The Encyclopedia is a file containing all the pertinent dragon factoids I could find about dragons for whom I had Hatching logs available: dragon name, Weyr, color, rider, original Weyr, hatchdate, dam, sire, Weyr's clutch number, egg name, hatchling name (as seen in the Hatching log; later retcons are ignored), size, Wing, current position, previous positions, activity status (defined by possession of a DTU), and mating flight records (with only on-camera flights counted). Needless to say, this will probably never be completely finished, but I think I've made a decent start! If you know of information that I don't have listed for a particular dragon, or see an inaccuracy in the information here, I'd be beyond grateful if you'd let me know. Also, if anyone who is listed herein has a problem with having their info posted, just let me know and I'll remove your listing post haste. Many thanks go to the maintainers of the various Weyr webpages and Miritha for her marvelous Dragon Hatching Records; those resources were no end of help in gathering this data. Plaudits also go to all of those individuals who've helped me in my data-quest through the years, especially those of you who've shared your Hatching logs with me.
(Further note: I recently let this page go without updates--again--for several months, and so some data may be missing. If there's something that you'd particularly like to see added or corrected, please feel free to +mail me with it online and I'll adjust the pertinent entry ASAP.)
[A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z]
Aarieth (Wryn, FTW), Aberuth (Margret, HRW), Abrieth (Selandra, FTW), Absinth (Kaya, HRW), Acevedath (Janine, IGW), Adevath (V'yse, FTW), Adonith (Alyssa, BDW/TGW), Adroth (T'yn, FTW), Aelyth (Nich, BDW), Aeolth (C'dre, IGW), Aerianth (Griere, ISW), Aerth (Shaylar, HRW), Ahazeth (T'asu, IGW), Aisheth (P'ter, FTW), Alaneth (Dorelei, BDW), Alerith (Merielan, TGW), Algizth (Th'lon, TGW), Alirath (L'nan, FTW), Altaith (Breana, BDW/TGW), Altianath (Cinne, FTW), Alwyth (Ro, HRW), Alyonth (Shawnah, TGW), Alzaeth (D'mon, ISW), Amarenth (D'net, HRW), Aminadath (Dossa, ISW), Ammaeth (D'ryk, ISW), Amrieth (Jerissa, TGW), Amycanth (Lyran, IGW), Amylith (M'verick, IGW), Anandath (Dakota, FTW), Anaryth (Ceara, HRW), Annarth (Taylin, TGW), Ansuth (Trila, TGW), Aquileth (Y'il, ISW), Aradith (T'thun, ISW), Araneidth (A'rus, ISW), Araveth (M'czek, IGW), Arbreth (Katrina, BDW/TGW), Ardenth (Langley, ISW), Areisth (Alenia, IGW), Areseth (Lal, ISW), Argosylth (T'ltor, ISW), Arikelth (Eshandra, HRW), Arimeth (Zeby, IGW), Arionth (Tira, FTW), Arlyth (Danielle, FTW), Asabeth (Aladis, BDW/TGW), Asaleth (A'wyn, IGW), Ashlith (Katrina, HRW), Ashroth (T'bin, ISW), Ashtaroth (Ember, FTW), Asperth (Shayne, IGW), Aurelinth (Darci, HRW), Aurith (Sheanna, ISW), Avoth (S'drel, IGW), Avroth (T'dry, FTW), Azeth (N'kshar, BDW/TGW), Azureth (R'nal, FTW)
Bardolth (T'ven, BDW), Barith (V'rin, HRW), Behemoth (G'rad, HRW), Belaryth (Silora, HRW), Belauryth (Th'deus, ISW), Beneith (T'ao, ISW), Berizeth (Carinah, ISW), Berralth (Kistyanna, HRW), Bhalth (R'ehn, TGW), Boameth (Delia, IGW), Braerith (Elauren, TGW), Braisheith (K'prin, IGW), Brandalth (R'till, FTW), Brenneth (J'dar, HRW), Brionnath (Jenylle, FTW), Briseth (R'chard, BDW/TGW), Bromith (M'llon, ISW), Brudith (R'dal, HRW), Brynarth (Sionelle, BDW/TGW), Bryseth (Taralinda, FTW)
Calenth (Kelesta, IGW), Caliath (Bradamante, TGW), Carabeth (Ceria, TGW), Caredth (F'zik, BDW), Carelith (P'kell, HRW), Cariath (Tarlo, TGW), Castynth (Ys'aan, HRW), Cataryth (Aninna, IGW), Cavenath (K'dahl, BDW), Celebeth (Trea, IGW), Celerith (Molly, IGW), Cendath (K'vin, TGW), Cerineth (Nicoli, TGW), Cevodnioth (T'mren, ISW), Chaedanth (Kandri, HRW), Chaeth (Jazmin, BDW/TGW), Channeth (Marina, ISW), Chanth (B'var, FTW), Chenth (V'sha, IGW), Cheylth (Dastra, FTW), Chezroth (S'dar, HRW), Chiloth (T'garrick, BDW/TGW), Chiroth (Katlyn, IGW), Choloth (Cellia, HRW), Chusorth (Desmeronda, HRW), Cibeth (Rylla, HRW), Cielth (T'rock, ISW), Cioth (S'riv, BDW/TGW), Cirameth (Ellwiny, ISW), Cirdanth (Kershala, IGW), Ciruth (Aislinn, ISW), Ciryath (Saeliena, TGW), Couranth (Bronia, ISW), Csoeth (Keira, ISW), Cyameth (Terrilia, IGW), Cygnith (Asrai, BDW/TGW), Cylbeth (Arianna, HRW), Cymareth (S'rinn, HRW), Cymreth (L'ren, IGW), Cymrith (Kena, TGW), Cyranth (W'gen, HRW), Cyrath (Sarai, IGW), Cyth (P'ral, ISW)
Daelyth (Nimiriel, TGW), Dagazth (R'yn, TGW), Dahlth (T'risch, HRW), Daijith (Mansi, FTW), Damarith (Taia, HRW), Danaeth (W'il, HRW), Dariyath (Teryla, TGW), Darloth (K'gen, IGW), Daruth (M'teh, TGW), Dasanth (Misharn, FTW), Dasmareth (Amilin, HRW), Datanth (Riyja, ISW), Dayth (Inanna, IGW), Decarath (Yashira, TGW), Deloth (B'non, IGW), Delynth (Al'oren, ISW), Denalth (Tarelle, HRW), Derebith (Sharen, IGW), Desdemath (Roma, TGW), Devath (Alaida, HRW), Deveranth (Shakira, HRW), Devith (G'lin, ISW), Dhavoth (C'san, HRW), Dianneth (Yselle, TGW), Dilorenth (A'len, TGW), Dioth (Liz, ISW), Djarith (A'ley, ISW), Dolvinth (N'selm, ISW), Druith (Elynie, FTW), Dulath (C'vadan, BDW/TGW), Dulcibeth (Elseve, ISW), Duzorth (T'lean, BDW/TGW), Dyinath (Asfala, BDW), Dzurath (S'rist, HRW)
Ebeneth (J'rie, FTW), Eidanth (Kiani, FTW), Eileryth (D'shir, ISW), Eilonth (Sherazade, HRW), Eishith (R'tran, FTW), Elianath (Adriel, FTW), Elisanth (Laurelin, HRW), Elleth (W'ren, IGW), Elynth (Milque, FTW), Embeth (Kathie, FTW), Emmith (J'bal, FTW), Emoryth (Skie, HRW), Eneryth (J'an, TGW), Eosith (Kyliven, IGW), Erath (Elisse, ISW), Erbith (Minya, IGW), Erinyth (Karise, BDW/TGW), Erith (Ariandra, FTW), Erydenth (S'gev, ISW), Espereth (Tishry, HRW), Esyth (Gabrielle, HRW), Evath (Mercy, ISW), Eveyth (Abbe, HRW), Evienth (Lamorna, HRW), Eviseth (Alyeria, HRW)
Faarlath (Eilin, IGW), Faemirth (Shannen, ISW), Faerth (Rykel, ISW), Falmiath (Elaelin, IGW), Falsanath (G'har, ISW), Faorath (K'tdan, ISW), Farlioth (Miritha, FTW), Farrith (Narai, FTW), Fasolth (T'kar, TGW), Faylith (G'in, HRW), Fehuth (Bronwynn, TGW), Fialth (Kylandra, TGW), Fianath (Kirra, ISW), Fioreth (Phana, HRW), Firianth (R'var, TGW), Fironth (J'nyx, IGW), Firoth (D'ron, FTW), Fjornth (M'dron, HRW), Freyath (Elie, HRW)
Gaiath (M'dei, TGW), Galiath (K'lal, ISW), Galventh (C'loren, BDW), Gaudiorth (Tamina, ISW), Geddeth (D'won, FTW), Gederoth (R'don, HRW), Gelth (A'zric, IGW), Gemmelth (E'dran, HRW), Genevith (Tiya, TGW), Gezilth (Riell, HRW), Ghianath (Cloretta, FTW), Giareth (Sh'van, HRW), Ginabeth (T'ram, IGW), Girenath (T'lyr, ISW), Gwirith (Alea, IGW), Gyreventh (Sh'yar, HRW)
Haath (Echo, ISW), Habrith (L'tan, ISW), Hadranth (L'ura, BDW), Haeth (Br'del, FTW), Hagalath (Syri, TGW), Halimedath (Br'don, IGW), Hallanath (T'mon, FTW), Hanneth (Miran, HRW), Hanreth (J'nas, FTW), Hargroth (Kestra, IGW), Hauth (Tamesis, HRW), Heirth (Yllen, ISW), Herath (Kindre, BDW/TGW), Hicerth (Livia, IGW), Hinseth (Annilith, FTW), Hlinth (J'don, ISW), Horvath (C'trel, FTW), Hosozoth (Miralin, IGW), Hroth (F'lone, TGW), Hrudeth (K'fon, HRW), Hyadeth (Sisirye, BDW/TGW)
Iagoth (Savanna, TGW), Ibrith (Jai, ISW), Idrelth (Laurene, IGW), Ikolth (T'dan, TGW), Ilaeth (Mirrari, ISW), Ilandrith (Spiriel, HRW), Ildranth (Irina, IGW), Illiath (N'kamah, HRW), Ilmarith (R'vyl, IGW), Ilseth (Azaela, FTW), Imanath (Talisha, TGW), Imareth (Brigid, HRW), Imrath (M'kel, IGW), Inaroth (Hensana, ISW), Indrath (K'ran, TGW), Indrith (M'lor, HRW), Inzarath (Ainsley, TGW), Iosketh (J'larn, HRW), Irelith (Maelyan, HRW), Irenyath (Cheni, TGW), Irianth (Faerysa, IGW), Iridith (Tenli, BDW/TGW), Iriniath (Annalyn, IGW), Irisyth (Citrea, IGW), Irrylath (Katany, IGW), Isadith (Germaine, ISW), Isanth (Ramya, FTW), Isath (Meara, TGW), Iseuth (Jorea, HRW), Ishinath (Melyn, IGW), Issanth (Ianni, FTW), Ivalth (Rosmyn, IGW), Ivarath (Sabra, IGW), Iyveth (Arana, HRW)
Jadith (Triayla, HRW), Jaecinth (Davienne, FTW), Jaelith (A'deth, IGW), Jaereth (Jenni, TGW), Jakenath (V'lien, IGW), Janth (Z'lym, HRW), Januith (Bryl, ISW), Jaralth (K'ti, IGW), Jareth (Jeshua, BDW/TGW), Jariveth (T'dah, FTW), Jayneth (Haille, FTW), Jazeth (Teria, IGW), Jeniath (Amberyl, BDW), Jenryth (Matheny, HRW), Jerideth (Lissabet, HRW), Jeth (D'va, HRW), Jhirith (Ieyela, BDW), Jiareth (Cryslin, ISW), Jilth (Beryl, FTW), Jinieth (Leah, FTW), Jinryth (Tika, TGW), Jinteth (K'tur, FTW), Jlorath (S'turn, HRW), Joath (Sloane, ISW), Joith (Z'nith, ISW), Jorenth (D'ler, HRW), Jorianth (V'rue, FTW), Jubeith (A'dhan, IGW), Juliath (Meli, BDW/TGW), Jvrieth (Cz'rin, IGW), Jyrinth (J'han, HRW)
