I hear Mehlani's got something to do with it. Delina is hopeing to find a man and settle down. she hopes she can find a man willing to help her raise Lark. Well! If I hadn't heard it with my own ears, I wouldn't believe it--but it seems that Thunderbolt Wingleader's been hunting for, of all things, a man. Word has it that she's looking for someone who'd be willing to father a child, then back off and disavow all ties. She keeps *saying* it's for a friend, but refuses to give the friend's name, which seems mighty suspicious to me.... Just when you think you're getting settled in....they move you all the way from Benden to Telgar! You can't trust anything to remain stable any more."
July 29, 1998:
"Deplorable rumors, in my opinion. The other day, the former Weyrleader comes in and with barely a word to anybody walks straight up to that new Weyrleader from Ista, and right in front of everybody, slugs him one. Right in the face. Knocked M'hryn over on his arse, then K'tyn helps him to his feet and salutes him as if nothing at all happened. Rennick's easier to get around these days: I hear his eyesight's failing, and that's a shame, but the stubborn coot won't wear anything to help him. He and Richenda are a pair, aren't they? He with his squinting eyes, she with her cane and rebellious stomach... Goodness, what to say next? Seems A Certian Assistant Weyrling Master and the Latest ex-WL were seen becoming quite cozy. Perhaps it was just related to the Aftermath of Herath's Flight -- Or is it just K'tyn taking comfort where he can? And what is this about the ex-Weyrleader and that J'lyn? After the flight, they evidently took themselves back to J'lyn's weyr for a while. Hmmm.... Odd, hey? They spent quite a while there, too... Didn't I hear something about them from back at Benden at one point? Just when you think you're getting settled in....they move you all the way from Benden to Telgar! You can't trust anything to remain stable any more."
August 7, 1998:
"Deplorable rumors, in my opinion. I heard it from virtually everyone, such doings with Maylia's green going up. I didn't even realize the lass was proddy... I was making a souflee that day, with a redfruit glace, ahhh enough of that. Ahhh back to the Assistant Weyrleader.. she was yelling at her weyrmate such a ruckus. Accusiations, seems he was having something going on with one of them Istan weyrwomen... Don't give me that look, you know exactly which one. And then she said something about K'tyn. Try as I might, I cannot find out exactly what she said about him, but never fear I will find out.. The other day, the former Weyrleader comes in and with barely a word to anybody walks straight up to that new Weyrleader from Ista, and right in front of everybody, slugs him one. Right in the face. Knocked M'hryn over on his arse, then K'tyn helps him to his feet and salutes him as if nothing at all happened. How many times do I have to tell these riders? Know your limits!"
October 3, 1998:
"Deplorable rumors, in my opinion. The other day I was chopping up some vegetables to toss into the eggs -- speaking of which, that stockpile Rennick gathered seems to be running low. I hope that new Steward can get some.... Anyway, the Weyrleader comes stalking in here, walking rather oddly, as if he were chafing, and commands... I mean, commands!, me to let him know the moment I see 'that bronzerider. The one who drinks too much.' And you know, I have no idea which one that is. Could be any of them, I suppose. He also said that if I breathed a word of this to anybody, he'd see me thrown into that Istan volcano that erupts every now and then. Can you believe it? Threatening me. We'll see how much he likes his herdbeast rancid. What is it with the High Reaches riders and Telgar riders. .. you would think they would have better taste.. I was trying to over hear a conversation between that Redhead.. Rian or Auri what ever her name is and a Reachian brownrider.. Tebrelth's rider.. She was awfully close to him and the next thing I knew.. he had kissed her and then he left. I've never seen the lass so shocked...speechless she was... it was a blissful silence I might add... loudmouth gossipy little thing... With Mehlani's sudden return to Benden to tend her ill father, F'hlan, K'tyn's been seen moping about, angry and sad by turns. Strange? Maybe not. He's been heard to say that he's at odds with himself. Just when you think you're getting settled in....they move you all the way from Benden to Telgar! You can't trust anything to remain stable any more."