Kaath (Lirra, TGW), Kahlith (Lissandra, IGW), Kailanith (Ceryca, ISW), Kailyth (Svessa, ISW), Kalameth (D'orn, HRW), Kalarith (F'lame, HRW), Kalendrith (G'fen, ISW), Kandrith (Kreolin, ISW), Kaneth (Lorrin, TGW), Kannanth (S'lek, FTW), Kaydrianth (Shania, HRW), Kazeth (Schmitt, TGW), Kedranth (D'vin, BDW), Kelath (Camilla, HRW), Kemith (Channie, TGW), Kemonth (St'fen, HRW), Kendalth (Selene, HRW), Kerilinth (K'nder, HRW), Kerinth (Kimber, FTW), Kerolth (R'ken, ISW), Keshketh (Lekzanne, IGW), Kessith (Rhyana, FTW), Keth (G'rel, ISW), Keturath (Chayil, IGW), Keyrith (T'len, IGW), Kharoth (Teyal, BDW/TGW), Kheprith (Greylin, TGW), Kheveth (N'ren, IGW), Kiasth (B'zior, ISW), Kierth (C'len, HRW), Kilenth (Cija, TGW), Kimbrith (Merla, BDW/TGW), Kimryth (D'gin, HRW), Kineth (Elen, IGW), Kinzaith (Ny'ave, HRW), Kiryath (Deannus, FTW), Kismith (U'yn, IGW), Kiyoth (Alessandra, TGW), Kobeth (N'lan, IGW), Kolith (Deirdre, IGW), Konnevath (Divya, HRW), Kvasith (Aurian, TGW), Kylanth (Mykaa, FTW), Kyoteth (D'ton, BDW/TGW), Kyralth (Jaz, ISW), Kyruth (D'ru, FTW)
Lacroith (L'son, IGW), Laerth (P'tran, BDW/TGW), Lareth (Steff, ISW), Larnth (S'lan, ISW), Lazarith (I'rstin, IGW), Lazryth (E'lan, HRW), Leilanth (Jehrina, BDW/TGW), Lestith (T'rel, FTW), Leuth (Kiashi, ISW), Leventh (K'dar, TGW), Lhiannonth (Josilina, HRW), Liabeth (Gay, TGW), Liath (Tinya, BDW/TGW), Libeth (D'ew, IGW), Lienth (Fiora, TGW), Lilacanth (Taela, IGW), Lilith (Thera, BDW/TGW), Linneth (J'on, IGW), Liorth (R'dus, HRW), Liraneth (Bianca, TGW), Lirrath (Veronica, ISW), Lisoth (D'rlen, ISW), Liyanth (Evayne, IGW), Lizalth (Khrysaa, ISW), Llanarth (H'am, HRW), Lloyth (Kariel, HRW), Londoth (J'ven, TGW), Lorieth (J'lyn, BDW/TGW), Lorith (V'rican, ISW), Lrisseth (Shayna, FTW), Lutaith (Pellia, FTW), Luth (Aanya, BDW), Lyath (M'tew, HRW), Lylonth (Breenah, ISW), Lyndrath (J'riel, FTW), Lyrith (Jelara, HRW), Lysseth (Kassima, BDW/TGW)
Madieth (Brees, ISW), Maenth (Allis, IGW), Maevenith (Rani, IGW), Maigreth (Nadia, ISW), Maiith (Nqara, IGW), Maireth (L'han, TGW), Makarath (H'lor, TGW), Mallorith (V'han, FTW), Mammeth (C'ron, ISW), Maraseth (Seaylin, HRW), Marilith (K'rien, BDW), Mariloth (M'rten, TGW), Marinth (Rh'lain, FTW), Mauroth (X'dren, HRW), Maylith (Marlena, ISW), Melionth (Garia, FTW), Melisandeth (S'din, HRW), Merinth (Tilani, IGW), Meredoth (K'hen, HRW), Meroth (T'fian, BDW), Mesolth (Keara, ISW), Mezzuth (Riannon, FTW), Milnoth (Aine, FTW), Mimenth (T'ris, HRW), Minth (Treyna, ISW), Miraeth (Julanna, IGW), Miriath (Ella, ISW), Miribeth (Grendel, BDW), Mirrath (Tarien, TGW), Mirth (Gwyneth, ISW), Miseth (J'var, TGW), Misroth (S'klin, ISW), Miyath (Arallia, TGW), Mnaeleth (C'lest, HRW), Moireth (Nikana, ISW), Monareth (T'la, FTW), Morgaith (Fiena, FTW), Mraeleth (Viridis, HRW), Mvraeth (F'tan, IGW), Myndirth (Lusani, ISW), Myranth (Khyronn, BDW), Myrdinth (D'san, HRW), Myrianth (Oriabel, IGW), Myrsith (A'ron, HRW)
Naelanth (Javinia, TGW), Naiath (Jalla, HRW), Naisyth (Yvera, FTW), Nalimoth (A'drin, ISW), Narsilth (Kaeya, IGW), Navath (Ada, BDW), Neilluth (J'radin, FTW), Neith (Merellia, ISW), Nemanth (Cathedra, IGW), Nepenth (Kaelyn, HRW), Nezzerth (L'vor, ISW), Nichith (Kaloei, IGW), Nicoth (T'lar, BDW/TGW), Nienneth (B'ron, HRW), Nioth (M'kon, TGW), Nisanth (Catalina, IGW), Niyath (Jenna, FTW), Notreth (Jaen, BDW/TGW), Nraith (A'lex, BDW/TGW), Nyth (Keriann, TGW), Nyxth (Dhinara, HRW)
Oerth (Alania, ISW), Ohalith (U'lan, ISW), Olvanth (P'ya, FTW), Olynth (C'lus, TGW), Omfaleth (Reye, ISW), Omalth (J'nol, IGW), Ondeth (U'lyn, ISW), Onykath (B'haus, TGW), Opheoth (June, ISW), Ordoneth (Laila, IGW), Orenth (N'sales, FTW), Orillenth (K'len, FTW), Orith (B'rin, IGW), Orrith (Cl'rek, BDW), Orvieth (A'ran, TGW), Ozrith (Yakut, ISW)
Palineth (N'var, TGW), Palinth (L'nay, BDW/TGW), Pariseth (D'nar, HRW), Parth (E'ryn, ISW), Pavanth (F'nar, BDW), Penath (T'vor, TGW), Peridith (Kylana, HRW), Perith (Kyleri, IGW), Perseith (T'jas, IGW), Perth (G'dion, ISW), Peth (Mirielle, TGW), Phediath (Madelynda, ISW), Pheirth (Kaylira, ISW), Pheneth (Kalina, HRW), Phoukath (M'silne, TGW), Pindath (Kaldara, IGW), Pleiath (Emlyn, BDW/TGW), Pliarth (Ryialla, BDW/TGW), Pomanth (A'lea, FTW), Prefeth (Aphrael, BDW/TGW), Prometh (K'tyn, IGW), Pryth (Sonya, ISW), Psylth (Nyne, ISW)
Qiaroth (T'kai, FTW), Qirith (Fluria, ISW), Queroth (H'tori, IGW), Quilith (T'kal, HRW), Quinaeth (Alane, HRW), Quinath (Rosalen, BDW/TGW), Qwenarth (Rylle, FTW)
Rachuth (Zava, ISW), Raenyth (Aliana, ISW), Rafeith (T'en, HRW), Rahth (Cenica, ISW), Raith (S'ral, FTW), Rajath (Oshia, FTW), Randoth (R'yat, FTW), Ranth (Siara, IGW), Raysheth (S'jan, IGW), Razuth (L'sar, FTW), Renedth (T'vor, BDW), Respath (Ph'lan, ISW), Reveth (N'fan, HRW), Rheath (Ilga, IGW), Rheinth (Terryll, TGW), Rhevanth (D'ran, HRW), Rhiapeth (Ariane, ISW), Rhinalth (C'rys, HRW), Rhonneth (Melina, BDW/TGW), Rhouenth (Lystra, HRW), Rhyionth (R'ys, HRW), Rianath (Miriar, BDW), Rikkath (Merryn, FTW), Rinath (Saskia, TGW), Riolth (M'val, IGW), Riordanth (Mohria, HRW), Roanth (Zimona, IGW), Robinth (Lenka, TGW), Rodrith (J'rus, ISW), Roninth (N'dar, HRW), Roriath (A'temas, BDW), Rsonth (D'ris, FTW), Ruwenth (Siendara, FTW), Ryeth (K'than, IGW), Rynth (Gamina, FTW)
Salith (T'nnar, BDW/TGW), Samath (Bailey, IGW), Saneth (F'niah, FTW), Saphrith (Tawni, HRW), Sashanth (Mirabeth, IGW), Sath (Kesha, FTW), Saulith (Kichevio, TGW), Savith (Siriah, ISW), Seiranth (Tieren, TGW), Semeth (P'tod, TGW), Seonath (D'ach, ISW), Sereth (Filana, ISW), Serketh (J'lal, ISW), Seroth (Tethry, IGW), Serriath (Phoebe, FTW), Sevreth (J'nah, IGW), Sexth (Shalynra, IGW), Seyenth (B'rel, IGW), Shaleth (Kimri, ISW), Shanth (Ch'ran, FTW), Sharath (E'vrin, TGW), Sharreth (Taura, HRW), Siaroth (Jh'rin, ISW), Siashanth (Nicki, HRW), Sidonth (Mh'al, TGW), Sidrith (Celis, ISW), Sielth (Aisling, TGW), Silventh (Br'mar, HRW), Silyath (Alonna, TGW), Sinith (T'ren, BDW), Sionath (Emilly, HRW), Sioneth (Jayna, TGW), Siraeth (J'cob, FTW), Sivorth (L'ran, HRW), Skyreth (V'beda, HRW), Sleath (W'liam, IGW), Smolth (K'tar, BDW/TGW), Solarith (T'saren, BDW/TGW), Sorath (Kerlyn, BDW/TGW), Sooth (Lyree, ISW), Spineth (Ursa, BDW/TGW), Srailath (Kelreis, HRW), Sruth (Sria, HRW), Stith (Aluren, FTW), Stranth (Arianna, IGW), Sulaith (E'ric, ISW), Susurrath (N'laren, TGW), Svaroth (R'sel, HRW), Swith (Veronne, ISW), Sylth (Rhanna, HRW)
Tabith (Tamma, ISW), Tabrith (C'do, IGW), Taehath (Nyneve, FTW), Taericeth (Kiharu, TGW), Tagenth (Alisanda, FTW), Taisoth (Zephyr, FTW), Talibenth (M'hryn, TGW), Taloth (R'tar, IGW), Taminath (Symoria, FTW), Tamrith (Kerensha, HRW), Tansith (Jascela, ISW), Tanyth (Leyla, IGW), Taralyth (I'sai, TGW), Tarenyth (Aschela, FTW), Tarienth (J'ren, IGW), Tasieth (Junni, IGW), Tasorth (L'ton, FTW), Tavelth (J'van, HRW), Tavorth (K'ryn, TGW), Tayefeth (D'riana, IGW), Tazath (S'jeet, BDW/TGW), Tebrelth (V'hryn, HRW), Teiwazth (Daffela, TGW), Temornath (Yenne, HRW), Tenkanoth (K'fen, IGW), Terrinth (Arianwen, HRW), Terrth (A'lian, IGW), Tesith (Merien, ISW), Teth (R'dall, FTW), Tevrath (G'ravon, ISW), Tezcath (T'nel, HRW), Thamath (D'len, ISW), Tiaeth (Tania, IGW), Tiamanth (Krystlin, BDW), Tianyith (G'dron, HRW), Tiarith (Rillae, HRW), Tidranth (F'laav, BDW), Tierth (Maylia, BDW/TGW), Tiganath (Al'ric, HRW), Tioth (M'oso, HRW), Tirforth (P'ven, BDW), Tivuketh (Macami, TGW), Tleneth (M'kem, FTW), Toniath (T'shar, FTW), Toranth (S'phan, FTW), Torinth (M'kla, BDW/TGW), Torth (Alynne, BDW), Tovith (Leya, TGW), Trianneth (Carissea, HRW), Trinaith (Mirah, TGW), Trinoth (Elle, ISW), Trisseth (Jesica, ISW), Tsiath (R'bin, BDW), Tsieth (Laureva, ISW), Tularth (V'ral, IGW), Tuoth (S'ris, ISW), Tyldarath (Ensa, FTW), Typhenth (Lyse, IGW), Typsyth (Claia, ISW), Tyrinth (Taira, IGW), Tyrrath (Flannery, BDW/TGW), Tzanth (K'ven, IGW), Tzornth (F'hlan, BDW)
Ulanth (N'lar, TGW), Ularrith (M'rgan, TGW), Umirieth (Jasmyn, IGW), Urieth (Celie, IGW), Uriketh (Salva, ISW), Urynth (S'mron, HRW), Usselth (K'lynt, FTW)
Vaerdanth (V'lin, FTW), Vaeth (R'yel, HRW), Vallith (Taelenna, HRW), Valorith (Polina, FTW), Vaolth (C'sus, ISW), Valrieth (Lanryi, TGW), Varquith (Cerilla, BDW/TGW), Velith (Delina, FTW), Verceth (Mara, HRW), Verenth (Melata, HRW), Verith (Glorina, FTW), Vespeth (A'gan, IGW), Vessyth (L'rel, HRW), Veyath (K'nan, BDW/TGW), Vianneth (Belanca, ISW), Vidarth (R'val, BDW/TGW), Vilyath (Sayra, IGW), Viresth (Triola, IGW), Virroth (Kharty, TGW), Vmireth (Moll, HRW), Vnareth (J'lor, BDW/TGW), Voldrath (F'min, HRW), Vorinth (M'gan, FTW), Vtanth (T'quinn, FTW), Vyaneth (Liselle, HRW), Vyrinth (F'mir, BDW), Vyth (Lyn, ISW)
Wennlath (Mia, IGW), Wereth (Kieri, BDW), Wilanth (Joshi, IGW), Windraveth (Corrin, HRW), Winseth (Rhianwen, ISW), Wrenth (Adriana, ISW), Wroxath (D'thon, BDW/TGW), Wydreth (G'non, HRW), Wyith (Dh'lon, HRW), Wyndroth (R'ian, ISW)
Xadinth (Lillian, ISW), Xaenyth (Jh'or, ISW), Xalerth (B'rakis, ISW), Xanalth (Hoshall, HRW), Xannarth (D'zel, FTW), Xavieth (R'ven, HRW), Xemyth (Ysabel, HRW), Xrienth (Talene, FTW), Xylath (Neliea, TGW), Xylianth (Akeylah, IGW)
Yalinith (R'vael, ISW), Yanaleth (Br'nal, ISW), Yarenth (Sorna, BDW), Yariath (R'yk, TGW), Yasinth (A'ser, TGW), Yasmirth (J'sua, FTW), Yehlth (Laidan, TGW), Yenth (Lithlia, IGW), Yevveth (Nethelby, ISW), Yith (R'il, IGW), Ylorth (Polly, ISW), Ymedath (Zaidra, TGW), Yonneth (Anaiya, HRW), Yrinth (Riane, TGW), Ysareth (Karina, HRW), Ysrith (Keysa, BDW/TGW), Ysyth (Tella, ISW), Yukionnath (Kelli, FTW), Yventh (Josira, HRW)
Zaerith (Deyaan, ISW), Zaith (Kyrola, ISW), Zakath (S'more, IGW), Zaylith (Chitose, ISW), Zerth (X'tan, HRW), Zevalyth (Catriona, ISW), Zeventh (Cierra, HRW), Zibrith (Elyandra, FTW), Zienth (A'lon, HRW), Zmeth (K'tel, IGW), Zsofyth (Mallea, HRW), Zuseth (Maarie, FTW), Zuzith (N'tan, HRW), Zyriath (B'ael, FTW), Zyrieth (R'lym, HRW)
Aarieth: Fort Weyr green dragon, ridden by
Wryn. Hatched June 2, 2000 from Leah's gold Jinieth of Fort's first
clutch, sired by M'kon's bronze Nioth of Telgar (Fort Weyr's nineteenth
Hatching). Came from Hardwood Ivy Egg as Ice-traced Leaflets Green
Hatchling. Sized at 23 meters long. Flies in Dawnguard Wing; serves as
Assistant Weyrlingmaster. First flight on August 3, 2000 was won by Br'nal's
brown Yanaleth of Ista; another flight on July 5, 2003 was won by B'var's
brown Chanth of Fort.
Aberuth: High Reaches Weyr brown dragon,
ridden by Margret. Originally of Ista Weyr. Hatched June 23, 1996 from
Merellia's gold Neith of Ista's first clutch, sired by Svessa's brown
Kailyth of Ista (Ista Weyr's twelfth Hatching). Came from Darkness
Meeting Egg as Exuberant Teakwood Brown Hatchling. Sized at 35 meters
long. Flies in Snowstrike Wing. Has previously served as Timor Wingleader
and Snowstrike Wingsecond. Caught J'cob's green Siraeth of Benden in a
flight, Celie's green Urieth of Igen in a flight, Garia's green Melionth of
Fort in a flight, Carissea's green Trianneth of High Reaches in a flight,
Tamma's green Tabith of Ista in a flight on January 2, 1997, P'ral's green
Cyth of Ista in a flight on April 2, 1997, Merien's green Tesith of Ista in
a flight on July 2, 1997, Kh'gar's green Sinteth of Ista in a flight,
N'tan's green Zuzith of High Reaches in her first flight on September 28,
1997, Carissea's green Trianneth of High Reaches in a flight on January 1,
1998, Celie's green Urieth of Igen in a flight on March 15, 1998, and
Nimiriel's gold Daelyth of Telgar in her second flight on June 12, 1998.
Abrieth: Fort Weyr green dragon, ridden by
Selandra. Hatched September 12, 1996 from Ileara's gold Shalith of Fort's
second clutch, sired by T'quinn's bronze Vtanth of Fort (Fort Weyr's
fourteenth Hatching). Came from Pale Amethyst Egg as Spring Green
Hatchling. Sized at 23 meters long. Flies in Firefall Wing. First flight
was won by M'tew's brown Lyath of High Reaches, second flight on March 30,
1997 was won by J'dar's blue Brenneth of High Reaches, third flight on
September 13, 1997 was by D'ru's blue Kyruth of Fort, fourth flight on
August 23, 2001 was won by M'kon's bronze Nioth of Telgar, fifth flight on
September 15, 2002 was won by D'ru's brown Kyruth of Fort, and another flight
on August 2, 2003 was won by L'nan's blue Alirath of Fort.
Absinth: High Reaches Weyr green dragon,
ridden by Kaya. Hatched May 4, 1996 from Ariandra's gold Erith of High
Reaches' second clutch, sired by F'laav's bronze Tidranth of Benden (High
Reaches Weyr's eighth Hatching). Came from Silver Rosemary Egg as Sweet
Wormwood Green Dragonet. Sized at 24 meters long. Flies in Glacier Wing.
Acevedath: Igen Weyr green dragon, ridden
by Janine. Hatched April 24, 1999 from Sarai's gold Cyrath of Igen's first
clutch, sired by Macami's brown Tivuketh of Igen (Igen Weyr's fourteenth
Hatching). Came from Silver-Flecked Candidate Robe Egg as Collected Deep
Water Green Hatchling. Flies in Sandstorm Wing; serves as Assistant
Weyrlingmaster. Has previously served as Sirocco Wingsecond and Sandstorm
Wingleader. First flight on June 20, 1999 was won by E'vrin's bronze Sharath
of Igen, second flight on November 29, 1999 was won by Macami's brown
Tivuketh of Igen, and third flight on February 13, 2000 was won by Leya's
brown Tovith of Telgar.
Adevath: Fort Weyr bronze dragon, ridden by
V'yse (Vysen). Hatched July 20, 2003 from Jenna's gold Niyath of Fort's
first clutch, sired by A'lex's bronze Nraith of Telgar (Fort Weyr's
twenty-fourth Hatching). Came from Face of Luna Egg as Darkness and Light
Bronze Dragonet. Flies in Dawnguard Wing.
Adonith: Benden Weyr blue dragon, ridden by
Alyssa. Transferred to Telgar Weyr during the relocation. Hatched August 4,
1996 from Jehrina's gold Leilanth of Benden's second clutch, sired by
P'tran's bronze Laerth of Benden (Benden Weyr's eleventh Hatching). Came
from Faerie Dust Egg as Budding Violet Blue Hatchling. Sized at 27 meters
long. Flies in Thunderbolt Wing. Has previously served as Duskguard
Wingsecond, Skyfire Wingsecond, Firestorm Wingsecond, and Assistant
Weyrlingmaster. Currently inactive. Caught Flannery's green Tyrrath of
Benden in her third flight on September 17, 1996, Ryialla's green Pliarth of
Benden in a flight on October 3, 1996, Kassima's green Lysseth of Benden in
her second flight on October 4, 1996, and Meli's green Juliath of Benden in
her fourth flight on February 20, 1997.
Adroth: Fort Weyr brown dragon, ridden by
T'yn (Taywne). Hatched March 4, 1996 from Vivian's gold Rialeth of Fort's
second clutch, sired by F'ren's bronze Zyanth of Fort (Fort Weyr's thirteenth
Hatching). Came from Stormy Skies Egg as Black Walnut Hatchling. Sized at
34 meters long. Flies in Dawnguard Wing. Has previously served as
Weyrsecond and Dawnguard Wingleader.
Aelyth: Benden Weyr blue dragon, ridden by
Nich (Nicholah). Hatched October 1, 1993 from Krystlin's gold Tiamanth of
Benden's second clutch, sired by F'hlan's bronze Tzornth of Benden (Benden
Weyr's sixth Hatching). Came from Velvety Black Egg as Dusty Blue Hatchling.
Flies in Skyfire Wing. Has previously served as Skyfire Wingsecond and
Assistant Weyrlingmaster. Currently inactive.
Aeolth: Igen Weyr blue dragon, ridden by
C'dre (Candre). Hatched February 4, 1994 from Shandra's gold Lemarath of
Igen's third clutch, sired by J'rell's bronze Mileketh of Igen (Igen
Weyr's fifth Hatching). Came from Nerat Beach Egg as Grey Blue Hatchling.
Currently inactive. Caught M'kla's green Torinth of Benden in a flight.
Aerianth: Ista Weyr gold dragon weyrling,
ridden by Griere. Hatched November 23, 2003 from Reye's gold Omfaleth of
Ista's first clutch, sired by M'llon's bronze Bromith of Ista (Ista Weyr's
twenty-fourth Hatching). Came from Dreams of Ocean Diamonds Egg as Ocean's
Dawn Rose Gold Dragonet. Sized at 39.4 meters long.
Aerth: High Reaches Weyr blue dragon, ridden
by Shaylar. Hatched March 23, 1994 from Jelara's gold Lyrith of High
Reaches' first clutch, sired by D'va's bronze Jeth of High Reaches (High
Reaches Weyr's fourth Hatching). Came from Apple Cider Brown Egg as
Startled Mottled Blue Dragonet. Sized at 29 meters long. Flies in
Snowstrike Wing. Has previously served as Assistant Weyrlingmaster.
Caught M'kla's green Torinth of Benden in a flight, and X'dren's green
Mauroth of High Reaches in her third flight.
Ahazeth: Igen Weyr bronze dragon, ridden
by T'asu (Tasuki). Originally of Fort Weyr. Hatched October 4, 1999 from
Anlin's gold Chaluth of Fort's third clutch, sired by T'shar's bronze
Toniath of Fort (Fort Weyr's eighteenth Hatching). Came from Whirling
Chaos Egg as Speckled Goby Bronze Hatchling. Flies in Sandstorm Wing.
Aisheth: Fort Weyr bronze dragon, ridden
by P'ter (Peter). Originally of Igen Weyr. Hatched February 8, 1998 from
Katany's gold Irrylath of Igen's second clutch, sired by V'ral's bronze
Tularth of Igen (Igen Weyr's twelfth Hatching). Came from Complex Tones for
Autumn Egg as Incandescant Bronze Dragonet. Sized at 38 meters long. Flies
in Stormshadow Wing as Wingleader and Weyrleader. Has previously served as
Sirocco Wingsecond and Sirocco Wingleader. Caught Sherazade's green Eilonth
of High Reaches in her second flight on April 1, 1999, Mia's green Wennlath
of Fort in her first flight on April 30, 1999, Celie's green Urieth of Igen
in a flight on December 2, 1999, Leah's gold Jinieth of Fort in her second
flight on November 16, 2001, and Leah's gold Jinieth of Fort in her third
flight on March 3, 2002.
Alaneth: Benden Weyr green dragon, ridden by
Dorelei. Hatched November 10, 1991 from Amberyl's gold Jeniath of Benden's
second clutch, sired by T'gerey's bronze Kath of Benden (Benden Weyr's second
Hatching). Came from Burnished Bronze Egg as Brilliant Green Dragonet.