October 12, 1998:
"Deplorable rumors, in my opinion. Apparently Axe had a ten mark bet with L'cher that he could get that Greenrider to kiss him in the Living Cavern for a mark. Well, you should have just seen it! I mean, the Skyfire wingleader and that Thunderbolt wingleader in here, kissing like there was no tomorrow! Like he'd just won her dragon's flight! I mean, really! Then he gave her a mark, and left, but not before making eyes at our retired weyrwoman. Honestly, why she puts up with that sort of behaviour.. One of the children broke my favorite mug." He sighs mournfully. "Yet another example of the irresponsibility of today's youth."
November 27, 1998:
"Deplorable rumors, in my opinion. You know, just when I think I'm starting to figure out that Thunderbolt Wingleader, she goes and finds a new way to horrify me. Wasn't just me, either, this time--you should've seen the reactions to her letting slip that she thinks she's pregnant again! Might as well have told the lot that Thread has become intelligent and fireproof, and knows where they live! And that's not all she's been up to, either, though it's certainly the worst. Some cavern girl's hair got hit with a flying roll the other day. I think twas Kassi, but the girl was quite upset. The red-haired lass, you know her. And, Kassima is trying to convince A'lex to get pregnant...A miracle of nature. That strange Assistant Steward, Sas or whatever her name is, has herds of hungry kittens that are going to eat up the Weyr! One already chewed a hole in my favourite sweater! It's all because of those blood red socks of hers. They attract the strangest things! And she's giving them away too. I saw the baker girl, Cereal or something, with a pure white one. Madra says that K'tyn brought a sack of kittens and asked if Sassy or Cereal would give them away, and that red girl volunteered. But she has a crush on him like most of the other lower caverns girls, so I don't believe a word of it. One of the children broke my favorite mug." He sighs mournfully. "Yet another example of the irresponsibility of today's youth."
December, 1998:
"Deplorable rumors, in my opinion. Kassima is pregnant again. The father, E'vrin from, I think, Igen, recieved the news with joy, and declared his love in a touching scene. The other people watched with dropped jaws... Just when you think you're getting settled in....they move you all the way from Benden to Telgar! You can't trust anything to remain stable any more."
February 7, 2000:
"Deplorable rumors, in my opinion. Well, only a little while longer until that Skyfire rider finds out who's the father of /her/ child - wonder if its that young bronzerider or that /other/ Skyfire greenrider - you know, the one that recently separated from his weyrmate? We'll just have to wait and see.. Spring is in the air! The youngest goldrider and the Weyrwoman's weyrmate were seen getting pretty hot and steamy in the hot springs. Would you believe it? Turns out that Thunderbolt Wingleader's pregnant--yes, again--and who by but our very own Weyrsecond? Not the bronzerider--the greenrider! I'd not have thought she'd be his type, but maybe alcohol really does conquer all." He shakes his head in disbelief. "Crazy, just crazy... but what else can you expect from greenriders? Insanity, I say! That greenriding Weyrsecond and the Thunderbolt Wingleader came back looking decidedly ratty after being gone the whole night. Mussed hair and clothing, and both of them looking for icepacks for headaches. Seems that they were at the Lava Lounge a bit too late, and were awoken by their clothing being thrown at them. Yeesh! You'd think that they could be a -little- respectable while travelling... How many times do I have to tell these riders? Know your limits!"
December 6, 2000:
"Deplorable rumors, in my opinion. Brynarth was the first to notice, and since, others have become aware of how protective Daelyth and Nraith have been of the Conflagration Egg recently. Slowly, the sand mound beneath it has been raised so it sits a little higher, and both sleeping hollows shelter it so it's always protected. Speculation is that it's probably going to hatch a Queen... Have you heard of these new writing sticks woodcraft has developed? Technology is moving too fast for my taste."
May 4, 2001:
"Deplorable rumors, in my opinion. So there's sort of an explanation about the brownriding weyrsecond's 'sickness'. Seems during the greenriding weyrsecond's last mating flight, the brownriding weyrsecond's dragon flew and caught the green. Evidently the brownrider's not taking it well and is in complete denial over it. Doesn't stop the fact that most likely she's having yet another child.... Well there is something wrong with that rider y'know Saw it with my own eyes.. the weyrsecond ducking behind a dragon and getting sick. Did it a couple times the past sevenday...Trying to be all discreet about it..those riders just don't appreciate good herdbeast stew or good ale. See if next time I don't spit in that rider's bowl.. And that new weaver here now... she's an odd one. I've seen some of those designs of hers... they're outlandish! Not to mention there's not much cloth involved where it should be. And why is she ever called 'shy'? With the dramas that girl puts on she's anything but! The Weyrleader has gone insane. Shifting things around like he had just gotten his knot. Shaking up the status quo. I hear he's feeling his age because it's near time to apprentice his boy to one of the crafts... The Thunderbolt Wingleader came staggering in here the other night, singing that old lay about the drunken riders and waving a bottle about. I overheard her telling V'dan some story about Aisling and Merielan having babies--by someone named Shardman, no less--and doing all sorts of unmentionable things with a table! I don't know what our riders are coming to these days. And speaking of weird activities involving furniture.... Have you seen those tables? Looks like someone got a bit tickled at that greenrider and M'rgan's antics over the Skyfire and Thunderbolt tables and trussed them up fit to kill. You know who I think did it? I think it was that _other_ greenrider.. what's his name... A.. ther? A'ter? A'ser, it was! I do think it was that'n... He doesn't seem quite right in the head, anyway. It's the water again - this time it's that little flirt Keara. Rumor has it that she let on to I'sai in the storerooms that this flight baby's his. Just when you think you're getting settled in....they move you all the way from Benden to Telgar! You can't trust anything to remain stable any more."
February 2, 2002:
"Deplorable rumors, in my opinion. I can't believe my ears! That greenrider with the streaky hair was plotting to lure men here--by putting up signs at other Weyrs! And the Weyrlingmaster was helping her, no less! Just when you think they can be trusted. Did you *hear* that brownrider scamp, carrying on with our Steward, right here? The Weyrlingmaster thinks I don't listen in, just 'cause she makes faces at me, but I'm not one of her 'kiddies'. I listened while she asked. They went to Boll together, had fun in the sun, ehhhh? Just wait till her bronzer hears about this! Well, it seems like Thregga might be 'with child' if you know what I mean. The Jr. Weyrwoman's been a bit moody and eating like the tithe trains might stop coming. One can only begin to speculate who the father might be. Some have said it was a visiting bronzerider from Ista. My close sources have told me that she has been spending extra time in the hot springs with one of the stableboys, a bit too young for her if you ask my opinion. Oh, and get this, one of the laundrygals told me that she even saw the goldrider go to the Woodcrafter's workroom and didn't come out for nearly 2 hours! That's umm, some commission if you know what I mean! I wouldn't put any of MY marks on it, but one of our former Weyrwomen has been eating rather oddly as of late. If you listen to the gossip, which of course I never do, you might think she was carrying a bun in the oven as they say. And at her age! Doesn't look like it - "yet" as the one of the Healers murmured the other night - but the first ones rarely do, eh? I heard that someone called me a 'soup nazi', whatever that is... Have you heard of these new writing sticks woodcraft has developed? Technology is moving too fast for my taste."