Flies in Thunderbolt Wing. Currently inactive.
Alerith: Telgar Weyr brown dragon, ridden
by Merielan. Hatched April 16, 2000 from Saskia's gold Rinath of Telgar's
first clutch, sired by I'sai's bronze Taralyth of Telgar (Telgar Weyr's
fourth Hatching; seventeenth Hatching in the Benden Weyr line). Came from
Discovered Driftwood Egg as Burning Burnished Burgundy Brown Hatchling.
Sized at 34 meters long. Flies in Skyfire Wing. Has previously served as
Assistant Weyrlingmaster. Caught K'nan's green Veyath of Telgar in her ninth
flight, and Kichevio's green Saulith of Telgar in her first flight on January
19, 2001.
Algizth: Telgar Weyr bronze dragon, ridden
by Th'lon (Thaelon). Hatched January 29, 1999 from Kindre's gold Herath of
Telgar's second clutch, sired by M'hryn's bronze Talibenth of Telgar
(Telgar Weyr's second Hatching; fifteenth Hatching in the Benden
Weyr line). Came from Overwhelmingly Obnoxious Omnipotence Egg as Volcanic
Emerald Bronze Hatchling. Sized at 35 meters long. Flies in Thunderbolt
Wing. Currently inactive. Caught Kena's green Cymrith of Telgar in her
fourth flight on April 8, 1999.
Alirath: Fort Weyr blue dragon, ridden
by L'nan (Lunan). Hatched February 4, 2001 from Ariandra's gold Erith
of Fort's third clutch, sired by F'ren's bronze Zyanth of Fort (Fort
Weyr's twentieth Hatching). Came from Rolling Mudslide Egg as Mysterious
Thermal Pool Blue. Sized at 24.5 meters long. Flies in Stormshadow Wing
as Wingsecond and Weyrsecond. Has previously served as Firefall
Wingsecond, Assistant Weyrlingmaster, and Acting Weyrleader of Fort.
Caught K'fen's green Tenkanoth of Igen in her third flight on January 20,
2002, Oriabel's green Myrianth of Igen in her first flight on March 23, 2002,
Danielle's green Arlyth of Fort in her first flight on June 3, 2003,
Selandra's green Abrieth of Fort in a flight on August 2, 2003, and Maelyan's
green Irelith of High Reaches in a flight on August 12, 2003.
Altaith: Benden Weyr blue dragon, ridden
by Breana; deceased. Transferred to Telgar Weyr during the relocation.
Hatched March 8, 1997 from Kindre's gold Herath of Benden's first clutch,
sired by M'rgan's brown Ularrith of High Reaches (Benden Weyr's twelfth
Hatching). Came from Stunning Starry Stained-Glass Egg as Celestial Mists
Blue Hatchling. Sized at 25 meters long. Flew in Aerie Wing. Caught
N'kshar's green Azeth of Telgar in her first flight on December 19, 1997.
Altianath: Fort Weyr retired senior
gold dragon, ridden by Cinne (Cinnebar). Originally of Benden Weyr.
Hatched June 23, 1991 from Amberyl's gold Jeniath of Benden's first
clutch, sired by F'jon's bronze Pyreth of Benden (Benden Weyr's first
Hatching). Hatched from Glittering-gold Egg. Sized at 39 meters long.
Flies in the Fort Queen's Wing. Currently inactive. First flight was
won by D'rek's brown Trebarth of Fort, second flight was won by J'cot's
bronze Valenth of Ista, and third flight was won by S'van's bronze
Cieranth of Fort.
Alwyth: High Reaches Weyr brown dragon,
ridden by Ro. Hatched January 28, 2000 from Josira's gold Yventh of High
Reaches' first clutch, sired by Br'mar's bronze Silventh of High Reaches
(High Reaches Weyr's fourteenth Hatching). Came from A Still Winter Snow
Egg as Noontide Reverie Brown Dragonet. Sized at 37 meters long. Flies
in Blizzard Wing. Caught K'nan's green Veyath of Telgar in her
eleventh flight on March 16, 2001.
Alyonth: Telgar Weyr green dragon, ridden by
Shawnah. Hatched October 13, 2002 from Tarien's gold Mirrath of Telgar's
first clutch, sired by K'ran's bronze Indrath of Telgar (Telgar Weyr's eighth
Hatching; twenty-first Hatching in the Benden Weyr line). Came from Marbled
Bronze Egg as Lush Hillside Green Hatchling. Sized at 24 meters long. Flies
in Skyfire Wing.
Alzaeth: Ista Weyr bronze dragon weyrling,
ridden by D'mon (Damon). Hatched November 23, 2003 from Reye's gold Omfaleth
of Ista's first clutch, sired by M'llon's bronze Bromith of Ista (Ista Weyr's
twenty-fourth Hatching). Came from Raging Deep Sea Vent Egg as Volatile
Amber-lit Bronze Dragonet.
Amarenth: High Reaches Weyr brown dragon,
ridden by D'net (Dante). Hatched January 30, 1993 from Darci's gold
Aurelinth of High Reaches' first clutch, sired by M'gan's bronze Vorinth of
High Reaches (High Reaches Weyr's second Hatching). Came from Celestial
Lavender Egg as Energetic Sorrel Brown Hatchling. Flies in Blizzard Wing.
Currently inactive.
Aminadath: Ista Weyr green dragon, ridden
by Dossa. Hatched July 24, 1999 from Nya's gold Genneth of Ista's first
clutch, sired by E'vrin's bronze Sharath of Igen (Ista Weyr's seventeenth
Hatching). Came from Pink Parasol Egg as Harlequin Motley-Green. Sized at
26 meters long. Flies in Belior Wing. Has previously served as Assistant
Weyrlingmaster. First flight on October 16, 1999 was won by Bronwynn's brown
Fehuth of Telgar, second flight on November 22, 1999 was won by I'sai's
bronze Taralyth of Telgar, third flight on February 12, 2000 was won by
Sonya's blue Pryth of Ista, fourth flight on April 13, 2000 was won by
Lyree's blue Sooth of Ista, and another flight on December 6, 2000 was won by
Celis's blue Sidrith of Ista.
Ammaeth: Ista Weyr green dragon, ridden
by D'ryk (Dyrik). Hatched March 4, 2000 from Merellia's gold Neith of
Ista's fourth clutch, sired by A'zric's bronze Gelth of Ista (Ista Weyr's
eighteenth Hatching). Came from Gamester's Patter Egg as Luminous Green.
Sized at 21 meters long. Flies in Dawnsflame Wing. First flight on April
13, 2000 was won by St'fen's brown Kemonth of High Reaches, another flight
was won by J'han's blue Jyrinth of High Reaches, another flight on November
29, 2000 was won by S'ris's bronze Tuoth of Ista, and another flight on
March 2, 2001 was won by P'tod's brown Semeth of Ista.
Amrieth: Telgar Weyr green dragon, ridden
by Jerissa. Originally of Igen Weyr. Hatched September 14, 1995 from
Katany's gold Irrylath of Igen's first clutch, sired by G'rel's bronze
Keth of Ista (Igen Weyr's eighth Hatching). Came from Amber and Teal Egg
as Green Meadow Stream Hatchling. Sized at 26 meters long. Flies in
Aerie Wing. Has previously served as Oasis Wingsecond, Oasis Wingleader,
Firefall Wingleader, and Firestorm Wingsecond. First flight was won by
T'vor's bronze Penath of Igen, second flight was won by Filana's blue
Sereth of Ista, and third flight on January 29, 1998 was won by A'drin's
brown Nalimoth of Ista.
Amycanth: Igen Weyr brown dragon, ridden
by Lyran. Hatched February 23, 1995 from Tilani's gold Merinth of Igen's
first clutch, sired by R'lym's bronze Zyrieth of High Reaches (Igen Weyr's
seventh Hatching). Came from Empyreal Dawnlight Egg as Seaside Cliff Brown
Fledgling. Currently inactive.
Amylith: Igen Weyr green dragon, ridden by
M'verick (Maverick); deceased. Hatched June 1, 1997 from Nimiriel's gold
Daelyth of Igen's first clutch, sired by K'tyn's bronze Prometh of Benden
(Igen Weyr's eleventh Hatching). Came from Muddy River Egg as Acid Green
Hatchling. Sized at 19 meters long. Flew in Sunstroke Wing. Had
previously served as Assistant Weyrlingmaster. First flight on July 28,
1997 was won by E'ryn's brown Parth of Ista, second flight on January 8,
1998 was won by A'drin's brown Nalimoth of Ista, and third flight on April
1, 1998 was won by Lal's brown Areseth of Ista.
Anandath: Fort Weyr blue dragon weyrling,
ridden by Dakota. Hatched November 23, 2002 from Milque's gold Elynth of
Fort's second clutch, sired by R'yat's bronze Randoth of Fort (Fort Weyr's
twenty-third Hatching). Came from Honeysuckle Egg as Eye of the Storm Blue
Anaryth: High Reaches Weyr blue dragon,
ridden by Ceara. Hatched April 1, 1995 from Darci's gold Aurelinth of High
Reaches' third clutch, sired by D'va's bronze Jeth of High Reaches (High
Reaches Weyr's sixth Hatching). Came from Two-Tone Blue Egg as Perky
Periwinkle Blue Dragonet. Sized at 28 meters long. Flies in Avalanche
Annarth: Telgar Weyr brown dragon, ridden by
Taylin. Hatched June 1, 2003 from Nimiriel's gold Daelyth of Telgar's fourth
clutch, sired by N'var's bronze Palineth of Telgar (Telgar Weyr's ninth
Hatching; twenty-second Hatching in the Benden Weyr line). Came from Honey
And Mulberry Egg as Bone and Barley Brown Hatchling. Sized at 34.5 meters
long. Flies in Thunderbolt Wing.
Ansuth: Telgar Weyr blue dragon, ridden by
Trila (Trilana). Hatched January 29, 1999 from Kindre's gold Herath of
Telgar's second clutch, sired by M'hryn's bronze Talibenth of Telgar (Telgar
Weyr's second Hatching; fifteenth Hatching in the Benden Weyr line). Came
from Shadow-Crossed Landscape Egg as Stormy Patchwork Blue Hatchling. Sized
at 28 meters long. Flies in Aerie Wing. Has previously served as Assistant
Weyrlingmaster. Currently inactive. Caught Kassima's green Lysseth of
Telgar in her thirteenth flight on April 7, 1999.
Aquileth: Ista Weyr bronze dragon, ridden
by Y'il (Tirlyna). Hatched January 26, 2002 from Kyrola's gold Zaith of
Ista's first clutch, sired by Divya's brown Konnevath of High Reaches (Ista
Weyr's twenty-first Hatching). Came from Lions in the Sky Egg as Swarthy
Damask Bronze Dragonet. Sized at 38.4 meters long. Flies in Dawnsflame
Wing. Has previously served as Weyrlingmaster.
Aradith: Ista Weyr green dragon, ridden by
T'thun (Tothun). Hatched April 25, 1998 from Madelynda's gold Phediath of
Ista's first clutch, sired by T'saren's bronze Solarith of Telgar (Ista
Weyr's fifteenth Hatching). Came from Elemental Mists Egg as Delectable
Dioptase Green. Sized at 23 meters long. Flies in Belior Wing. Currently
inactive. First flight on August 10, 1998 was won by Kharty's blue Virroth
of Telgar.
Araneidth: Ista Weyr brown dragon, ridden
by A'rus (Marus). Hatched August 25, 2002 from Fluria's gold Qirith of
Ista's second clutch, sired by M'llon's bronze Bromith of Ista (Ista Weyr's
twenty-second Hatching). Came from Cracked Marble Egg as Dauntless Webbed
Wood Brown. Sized at 35.1 meters long. Flies in Dawnsflame Wing. Caught
Elseve's green Dulcibeth of Ista in her third flight on November 7, 2002,
Mirrari's green Ilaeth of Ista in her first flight on November 10, 2002, and
Alaida's green Devath of Ista in her third flight on November 16, 2002.
Araveth: Igen Weyr green dragon, ridden
by M'czek (Maraczek). Hatched November 6, 1999 from Katany's gold Irrylath
of Igen's third clutch, sired by K'tel's bronze Zmeth of Igen (Igen Weyr's
fifteenth Hatching). Came from Dark Matter Egg as Leaf-Shadow Green
Dragonet. Sized at 25 meters long. Flies in Oasis Wing. First flight on
December 23, 1999 was won by Catalina's brown Nisanth of Igen; second flight
on May 17, 2000 was won by Catalina's brown Nisanth of Igen.