June 8, 2002:
"Deplorable rumors, in my opinion. Did you hear about those two new riders, the brownrider and the bluerider? Evidently *they* aren't wasting any time. From what I've been told, they've started bringing all manner of people up to their weyrs--not only the Istan Weyrleader's daughter, but some 'Reaches lad who took a crossbow with him! And according to G'rignr, the brownrider's been heard muttering over whether Yasilna or Ashidon is a better name, and you know what *that* means.... Then there's that *other* brownrider. Word has it that when he heard about Ursa's son flexing for goldriders at Igen, he squealed like a girl out of sheer jealousy. Seems to me Ursa might want to keep an eye on her lover if she doesn't want to find him as a son instead, if you know what I mean. One of the children broke my favorite mug." He sighs mournfully. "Yet another example of the irresponsibility of today's youth."
October 9, 2002:
"Deplorable rumors, in my opinion. I don't know what to think, really, but it seems that brownriders are just congregating en masse these days, hmm? I mean, of course there's Ursa and that...that *madman* that she insists on toting about, and let me tell you that he actually put his -fists- up at me the other day in my -own- cavern! I was ready to reach for my trusty pan and let him know just who....ah, well, that's another bit, now isn't it? So anyways, brownriders Yashira and that new Istan fellow, P'tod...there's an odd group. Wouldn't call them a couple at all, really, but...ahm. Well. There was quite a bit of confusion in the cavern just the other day about -him- touching -her- breast. And whether or not he was actually doing it, which would seem like an easy enough question to answer, but they were quite -dwelling- on the matter. Hmm! And far be it from me to draw any lines -- Faranth knows we've had worse in -this- Cavern, thank you very much -- but I'd say that little bit of oddness isn't about to fade away, if you catch my meaning. Hmm. Well, Phoukath's been keeping to his own ledge of late, and Decarath to his. Spat, quarrel, something else? It's a shame, with their daughter so young. A friend of mine who knows somebody who works in the kitchen at Igen Weyr heard someone else say, while the Weyrleader was there, that some older brownrider has been seen going around with our Weyrwoman and is the father of one of the others! What if both are true? Isn't one of the Weyrwomen Nimiriel's daughter? Have you heard about the Weyrwoman? She's spending an awful lot of time in the infirmary lately, but even I can't figure out why. Some say she's got a bun in the oven--hah! She's too old for that. Heard one of the juniors talking about how she goes off somewhere every day or so, too. Daelyth won't talk, and no one knows where she goes! If y'ask me, I think she's off on some tryst... Have you seen that greenrider? The one who's dragon just rose? It seems she's been seen visiting the healer fairly often since that night. I wonder what could be wrong with her. How many times do I have to tell these riders? Know your limits!"
January 26, 2003:
"Deplorable rumors, in my opinion. Did you notice? There's a certain bronze from Igen on a certain brown's ledge of late. And not Spineth's. That Harper, you know, the one who thinks he's so handsome and spends so much of his time flirting with anything in a skirt? Well, he disappeared for nearly a day recently. I heard that he went to Igen Weyr, and I heard, mind you I'm not saying I believe it, but I heard that he spent all his time with that Healer of theirs... I hear that Pynor, the handyman steward man's done his leg or some other thing to stop him coming down here, no wonder those kitchen girls have been so happy to see him about these last few days.. huh! Did you hear what our Woodcrafter's recent project has been? Word has it that Jeroch's been working on some ornate baby cradle. Taking up lots of his time with tiny details. You just gotta wonder if there's a little one in his future with all the time he's been putting into it. That's just my own specualtion though. I overheard a Thunderbolt rider saying that their Wingleader's been up to something recently. Hopping out of the Weyr on all sorts of trips, asking after Crafters... and V'dan would have it that half the time it's Healer Hall she visits! I wonder if she's caught some sort of disease? It'd serve her right for trying to bribe me with tubers. Humph. Did you head about the Weysecond limping about for a few days? I heard that Betta from the kitchens heard him telling the Weyrleader that someone had tried to kick him... below the belt. Who could it be? Well, that she-watchwher of an assistant weyrlingmaster was sporting bruises at about the same time... Just when you think you're getting settled in....they move you all the way from Benden to Telgar! You can't trust anything to remain stable any more."