Arbreth: Benden Weyr green dragon, ridden by
Katrina. Transferred to Telgar Weyr during the relocation. Hatched May 25,
1994 from Merla's gold Kimbrith of Benden's first clutch, sired by S'drel's
bronze Avoth of Benden (Benden Weyr's seventh Hatching). Came from Small
Seaspray Egg as Willow Green Dragonet. Sized at 22 meters long. Flies in
Aerie Wing. Currently inactive. Flight was won by F'hlan's bronze Tzornth
of Benden; another flight on July 14, 1997 was won by C'vadan's brown Dulath
of Benden.
Ardenth: Ista Weyr green dragon, ridden by
Langley. Hatched June 9, 2001 from Fluria's gold Qirith of Ista's first
clutch, sired by S'ris's bronze Tuoth of Ista (Ista Weyr's twentieth
Hatching). Came from Flaming Sandstorm Egg as Dark-Hearted Garden Treasure
Green Dragonet. Flies in Belior Wing. First flight on September 4, 2001
was won by K'ryn's blue Tavorth of Fort.
Areisth: Igen Weyr green dragon, ridden
by Alenia. Hatched July 12, 2000 from Jaela's gold Ladonyth of Igen's
third clutch, sired by T'mren's bronze Cevodnioth of Ista (Igen Weyr's
sixteenth Hatching). Came from Stormy Seas Egg as Crackle Celadon-Glazed
Green Hatchling. Flies in Mistral Wing. First flight was won by V'lien's
bronze Jakenath of Igen.
Areseth: Ista Weyr brown dragon, ridden
by Lal; deceased. Originally of Benden Weyr. Hatched August 4, 1996 from
Jehrina's gold Leilanth of Benden's second clutch, sired by P'tran's bronze
Laerth of Benden (Benden Weyr's eleventh Hatching). Came from Autumn
Leaves Egg as Brawny Desert Brown Hatchling. Sized at 35 meters long.
Flew in Starscorchers Wing. Had previously served as Timor Wingsecond,
Starscorchers Wingleader, and Weyrlingmaster. Caught Kh'gar's green
Sinteth of Igen in a flight on August 28, 1997, W'il's green Danaeth of
High Reaches in her first flight on October 20, 1997, P'ral's green Cyth
of Ista in a flight on February 24, 1998, and M'verick's green Amylith of
Igen in her third flight on April 1, 1998.
Argosylth: Ista Weyr bronze dragon, ridden
by T'ltor (Taltor). Hatched July 14, 1991 from Iliana's gold Wirenith of
Ista's first clutch, sired by Sh'dow's bronze Kereneth of Ista (Ista Weyr's
first Hatching). Came from Slender Egg as Rowdy Bronze Hatchling. Currently
Arikelth: High Reaches Weyr green dragon
weyrling, ridden by Eshandra. Hatched December 2, 2001 from Matheny's gold
Jenryth of High Reaches' third clutch, sired by S'rist's bronze Dzurath of
High Reaches (High Reaches Weyr's seventeenth Hatching). Came from
Glittering Gavotte Egg as Forest Trail Concerto Green. Sized at 25 meters
Arimeth: Igen Weyr green dragon, ridden by
Zeby. Hatched July 21, 1994 from Jaela's gold Ladonyth of Igen's first
clutch, sired by J'cot's bronze Valenth of Igen (Igen Weyr's sixth Hatching).
Came from Dusky Tuber Egg as Forest Green Hatchling. Currently inactive.
Arionth: Fort Weyr green dragon, ridden by
Tira. Hatched January 31, 1992, from Ambar's gold Kyriath of Fort's first
clutch, sired by D'vin's bronze Kedranth of Fort (Fort Weyr's fifth
Hatching). Came from Glowing Magenta Egg as Vain Green Dragonet. Currently
Arlyth: Fort Weyr green dragon, ridden by
Danielle. Hatched November 23, 2002 from Milque's gold Elynth of Fort's
second clutch, sired by R'yat's bronze Randoth of Fort (Fort Weyr's
twenty-third Hatching). Came from Forsythia Egg as Vaporous Whisper Green
Hatchling. Serves as Assistant Weyrlingmaster. First flight on June 3, 2003
was won by L'nan's blue Alirath of Fort.
Asabeth: Benden Weyr green dragon, ridden by
Aladis. Transferred to Telgar Weyr during the relocation. Originally of
Fort Weyr. Hatched March 4, 1996 from Vivian's gold Rialeth of Fort's second
clutch, sired by F'ren's bronze Zyanth of Fort (Fort Weyr's thirteenth
Hatching). Came from Ice Crystal Egg as Marbled Green Hatchling. Sized at
22 meters long. Flies in Aerie Wing. Has previously served as Assistant
Weyrlingmaster. Currently inactive. First flight was won by N'ren's brown
Kheveth of Benden, second flight was won by T'fian's blue Meroth of Benden,
third flight on September 27, 1996 was won by J'bal's blue Emmith of Fort,
fourth flight on December 14, 1996 was won by T'rod's bronze Beltanth of
Ista, fifth flight on January 4, 1998 was won by C'vadan's brown Dulath of
Telgar, and sixth flight on October 21, 1998 was won by Macami's brown
Tivuketh of Igen.
Asaleth: Igen Weyr bronze dragon, ridden by
A'wyn (Alwyn). Hatched February 8, 1998 from Katany's gold Irrylath of
Igen's second clutch, sired by V'ral's bronze Tularth of Igen (Igen Weyr's
twelfth Hatching). Came from Water Breaking Light Dancing Egg as
Amaretto-Swirled Bronze Dragonet. Flies in Oasis Wing. Currently inactive.
Caught J'lyn's green Lorieth of Telgar in her third flight on June 5,
Ashlith: High Reaches Weyr green dragon,
ridden by Karitha. Hatched October 22, 1995 from Darci's gold Aurelinth of
High Reaches' fourth clutch, sired by R'lym's bronze Zyrieth of High
Reaches (High Reaches Weyr's seventh Hatching). Came from Shimmering
Dewdrop Egg as Elegant Sea Green Dragonet. Sized at 23 meters long.
Flies in Blizzard Wing. Has previously served as Assistant Weyrlingmaster,
Weyrlingmaster, and Acting Weyrleader of High Reaches. Currently inactive.
Flight was won by Dh'lon's blue Wyith of High Reaches, another flight was
won by Channie's brown Kemith of Fort, and another flight was won by
Silora's brown Belaryth of High Reaches.
Ashroth: Ista Weyr bronze dragon, ridden
by T'bin (Tobin). Hatched May 21, 1995 from Deyaan's gold Zaerith of
Ista's second clutch, sired by J'cot's bronze Valenth of Ista (Ista Weyr's
tenth Hatching). Came from Shiny Mint Egg as Slender Bronze Hatchling.
Sized at 38 meters long. Flies in Belior Wing. Has previously served as
Belior Wingleader, Belior Wingsecond, Starstrike Wingleader, and Ista
Weyrleader. Caught Minya's green Erbith of Ista in a flight on April 6,
1997, and Merellia's gold Neith of Ista in her fourth flight on March 18,
Ashtaroth: Fort Weyr green dragon
weyrling, ridden by Ember. Hatched November 23, 2002 from Milque's gold
Elynth of Fort's second clutch, sired by R'yat's bronze Randoth of Fort (Fort
Weyr's twenty-third Hatching). Came from Heartbeat in the Woods as Moonlit
Midnight Forest Green Hatchling.
Asperth: Igen Weyr green dragon, ridden
by Shayne. Hatched October 20, 1996 from Jaela's gold Ladonyth of Igen's
second clutch, sired by R'yel's bronze Vaeth of High Reaches (Igen Weyr's
tenth Hatching). Came from Creamy Sisal Egg as Beguiling Gossamer Green
Hatchling. Sized at 20 meters long. Flies in Sandstorm Wing. Has
previously served as Sandstorm Wingleader. Currently inactive. First
flight was won by V'ral's bronze Tularth of Igen, second flight on May 29,
1997 was won by C'vadan's brown Dulath of Benden, third flight was won by
Siara's blue Ranth of Igen, fourth flight on April 3, 1998 was won by
K'dar's brown Leventh of High Reaches, fifth flight on August 20, 1998 was
won by Kharty's blue Virroth of Telgar, and sixth flight on February 5,
1999 was won by M'rgan's brown Ularrith of Telgar.
Aurelinth: High Reaches Weyr retired
senior gold dragon, ridden by Darci. Hatched September 27, 1992 from
Chana's gold Melirth of High Reaches' first clutch, sired by A'lon's bronze
Zienth of High Reaches (High Reaches Weyr's first Hatching). Came from
Lustrous Gold Egg as Sturdy Gold Hatchling. Sized at 40 meters long.
Flies in Aurora Wing. First flight was won by M'gan's bronze Vorinth of
High Reaches, second flight was won by G'son's bronze Cyrseth of High
Reaches, third flight was won by D'va's bronze Jeth of High Reaches, fourth
flight on August 29, 1995 was won by R'lym's bronze Zyrieth of High
Reaches, and fifth flight was won by R'lym's bronze Zyrieth of High
Aurith: Ista Weyr retired senior gold dragon,
ridden by Sheanna; deceased. Hatched July 14, 1991 from Iliana's gold
Wirenith of Ista's first clutch, sired by Sh'dow's bronze Kereneth of Ista
(Ista Weyr's first Hatching). Came from Silky Egg as Gold Hatchling. Sized
at 35 meters long. Flew in the Ista Queen's Wing. First flight was won by
Sh'dow's bronze Kereneth of Ista, second flight was won by Sh'dow's bronze
Kereneth of Ista, and third flight was won by H'kon's brown Tidirth of
Avoth: Igen Weyr bronze dragon, ridden by
S'drel (Squedrel). Originally of Benden Weyr. Hatched October 1, 1993 from
Krystlin's gold Tiamanth of Benden's second clutch, sired by F'hlan's bronze
Tzornth of Benden (Benden Weyr's sixth Hatching). Came from Stark White Egg
as Dark Bronze Hatchling. Sized at 38 meters long. Has previously served as
Benden Weyrleader and Skyfire Wingleader. Currently inactive. Caught
Merla's gold Kimbrith of Benden in her first flight, and Ieyela's green
Jhirith of Benden in a flight.
Avroth: Fort Weyr bronze dragon, ridden by
T'dry (Tandry). Hatched November 16, 1997 from Vivian's gold Rialeth of
Fort's third clutch, sired by T'vor's bronze Penath of Fort (Fort Weyr's
sixteenth Hatching). Came from Pale Rose Egg as Pure Etched Bronze. Sized
at 36 meters long. Flies in Stormshadow Wing. Has previously served as
Dawnguard Wingsecond and Weyrsecond. Caught Maarie's green Zuseth of Fort in
her fifth flight on January 31, 1998, Faerysa's gold Irianth of Igen in her
first flight on July 8, 1998, and Carissea's green Trianneth of High Reaches
Weyr in a flight on September 3, 1998.
Azeth: Benden Weyr green dragon, ridden by
N'kshar (Nikhshar). Transferred to Telgar Weyr during the relocation.
Hatched October 5, 1997 from Merla's gold Kimbrith of Benden's third clutch,
sired by E'ryn's brown Parth of Ista (Benden Weyr's thirteenth Hatching).
Came from Oddly Shaped Egg as Striking Tsunami Green Hatchling. Sized at 22
meters long. Flies in Aerie Wing. First flight on December 19, 1997 was won
by Breana's blue Altaith of Telgar; second flight on March 6, 1998 was won by
K'ti's blue Jaralth of Telgar.
Azureth: Fort Weyr blue dragon, ridden by
R'nal (Roan). Hatched February 4, 2001 from Ariandra's gold Erith of Fort's
third clutch, sired by F'ren's bronze Zyanth of Fort (Fort Weyr's twentieth
Hatching). Came from Warm Springs Egg as Frosty Ice Lake Blue. Flies in
Dawnguard Wing.
Bardolth: Benden Weyr brown dragon, ridden
by T'ven (Tarven). Hatched November 10, 1991 from Amberyl's gold Jeniath of
Benden's second clutch, sired by T'gerey's bronze Kath of Benden (Benden
Weyr's second Hatching). Came from Sunshine Yellow Egg as Rusty Brown
Dragonet. Currently inactive.
Barith: High Reaches Weyr bronze dragon,
ridden by V'rin (Vorin). Hatched April 29, 2001 from Yenne's gold Temornath
of High Reaches' first clutch, sired by Br'nal's brown Yanaleth of Ista (High
Reaches Weyr's sixteenth Hatching). Came from Glittering Gems Egg as
Bustling Busybody Bronze. Flies at 36 meters long. Caught Amilin's green
Dasmareth of High Reaches in a flight on January 9, 2002, and Elie's green
Freyath of High Reaches in her eighth flight on January 3, 2003.
Behemoth: High Reaches Weyr bronze dragon,
ridden by G'rad (Girad). Hatched August 26, 2000 from Matheny's gold Jenryth
of High Reaches' second clutch, sired by S'rist's bronze Dzurath of High
Reaches (High Reaches Weyr's fifteenth Hatching). Came from Haiku in Blue
Egg as Volcanic Caldera Bronze. Sized at 40 meters long. Flies in
Snowstrike Wing. Has previously served as Ice Wingleader and Snowstrike
Wingleader. Caught Abbe's green Eveyth of High Reaches in her first flight
on July 22, 2001.
Belaryth: High Reaches Weyr brown dragon,
ridden by Silora. Hatched May 4, 1996 from Ariandra's gold Erith of High
Reaches' second clutch, sired by F'laav's bronze Tidranth of Benden (High
Reaches Weyr's eighth Hatching). Came from Burgeoning Rose Hip Egg as
Surprisingly Spicy Brown Dragonet. Sized at 34 meters long. Flies in
Glacier Wing. Has previously served as Assistant Weyrlingmaster and Glacier
Wingsecond. Currently inactive. Caught Karitha's green Ashlith of High
Reaches in a flight, Rillae's green Tiarith of High Reaches in her first
flight on February 11, 1997, Shayna's gold Lrisseth of Fort in her second
flight on February 18, 1997, and Laurelin's gold Elisanth of High Reaches in
her second flight on January 24, 1998.
Belauryth: Ista Weyr green dragon, ridden
by Th'deus (Theid). Hatched April 27, 2003 from Belanca's gold Vianneth of
Ista's first clutch, sired by D'zel's bronze Xannarth of Igen (Ista Weyr's
twenty-third Hatching). Came from Shades of Night Stained Glass Egg as
Twilight Chrysalis Green Dragonet. Flies in Dawnsflame Wing as Wingsecond.
Second flight on October 19, 2003 was won by K'tdan's bronze Faorath of
Beneith: Ista Weyr blue dragon, ridden by
T'ao (Tason). Hatched January 26, 2002 from Kyrola's gold Zaith of Ista's
first clutch, sired by Divya's brown Konnevath of High Reaches (Ista Weyr's
twenty-first Hatching). Came from Severe Clear Egg as Cloudless Summer Sky
Blue. Flies in Dawnsflame Wing as Wingleader.
Berizeth: Ista Weyr brown dragon, ridden by
Carinah. Hatched August 21, 1997 from Merellia's gold Neith of Ista's second
clutch, sired by L'tan's bronze Habrith of Ista (Ista Weyr's fourteenth
Hatching). Came from Memory's Catalyst Egg as Incense-Smoky Brown. Sized at
35 meters long. Flies in Starscorchers Wing. Has previously served as
Belior Wingsecond. Currently inactive. Caught Jh'rin's green Siaroth of
Ista in her fourth flight on December 18, 1997.
Berralth: High Reaches Weyr brown dragon,
ridden by Kistyanna. Hatched March 23, 1994 from Jelara's gold Lyrith of
High Reaches' first clutch, sired by D'va's bronze Jeth of High Reaches (High
Reaches Weyr's fourth Hatching). Came from Silvery Splotched Green Egg as
Timid Teak Brown Hatchling. Flies in Glacier Wing. Currently inactive.
Bhalth: Telgar Weyr blue dragon, ridden by
R'ehn (Mirehn). Originally of High Reaches Weyr. Hatched March 22, 1998
from Laurelin's gold Elisanth of High Reaches' second clutch, sired by
Silora's brown Belaryth of High Reaches (High Reaches Weyr's eleventh
Hatching). Came from Bashful Blushing Blueberry Egg as Brilliant Bespeckled
Blue Dragonet. Sized at 25 meters long. Flies in Aerie Wing. Caught
Lirra's green Kaath of High Reaches in her first flight on May 24, 1998.
Boameth: Igen Weyr green dragon, ridden by
Delia. Hatched July 12, 2000 from Jaela's gold Ladonyth of Igen's third
clutch, sired by T'mren's bronze Cevodnioth of Ista (Igen Weyr's sixteenth
Hatching). Came from Kelp Forest Egg as Statuesque Jungle Green Hatchling.
Flies in Sirroco Wing. Flight on December 17, 2002 was won by Livia's brown
Hicerth of Igen.
Braerith: Telgar Weyr blue dragon, ridden
by Elauren. Hatched October 13, 2002 from Tarien's gold Mirrath of Telgar's
first clutch, sired by K'ran's bronze Indrath of Telgar (Telgar Weyr's eighth
Hatching; twenty-first Hatching in the Benden Weyr line). Came from White
Rock Fingers Egg as Midnight Scathed Blue Hatchling. Sized at 27 meters
long. Flies in Skyfire Wing.
Braisheith: Igen Weyr brown dragon,
ridden by K'prin (Kaprin). Hatched October 22, 2001 from Junni's gold
Tasieth of Igen's first clutch, sired by F'tan's brown Mvraeth of Igen (Igen
Weyr's eighteenth Hatching). Came from Desert Sun Egg as Slowly Rolling
Asteroid Brown Hatchling. Flies in Mistral Wing; serves as Assistant
Brandalth: Fort Weyr blue dragon, ridden
by R'till (Retill). Originally of Benden Weyr. Hatched May 30, 1992 from
Amberyl's gold Jeniath of Benden's third clutch, sired by T'lean's bronze
Duzorth of Benden (Benden Weyr's third Hatching). Came from Walnut Brown
Egg as Crazy Blue Dragonet. Sized at 29 meters long. Flies in Dawnguard
Wing. Has previously served as Benden Weyrlingmaster and Benden
Weyrsecond. Caught Aellya's green Jyrith of Igen in her first flight.
Brenneth: High Reaches Weyr blue dragon,
ridden by J'dar (Jadar). Hatched October 22, 1995 from Darci's gold
Aurelinth of High Reaches' fourth clutch, sired by R'lym's bronze Zyrieth
of High Reaches (High Reaches Weyr's seventh Hatching). Came from Lazy
Late Morning Egg as Thoughtful Periwinkle Blue Dragonet. Sized at 27
meters long. Flies in Avalanche Wing. Has previously served as Glacier
Wingsecond. Currently inactive. Caught Selandra's green Abrieth of Fort
in her second flight on March 30, 1997, Meli's green Juliath of Benden in
her sixth flight on September 11, 1997, and Tamma's green Tabith of Ista
in a flight on October 4, 1998.
Brionnath: Fort Weyr green dragon, ridden
by Jenylle. Hatched November 23, 2002 from Milque's gold Elynth of Fort's
second clutch, sired by R'yat's bronze Randoth of Fort (Fort Weyr's
twenty-third Hatching). Came from Vtol Bug Egg as Fallen Foliage Green
Hatchling. Flies in Dawnguard Wing.
Briseth: Benden Weyr green dragon, ridden by
R'chard (Richard). Transferred to Telgar Weyr during the relocation.
Hatched October 1, 1993 from Krystlin's gold Tiamanth of Benden's second
clutch, sired by F'hlan's bronze Tzornth of Benden (Benden Weyr's sixth
Hatching). Came from Shiny Pearl Egg as Sea Green Hatchling. Flies in Aerie
Wing. Currently inactive.
Bromith: Ista Weyr bronze dragon, ridden
by M'llon (Mallon). Originally from Igen Weyr. Hatched February 23,
1995 from Tilani's gold Merinth of Igen's first clutch, sired by R'lym's
bronze Zyrieth of High Reaches (Igen Weyr's seventh Hatching). Came from
Moonlit Grotto Egg as Alpestrine Twilight Bronze Fledgling. Sized at 37
meters long. Flies in Belior Wing. Has previously served as High Reaches
Assistant Weyrlingmaster, Belior Wingleader, and Ista Weyrleader. Caught
X'dren's green Mauroth of High Reaches in her second flight, Fluria's gold
Qirith of Ista in her third flight on February 4, 2002, and Fluria's gold
Qirith of Ista in her fourth flight on July 22, 2002.
Brudith: High Reaches Weyr brown dragon,
ridden by R'dal (Randall). Hatched June 1, 1999 from Laurelin's gold
Elisanth of High Reaches' third clutch, sired by S'dar's bronze Chezroth of
High Reaches (High Reaches Weyr's thirteenth Hatching). Came from
Leisurely South Bollian Lava Egg as Baltic Amber Brown Dragonet. Sized at
33 meters long. Flies in Blizzard Wing. Currently inactive.
Brynarth: Benden Weyr blue dragon, ridden
by Sionelle. Transferred to Telgar Weyr during the relocation. Originally
of High Reaches Weyr. Hatched August 15, 1994 from Ariandra's gold Erith of
High Reaches' first clutch, sired by K'len's brown Orillenth of Fort (High
Reaches Weyr's fifth Hatching). Came from Melting Icicle Egg as Brilliant
Beryl Blue Dragonet. Sized at 29 meters long. Flies in Aerie Wing. Has
previously served as High Reaches Weyrlingmaster, Weyrlingmaster, Acting
Weyrleader of Telgar, Weyrsecond, Shadowflame Wingleader, and Assistant
Weyrlingmaster. Caught Aellya's green Jyrith of Igen in her ninth flight,
J'cob's green Siraeth of Benden in a flight, M'kla's green Torinth of Benden
in a flight, Jh'rin's green Siaroth of Ista in her third flight on August 11,
1997, and Aellya's green Jyrith of Igen in her eighteenth flight on August
14, 1997.
Bryseth: Fort Weyr green dragon, ridden
by Taralinda. Hatched July 19, 1998 from Shayna's gold Lrisseth of Fort's
second clutch, sired by T'vor's bronze Penath of Fort (Fort Weyr's
seventeenth Hatching). Came from Moss Shadowed Granite Egg as Weaving
Grapevine Green Hatchling. Sized at 22 meters long. Flies in Dawnguard
Wing. Has previously served as Assistant Weyrlingmaster. First flight
on November 6, 1998 was won by Rylle's brown Qwenarth of Fort; another
flight was won by Rylle's brown Qwenarth of Fort.
Calenth: Igen Weyr brown dragon, ridden by
Kelesta. Hatched September 14, 1995 from Katany's gold Irrylath of Igen's
first clutch, sired by G'rel's bronze Keth of Ista (Igen Weyr's eighth
Hatching). Came from Dayshift Egg as Fresh-Hewn Teak Brown Hatchling.
Currently inactive.
Caliath: Telgar Weyr blue dragon, ridden
by Bradamante. Originally of Fort Weyr. Hatched November 16, 1997 from
Vivian's gold Rialeth of Fort's third clutch, sired by T'vor's bronze
Penath of Fort (Fort Weyr's sixteenth Hatching). Came from Small Lace Egg
as Cloudswept Blue. Sized at 26 meters long. Flies in Dawnslight Wing.
Has previously served as Fort Assistant Weyrlingmaster. Currently inactive.
Carabeth: Telgar Weyr brown dragon,
ridden by Ceria. Hatched August 28, 1999 from Nimiriel's gold Daelyth of
Telgar's second clutch, sired by N'var's bronze Palineth of Igen (Telgar
Weyr's third Hatching; sixteenth Hatching in the Benden Weyr line). Came
from Mountain Vastness Egg as Glacier's Veil Hatchling. Sized at 34 meters
long. Flies in Skyfire Wing. Has previously served as Assistant
Weyrlingmaster and Skyfire Wingsecond. Caught Jasmyn's green Umirieth of
Igen in her second flight on May 5, 2000.
Caredth: Benden Weyr brown dragon, ridden by
F'zik (Fizik). Hatched June 23, 1991 from Amberyl's gold Jeniath of Benden's
first clutch, sired by F'jon's bronze Pyreth of Benden (Benden Weyr's first
Hatching). Flies in Aerie Wing. Has previously served as Firestorm
Wingsecond, Andiyar Wingsecond, Skyfire Wingleader, and Skyfire Wingsecond.