June 18, 2003:
"Deplorable rumors, in my opinion. Merielan and T'kar have decided to stop being weyrmates, while K'ran mentioned that he had a crush on Meri when she was his assistant weyrlingmaster. Who knows what's going to happen there? If anything truth be told. Bleh! I've heard that the watchwher brownrider - you know, Yashira - broke some rider's nose at a mating flight over at the High Reaches! Nasty sort. Used to be that sort of behaviour wasn't tolerated, but nowadays? They make you Wingsecond, apparently! Oh, and did you see that Lord Holder come by the other day, all unexpected-like? Lord.. Vorlin, yes, that was him, of Bitra. He took that candidate back to his hold, the poor thing looked fit to burst into tears at being recalled... You've heard by now about I'sai siring that Craftmaster's baby? Masterweaver Katlynn, that's the one. Sounds like she's decided *one* of the riders here is her sweet tuber of love... but it's not Taralyth's! You know that vacation the Thunderbolt Wingleader gave all her riders? Well, I've heard a rumor--though V'dan was the source, so the Egg only knows how true it is--that *she* won't be much able to enjoy it; the Healers have grounded her, apparently. Though there's some argument over whether another pregnancy's the reason, or she got into an odd accident that involved fish somehow. I overheard C'vadan tell Cheni he was adding to his moderately large brood. He didn't give a name, but did say the mother was a Fortian Wingleader. I'm sure we'll find out soon enough. How many times do I have to tell these riders? Know your limits!"
March 14, 2004:
"Deplorable rumors, in my opinion. Some slighted young lady was wandering Somebody new's been in the caverns, always talking about her relative in Southern Weyr. Seems that greenrider cousin or sister or whatever of hers has her looking for some missing bronzer. I think the greenie has designs. Of course, the girl's also been spending quality Shipfish time with K'nan, who's himself just separated from Ryialla, sweet girl that she is even if that puppet is very fiendish indeed, and weyrmated himself to Merielan who insists that she's not with child, really, she was just joking about the twins. Right in front of that Weyrsecond, no less, and the Thunderbolt wingleader who's with child as well, though with quite a different bronzerider indeed! And them all divvying up the planet between them. That greenriding Weyrsecond is pregnant again--and after swearing up and down that she'd never be! Even better, the Weyrleader's the father! I can't imagine the Weyrwoman, his *weyrmate*, is very happy about that. Trouble among the leadership, mark my words. It seems that girl M'dei brought up from Southern has a crush on a certain bluerider with...connections, shall we say? She's going to bake him things, and we all know where that leads! One of the children broke my favorite mug." He sighs mournfully. "Yet another example of the irresponsibility of today's youth."
September 20, 2004:
"Deplorable rumors, in my opinion. That knew candidate, Leeana, is havin a hard time here. Not very many friends. Just the other night, the Weyrleader was in here playing cards. Well, being as how half the weyr seems to think he's fathered a child on Yselle, someone came up to congratulate him -- and wouldn't you know, he answers, "It's not mine," all testy-like. Dianneth's rider - the new Weyrsecond - got dragged aside by Gay the other night for a 'talk'. Couldn't catch all of it, but I did hear 'pregnant'! Just after that, Yselle left with the Weyrleader for another talk. Is -that- how you get the big knots around here? Hmph. It's always those innocent looking ones, isn't it? Heard that Alzaeth's rider - Stood here awhile back - wound up with a sprained ankle after Liabeth's flight. And despite that, he doesn't seem to be moving over to the guest weyr anytime soon. Between that and all those visits that bluerider was making to her ledge a little while back, seems our Gaycia isn't quite as clueless about 'boys' as she keeps saying she is... Have you heard of these new writing sticks woodcraft has developed? Technology is moving too fast for my taste."
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