Currently inactive.
Carelith: High Reaches Weyr blue dragon,
ridden by P'kell (Packell). Hatched January 30, 1993 from Darci's gold
Aurelinth of High Reaches' first clutch, sired by M'gan's bronze Vorinth of
High Reaches (High Reaches Weyr's second Hatching). Came from Timorous
Cream Egg as Quixotic Sapphire Blue Hatchling. Sized at 24 meters long.
Flies in Snowblind Wing. Has previously served as Weyrsecond and Blizzard
Wingsecond. Currently inactive.
Cariath: Telgar Weyr gold dragon, ridden
by Tarlo. Hatched November 12, 2000 from Nimiriel's gold Daelyth of
Telgar's third clutch, sired by A'lex's bronze Nraith of Telgar (Telgar
Weyr's fifth Hatching; eighteenth Hatching in the Benden Weyr line). Came
from Conflagration Egg as Desert Tempest Gold Hatchling. Sized at 43.5
meters long. Flies in the Telgar Queen's Wing. First flight on August 13,
2001 was won by G'non's bronze Wydreth of High Reaches; second flight on
January 10, 2002 was won by Ursa's brown Spineth of Telgar.
Castynth: High Reaches Weyr green dragon,
ridden by Ys'aan (Ysanaan). Hatched June 1, 1999 from Laurelin's gold
Elisanth of High Reaches' third clutch, sired by S'dar's bronze Chezroth
of High Reaches (High Reaches Weyr's thirteenth Hatching). Came from
Apprentice's Glass-Blown Egg as Pretty Peridot Green Dragonet. Sized at
24 meters long. Flies in Snowstrike Wing. Currently inactive. First
flight on August 15, 1999 was won by Kandri's brown Chaedanth of High
Reaches; second flight on December 3, 1999 was won by St'fen's brown
Kemonth of High Reaches.
Cataryth: Igen Weyr green dragon, ridden
by Aninna. Hatched July 21, 1994 from Jaela's gold Ladonyth of Igen's
first clutch, sired by J'cot's bronze Valenth of Igen (Igen Weyr's sixth
Hatching). Came from Cloudy Cream Egg as Delicate Green Hatchling.
Currently inactive.
Cavenath: Benden Weyr brown dragon, ridden
by K'dahl (Kordahl). Hatched May 30, 1992 from Amberyl's gold Jeniath of
Benden's third clutch, sired by T'lean's bronze Duzorth of Benden (Benden
Weyr's third Hatching). Came from Tomato Red Egg as WherryBurger Brown
Dragonet. Sized at 34.5 meters long. Flies in Thunderbolt Wing. Has
previously served as Thunderbolt Wingsecond. Currently inactive.
Celebeth: Igen Weyr green dragon, ridden by
Trea. Hatched June 1, 1997 from Nimiriel's gold Daelyth of Igen's first
clutch, sired by K'tyn's bronze Prometh of Benden (Igen Weyr's eleventh
Hatching). Came from Ocean Dance Egg as Glass Green Hatchling. Sized at 21
meters long. Flies in Sunstroke Wing. Currently inactive. First flight on
August 6, 1997 was won by Sonya's blue Pryth of Ista.
Celerith: Igen Weyr blue dragon, ridden by
Molly. Hatched February 4, 1994 from Shandra's gold Lemarath of Igen's third
clutch, sired by J'rell's bronze Mileketh of Igen (Igen Weyr's fifth
Hatching). Came from High Reaches Peaks Egg as Ice Blue Hatchling. Flies in
Sirocco Wing. Has previously served as Sirocco Wingsecond. Currently
Cendath: Telgar Weyr blue dragon, ridden by
K'vin. Hatched June 1, 2003 from Nimiriel's gold Daelyth of Telgar's fourth
clutch, sired by N'var's bronze Palineth of Telgar (Telgar Weyr's ninth
Hatching; twenty-second Hatching in the Benden Weyr line). Came from Glowing
Heart Egg as Sunlit Tropical Shallows Blue Hatchling. Flies in Dawnslight
Cerineth: Telgar Weyr brown dragon
weyrling, ridden by Nicoli. Hatched August 28, 1999 from Nimiriel's gold
Daelyth of Telgar's second clutch, sired by N'var's bronze Palineth of
Igen (Telgar Weyr's third Hatching; sixteenth Hatching in the Benden Weyr
line). Came from Lemon Meringue Pie Egg as Storm Cloud Shrouded
Hatchling. Sized at 31.5 meters long. Currently inactive.
Cevodnioth: Ista Weyr bronze dragon,
ridden by T'mren (Tamren). Hatched November 21, 1998 from Merellia's gold
Neith of Ista's third clutch, sired by L'tan's bronze Habrith of Ista (Ista
Weyr's sixteenth Hatching). Came from Rampant Glamor Egg as Glorious
Classical Greek Bronze. Sized at 34 meters long. Flies in Starstrike Wing.
Has previously served as Belior Wingsecond, Starstrike Wingsecond, and
Assistant Weyrlingmaster. Caught Jesica's green Trisseth of Fort in her
first flight on May 8, 1999, X'dren's green Mauroth of High Reaches in her
fifth flight on August 21, 1999, Jaela's gold Ladonyth of Igen in a flight,
and Tella's green Ysyth of Ista in her second flight on February 2, 2001.
Chaedanth: High Reaches Weyr brown
dragon, ridden by Kandri. Hatched October 13, 1998 from Matheny's gold
Jenryth of High Reaches' first clutch, sired by S'dar's bronze Chezroth of
Telgar (High Reaches Weyr's twelfth Hatching). Came from Heart of Opal
Egg as Hidden Oasis Brown Dragonet. Sized at 33 meters long. Flies in
Blizzard Wing. Has previously served as Avalanche Wingsecond and Blizzard
Wingleader. Caught Sherazade's green Eilonth of High Reaches in her first
flight on January 17, 1999, Carissea's green Trianneth of High Reaches in a
flight on April 13, 1999, June's green Opheoth of Ista in her first flight
on April 24, 1999, X'dren's green Mauroth of High Reaches in her fourth
flight, Celie's green Urieth of Igen in a flight on May 25, 1999, Bryl's
green Januith of Ista in her first flight on June 6, 1999, Ys'aan's green
Castynth of High Reaches in her first flight on August 15, 1999, N'tan's
green Zuzith of High Reaches in a flight on November 12, 1999, V'lin's
green Vaerdanth of Fort in her second flight on August 14, 2001, and
Mallea's green Zsofyth of High Reaches in a flight on April 2, 2002.
Chaeth: Benden Weyr brown dragon, ridden by
Jazmin. Transferred to Telgar during the relocation. Hatched June 26, 1995
from Merla's gold Kimbrith of Benden's second clutch, sired by S'riv's
bronze Cioth of Benden (Benden Weyr's ninth Hatching). Came from Elongated
Parchment Egg as Gangly Brown Hatchling. Sized at 33 meters long. Flies in
Skyfire Wing as Wingsecond. Has previously served as Assistant
Weyrlingmaster. Caught Kieri's green Wereth of Benden in her second flight
on January 10, 1996.
Channeth: Ista Weyr brown dragon, ridden
by Marina. Hatched December 3, 1995 from Germaine's gold Isadith of Ista's
first clutch, sired by J'rus's bronze Rodrith of Ista (Ista Weyr's eleventh
Hatching). Came from Aphrodite Egg as Sunbleached Driftwood Brown. Sized
at 32 meters long. Flies in Belior Wing. Currently inactive. Caught
Ainsley's green Inzarath of Ista in a flight on June 25, 1997.
Chanth: Fort Weyr brown dragon, ridden by
B'var (Brevar). Hatched November 23, 2002 from Milque's gold Elynth of
Fort's second clutch, sired by R'yat's bronze Randoth of Fort (Fort Weyr's
twenty-third Hatching). Came from Plant that ate the South Egg as Firestorm
Forest Brown Dragonet. Flies in Dawnguard Wing. Caught Wryn's green Aarieth
of Fort in a flight on July 5, 2003, and Mirielle's green Peth of Telgar in a
flight on July 25, 2003.
Chenth: Igen Weyr bronze dragon, ridden by
V'sha (Vasha). Hatched March 18, 2001 from Sarai's gold Cyrath of Igen's
second clutch, sired by K'tyn's bronze Prometh of Igen (Igen Weyr's
seventeenth Hatching). Came from Sunny-Day-Fluffy Cloud White Egg as
Spiced Apple Cider Bronze Hatchling. Flies in Mistral Wing; serves as
Assistant Weyrlingmaster.
Cheylth: Fort Weyr green dragon, ridden by
Dastra. Hatched February 4, 2001 from Ariandra's gold Erith of Fort's
third clutch, sired by F'ren's bronze Zyanth of Fort (Fort Weyr's twentieth
Hatching). Came from Desolate Caldera Egg as High Mountain Green. Flies
in Dawnguard Wing. Has previously served as Assistant Weyrlingmaster.
Chezroth: High Reaches Weyr bronze
dragon, ridden by S'dar (Sandar). Originally of Telgar Weyr. Hatched
June 3, 1998 from Jehrina's gold Leilanth of Telgar's third clutch, sired
by K'tyn's bronze Prometh of Telgar (Telgar Weyr's first Hatching;
fourteenth Hatching in the Benden Weyr line). Came from Cream Puff Egg as
Stained Cointreau Bronze Hatchling. Sized at 35 meters long. Flies in
Snowstrike Wing. Has previously served as Telgar Assistant Weyrlingmaster,
Glacier Wingleader, High Reaches Weyrleader, and Snowstrike Wingsecond.
Caught Matheny's gold Jenryth of High Reaches in her first flight on August
27, 1998, Laurelin's gold Elisanth of High Reaches in her third flight on
April 11, 1999, and Kindre's gold Herath of Telgar in her fourth flight on
May 19, 2001.
Chiloth: Benden Weyr brown dragon, ridden
by T'garrick (Tregarrick). Transferred to Telgar Weyr during the
relocation. Hatched December 8, 1992 from Elisa's gold Arlianth of
Benden's second clutch, sired by C'loren's bronze Galventh of Benden
(Benden Weyr's fourth Hatching). Came from Tan Freckled Egg as Brown
Dragonet. Sized at 36 meters long. Flies in Aerie Wing. Has previously
served as Assistant Weyrlingmaster, Thunderbolt Wingsecond, and Dawnslight
Wingleader. Currently inactive. Caught Aellya's green Jyrith of Igen in
her second flight, and M'kla's green Torinth of Benden in her fourth
Chiroth: Igen Weyr brown dragon, ridden by
Katlyn. Hatched February 23, 1995 from Tilani's gold Merinth of Igen's
first clutch, sired by R'lym's bronze Zyrieth of High Reaches (Igen Weyr's
seventh Hatching). Came from Rain-Streaked Glass Egg as Glassy Shallows
Brown Fledgling. Currently inactive.
Choloth: High Reaches Weyr brown dragon,
ridden by Cellia; deceased. Originally of Igen Weyr. Hatched October 20,
1996 from Jaela's gold Ladonyth of Igen's second clutch, sired by R'yel's
bronze Vaeth of High Reaches (Igen Weyr's tenth Hatching). Hatched as
Sturdy Oak Brown Hatchling. Sized at 35 meters long. Flies in Snowstrike
Wing. Has previously served as Sirocco Wingsecond. Caught Ainsley's green
Inzarath of Ista in a flight on January 28, 1998, T'ram's green Ginabeth of
Igen in a flight on September 7, 1999, and K'nder's green Kerilinth of High
Reaches in a flight on November 22, 1999.
Chusorth: High Reaches Weyr brown dragon,
ridden by Desmeronda. Hatched March 16, 2003 from Josilina's gold Lhiannonth
of High Reaches' first clutch, sired by I'sai's bronze Taralyth of Telgar
(High Reaches Weyr's nineteenth Hatching). Came from Miner's Glory Egg as
Quagmire Wraith Brown. Flies in Blizzard Wing.
Cibeth: High Reaches Weyr green dragon
weyrling, ridden by Rylla. Hatched March 16, 2003 from Josilina's gold
Lhiannonth of High Reaches' first clutch, sired by I'sai's bronze Taralyth of
Telgar (High Reaches Weyr's nineteenth Hatching). Came from Lilting Melodies
Egg as Water Lilies Green.
Cielth: Ista Weyr blue dragon, ridden by
T'rock (Tayrock). Hatched October 1, 2000 from Germaine's gold Isadith of
Ista's third clutch, sired by A'zric's bronze Gelth of Ista (Ista Weyr's
nineteenth Hatching). Came from Silver Lunar Egg as Thread-Streaked Blue.
Flies in Dawnsflame Wing; serves as Assistant Weyrlingmaster.
Cioth: Benden Weyr bronze dragon, ridden by
S'riv (Saeriv). Transferred to Telgar Weyr during the relocation. Hatched
May 25, 1994 from Merla's gold Kimbrith of Benden's first clutch, sired by
S'drel's bronze Avoth of Benden (Benden Weyr's seventh Hatching). Came
from Alabaster White Egg as Fiery Bronze Dragonet. Sized at 38 meters long.
Flies in Aerie Wing. Currently inactive. Caught Merla's gold Kimbrith of
Benden in her second flight.
Cirameth: Ista Weyr blue dragon, ridden
by Ellwiny. Hatched January 26, 1997 from Germaine's gold Isadith of
Ista's second clutch, sired by G'rel's bronze Keth of Ista (Ista Weyr's
twelfth Hatching). Came from Aichtuoh Egg as Tropical Skies Blue
Hatchling. Sized at 30 meters long. Flies in Timor Wing. Has previously
served as Timor Wingsecond and Weyrsecond. Currently inactive.
Cirdanth: Igen Weyr brown dragon, ridden
by Kershala. Hatched April 4, 1996 from Tilani's gold Merinth of Igen's
second clutch, sired by R'tar's bronze Taloth of Igen (Igen Weyr's ninth
Hatching). Came from Moonless Bourn Egg as Sagacious Eccentric Brown
Fledgling. Sized at 31.2 meters long. Flies in Sirocco Wing. Currently
Ciruth: Ista Weyr blue dragon, ridden by
Aislinn; deceased. Hatched December 3, 1995 from Germaine's gold Isadith
of Ista's first clutch, sired by J'rus's bronze Rodrith of Ista (Ista Weyr's
eleventh Hatching). Came from Runnerbeast Egg as Bespeckled Waterfall Blue.
Sized at 26 meters long. Flew in Quickfire Wing. Had previously served as
Quickfire Wingsecond and Assistant Weyrlingmaster. Caught Mona's green
Merianth of Fort in a flight, Kassima's green Lysseth of Benden in her
first flight on May 10, 1996, J'cob's green Siraeth of Benden in a flight,
Treyna's green Minth of Ista in a flight, and J'cob's green Siraeth of Benden
in a flight.
Ciryath: Telgar Weyr brown dragon weyrling,
ridden by Saeliena. Hatched October 13, 2002 from Tarien's gold Mirrath of
Telgar's first clutch, sired by K'ran's bronze Indrath of Telgar (Telgar
Weyr's eighth Hatching; twenty-first Hatching in the Benden Weyr line). Came
from Eight Burst Egg as Dark Autumn Forest Brown Hatchling. Sized at 30.5
meters long.
Couranth: Ista Weyr brown dragon, ridden
by Bronia. Hatched January 26, 1997 from Germaine's gold Isadith of Ista's
second clutch, sired by G'rel's bronze Keth of Ista (Ista Weyr's twelfth
Hatching). Came from Buried Treasure Egg as Wild-Eyed Brown Hatchling.
Sized at 34 meters long. Has previously served as Assistant Weyrlingmaster,
Big Bay Wingleader, and Weyrlingmaster. Currently inactive. Caught J'lyn's
green Lorieth of Benden in her first flight on May 11, 1997, Tiya's green
Genevith of High Reaches in her fifth flight on November 8, 1997, and
Jh'rin's green Siaroth of Ista in her fifth flight on February 13, 1998.
Csoeth: Ista Weyr blue dragon, ridden by
Keira. Hatched March 4, 2000 from Merellia's gold Neith of Ista's fourth
clutch, sired by A'zric's bronze Gelth of Ista (Ista Weyr's eighteenth
Hatching). Came from Glow-Lit Eternity Egg as Craggy Ocean-Font Blue.
Sized at 26 meters long. Flies in Dawnsflame Wing. Has previously served
as Assistant Weyrlingmaster.
Cyameth: Igen Weyr blue dragon, ridden by
Terrilia. Hatched November 6, 1999 from Katany's gold Irrylath of Igen's
third clutch, sired by K'tel's bronze Zmeth of Igen (Igen Weyr's fifteenth
Hatching). Came from Quicksilver Shadows Egg as Cornflower Blossom Blue
Dragonet. Sized at 28.2 meters long. Flies in Sandstorm Wing as Weyrsecond. Has previously served as Sandstorm Wingsecond and Sandstorm Wingleader.
Caught Jasmyn's green Umirieth of Igen in her fifth flight on February 8,
2001, N'tan's green Zuzith of High Reaches in a flight on June 4, 2001, and
K'fen's green Tenkanoth of Igen in her fifth flight on June 29, 2002.
Cygnith: Benden Weyr blue dragon, ridden by
Asrai. Transferred to Telgar Weyr during the relocation. Hatched March 8,
1997 from Kindre's gold Herath of Benden's first clutch, sired by M'rgan's
brown Ularrith of High Reaches (Benden Weyr's twelfth Hatching). Came from
Long Lonely Labyrinthine Egg as Illuminated Stardust Blue Hatchling. Sized
at 26 meters long. Flies in Aerie Wing. Has previously served as Skyfire
Wingsecond, Firestorm Wingsecond, and Shadowflame Wingsecond. Currently
inactive. Caught K'nan's green Veyath of Benden in her fifth flight on July
7, 1997, K'nan's green Veyath of Telgar in her seventh flight on March 3,
1998, and Maylia's green Tierth of Telgar in her third flight on May 12,
Cylbeth: High Reaches Weyr green dragon,
ridden by Arianna; deceased. Originally of Benden Weyr. Hatched November
10, 1991 from Amberyl's gold Jeniath of Benden's second clutch, sired by
T'gerey's bronze Kath of Benden (Benden Weyr's second Hatching). Came from
Starlight Silver Egg as Dainty Green Dragonet. Had previously served as
Benden Weyrsecond and Weyrlingmaster.
Cymareth: High Reaches Weyr brown dragon,
ridden by S'rinn (Tsalrinn). Hatched July 17, 1993 from Darci's gold
Aurelinth of High Reaches' second clutch, sired by G'son's bronze Cyrseth of
High Reaches (High Reaches Weyr's third Hatching). Came from Seafoam Green
streaked with Brilliant Yellow Egg as Enthusiastic Caramel Brown Hatchling.
Currently inactive.
Cymreth: Igen Weyr bronze dragon, ridden
by L'ren (Lyren). Hatched July 21, 1994 from Jaela's gold Ladonyth of
Igen's first clutch, sired by J'cot's bronze Valenth of Igen (Igen Weyr's
sixth Hatching). Came from Speckled Cinnamon Egg as Sluggish Bronze
Hatchling. Currently inactive.
Cymrith: Telgar Weyr green dragon, ridden
by Kena. Originally of High Reaches Weyr. Hatched March 22, 1998 from
Laurelin's gold Elisanth of High Reaches' second clutch, sired by Silora's
brown Belaryth of High Reaches (High Reaches Weyr's eleventh Hatching).
Came from Crooked Copper Cuneiform Egg as Curvaceous Celadon Green
Dragonet. Sized at 22 meters long. Flies in Thunderbolt Wing. Has
previously served as Thunderbolt Wingsecond. First flight on May 30, 1998
was won by Keriann's brown Nyth of High Reaches, second flight on September
7, 1998 was won by E'ryn's brown Parth of Ista, third flight on December 6,
1998 was won by K'dar's brown Leventh of Telgar, fourth flight on April 8,
1999 was won by Th'lon's bronze Algizth of Telgar, fifth flight on October
31, 1999 was won by M'rgan's brown Ularrith of Telgar, and sixth flight on
March 4, 2000 was won by K'dar's brown Leventh of Telgar.
Cyranth: High Reaches Weyr green dragon,
ridden by W'gen (Wedgen). Hatched September 27, 1992 from Chana's gold
Melirth of High Reaches' first clutch, sired by A'lon's bronze Zienth of
High Reaches (High Reaches Weyr's first Hatching). Came from Patchy
Maroon Egg as Cheerful Green Hatchling. Currently inactive.
Cyrath: Igen Weyr senior gold dragon, ridden
by Sarai. Hatched August 26, 1998 from Faerysa's gold Irianth of Igen's
first clutch, sired by T'dry's bronze Avroth of Fort (Igen Weyr's thirteenth
Hatching). Came from Desert Mirage Egg as Showy Sunflower Gold Dragonet.
Sized at 41.1 meters long. Flies in the Igen Queen's Wing. First flight on
February 22, 1999 was won by Macami's brown Tivuketh of Igen, second flight
on February 3, 2000 was won by K'tel's bronze Zmeth of Igen, third flight on
September 9, 2000 was won by K'tyn's bronze Prometh of Igen, fourth flight on
January 14, 2001 was won by K'tyn's bronze Prometh of Igen, fifth flight on
December 5, 2001 was won by V'lien's bronze Jakenath of Igen, and sixth
flight on June 23, 2003 was won by M'val's bronze Riolth of Igen.
Cyth: Ista Weyr green dragon, ridden by P'ral
(Piral). Hatched August 31, 1993 from Gwyneth's gold Mirth of Ista's third
clutch, sired by B'dan's bronze Talth of Ista (Ista Weyr's seventh Hatching).
Came from Starry Midnight Egg as Velvet Green Dragonet. Sized at 24 meters
long. Flies in Timor Wing. Has previously served as Weyrlingmaster and
Assistant Weyrlingmaster. Currently inactive. Flight was won by K'vein's
brown Casorth of Fort, another flight was won by M'rgan's brown Ularrith of
High Reaches, another flight on April 10, 1997 was won by Margret's brown
Aberuth of Ista, another flight on June 2, 1997 was won by Keriann's brown
Nyth of High Reaches, another flight on July 30, 1997 was won by Sabra's
brown Ivarath of Igen, another flight on December 17, 1997 was won by
A'drin's brown Nalimoth of Ista, another flight on February 4, 1998 was won
by Lal's brown Areseth of Ista, and another flight on May 8, 1998 was won by
M'rgan's brown Ularrith of High Reaches.
Daelyth: Telgar Weyr retired senior gold
dragon, ridden by Nimiriel. Originally of Igen Weyr. Hatched October 20,
1996 from Jaela's gold Ladonyth of Igen's second clutch, sired by R'yel's
bronze Vaeth of High Reaches (Igen Weyr's tenth Hatching). Came from Golden
Teakwood Egg as Cautious Deep Gold Hatchling. Sized at 41.3 meters long.
Flies in the Telgar Queen's Wing. First flight on April 22, 1997 was won by
K'tyn's bronze Prometh of Benden, second flight on June 12, 1998 was won by
Margret's brown Aberuth of Ista, third flight on June 19, 1999 was won by
N'var's bronze Palineth of Igen, fourth flight on September 14, 2000 was won
by A'lex's bronze Nraith of Telgar, and fifth flight on April 7, 2003 was won
by N'var's bronze Palineth of Telgar.
Dagazth: Telgar Weyr brown dragon, ridden by
R'yn (Ryen). Hatched January 29, 1999 from Kindre's gold Herath of Telgar's
second clutch, sired by M'hryn's bronze Talibenth of Telgar (Telgar Weyr's
second Hatching; fifteenth Hatching in the Benden Weyr line). Came from
Gathering Storm Egg as Furtive Flecked Sandstone Brown Hatchling. Sized at
31 meters long. Flies in Aerie Wing. Has previously served as Dawnslight
Dahlth: High Reaches Weyr blue dragon,
ridden by T'risch (Tovar). Hatched June 1, 1999 from Laurelin's gold
Elisanth of High Reaches' third clutch, sired by S'dar's bronze Chezroth of
High Reaches (High Reaches Weyr's thirteenth Hatching). Came from Autumn
at Telgar Weyr Egg as Vitreous Elbaite Blue Dragonet. Flies in Snowstrike
Daijith: Fort Weyr brown dragon weyrling,
ridden by Mansi. Hatched August 23, 2001 from Milque's gold Elynth of
Fort's first clutch, sired by D'zel's bronze Xannarth of Fort (Fort Weyr's
twenty-first Hatching). Came from Tomato Soup Egg as Spiced Klah Cookie